Mushroom project for a preschool group. Presentation for the lesson on the world around (younger group) on the topic: Mushrooms. I can't count them all

Relevance: Children are not sufficiently aware of the variety of trees, mushrooms that grow in our forests. The fact that mushrooms, like plants and animals, form an independent kingdom of wildlife. Mushrooms reproduce by spores, not seeds, like plants and do not bloom. Trees (forest) purify and moisten the air, create coolness. The felled tree is construction material: boards, plywood, furniture, toys, paper are made from dried trunks. Trees grow slowly, so they need to be protected. We need to protect the trees, take care of them. Relevance: Children are not sufficiently aware of the variety of trees, mushrooms that grow in our forests. The fact that mushrooms, like plants and animals, form an independent kingdom of wildlife. Mushrooms reproduce by spores, not seeds, like plants and do not bloom. Trees (forest) purify and moisten the air, create coolness. Sawn wood is a building material: boards, plywood, furniture, toys, paper are made from dried trunks. Trees grow slowly, so they need to be protected. We need to protect the trees, take care of them.

Project objectives: Educational: - to deepen and expand knowledge on the topic; - name the main (in the area), trees, mushrooms; - formulate and use nouns in the genitive case plural; - to formulate the rules of behavior in the forest.

Developing: - analyze and apply the acquired knowledge in practice in solving the tasks; - use sensory information obtained earlier, activate memory, thinking operations (comparison, classification, analysis, synthesis), include recreative and creative imagination - generalize the main features of mushrooms, trees, compare their features, highlight the main parts; - work collaboratively with peers communication skills, distinguish between edible and non-edible mushrooms, name them, talk about hallmarks; - use an active vocabulary (names, signs, actions) accumulated during the study of the topic.

Stage 1: preparatory Preliminary work of the teacher Production of: - albums on lexical topics: "Trees", "Mushrooms"; - demonstration material: "Autumn", "Trees", "Edible and poisonous mushrooms»; - creation of a card file: poems, proverbs, finger games, games for general motor skills, physical education minutes, riddles on the topic: "Forest", "Mushrooms"; - compiling crosswords about trees, mushrooms. - production of files didactic games"Forest" - Procurement of material for observations, and making crafts: (moss, mushrooms, spruce and pine branches, berries, spruce and pine cones, birch mushroom). - Making a herbarium. Reading works of art. - Reading the author's fairy tales by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom", V. Kataev "The pipe and the jug", Russian folk tale"About the goat." - Watching the cartoon: "Under the fungus" - Listening to music: "Voices of the autumn forest" Musical activities- Round dance "Let's go to the forest for mushrooms" (the melody of the round dance "Let's go to the garden for raspberries" is used). Work with parents: - Consultation for parents and teachers: "Healing effects of forest sounds"; - informational consultation "Poisonous and edible mushrooms" was prepared - participation of parents in the collection natural material. - an exhibition of handicrafts from natural materials of parents with children.

3rd stage: final Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials Conversations: Take care of forests, protect from fires, from evil people! Rules of conduct in the forest! Save forests for animals, because they cannot live without forests. Surround the forests with care, birds will nest there. Mushroom Kingdom. Who benefits, who harms, from poisonous mushrooms. This is our family with you, this is our motherland. Save the forests! Save! We won't stop talking.

Lexical theme "Mushrooms".

Subject: Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

In the classroom I often use modern information and communication technologies - this is one of the newest and most pressing problems in modern preschool pedagogy.

Goal: Formation of sustainable skills to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms.

To systematize and deepen the knowledge of children about edible and inedible mushrooms, to activate the dictionary on the topic "Mushrooms", the development of visual and auditory attention and perception.

Children love when interactive games are used in the classroom. Where everyone can play.

Presentation "Edible and poisonous mushrooms"

This thematic development can be used by educators in older groups preschool institutions, teachers primary school high school, teachers of the natural-mathematical cycle in correctional schools.

This material can be used in biology lessons, when studying the topic "Edible and poisonous mushrooms", during excursions to the forest, during festive events. extracurricular activities"Gifts of the Forest", "Gifts of Autumn".

The peculiarity of this work is that it is presented in poetic form, which makes it easier to remember the names and main external features mushrooms.

Selected illustrations contribute to the development of visual-figurative thinking.

There is an acquaintance with some types of tubular and agaric found in the forest. Children receive basic information about edible and poisonous mushrooms, learn to distinguish and describe them. Expanding horizons, expanding lexicon.

In parallel, developing careful attitude to the forest ecosystem.


Educational presentation for preschoolers "Children about mushrooms"

A child of 3-5 years old has a superficial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms. He can distinguish the main parts of the mushroom visible on the surface, he knows that there are mushrooms that cannot be eaten. From the age of five, you can more deeply acquaint the child with mushrooms.

Tell us that the fungus has an underground part - the mycelium, the fungus reproduces by spores.

There are Chanterelle mushrooms, boletus mushrooms grow under a birch, etc. Mushrooms can be used in a variety of dishes. All this and much more the child will learn from our presentation. At the end there are questions to consolidate knowledge and interactive entertaining tasks on the topic "Mushrooms".


More details on the site

Children about mushrooms | My Wunder Kinder

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog "My Wunder Kinder"! Today I want to bring to your attention a comprehensive lesson for children about mushrooms. This activity can be done in kindergarten with a group of children, and at home.

Equipment for a comprehensive lesson with children about mushrooms

Basket or box;

Models of mushrooms, pictures and photos;

Silhouettes images of mushrooms;

Fly agaric hats for each child (for a dynamic pause). Making them is very simple: fold a cocked hat from a rectangle of thick paper and paint it in the desired colors.

Computer or laptop to view the presentation.

Put models of mushrooms or pictures in a basket and cover with a beautiful cape decorated with paper autumn leaves. We do all this in secret from the children. We draw the attention of children to the covered basket.

In kindergarten, some character (hedgehog, squirrel, bear) can bring a basket - a disguised adult or a child.

Suggest a riddle:

Who stands on a strong leg In the brown leaves by the path? It looks like an umbrella, only a hundred times smaller. If there is a thunderstorm on the horizon, He is very happy.

If it's raining and warm, He thinks he's lucky!

Of course, this is a mushroom (remove the cape from the basket). Ask the children which words from the riddle told them the answer. Which of them went to the forest for mushrooms with their parents? If you conduct a lesson with your child at home, then remember your trip to the forest for mushrooms. If you are not mushroom pickers, then just ask your child where you can find mushrooms.

Invite the children to take out dummies or pictures of mushrooms from the basket one by one, name friends. Ask what all mushrooms have in common (hat, leg). How do they differ from each other? (color, size, shape).

To learn more about mushrooms, invite the children to watch the presentation.

Presentation about mushrooms for children

Usually I suggest viewing presentations in flash format, but this time the conversion to flash did not work for some reason unknown to me. I downloaded the basis of the presentation from the site "Chitariki". You can see screenshots of the presentation below, and you can download it from the secret page (horizontal menu under the site header). The secret page is available only to subscribers. To receive an access code, fill out the form at the end of the article.

In addition to the presentation on the secret page, you will find an archive that contains mushroom coloring pages (you can also make mushroom silhouettes from them), pictures and photographs of mushrooms and cards with mushrooms and descriptions.

In the middle of the presentation, dynamic pause, you will need fly agaric hats (you can do without them, but it’s more interesting with hats).

Screenshots of a presentation for children about mushrooms

title slide slide with a video clip where mushrooms grow slide about mushrooms how to pick mushrooms what mushrooms are

After watching the presentation, have a conversation with the children. Ask the children who the Gibs are friends with in the forest. Rain - best friend mushrooms. It is not for nothing that the proverbs say: “It will rain - there will be a mushroom”, “Rare rain will begin - prepare a strong box”.

What time of the year are there the most mushrooms? (Children's answers). And there is a proverb about this too: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with mushrooms.”

And mushrooms have been friends with trees for a long time. Which mushrooms are friends with which trees? (Children's answers). Find these mushrooms in the pictures or let the children find the right dummy.

Ask the children why mushroom picking is called "silent hunting"? (Children's answers). The forest is not our home, we are guests in it. And if you already came to visit - respect the owners of the forest: plants, animals - different forest inhabitants.

How to behave in the forest? (Children's answers). You can not shout, litter, trample on plants, pluck mushrooms by the roots. On ordinary hunting they go with guns, and on mushroom hunting- with knives. Why, you know? (Children's answers). Mushrooms should not be picked, but cut.

And for what? (Children's answers). In order not to pull out the mycelium - the roots of mushrooms. Without a mycelium, there will be no new mushrooms.

Ask the children if each mushroom can be put in a basket? Why? (Children's answers). What poisonous mushrooms do you remember? Why are they poisonous? (Children's answers). They contain poison that can cause poisoning. You need to collect mushrooms only well-known to you.

And what is the most dangerous poisonous mushroom? Show it in a picture. Look at it and remember well.

Mobile game "Kuzovok"

I offer two versions of this game - for younger and older preschoolers.

I OPTION for children under five years of age.

Place mock-ups of trees, stumps and dummies of mushrooms in a group (kindergartens, as a rule, have all this). If you conduct classes at home, then simply place dummies or pictures of different mushrooms in a spacious room. In kindergarten, this game is best done by dividing the children into two or three subgroups. The task of children is to collect mushrooms in a basket while cheerful music is playing (you can use a video clip from the presentation). Then everyone looks at who has collected what mushrooms, whether anyone has poisonous ones.

II OPTIONfor children over five years old

Everything is the same, only the game is played as a competition - who will have more mushrooms, inedible are not considered. Children will fix the ordinal count and comparison by quantity.

creative workshop

Children are given album sheets, silhouettes of mushrooms, pencils or felt-tip pens. The task of the child is to circle the silhouette of the mushroom, color it and finish the details. Older preschoolers can sign the name of the mushroom.

Those who still do not know how to write will simply name what kind of mushroom they got, whether it is edible or not.

While the children are working, turn on the music with children's songs. The session ends with an exhibition of children's work.

Please fill out the form below to gain access to the secret page.

Short poems for the little ones. Cardboard pages. Color pictures.

On each page, the hero has slits instead of eyes, on the last page - plastic eyes with movable pupils. The child turns the pages, and each character "appears" eyes.Eyes: Mushrooms - Maria Manakova | Buy a book with delivery |

The use of stencils contributes to the development of fine motor skills, eye measurement and coordination of movements, accuracy and prepares the hand for writing. Stencil "Mushrooms" | Buy with delivery |

The book will introduce the child to the most common types of mushrooms in our country, will dedicate the child to the secrets of mushroom pickers, and teach the basic rules of behavior in the forest. that book is the first reference book for a preschool child, containing scientifically reliable information about mushrooms, the features of their appearance and growth, accessible to his age. Kingdom of mushrooms - Garibova LV | Buy a book with delivery |

See you on the blog "My Wunder Kinder"!

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Material from the site

Lesson "Mushrooms of our region"

Download presentation (355.8k B)

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full potential of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

The lesson allows you to update the knowledge of preschoolers about the edible and poisonous mushrooms known to them in our region; acquire new knowledge about the group edible mushrooms; about the use of poisonous mushrooms as a medicine, the rules for collecting mushrooms. The game "Logic chains" developed by the teacher includes pictograms denoting the main concepts of the course. Drawing up a logical chain by a child allows children to form a holistic view of the world around them, the ability to classify objects, the ability to describe them.

The use of multimedia in this lesson allows you to visually present mushrooms growing in the forests of the Urals, intensify educational process, increase the speed of perception, understanding and depth of assimilation; as well as activate cognitive activity students. This can be done using a presentation containing photographs of mushrooms, textual material (riddles), pictograms indicating the basic concepts of the topic. The use of multimedia in the classroom contributes to a better memorization of new terms, helps to make the lesson brighter and more multifaceted.

Homework is a sketch in the "Workbook" of edible mushrooms: honey agaric, butterdish, russula and milk mushrooms, which contributes to the formation in preschoolers of the ability to independently find necessary information, that is, the formation of information competence, as well as the fulfillment, at will, of tasks for the development of attention and thinking.

This lesson is part of the "World of Nature" section, which includes the study of the kingdoms "Mushroom World", "Plant World" and "Animal World". It is advisable to start the transition from this lesson to the study of the plant world with a conversation about where mushrooms grow, which logically leads to the conclusion that mushrooms must have plants.

Purpose of the lesson: develop cognitive, mental abilities and positive moral qualities of older children preschool age using various activities in the study of the topic "Mushrooms of our region".


  • expand and systematize the knowledge of pupils about representatives various groups mushrooms;
  • to form in children a holistic view of the world around them;
  • educational:
  • educate children in respect for nature;
  • teach pupils to take care of their health;
  • to cultivate love for the native land, works of folk art;
  • developing:
  • to develop in children an interest in the knowledge of the world around them;
  • to form in pupils the ability of logical thinking, generalization and classification;
  • develop attention, memory, perception.

Equipment: for children - "Workbooks" (section "Man and Nature" 1 year of study) *; colored and simple pencils; printed sheets of the "Workbook" for the lesson "Mushrooms" ( Annex I ) ; laptop, multimedia projector, screen; visual aids: "Tinder fungi", "Chaga"; cardboard fly agaric for the game "Find the mushroom" - 10 pcs.

This lesson is occupation of the primary familiarization type.

When organizing this form of education for pupils of senior preschool age, the following are of paramount importance:

  • verbal method- conversation with children, teacher's story, poetry reading;
  • visual method - viewing photographs, natural objects of wildlife;
  • practical task method

Presentation on the topic "Edible and inedible mushrooms" free download

slide number 2Description of the slide:

There is an iron rule that all mushroom pickers adhere to: You need to collect only familiar mushrooms! Mushrooms that are in doubt are better not to take!

slide number 3Description of the slide:

Pale grebe Grows abundantly in places, but single mushrooms are more common, especially in the middle lane, the Baltic states, almost throughout the forest-steppe zone. Grows in oak forests or other deciduous forests, often on the edges, clearings, from June to October. The mushroom is deadly poisonous.

All parts are poisonous, even spores.

slide number 4Description of the slide:

fly agaric Amanita muscaria grows in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, especially often in birch forests, often and abundantly, singly and large groups, from June to autumn frosts.

slide number 5Description of the slide:

false honey mushrooms It occurs often, but not abundantly throughout the forest zone. Mushrooms grow in groups, in which there are sometimes up to 50 fruit bodies, fused with the bases of the legs.

They grow on rotten hardwood and conifers, on stumps, at the bases of trunks from April to October, but most of all in August - September. The mushroom is poisonous! When ingested, it causes stomach and intestinal colic.

slide number 6Description of the slide:

Poddubovik Poddubovik (dubovik) ordinary grows in oak-mixed, not dense forests. Very often grows on the edge of the forest. The boletus can be found from mid-summer to autumn.

This is one of the most beautiful appearance and colors of mushrooms middle lane.

slide number 7Description of the slide:

Russula Russula are often found in our forests. However, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to navigate their diversity. Representatives of the russula genus are common in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Far East.

In addition, russula are found in North America. These mushrooms appear in July, but there are especially many of them in August and September. Russula are found in a wide variety of forest types. Sometimes mushroom pickers eat some russula fresh with salt (hence their name).

slide number 8Description of the slide:

milk mushrooms More common in the northern half of the forest zone of Russia, mainly in coniferous forests, mainly in young spruce forests, pine forests and fir forests, less often in mixed forests. It grows not as plentifully as a real breast, but in groups from July, more often from August to October.

slide number 9Description of the slide:

boletus Mushrooms of this genus are distributed throughout the range of pines in the northern hemisphere. Some types of oil are found even in the tropics. Only on the territory former Union 15 species are known.

Oily is characterized by a smooth, sticky or slightly slimy hat.

slide number 10Description of the slide:

boletus boletus is a very common species, forms a community with various types birch. Distributed in the Arctic, forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia, Far East. Grows in birch and mixed forests, swamps and tundra.

Fruiting from June to September. The cap of the boletus is at first hemispherical, later cushion-shaped. Coloring can be mottled, whitish, gray-brown, mouse-gray, brown, dark brown, almost black.

slide number 11Description of the slide:

boletus Aspen is one of the most common in temperate zone northern hemisphere edible mushrooms. in terms of nutrition and palatability he, together with the boletus, takes an honorable second place after the porcini mushroom and camelina.

Boletus is common in the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Fruiting from June to September.

slide number 12Description of the slide:

White mushroom It is considered one of the most valuable types of mushrooms. The cap of the porcini mushroom can reach 20 cm in diameter. The color of the cap is very diverse: whitish, light gray.

It can be yellow, brown or brown tones, purple, red, black-brown. growing White mushroom throughout Eurasia in the temperate and subarctic zones. Fruits in June - October.

It is difficult to confuse the white mushroom with poisonous inedible mushrooms.

slide number 13Description of the slide:

camelina mushrooms grow mainly in coniferous forests, especially in pine and spruce. They prefer lighted places: glades, edges, young forest. Distributed in the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Fruiting from June to October.

slide number 14Description of the slide:

champignons Common champignon is often found in large groups from early summer to late autumn in fields, meadows, pastures, gardens, kitchen gardens, forest glades, forest edges.

slide number 15Description of the slide:

volnushka Grows everywhere in deciduous and mixed forests under birches, especially abundant in sparse coniferous-birch young stands with a hummocky soil surface covered with grass.

slide number 16Description of the slide:

Guess riddles. 1. Pale hat, skirt on a leg, Looks down - handles to the sides. Beautiful and important - but no one needs.

2. Along the forest paths there are many white legs In multi-colored hats, conspicuous from a distance. Who is in gray, who is in green, who is in pink, who is in yellow. You take them, do not hesitate, because this is 3. I am growing in a red cap among aspen roots. You will see me a mile away - I am called - ...

4. In a pink shaggy hat - but does not look like a bungler. Like a plush ear, for salting

slide number 17

Material from the site

Project "Mushrooms-mushrooms"

Relevance of the project implementation:

Nature gives us a lot of beautiful, tasty, useful. Autumn is especially generous with gifts. How many delicious fruits and vegetables ripen in people's gardens, how many bright colors flourishes in gardens. Just do not count the gifts that nature gives, without requiring any effort from man. These are berries, and mushrooms, and medicinal herbs. Every person should love and protect nature. And you need to instill love for her with early childhood. So in kindergarten, we constantly turn to this problem, considering it with children from all possible sides. In order for a child to have a desire to preserve and protect nature, he must learn to see its beauty and understand its value to humans. Not every modern parent goes to the forest with their children. But it is impossible to get to know nature close enough without visiting the forest in different times of the year. Autumn forest extraordinarily handsome. That is why the children and parents and I undertook to implement the Mushrooms-Mushrooms project. Walking the stairs to the final project activities, the guys and I will learn a lot of new and interesting things about native nature, get acquainted with various types of mushrooms, the characteristics of their growth and useful properties, both for humans and for animals, birds. Together with parents, we will organize exhibitions in a group and decorate our site.
Target: expand children's understanding of forests native land in general and mushrooms in particular through the organization different types activities, create conditions for increasing the activity of the participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten, group.
instill love in children caring attitude to nature, to show the value of nature and its gifts for every person.
Tutorial: to form in children knowledge about mushrooms and their species, about the value of mushrooms for humans and animals, birds, to expand knowledge about the forests of their native land, to learn to understand mushrooms, to take care of nature.
develop curiosity, observation, develop Creative skills children, involve parents and children in joint activities.
Project author: educator: Ostanina Victoria Alexandrovna
Project type:
creative, information and research.
Project type: family, group.
children do not have sufficient knowledge about mushrooms growing in the forests of the Ural region.
Expected results: fostering a caring attitude towards nature, expanding children's knowledge about mushrooms and their value to humans, involving parents and children in joint activities, establishing trust and partnerships with them.
Location: MDOU DS No. 53 "Silver Hoof".
Dates: 3-4 week of September.
Working mode: during and outside of class.
Number of project participants:
2 educators: Ostanina V.A., Pepelyaeva A.Yu., children - 18 people, parents - 32 people.
Children's age: 4-5 years.

Conduct form:

Game activities, conversations, memorizing poems about mushrooms and autumn, viewing the presentation “Mushrooms of our forests”, an exhibition of books “Mushroom Glade”, a photo collage “We are mushroom pickers” (a joint activity of children and parents), designing the site “And we have grown mushrooms! » (joint activity of parents and educators), productive activity: modeling, application.
Material and equipment: Poems, proverbs, masks for theatrical activities, attributes for a role-playing game, musical equipment, collections of children's songs, a laptop, a presentation "Mushrooms of our forests", cartoons, models of various mushrooms, a basket, colored paper, scissors, cardboard, glue - a pencil , a set of demonstration pictures "Mushrooms", a selection of children's books about mushrooms (for an exhibition in a group), 4 small logs, 4 basins of various sizes, paint, nails, a shovel, newspapers, PVA glue, varnish, dry birch leaves, plasticine.
Stage 1.
Communication of the theme of the project to children and parents in order to involve them in joint activities. Acquaintance with the work plan, distribution of responsibilities, taking into account the wishes and capabilities of the parents.
Stage 2.
Formulation of the problem:
Autumn has come to us!
How many bright colors she brought to people!
Brought gifts
Berries, mushrooms.
There are many delicious things in the garden, look!
There are already ripe apples hanging.
Every gardener is happy with the harvest!
Educator: Guys, tell me what this poem is about? What did the author want to say?
Children answer questions.
Educator: That's right, the author tells us about the wonderful time of the year. Only in autumn nature gives us so many gifts at once! Something a person grows himself in the garden and in the garden. But what does nature itself give us?
The children answer.
Educator: Yes, nature is rich in gifts. These are berries and mushrooms and healing herbs. Today we will talk with you about mushrooms. Many different mushrooms grow in our forests. Let's watch the presentation "Mushrooms of our forests"
Stage 3.
Organization of project activities.
3.1. Game activity.
*** Role-playing game "Family", "In the forest", "Shop",
Purpose: to develop independence in children in the game, to learn to imitate adults; clarify the features of behavior in the forest and the rules for gathering in the forest; learn collective game respectful attitude towards each other.
*** Board game "Animals of our forests", lotto "Who lives where", "Vegetables, fruits".
Purpose: to expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, to develop coherent speech.
*** Word games “Who lives where? ”, “Say a word”, “Correct the mistake”, “Continue the story”, “Edible, inedible”.
Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the world around them, to learn to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms, develop speech, memory.
3.2. Artistic and speech activity.
Purpose: to instill love and respect for nature, cultivate love and respect for family members, take care of loved ones, teach to listen carefully, develop speech and memory.
Reading and memorizing poems about mushrooms, autumn.
Conversation: “To whom mushrooms are useful”, “Rules of conduct in the forest”, “What are mushrooms”.
Reading proverbs and sayings about mushrooms, guessing riddles.
Musical and theatrical activity.
Purpose: to teach to listen to music, to perform movements to the beat of the music as shown by the teacher and other children, to develop friendliness towards each other.
3.3. Artistic and aesthetic activity.
Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, to teach to bring joy to another, to bring the work begun to the end, to instill accuracy in work.
Application from colored paper "Brothers - mushrooms".
Application from colored paper and dry leaves "Autumn guest"
Modeling of various mushrooms: boletus, chanterelle, boletus.
Design in the group of the exhibition of children's works "All mushrooms are good!"
3.4. Exhibition. Photo collage "We are mushroom pickers"
Purpose: to develop children's interest in picking mushrooms, discuss the value of mushrooms for human body, get acquainted with family traditions children, involve parents in joint activities with children.
3.5. Action "And we grew mushrooms!"
(beautification of the Kindergarten site).
Purpose: to draw the attention of parents to the need for improvement of the site, to involve them in joint activities.
Stage 4. Project product.
4.1. Exhibition of books "Mushroom meadow"
4.2. Photo exhibition "We are mushroom pickers"
4.3. Production of wicker boxes for natural material in the Living Corner.
4.4. Exhibition of children's creativity "All mushrooms are good!"
4.5. Action "And we grew mushrooms!"

To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in:

Slides captions:

Mushrooms Presentation for children 1st ml. group GBDOU No. 9 of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg May 2014

In the forest We'll find a hundred mushrooms in the forest, We'll go around the clearing. We won't take it to the box Pale grebe. We will search all the oaks, Christmas trees and aspens And good mushrooms We'll put it in baskets.

In the summer it grows in the forest, It does not go into the basket by itself. He needs to bow, Cut off the leg, do not be lazy, He will take off his hat then, Food is delicious from him. What grows under the hat, Doesn't go into the basket by itself? (Mushroom)

Borovik Walked along the path - Borovik was found. Borovik borovik In the moss took cover with his head. We could pass it, It's good that we walked quietly.

Boletus, Boletus, Deftly hid Under a birch. Yes, you do not hide So diligently - I will find you Necessarily.

I do not argue - not white, I'm brothers, simpler. I usually grow up in a birch grove. (boletus)

Under the aspen at the gate, the boletus grows. And it burns, burns with fire Red cap on it! E. Grudanov

I'm growing in a red cap Among the roots of aspen. You will see me a mile away_- I am called - ... (boletus)

Why is this mushroom called chanterelle? Maybe he's cunning, Like a sister fox? And he boldly runs away from mushroom pickers, He confuses his tracks, Winds through the forest. No, no, no, of course, the mushroom has no legs! It's just that all chanterelles are Red-haired.

Mushrooms hid under the fallen leaves. Very cunning sisters. These are yellow ... (chanterelles)

In a clearing, near the river, Someone scattered the rings, Pink with fringe. What kind of mushroom is so wonderful? This mushroom is called a wave. One wave, two wave, One, two, three, four, six We can't count them all! N. Chuprova

Grow on the edge of the wavy girlfriend (wave)

The rain rushed over the clearing, To the russula He was captured ... And insects fly in a hurry For water to the russula.

Along the forest paths Many white legs In multi-colored hats, Noticeable from a distance. Collect, do not hesitate! This is ... (Russula)


Near the forest on the edge, Decorating the dark forest, Grew motley, like Parsley, Poison fly agaric.

How good is he! And a polka dot hat! It grows everywhere in the forest. I won't bring it home! After all, it is very fast for reprisal, Poisonous mushroom - ... (Amanita)

Ah, the little bastard! Got up on the path. Lace skirt On a lovely leg! The hat is a feast for the eyes, And I like it myself! In complete admiration, the mushroom whispers: "Beauty!"

Modest, thin and pale... This mushroom, imagine, is harmful. If a mushroom gets into the soup, they will take you to the hospital. Because poisonous, And angry at everyone around. We will leave this harmful ... (toadstool) in the clearing

But what can be done from mushrooms ...

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of a literacy lesson in the senior group Topic: "Introduction to the sound (s) of the letters I, and. Mushrooms. Edible and inedible mushrooms.

Summary of literacy classes in senior group Topic: "Introduction to sound(s) letters I and. Mushrooms. Edible and non-edible mushrooms. Sculpting the letter "And" from plasticine, shading the letter "I". The world of nature. Purpose: To fix ...

Educational and methodological manual "- The old man gathered for mushrooms, but did not understand mushrooms"

[[("type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"6680968","attributes":("alt":"","class":"media-image"," height":"300","style":"width: 300px; height: 188px;","width":"480"))]][[("type":"media",...

Kindergarten "Scarlet Flower"


Project "Mushrooms and berries". Middle group.

The project aims to expand knowledge about edible and non-edible mushrooms and berries. What mushrooms and berries have you seen and picked in our forests? Are mushrooms and berries part of wildlife? What is the role of mushrooms and berries in human life? Are the berries of our forest really good for people's health?

Relevance of the project implementation:

Nature gives us a lot of beautiful, tasty, useful. Autumn is especially generous with gifts. How many delicious fruits and vegetables ripen in people's gardens, how many bright flowers bloom in gardens. Just do not count the gifts that nature gives, without requiring any effort from man. These are berries, and mushrooms, and medicinal herbs. When people get sick, as a rule, they immediately run to the pharmacy and buy expensive medicines.

But northern berries are a natural pharmacy. Berries have always helped our ancestors to regain strength, maintain their health, amazing vitality and youth. Every person should love and protect nature.

And you need to instill love for her from early childhood. So in kindergarten, we constantly turn to this problem, considering it with children from all possible sides. In order for a child to have a desire to protect and protect nature, he must learn to see its beauty and understand its value to humans. Not every modern parent goes to the forest with their children. But it is impossible to get to know nature close enough without visiting the forest at different times of the year. The autumn forest is extraordinarily beautiful.

That is why the children and parents and I undertook to implement the Mushrooms and Berries project. Stepping up the stairs to the final of the project activity, the guys and I will learn a lot of new and interesting things about our native nature, get acquainted with various types of mushrooms, the characteristics of their growth and useful properties, both for humans and for animals, birds. Together with parents, we will organize exhibitions in a group and decorate our site.

Target: To summarize the knowledge of children about mushrooms and berries of our forests.



To educate children in love and caring attitude towards nature, to show the value of nature and its gifts for every person.


To form in children knowledge about mushrooms and berries, their types, about the value of mushrooms and berries for humans and animals, birds, to expand knowledge about the forests of their native land, to learn to understand mushrooms and berries, to take care of nature.

To arouse cognitive interest in the healing properties of berries, to study the use of berries in human life.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the gifts of the forest, mushrooms and berries growing in our forest, about their hometown and its environs;


Develop imagination, logical thinking, curiosity, observation;

To develop children's skills in productive play and other types of children's activities.

develop the creative abilities of children, involve parents and children in joint activities.

Project type:

creative, information and research.

Project type: family, group.


Children do not have sufficient knowledge about mushrooms and berries growing in our forests.

Expected results: fostering a caring attitude towards nature, expanding children's knowledge about mushrooms and berries, their values ​​for humans, involving parents and children in joint activities, establishing trust and partnerships with them. Children will learn what berries grow in our region, about their healing properties, about the use of berries in medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

Dates: from 12.05 – 31.05.2015

Working mode: during and outside of class.

Project participants: Educators, children, parents, music director.

Children's age: 4-5 years.

Conduct form:

Game activities, conversations, memorizing poems about mushrooms and berries, viewing the presentation “Mushrooms and berries of our forests”,

Exhibition of books "Mushroom Glade", "Berries" photo collage "We are mushroom pickers" (joint activity of children and parents), productive activities: modeling, appliqué.

Material and equipment: Poems, proverbs, masks for theatrical activities, attributes for a role-playing game, musical equipment, collections of children's songs, a laptop, a presentation "Mushrooms of our forests", cartoons, models of various mushrooms and berries, a basket, colored paper, scissors, cardboard, glue - a pencil, a set of demonstration pictures "Mushrooms", "Berries", a selection of children's books about mushrooms and berries (for an exhibition in a group).

Stage 1. Communication of the theme of the project to children and parents in order to involve them in joint activities. Acquaintance with the work plan, distribution of responsibilities, taking into account the wishes and capabilities of the parents.

2nd stage Search

Learn all about the berries and mushrooms of our forest.

What does a plant look like?

Where does the berry grow?

Berries ripening and picking rules.

What mushrooms grow in our forests.

Find out who else in nature eats berries and mushrooms?

Stage 3. Organization of project activities.

3.1. Game activity.

*** Role-playing game "Family", "In the forest", "Shop",


Purpose: to develop independence in children in the game, to learn to imitate adults; clarify the features of behavior in the forest and the rules for gathering in the forest; teach team play, attentive attitude towards each other.

*** Board game "Animals of our forests", lotto "Who lives where", "Vegetables, fruits".

Purpose: to expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, to develop coherent speech.

*** Word games “Who lives where? ”, “Say a word”, “Correct the mistake”, “Continue the story”, “Edible, inedible”.

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the world around them, to teach them to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms, to develop speech and memory.

3.2. Artistic and speech activity.

Purpose: to instill love and respect for nature, cultivate love and respect for family members, take care of loved ones, teach to listen carefully, develop speech and memory.

Reading and memorizing poems about mushrooms and berries.

Conversation: “Who benefits from mushrooms”, “Rules of conduct in the forest”, “What are mushrooms”, “What are berries”

Reading proverbs and sayings about mushrooms and berries, guessing riddles.

Musical and theatrical activity.

Purpose: to teach to listen to music, to perform movements to the beat of the music as shown by the teacher and other children, to develop friendliness towards each other.

3.3. Artistic and aesthetic activity.

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, to teach to bring joy to another, to bring the work begun to the end, to instill accuracy in work.

Application from colored paper "Brothers - mushrooms".

Application from colored paper "Berries"

Modeling of various mushrooms: boletus, chanterelle, boletus.

Design in the group of the exhibition of children's works "All mushrooms are good!"

"Berries in the meadow".

3.4. Exhibition. Photo collage "We are mushroom pickers"

Purpose: to develop children's interest in picking mushrooms, to discuss the value of mushrooms for the human body, to get acquainted with the family traditions of children, to involve parents in joint activities with children.

Stage 4. Project product.

4.1. Exhibition of books "Mushroom meadow"

4.2. Photo exhibition "We are mushroom pickers"

4.3. Exhibition of children's creativity "All mushrooms are good!"

Conclusion: Northern berries and mushrooms are a wonderful gift of a short Siberian summer - a storehouse of vitamins and many useful substances that help restore health and strengthen immunity.


1. "Green House", Moscow, Enlightenment, 1997 - 254s

2., Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Biologist, Moscow, Pedagogy, 1986 - 352s

3. , "Mushrooms, plants and people" - Moscow:

Agropromizdat, 1986 - p.208

4. Cornflowers and poisonous mushrooms in the middle zone of the European part of Russia (determinant), 2nd ed., St. Petersburg, ed. "Science" 1995, - 189 pages,

5. Internet resources:

ru. wikipedia. org› List of mushrooms listed in the Red Book of Russia

dou158.ucoz. en›index/proekt_quot_griby…jagody…379

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