Delicious fast food cake. Quick cakes at home

A quick cake recipe is a real salvation for a young housewife. Do you think that it is impossible to prepare a treat in 20 minutes while the guests are sitting in comfortable chairs and tea is being heated? Our article will help dispel this misconception, and you will definitely find for yourself the best recipe delicious and quick cake.

Chocolate dessert in the microwave

Making a simple homemade treat can be surprisingly simple. Read the cake recipe carefully fast food and boldly get down to business:

  • Beat two eggs and eight tablespoons of sugar with a mixer at the lowest speed.
  • Add ten tablespoons of milk and six tablespoons of vegetable oil to the mixture.
  • Pour eight tablespoons of white flour, four tablespoons of cocoa and a bag of baking powder into the dough.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly, pour the dough into a silicone mold and cook the biscuit in the microwave at the highest power for five minutes.
  • While the cake is cooling, make the fondant. To do this, mix six tablespoons of sugar, three tablespoons of milk and cocoa and a spoonful of butter. Put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and immediately pour it over the cake.

Wait for the dessert to cool, and immediately serve it to the table.

Instant Cake Recipe

If you have a jar in stock homemade jam, then you can easily prepare a simple dessert for tea for the whole family. The recipe for a delicious and quick cake is quite simple:

Quick cottage cheese cake recipe

Gentle and light dessert sure to please the smallest members of your family. And adults will not be able to remain indifferent to a delicious treat. Instant Cake Recipe:

  • Break 200 grams of cookies into small crumbs.
  • Grate 50 grams of frozen butter.
  • Mix the food with your hands and spread the crumbs in an even layer on the bottom of the detachable form.
  • Beat 500 grams of cottage cheese with 40 grams of powdered sugar, as well as the juice and zest of two lemons. Put the finished mass on the cookies and send the cake to the freezer for half an hour.
  • When it's right time will pass, put the form on a wet hot towel, remove the dessert and put it on a dish.

Decorate the cake with pomegranate seeds and serve.

Marshmallow Cake

With this popular treat, you can make a delicious dessert in just a few minutes. If you take note of the recipe for a quick cake at home, you can easily make a treat for your guests in a short time.

  • Take 500 grams of marshmallow and cut each item in half.
  • Grate 200 grams of cookies.
  • Mix 200 grams of butter and one can of condensed milk.
  • Combine all the products and add a glass of chopped walnuts to them.
  • Put the marshmallow halves on a dish close to each other, grease them with the resulting cream and cover with the second halves. Spread the second part of the cream on the surface, sprinkle it with nut crumbs and the remaining cookies.

Put the dish in the refrigerator, and when the dessert is saturated with cream, take it out and treat your guests.

Quick Nut Cake

This dessert is prepared from a minimum amount of products, and therefore does not require too much time for itself. You have a simple and quick recipe cake:

  • Grind a glass of nuts with a blender or coffee grinder.
  • Beat three eggs with a mixer with 80 grams of sugar.
  • Combine the products, add a spoonful of baking powder to them and pour the dough into a silicone mold.

Bake the cake in a preheated oven for five minutes, and then grease it with any cream and decorate it to your liking.

Cake in a pan

We are sure that you will love the recipe for a quick cake at home. Thanks to him, you will not need to bake cakes in the oven or spend too much effort on cooking it.

Cake from boiled condensed milk

Here is another description of how you can easily make a homemade cake. Quick recipe:

  • Prepare the dough by combining 150 grams of melted butter, two cups of flour and 200 grams of sour cream.
  • Knead the dough, divide it into six equal parts and roll each one out with a rolling pin. Bake the cakes in a preheated oven until done.
  • For the cream, mix with a mixer 200 grams of butter and one can of boiled condensed milk.
  • Spread each cake with cream, lay them on top of each other, and decorate the surface with grated chocolate or nuts.

Use this quick cake recipe not only during the holidays, but also in common days. Prepare a dessert for an evening tea party or meeting guests.

Cake "Anthill"

This recipe for a quick cake at home has been familiar to many since childhood. To make a classic no-bake biscuit cake, you will need:

  • Crush 500 grams of cookies into crumbs with a mortar.
  • Grind a glass of walnuts with a coffee grinder or blender.
  • Combine both blanks and mix them with 200 grams of boiled condensed milk.
  • Give the cake the shape of a slide or an anthill, pour it with melted chocolate or sprinkle with poppy seeds.

As you can see, this dessert can be prepared in just a few minutes without spending too much effort for this purpose.

"Zebra" cake

Experienced housewives will agree that this dessert is made quickly and at the same time it turns out very tasty. Therefore, you can bake it not only for a holiday, but also in order to simply please your loved ones. Quick Cake Recipe:

  • Beat five eggs with a mixer together with two glasses of sugar into a white foam.
  • Gradually add two cups of sifted flour, 200 grams of butter, a glass of sour cream and a little soda.
  • Knead a homogeneous dough and divide it into two equal parts.
  • Put two tablespoons of flour in the first blank, and two tablespoons of cocoa in the second.
  • Lubricate the form with oil and pour into it alternately a spoonful of dough of each type. The contents of the form should not be mixed.
  • Place the cake in the preheated oven to bake.

In half an hour or 40 minutes you will have a cake ready for a quick hand.

The recipes that we have collected for you in this article are simple enough that even a novice cook can handle them. Therefore, please your family by treating them with new delicious desserts every time.

When I'm looking for the right recipe homemade cake, then I'm not so much interested in endlessly extensive collections as in truly proven recipes for cakes at home, with step-by-step photos, with caring explanations, so that there is a feeling that you can do it the first time. This section contains recipes specifically for beginner home confectioners. Simple, affordable products, familiar and dear names - honey cake, sour cream, "Anthill", "Flight", "Napoleon". Choose, bake and have fun!

French Frezier Cake

Quite simple to prepare and very spectacular-looking cake in an authentic way. French recipe. biscuit base, custard and in without fail fresh strawberries, from which the characteristic pattern for this cake is laid out on the sides.

Chocolate Cream Cake

As the suite makes the king, so the cream makes the cake. No matter how delicious your cakes are, the wrong cream can bring all the efforts of baking them down the drain. But even if your cakes are very simple, a good cream will raise them to the level of a culinary masterpiece. This chocolate cream is from the category of just such confectionery miracles.

Classic cake "Napoleon" from Soviet times

The classic recipe for "Napoleon", which was recorded in the notebooks of most Soviet housewives. The recipe is extremely budget friendly. Requires a certain amount of time. It turns out for everyone the first time.

Cake "Ryzhik"

You will find the recipe for the Ryzhik cake in many Soviet-era cookbooks - it was terribly popular due to the fact that the ingredients included in its composition were available in an era of scarcity and were inexpensive. Now budget recipes for cakes have again become very relevant. So we quickly load into a time machine and go back to the 80s of the last century, reproducing in our kitchen one of the famous Soviet culinary tricks - how to make something out of nothing. And "Ryzhik" is really "something". Juicy, fragrant, delicate cake.

Cake in a pan with condensed milk

If you have tried many recipes for cakes in a pan, but so far you are not satisfied with the result, then try this recipe. The cake will turn out really soft, tender, with a rich taste. Consolidation. The dough is very simple, on condensed milk, custard - it perfectly soaks the cakes.

The easiest biscuit cake

The simplest cake that exists in nature, is obtained by everyone and always, suitable for culinary classes with schoolchildren, for example. He has excellent taste! What can be more motivating to culinary creativity than the first successful experience?

Cake "Anthill" from cookies

A cake made from purchased cookies, condensed milk, walnuts, cocoa and chocolate with the addition of coconut flakes - the recipe is ideal for cooking in country houses and even conditions when there is no oven at hand.

Mole Mink Cake

A very original homemade cake, the recipe of which turns out to be unexpectedly simple. Contains no oil. Creamy soufflé, chocolate biscuit and fresh bananas.

Classic Medovik Cake

Classics of Soviet home cooking. Thin honey cakes from choux pastry and a lot of sour cream. The recipe is cheap, simple, and it was not in vain that it was so popular. In my house they baked only honey cake.

Simple classic sour cream

The simplest homemade cake with 200 years of history. Familiar and beloved since childhood, who wants to bake again and again.

The easiest pancake cake

Easy homemade cake. As cakes - pancakes in milk. Custard cream, more interesting in taste than sour cream.

Classic cake "Anthill"

Delicious and easy-to-prepare homemade cake made from sand chips and cream on the right condensed milk. Good recipe, try it!

Cake "Ladyfingers"

A witty and wonderfully simple cake recipe that is easy to replicate at home. A bunch of tiny eclairs are placed in a mold and poured with sour cream.

pumpkin cheesecake

A classic American spiced pumpkin cheesecake recipe. Baked in the oven. Detailed from step by step photos it is told how to bake a cheesecake in the oven without building a structure floating in a pan with water. Everything is much easier!

The simplest cream of butter and condensed milk

The easiest buttercream for cakes and the easiest to make at home. The main thing is to keep the right proportion.

Cake "Napoleon" hastily, from ready-made puff pastry

A simplified version of the famous homemade cake recipe. Between the cakes - cream with boiled condensed milk and apricot jam. Yummy! Even a schoolboy can handle cooking.

Chocolate Focus Cake

If you are looking for a recipe for your first cake, then I sincerely advise you to take the recipe for chocolate cake without cream. You just mix the ingredients, wait for the cake to fit in the oven and be amazed at how tasty and juicy it is, as if soaked in butter cream.

Cake "Snickers", a memory of the 90s

The recipe is nostalgia for the 90s of the last century, when snickers were an outlandish delicacy and housewives tried to reproduce their enlarged copies at home. The cake, by the way, turned out great.

Cake without baking from cookies and cottage cheese

The recipe for this cake is a lifesaver for those who need a cake for the holiday table, but there is no stove at hand. Especially often the recipe is used by mothers of babies who celebrate birthdays in the country.

Strawberry cheesecake in a slow cooker

A successful culinary experiment - cheesecake "Strawberry with cream". AT cheese cream added fresh strawberry puree. Baked in a multicooker.

Cheesecake in a slow cooker - classic recipe

It took me a long time to gather my courage before I decided to bake a cheesecake. The thought that we need a one-piece form, which must be wrapped in foil, and then sent this design to float in a baking sheet with water, inspired me ... some horror :) But when I found out that you can do without all these difficulties if you bake a cheesecake in a slow cooker, I immediately decided to try it. It turned out so great that I baked two cheesecakes in a row and am about to make a third one. It turned out to be easier than a cottage cheese casserole. You don't have to beat anything. Tamped cookies, filled with cream and that's it. Cheesecake in a slow cooker does not crack, does not dry out. In general, the conditions were ideal.

Striped cake with blackberries and whipped cream

Surprisingly, but true: at home it is quite possible to cook such an amazing cake that seems like a miracle of confectionery art. In fact, the key to all miracles is in technology. Everything is simple here. The vertical stripes on the cut are due to the fact that in fact this cake is a gigantic roll lying on a plate cut up.

The same cake "Flight". Recipe for a return to childhood

You can't buy this cake in the store anymore. No one will whip the cream out of natural oil and add expensive vanilla and real cocoa to it. Yes, it's not scary. This is one of the most simple recipes cake according to GOST. You are even surprised that meringue proteins are whipped so tightly, the cakes are evenly dried in the oven, but as for the Charlotte cream, my peers must have learned how to make it at labor lessons. In general, the amazement that such a cake can be made with your own hands is guaranteed to you.

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Cake. Cake - a confectionery product, often round or rectangular in shape with fruits, cream, chocolate, etc. As a rule, it consists of several layers.

Initially, cakes were baked only in a round shape. This was associated with the sun and it was believed that baking in this form was a symbol of fertility. This tradition has been preserved in the preparation of loaves and wedding cakes. Decorating cakes with candles also came to us from our ancestors. According to beliefs, it was believed that blowing out candles is a sacred act: along with the smoke from candles, our desires are carried into the sky, which must be fulfilled.

Today, the variety of cakes is amazing. They can consist of several tiers, be decorated with various figures or made in the form of characters from cartoons, cars, dolls, etc.

Cakes can be made from biscuit, puff, sand or waffle dough. Chocolate, cream, marmalade, fruit, jelly, meringue, etc. are used as decorations.

As a rule, cakes are baked on the occasion of some solemn event. Depending on this, they decorate them accordingly.

All cakes are conditionally divided into three categories:
* real cakes. They are baked whole. These, as a rule, include pies, Easter cakes, Easter;
*Italian style cakes. They are also called Neapolitan cakes. The basis of such cakes is a dough cake. It contains the filling - fruit, cream, etc .;
* prefabricated cakes. This is the most common group of cakes. Dough cakes are baked separately, and then laid out in layers, which are soaked and smeared with cream.

According to the type of dough from which the cake is made, there are also several types:
* French. Prepared, as a rule, from puff or biscuit dough. Puff cakes are baked, and then smeared with cream and stacked on top of each other. The biscuit is baked in one large pie, and then carefully cut lengthwise into several cakes, which are necessarily soaked in some kind of syrup.
* Viennese. At the heart of such cakes are yeast cakes, which are soaked in milk chocolate or milk coffee cream.
* waffle. Wafer cakes most often soaked in boiled condensed milk. Such cakes are stored for a very long time, are easily transported, but the taste is very monotonous.
* sandy. As a rule, they are smeared with marmalade or fruit and berry filling. These cakes are the cheapest. They are not recommended for people prone to overweight.
* "liquid". This type of cake is common in the UK. The base is a biscuit. Cooking method: put in a deep bowl biscuit cake. Pieces of biscuit are placed on it in a chaotic manner. various shapes and size, leaving large gaps between them. All this mass is poured with cognac syrup, and then with liquid marmalade or butter-egg cream. You can add nuts, raisins, candied fruits. After that, the cake is placed in the cold for a day.
* cottage cheese. From the name it is clear that the main component in the dough is cottage cheese.

You can decorate cakes with cream, icing or various decorative elements from chocolate, marmalade, etc.

All cakes are prepared very easily and quickly!

Should be in the piggy bank of every hostess;)

1. The most delicious and fastest cake
2. Simple and delicious kefir cake
3. Curd cake in a pan
4. Cake "Minute" in the microwave
5. Cake "Minute" in a pan
6. Tiramisu in 5 minutes

1. The recipe for the most delicious and fastest cake!!!


Eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 1 tbsp.
Milk - 1 tbsp.
Jam - 1 tbsp. (blackberry, blackcurrant, plum or blueberry)
Soda - 2 tsp
Flour - 2 tbsp.

Cake cream:

Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
Powdered sugar - 1/2 tbsp.


1. For the cake, take 2 eggs, beat, adding 1 cup of sugar.
2. Add one glass of milk, one glass of jam, two glasses of flour, 2 teaspoons of soda.
3. Bake 2 cakes at a temperature of 180 gr. and cut them into layers.
4. Beat two cups of thick sour cream and 0.5 cups of powdered sugar.
5. Coat the cakes with sour cream and put the cake to soak in the refrigerator.

2. Recipe for a simple and delicious kefir cake!!!

Very simple and delicious cake. Cooking takes very little time and even novice housewives can do it. If you have half a liter of kefir left and you don't know what to do with it - bake a kefir cake!

Dough Ingredients:

Eggs - 3 pcs.
Kefir - 1 glass
Sugar - 1 cup
Soda (repay) - 0.5 tsp.
Flour - 2 cups

Sour cream - 500 g
Sugar - 100 g


1. Beat everything well (the dough should turn out like thick sour cream).
2. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, add 1 tsp to one of them. cocoa.
3. Bake 2 cakes, cool and cut sharp knife into 2 parts.
4. Lubricate the cakes with cream. Optionally, you can add nuts or candied fruits.
5. Sprinkle cocoa on top.
6. Let it brew for about 3 hours.

3. Recipe for cottage cheese cake in a pan !!!


Eggs - 1 pc.
Curd - 200 g
Sugar - 1 tbsp.
Flour - 250–300 g
Slaked soda - 1 tsp

Milk - 500 ml
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Sugar - 1 tbsp.
Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
Butter - 150–200 g


1. Grind the egg with sugar and flour, add vanillin, pour in milk. Stir with a whisk, put on a slow fire, cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Cool down completely.
2. Beat the butter with a mixer, gradually adding the cooled custard mass.
3. Mix the egg with sugar, add cottage cheese, vanillin, soda and gradually add flour. The dough should not turn out quite steep, but dense.
4. Divide into 6-8 parts. Roll out thinly, prick with a fork so that they do not swell. Bake until browned in a pan on both sides. Trim uneven edges. Cool down.
5. Lubricate the cakes with cream, sprinkle with nuts and chocolate.

4. Recipe for "Minute" cake in the microwave


Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Milk - 5 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l.
Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
Baking powder - 1 tsp


1. First, beat the egg with sugar.
2. Then add cocoa to our mixture and mix gently.
3. Now add flour, starch and baking powder to our chocolate mixture and mix everything thoroughly.
4. Next, add to the resulting fairly thick dough vegetable oil and milk. Mix well.
5. Pour our dough into a greased form and send it to the microwave at maximum power. If the power is 1000, then for 3 minutes, if 800 - then for 3.5 minutes.
6. After 3 minutes, we get such a wonderful biscuit.
7. Now we turn our biscuit into a wonderful cake. To do this, we cut the biscuit into 2 parts, beat sour cream with sugar, which we soak our cake with, layer with strawberries and invite everyone to tea.

5. Recipe for "Minute" cake in a pan

Cake Ingredients:

Flour - 3 tbsp.
Condensed milk - 1 bank
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Soda (quench with vinegar) - 1 tsp.

For cream:

Milk - 750 g
Butter - 200 g
Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Flour - 3-4 tbsp. l.
Vanillin - 1 sachet


1. We make dough for the cake by mixing all the ingredients (flour, condensed milk, egg, soda). We divide the dough into 8 pieces.
2. Roll out one piece with a diameter larger than the pan and put it on a preheated pan.
3. After a minute, turn over (cakes are fried very quickly).
4. Cut off the removed cake (the scraps will then be used to sprinkle the cake).
5. Prepare the cream: mix all the ingredients, except for the oil, and put on fire until it thickens, while stirring vigorously. At the end, add to the hot cream butter.
6. Lubricate the cakes with warm cream, sprinkle the top and sides with crushed crumbs.
7. Leave the cake for a few hours to soak.

6. Tiramisu recipe that can be prepared in 5 minutes


Cream cheese - 110 g
Condensed milk - 5 tbsp. l.
Heavy cream - 4 tbsp. l.
Vanilla - 3 drops
Coffee - 1 cup
Cookies “Lady fingers”
grated chocolate


1. Whisk cheese, cream, milk and vanilla in a bowl.
2. Dip the cookies in the coffee for a few seconds so they don't get wet.
3. Put the cookies in a continuous layer in a dish.
4. Apply half of the whipped mixture.
5. Lay out the second layer of cookies and cover with the remaining mixture.
6. Grate the chocolate.
7. Refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving.

✔ Liked the recipe? Save yourself ⇓ ⬇ ⇓

Delicate, juicy cake "Three milks" (Torta De Tres Leches) is a light vanilla biscuit, soaked through and as moist as possible. Baking is not cut into cakes and is not smeared with cream - the lush crumb is self-sufficient, tasty in itself and, for all its simplicity, confidently competes with labor-intensive desserts. The "highlight" of the recipe lies in the abundant impregnation, consisting of three products - cream, condensed milk and concentrated milk. The sweet mixture quickly penetrates into the biscuit,

Easy Cake Recipe

A cake baked by hand, especially for the celebration, is a decoration holiday table and evidence of the taste and culinary skills of the mistress of the house. All guests are looking forward to the sweet table and remember the culinary masterpiece for a long time. There are a lot of cake recipes. However, modern hostesses are very fond of a simple cake recipe that does not take much time to prepare, and will definitely be the culmination of any holiday or ordinary tea party.

There are many cakes, recipes for which are passed down from mother to daughter. One of the most famous and beloved since childhood is "Napoleon". There are an incredible number of options for this pastry. separate story and cream for it. Puff cakes soaked in a very delicate cream will not leave you indifferent. We all love the Napoleon cake recipe for which we keep and improve. The “Anthill” cake also occupies an honorable place. For those who appreciate the speed of preparation and the absence of the need for a long baking process, this is the best option. A quick, simple and at the same time festive anthill cake recipe, which has its own basis in the form of cookies and cream, will appeal to both inveterate sweet tooth and ladies who love healthy sweets. If you add nuts, raisins or, for example, poppy seeds to the list of ingredients, "Anthill" will become not only tastier, but also healthier. A newcomer to the company, but already a favorite and definitely a welcome guest at any holiday - this is Pancho cake. It is famous for its incredibly delicate taste. Each housewife will be able to bake a pancho cake recipe with a photo will be a great clue to her in this.

If you decide to replenish your collection of recipes with a new cake, on our website you can find many great options for every taste.

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