Cottage cheese syrniki recipe, classic recipes with photos. How to fry cheesecakes in a pan

Even those who do not like cottage cheese very much will not refuse syrniki - mouth-watering cakes made from sweet curd mass, fried in oil. The fact is that cheesecakes always turn out to be very tasty, and are liked by both adults and kids. But cheesecakes are also different - you can add certain additional ingredients to the curd mass to your taste. It can be pieces of chocolate, and a banana, and ordinary vanilla sugar ...

But the most common recipe is cheesecakes with raisins. Cottage cheese generally goes well with dried fruits, and this option is a clear confirmation of this. If you still don’t know how to make cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a pan so that they turn out tender and tasty, then welcome to my kitchen. I promise that I will reveal to you all the culinary secrets of how to properly cook cheesecakes from cottage cheese, so that everyone lines up for an additive.


  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g of wheat flour (70-80 g - for cheesecakes, the rest - for breading);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of raisins;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

How to quickly cook cheesecakes from cottage cheese:

Grind cottage cheese with a blender into a homogeneous mass. You can use ready-made curd mass - it is sold in stores. But in this case, it must be taken into account that it is not necessary to add sugar to it later, as a rule, such a mass is offered to the buyer already in a sweet form. This is great option if cheesecakes need to be cooked quickly.

Add egg, salt, sugar and baking powder. Mix (I do this with the same blender, you can use a mixer or a simple spoon).

You should get a homogeneous mass.

Add flour and mix again.

The mass is quite viscous. But you don’t need to add more flour: with an excess of it, the cheesecakes will turn out to be too hard and, as a result, not tasty.

Add pre-steamed raisins and knead well so that it is evenly distributed in the dough.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of flour for breading into a flat plate. Recruiting big spoon curd mass (the spoon should be with a large slide) and form round cakes - future cheesecakes. Roll the cheesecakes in flour on both sides.

How to fry cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a pan:

We send cheesecakes to a well-heated pan with vegetable oil. Cook for 3 minutes over medium heat, cheesecakes will be well browned during this time. Then we turn over to the other side, reduce the fire and cook until the second side is browned. It usually takes about five minutes.

Cheesecakes are especially good hot, accompanied by sour cream, jam or condensed milk.

Now you know how to cook cottage cheese pancakes tender and tasty, fragrant and melting in your mouth! Bon appetit!

Tips & Tricks:

Cottage cheese for syrniki must be fresh (sour cottage cheese will simply spoil the taste of syrniki). It is best to use homemade cottage cheese for cheesecakes (you can buy it on the market).

Hello dear guests of my blog! If your family cannot live without sweets, then it is not necessary to buy them harmful confectionery. Try making a dessert useful products, for example, from cottage cheese.

Not even can cope with the preparation of cheesecakes experienced hostess. Today I will share with you some secrets on how to cook cheesecakes.

It turns out that the name "syrniki" came to us from ancient times. Previously, the word "cheese" was the name for cottage cheese.

To prepare such a dish, different ingredients are used depending on the preferences of the head chef.

By the way, many people call this their cottage cheese.

Any cheesecake recipe includes sugar, flour, semolina and eggs. To enrich the taste, you can use raisins, vanilla, dried apricots, pears and mint.

Curd products may or may not be sweet. They are fried, boiled or even baked in the oven.

Sweet ones are eaten with the addition of jam, or sour cream. And unsweetened curd products are poured with ketchup, mayonnaise or sour cream.

To properly prepare the dish, it is important to choose high-quality cottage cheese. You can not make food from an expired or sour product.

If the mass is too dry, then a little sour cream, kefir or milk can be added to the mixture.

The following tips will help you make delicious cheesecakes:

  1. Choose fresh, non-sour cottage cheese. It can be fatty or non-fat. The product must have a homogeneous structure, without grains.
  2. To get rid of excess liquid, the cottage cheese should be put on a colander or gauze so that the water is glass.
  3. To bind the mass, not only flour is used, but also starch or semolina.
  4. Eggs are a must. Some recipes use yolks to give a rich taste and a pleasant color. For diet meals proteins are used.
  5. Sweet products can be prepared with raisins, dried apricots, cherries or dried cranberries. Sugar and vanilla are also added. For sugar-free options, garlic, herbs and dried vegetables are used.
  6. Cheesecakes must be formed with a small diameter. They shouldn't be too thick.

Curd products are most often fried in a pan, and also baked in the oven or cooked in a slow cooker. For frying, you need to use high-quality oil.

Before cooking, the dishes should be heated. In order for the cheesecakes to bake, it is necessary to cover the pan with a special lid.

It should be fried over low heat.

How to cook cheesecakes: popular recipes

Consider the most interesting recipes that can be prepared at home. On the video, the cooking options can be followed step by step.

Classic syrniki

To prepare a simple recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 60-70 ml of oil;
  • 4 tablespoons of flour.

You should prepare like this:

  1. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl.
  2. Then add sugar, salt and cottage cheese.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a spoon or fork.
  4. Add 150 grams of flour to the mixture. Flour will also be needed in order to roll products before frying.
  5. While the oil is heating up in the pan, curd dough form balls and dip them in flour. Then make a cake of small thickness from the ball.
  6. Put the cheesecakes in hot oil and fry on both sides.

Baking is laid out on a napkin so that excess oil is glass.

Curds with semolina in the oven

For the oven, prepare the dough with semolina.

You will need the following components:

  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • not completely filled glass of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins and nuts;
  • half a glass of semolina;
  • incomplete glass of flour;
  • a spoonful of sour cream.

Cooking goes like this:

    1. Put the cottage cheese in a container, put semolina, eggs and sugar to it.
    2. Mix the composition with a spoon or fork to get a homogeneous mass.
    3. Then add flour and sour cream, mix.
    4. Then add chopped nuts and raisins and stir.
    5. Place paper on a baking sheet and drizzle with oil.
  1. Form round pancakes from the curd mass, and lay them on a baking sheet.

How long it costs to bake depends on the characteristics of the oven, but the average time is 20 minutes. As soon as the cheesecakes become ruddy, they need to be removed from the oven.

Serve with jam or sour cream.

Unsweetened Recipe

Many housewives are wondering if it is possible to make cheesecakes without sugar and whether it will be tasty. Try this recipe, I think it's delicious.
You will need these products:

  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 grams of cheese or hard cheese;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • dried herbs;
  • spices and salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Put cottage cheese in a cup and mash it.
  2. Separately, beat the eggs with a fork.
  3. Then mix both components.
  4. Grate a piece of cheese and sprinkle with the rest of the products.
  5. Add salt, herbs, flour and spices. Stir the ingredients until smooth.
  6. Make small pancakes from the dough and roll them in flour.
  7. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up.
  8. Put the cheesecakes in the pan and fry them.

You can make cheesecakes and in reserve. To do this, they need to be put in the freezer, and if necessary, take out the frozen ones and fry them as usual.

If there are no eggs, then you can cook tasty dish and without them. This is how sweet cheesecakes are prepared with the addition of raisins.

Add vanillin, mint leaves, or cinnamon to add flavor to baked goods. Try to cook cheesecakes with different ingredients to achieve the perfect taste and combination of products.

Experiment and enjoy your meal! If you know some original recipe share it in the comments.

Until we meet again, dear fans of my blog!

In a frying pan - a delicious dish that is ideal for breakfast. If you have cottage cheese in the refrigerator, be sure to spend a little time and prepare the cottage cheese. This simple and tasty dish will appeal to both children and adults.

Many people cannot do without sweets, they don’t have to buy factory-made sweets at all, it’s enough to cook homemade cottage cheese, they can easily replace sweet cookies bought in a store. Even a young inexperienced hostess can easily cope with their preparation. They are much healthier and tastier.

There are many recipes for cottage cheese pancakes, we will focus on the most popular options for cooking in a pan.

Classic cheesecakes in a pan - Recipe with step by step cooking


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Grind the cottage cheese with a crush and beat the egg here.

I add a pinch of salt, pour sugar. And bring it to homogeneity.

Pour in the pre-sifted flour. We mix the ingredients.

Now, wetting our hands in water, we make blanks for cheesecakes in the form of a ball.

We take the resulting ball, roll it in flour, remove the excess and form the curd.

Put on a preheated pan with sunflower oil.

Fry on both sides over medium heat.

Here is our dish. Put them on a plate and serve with tea.

Knowing this, you can cook this sweet miracle at any time.

Delicious recipe for cottage cheese with semolina

Another variation of the preparation of cottage cheese dough is the method without adding flour. Instead, we add semolina and the product is softer and juicier.

We will need:

  • Cottage cheese 9 or 18% - 180 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. l;
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Fine salt - a pinch;
  • Raisins - 2-3 tbsp. l (optional);
  • Flour - 2-3 tbsp. l. only for cutting;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

The fatter the cottage cheese, the tastier the cheesecakes. Regardless of fat content, it should not be wet. We leave our choice on crumbly. If your mass is wet, put it in a colander for 10-15 minutes and the whey will drain.

1. Rub the curd with a pusher until smooth, pour sugar.

2. Pour the semolina here, mix and leave for 5 minutes (the semolina will absorb the whey and swell).

It is advisable not to leave the curd mass for a long time, as the sugar melts and it becomes liquid.

3. Scald raisins with boiling water, spread on a towel to dry and add to the mass, mix evenly distributing. If it turns out to be watery, add a little flour, literally a spoon, to bring it to the desired consistency.

4. Sprinkle the table with flour. We spread the cottage cheese, divide into two or three parts. We roll one in flour and form a flattened sausage.

5. Divide the sausage into pieces. Alternately roll in flour, make balls, then lightly press down with the palm of your hand, make round lush cheesecakes. Try to hold them less in your hands, work with dough on flour.

6. All blanks are made, put the pan with oil on medium heat. Warmed up, now lay out the cheesecakes.

7. As soon as the edges began to turn golden, lift and look. Ruddy - turn over, pale - leave to fry. The second side is also cooked for about three minutes.

8. Turn off the fire. Cover the pan with a lid and let the cheesecakes stand for a few minutes.

9. Arrange them on plates and serve. Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking from cottage cheese in a pan


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vanillin - 1 hour. the spoon.

Cooking method:

1. Knead the cottage cheese well with a fork (or in a blender)

2. Add eggs, a pinch of salt and vanilla, mix thoroughly.

3. Pour out the sifted flour and stir the mass well again.

4. We moisten a spoon in water and collect a little curd mass.

5. Lightly roll in flour, remove excess and form a cheesecake.

6. In a frying pan, heat up a little sunflower oil, spread the curds, cover the pan with a lid and fry over low heat until golden brown.

7. Then turn over and let it brown on the other side.

8. When the dish is ready, put it on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar (optional) and serve with sour cream. Bon appetit.

Easy homemade recipe

Very tasty cheesecakes, a great option for breakfast or dinner.


  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Raisins - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanillin - 1 teaspoon
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Honey, sour cream - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We take cottage cheese, preferably dry, you can pre-wipe it through a fine sieve.

2. Add salt, sugar, one egg, flour, mix everything thoroughly. Then pour out the vanillin and raisins (it should not be very dry, but if you have it dry, pour it for 10-15 minutes, rinse and then add to the cheesecakes), knead the mass well.

3. Leave for 5 minutes. Our cottage cheese stood, thickened a little, when we add sugar, it always becomes soft and slightly moist. We spread it on the board, and make an arbitrary rectangle.

4. Divide into 6 identical parts.

5. We form blanks. We take a plate with flour, sprinkle each cottage cheese, cut off the excess flour well.

6. The pan is hot, add oil and start frying. Fry over medium heat, about 2-2.5 minutes, then turn them over.

7. If you get thick curds, we cover with a lid. And cook on low heat for another 2-2.5 minutes.

8. We got such delicious and beautiful cheesecakes with sour cream. You can add some honey on top.

Eat for health.

Perfect cheesecakes in a pan

Delicious and lush, airy and tender, fragrant and soft cheesecakes in a pan are not difficult to make if you have a proven and reliable recipe at hand.


  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 100 g:
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Cottage cheese must be put in a deep bowl, salt and sugar, and add vanillin. Do it to your taste. Beat in one egg.

2. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon. It is necessary to obtain a homogeneous mass.

3. Drive in an egg.

4. Knead the dough. You can do this with a spoon, then pieces of cottage cheese will be felt in the cheesecakes, it is better to kill the mass with a blender, then they will become homogeneous. The choice is yours! Also, now you can put any toppings that you like most into the dough: chocolate, cocoa, strawberries, apples, cheese, herbs, ham, etc.

5. Powder your hands with flour and make round small curds.

6. Heat the pan with vegetable oil very well and lay out the cheesecakes. By the way, you can fry them in butter, then they will be more delicate and creamy in taste.

7. Fry them over medium heat until golden brown and turn over reverse side where cook the same amount of time.

8. Serve ready-made lush cheesecakes with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, berry sauce etc. Of the many recipes for this dish, one of the simplest and most commonly used is classic way cooking. I hope that this detailed recipe will help prepare this dish for those who are doing it for the first time.

Video on how to cook cottage cheese with raisins

Bon appetit!!!

Syrniki is a popular Russian dish that thousands of families prepare for breakfast or dinner. In fact, cheesecakes are the same pancakes, only from cottage cheese. The basic set of products for cottage cheese pancakes includes, of course, cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and a small amount of flour. Flour is used only to give the desired consistency, it should not be too much. There are also recipes where semolina is used instead of flour. You can take both semolina and flour in equal quantities. Sometimes cheesecakes are made even without flour. To make the dish tender and lush, you can add baking powder and a little soda to the dough. A pinch of salt is also added for flavor.

Fruit and vegetable cottage cheese pancakes are widespread. In addition to standard ingredients, banana puree, persimmon, grated apple or carrots are added to the dough. Very tasty cheesecakes are made with dried fruits, for example, with steamed raisins. Children will surely like chocolate cheesecakes made from cottage cheese. To prepare such a sweet treat, you need to add cocoa powder to the dough. After the dough is ready, small balls are formed from it, then cakes. Usually cheesecakes are fried in a pan. A more dietary and healthy option is to cook the dish in the oven or steam. The fastest option is to bake cottage cheese pancakes in the microwave.

Ready cheesecakes are served with sour cream, honey, jam, condensed milk, powdered sugar, etc.

Cottage cheese pancakes - preparing food and dishes

To prepare cheesecakes from cottage cheese, you need to prepare a deep bowl and a frying pan. If cheesecakes are cooked in the oven, you will need a baking sheet and baking paper. The curd mass can be mixed with a fork or spoon, but it is better to use a mixer. In some recipes fruit syrniki(for example, banana) a blender is used.

In general, no special preparatory measures are required. The only thing is, if fruits or vegetables are used in the recipe, they must be washed and peeled, as well as grated. Bananas can be simply mashed with a fork or pureed in a blender. Raisins are always sorted, washed and steamed for several minutes in boiling water. Raisins should be pitted! If the cottage cheese for cheesecakes is too wet, you can put it in gauze and leave it for a couple to decant.

Recipes for cottage cheese pancakes:

Recipe 1: Cottage Cheesecakes

The easiest cheesecake recipe ever. It only takes a few ingredients to prepare this dish. This is cottage cheese itself, sugar, flour and eggs. Great option for a delicious and quick breakfast!

  • Cottage cheese - 180-200 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Flour - 40-55 g;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil.

Knead the cottage cheese with a fork, add sugar to it, grind the mass with a fork. Then beat in the eggs and mix thoroughly. Add flour and stir the mixture until smooth. The dough should not be too dense or, conversely, liquid. Heat up the oil in a frying pan, then lower the heat. We form balls of cottage cheese and squeeze a little. Sprinkle flour on the curds. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Serve with sour cream or condensed milk.

Recipe 2: Classic cottage cheese pancakes

In this recipe, all the ingredients are selected in such a way that the curds are very lush and do not fall apart during cooking. In order for the curd mass to acquire the desired consistency, a little flour should be added, vanillin is also used for flavor. You can add sugar to taste, but don't overdo it anyway.

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Flour - a couple of spoons;
  • Egg;
  • Vanillin;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • 3-4 g of salt (half a teaspoon);
  • 7. Vegetable oil.

Mix cottage cheese with sugar and egg. Add vanilla, salt, flour and mix well. We mold small balls from the dough and press them lightly to make cakes. Dip each cheesecake lightly in flour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and lay out the cheesecakes. Fry on each side until done. Serve with sour cream for breakfast.

Recipe 3: Cottage cheese pancakes with semolina

Semolina cheesecakes are very often prepared for children, and adults are not averse to eating this in the morning delicious breakfast. Such cheesecakes are prepared no more difficult than any other cottage cheese. Thanks to semolina, the structure of cheesecakes is tender and soft.

First, mix cottage cheese with sour cream, then add sugar to taste, salt and one egg. Then add semolina, stir all the components, leave the mass for a few minutes so that the cereal can swell. After that, you can already add flour. Mix all the ingredients with a spoon or mixer. Heat up a frying pan with oil. Spread the curd mixture with a tablespoon. Fry the cheesecakes on each side until golden brown.

Recipe 4: Cottage cheese pancakes in the oven

Cottage cheese pancakes in the oven will become an indispensable recipe for those who adhere to diet food. Such cheesecakes are prepared without oil, which means they are less high-calorie. The ingredients used are basically the same as in regular recipes.

Mix cottage cheese with flour, sugar and egg. Add vanilla and baking powder, lightly salt. We form small balls of cakes from their dough. Grease a baking sheet with butter and line with baking paper. Bake cheesecakes until tender (about 25-35 minutes).

Recipe 5: Lush Cottage Cheesecakes

The softness and splendor of cheesecakes depend not so much on the ingredients as on the frying temperature. Even if you take the same amount of products, each time you will get different cheesecakes. This recipe shows how to make fluffy cottage cheese pancakes.

Mix part of the flour with cottage cheese, egg and sugar. Add a little salt and do not forget about the baking powder. Pour a little flour onto a table or cutting board. Scoop the dough with a spoon and place the balls directly on the flour. We roll the curds on all sides. Heat up a frying pan with oil over high heat. Fry cheesecakes until cooked on both sides. Serve with sour cream.

Recipe 6: Banana Cottage Cheesecakes

Fans of new and unusual flavors will definitely like cottage cheese pancakes with banana. An excellent dish for breakfast or dinner, these cheesecakes go very well with honey or powdered sugar. Children will also be delighted with banana cheesecakes.

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Egg;
  • Ripe banana;
  • Two tablespoons of flour;
  • A pack of vanillin;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar - as you like;
  • Vegetable oil.

Banana cut into small pieces. Puree in a blender until smooth. Mix banana puree with cottage cheese, sugar, egg and vanilla, throw a pinch of salt. Mix the mass with a blender again. Now gradually add the flour, stirring continuously. The dough should be moderately sticky. From too dense dough, cheesecakes will turn out tough. Heat up vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spoon out small cakes. Fry until golden brown on each side. Serve cottage cheese and banana cheesecakes with honey or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 7: Cheesecakes from cottage cheese and raisins

Many people eat cottage cheese with raisins - quite a familiar combination. And try to cook delicious cheesecakes from cottage cheese and raisins! Cheesecakes according to this recipe are very lush, juicy and incredibly tasty. Of the products, both semolina and flour are used. You will also need eggs with sugar.

  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 g of light and dark pitted raisins;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • Half a glass of sugar and flour;
  • A little salt;
  • A kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • 2 tsp vanillin;
  • 4 tbsp. l. decoys.

Beat eggs with sugar, salt and vanilla. Pour the washed raisins with boiling water for a few minutes, then drain the water, dry the raisins. Add eggs, flour and semolina beaten with sugar to the cottage cheese. Mix the curd mass thoroughly. We lay out the dried raisins to the cottage cheese. Sprinkle the surface of the table or cutting board with flour and fashion small lumps on it. We crush them lightly and fry them in a frying pan heated with oil. Fry each side for 3-4 minutes. Serve cottage cheese pancakes with raisins and sour cream.

Recipe 8: Chocolate Cottage Cheesecakes

Cottage cheese pancakes with cocoa are a great treat for children and adults. They turn out sweet and fragrant, but what else do you need for a hearty breakfast and cheer up? Cottage cheese cakes with cocoa are very easy to make, try it yourself!

  • Cottage cheese - 200-250 g;
  • A couple of spoons of flour;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • cocoa powder;
  • Vegetable oil.

Knead the cottage cheese with sugar, add the egg, mix. Add flour and cocoa. Mix the mass thoroughly. We form cottage cheese from the dough of the desired shape and size. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Fry the cheesecakes rolled in flour until cooked on each side. Fire should be medium. Serve chocolate cheesecakes with sour cream.

Recipe 9: Cottage Cheesecakes with Apples

Another option for making cottage cheese and fruit syrniki is syrniki with an apple. The dish has a pleasant fresh taste, besides, such cheesecakes remain juicy longer. Such a recipe should be included in the cookbook of any housewife.

  • A kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • 2.3-2.5 cups of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 apples;
  • Half a glass
  • Sahara;
  • Soda - 4-5 g;
  • A little salt;
  • Vanillin;
  • Vegetable oil.

Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla, salt and soda. We mix the mass with cottage cheese. Peel the apples, cut out the seeds. We rub the apples on a coarse grater, squeeze out the juice and spread it to the cottage cheese, stir everything with a mixer. Gradually add flour to the curd mass. Heat up a frying pan with oil. We reduce the fire and begin to spread the mass with a spoon. Fry the curds until golden brown. Serve apple syrniki with sour cream and sugar.

Recipe 10: Cottage cheese pancakes with carrots

Bright cheesecakes with carrots will cheer you up even on the gloomiest morning! The dish is not only tasty, but also very useful. Carrots go great with cottage cheese, creating a mouth-watering and juicy treat.

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Carrots - 1-2 small pieces;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Sugar;
  • A little vanillin;
  • Flour;
  • Vegetable oil.

Mix sugar with vanilla and eggs, then combine with cottage cheese. We spread the grated carrots to the cottage cheese, add a little flour. Mix the mass with a spoon or blender, leave for 10 minutes. We spread the dough on the table with flour. We make cheesecakes and roll a little in flour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and spread the curds. Fry the cheesecakes on each side until cooked. Lubricate the hot curds with butter and sour cream.

The success of making cheesecakes depends on the quality of the cottage cheese used. Cottage cheese should not be too dry or, on the contrary, juicy. From crumbly dry cottage cheese cheesecakes will come out tough and not lush, and from too “wet” they will generally fall apart. However, there is a way out: juicy cottage cheese can be left to drain for a couple of hours, and dry mixed with a small amount of sour cream or diluted with a spoonful of milk. Also, the product should not be too acidic. It is better to use fresh, fatty cottage cheese.

Here are a few more useful tips, which will help to prepare delicious, tender syrniki:

- You should never pour all the flour into the curd at once. It is better to do this gradually, since cheesecakes will come out hard and dry from a too dense dough, and from a liquid mass it will simply spread over the pan. The dough should be moderately dense, while being elastic and easily lagging behind the hands;

- Each cheesecake can be rolled in flour or semolina before frying. Only then will the curds have an appetizing crispy crust. If this is not done, cheesecakes will also turn out tasty, but less fried and crispy;

- Sugar should not be transferred to the dough for cheesecakes. It is better then to sprinkle them with a finished dish or flavor with condensed milk or jam;

- To make cottage cheese pancakes golden, it is better to fry them on a mixture of vegetable and butter;

- The most delicious and tender cheesecakes come out of a homogeneous curd mass. Therefore, if time permits, it is advisable to grind the cottage cheese through a sieve beforehand;

- Eggs should be beaten with sugar as thoroughly as possible - this will make cheesecakes more magnificent and softer. Some recipes use only egg yolks. Cheeses on yolks are brighter and richer. AT diet recipes sometimes proteins alone are used;

- For a pleasant aroma, you can add vanillin or cinnamon to the dough. Best of all, cinnamon is combined with cheesecakes made from cottage cheese and apples. Also dried apricots, cranberries or cherries are sometimes added to the dough. All of the above ingredients perfectly complement the cottage cheese;

- Cottage cheese pancakes don't have to be sweet. In such recipes, fragrant spicy herbs, garlic, a little ground black pepper, dried vegetables, etc. are used. The most important thing is to keep the proportions and not overdo it;

- In order for cheesecakes to bake evenly, and to make it convenient to turn them over, you should make cottage cheese cakes of small sizes. From dense dough, you can form balls a little larger than walnuts. However, the best way is to put the dough in the pan with a tablespoon. You need to fry cheesecakes on low heat, you can cover the pan with a lid.

Liana Raymanova

Cheesecakes are one of the most simple meals Slavic cuisine. With its delicate sweet taste, it can surpass many culinary masterpieces, and even useful properties not separated. Almost all housewives of the post-Soviet space know how to cook curd pancakes. But upgrading skills is not superfluous. Perhaps one of the cooking methods below will become your favorite.

For those who have not yet managed to get their hands on the preparation of curd pancakes, we offer a simple step by step recipe delicious cheesecakes from curd. Also in this article is a method for preparing chocolate and banana curds.

Jun 25 2017 at 10:30 PDT

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese: a classic recipe

Everything ingenious is simple, and the classic cheesecake recipe serves bright to that confirmation. Even a person who is very far from culinary art can cook on it. And the process takes a little time.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2.5 st. l. wheat flour;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cottage cheese into a bowl and knead it well with a fork or spoon so that there are no lumps left. It is better to take a bowl deep, it is more convenient to combine the ingredients in it. Add sugar and salt to the curd, then mix thoroughly.
  2. Add eggs to the resulting curd mass and again carefully mix everything.
  3. The next ingredient to add is flour. For this recipe, one and a half tablespoons is usually enough. But if the eggs are very large or the cottage cheese is very fatty, you may need a little more.
  4. Vanilla sugar is added last to the dough for cheesecakes. After thorough mixing, the contents of the bowl should be set aside for about 10 minutes. After this time, it will become suitable for heat treatment.
  5. To give the cooked mass a shape, you need to moisten your hands. cold water and roll the dough into balls.
  6. The remaining flour should be poured into a separate plate to roll the cheesecakes in it. But flour on cheesecakes should not be too much. Shake them out before putting them in the pan.
  7. First you need to fry on medium heat. When they turn golden, turn them over. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid.
  8. Fry for a few minutes until done.

Many housewives transfer cheesecakes to a plate directly from the pan, but in this case they may turn out to be too greasy.

If you first put the finished pancakes on napkins and leave for a couple of minutes, the paper will absorb excess fat

After that, it remains only to transfer the cheesecakes to a plate and serve.

Lush cheesecakes with cottage cheese

And here is another classic cheesecake recipe from homemade cottage cheese. It differs from the previous one in that the curds are baked in the oven, and not fried in a pan. Thanks to this method of heat treatment and the addition of some ingredients, cheesecakes are even more fluffy and airy.

For cooking you will need:

  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 art. l. sour cream (30%);
  • liquid honey.

This recipe uses honey instead of sugar. Due to this, cheesecakes have not only a special taste, but also additional useful properties.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour cottage cheese into a deep bowl, knead.
  2. Add eggs and honey, mix.
  3. Pour flour and soda, mix everything again.
  4. Received soft dough set aside for a few minutes.
  5. Prepare baking molds by greasing each with vegetable oil.
  6. Divide the dough into molds.
  7. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Ready cheesecakes can be immediately laid out on a plate, they turn out not at all greasy. By the way, this is a great option for those who want to lose weight: there are fewer calories in wind cheesecakes than in fried ones. But they have the same delicate, sweet and juicy taste. Honey curds are served with sour cream, they can be additionally decorated with fresh berries.

Classic recipe for cottage cheese pancakes with banana

The harmonious combination of cottage cheese and banana is very common in modern cooking, because these tastes perfectly complement each other. Cheesecakes are no exception. Try to slightly diversify the traditional recipe by adding a banana and you will be pleasantly surprised!


  • 450 g of medium fat cottage cheese (5-12%);
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 large chicken egg;
  • 1 banana;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • a few grams of baking powder (at the tip of a teaspoon).

Instead of vanilla sugar, vanillin can be used, but in a smaller amount. This is a more concentrated analogue

Cooking method:

  1. Put the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add the egg, regular sugar and vanilla. Mix with a blender or by hand, but very carefully.
  2. Peel banana and cut into small pieces. Add to the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Mix flour and baking powder, pour the resulting powder into a bowl with cottage cheese.
  4. The dough should not be too liquid. If necessary, you can add a little more flour to it.
  5. Form pancakes from the resulting curd mass and bread them in flour.
  6. Fry in a skillet over low heat until golden brown on each side.

For frying cheesecakes, it is better to use odorless vegetable oil, since the sunflower aroma does not go well with the taste of a banana. But even when frying in ordinary oil, the curds will turn out tasty and healthy!

Chocolate cottage cheese pancakes

Chocolate cheesecakes taste completely different from ordinary ones. Many people think they taste better. Cooking them is not much more difficult, the classic recipe for cottage cheese pancakes differs only in the absence of cocoa powder in the composition. Also included in this recipe semolina, which is often used to make curd pancakes.


  • 250 g cottage cheese (5% fat content);
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 4 tbsp. l. decoys;
  • 1 egg;

For frying, you can use both sunflower oil and butter. This recipe is also suitable for baking in the oven.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar, cocoa and egg in a deep bowl, beat the mixture with a whisk until smooth.
  2. Add cottage cheese to the bowl, mix.
  3. Pour semolina into the resulting curd mass, mix and leave to stand for 15 minutes.
  4. Wet your hands in cold water, fashion small balls of the same size from the dough, form cheesecakes out of them.
  5. Fry over low heat until done.

Chocolate curds can be served with sour cream or syrup. Although the dish is quite self-sufficient and does not need additional seasonings.

Video recipe for lush cheesecakes with cottage cheese

Cooking from a cookbook or other printed recipe can be tricky. You can mess up with proportions or ingredients by accidentally looking at the wrong line. You can incorrectly perform this or that action, disrupt the sequence of mixing components, and make other similar mistakes. Every little thing affects the taste of the finished dish, so ideally you need to do everything right. Video recipe with detailed step by step instructionsthe best remedy to insure yourself and guaranteed to get delicious cheesecakes!

December 9, 2017, 01:08
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