If a sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle and obesity. The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on a child's body

An ordinary person to whom a doctor in a clinic writes during a medical examination “leads a sedentary lifestyle” usually does not understand what exactly is behind this phrase.

It is clear that this is the cause of excess weight, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and other health problems. But where is the line between an active and a sedentary lifestyle?

What is an active lifestyle?

Even the elderly need to walk five to six kilometers a day, says nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov. Optimal activity is walking, swimming and dancing. Instead of walking, any other exercise is suitable, says cardiologist Eteri Tomaeva. The main thing is that a person practices regularly.

But cleaning the house and other household chores are not considered a good activity. In this case, a person is most often in the wrong position (with a bent back, for example). Some muscles work, while others are immobile and numb.

Slim people shouldn't feel like they don't have to move a lot. Without movement, their muscles gradually lose their tone, vessels lose their elasticity, organs and the brain receive less oxygen.

An active lifestyle is an hour and a half of walking or swimming or aerobics for half an hour five times a week. It's good to go for a half-hour run or play tennis three times a week.

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to?

The weight. The average Muscovite leading a sedentary lifestyle spends 600 kilocalories less than he consumes. Extra calories are stored like this: in 10 days the body accumulates 100 grams of fat - this is almost a kilogram in three months and almost four kilograms per year.

2 KILOMETERS A DAY the average office worker passes.

7 KILOMETERS A DAY - so much to go through to maintain the normal form.

10-12 KILOMETERS A DAY must be passed by an overweight person.

Metabolism. The less active lifestyle, the slower the blood moves through the arteries and the worse the cells of the whole body are supplied with oxygen and other useful substances. Poor metabolism negatively affects all organs.

muscles. Without movement, they lose their tone and gradually atrophy. Tone is the minimum tension in the muscles that persists even in a state of complete relaxation. The higher the tone, the easier the muscles do their work and the less stress the bones and joints receive.

Heart. This is also a muscle, which, with a sedentary lifestyle, slows down the frequency and strength of contractions, gas exchange decreases in the respiratory organs, cells are saturated with oxygen worse, all processes slow down. Because of this, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases.

Spine. The load on it in a sitting position (even if a person is sitting correctly) is 40 percent higher than in a standing position. This leads to scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases. Particularly heavy load on the lumbar and cervical regions. Because of the latter, the blood supply to the head and brain worsens, so as much free time as possible should be given to physical activity.

Brain. Poor circulation gradually leads to irreversible changes. For example, scientists at Wayne University in the United States recently found that because of this, the cells of the medulla oblongata, which are responsible for regulating breathing and heartbeat, work worse.

Vessels. With a slow speed of blood flow, the blood stagnates, thickens, blood clots form in it, which lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Pelvic organs. A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood and lymph in the organs of the genitourinary system and intestines. Stagnation is the most common cause of inflammation of these organs: prostatitis, nephritis, hemorrhoids, and so on.

Chronic fatigue can be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle.

A sedentary lifestyle is common in today's world and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity. A modern person needs to perform less and less actions to perform everyday tasks, which in some cases come down to traveling by transport to and from work, sitting at a desk for 8 hours and watching TV in the evening while lying on the couch. Such a routine leaves little time for maintaining good physical shape, which over time can be a significant negative impact on health and cause the development of a large number of serious diseases.

The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on health


Excess body weight is one of the most common consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity leads to a slowdown in metabolism and blood circulation, thereby reducing the number of calories burned, the excess of which is stored as fat. Obesity, in turn, is associated with an increased risk of developing various diseases, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, certain types of cancer, gallbladder disease, and arthritis. Psychological disorders such as depression and low self-esteem can also show up if a person is concerned about their overweight and body fat.

Any muscle activity, on the contrary, is aimed at maintaining normal weight, since it burns calories, and the more intense it is, the more calories will burn.


One of the most serious consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease or chronic hypertension. This, as a rule, occurs due to the lack of any sports activities, and therefore the heart does not receive the necessary blood supply. Also, under such conditions, fat-burning enzymes responsible for the destruction of triglycerides in the blood become inactive. As a result, plaque forms on the walls of blood vessels, which impedes blood circulation and can cause atherosclerosis, and in serious cases, a heart attack.

The result of exercise is a more efficient functioning of the cardiovascular system, an increase in high-density lipoprotein, or "good" cholesterol, and a decrease in unwanted triglycerides in the blood.

Muscles and bones

With a lack of physical activity, the muscles of the body become weak, which leads to a decrease in the ability to perform daily tasks. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle is bad for posture and can lead to back problems over time as the muscles that support the spine also weaken.

Osteoporosis is another possible consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. The fact is that during a sitting position, the bones do not experience any difficulties in maintaining the body. Over time, this leads to loss of strength of the bones and they become more brittle. It also increases the chance of developing arthritis.

Regular exercise will help maintain healthy bones and joints, increase muscle strength and endurance to achieve life goals.


Exercise allows the body to control blood sugar levels. The lack of activity leads to an increase in it, because the less you move, the less sugar is used by the body. Elevated blood sugar, in turn, stresses the pancreas, which affects the secretion of the hormone insulin, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing diabetes.


Some types of cancer, such as colon and breast cancer, are also common among sedentary people.

aging process

Telomeres, located at the ends of chromosomes and protecting them from any damage, become shorter as the body ages. It has been proven that with a sedentary lifestyle, telomeres shorten faster than with an active lifestyle, as a result, the aging process accelerates and age-related signs appear earlier.

Mental disorders

A sedentary lifestyle also negatively affects mental health. Persons who do not receive any stress are more prone to depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that regular muscle activity can reduce stress and reduce the incidence of many mental disorders. The endorphins released during exercise naturally improve your mood and make you feel happier and more relaxed. In addition, exercise affects the production of the hormone serotonin, an unbalanced level of which can lead to depression, affect memory and appetite. In addition, improving your appearance will help improve self-esteem and increase self-confidence.


A sedentary lifestyle can cause problems with sleep, because under such conditions the body may not feel the need for rest. Regular exercise, on the contrary, helps and improves the quality of sleep. However, you should avoid exercising right before bed, as the body will get too hot, which will not allow you to fall asleep quickly.

Financial expenses

Lack of activity and related health problems can also lead to financial losses. Cash expenses may be required for the provision of medical services (prevention, diagnosis and treatment) related to the diseases that have arisen, and include the cost of visiting a doctor, purchasing pharmaceuticals, and rehabilitation services. In addition, there may be implicit costs associated with loss of earnings due to the expenditure of working time on the elimination of medical problems that have arisen and the inability to perform work duties.

The benefits of physical activity

Studies have shown that almost all people can benefit from regular exercise, whether they are participating in intense workouts or maintaining a moderate health regimen. Regular physical activity benefits most (if not all) organ systems and therefore helps prevent a wide range of health problems, including:

Because regular exercise helps prevent disease and promote health, it can actually reduce health care costs.

A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle is what characterizes the modern life of most people. Unfortunately, a person leading a sedentary lifestyle puts himself at risk of getting sick.

Worst of all, the negative effects do not appear immediately, which in turn gives the illusion of no harm. But there is harm, and in this article we will look at the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, what health problems it leads to.

"Criticizing - offer!" - we think, therefore, the Healthy Lifestyle has prepared for you, dear readers, specific recommendations on how to stay healthy in a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary lifestyle: causes and harm

The reasons for a sedentary lifestyle are obvious. The technosphere is why we move less and less.

See what's the problem. If earlier a person was constantly on the move, now we are working more and more with information: computers, documents, telephone conversations ... Accordingly, we are more and more often sitting on the priest, and moving less and less.

Why is there work, now even many entertainments - and those take place in virtual reality, on the other side of the screen. Computer games, films and TV shows - all this replaces the motor activity we need with sitting in front of the screen. And, my friends, the situation does not even think to improve. On the contrary, technology is actively developing in this direction, so things will only get worse from there.

In addition to the technosphere, Another reason for a sedentary lifestyle is ourselves. We ourselves make a choice in favor of sticking in front of the screen, no one is forcing us to do this. That's how things are, guys. The Healthy Lifestyle recommends not blaming external circumstances, but acting. But this is so, by the way.

Okay, we figured out the reasons, but what are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? Maybe it's not so scary?

Alas, the answer is rather negative. and suffers from a sedentary lifestyle, this is a fact. It is not right when, instead of moving, we constantly sit still, like plants. Sooner or later, this leads to problems.⛔️

Of course, our bodies have some margin of safety - but this margin is limited. And when we cross this invisible line, then the consequences appear.

Worst of all, a sedentary lifestyle ruins our health in a complex way. That is, the level of health decreases in general, which, in turn, leads to diseases. But to what kind of diseases - it is for each individual. Here are the diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle:

1⃣ Overweight, obesity
2⃣ Diseases of the back and joints
4⃣ Diseases of the cardiovascular system
5⃣ Constipation, hemorrhoids, prostatitis

Yes, these are the unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. And this is only a small part of what can happen to us. After all, as mentioned above, for each person everything is individual.

There is even a disease, the essence of which lies in a sedentary lifestyle. Her name is hypodynamia. This is a violation of the functions of the body, caused by a lack of physical activity. The diseases listed above are just the same consequence of hypodynamia.

So, friends, a sedentary lifestyle is wrong. Of course, it will not be possible to completely abandon it - scientific and technological progress changes the life of each of us. And, as we can see, not always for the better. However, not everything is so scary. You can stay healthy even with a sedentary lifestyle. To do this, you should apply simple recommendations from the SILS.

How to maintain the health of people leading a sedentary lifestyle?

1⃣ Captain Evidence gives us the first advice - move more! Seriously - try to get up, walk, stretch as often as possible. It is very important.

Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects health even with regular exercise? Researchers from Toronto analyzed the results of 41 studies and came to a disappointing conclusion: a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and premature death despite exercising once a day.

Friends, 30 minutes a day is not enough to wave your arms and legs and consider your mission accomplished.

It is advisable to get up every hour and warm up, periodically transfer your body to a standing position. Get moving and stay healthy.

2⃣ Eat right. If we spend a lot of time in a sitting position, then we can try to catch up on health with proper nutrition. What is proper nutrition? Eat more and drink. We are not even talking about eating fast food - otherwise, in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, we will get a time bomb directed against our health.

Speaking about proper nutrition, it is impossible not to mention how to chew. Yes, yes, you also need to chew correctly. The better we are, the more useful we extract from it, and the less we pollute and strain our body.

3⃣ This is also a great bonus to health.

4⃣ Give up bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and other drugs with a sedentary lifestyle does much more harm. The human body and so can not fully get rid of all the toxins that enter it from the environment. And if we additionally poison ourselves and in addition to this we constantly sit, then the body goes into "sleep mode" and performs cleaning functions much less efficiently. In other words, if the human body in motion can still to some extent get rid of the consequences of bad habits, then with a sedentary lifestyle, all the harm accumulates inside. Which in turn leads to health problems.

The main exercise is to be aware. That is, always be aware that a sedentary lifestyle is bad and, accordingly, take steps to neutralize the harm and consequences.

If we are used to sticking to the monitor and forgetting about everything around at this time, then one trick will help us here. There are those that block the computer at certain intervals. Install one of them and you have to take breaks from computer work. Spend this time usefully, for example, by doing short exercises to warm up and thus replenish the lack of physical activity in the body.


Friends, we have examined the causes and harms of a sedentary lifestyle, and also learned how to neutralize this harm. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle get problems and diseases. But, no matter how cruel it may sound, people themselves are the cause of their troubles.

Of course, the development of the technosphere affects our lives, but we can still control HOW we live.

No one can take care of us better than ourselves. We alone are responsible for our health. Please never forget this.

I hope, dear reader, this article will not become one of the many read and forgotten, but will really encourage you to change something in your life. And if you also write a comment or share a link in social networks, then this will be the best reward for us!

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In the age of technological progress, when new inventions make it possible to significantly simplify a person's life, freeing him from physical exertion, more and more people spend their time at the computer or relaxing while lying in front of the TV. It is less and less common to meet children at playgrounds playing “Cossack robbers”, fewer teenagers are involved in sports sections, and more and more adults forget about the presence of sports grounds, stadiums and horizontal bars. This activity is called a sedentary lifestyle and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity.

Sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise)- this is one of the most acute problems in the modern world, which negatively affects the human condition, can cause many serious diseases and even death. Changing the habit of moving a little, starting to play sports, or at least doing exercises every day in the morning or walking to work on foot is a hindrance to laziness. As a result, physical activity today is turning into a real feat, and more and more often on the street there are stooped silhouettes, gray faces, fat figures, lethargy of movements. Among young people, the number of chronic diseases is increasing every year, which used to be mostly the elderly. All this is the result of the negative impact of sedentary life on modern man. In this article, we will take a closer look at how a sedentary lifestyle affects a person, what are the consequences of such an addiction and how to get rid of it.

If you often stay in a sitting position or lying on the couch, then this can have an extremely negative impact on health, can lead to the emergence of a variety of pathologies and the development of serious diseases, the fight against which sometimes does not bring results.


Refusal of activity and sports has a bad effect on the figure and provokes an increase in body weight, because with a lack of motor activity, the metabolism in the body slows down and the number of calories burned decreases, the excess of which is deposited in the form of fat.

Therefore, the body loses its elasticity, various diseases appear:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathology of bone tissue;
  • mental disorders due to decreased self-esteem and depression.

Any load, on the contrary, will help maintain normal weight, keep the body in good shape, and increase self-confidence.


The heart suffers the most from a sedentary lifestyle, so people who move little and do not play sports increase the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, coronary disease or hypertension.

Please note: Even the refusal of the simplest morning exercises impairs the blood supply to the organs and systems of the body.

The result of a deterioration in blood supply is a decrease in the activity of enzymes that are responsible for burning fat and destroying triglycerides in the blood, which provokes the formation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels. It can cause atherosclerosis and even a heart attack. Only active sports will help restore the work of the heart and circulatory system and will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

Muscles and bones

With insufficient mobility of a person, lack of sports and a decrease in activity, his body becomes weak, muscle tissue atrophies, bones become brittle, therefore, for a person who has a sedentary lifestyle, the daily implementation of elementary procedures becomes more difficult.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle and a constant sitting position of the body lead to serious back problems:

  • violation of posture;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • brittle bones

This is due to changes in the muscles that support the spine: they weaken and lose their elasticity.


Even regular exercise will help keep your blood sugar under control.

Please note: If a person is not active in life and eschews physical education and sports, this leads to an increase in blood sugar, an increase in insulin production and the development of diabetes.

Therefore, a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for life in general. The high sugar content also leads to a strong effect on the digestive organs. Therefore, people who spend most of their lives sitting, suffer from bowel, colon and rectal cancer.

Acceleration of the aging process

At the ends of human chromosomes are the so-called telomeres, which shorten as the body ages. And in the complete absence of any human mobility, these chromosomal regions shorten many times faster than with an active lifestyle, resulting in the manifestation of age signs and the premature appearance of symptoms of aging.

Mental disorders

Probably the most unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for the body are mental disorders. Since with a decrease in a person’s activity and the absence of physical activity in his life, body weight increases, muscle elasticity is lost, forms blur, a person begins to treat himself with disgust and becomes unsure of himself.

As a result:

  • depression develops;
  • there is a feeling of anxiety;
  • intellectual abilities decrease;
  • memory deteriorates.

And playing sports and actively improving your appearance will help increase self-esteem and believe in yourself.

Sleep disturbance

A sedentary lifestyle can affect sleep and its quality. The fact is that the body in the absence of movement practically does not feel the need for relaxation and rest. Only the rejection of a sedentary lifestyle and regular exercise can normalize sleep and completely get rid of insomnia.

Advice! Do not exercise just before going to bed, because the body will cheer up, and you simply will not be able to fall asleep.

Increase in financial costs

Lack of physical activity requires a lot of money for regular check-ups and treatment of emerging diseases, for the purchase of medicines, for rehabilitation and recovery. At the same time, illness or obesity, which has developed due to a sedentary lifestyle, can interfere with work, which ultimately leads to unemployment and financial hardship.

Male pathologies

Insufficient activity threatens not only girls, but also representatives of the strong half of humanity. So, in addition to the above problems, a sedentary lifestyle of a man provokes the development of erectile dysfunction, inflammation of the prostate gland. Which leads to loss of male power and infertility.

The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on a child's body

For both adults and children, lack of physical activity and sports is dangerous to health.

It can provoke:

  • metabolic disorders in the body of a teenager, which leads to weight gain;
  • slowing down the development of the child's body as a whole;
  • retardation of the motor skills of the limbs and impaired coordination of movement;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • reduction of muscle mass and deposition of fat;
  • fragility of bones;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pathologies in the work of the central nervous system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • vision problems.

Therefore, if you notice symptoms of apathy and drowsiness in a child, weight gain and fatigue, which leads to a sedentary lifestyle, you see that he began to get sick often, change his lifestyle, teach him to play sports, set an example. And then you can save your child from even greater health problems and save his life!

In the age of technological progress, when new inventions make it possible to significantly simplify a person's life, freeing him from physical exertion, more and more people spend their time at the computer or relaxing while lying in front of the TV. It is less and less common to meet children at playgrounds playing “Cossack robbers”, fewer teenagers are involved in sports sections, and more and more adults forget about the presence of sports grounds, stadiums and horizontal bars. This activity is called a sedentary lifestyle and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity.

Sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise)- this is one of the most acute problems in the modern world, which negatively affects the human condition, can cause many serious diseases and even death. Changing the habit of moving a little, starting to play sports, or at least doing exercises every day in the morning or walking to work on foot is a hindrance to laziness. As a result, physical activity today is turning into a real feat, and more and more often on the street there are stooped silhouettes, gray faces, fat figures, lethargy of movements. Among young people, the number of chronic diseases is increasing every year, which used to be mostly the elderly. All this is the result of the negative impact of sedentary life on modern man. In this article, we will take a closer look at how a sedentary lifestyle affects a person, what are the consequences of such an addiction and how to get rid of it.

If you often stay in a sitting position or lying on the couch, then this can have an extremely negative impact on health, can lead to the emergence of a variety of pathologies and the development of serious diseases, the fight against which sometimes does not bring results.


Refusal of activity and sports has a bad effect on the figure and provokes an increase in body weight, because with a lack of motor activity, the metabolism in the body slows down and the number of calories burned decreases, the excess of which is deposited in the form of fat.

Therefore, the body loses its elasticity, various diseases appear:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathology of bone tissue;
  • mental disorders due to decreased self-esteem and depression.

Any load, on the contrary, will help maintain normal weight, keep the body in good shape, and increase self-confidence.


The heart suffers the most from a sedentary lifestyle, so people who move little and do not play sports increase the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, coronary disease or hypertension.

Please note: Even the refusal of the simplest morning exercises impairs the blood supply to the organs and systems of the body.

The result of a deterioration in blood supply is a decrease in the activity of enzymes that are responsible for burning fat and destroying triglycerides in the blood, which provokes the formation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels. It can cause atherosclerosis and even a heart attack. Only active sports will help restore the work of the heart and circulatory system and will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

Muscles and bones

With insufficient mobility of a person, lack of sports and a decrease in activity, his body becomes weak, muscle tissue atrophies, bones become brittle, therefore, for a person who has a sedentary lifestyle, the daily implementation of elementary procedures becomes more difficult.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle and a constant sitting position of the body lead to serious back problems:

  • violation of posture;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • brittle bones

This is due to changes in the muscles that support the spine: they weaken and lose their elasticity.


Even regular exercise will help keep your blood sugar under control.

Please note: If a person is not active in life and eschews physical education and sports, this leads to an increase in blood sugar, an increase in insulin production and the development of diabetes.

Therefore, a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for life in general. The high sugar content also leads to a strong effect on the digestive organs. Therefore, people who spend most of their lives sitting, suffer from bowel, colon and rectal cancer.

Acceleration of the aging process

At the ends of human chromosomes are the so-called telomeres, which shorten as the body ages. And in the complete absence of any human mobility, these chromosomal regions shorten many times faster than with an active lifestyle, resulting in the manifestation of age signs and the premature appearance of symptoms of aging.

Mental disorders

Probably the most unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for the body are mental disorders. Since with a decrease in a person’s activity and the absence of physical activity in his life, body weight increases, muscle elasticity is lost, forms blur, a person begins to treat himself with disgust and becomes unsure of himself.

As a result:

  • depression develops;
  • there is a feeling of anxiety;
  • intellectual abilities decrease;
  • memory deteriorates.

And playing sports and actively improving your appearance will help increase self-esteem and believe in yourself.

Sleep disturbance

A sedentary lifestyle can affect sleep and its quality. The fact is that the body in the absence of movement practically does not feel the need for relaxation and rest. Only the rejection of a sedentary lifestyle and regular exercise can normalize sleep and completely get rid of insomnia.

Advice! Do not exercise just before going to bed, because the body will cheer up, and you simply will not be able to fall asleep.

Increase in financial costs

Lack of physical activity requires a lot of money for regular check-ups and treatment of emerging diseases, for the purchase of medicines, for rehabilitation and recovery. At the same time, illness or obesity, which has developed due to a sedentary lifestyle, can interfere with work, which ultimately leads to unemployment and financial hardship.

Male pathologies

Insufficient activity threatens not only girls, but also representatives of the strong half of humanity. So, in addition to the above problems, a sedentary lifestyle of a man provokes the development of erectile dysfunction, inflammation of the prostate gland. Which leads to loss of male power and infertility.

The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on a child's body

For both adults and children, lack of physical activity and sports is dangerous to health.

It can provoke:

  • metabolic disorders in the body of a teenager, which leads to weight gain;
  • slowing down the development of the child's body as a whole;
  • retardation of the motor skills of the limbs and impaired coordination of movement;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • reduction of muscle mass and deposition of fat;
  • fragility of bones;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pathologies in the work of the central nervous system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • vision problems.

Therefore, if you notice symptoms of apathy and drowsiness in a child, weight gain and fatigue, which leads to a sedentary lifestyle, you see that he began to get sick often, change his lifestyle, teach him to play sports, set an example. And then you can save your child from even greater health problems and save his life!

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