Mikhail Boyarsky: Let the grandson be a good locksmith rather than a bad artist. the most famous films of the actor

Actor and singer, caring father and happy grandpa, but also a passionate car enthusiast, a devoted football fan and a true symbol of St. Petersburg.

For Mikhail Boyarsky, the image of the brave d'Artagnan from the cult Soviet film about musketeers was forever entrenched. At the sight of the artist, small children still scream: “A thousand devils” and “Canal”! However, Boyarsky has a lot of other interesting roles in cinema and theater. And his super hit "Green-Eyed Taxi" has not lost popularity for a quarter of a century.

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At the same time, Boyarsky began as an extras actor, but his bright appearance, explosive temperament and "signature" voice with hoarseness did their job.

Biography of Mikhail Boyarsky

Mikhail Boyarsky is a representative of the famous acting dynasty. His father Sergei and uncle Nikolai Boyarsky were leading actors in the Leningrad Theater. Komissarzhevskaya, and her mother, actress Ekaterina Milentyeva, played in the Comedy Theater. But after the birth of her son, she left the stage.

Parents doted on the only child, took him to museums and theaters, read books, played with him. It is not surprising that already in young age the boy showed good musical abilities.

Mikhail Boyarsky gave his first concerts in front of friends of his parents, who gathered in the evenings in a small communal room on Goncharnaya Street. Exactly at midnight, Misha stood on a stool and, in a sailor suit, conducted the anthem of the Soviet Union.

At the age of four, the child was taken to a piano teacher. And soon the boy got his first experience in filming a movie. In 1956, six-year-old Misha Boyarsky starred in the propaganda film This Might Not Have Happened, playing a boy who started a fire.

And at the age of seven, Boyarsky was sent to school at the conservatory in the piano class - his parents did not want his son to have a hungry acting fate. That's just sitting at the instrument for six to seven hours a day future star domestic cinema did not like it at all.

"Music" Michael, of course, graduated. But then he announced his desire to enter the Leningrad Theater Institute. The parents accepted their son's choice, but immediately dotted the i's: he may not count on their support upon admission. But support was not needed: Mikhail Boyarsky passed the entrance exams with flying colours. Interest in music has not faded either. Mikhail played in the then popular rock band Nomads.

Musical education also helped while serving in the army, where Mikhail was called up after graduation at the age of 25. Thanks to the “musical crusts”, Boyarsky paid his debt to his homeland in the army band, and on his military ticket in the column “Military specialty” he had a “big drum” recorded.

Incidentally, two years before army service Mikhail got to audition for the director of the Theater. Lensoviet Igor Vladimirov and was accepted into the troupe - also thanks to his musical talents. At first, he got roles in extras. For example, a student in the play "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky. But characteristic appearance Mikhaila played her role, and in 1974 Boyarsky got his first notable film role - in the comedy "The Straw Hat" he reincarnated as Ninardi, an Italian tenor.

Real success came to the actor in 1975, along with the role wild cat Matvey in "New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya". In the same year, Vitaly Melnikov's film "The Elder Son" based on the play by Alexander Vampilov was released. Boyarsky played one of the main roles in it - Seeds, nicknamed Silva. In 1977, two triumphs awaited Mikhail at once - the Wolf in the film "Mother", where Lyudmila Gurchenko became his partner, and Teodoro in the musical film "Dog in the Manger" by Jan Fried, where he played along with Margarita Terekhova.

The status of a star of the first magnitude and a recognized sex symbol (although there was no sex in the USSR) Boyarsky gained after the release of the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" directed by Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich. Initially, by the way, Michael was supposed to play the role of Rochefort. But then His Majesty intervened. Once the actor was late for a rehearsal. He burst into the shooting all disheveled, with burning eyes and angry with himself: well, just the spitting image of a Gascon!

Since 1978 Boyarsky in literally words were filled with sentences. For several years, the actor starred in more than a dozen films of various genres. But in the 90s, almost completely focused on musical career. During this decade, he played in less than a dozen films, two of which are continuations of the story about Musketeer friends.

In 2007, another continuation of the musketeer theme followed - "The Return of the Musketeers, or the Treasures of Cardinal Mazarin", which Boyarsky also accepted, although without much enthusiasm.

In 2011, Boyarsky appeared on the screen with his daughter Elizabeth in Vladimir Bortko's mini-series Peter the Great. Will". And in 2015, Boyarsky appeared in the comedy "The Best Day", where he played the father of the hero Dmitry Nagiyev.

Personal life of Mikhail Boyarsky

For more than 40 years, the actor has been happy in alliance with Larisa Luppian, a colleague on the theater stage. And they brought together the play "Troubadour", which in 1975 on the stage of the Theater. The Leningrad City Council was appointed artistic director Igor Vladimirov. There were two princesses in the play - Alisa Freindlich and Larisa Luppian, Boyarsky himself betrothed her for this role.

For several years, the lovers lived without formalizing the relationship, but at the end of the seventies they nevertheless signed. Soon, in 1985, Mikhail and Larisa again went to the registry office to get a divorce: it was necessary to decide housing issue. So the divorce was fictitious. The couple registered their relationship again in 2009, and again due to legal necessity.

Mikhail Sergeevich has two children. The eldest son Sergei (born in 1980), although he acted in films as a child, did not follow in the footsteps of his parents. He received economic Education and now heads the cable TV channel "Saint Petersburg". The acting dynasty was continued by daughter Elizabeth (she was born in 1985). Two granddaughters are growing up in the Boyarsky family, Ekaterina and Alexandra Boyarsky - the children of Sergei and his wife Ekaterina, and the grandson Andrey Matveev - Liza gave birth to a baby in marriage with popular actor Maxim Matveev.

Actor Mikhail Boyarsky celebrates his 65th birthday today. The day before, a colleague of the birthday boy Kira Kreilis-Petrova revealed an unexpected truth about Boyarsky and his personal life.

It turns out that the most famous d "Artagnan of the country has bastard. "The bear is a womanizer, and he does not hide it. He always had a lot of ladies who adored him, hung around his neck," she told Express Gazeta.

The actress admitted that once, even before her marriage to Larisa Luppian, Mikhail had an affair with her friend. It was short-lived, but after him the woman had a child from Boyarsky, whom she gave birth "for herself."

Now Mikhail Boyarsky does not communicate with illegitimate son, nor with his ex-lover.

Recall that Boyarsky is married, his wife is actress Larisa Reginaldovna Luppian (January 26, 1953). The marriage produced two children.

Daughter - actress Elizaveta Mikhailovna Boyarskaya (December 20, 1985). In 2007 she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts (course of Lev Dodin).

Liza's husband and Boyarsky's son-in-law is actor Maxim Aleksandrovich Matveev (July 28, 1982). Grandson - Andrei Maksimovich Matveev (April 7, 2012), son of Elizaveta Boyarskaya and her husband Maxim Matveev.

Son - Sergei Mikhailovich Boyarsky (January 24, 1980), played in two films as a child: 1984 - Mimosa Bouquet and Other Flowers (Nikita, Maryana's son) and 1992 - Musketeers Twenty Years Later (Charles II in childhood).

In the mid-1980s, Viktor Reznikov and Mikhail Boyarsky created a musical quartet, which also included their sons - Andrey Reznikov and Sergey Boyarsky. In 1986, the quartet became famous with the song Dinosaurs, Sergei first appeared on stage.

Having matured, Sergey Boyarsky created a group and released a music album. There he became a businessman. The guy graduated from the Northwestern Academy public service under the President Russian Federation, Faculty of Economics and Finance.

Got a second higher education at the Faculty of State and municipal government Northwestern Academy of Public Administration.

He was a candidate for deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, a member of the party " United Russia but lost the election. In 2012, he headed the St. Petersburg TV channel "St. Petersburg" (Channel Five).

The eldest granddaughter - Ekaterina Sergeevna Boyarskaya (born November 28, 1998), eldest daughter Sergei Boyarsky and his wife Ekaterina Sergeevna Boyarskaya.

The youngest granddaughter - Alexandra Sergeevna Boyarskaya (born May 27, 2008), youngest daughter Sergei Boyarsky and his wife Ekaterina Boyarskaya.

In his youth, Mikhail Boyarsky was heavily addicted to alcohol, which led to pancreatitis when Boyarsky was thirty-five years old.

And in 1994, the actor aggravated diabetes. Currently, the actor is forced to give himself four to five insulin injections daily.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev

31-year-old and 35-year-old Maxim Matveev is one of those stars who prefer to keep their personal lives personal and do not report to fans about their every step. First of all, this concerns the actors, 5-year-old Andrey, whom they do not show to the public: no photos in social networks, no going out - parents protect the baby from excessive media attention.

It is not surprising that almost the first appearance of the boy at a public event caused a great stir. Yesterday, September 2, little Andrey Matveev became a guest of the film festival for children and family cinema "Sunny Island" in Evpatoria. On the red carpet, he appeared not with his parents, but with his grandparents - Larisa Luppian and Mikhail Boyarsky. Dressed in a formal suit, Andrei looked around with curiosity, examining the participants in the costumed procession, and held his grandfather's hand. It can be seen that the boy has grown noticeably, but it is still difficult to say who he looks like more, mom or dad.

In April of this year, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maskim Matveev celebrated their son on a grand scale. On their pages on social networks, the couple shared vivid photographs from the celebration, but there was no hero of the occasion in the pictures. However, if the stars are not ready to show their son, then they love about him: according to the confessions of the family, Andrei grows up as an extremely smart boy and pleases his loved ones.

Already at the age of two, Andryusha recited Brodsky, and at three he himself read "Alice in Wonderland"

Recently, the actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya, the daughter of the legendary D'Artagnan (Mikhail Boyarsky), celebrated her 30th birthday. She continues with dignity acting dynasty. But, as they say in star family, today the focus of the family is not even Lisa, but her son, the grandson of Boyarsky - Andrey. The boy is growing up to be a real prodigy! His grandmother, wife of Mikhail Boyarsky, actress Larisa Luppian, told Komsomolskaya Pravda about the achievements of the three-year-old Andryusha.

“Mikhail and I raised two children, and they were quite ordinary, like everyone else,” Larisa Luppian told KP. “And Liza’s son is some kind of gift!” Amazing baby, very smart, real prodigy. At the age of two, he was already reciting Brodsky's poems by heart - at the same time, it was funny, childishly distorting the words. He pronounced "Biedsky" ("r" was still bad for him), this is his favorite poet. At the age of two, he recited poems for half an hour, immediately answered the question: “Who wrote“ The Ballad of a Little Tugboat ”?” (All the same Joseph Brodsky. - Ed.)

At the age of two, he learned the alphabet and learned to read. Now he is three years old, and he himself has read many fairy tales: Russian folk tales, about Cheburashka, about Karlson, all of Nosov, Dragunsky. I recently read Alice in Wonderland. Next in line is “Old Man Hottabych”. Begins to write letters and numbers. Solves arithmetic problems. We are simply amazed!

- We all studied together, both dad and mom. We have been showing him books for a month now. They read Barto, Chukovsky, Zakhoder, Pushkin. He knows the authors, we always named them, pronounce them - and he remembered them. At the age of one and a half, they began to show letters. At the age of two, he began to compose syllables, to read individual words. So I got involved.

He reads, of course, not fluently, but quite easily. But we didn't force him on purpose. Somehow it all worked out. So, during the game, you attach letters to the board with a magnet or write with chalk - and he will read it. We never lisped with Andryusha. We communicate with him on an equal footing.

Started learning English

- Does Andryusha go to kindergarten?

- No - there are grandmothers, grandfather, nanny. He visits the developmental children's center twice a week. When they are in Moscow, Andryusha goes to the capital's center, when in St. Petersburg, then with us.

Moreover, he was enrolled in a group in which children older than him are engaged in age. He overtook his peers in development.

AT children's center where his mother takes him, began to study English language. But Lisa doesn’t have time: shooting in Anna Karenina is literally every day. If Andryusha could be driven more often, he would quickly learn English.

Although mastering a non-native language is one thing, it must also be supported by constant practice. When I was little, I was raised by my grandmother, who spoke German. As a result, as a child, I knew German better than Russian. And then my mother separated from my father, and we moved to another city - as a result, without my grandmother, I quickly forgot German. By the way, Lisa knows both English and German well. But at home they only speak Russian.

Now Andryusha has a teacher hired by his parents. The grandson's daily routine: got up in the morning, had breakfast - and did it. He loves lessons, eagerly absorbs everything. Then after lunch, too, classes. He especially likes poetry. Reads poetry very emotionally, with inspiration.

"Grandfather on TV - Mikhail Sergeevich"

- Does Andryusha understand that mom and dad are artists?

- Yes. Recently it was funny: in Moscow, Lisa and Maxim left for work. The nanny says: “Andryushenka, soon mom will come home. The director let her go." Andrey paused and importantly asked: “What, Dodin is in Moscow?” (Dodin is the director of Maly drama theater In St. Petersburg. - Ed.)

- He also understands directors ?! Does he know that his grandfather is D'Artagnan?

- Doesn't know yet. But grandfather is often shown on TV. Recently, seeing him on the screen, Andryusha pointedly said: “Oh! Mikhail Sergeevich Boyarsky. So abstract. That is, grandfather at home is grandfather, and on TV - Mikhail Sergeevich Boyarsky!

- And what does he call his mother on TV?

- Mom is not shown on TV as often as grandfather. And we do not specifically include films with Lisa and Maxim for Andryusha.

Who does your grandson look like?

- For everyone: for Lisa, and for Maxim, and for me. From the cradle, his parents took him everywhere with them. From the age of seven months in the cradle they took on a plane. I have been abroad 20 times already. Three times in Paris, I have seen and knows the Eiffel Tower, I have been to Disneyland several times. Sea of ​​impressions from the cradle. It just seems that the trips of the baby pass without a trace. Everything remains on a subconscious level, all impressions accumulate, give impetus to development.

- And what is Mikhail Sergeevich grandfather?

- Trembling. And grandson Andryusha is generally the center of the universe for him! He just loves him.

Lisa Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev are one of the most beautiful couples in Russian cinema.


Lisa BOYARSKAYA: My husband Maxim looks like dad

— Lisa, you yourself recently made repairs in your Moscow apartment. They wrote on Facebook: “Repair. Oh… now I know how much this word has. And the most expensive consumable- nerve cells".

- And there is. We continue to live in two houses - Moscow - St. Petersburg. We travel a lot, and most often our son Andrey is with us. At least this is how we agreed with my husband that one of us, the parents, will definitely stay with the son.

Is it true that you have a child prodigy?

— Heard such reviews. He absorbs everything quickly. Reading, counting. Develops quickly. The main thing is that he is interested in everything, he is greedy for knowledge. But let's not guess yet.

- When you became a mother, it probably became easier to play the role of mothers?

- After the birth of a child, I felt more confident, new forces appeared. Previously, work came first. When she played Kolchak's beloved in the film "Admiral", she justified her heroine, who chose not a child, but a beloved man. Now I have a different opinion on this matter.

- And what is Maxim Matveev's father?

- Wonderful, very caring. I like how he finds mutual language with son. Maxim is more and more like my dad. His attitude to family, relatives, homeliness. When I was little, my dad used to come up with funny games. We had a "kissing game" with him. He came up with a funny kiss, wrote down on pieces of paper: “mad” - a kiss with a loud smack, “snake bite”, “flight of a bumblebee”, “tickle”, “horse kiss” (ride on your back like a horse and kiss on the cheek) etc. Before going to bed, they pulled out a piece of paper, read and performed.

He good father. He never forbade me anything, spoiled me, brought outfits from tours, I grew up like a princess. When his mother scolded for poor academic performance, he stood up for defense, they say, the main thing is to grow up as a good person.

- Do you adhere to traditional views that the head of the family is the husband?

- Yes. It comes from my parents.

- They say that you were a difficult teenager and were not at all interested in studying.

- Not that ... It's just that my desire to study did not appear immediately. Somewhere around ninth grade. Before that, I just didn't care. I liked to communicate with friends and girlfriends, read magazines, dance. Anything but study! And then it became embarrassing. Whether awkward in relation to parents, or in comparison with peers began to feel a little stupid, or something. And at some point, I came to my senses. And I realized that science is easy for me. So the main thing is to want it yourself!


- A child prodigy in literal translation is a miracle child, - says Natalya Shumakova, author of educational programs for gifted children, doctor psychological sciences . - He is ahead of his peers in development, this usually manifests itself in preschool and younger school age. As a rule, this is an intellectual talent (it can also be artistic, musical, sports, artistic, leadership, etc.). If a child reads at the age of three, yes, he is a child prodigy. But it's hard to predict. Perhaps in the future he will clearly show himself (say, Grigory Perelman, Mozart were child prodigies and grew into geniuses). Or maybe we just see a variant of acceleration: someone is developing faster, someone is slower.

If the child's abilities are not developed, and he himself does not make efforts, then the potential may remain unrealized. And children who develop more slowly will then catch up with him and give better results. The most important thing is the internal motivation of the child, how much he himself will be interested in his development.

The main pleasure for the actor is to spend time with his beloved grandson.

On the football podium, Mikhail Sergeevich gets sick recklessly: he rejoices at the successes of his favorite team, takes failures to heart. Photo: Zamir USMANOV/globallookpress.com

Even at the age of 66, Mikhail Sergeevich is a very active person: he travels to film festivals, does not miss a single match of his native Zenit, loves spending time with his grandson, does charity work, and now he also starred in feature film"" as a shaman.

About Zenith

Mikhail Boyarsky has been a fan of the Zenit football club for many years. He himself used to play in a team of actors and musicians, but he says that the excitement has passed, and the forces are no longer the same, so now he is just a fan. Mikhail Sergeevich goes to the stadium with friends, gets sick recklessly - it’s difficult for an actor to sit still, but he recalls that in his younger years there was more “football romance”. Boyarsky and his comrades, it happened, climbed over the fence, experiences for the game were accompanied by male "joys": you could drink, smoke. Now 66-year-old Boyarsky is an exemplary honorary fan, who was awarded another football title this summer - the honorary president of FC Zenit.

- I got this title because I am taking part in the preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. I am an ambassador from St. Petersburg,” says Boyarsky. - I take part in various events, campaigning for healthy lifestyle life, meeting with volunteers. Sports are one of the main good entertainment, so helping to develop it is the right thing to do. My youngest grandson is 4.5 years old, and he is already chasing the ball and knows that blue-white-blue are ours.

Like all fans, I am very happy that top scorer Alexander Kerzhakov has returned to the team. A new coach has arrived - an experienced Lucescu, so I'm waiting for the "gold" from the Zenit team.

About grandson

Mikhail Boyarsky is an experienced grandfather. He honed his communication skills with children on his granddaughters: his son Sergei has daughters - 17-year-old Katya and 8-year-old Sasha, and his daughter Lisa has 4-year-old son Andrey. Grandchildren often visit their grandparents, and when their parents take them away, according to Boyarsky Sr., an unusual silence hangs in the rooms. For the sake of his grandson, Mikhail Sergeevich often goes to toy stores and tries to figure out Lego, the Simpsons and Pokemon, he likes to buy books for his grandchildren. Boyarsky worked hard and was often away from his family. But at the first opportunity he walked, played with Seryozha and Liza, went to their school. Now Mikhail Sergeevich is sure that the profession should be the second plan, the main thing is children. He is sure that Lisa and her husband Maxim are excellent parents. With grandson Andrei, who calls his grandfather best friend, the actor regularly goes to feed the ducks on the Moika River.

Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian with their daughter Lisa and son Sergei. Photo: instagram.com

- Grandfather is the main title that I have. With the birth of my grandson, I became more sentimental. Andryusha is not allowed to go to football with me yet. We love to walk, I feed him, captivating him with stories about Deniska Korablev, we read books, he likes to watch cartoons.

I think that if a child watches our Cinderella five times, it will be five times better than if he watches "". Children must be protected. In my opinion, Walt Disney cartoons are no better than Soviet cartoons, and even worse.

Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian with their daughter Lisa and son Sergei 30 years ago. Photo: Personastars.com

About Saint Petersburg

Mikhail Sergeevich and his wife Larisa Luppian live in the very center of St. Petersburg - in an old house on the embankment of the Moika River. Among the guests here are many celebrities. But it is difficult for Mikhail Sergeyevich to walk around the city center.

There are always a lot of tourists here, they constantly ask to be photographed. Therefore, it is very difficult for me to appear somewhere. I try to rarely go out, they don’t let me walk quietly. In the summer, I preferred to relax and communicate with my family at the dacha, which is located 50 km from St. Petersburg. I don't go anywhere. The main thing for me is to give pleasure to close people: I obey my daughter, wife, grandson. They want to go to the country - food.

About modern life

B Oyarsky is an emotional person: he worries when or when he hears bad news. He says that he learns from children to perceive the abundance of information more calmly, to judge sensibly, but he himself rarely manages to remain calm. With realities modern world Mikhail Sergeevich is familiar firsthand: he helps those in need, participates in charity events. He says that he is rich in that he does not have unnecessary needs.

- Despite the fact that my son Seryozha - CEO one of the St. Petersburg channels, I myself am not a television person. I watch only if my wife recommends watching a certain program. I follow the news on the radio - this is how I get necessary information. I constantly listen to the program "From two to five" with Evgeny Satanovsky on "Vesti FM". Internet? It might be of interest to me. But I don't master it. Quite enough normal habitual life.

About new job

Boyarsky dreams of finally retiring as soon as possible and living in a country house, watching movies, going fishing, taking a bath. At the same time, Mikhail Sergeevich admitted that the most interesting thing for him now is to see how Andryusha is growing up, and live to see him come of age. But also interesting job the actor is attracted. On September 22, the film “Petersburg. Only for love". The picture consists of seven short stories. Boyarsky starred in a story called "Walking the Dogs." I thought for a long time. The decisive role was played by the fact that the director of the short story is Avdotya Smirnova, and the main female role is played by Anna Mikhalkova. The actress was nervous and worried that she would have to play with Boyarsky himself. Mikhail Sergeevich at first doubted that he was suitable for the role of a shaman. In film National artist in shamanic attire, jumps around the room with a tambourine, reads a spell and rubs eggnog from fresh eggs in the stomach of Anna Mikhalkova, whose heroine came to see him.

Shaman Mikhail Boyarsky in the film Petersburg. Only for love". Film frame

- I agreed because I know and respect Dunya Smirnova. I was somewhat puzzled why she invited me, what she found in me, why I should become a shaman. I tried my best. I was very afraid to let her down. Dunya is brave - she took me to act, although I said that I could not cope with this role. I offered several options for execution, Dunya insisted on the one you will see.

Of course, I focused only on those images of shamans that I saw on TV. I don't know these people personally. Naturally, I myself do not believe in any hereditary or any other shamans and clairvoyants ... Faith does not allow: I consider myself an Orthodox person.

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