Appeal to teachers. (etiquette in different countries) How to address a teacher? But school is true


Dear friends!

Our profession has two beginnings - protective and innovative.

Protective start immensely important, because the key concept for all cultures - Teacher and Student - accompanies us in all eras:

A teacher in the Hindu and Ancient Chinese concept, triviums and quadriviums of the ancient world, medieval academies, ancient gymnasiums of the "Seven Liberal Arts", Venetian consistories, noble boarding schools, cadet, officer and conservatory schools ...

Today is the biggest education crisis in centuries.

Everything protective, everything that was passed down from epoch to epoch, everything that education was so proud of, suddenly became ridiculous, old-fashioned, ineffective.

Problems of humanitarian education arose in connection with the following events.

1. The advent of the Age of the Internet.

Who is (from the point of view of the Internet) a school teacher?

What is, say, a geography textbook?

Open a geography textbook and look at the chapter on the highest peak of our Planet - Mount Everest. There is one photo, several numbers and sentences.

Opening the Internet... The word "Everest" is mentioned 242,000 times, more than 5,000 photos. This means that if you set a goal to read everything that is written about Everest and spend only one (!) minute on each article, then you will have to work continuously for twenty days.

Let's take pity on ourselves and introduce an eight-hour working day.

Then it won't even be two months before you've had a glimpse of all the articles.

And if not briefly? At least ten minutes each?

Two years!

And how long can a geography teacher talk about Everest?

Maybe a teacher is needed today in order to choose for us the most necessary information about Everest or Chomolungma and thereby save us from two years of work?

And, perhaps, the teacher in the age of the Internet has completely different tasks? I think there are others. It seems that the goal of the teacher is not so much to inform, but to build a lesson in such a way as to arouse in the student a burning need to learn as much as possible about Everest, to be shocked, to fall in love with this amazing mountain. A student may have a desire to become an explorer of this mountain, to climb it. And for this, under the impression of the teacher's story, go to the Internet and start an independent study of this miracle of our Planet. Thus, the teacher of geography will become a preacher of geography, that is, he will give the student a lofty idea to live on the Planet with love for it, with the need for constant knowledge of it. But, after all, Chomolungma is located in the Himalayas. And the Himalayas ... are ... (So geography turns into ... philosophy)

2. Loss of faith in the absolute knowledge of the teacher and in the correctness of the textbook.

3. Terrifying impact of television for reasons:

a) Its unprecedented distribution and priority as a pastime.

4. Hitherto unknown propaganda of popular culture.

5. Changing the mentality of the student. If before the student came to the teacher in order to perceive, learn, light up, discover, now the student has already been “processed” and his goal is to mock, laugh, argue (alas! At a very superficial level).

6. The extremely low status of the Teacher (compared to professions glorified by the media).

7. Cultivating an atmosphere in which students conclude that a liberal arts education DOES NOT lead to increased well-being.

8. As a result of the unprecedented destruction that the people have been subjected to for several generations, there is a lack of a true elite in the country, which created an atmosphere in society, supported the spiritual fire and spread (illuminated) the knowledge necessary for spiritual balance.

9. The transformation of all spiritual, creative, elitist, artistic, aesthetic, ethical principles into primitive mass media shows.

10. Complete replacement of spiritual values ​​with material ones.

11. The triune aesthetics of the Karamazov brothers (Alyosha, Ivan and Dmitry) were replaced by, in fact, the non-alternative aesthetics of Smerdyakov. Dostoevsky warned about this danger.

12. Pushkin's main program poem (which, by the way, was never studied at school) "The Poet and the Crowd" turned out to be prophetic. Today, the aesthetics of the POET has been unequivocally replaced by the aesthetics of the CROWD.

13. Poetization of the CRIMINAL and BUSINESSMAN as the main character of the society.

14. The rulers of souls were not creatively high-minded, charismatic personalities, but showmen, moreover, specifically Russian.

How to talk about poetry with a student who uses profanity in every other word. Or about Great Love, about the Immortal Beloved, about Eternal Femininity with a student who is well acquainted with the erotic Internet. Or try to tell about the romanticism in the music of Schumann and Brahms to students who know for sure (because TV reports this every day) that music is Kirkorov and numerous pop groups, and poetry is “love me the way I am there is" (there is kaku). How can one imagine an ethics teacher who is trying to explain the behavior of parliamentarians, a rhetoric teacher who seeks to develop genuine speech in students in conditions of total tongue-tied language and declared profanity.

The tragedy of today's teacher is not that he has become a worse teacher than in times past. The tragedy is that his voice is not heard among the raging pop culture, endless shows and roulettes.

After all that has been written, one may get the impression that the situation is hopeless, and all that remains is to observe the decline and degradation of the once great culture. Invite all teachers in a humanitarian field no longer needed to accept one of several options:

1. Retrain by becoming a computer training or marketing teacher.

2. Go into business.

3. Apply to the state with a request - to allocate unemployment benefits, which would allow teachers of music, art history, literature, aesthetics not to die of hunger.

4. Change the country of residence to those countries where great importance is still attached to the humanitarian spheres.

But there is another option. It will require a revision of many teaching positions, up to a change in the paradigm of liberal education. It is necessary to sacrifice the conservative part of the training and include the most innovative thinking.

As an experiment, I spent two lessons in one of the most difficult schools in St. Petersburg. As a result, I want to bring to your attention some of the three-verses (haiku) that were composed by the guys - residents of one of the most disadvantaged areas of the city.

Haiku, written by the children of St. Petersburg School No. 232 after our second meeting.

Star that fell from heaven

Extinguished but not dead

Changed shape...

Globenko Igor 15 years old



Or a great composer

Olesya Ganzha 13 years old

I'm standing in the doorway

And I don't know where to go...

I'll stay put

Gracheva Zhenya 16 years old

The thinnest thread

immersed me

To this world...

Frolova Sasha 13 years old

How the clock sounds life

which we must live

Which Schubert already lived

Julia Galkova 12 years old

Life is just a dream

And death is awakening

This is what we live for...

Bychkov Andrey 16 years old

He didn't feel sorry for himself

All his life he went forward

And he was born...

Ovchinnikov Artyom 16 years old

As the years pass - it's up to us

It doesn't matter the time

What matters is what it means to us.

Popov Nikita 17 years old

Music crept into the soul

Opened the wounds

I don't know if I'll go. Difficult...

Shankin D 15 years old

Man cannot live a thousand years

But he can live


Matveev Dmitry 15 years old.

Every person is born to change the life of another person.

While the other person

changes someone else's life.

Nadya Kostyakova 14 years old

I don't like school

But school is true

And without her, nothing.

Titova Ksyusha 13 years old

Here are some haiku written by my listeners aged 12 to 17 years after our two meetings (the press wrote a lot about this experiment).

I think that reading such revelations from children who were reluctant to go to the first meeting and then did not want to complete the second will make many teachers think about the methodological principles that I used in these two music (broader: art) lessons.

1. Any work of art (musical, poetic, pictorial, etc.) is not so much information as a wave, a source of spiritual vibrations and radiations, a kind of transmitter. The person who perceives is the receiver. Thus, the non-perception of a work of art is an indicator of a malfunction (or tuning to the wrong wave) of the receiver. In this case, the task of the teacher is to set up or repair the receiver.

2. Today's student comes to an art lesson not so much as a detuned receiver, but also a receiver tuned to a completely different wave (read about the reasons above). That is, the student has a preliminary installation. Removing the preset is the first step towards perception.

3. One of the conditions for success is the feeling of love that a student has for a teacher. Love is energy. Any normal teacher, preparing for a lesson with this knowledge, can achieve the goal

4. The abolition of faith in the absolute self-evident rightness of the teacher and the textbook leads to the fact that the teacher cannot start the lesson by declaring the composer, artist, sculptor, poet as "GREAT". A lesson that begins with "THE GREAT TCHAIKOVSKY" or "THE GREAT PUSHKIN" is doomed to failure, because today's student comes to class with completely different pre-formed attitudes.

5. The principle of the lesson should be not direct, but reverse (reverse, paradoxical) information. This means that the definition of GREAT should not appear at the beginning, but at the end of the lesson, when this word will be fully justified by the entire course of the teacher's reasoning.

6. The main condition for the perception of a work of art (music, poetry, an artist's painting) will not be an abundance of information about it, but the creation of a wave, or, to put it better, an accurate wave tuning that connects the vibration of a musical, poetic or pictorial creation with the vibration of the student's soul.

7. The principle of reversion also excludes the negative assessments that some teachers like to give to one or another (even the most primitive, even the most unworthy) phenomena of mass culture. In teaching, it is always important to fight not against, but FOR. Only when the students are imbued with love for music, art, taught by the teacher, it is possible, together with the LOVED and BELIEVE in the TEACHER students, to analyze and joke about all this.

I call these principles


So, the Principles really exist, and those teachers who are ready to master them will get very impressive results after the very first attempt.

It is possible to learn them. This is proved by the master classes that the author had the opportunity to conduct in thousands of audiences. The impact was almost 100%.

The project was carried out in the largest Swedish province of SMOLAND, where even police reports showed a sharp decrease in juvenile delinquency.

The author has more than two hundred and fifty thousand letters, reviews, drawings, poems written by children of Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, German schools, received after whole periods of immersion in art.

Let's cooperate, because it's not evening yet.

Sincerely. Mikhail Kazinik.

How to write a letter to a teacher: a sample, an example from the first person. Author Egen Kurveeva. Dear my teacher! Do you remember those years when we sat at school desks and listened attentively to you? ... So I remember them, we had many misunderstandings and conflicts, but you withstood us ...

Dear Lyudmila Viktorovna! It's been so many years since we graduated from school that I can't always remember all my classmates and teachers, but you are still my role model and style icon. Therefore, I decided to write this to you, so that on any day when you receive it, you will feel at least a little more pleasant and brighter in your soul from the fact that someone remembers you! You always showed me an example of how to behave in worthy situations, your voice never turned into a scream, and your eyes always radiated only kindness and self-confidence. You walked brightly and energetically through life, trying to put as much kindness and compassion into the heads of your students, so that the conscience would wake up in each of us. Therefore, even now, after so much time, I remember your voice and your instructions with longing and tenderness.

Well, less than a month is left until September, soon the bells in schools will ring again, urging their pupils to sit down at their desks. Strange feelings arise in my head when I hear the bell ringing on September 1st. It's a strange feeling when I see a little girl with a huge briefcase carrying a bouquet. Strange feeling... strange. It’s like I’m returning somewhere to my forgotten, erased past and I see myself as a little first-grader girl. How long ago it was… we are all so deeply absorbed in our daily worries that we don’t even notice how time flies, flies, flies. Life passes, people, places, events change. And what is the school in our life?

Hello, dear Sergey Sergeevich Ivanov! So I decided to write a letter to the school from my most sincere motives. I am very glad that I was once a student of your school! I remember my school years with trepidation and warmth in my soul and with great joy in my heart. I would like to thank you for the good selection of experienced teachers who, in spite of everything, taught us children, and in particular me, the mind-reason, teaching lessons in various subjects. Sometimes school teachers even suggested a way out of difficult situations to students who met on their difficult life path. I want to say special thanks to the class teacher, who took our noisy class under his care and guidance.

So, summer, it's time for the final exams for my already adult children behind. I was very worried about them, for how they would be able to cope with exam anxiety, nervous overload. And now it's all behind. And for them too. Behind 12 (for me once 10) years of schooling. These are the years of childhood, then youth, the years of the first victories and failures, the first teacher and many subject teachers already in the senior classes. Some have already been forgotten. Others remained, crashed into memory forever. One of my favorite teachers is no longer among us. She passed away on one of those summer days. Many people gathered to say goodbye to her, older and very young, still yesterday's students.

Teaching profession one of the most respected, honorable and responsible professions. We can say that the teacher creates the future of the country, because. the versatility of the development of knowledge of the young generation, its beliefs, worldview, and moral qualities largely depend on his work. What is the right way to contact a teacher?

Well, the answer to this question largely depends on which country you are in and which teacher you are referring to. Let's try to figure this out together.

My soul Paul
Stick to my rules
Love something, something
Don't do that.
Say it's clear.
Farewell, my beautiful.

(A.S. Pushkin. Prince P.P. Vyazemsky)

Addressing the interlocutor is the most striking (and common) sign showing that we are starting to communicate. That's why in speech etiquette handling is given a lot of attention.

In Russia

According to N. I. FORMANOVSKAYA from the point of view of etiquette ". ... in the Russian community it is impossible for a student to use a teacher other thanname-patronymic , whereas, for example, in the Scandinavian countries, in this case, a casual name is acceptable in combination with the "you" form of communication. "And indeed with it is false to imagine a student entering the classroom and saying to the teacher: Hello, Masha (Maria)! (as a rule, in Russia they don’t address a teacher by the name of the profession, i.e. “teacher, sorry for being late” - it also sounds pretty “wild”)

Of course, now there are students who often violate these norms of etiquette. (and it is unlikely that this is because they do not know how to address the teacher)

Relationship etiquette announced on, talks about the use of "you" and "you":.... To all people we do not know, we must address the "you". Moreover, children after 16 also begin to be addressed to "you". This rule takes on particular importance within the framework of the educational system: teachers should address high school students and students with "you", not to mention the fact that only "you" is categorically used for teachers and teachers.
Thus, in Russia it is better to address the teacher by name, fatherland or "you".
In Kazakhstan
In Kazakhstan, exactly the same rules of treatment in Russian schools. In Kazakh schools (and in general, in the lessons of the Kazakh language), it is customary to call a teacher or a teacher -Mugalim(teacher). You can also just call the teacher -Apai , just like any other woman older than you.
  • Yeah(husband . older relative) , apa(mother, grandmother ...) - people who are directly related to you. that is, a dear or great-aunt, uncle, brother, aunt, sister.
  • apay, agai- Appeal in principle to strangers. it's just a designation of a person if, say, you don't know the name. and if you know the name, then you can add it. but, all the same, it will mean that you are not talking about relatives.
  • to an elderly neighbor not only politely address "apai"

In English, unlike Russian, there is no formal distinction between the forms "you" and "you". The whole range of meanings of these forms is contained in the pronoun you. Pronoun thou‘you’ fell into disuse in the 17th century, only remaining in poetry and the Bible. All registers of contacts, from emphatically official to rough-familiar, are conveyed by other means of language: intonation, choice of appropriate words and constructions.

In Great Britain

Probably everyone remembers from school that an English teacher will teacher . But really, should you call your teacher "teacher"? And if at the university - a professor?

In educational institutions, teachers and teachers to students and students (official form of address). In universities, it is allowed to contact a teacher professor (professor).It is also possible to applyprofessor + surname (surname), for example, professor Smith, (Professor Smith).

Appeal to male teacher--Mr + surname (surname) , for example, Mr Smith, (Mr. Smith).

The form of address to the teacher, adopted in England: Miss + maiden name (regardless of whether the woman is married or not, a tradition carried over from the time of Queen Victoria, when only unmarried women were allowed to work at the school).

Notes :

  • (it should be noted that The form of address Mr (Mrs, Miss) + surname is used not only at the official level, but also at a neutral level of politeness when addressing middle-aged and elderly people, even if they have known each other for a long time.)
  • In the scientific world, on official occasions, it is customary to address by rank: Professor, Senior, Tutor, Dean, and so on.
  • the word Madam as an address to a teacher or teacher is usually not used by a woman
Among US university professors it is not customary to maintain a social distance between people of equal status: a professor usually addresses a colleague by name if they work together. Addressing by last name or position means that the speaker either does not consider the addressee equal to himself (i.e., considers him superior or inferior), or demonstrates his negative attitude towards the partner: in this case, the address "position + surname" or "title + surname" is used: Doctor Brown, Mister Bernstein, etc.
In the USA Very similar rules of etiquette in addresses. One has only to add that sometimes with the help of words Sir an official appeal toteachers and lecturers - men.
Contact Form teachers adopted in the USA: Mrs + last name by husband (addressing a married woman) and Miss + maiden name (referring to an unmarried woman).
  • In America, the most common forms of address (especially to strangers or older people) are the words Sir and Ma`am (or Madam). However, the US is much faster than the UK is moving towards first names and tends to avoid using titles. However, the President of the United States should be addressed - Mr. President, to the Secretary of State Mr. Secretary, to a senator - Senator, to a member of the US House of Representatives - Congressman, to a judge - Your Honor ("your honor"), to a Protestant priest - Mr. + surname, to the ambassador - Mr. Ambassador.
  • The use of a position or title without a surname as a title is a signal that the speaker belongs to a different social group of people, in particular to support staff.
  • The use of a surname without a title in a situation where the addressee is somewhat lower in status than the speaker reinforces the status inequality: this is how officers address soldiers in the army, this is how they used to address servants, this is how teachers can address students.

This is just the beginning. Wait for continuation...

Final song.

Song to the motive "There is only a moment"

1. Everything in this raging world is ghostly.

There is only a moment - and hold on to it.

There is only a moment between the past and the future

That is what is called "life".

2. The word "goodbye" is unlikely to please the heart,

After all, we have all been together for so many years,

Together they grew, rose and fell,

We studied together and went to the finish line.

3. After all, this is a moment with its pain and tenderness

remains forever in our hearts

let this moment be our hope

bright as the sun and soft as snow.

Final song "Last Call"

The spring wind goes crazy on warm nights

You answered the main question, the school is behind you

The day of memories is full, all friends are with you

Feel and know what is behind you.

Last call, simple tears

We give roses to teachers

You know, you understand, you see everyone who was with you

Run away from each other, a new world will open

All textbooks are handed over, you take a photo

The first holidays you miss everyone.

Last call, simple tears

Adult life has replaced school dreams

A little sad, a little worried.

Last call, simple tears

We give roses to teachers

Still, it is difficult not to forget a year or two.


Last call, simple tears

Adult life has replaced school dreams

A little sad, a little worried.

Last call, simple tears

We give roses to teachers

And yet the school, we will love you, we will love you ...

To the motive "How great that we are all gathered here today!

The bell rings confidently
Persistently, measuredly,
The hour of parting draws near
Eyes already in tears.
Well, what about us, dear,
native teachers,
There is no joy in life without you
Where are we without you?
Here we grew up as uncles,
Our girls are girls.
At least get married.
And it's so nice to feel
What is in the world
The people who love us
And we will not be forgotten!
And the joys and troubles we
Lived like a moment
Although there were problems
But this is nonsense..
So stay healthy forever
May God give you strength and courage,
So that in a year we are with you
Gathered here too!

Song to the motive "Forest Sun"

  1. It seems we sat down at our desks only yesterday

School is over, it would be necessary to shout "hurrah!"

Sadness was indicated in the quivering eyes trembling:

The memory of childhood is still very fresh!

Chorus: My dear, dear school,

Where, in what region is there another such?

School time, best pages

Lessons, evenings, they will not repeat!

  1. Don't comfort me, I don't need words

I would like to return to the fun school days,

Where in our whole class there was only one mother,

Where she smiled so brightly and warmly.

3. Little things memory, perhaps, erase without a trace,

But we will not forget the entire teaching platoon.

How condescendingly they took care of us,

How fires were kindled in the hearts of our knowledge!

The last call is 20XX.” Dear guests, graduates, let's sing a song together (the text of the song is distributed to all graduates in advance).

The hallways are getting quieter
The childhood time of miracles is melting,
Goodbye, dear school.
We send you our last greetings!

Goodbye, our class, goodbye,
School desk, goodbye too.
Wish your wishes come true
Promise us all a new meeting...

Friends break up
Tenderness remains in the heart.
Let's keep friendship
Goodbye, see you again.

We wish each other success
And good. And love without end.
And farewell school echo
It remains in the soul and in the hearts.


On this day, sad, albeit fine

In childhood, we inadvertently step.

This is us - but a little younger

We recognize ourselves in these children.

How young we were,

How young we were,

How sincerely loved

How you believed in yourself.

At school we were greeted without a smile,

Giving the whole world every day.

We were then forgiven for mistakes,

Helping you believe in yourself.

Nothing on earth goes unnoticed

And the childhood that is gone is still immortal,

How young we were,

How young we were,

How sincerely loved

How you believed in yourself.

We've already played the first half.

And only one thing they managed to understand

So that you are not lost on earth

Try not to lose yourself.

Nothing on earth goes unnoticed

And the childhood that is gone is still immortal,

How young we were,

How young we were,

How sincerely loved

How you believed in yourself.

Lightning burned out in the sky

And the storm subsides in the hearts,

Do not forget our beloved faces,

Do not forget our native eyes.

Nothing on earth goes unnoticed

And the childhood that is gone is still immortal,

How young we were,

How young we were,

How sincerely loved

How you believed in yourself.

to the motive of the song "Autumn" by the group DDT)
What happens at school in the spring
Something changes suddenly.
It's just that this childhood is leaving us forever,
And don't bring it back.
The school will say quietly: "Goodbye!"
You promise to remember school.
Let's come back here together
School, you are always with us!

And teachers we will remember
What do you wish them goodbye?
If there were wizards, we could perform for them
All their secret desires.

What's ahead, we don't know yet
Each of us has our own path.
School years cannot be returned to us, we understand
We are a little sad about this.

Graduates take turns pronouncing their words and line up on the stage in a checkerboard pattern, starting from the last rows and ending with the first rows.

1. Mashtakova: The gymnasium for me is both teachers and lessons and my class teacher, who somehow managed to discern something special in such a quiet and inconspicuous child as I was, inspiring confidence in my strength, my class, which has become so familiar and familiar in ten years.

2.Kosykh Maria: The gymnasium gave me many memorable events and acquaintances.

3. Khozhaev Fedor: In the gymnasium I was able to meet people who became my true friends.

4. Varvara Karagicheva: At the gymnasium, I was taught how to communicate with people correctly, participate in projects, take the initiative and be responsible for my actions.

5. Vyskubov Vanya: The gymnasium gave me knowledge not only in English, but also in other subjects, friends: good and not very good, long-lasting stories and some life experience. I realized that people are not indifferent to me, they are trying to "pull" me out of those stories in which I constantly got into. I will miss our high school.

6.Yudin Sasha: Our lessons, class hours and the Civic Club taught me to clearly express my opinion and be tolerant of someone else's.

7. Anisimova Yana: The gymnasium brought up strength and fortitude in me, prepared me for the future life. I had a fun and interesting time, participating in competitions and performances. The school has become my second home. I'm proud of her.

8. Maxim Chechnev: I have done so little in my life, I am only stepping over its first step, but I sincerely believe that I have to do a lot of good and kind things, which my gymnasium taught me.

9. Arbuzov Sergey: What did my gymnasium give me? How is it different from other schools? The fact that our teachers tried to reveal personality traits in us. She became my home, where I could ask for help. These are the years of my carefree life and naive dreams. This is the place where I'm always welcome...

10. Morya Anton: Gymnasium for me is joint trips, trips, cheating, school events and "intra-class" life. And also - this is the most valuable life experience that I learned from school life: both bad and good ...

11. Egorova Ksenia: The gymnasium has become a second home for me, and sometimes, to be honest, the first. Here I fell in love for the first time and suffered a severe disappointment. I learned what friendship and betrayal are. My gymnasium taught me not only subjects, but also joy and sorrow. Here I was taught to help people, to understand them; fight for truth and justice, be able to defend yourself. I am proud to be a high school student.

12. Bazanova Ksenia: The gymnasium is knowledge from professional teachers, these are classmates, no matter what, they are such relatives and whom you will never forget, this is self-affirmation, an opportunity to prove yourself. High school is the best thing that could happen to me!

13. Shuleshko Dmitry: The gymnasium gave me the opportunity to get solid knowledge, these are the best teachers and classmates. She taught me to value friendship and the help of loved ones.

14. Kolova Anastasia: Our school life was bright, interesting, and a bit extreme. Our Elena Nikolaevna helped us a lot in this. The gymnasium taught me tolerance, perseverance and friendship.

15. Krivobokova Ekaterina: The gymnasium taught me to love and appreciate all the good things that are around. I learned to feel the joy of social life, I realized how nice it is to give people kindness. I can proudly say that the Gymnasium is my second home and my second family. I will miss the warmth and care of teachers in my adult life.

16. Ponomarev Anton: I studied at gymnasium No. 13 for ten years, not paying attention to her unlucky number. On the contrary, she gave me true friends: classmates and teachers. She taught me to help people in trouble, taught me discipline. This is where I became Human!

17. Igor Bogatov: The gymnasium helped me discover some talents in myself, gave me knowledge and skills.

18. Ksenia Bondarenko: The gymnasium opened my individuality, taught me not to be shy, to be myself. I am very grateful to her!

19. Skripacheva Kristina: The gymnasium gave me a lot and taught me a lot... Here I understood what love and hate, friendship and betrayal are. Met interesting people.

20. Sviridov Vyacheslav: In the gymnasium I acquired a love for self-education. I have friends. Here, for the first time in the third grade, I confessed my love for my classmate. The gymnasium gave me faith in the future!

21. Mainik Svetlana: They say that school is a temple of science, but for me the gymnasium has become a second home, because I spent more time here. The gymnasium helped me choose my future profession, true friends and patient teachers. They always taught lessons in such a way that we were interested and wanted to learn. May our gymnasium prosper and give the world new Lomonosovs and Einsteins!

22. Lyaznikova Anastasia: In the gymnasium, I began to feel at home from the first day. He instilled in me a love for foreign languages. She taught me perseverance, diligence, self-confidence. This is the best school. What a pity that we will soon leave it.

23. Katya Shmeleva: The gymnasium gave me many friends, and also something that I probably did not fully understand, but I will definitely appreciate it in the future.

24. Tatyana Malchikova: In the gymnasium I became a different person: more self-confident, open. I have made many true friends. An atmosphere of kindness, love and fun reigns within its walls. Thanks for all!

25. Nosova Anastasia: I thank the gymnasium for kindness, warmth and friendship,

Here everything that I will say now is very dear to me and I need it.

I love you more and more, your destiny is my road.

And in conclusion I say: I love you, I remember, I know,

And I will not forget you - my dear Gymnasium!

26. Semenova Maria: The gymnasium gave me a fun childhood: trips with a class to the circus, cinema, theaters, wonderful friends, teachers who became my second family. She helped me find myself.

27. Kutsak Valery: The gymnasium gave me the knowledge necessary for adult life, friends. Here I became interested in sports.

28. Alexander Sobolevsky: the gymnasium gave me a stock of knowledge, experience in communicating with peers and people older than me.

29. Chechik Kristina: School situations hardened my character, taught me how to get out of any situation. Today I say goodbye to the childhood that the gymnasium gave me.

30. Frolov Mikhail:

31. Sokolov Pavel: The gymnasium gave impetus to my adult life, but sometimes I think that it would be nice to go back to the fifth grade and continue my studies again until the 11th grade. I will remember my school years and everything connected with them all my life.

32. Gress Petr: For me, the gymnasium is a trip with a class, where it was always fun. These are my teachers that I will remember for the rest of my life.

33. Kolesnichenko Ekaterina:

34. Ekaterina Popova: Here I understood what duty and honor are, here I was taught to respect other people's opinions and each other. I'm glad I got into high school!

35. Doroshenko Lydia: 35. Doroshenko Lidia: The gymnasium shaped my character, I gained a lot of experience in communicating with people and my peers. I am glad that our teachers are not only good teachers, but many of them are sincere and interesting people who always meet our needs. I love my gymnasium, I feel comfortable and cozy here.

36. Yulia Vasilyeva: The gymnasium gave me an education, helped me decide on my future profession. Thanks everyone!

Or: 27. Wishes of graduates.

1. Keba A. We will light a candle now

And we say goodbye to you.

Let the fire of this candle

Brighten up the bitterness of parting!

2. We wish you happiness, joy, smiles,

3. Great success and good luck in everything

4. May fate save you from mistakes,

5. After all, life gives us so many tasks.

6. So that you never meet grief

7. So that your house is filled with joy,

8. May happiness, boundless like the sea,

9. Accompanies you always and in everything

10. I wish that happiness smiles at you,

11. So that life passes easily,

12. So that only good things remain in life,

13. The bad has gone far, far away.

14. More joy, less sorrow,

15. Good health and bright days.

16. Love and tenderness until old age

17. And the respect of your friends.

18. I want to wish that life does not end,

19. Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way

20. Great happiness, great friends,

21. Health, success and holidays!

22. Eternal paradise, happiness without end,

23. Best friend in need

24. Merry life, new joy,

25. Meet good people.

26. We wish you health, warmth and kindness

27. So that all failures burn to the ground.

28. To live - do not grieve up to a hundred years

happened to

29. May everything that has not yet come true come true.

30. I wish you not to lose gaiety,

31. Not discouraged in any trouble.

32. And then life will give you "five"

33. Opening a rainbow above you.

34. I want to wish you more

35. Noble creative impulses,

36. With a heart to go not to the doctor-

37. Instead of drops, love poems for you.

38. So that everyone can be carefree tomorrow,

39. Someone must be vigilant today.

40. I wish you not to let your friends down,

41. Be a support to those who are connected with you.

42. What else can I wish for?

43. Let your life be sung like a song.

44. Let it be in the heat, and in the cold, and in the blizzard

45. Only kindness flows from the heart

(The candle returns to Keba A.,

Start of the performance

Where did it all begin?

(the soundtrack of the song from the m / f "Plasticine Crow" sounds - the leitmotif, the graduates speak in recitative)

One simple story

Or maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you

We remember her from childhood

Or maybe not from childhood.

Or maybe we don't remember

But we will remember

The wind blows on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On swollen sails.
Bypassing the land of knowledge
Returns here.
On a familiar shore
What does he see in reality?
That is a native gymnasium,
shining in the rays of the sun,
It beckons with its beauty,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests arrive at the outpost.
Our director invites them to visit.

Oh, you are gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Sadness eats us all.
Every childhood remembers:
First class, first call
Our first lesson...
Don't you want, gentlemen,
Will you return there again?

1. - They were sent to this school for a great mission.

Boys. Active, athletic, moderately aggressive and progressive. Favorite school subject is change, when life is in full swing, however, sometimes in the head. In the classroom, they fall into a long hibernation or indulge in deep reflections on the topic "What's next?"

Girls. Mysterious, beautiful. Moderately serious and bitchy. Favorite school subject is a mirror. They like to solve difficult problems, the main of which is what to wear to school tomorrow? They also perform shooting exercises with pleasure: they mercilessly shoot with their eyes to the right and left.

They were destined to go through the most difficult 11 levels, achieve the intended main, lofty goal - to neutralize the Unified State Exam Attestatovich, and move on to the next, no less difficult task.

2. - Do you remember how it all began;

Everything was for the first time and again.

Bells for lessons, primer and notebooks,

And the first love in my life.

We solved problems together

Reading and learning poetry.

They handed over the tests, and every fifth,

As a rule, was at the blackboard!

- “In vain they frightened us with a deuce” -

Any student will tell you.

You should hardly be afraid of ratings.

Another keep a diary.

At school, we did not know boredom,

We dreamed of becoming adults.

But the years have passed, the exams are coming soon

Time to go to college.

As a result of a survey conducted in the period from ... to ..., it was established that there was an organic form of life in ... the school in the form of ... a class. A series of experiments conducted by school teachers showed the high viability and adaptability of the mentioned community of organisms. Positive reflexes and reactions to external stimuli suggest that this species is suitable for existence in the external environment and can be released within the next month. Head laboratory (last name, first name, patronymic).

Scene "Adult children"(sit down, lay out textbooks, read, learn by heart, decide ..)

1. Something sad to me in the morning,

Everything is out of hand...

It's time to take a break:

I'm tired of studying.

2. Gnawing scientific fruits

Need a break.

Learning so much nonsense...

It is fraught with a nervous breakdown.

3. From exams, believe me

We can't turn away!

4. Oh, to find such a door,

To return to childhood.

No worries, no hassle...

No sorrow!

5. Time will not flow back,

Isn't it time to wake up?

6. Like a rainbow arc

Colors danced.

How to get out there

Where are the fairy tales...

5. We are preparing for the exam,

Release is not a toy!

6. We have a whole life ahead of us,

Don't worry, old ladies!

In fairy tales, everything is always easy,

Miracle helps!

3. Honey, we are 17,

We left from there.

1. Years flew by like one day. And here we are, matured, matured and wiser, standing face to face with the Unified State Examination Attestatovich.

We have gained experience, knowledge and are ready for the decisive battle. Judgment day is very close. Concerning:

Olga Vasilievna, we undertake to be extremely attentive and focused at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. We know that the answer can come from either side!

Tatyana Alexandrovna, we firmly promise you to shine at the exam in mathematics ... with gold earrings, chains and rings.

Elena Anatolyevna, the tasks of part A and part B of the Unified State Examination in physics, we promise to snap off like seeds.

Ekaterina Viktorovna, we announce that we will sit the exam in history and social science from bell to bell.

Lyudmila Veniaminovna, USE in Chemistry and Biology

Lyudmila Anatolyevna, ... (words of gratitude in English)

The song "Chasing Points"

(to the motive of the song "Pursuit" from the movie "New Adventures of the Elusive"

1. Fatigue forgotten

We grind everything

Brains from the load

They smoke and boil.


And we have no peace

Teach and teach!

Nightmare in the night

2. Have spurs in your pocket,

They need to be able

Get it with your teeth

And sing the song.


3. Let's believe in luck -

And deal with the end.

From our difficulties

Let's not hide our faces!


Song about the exam

A song about the exam, for grade 11 for the last call or graduation, to the music of Vysotsky "Vertical"

Here you are not a freebie - the exam is one
They go EG E one by one,
Childhood is over, it's time to pay
We can’t turn around, go around the exam
And we choose the hard way
We leave the school yard.

Who did not write the exam, he did not risk,
He didn't test himself.
Even if he grabbed fives from heaven in his studies
You will not enter the university, the rumor says
If you write the exam for "two"
And the army will say: "Hi, you, dunce!"

And let them say that it is impossible to write off,
I stuffed spurs in my pockets not in vain,
Two phones, an ipod, and another mp3,
And suddenly you're lucky - they'll take you to the toilet,
I'll take the risk and seize the moment
To write off the answers to at least "three".

The tests were distributed. “Oh, well, don’t yawn!”
You don't rely on luck here
Neither mother, nor brother, nor sister will help in the exam,
We rely only on keen hearing, a friend's hint and sleight of hand
And we pray that the memory does not fail.

Seven days of waiting, horror in the eyes
And the knees tremble from the tension
The palms sweat and the heart beats in the chest
100 points for Russian! - you are happy and dumb
And just do not envy those
Others who have the exam is still ahead.

To the melody of the song "Don't Play the Fool, America" ​​gr. Lube

Don't be fooled by reading!

Before the classic, show a shiver!

When inspiration comes to you

Maybe in the frame and you will fall!

Oh, don't sleep on geometry

Love arithmetic - mother.

You will become a very noticeable person,

Don't fool around in physics

You will understand all the laws in a moment

If something rings on a mobile phone ....

This means that these are radio signals converted into electromagnetic waves.

Vedas. While you are mixing it all up, tell me, what funny things happened to you in your school years?

Uch. Oh, there were a lot of them .. these were mirrors, glasses that were broken quite by accident, and ... but is it worth remembering. Anything happened ... But recently I got real pleasure! (goes to the audience and recites)

I found my father's school

Worn diary:

With a football table

With a touring singer

With control page.

Everyone (interrupting) So what?

Where did the fat "count" originate!

And I walked happy

The diary is so cute!

Uch. I have the right one!

You approach the object (approaches the girl), you say:

Listen, Khmeleva,

Today you look cool and cool!

Awesome bangs and ponytail cool,

Will you give the task to write off on the control?

(the girl is discouraged, surprised, but she is pleased)

Any girl will not be indifferent, She will not forget such attention.

Leading: Recently, a test was conducted at your school and some students were given the task to give their own definition of school terms and this is what happened:

  • Road to school - "Marathon distance".
  • The road from school is "Shining Path".
  • The director of the school is the "Great Sovereign".
  • The caretaker - "The Miserly Knight".
  • The class teacher is "Tiger Tamer".
  • Class - "Restless economy".
  • Parent meeting - "Court of peoples".
  • Class meeting - "Much Ado About Nothing".
  • Begging for money from parents - "Going through the throes."
  • Office before cleaning - "On the count's ruins."
  • Office after cleaning - "Virgin Soil Upturned".
  • The answer at the blackboard is "Reporting with a noose around his neck."
  • No fives - "Poverty is not a vice."
  • An excellent student who received a deuce - "Not everything is Shrovetide for a cat."
  • Two for the hint - "Woe from Wit."
  • Call to the teachers' council "The Taming of the Shrew".
  • Home composition - "Glass of water".
  • Cool essay - "Notes of a madman".
  • Buffet - "Profitable place".
  • Wardrobe - "Battle of Kulikovo".

Graduates, (front view of the whole class) a special type of mammals, do not have a thick hairline, (a wig falls off a student’s head) horns (another’s horns fall), hooves (a student’s heel falls off). But by the summer period, they acquire special growths (a wig, horns and shoes are put on one student), no, no, these are the so-called crib-unicalicus (the teacher puts on horns entwined with cribs). During hibernation, the crib-unicalicus is in an inert state (crib sheets on the desk), but by the time of the exams, they begin to actively multiply. (a mountain of cribs on a desk) There are from 2 to 7 cribs-unicalicus per graduate. Depending on the characteristics of the mental activity of graduates, spargalicus-unicalicus appears in various parts of the body: from the heel to the armpit. (Cribs on different parts of the body) Developing at home, crib-unicalicus can reach extraordinary sizes. (a long chain of spurs) At the same time, they can fit in a matchbox. (pull out of the box) The shapes and colors of the crib-unicalicus are varied. You can find finely streaked sheets (sheets) and brazen inscriptions on the back of the neighbor's chair, (chair) crib skirts (the girl raises her skirt with spurs) and legs written up to the knees (legs). A rare exception are graduates, to whom spargalicus-unicalicus are not grafted. (Graduate with angel wings and a halo) These individuals are infected with the Umnicus-Razumnikus virus (badge with an inscription). But under normal school conditions, this virus is not dangerous for students.

Silence. There are classes. We pass along the corridor, from the ajar doors of the offices we hear fragments of phrases ...

Mathematic teacher: Write down the conditions of the problem. Two comrades went for mushrooms in the forest, each is ...

OB teacher: in the zone of chemical contamination with a radius of 20 km. Having put on special suits and gas masks ...

History teacher:... the mammoths rushed to the steep bank of the river, where they were waiting for them armed with stone axes ...

English teacher:…mother, father, brother and …

Chemistry teacher: Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev with his famous table, as well as ...

Music teacher: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky loved to repeat, in order to become a real musician, one must ...

Labor teacher: take the bar in your left hand, and the hacksaw in your right, then you will never ...

Literature teacher:... do not forget these heartfelt words, so familiar to each of us from childhood.

Physical education teacher: sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up.

They sing a song to the tune of "Songs about Bears."

Somewhere in the world

There is such a school

There are children studying

Everything in the world is.

The teacher spins the globe.

They sleep under the ice of the sea.

The teacher spins the globe

I sleep in class.

La-la-la-la-la-la-la, 1

They sleep under the ice of the sea.


I sleep in class.

Tell about how harmful it is to sleep in the classroom.

In two parts. With prologue and epilogue.


B. (God) - Kurynin

A. (Angel) - Pavlovsky

Ch. (Damn) - Lviv

Amer (American) - American

YurVlad (Yuri Vladimirovich Bobrinev) - Poltorak

IgRyuk (Igor Rurikovich Kozlov) - Savchenko (I should have been here! (i.e. Samsonov))

Theologian (professor of life safety: Aksenov Alexei Mikhailovich) - Plotkin

Gavrilin - Gavrilin

Indura - Indira

Poltorak - Poltorak

Stas - Samoilov

I.Yu. (Istomina Irina Yulievna) - Yulia Podolskaya

T.M. (Sapgir Tatyana Mikhailovna) - Olya Bogovkova

Samsonov - Samsonov

Song of all "About Amer".

There is a physics lesson. Sitting: Amer, Indira, Julia, Gavrilin, Golovanov, Samoilov.

YurVlad: Yes. The quantum model turned out to be very fruitful. It made it possible, for example, to determine the basic quantum numbers of hadrons. It follows from this model that since the spin of a quark is equal to 1/2, the spin of a meson is equal to an integer, and the spin of a baryon is half an integer. Also, this model allows you to discover new particles. For example, omega-minus-hyperon. However, there are difficulties with this model. For example, this model does not allow one to explain the interaction between hadrons. Julia, do you understand?

Julia: Of course.

YurVlad: Do you understand exactly?

Yulia: Of course, I understand.

YurVlad: I'll ask you at the next lesson. Here. This is only due to the fact that we do not know the main masses of quarks. Do you understand everything?

All: Well...

YurVlad: Are you sure?

On the second desk, Amer falls asleep. The lights go out, everyone leaves. Amer stays. The light turns on. He wakes up (raises his head). A., B. enter with a candle. Ch. under the desk. In front of him, Ch. crawls out from under the desk, A., B. sits.

A: We have come to judge you. Are you qualified to study at this school?

C: Yes, yes, yes.

Amer: Why not? I behave well, for example, in literature.

C: I'll show you now.

The light goes out.

Part one.


The light turns on. Sitting: Indira, Poltorak, Gavrilin, Samoilov, Amer, Golovanov. Everyone suffers from bullshit. Igryuk enters.

Igryuk: Yes. Some sleep, some sit. Get up, please.

No reaction.

Igryuk: Sit down.

Everyone gets up.

Igryuk: Yes. I said sit down.

Everyone sits down. Indira begins to write. Gavrilin opens a book under the desk and begins to read.

Igryuk: I have a question for you. In this work, the author shows the whole essence of his worldview, revealing the specifics of the style, peculiar to this author. There is a devaluation of the mood conveyed by the author, starting from the beginning and ending at the end, which, in turn, certainly proves that the parallels along which the author’s thought develops not only intersect many times, but also completely coincide. At the end of the work, the mood is different than at the beginning. In the end, only the derivative of the mood remains. This is evident from the text.

Poltorak (smartly): And by what parameter is the derivative taken?

Indira: They told you: "according to the text"!

Igryuk: Everything is not as simple as, perhaps, you might think. In fact, everything is so complicated that I myself still do not understand it. You understand this thing: you all will have to write a graduation essay, and you must understand that what you understand, you must not only understand, but must understand correctly. What you don't have to understand, you don't have to understand. That is, what needs to be understood, then it is necessary to understand, and what is not necessary to be understood, then it is not necessary to understand, do you understand? This problem stands apart. And it is precisely because of what I just said that the author moves from the beginning of the work to the topic that he reveals in another work at the end, thanks to which he has the idea of ​​​​creating this very work that we are now talking about ... This intention is very clear. And this is what we come to: the author shows us the thought that we have been thinking about for so long. What is this thought? Ta-a-ak ... Let him answer ... Poltorak!

Poltorak: Uh-uh... Could you repeat the question?

Igryuk: What thought did you think about for a long time?

Poltorak: I was thinking about the effect of secondary electron emission.

Igryuk: Yes. Clear. Better let Gavrilin answer then...

Gavrilin (slamming the book): Whom should I call?

Igryuk: Ta-a-ak. Tell me, please… What was your homework for today?

Stas: And when will you return the notebook to me?

Igryuk: So, Stas Samoilov, quickly got up and left the classroom. (Throws the pen into the magazine.) I don't intend to endure this.

Stas: What did I say? For what?

Igryuk: You know why.

Stas: No, I don't know.

Igryuk: So you don't know, I don't intend to endure it anyway.

Indira: Can I ask a question, but it is not quite on the topic?

Igryuk: Please.

Indira: Is there life on Mars?

Igryuk: Well...

A. presses STOP. Everyone freezes.

A .: Now rewind twenty minutes.

Everyone moves sharply and quickly. Igryuk throws a pen into the magazine several times. A. presses STOP.

Igryuk: Well, enough about hadrons to discuss. I don't like talking in general.

The bell rings.

Igryuk: Well, I'm glad that we touched on such an important topic. Of course, we spent this lesson not without benefit. So ... Sokolov - "five", Golovanov - "five", Gavrilin - "plus" ... Gavrilin: I already have nineteen "pluses" !!!

Igryuk: Save... So, whoever has the work written, you can turn it in.

The light goes out. Everyone leaves. The light is on. Standing in front of B. and A. Ch. and Amer.

B: That's not a very good example.

C: I have another example.

The light goes out.

If you boldly go to school

Run like a cheetah through the jungle

And slowly towards you

Someone went out for a walk

Don't turn right

Our school has a principal.

You better turn left -

The head teacher is soft, he will forgive.

If the day came on the Sabbath,

And said strictly the head teacher:

“Your time has come, guys.

Territory of revenge.

Do not pick up a broom -

Let me show you first

How to pile up rubbish

And where to carry it.

And when you all found out

and recorded in detail

With a sense of satisfaction

You can go home.

General appeal to teachers.

We studied science

Every year is like a new start.

Gradually grew up

From their own old desks.

We learned, you taught

Now, scolding, then praising,

We were tolerated, we were loved

So many years of teaching!

Gift for teachers

Children are flowers of life. We give you watering cans so that it is more convenient to bring up the next generations of "flowers"

Delivery of flowers and watering cans. (Toy watering cans, on each inscription "To the beloved teacher from graduates")

Today is a sad day for us

On stage for the last time

And we are sad about

That we leave the school house,

Where was our childhood, our youth,

Where we matured and grew up

Studied, rejoiced, sang,

Lazy, looked out the window.

Now it's all behind

How much ahead

Works, searches and worries?

And we, of course, will be lucky!

All our dreams will come true

And the school will not be forgotten!

And our school years

all: We will never forget!

The hour of parting is getting closer,

But the heart doesn't want to know.

How you want to shake your own hands,

How I want to hug you tight.

Vedas: Today we say goodbye to the school.

There is no way now to the first class.

And I don't want to think about the pain

What is now lurking with us.

Vedas: Here we have grown, become smarter

And we come to life, finally.

We'll leave and the doors will slam

What hurts so much for our hearts.

Vedas: Everything that they taught us at school,

It will not pass, it will not disappear like smoke.

Goodbye, painfully familiar

The school house that saluted us relatives.


There comes a solemn moment

For some reason, the hall is quiet now,

We don't know how to say in a song

How to convey all the love in words,

We are accustomed to the warmth of your eyes ...

The main thing is that you are with us now!

Pr: We wish you not to grow old in spite of the years,

Trouble always bypasses you

Well, at this hour we will say a thousand times

The main thing is that you are with us now!

Pupil. Today we say thank you

Of course, to their parents,

Your care, and attention, and patience

They always help us!

But we confess with regret:

We are deaf sometimes

We are at your request and concern,

Doubts, bitter reproaches.

wall of misunderstanding

Suddenly grows between us.

And sometimes it seems: she

Can't collapse

Even with a tsunami!

And we love, we love you!

But feelings are often kept a secret!

And only restraint sometimes

Prevents us from admitting it.

First teacher

Do you remember ten years ago
When I entered the school for the first time,
Your teachers here met a warm look,
You sat down at your desk and opened a new textbook.

Vedas: Yes, there was a time ... Then our first teachers struggled, sparing no effort, trying to teach us how to hold a fountain pen correctly, connect letters to make syllables, words. Yes, it was…….. Do you remember our first call?

Vedas: Huge bows, more than a head.

Vedas: Huge bouquets, because of which we are not visible.

Vedas: Huge, frightened eyes.

Vedas: Olga Burtseva was late ...

Vedas: Not only she...

Person 1: Well, we're late...

2nd: I knew it. Everything as usual. It was exactly the same in kindergarten.

3rd: And I also lost my mother.

4th: My mother got lost too.

All: And my...

1st: And how can we find our class now?

2nd: What class are you from?

1st: From 1 A.

2nd: And I am from 1 V.

3rd: A I from 1 B.

4th: I am also from 1 B.

1st: We need to find our teacher.

All: How?

1st: We saw our teachers, let's remember. Here is my teacher, tall, beautiful and kind. And yours?

2nd: Mine? Kind and beautiful.

3 Vedas: Ours is also kind and beautiful.

1st: And my teacher is the most beautiful!

2nd: No, my most beautiful.

All: No, mine.

3rd: (approaches any teacher) Aunty, do you know where my teacher is?

1st: I found my teacher! Here she is: tall, kind and beautiful. I remembered her name is S.I.

/approaches Ermakova S.I./

2nd: And here is my teacher, kind and beautiful, named N.V.

/ approaches Zakharova N.V. /

3rd: And this is our teacher, also kind and beautiful, and her name is E.A.

/approaches Veselova E.A./

4th: You took us as kids,
Since then, we have matured a lot.
We will remember again and again
How did you feel about us?

1st: We remember the first class,
When the school is on the doorstep
Fate bound us tightly

Leading on the right path.

2nd: A10 years ago
By your good will
The four most expensive classes

Born in our school.

Vedas: How quickly time flies. Before we knew it, we had already graduated from elementary school. And how many interesting things there were.

Vedas: We read our first word.

Vedas: We wrote our first sentence.

Vedas: We added up the first numbers.

Vedas: We remembered our address.

Vedas: And a phone number ...

Vedas: They explained to us, but we did not quite understand why it was impossible to run along the corridors ...

Vedas: Why do you need to bring a shift ...

Vedas: Why is it necessary to be silent in the lesson, and when they are called to the board, you need to say something ...

Vedas: But most importantly, we found our first friends here.

Leading: The climb got steeper
Objects swirled like dark clouds!
Leading: But with every lesson and every subject,
Less darkness and more light.


Vedas: We read, we wrote,
We made the control decisions.
We sat all day
In front of the blackboard.

Vedas: Six lessons - a difficult path,
We would like to straighten our backs,
We should turn our necks
We need to warm up our muscles.

Vedas: But the bell rings again,
Calling for a lesson.


Since 2000 he has managed the school weather.

Director- wonderful, and wise, and strict,

Leads us all the time on the right path.

Keeping from various adversities and problems

A home that is comfortable for everyone!

Here head teachers ours are in anxiety, in care

They do not find shortcomings, gaps,

Help to the director - both in word and deed!

Here are our head teachers - in anxiety, in care,

In academic and extracurricular activities,

They do not find shortcomings, gaps

Help the director in word and deed!

And these, friends, are our teachers!

Own the subject, technique, deftly

They drive science into children's heads!

But the caretaker looks puzzled,

Our school is being carried by an economic cart.

Subject to him and a plumber, drivers,

And the cook, electrician, janitor, watchmen,

All watchmen and kitchen workers.

Whose work we appreciate together!

Above all papers there is also a king -

Anna Vladimirovna is our secretary!


The director is sitting on the seashore with an umbrella, glasses, an armchair, a blanket,

Director: It's good to be on vacation, as much as 2 weeks of rest. No problems, students, teachers. What happiness! At school, I'm sure everything is in order, there are head teachers, they are very responsible, they will do everything, they will find a way out of any situation. But you should call them, otherwise they will be offended that they completely forgot about them. (Looks at phone and falls asleep)

Head teachers sit at a table littered with papers and sing to the tune "All is well, beautiful Marquise"


Hello, hello, what's the news?

Well, how are you doing?

Fifteen days since I'm away

Well, how is my schoolgirl?

head teachers: All is well, our wonderful director,

Things go on and life is easy

Except for the rubbish.

Such a trifle, an empty thing,

In the foyer, a light bulb burned out,

Otherwise, our excellent director,

All is well, all is well.

Director: Hello, hello, bad news!

My heart sank from fear,

Tell me quickly, quickly

How did it all happen?

Head teachers: Everything is fine, our wonderful director,

Everything is good as ever

No sad surprise

Except for the rubbish.

The light bulb burned out in the foyer,

Everything went up in flames,

The school and the fence burned down,

The school yard is on fire

And the rest, our wonderful director,

All is well, all is well.

The director is sleeping. Phone call.

Nekrasov: El.Vas.! How are you doing? We are fine!

Director: How? Are you OK? Didn't you call me?

Nekrasov: Not! Well, if you're okay, then we're happy. Okay, goodbye, E.V.

Director: So it was a dream. What happiness!

Where does school start?
From the director, first of all.
From this great woman
Who has been given so much.

Vedas: How does school start?
From the director's gaze,
With the cares of this strong woman,
That remembers each of us.

Vedas: Or maybe it begins
From her sleepless nights?
Thank you dear director
Thank you from your children.

Like the captain of a big ship

On the captain's bridge you stand permanently.

And to the pier called Earth.

You will surely lead us through the storms.

Behind you like behind a stone wall:

Help fix problems.

For the leadership of the school country

On this holiday, "thank you!"

Let's all say.


(To the melody of L. Dolina's song "Weather in the House")

What is the outlook for school today?

With whom is our director now at odds?

I think, "Oh, Lord, have mercy.

To keep me out of his eyes..."

Most importantly, the principal at the school,

Everything else is nonsense!

After all, there is an order, which means (2 times)

Why everyone sit here until the morning!


Sounds like a marine theme. A young "poet" enters, with a scarf around his neck.

Above the great ________sk-grad, the trill of the bell sounds louder and louder.

That bell rings hysterically and calls for a change.

From a large office that is called the teacher's room,

Vladislav Andreevich came out, vigilantly surveying the school.

Then on the first floor he walks with first-graders,

That arrow flies to the third - similar to black lightning.

Here he is saying words of reproach to the double-dealer Vasya.

And Vasya's hamstrings tremble, his knees bend...

In those words and thirst for a storm, the power of anger, the flame of passion

And the confidence that Vasya will still correct the deuce.

Here the bell rings again, the corridors are empty ...

There remains only a couple inseparable so much

How many children know themselves by studying in this school.

A couple that has grown together forever and cannot imagine itself without each other

This couple: The school and its director.

Each of us says words of gratitude to the teacher at least once in a lifetime. And excellent students, and even those who cannot be attributed to exemplary quiet ones. 🙂 After all, school is a golden time for every student .

And it is no coincidence that we often remember the years spent at the school desk, fun changes and the first real friends. . BUT because it’s funny to think, but a few years ago we were afraid to answer the lessons, counted the days in anticipation of the holidays and dreamed about how we would spend our graduation party. 🙂

Well, here it is already just around the corner - the last school holiday. The event is responsible, it is like a record of a new era, the beginning of an adult, so desired life.

And, of course, a special place among the festive events is occupied by a word of thanks to teachers . Such words, by the way, have to be said on Teacher's Day too!

This moment is exciting for everyone: students, teachers and parents. What words of gratitude to the teacher to say, and how to choose the right words that can express the whole overflowing gamut of tender feelings?

Here are some examples of a possible response, solemn speech on behalf of parents or students. Of course, they are not a guide to action, but they may well serve as the basis for creating your own, unique text. The first option of the response word would be more appropriate to use by the parents of the students.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the parents

  • Dear our teachers! Let me thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my heart for the great and responsible work that you do every day. For ten years, you helped our children grow, learn and become real people. You not only brought a lot of new and important knowledge to them, you sowed respect, friendship and love in their souls. You, as second parents, took care of our children, day after day, in frost, rain and sunny days, in spite of hardships and illnesses. You worried about their failures and rejoiced at their victories. Thanks to you, they learned Ohm's law, the Pythagorean theorem, the multiplication table, read hundreds of books and learned a huge number of poems. Our children learned what politeness, friendship, mutual assistance, responsibility are ... Thank you for being ready to give knowledge and friendly support to every child, because everyone has and had once a teacher, the president of the country, the minister, the simple worker, scientist or doctor. Thank you for your hard work.

The second option of possible speech is also more preferable for parents of students.

  • Teacher! How much meaning this word has for each student! Friend, mentor, comrade - these are the synonyms I want to pick up for this great word! You keep the knowledge and life values ​​that you pass on from generation to generation to our children. Thank you so much for this hard, and sometimes very hard work. At this solemn moment, when yesterday's kids are on the threshold of a new life, we want to thank you for your patience and attention to your students.

Well, this option in the response speech can already be used by the students themselves.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the students

  • Our dear teachers! On this festive but sad day, we want to thank you very much! Thank you for being our mentors during these long years! Thank you for the support, advice, and the knowledge that you have given us. Leaving our native school, we will never forget the happy hours spent here. Thanks to your efforts and patience, today's graduates will become great people, because each of us has become special in our own way. . You opened up new horizons and new knowledge for us. Everything you have done for us is uncountable. Thank you for that!

The response speech can be issued not only in prose, but also in poetic form. It is better if such congratulations come from schoolchildren, and not parents.

This remark is due to the fact that poetry acts as an informal way of responding speech. There are a lot of options for the finished text, examples of response speech are posted in large numbers on the Internet, and are also found in specialized literature.

General rules for thanking teachers

When preparing a response, it is necessary to take into account several general, universal postulates.

  1. On average, the response word should take 2 - 3 minutes, in extreme cases, about 5 minutes.
  2. You should not use a large number of complex and incomprehensible terms, for this event this is completely useless.
  3. Speech should be succinct not recommended allocate one particular teacher, with the exception of the class teacher. If necessary, personal congratulations can be expressed after the end of the solemn event.

If we schematically depict the structure of the response word at the prom, we get the following, rather classic scheme:

  • Greetings;
  • The main part is words of gratitude;
  • Conclusion.

The first part implies a general appeal to teachers, the second part is a direct and main text of gratitude. At this stage, it is important to emphasize how much and why you thank the teachers. You can end the text with a little repetition about mutual love and respect.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher or director

It is recommended to express a separate word to the class teacher or school principal. In the first case, it is possible to emphasize the similarity of the teacher with the second mother, to single out the aspect not so much of teaching the subject, but of guardianship and care. Here is one example of such a speech:

  • Our dear (interim teacher), on this memorable day, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. For your help, for your friendly support and participation . You not only taught us subjects and life, you protected and guarded us, gave advice and wise parting words. It was to you that we went with our hardships and difficulties, only you could wholeheartedly share our victories and new achievements. Today, like many years ago, we want to confess our love and respect to you. You are not just a teacher, you are a friend and a reliable comrade! Thank you for your hard work, believe me, it did not go unappreciated. Today, tomorrow and always, we will open the doors of our school to come to visit you as if it were our own home, to the warm and kind world of childhood that you created for us.

Speech to the school principal is also often mandatory. Since the director most often does not teach lessons, but is engaged in organizational activities, it is much more difficult to prepare a response.

It would be best if you thank the teacher for his excellent administrative work, the well-coordinated and professional school team he created, caring for children and creating a sincere atmosphere.

General rules for speaking with words of gratitude to the teacher

As for the performance itself, the following aspects of it are worth noting.

Speech should be spoken clearly, moderately quickly, as emotionally as possible.

Try not to look sad, even if you have to say sentimental, soul-stirring things .

The response word can also be successfully supplemented with a true story that reflects the concern of the teacher for his students. This will give the response speech a certain personal touch, make it more sincere.

During the performance, you should not gesticulate too actively, but you just need to smile.

At the end of the response speech, it is appropriate to give a bouquet of flowers to the teacher or give a slight bow .

It is best to tell a speech learned in advance, and not read it from a piece of paper, it looks more responsible and serious.

If desired, the speech can be told both solo and united with one of the parents or students, a duet. In this case, the duration of the text in time can be slightly increased.

This is how, approximately, you can express your feelings and say words of gratitude to the teacher. However, do not forget the main thing. It doesn't matter what you say - or to the teachers.

The main thing is always your sincerity!

Only sincere words coming from the depths of the soul will be perceived and appreciated by the addressees. This I learned from my own experience. When . Be yourself - it's always beneficial! 🙂

By the way, what do you think is better: recycle some of the prepared standard options for thanking the teacher, or come up with your own version? Feel free to comment on the article!

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