Coniferous forests. Animals of mixed forests. Typical animals of mixed forests Wildlife in coniferous forests

Geographically zone mixed forests occupies the territory between the tundra and the subtropical region. Both coniferous trees grow here - pines, larches, spruces, and deciduous trees - beeches, chestnuts, birches. The undergrowth, formed by dense shrubs, is often difficult to pass, and there is less snow under the trees, which allows the animals to find some food here. Some of the animals living here hibernate, others travel long distances in search of food.

Winter in the forest.

In winter cold, snow and short days prevent the growth and flowering of herbs and shrubs. Many herbivores, experiencing a lack of food, move to areas with a milder climate. Some animals prepare their burrows, dug in the ground or arranged in natural recesses (hollows, caves), to fall into long sleep(hibernation) that will last all winter months interrupted only by brief awakenings. Many burrows are filled with food collected over the summer, but sometimes animals have enough subcutaneous fat accumulated during the warm season, which allows them to survive long winter. There are also such inhabitants in the forest who do not leave their inhabited places anywhere and do not fall into hibernation: they look for food in dense thickets, where there is less snow.

Many animals fill their burrows with acorns and other food supplies.

In spring and summer, hares feed on young shoots, roots and tender grass, and in winter they are content with the bark of shrubs and small trees.

In winter, the forest only seems uninhabited, but in fact it is full of life. Mammals and reptiles and amphibians just hid in their burrows, where they spend a cold winter in hibernation in anticipation of the spring awakening of nature.

The badger spends the winter in a hole underground. The cubs usually stay with their mother, but may hide in their own burrow.

Canadian forests and groves.

Canada is located in the north of the American continent, big country rich in forests. As you move north you can see how deciduous trees I give way to conifers, more resistant to severe winter cold.

Mostly carnivorous animals live in these areas: common and silver-black fox, wolf, wolverine, as well as bears, which often attack other animals, although they mainly feed on fruits.

The northern part of Canada is very vast and sparsely populated. Here bad message and harsh climate: only three months a year the temperature rises to + 10 0 C, and only during this period nature wakes up. The rest of the year, with difficulty breaking through vegetation, is the food of herbivores. Lakes, rivers and seas are covered with ice. In such conditions, only a few animals lead a sedentary lifestyle. The main mass migrates moving south with the onset of autumn.

Forests are quite deservedly called the lungs of our planet. Shrubs and trees growing in them not only saturate the air with oxygen, but also serve as a home for a huge number of animals, birds and insects.

photo:Chris Upson

Extending to the south of the territory is occupied by vast taiga forests covering the northern regions of the Earth. The length of this peculiar belt reaches 12,000 km. It affects Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Siberia. So called boreal forests consist mainly of evergreen trees (pines, firs). Larch trees also grow in them, shedding their needles before the onset of winter. The ground is covered with lichens, mosses and grasses. The undergrowth is quite rare.

Coniferous forests abounding in clearings and clearings are favorite places for hazel grouses and capercaillie. These species of birds spend the majority of life on earth. Here they nest and raise chicks. Under the crowns of fir trees, bullfinches, tits and nutcrackers found shelter. AT northern forests there are several varieties of woodpeckers (three-toed, black (zhelna), small motley, big motley). There is a high probability of meeting with, brown-headed chickadee, kuksha and hawk owl.

photo:Roger Wasley

The cold climate of the taiga affected the shape of the crossbill. seed-eating coniferous trees the bird has a unique beak, the crossed hooked ends of which are ideally suited for extracting seeds from cones. You can see the crossbill outside the coniferous forest only when there is a shortage of food.

It is a member of the marten family. reminiscent little bear the animal differs from the formidable owner of the taiga by the presence of a fluffy long tail. The owner of strong teeth and long claws goes hunting both in the daytime and at night, preferring the most impenetrable thickets. It is not uncommon for a brave animal to attack bears and wolves and take their prey from them.

photo: Richard

Throughout the summer and early autumn squirrels are busy collecting mushrooms, seeds and nuts. The accumulated reserves are stored in tree hollows or buried in the ground. Of the reptiles, viviparous lizards are found, common snakes and common vipers.

A chipmunk has a slightly larger body than a squirrel. There are 5 black stripes along the back. The owner of well-developed cheek pouches liked the edges of coniferous forests, burnt areas, clearings and bush thickets abounding with deadwood. The agile animal seems to have been made for climbing trees. Jumps made both up and down deserve special praise.

photo: Gregory Thiell

The species diversity of the taiga is much wider than that of the tundra. In addition to wolverines and chipmunks, sables and foxes are found here. The list of typical representatives included hares, hedgehogs and small rodents (including red and red-gray voles). The group of ungulates is represented by roe deer and elk, northern and red deer. Beavers build their huts in ponds. Interestingly, the species found in Eurasia are also characteristic of the North American taiga. Endemics include the skunk and the muskrat (muskrat). Wood bison graze in the reserves. Of the giants living in Eurasia, the bison demonstrate the greatest power, several decades ago they were on the verge of complete extinction.

Porcupine photo: Anne Elliott

The Virginian eagle owl is called a night hunter. The owner of excellent hearing and vision has chosen the forests of North America. The main part of the diet of a feathered predator is made up of mice and small mammals. The porcupine that lives in the forests of the United States and Canada can be classified as an exotic forest dweller. The list of food preferences of this animal includes deciduous plants and bast (tender pulp of tree trunks). Rigid long quills protect the porcupine from enemies.

AT mixed forests badgers, hedgehogs, foxes, hares, squirrels, elk, roe deer feel great. Often settled here and some lovers deciduous forests, incl. and boars. Hiding from prying eyes, omnivorous animals prefer night feeding.

Brown bear photo: Nikolai Zinoviev

The title of the largest bear is assigned to the brown bear. forest predator living in the forest zones of North America, Asia and Europe, including the Caucasus and Siberia. Despite this, clubfoot do not refuse other delicacies (nuts, berries, fish, etc.). Found in coniferous-deciduous forests and smaller predators (wolves, martens, ferrets). On the burned areas and old clearings, as well as the edges of the mixed forest, you can see the fox. The color of a medium-sized predator ranges from yellow-gray to reddish-orange. The tip of the tail and chest are white.

The white hare is a master of disguise. AT summer period his coat has a brown or reddish-brown hue. In the winter months, the animal dresses in a snow-white fur coat. A lover of vegetation can be found in the forest zones of Asia, North America and Eastern Europe.

Hare photo: antonio

To life in mixed forests well adapted and badgers. Predators of medium size prefer to settle in copses and forest ravines. They also like forest edges. Burrows are used as housing. raccoon dog walks on short legs. On her muzzle, a pattern resembling a black mask flaunts. The owner of fluffy and long hair settles in mixed forests. In her behavior, a love for gentle slopes, copses and swampy river valleys is clearly traced. Active at night, the animal not only runs fast, but also swims well. Its diet includes small rodents, insects, fish, berries and plants.

AT mixed forests large populations of moles can be found. Animals deprived of sight live underground. Act as food earthworms, insects and larvae.


The bird brethren are represented by nightingales, orioles, song thrushes, resounding the forest thicket with incessant singing not only in spring, but also in early summer. In early spring, starlings also demonstrate their singing talents. Bright plumage - distinguishing feature finches. Birds ubiquitous in all types of forests include owls, magpies, cuckoos and woodpeckers. Capercaillie are not found in mixed forests. The vacated niche was occupied by black grouse. Nuthatches scurry up and down the trees, clawing at the trunks with their claws.

These birds most often build nests in hollows hollowed out by woodpeckers. The field thrush got its nickname for its love of rowan berries. Representatives of this species do not refuse the fruits of buckthorn, viburnum and hawthorn. In spring and summer, thrushes feast on worms, mollusks and insects. Siskins can be seen in those places where alder and birch grow. They do not fly to warmer climes in autumn. They feed on seeds extracted from alder cones and birch catkins.

Buzzard photo: Sergey Ryzhkov

The attack of a goshawk is always unexpected. The predator does it on the sly. Not only black grouse, but also hazel grouses, birds sleeping on branches, squirrels dining on trees and even hares fall into its sharp claws. Rodent pests are successfully exterminated by such raptors as kestrel, harrier, owl and buzzard.

For deciduous forests many animals found in mixed massifs are typical: brown bears, forest cats, mink, squirrel, weasel, black polecat, pine martens, several varieties of dormouse. Among the feathered representatives, the most numerous are motley and green woodpeckers, finches, forest larks, orioles, tits, nightingales, songbirds and blackbirds, flycatchers, warblers, warblers, cuckoos.

Cotton muzzle photo: Ilya Gomyranov

From the southern regions to broadleaf forests penetrate and some steppe dwellers(grey partridges, hamsters, European hares). Reptiles are represented by viviparous and green lizards, common viper, verdigris, muzzle and spindle. Of the amphibians, the tree frog, moored and common frog, tritons.

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The forests of northern Europe, Russia, Canada, and the northern United States are often referred to as the coniferous forest biome. Biomes are specific geographic regions with specific climates, flora and fauna. coniferous forests these regions are different continental climate hot summer and cold winter. This is a very dry climate. In winter, the cold leads to a shortage of liquid water. In these areas, winter days are very short and summer days are very long. To survive, coniferous forest dwellers should make the most of every summer day, and for the winter either hibernate or be at rest.

The coniferous forest is a habitat for many species of deer. Maral is largest species deer. His big size allows him to survive cold winter. In relation to the body mass index, it has a small surface area, which reduces heat loss, and the main organs are located deep inside the body. Roe deer live together with deer in the forest. AT different times years, they move north and then south to escape the extreme cold weather and have time to graze on the most fertile pastures. Although the forest caribou is subject to extirpation, it is found throughout Canada.

Baribal, grizzly bear and wolverine are also associated with coniferous forests. Although it is commonly said that bears hibernate for the winter, a more accurate description given state lies in the fact that they fall into a state of false sleep, characterized by lethargy and a decrease in metabolic processes. The duration of false sleep depends on the breed. Baribal falls into a deeper hibernation than the grizzly or wolverine. Before hibernation, bears enter a state of increased activity and gain weight. The grizzly bear enters the den only after the first snow falls. This prevents predators from finding its lair. Bears have very thick fur that allows them to endure frost. Wolverine secretes a water-repellent oil that prevents heat loss through wet fur.

small mammals
Lives in coniferous forest a large number of small mammals from the category of rodents. Typical representatives include the beaver, the squirrel, the white hare and the vole. In relation to their mass, they have a large body surface, which is why they lose a lot of heat in winter. The best option for such animals is hibernation in deep burrows. Small mammals are much better at stopping body systems than bears, which is why zoologists have separated the state of hibernation from the state of false sleep.

In general, a small number of predators live in the coniferous forest, since the majority of mammals are herbivores. Predatory image life requires too much energy, so it is not suitable for climate with short period growth. Among the predators of the coniferous forest, one can meet foxes and ermines that feed on rodents, as well as lynxes and wolves that prey on large animals.

From September 15 to 17, Russia celebrates one of the largest ecological holidays - Russian days the woods. As you know, forests are not only lungs of the planet and pantry of various berries, mushrooms and medicinal herbs, but also home to many amazing animals. In this regard, we are telling you about some of the rare animals that live in Russian forests.

1. Musk deer.

This small deer-like animal with fangs lives in mountainous coniferous forests Sayan, Altai, Transbaikalia and Primorye. Despite its intimidating appearance, the musk deer feeds exclusively on vegetation. However, the musk deer is remarkable not only for this, but also for its attractive smell, which lures females for mating. This smell appears due to the musk gland located in the belly of the male next to the urogenital canal.

As you know, musk is a valuable component of various medicines and perfumes. And it is precisely because of him that the musk deer often becomes the prey of hunters and poachers. Another reason why this unusual animal is classified as an endangered species is the reduction in the boundaries of its range, which is associated with increased economic activity human (mainly with deforestation).

One of the solutions to the problem of preserving the view in wild nature is the farming of musk deer and the selection of musk from live males.

2. Japanese green dove.

This unusual bird about 33 cm long and weighing approximately 300 grams has a bright yellowish-green color. It is widespread in South-East Asia, but also found in Sakhalin region(Crillon Peninsula, Moneron and South Kurile Islands). The bird inhabits broad-leaved and mixed forests with an abundance of cherry and bird cherry trees, elderberry bushes and other plants, the fruits of which it feeds on.

Japanese green dove is a rare species, and therefore little is known about its life. Today, scientists know that green doves are monogamous birds. They weave their nests from thin twigs and place them in trees at a height of up to 20 meters. It is believed that partners incubate eggs in turn for 20 days. And after that, helpless, downy chicks are born, who will learn to fly only after five weeks. However, pairs or flocks of green doves are rare in Russia, most often they are noticed one by one.

3. Far Eastern, or Amur leopards.

As early as the beginning of the 20th century rare cats there were much more, and their range covered a considerable territory - the eastern and northeastern parts of China, the Korean Peninsula, the Amur, Primorsky and Ussuri Territories. However, in the period from 1970-1983, the Far Eastern leopard lost 80% of its territory! The main reasons then were Forest fires and converting forest areas for agriculture.

Today, the Amur leopard continues to lose its territory and also suffer from food shortages. After all, roe deer, spotted deer and other ungulates that this leopard hunts are killed in huge numbers by poachers. And since the Far Eastern leopard has beautiful fur, he himself is a very desirable trophy for poachers.

Also due to the lack of suitable food in the wild Far Eastern leopards forced to go in search of her reindeer farms. There predators are often killed by the owners of these farms. And to everything else, due to the small size of the Amur leopard population, it will be very difficult for representatives of the subspecies to survive during various disasters like a fire.

However, all this does not mean that the subspecies will disappear soon. still exist today large plots forests that are suitable habitat for the Amur leopard. And if these areas can be preserved and protected from fires and poaching, then the population of these amazing animals in the wild will increase.

Interestingly, Far Eastern leopards are the only leopards that have been able to learn to live and hunt in conditions harsh winter. In this, by the way, they are helped by long hair, as well as strong and long legs, which allow you to catch up with prey, moving through the snow. However, Amur leopards not only good hunters, but also exemplary family men. After all, sometimes males stay with females after mating and even help them with raising kittens, which, in principle, is not typical of leopards.

4. Alkina.

These butterflies live in the southwest of Primorsky Krai and are found along streams and rivers in mountain forests, where the fodder plant of caterpillars of the species grows - the Manchurian kirkazon liana. Most often, male butterflies fly to the flowers of this plant, and females most time sitting in the grass. Alcinoy females tend to linger on this plant to lay their eggs on its leaves.

Today, due to the disturbance of the habitat of the Kirkazon and the collection of it as medicinal plant its amount in nature decreases, which, of course, affects the abundance of alcinoid. In addition, butterflies suffer because of their collection by collectors.

5. Bison.

Previously, these animals were widely distributed in the territory former USSR, but by the beginning of the 20th century they were preserved only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Caucasus. However, even there their numbers have been steadily declining. For example, by 1924 only 5-10 bison survived in the Caucasus. The main reasons for the reduction of bison were their extermination by hunters and poachers, as well as their destruction during hostilities.

Restoration of their numbers began in 1940 in Caucasian reserve, and now bison inhabit two regions in Russia - North Caucasus and the center of the European part. In the North Caucasus, bison live in Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Chechnya, Ingushetia and Stavropol Territory. And in the European part there are isolated herds of bison in the Tver, Vladimir, Rostov and Vologda regions.

Bison have always been inhabitants of deciduous and mixed forests, but avoided extensive forest areas. In the Western Caucasus, these animals live mainly at an altitude of 0.9 - 2.1 thousand meters above sea level, often leaving the glades or treeless slopes, but never moving away from the forest edges.

By appearance the bison is very similar to its American relative - the bison. Nevertheless, it is still possible to distinguish them. First of all, the bison has a higher hump, longer horns and tail than the bison. And in the hot months, the back of the bison is covered with very short hair (it even seems that it is bald), while the bison has the same length of hair all over the body at any time of the year.

The bison is listed in the Red Book of Russia as an endangered species and today lives in many reserves and zoos.

6. Fish owl.

This species inhabits the banks of rivers Far East from Magadan to the Amur region and Primorye, as well as on Sakhalin and the South Kuriles. The fish owl prefers to live in the hollows of old trees with an abundance of aquatic prey nearby, but old forests and hollow trees are often cut down, which inevitably forces these birds out of their habitats. In addition, fish owls are caught by poachers, and they often fall into traps during an attempt to pull the bait out of them. The development of water tourism on the Far Eastern rivers and, consequently, the increased disturbance of these birds gradually leads to a decrease in the number of eagle owls and prevents their reproduction. All this has led to the fact that today this species is under threat of extinction.

The fish owl is one of the largest owls in the world, as well as the largest representative of its kind. Interestingly, these birds can hunt with two different ways. Most often, a fish owl looks out for fish, sitting on a stone in the river, from the shore or from a tree hanging over the river. Noticing the prey, the eagle owl dives into the water and instantly grabs it with sharp claws. And in the case when this predator tries to catch sedentary fish, crayfish or frogs, it simply enters the water and probes the bottom with its paw in search of prey.

7. Giant evening party.

This bat, the largest in Russia and Europe, lives in broad-leaved forests on the territory from the western borders of our country to the Orenburg region, as well as from the northern borders to Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod regions. There they settle in hollows of trees by 1-3 individuals, in colonies of other bats(usually red and small evening).

The giant party is rare view, however, environmentalists do not know exactly what is the reason for their low numbers. According to the assumptions of scientists, the threat is the deforestation of broad-leaved forests. However, today there are no special measures for the protection of these animals, since it is not clear which measures will be effective.

Interestingly, these the bats prey on large beetles and moths, flying over forest edges and reservoirs. However, analysis of blood and droppings showed that these animals also feed on small birds during migrations, however, this has never been recorded.

8. Heavenly barbel.

In Russia, in the south of Primorsky Krai (in Terneisky, Ussuriysky, Shkotovsky, Partizansky and Khasansky regions), a beetle with a bright blue color lives. It lives in deciduous forests mainly in the wood of the greenskin maple. There, the female beetle lays eggs, and after about half a month, larvae appear. They develop in wood for about 4 years, and then, in June, the larva gnaws out the “cradle” and pupates. After about 20 days, the beetle emerges from the wood and immediately begins to reproduce. On this he will spend all his strength until the end of his life, which lasts only two weeks.

The celestial barbel is listed in the Red Book of Russia as a rare species, the number of which is declining. According to ecologists, the reason for this is deforestation and a sharp decrease in the number of green maple.

9. Himalayan, or white-breasted bear.

Ussuri white-breasted bear inhabits broad-leaved forests of Primorsky Krai, southern regions Khabarovsk Territory and southeastern part of the Amur region. Until 1998, it was listed in the Red Book of Russia as rare species, and today is a hunting species. However, if in the 90s its population was 4-7 thousand individuals, now this bear is on the verge of extinction (its population is up to 1 thousand individuals). The reason for this was, first of all, deforestation and mass hunting. The latter, by the way, was discussed during the international environmental forum "Nature without Borders" in Vladivostok, after which in 2006 it was decided in the Primorsky Territory to introduce restrictions on hunting for Himalayan bear during hibernation.

The white-breasted bear leads a semi-arboreal lifestyle: it gets food from trees and hides from enemies (this is mainly Amur tigers and Brown bear). Almost the entire diet of this bear consists of plant foods, in particular nuts, fruits and berries, as well as shoots, bulbs and rhizomes. It also does not refuse to eat ants, insects, mollusks and frogs.

10. Black stork

A widespread, but rare species, the number of which is declining due to human economic activity, which manifests itself in the reduction of forests and the drainage of swamps. Today the bird is found in the forests from Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions to South Primorye. The black stork prefers to settle near water bodies in dense, old forests.

Right there, on the old tall trees(and sometimes on rock ledges) black storks build nests that will then be used for several years. When the time comes to invite the female to the nest (around the end of March), the male fluffs up his white undertail and begins to emit a hoarse whistle. The eggs laid by the female (from 4 to 7 pieces) will be incubated by the partners in turn until after 30 days the chicks hatch from them.

Coniferous forests are mainly found in the northern hemisphere. Pine and larch, spruce and cedar, fir and cypress, juniper and arborvitae grow in them. The climate of this natural area cold enough, since such conditions are relevant for the growth of conifers. In coniferous forests there is a rich fauna, which is represented by insects and rodents to omnivorous animals and birds.

The main representatives of the fauna

Coniferous forests are inhabited mainly by vegetarian animals that feed on trees, berries, and herbaceous plants. In addition, omnivorous animals such as bears and lynxes are found in these forests. They have to travel long distances to find their prey. Some of the main inhabitants of coniferous forests are squirrels and hares.

In the depths of the thickets, you can meet wolverines that hunt both day and night. They even attack bears and wolves to steal their prey. Among the predators of the forest, foxes and wolves should be mentioned. Small animals such as voles and beavers, shrews and chipmunks, martens and minks are found here. red deer, roe deer, elk, bison, musk deer. Where the climate becomes a little warmer, you can meet the water shrew and hedgehogs, wood lemmings and polecats. Some species of forest animals hibernate in winter, and some have reduced activity.

Feathered forest dwellers

Many bird families live in coniferous forests. Crossbills nest in the crowns of evergreen trees, feeding their chicks with seeds from cones. Nutcrackers are also found here, which, depending on the harvest, can fly to warmer climes for the winter. Settled image Capercaillie lead their lives in coniferous forests. During the day they move on the ground, and spend the night in the trees. You can meet among the spruce and pine trees the smallest representative of the grouse - hazel grouse. Thrushes, woodpeckers, owls and other species are found in the taiga forests.

Insects and amphibians

In the reservoirs of the forest and on the banks you can meet toads, salamanders, forest, and swim in the rivers different kinds fish. Of the reptiles, various lizards, vipers and snakes live here. The list of insects of coniferous forests is huge. These are mosquitoes and silkworms, sawflies and horntails, bark beetles and barbels, flies and butterflies, grasshoppers and ants, bedbugs and ticks.

In coniferous forests unique fauna. How more people penetrate deep into the forest, cutting down trees, the more animals are at risk of extinction. If the felling of coniferous trees at least does not decrease, entire ecosystems will soon be destroyed and many species of forest animals will be destroyed.

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