A simple cake - a recipe for the most delicious Smetannik with photos and videos. Cooking secrets. Delicious homemade sour cream cake

Cakes on sour cream differ from classic biscuits with a juicy and tender crumb. Cakes do not need to be soaked in syrups, they turn out delicious and rich without it. If you choose the right cream - it will be a fairy tale! Here are the most detailed step-by-step recipes for sour cream cakes with full description.

Sour cream cake - general principles of preparation

Sour cream cakes are usually soft, porous, tender and always cooked with eggs. They are whipped with sugar like a classic biscuit, after which sour cream is introduced. Of course, for the test it is better to use a product with a good fat content, then it will turn out tastier. Add sour cream to beaten eggs carefully so as not to upset the foam. If the product is thick or heterogeneous, then before that it must be thoroughly mixed in a separate bowl.

What else can be added:


Cakes are usually baked in the oven or in a slow cooker. If they are high, then you can cut into several parts. Then the cakes are smeared with cream, which can also be made from sour cream. But butter cream is also suitable, on condensed milk, custard, chocolate paste, it all depends on the recipe. The cake is assembled, smeared, soaked for several hours.

Classic sour cream cake: a step by step recipe

Variant of the simplest sour cream. AT step by step recipe sour cream cake the minimum number of products is used. At the same time, the dessert turns out incomparable, tender and juicy. If it is well decorated, then it will find its place even on holiday table. For the test, you can even take sour or not very fat sour cream. But for the cream we use the highest quality and freshest product, as it will not be subjected to heat treatment.


300 grams of millet. flour;

200 grams of sugar;

1 tsp food soda;

A glass of sour cream;

Vanilla pack.

370 g sour cream (thick, fat content from 25);

150 g powder sugar;

1 packet of vanilla.


1. It is advisable to immediately turn on the oven, let the oven warm up to 180 degrees. Immediately prepare the form: grease, you can cover the bottom. Or grease and sprinkle with flour. By the way, sour cream can be cooked in a slow cooker. Then we simply lubricate the bottom and side parts from below, you do not need to heat anything in advance.

2. You can use a whisk to knead the dough, but the eggs will be beaten much faster with a mixer. We break them into a bowl, start beating, pour a glass of granulated sugar in parts. We beat until it dissolves.

3. It is not necessary to extinguish soda with vinegar, since sour cream is used in the dough. Combine, stir and transfer to beaten eggs.

4. Lightly stir the sour cream with eggs, add the sifted flour and one sachet of plain vanillin. You can give sour cream a citrus flavor. To do this, chopped zest is added, you can pour a little cinnamon. In general, we are experimenting.

5. Stir the dough, transfer to a greased form. Gently shake it so that the layer is evenly distributed, and put it in the oven to bake. Cook until dry sticks for about half an hour. In the slow cooker we maintain a full baking cycle, usually 50-60 minutes. If necessary, increase the time.

6. The finished cake should be cooled well, then cut into two thin layers. This can be done with a long knife.

7. The cream is prepared very simply: all the ingredients are mixed in a bowl. You can take sugar instead of powder, but then you need to stir the mass until the grains are completely dissolved. When using a mixer, beat carefully so as not to turn sour cream into butter.

8. Lubricate the lower cake of sour cream with cream, cover and lubricate the top. The side parts also need to be smeared so that the cakes do not dry out, soak.

9. To decorate the cake, we use chopped nuts, you can sprinkle it with crushed waffles or cookies, coconut chips will fit perfectly here. Or we make flowers and patterns from butter cream.

10. We remove the sour cream cake in the refrigerator for at least four hours. The dessert will be soaked, become tender, juicy, and delight with taste.

Chocolate Sour Cream Cake: A Step-by-Step Banana Recipe

This is a universal step-by-step recipe for a sour cream cake that can be prepared with cherries, bananas, other fruits or berries, but we take a filling that is not too soft. Otherwise, the filling may leak.


A glass of flour;

40 g cocoa;

Three eggs;

A glass of sour cream;

10 g of ripper;

A glass of sugar.

For cream and filling:

340 g sour cream;

170 g boiled condensed milk;

1 g vanillin;

4 bananas.


1. Break three eggs into a clean bowl, immediately add prescription sugar to them and beat the ingredients until a good light foam.

2. Pour cocoa into the sieve, add a glass of wheat flour, put a bag of special baking baking powder. And all together you need to sift. This technique will save you from the appearance of unpleasant lumps of cocoa or ripper.

3. In beaten eggs, first put a glass of sour cream. Stir with a mixer for a few seconds, but at the lowest speed.

4. Next, add the flour mixed with other ingredients, and also mix at low speed. We get a homogeneous semi-liquid dough.

5. Grease a biscuit mold with a diameter of about 20-22 centimeters. Pour the chocolate batter into it.

6. The oven should have warmed up to 180 degrees by this time. You can’t put the dough in a cold oven, it will dry out, the cake cake will not work. We send the form, bake until cooked, check with a wooden splinter.

7. Put the finished biscuit on the wire rack. Cool down completely.

8. Cooking cream. In our case, it is better to add sour cream to boiled condensed milk, and not vice versa. We put a spoon, stir well, then add the rest of the sour cream in a spoon. If laid out immediately, then lumps of thick boiled condensed milk may appear, since it is not always homogeneous. We fill the cream with vanillin or any essence.

9. Peel bananas. We cut in circles, but not thinly, as they will only be inside and the filling should be felt. We make about 4-5 millimeters.

10. Cut the cooled chocolate cake in half lengthwise for a two-layer cake.

11. We put one part on a flat dish, grease it with the prepared cream of sour cream with condensed milk, lay out the slices of bananas in an even layer, which should completely cover the surface.

12. We also grease the second part of the biscuit with a layer of cream from the side of the cut and cover the bananas with this side. If this is not done, top part won't soak as well as the bottom.

13. Now we cover the top and sides of the chocolate sour cream with cream.

14. For decoration, you can use grated white or dark chocolate. It is better not to put bananas on top or do it just before serving the cake to the table. In the air, the pieces will darken.

15. We give the cake a few hours for impregnation, keep it in the refrigerator.

Gelatin sour cream cake: step by step recipe (with biscuit)

This cake combines a baked crust and an amazing sour cream layer. The dessert turns out to be quite large, it is better to make it in a split form by 23-25 ​​cm. The step-by-step recipe for sour cream cake indicates total berries and fruits. You can use kiwi, bananas, strawberries, peaches, citruses.


100 g sour cream;

140 g flour;

0.5 tsp ripper;

90 g sugar.

For the jelly layer:

700 g sour cream;

200 g of sugar;

vanilla sachet;

20 g of gelatin;

80 ml of water, milk or juice.

Additionally, you will need 500 g of berries or fruits.


1. You need to start cooking with a biscuit base. This will be one low-sized sour cream cake. Beat eggs and sugar until white color. Add sour cream, and then flour with baking powder. Get the classic dough on sour cream.

2. Lubricate the mold from the inside with a piece butter, the bottom can be covered with a piece of parchment.

3. Pour the prepared dough into the mold, level it.

4. Put the base in the oven, bake until done at 180 degrees.

5. Cool the cake, remove from the mold. Remove paper. If the form is dirty, then it must be washed, wiped dry. Return the cake to the form, we will immediately collect the cake in it.

6. Soak gelatin in milk, let it infuse. Instead of milk, you can take any juice or just water, if there is nothing at all.

7. Combine sour cream with sugar and vanilla, beat for a minute. Leave for complete dissolution of the grains.

8. Rinse fruits or berries, dry thoroughly, cut into pieces. Berries can be cut in half, if they are small, then leave whole. Set a handful aside for decoration.

9. Warm up the gelatin swollen in milk, combine with sour cream and beat again.

10. Add pieces of fruit and berries to sour cream, stir gently.

11. We shift the jelly mass into a form with a biscuit, level the layer so that the thickness over the entire area is the same.

12. On top, lay out the pieces of fruit or berries that have been set aside. Do not deepen, just press lightly.

13. We remove the cake in the refrigerator for 4 hours. It is impossible to freeze gelatin masses, just cool them.

14. Before serving, carefully remove the detachable form. The biscuit at the bottom is dry, so we take it with our hands and transfer it to a flat dish.

If there is no good and thick sour cream for the cream, you can use the one that is. But first place the product in a linen bag, hang it to drain the serum. Excess water will go away, the cream will not flow.

Is the cream very liquid? You can add special thickeners to it, or pour in a little dissolved gelatin. You can also thicken the mass with coconut flakes, crushed biscuits.

It is better to bake cake layers in advance, you can the day before. Cool then wrap in cling film. After that, they will be well cut, absorb the cream, the cake will turn out tastier.

Cake sour cream perhaps the most requested cake for home cooking. It's all about the pros that this simple cake enough. It bakes quickly and easily. To prepare it, you do not need to roll out cakes, knead the dough, dirtying the space around, you do not need special skills and exotic products. The cake is not too sweet and not very high in calories. And with a little imagination, an everyday cake easily turns into an admirable culinary masterpiece.

Smetannik is a tender, moist cake made from sour cream dough. Sour cream is used both for making dough and for making cream. You can add fresh fruits, dried fruits or berries to the cream.

The most delicious sour cream cake - a classic recipe

Ingredients for the recipe:

for cakes:

  • sour cream 250 g.
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • sugar 1 cup
  • margarine 100 g
  • flour 3-4 cups
  • soda 1 teaspoon
  • vinegar 1/2 tbsp. spoons
  • cocoa powder 2-3 tsp

for cream:

  • sour cream 450 ml.
  • sugar 1 cup

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the margarine and let it cool. Combine eggs with sugar and beat. The sugar should dissolve. Add margarine and stir until smooth and uniform. Pour vinegar into sour cream, put soda, mix. When the sour cream starts to foam, put it into the egg mixture. Stir.
  2. Add flour little by little and knead the dough with a whisk. The dough should be like thick sour cream.
  3. Divide the dough into two parts. Add cocoa powder to one of them. Stir. Bake the cakes in a greased form in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Check readiness with a wooden stick. It must remain dry. Let the finished cakes cool down.
  4. To prepare the cream, beat sour cream and sugar with a mixer until fluffy. Vanilla can be added to the cream.
  5. Cut the chocolate cake in half with a sharp knife. Lubricate the cakes with cream and let the cake brew. The top can be covered with the same sour cream or decorated with icing or grated chocolate.
  6. Advice: To prepare the cream, it is better to take thick, fatty sour cream. Rare sour cream can be upgraded. Put a clean linen napkin in a colander, pour in rare sour cream and leave it overnight. Excess whey will drain, and sour cream will become thicker.
  7. Try sour cream before preparing the cream, it should be fresh and not sour.

Chocolate cake "Smetannik" with cherries in a slow cooker

Who doesn't love cherries in alcohol! It successfully combines the sweet and sour taste of cherries, the bitterness of chocolate and the aroma of cognac. The same principle can be applied to a cake. Make chocolate sour cream with cherries. In this recipe, we will show you how to bake chocolate cake sour cream at home. Success guaranteed!

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • flour 3 cups
  • sour cream 250 ml.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • sugar 1 cup
  • soda 1 teaspoon
  • vinegar 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • cocoa powder 3 tbsp. spoons
  • cherry 500 g

for cream:

  • sour cream 250 ml.
  • sugar 1/2 cup
  • black chocolate 100 g
  • coffee liqueur 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Knead the dough. Rub eggs with sugar. Add sour cream, soda slaked with vinegar, flour. At the very end, add cocoa powder. The dough should be rich in chocolate, so the cocoa rate can be increased.
  2. Pour the dough into an oiled multicooker bowl. Arrange pitted cherries evenly on top. Dip the berries lightly into the batter. Set the "Baking" mode. Approximate cooking time is 40-100 minutes. Do not open the lid for the first 40 minutes. Next, check the readiness with a wooden stick.
  3. Cool the finished cake. Cut across into 2 pieces. Soak the cakes with coffee liqueur. You can use cognac.
  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Add sugar and sour cream. Heat until sugar dissolves. Cool down the cream. Lubricate the cakes generously. The top of the cake can be covered with cream, sprinkled with powdered sugar or decorated with chocolate icing.
  5. Advice: In winter, a cake can be made from frozen cherries.
  6. The crust is delicious on its own. Without cream, sour cream with cherries is a good rustic version of a fruit pie.

Shaggy cake "Smetannik" with condensed milk and prunes

Do you want to surprise your guests with taste and unusual appearance cake, bake a shaggy pie and prunes. Due to the combination of white and chocolate dough, the cake has an unusual marble pattern on the cut. Prunes in combination with sour cream and condensed milk will give the dessert a special piquancy. The cake is tasty and not too sweet.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • sour cream 300 g
  • sugar 1 cup
  • margarine 50 g
  • flour 2 cups
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • baking powder 1 teaspoon
  • cocoa powder 3 tbsp. spoons
  • pinch of salt

for cream:

  • condensed milk 1/2 can
  • sour cream 100 g
  • prunes 500 g

Cooking method:

  1. Replace the dough. Rub the eggs with sugar. Add melted margarine, sour cream, salt and flour mixed with baking powder. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Add cocoa powder to one.
  2. Grease the mold with oil. Pour the white dough first, then the coffee dough in the center and mix randomly, creating marble pattern. Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes, checking doneness with a dry wooden stick. Cool the finished cake.
  3. Rinse prunes. Pour in warm but not boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes. Drain the water. Remove pits if using prunes with pits. Dry.
  4. Prepare cream for the cake. Whisk condensed milk with sour cream. If you like sweeter desserts, add sugar and stir until smooth.
  5. Carefully remove the pulp from the cake, leaving only the bottom and side. Break the pulp into pieces. Put the pieces of dough back, dipping each in cream and shifting with prunes. Let the cake rest. Use icing or melted chocolate as decoration.
  6. Advice: The cake will be even tastier and more interesting if you put a piece in each prunes walnut or add nuts to the cake between pieces of dough.

An amazing cake recipe - seemingly incompatible products “met” in it - soft and with a pronounced milky flavor sour cream, prunes, which many do not like because they do not know how to “insert” it into the dish correctly, the most delicate biscuit on sour cream. This recipe is a prime example of how you can make a cake with a non-standard taste, which, nevertheless, will appeal to all guests.


For the test, let's take:

  1. 4 large eggs;
  2. Vanillin;
  3. 220 grams of flour;
  4. A pack of baking powder.


  1. 20 grams of gelatin powder, in plates;
  2. A kilo of fat village sour cream;
  3. 125 milliliters of milk;
  4. 125 grams of sugar;
  5. 150 grams of prunes.

Cooking process

Let's start with the basics from the test:

  1. Whisk eggs into foam.
  2. Add baking powder, flour and vanilla, but not all at once, but little by little, spoon by spoon.
  3. Knead for 7 minutes, pour into a mold, which you previously covered with parchment, lightly oiled and sprinkled with flour.
  4. We tighten the form with a piece of foil on top so that the dough remains soft.
  5. Bake for 8 minutes at 190 degrees.


  1. Remove the stones from the prunes, cut them into slices, rinse and steam in boiling water or let it brew in cognac / rum / liquor (any filling can be used according to the recipe).
  2. Pour gelatin with milk, let stand for 20 minutes.
  3. Boil the lemon for 5 minutes in plain water.
  4. Then beat the lemon without peel with a blender, add sour cream, sugar.
  5. We warm the gelatin so that the grains melt, if it is not instant.
  6. Pour, cool, into the sour cream mass, beat.
  7. We strain the prunes from excess moisture, squeeze them with our hands and put them in a soufflé, mix.

We collect:

  1. The cake should be cut into as many pieces as you can (about 3-4).
  2. Layer with cream soufflé.
  3. From above we also grease with cream, put a little on the sides.
  4. We decorate: you can use prunes, and chocolate, and coconut chips, and nuts, it all depends on your preferences and imagination.

Quick and easy Smetannik cake in the microwave. Delicate, rich taste. Ready and eaten in 10 minutes!


  • Sour cream (fatty) 200 g.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Milk 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 4 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Flour 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder 2 tbsp. l.
  • Starch 1 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder, 1 tsp

How to make a quick and easy Smetannik cake in the microwave:

  1. Whisk eggs with sugar. Separately mix flour, cocoa, starch and baking powder. Add the resulting mixture to the eggs and mix well. Add milk and vegetable oil. Knead the dough.
  2. Transfer it to a greased mold (microwavable). "Oven" 4-5 minutes at a power of 700 kW.
  3. While the dough is “baking”, beat the sour cream with sugar.
  4. Cut the cake into several layers and grease each layer with cream.
  5. It turns out very quick cake for three persons.


For test:

  • Flour 2 cups
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Sour cream 200 g
  • Butter 100 g.
  • Baking powder 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vanillin

For cream:

  • Sour cream, 400 g
  • Cottage cheese 200 g
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Vanillin.

How to cook sour cream in a slow cooker:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar until white foam. Add sour cream and melted butter. We mix.
  2. Add flour, baking powder and vanilla. We knead the dough.
  3. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter and pour the dough. Bake in the "Baking" mode for 80 minutes.
  4. We take out the biscuit with the help of a steamer basket and let it cool.
  5. To prepare the cream, mix sour cream, cottage cheese, sugar and vanilla. Whisk until smooth.
  6. Cut the biscuit into 3-4 cakes. We grease each top and sides with cream.
  7. We remove the finished sour cream in the refrigerator for several hours. Ready!


For test:

  • Flour 1.5 cups
  • Sour cream 1 cup
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Cocoa powder 100 g
  • Soda 0.5 tsp

For cream:

  • Sour cream 1 cup
  • Sugar 0.5-1 cup
  • Instant coffee to taste
  • Butter 50 g.

How to make truffle sour cream:

  1. Whisk eggs with sugar. Add the rest of the dough ingredients.
  2. Lubricate the form with oil and pour the dough.
  3. We bake 60 minutes until done. Cut the crust in half.
  4. Mix all the ingredients for the cream (except the oil) and bring to a boil, but do not boil!
  5. Add butter and beat cream well. Lubricate the cake and let it brew.


For test:

  • Flour 1 cup
  • Sour cream 15% fat 1 cup
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Sugar 1/3 cup
  • Cognac (optional) 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder 1 tbsp. l.
  • Soda 0.5 tsp

For cream:

  • Sour cream 15% fat 400 ml.
  • Boiled condensed milk 0.5 cans


  • Walnuts 20 pcs.
  • Prunes 2 handfuls

Chocolate glaze:

  • Milk 8 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder 6 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • Butter 30 g.
  • Cinnamon 1/3 tsp

Method for preparing sour cream with condensed milk, nuts and prunes

  1. My and pour boiling water prunes. Mix flour with soda. Whisk eggs with sugar.
    Slightly add sour cream, cognac and flour (with soda) to the eggs.
  2. Prepare two molds for baking cakes. Lubricate them with oil.
  3. Pour one half of the dough into one mold, into the second - the second half of the dough, mixed with cocoa powder.
  4. We bake in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees for 5-7 minutes (the oven should already be preheated).
  5. We take out the cakes from the molds. Mix sour cream with condensed milk. Finely chop the nuts and prunes.
  6. Cut the cakes in half and grease with cream (put nuts and prunes on the cream).
  7. Assembly: chocolate cake - cream - nuts and prunes - light cake - cream - nuts and prunes ... and so on again ...
  8. Mix milk, cocoa and sugar. Cook until thickened. Remove from heat, add butter and cinnamon.
    We mix. Pour the icing over the cake, sprinkle with nuts on top.
  9. We put our sour cream in the refrigerator for a day. Read more:

Taste - Cheesecake but without cottage cheese.


For test:

  • Flour 350 g
  • Milk 100 ml.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Butter 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Yeast 0.5 tsp
  • Salt to taste

For filling:

  • Sour cream 300 g
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook Tatar sour cream:

  1. Dough. Mix warm milk with egg, flour, butter, sugar, salt and yeast. We knead the dough. We leave for an hour. Roll out the dough into a circle. Pour into a greased mold. We form the sides.
  2. Filling. Beat eggs with sugar by hand. Add sour cream and stir until smooth. Pour the filling into the mold on the dough. We bend inward (towards the center) the sides.
    We bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Happy tea!

Many people call their favorite dessert. And this is not surprising, since it is he who is associated with the taste of childhood. Our mothers and grandmothers, despite the empty shelves in the stores, got out as best they could and prepared wonderful treats from the simplest products. We invite you to remember your favorite recipes and prepare a classic sour cream for the whole family for evening tea. You can read how to prepare this dessert in our article.

Cake "Smetannik" simple

If we consider traditional recipes for homemade desserts, we will notice that they differ from each other. The hostesses try to bring something new to them and often change the composition of the cakes or cream. However, there are also many common features for this dessert. For example, delicate structure, lightness and great taste. We invite you to cook the Smetannik cake according to a simple recipe:

  • Beat three eggs with one glass of sugar.
  • Pour 250 grams of sour cream into the mixture (even a not too fresh product is suitable for this purpose).
  • Gradually add 250 grams of flour, half a teaspoon of salt and a little vanilla to the dough. Mix thoroughly.
  • Lubricate the form with butter, pour the dough into it and bake the biscuit until cooked in a preheated oven.
  • While the base is baking, you can start preparing the cream. To do this, 350 grams of chilled sour cream should be beaten with a mixer with one glass of sugar.
  • Cut the finished biscuit in half, generously grease with cream inside and out, and then put it in the refrigerator to cool for a couple of hours.

Before serving, decorate the cake with grated chocolate and ground nuts.

Pie "Smetannik"

This dessert can easily turn into a real cake, you just have to decorate it with cream, berries or chocolate chips. It does not take much time or special preparation to prepare it, and it is for this quality that novice cooks like to cook dessert. Pie "Smetannik" is made very simply:

  • Rub three yolks thoroughly with one glass of sugar. It is better to do this by hand until a stable white foam appears.
  • Add a glass of sour cream to the eggs and mix everything again.
  • Pour a glass of sifted flour into the resulting mixture, a little soda and vanilla to taste. You can also add pieces of dried fruits or nuts. Thoroughly mix the resulting dough.
  • Grease a baking dish with oil, sprinkle its inner surface with breadcrumbs and pour in the biscuit mixture.

Bake the cake for about 25 minutes, and at the end decorate with powdered sugar mixed with ground cinnamon.

Sour cream cake recipe

This dessert will be a real find for a young or novice cook. To prepare a treat, you do not have to perform complex manipulations, fight with a rolling pin, rolling out cakes, or make a lot of effort to make a complex cream. To bake classic sour cream, you will need:

  • Two chicken eggs beat until fluffy foam with one glass of sugar.
  • 100 grams of butter, which should be pre-softened at room temperature, add to the egg mass and mix well.
  • After that, add one glass of sour cream and two to three glasses of sifted flour to the dough.
  • Put out a teaspoon of soda lemon juice and put into the dough.
  • Thoroughly mix the products and divide the resulting mixture into two equal parts. In one of them, add three teaspoons of cocoa, and in the other - vanillin to taste.
  • Bake the biscuits in the same shape until done in a preheated oven. Cool the finished cakes and cut in half.
  • For cream, beat 500 ml of sour cream with one glass of sugar, adding vanillin or ground cinnamon to taste.
  • Assemble the cake, alternating dark and light layers, soaking each of them liberally with cream. After that, coat the surface and sides of the product with whipped sour cream.

Before serving, sour cream should be decorated with nuts or your favorite berries.

Smetannik with condensed milk

We offer you a recipe for another delicious cake that anyone can easily cook at home. We will cook homemade sour cream like this:

  • 100 grams of butter (it must be at room temperature), beat with two chicken eggs.
  • Add the can of condensed milk to the mixture and continue beating.
  • Gradually add eight tablespoons of sifted flour and a bag of baking powder into the dough. Divide the resulting mixture into two parts, one of which should be mixed with two teaspoons of cocoa.
  • In a preheated oven, bake two cakes of the same size and let them cool slightly.
  • For cream, beat with a mixer 700 grams of sour cream and 100 grams of powdered sugar.
  • Cut the biscuits in half, spread with cream and stack on top of each other, alternating colors.

Pour the remaining sour cream over the cake, decorate it to your liking and send it to the refrigerator to infuse for several hours.

Smetannik with honey

To cook tender sour cream in the oven, you will need:

  • Put a quarter cup of honey in a saucepan and wait until it boils and becomes quite liquid.
  • While the honey is cooling, sift two cups of white flour through a sieve and mix it with the baking powder.
  • Separately, beat five egg yolks with two cups of sugar until white.
  • Salt the whites and also beat with a mixer until stable peaks.
  • Carefully combine all the prepared products, pour the resulting dough into two molds to a height of one centimeter. When the cakes are ready, repeat the procedure.
  • Mix two cups of sour cream with one cup of sugar, add two tablespoons of honey and vanilla to taste. Beat the products with a mixer until smooth.

Coat the cakes with cream, stack them on top of each other, and then place the finished cake in the refrigerator for several hours.

Vanilla sour cream

Delight your loved ones with an airy vanilla-flavored cake. Classic sour cream is prepared very quickly:

  • Grate 200 grams of frozen butter on a coarse grater.
  • Add half a glass of sugar, one egg, 300 grams of flour and a bag of baking powder to a bowl.
  • Knead the dough with your hands and gather it into a ball. Using a rolling pin, give the workpiece a round shape.
  • To prepare the filling, beat five eggs, 400 grams of sour cream, vanilla and half a glass of sugar.
  • Pour the prepared dough into a baking dish. It is important that the future pie has sufficiently high sides. Pour in the filling and put the sour cream to bake in a preheated oven.

To make the dessert tastier, it should be served chilled.


As you can see, the phrase “classic sour cream” is understood by every culinary specialist in his own way. However, all ready-made desserts are very tasty, tender and fragrant. Choose the recipe you like and try to make the cake yourself.

This appetizing, delicious and sweet dessert of the Soviet children, as well as, especially in those scarce years when there was no surplus on the kitchen tables, was considered a truly festive cake. Since all the ingredients were available for its preparation, that is why many mothers and grandmothers knew to bake it at home.

The recipes for such a wonderful delicacy are quite simple and varied. After all, its main product, which is part of the dough and cream, is something else - like sour cream. And the cakes in the classic version are baked in two colors, with the addition of cocoa powder, in some versions they also include products such as nuts, poppy seeds and raisins.


  • Sour cream - 1/2 cup
  • flour - 1 stack
  • sugar - 1 stack
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • soda - 1/2 tea l
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • coconut flakes - 2 tsp
  • syrup - 1 tbsp. l
  • apricot jam
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

In a deep bowl, beat the eggs, add salt, sugar and beat with a mixer until smooth.

To make the dough softer and more porous, you need to use fatter sour cream.

Then add the sifted flour, a bag of vanillin, coconut flakes and add soda quenched in 9% vinegar. Then mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

We shift the resulting dough into an oiled, in this case, silicone form and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees, for 25-30 minutes until cooked.

For impregnation in a bowl, dilute one tablespoon of syrup to your taste in 100 ml boiled water and pour them on top of the still warm cake.

Now we cut the soaked cake lengthwise and grease it with a thin layer of apricot jam.

It remains only to lay the second part of the cake on top of the first, grease it with jam and sprinkle with coconut.

This turned out to be wonderful and very delicious pastries, try to cook and you.

Tatar sour cream recipe


For test:

  • Flour - 450 gr
  • milk - 250 ml
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • soda - 1 pinch
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1 pinch.

For filling:

  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • sour cream - 500 ml
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

In order to start the dough, we need to pour the sifted flour, one teaspoon of sugar, soda, dry yeast, a pinch of salt into a deep bowl and mix everything.

Then we drive in one egg there, pour in milk, vegetable oil and mix. After that, sprinkle the table with flour and knead a soft and elastic dough on it. We shift it into a container, cover with a towel and remove for one hour.

After the time has elapsed, we roll out the slightly raised dough on the table, then lay it out in a suitable pre-oiled form, and be sure to bend the edges.

Now for the filling we combine sugar, eggs, salt and sour cream, mix everything well until smooth and pour it into a mold.

And we send it to bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 40-50 minutes until cooked.

We remove the pastries from the oven, decorate with berries if desired and serve.

How to bake a pie with condensed milk in a slow cooker


For the crust:

  • Flour - 300 gr
  • condensed milk - 380 gr
  • butter - 100 gr
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • baking powder - 10 gr.

For cream:

  • Sour cream - 20% - 600 gr
  • powdered sugar - 70 gr
  • cream thickener - 30 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 1 gr.

For decoration:

  • Walnuts and berries - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. To prepare the cakes, drive the eggs into a deep container and beat them lightly with a mixer.

3. Gently spread the resulting mass in an even layer into an oiled multicooker bowl, close the lid and turn on the “Baking” mode for one hour.

4. For the cream, we combine sour cream, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and cream thickener in a container. Beat all the contents with a mixer.

5. In the meantime, after the beep, we get finished cake from the microwave.

6. Cut it lengthwise into three identical parts, where the top of each is smeared with cream and laid out on top of each other as in the photo.

7. Then we completely process the outside with cream and decorate on top with walnut crumbs and fresh berries.

We give it a little soak, and then serve it to the table.

Delicious sour cream with berries


  • Sour cream - 1 cup
  • flour - 1 stack
  • sugar - 1 stack
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • fresh or frozen berries - 300 gr
  • baking powder - 1/4 tsp

Cooking method:

1. In a suitable container, thoroughly mix the eggs with sugar.

2. Add sour cream, baking powder here and gradually add the sifted flour so that the mass turns out like pancakes.

3. Next, we need a deep form, which we lubricate inside vegetable oil, then pour half of the dough into it, then lay out the berry, in my case, frozen cherries and pour the second half of the dough.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the mold in it and bake for about 25-30 minutes.

5. After the time has elapsed, we pierce the cake with a toothpick and if it is dry, then the baking is ready.

We spread it out of the mold, cut into portions and serve.

Vanilla sour cream pie (video)

Probably the most difficult thing in preparing this pastry is to grate the frozen butter on a grater. Of course, to simplify this task, you can ask the male half to grate the oil, believe me, this will greatly simplify the task of the hostess. All other manipulations in the recipe are simple and quick. And don’t worry too much if it seems to you that the filling for vanilla baking turned out to be a little watery. It will thicken during cooking. So, let's begin.

Bon appetit!!!

Even a simple sour cream recipe requires accuracy and precision in preparation. And although it’s difficult to spoil a dessert, it’s better to follow some rules when cooking anyway.

  1. Do not overload the dough with excess flour. It is better to let the kneaded dough stand for 8-12 minutes, so that the flour gluten swells.
  2. It is best to bake cakes in a pan with a thick bottom and sides. Since Soviet times, the classic sour cream recipe has been designed specifically for this type of form.
  3. Do not open the oven door during the baking process, as the dough will settle or rise unevenly.
  4. In the event of the formation of a convex “cap” on the finished product, it should be cut off sharp knife, and then lubricate the cake with cream.
  5. When choosing sour cream, be guided by the color, smell and density of the product. For good whipping, it should be oily, not watery and not have a bitter taste.
  6. So that the sour cream does not exfoliate when whipping, you should take a cold product.
  7. With liquid milk, it is better to add a special thickener or gelatin to the cream for sour cream, if the recipe requires it.

Classic sour cream recipe with step by step photo

The simplest and favorite recipe for sour cream sour cream, popular in the USSR, is simple to prepare, and its composition includes the most common and affordable products.

What we need:

  • sour cream - 250 gr;
  • sugar - 200 gr;
  • flour - 160 gr;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • walnuts - 100 gr.

How to cook:

Put sour cream, eggs, sugar in a bowl. Beat them with a mixer or a hand whisk.

Sift wheat flour through a sieve, and then mix it with baking powder. Pour these dry ingredients with other products. Beat well to achieve a smooth dough.

Divide the dough in half. Gently add powdered cocoa to one part, stir it well so that there are no dry grains left.

Bake 2 cakes in the oven at 190°C for 20-30 minutes each.

The classic sour cream uses sour cream not only for dough, it is also the basis of the cream. To obtain it, sugar is thoroughly mixed with thick sour cream, and then whipped into a single dense mass.

Peel the walnuts from the shell. Grind the kernels into pieces. To give them a brighter taste, fry the nuts a little in a hot frying pan without oil.

Cut the cooled cakes in half to make 2 brown and 2 white.

Form the cake starting with a dark color. Lay all the cakes alternately, alternating their color. Spread each layer generously with cream and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Lay the rest of the cakes, but do not forget to grease them and sprinkle with nuts.

Cover the shaped cake completely with cream. You can finally decorate the cake with nuts, biscuit crumbs or chocolate.

Detailed Tatar recipe for sour cream

Along with the classics, Tatar variants of sour cream are gaining more and more popularity.

A distinctive feature of such pies is the dough, which is prepared in an unconventional way for us. Most often, such Tatar desserts are made from shortbread yeast dough.

It's time to consider and prepare a recipe for sour cream like in a baguette with tender dough and melting filling.

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • oil - 60 gr;
  • sugar - 50 gr;
  • flour + 400 gr;
  • dry yeast - 7 gr;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • lemon zest - ½ pc.
  • sour cream - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet.

How to cook:

To raise the yeast, heat the milk a little over a fire. Pour sugar into it and dissolve the yeast in the warm liquid for dough.

Grate the citrus zest and melt the butter without letting it boil.

Pour diluted yeast into the air flour, add salt and mix the ingredients. Put the zest on them, slowly pouring in the ghee. Try to get a soft, slightly sticky mass. To do this, knead the dough for at least 3 minutes. Form a ball out of it and let it rest in heat for volumetric growth. After 2 hours put everything in the refrigerator.

The dough of Tatar sour cream is good because it is suitable for harvesting for the future. From it you can bake for the next 4 days. And 3 hours before creating the pie, pull out the dough for heating.

Crack the eggs into a bowl, add sour cream to them, add sugar. From these ingredients make a homogeneous thick mixture.

Roll out the dough for sour cream into a layer. Cover the bottom of the mold with it, slightly lifting it around the edges. In the middle of the form, pour a thick filling of sour cream and egg mixture.

Bake sour cream at 180°C for about 30-40 minutes. The warm filling of the correct sour cream pie should tremble slightly when shaken. Then let it cool, and then stand overnight in the refrigerator.

Delicious recipes based on the classics

Various changes made to traditional recipe cake, give the dish a new rich taste or make it easier to work with the dough. Any home recipe sour cream based on the classic guarantees success.

Smetannik with condensed milk on kefir

With a limited amount of sour cream in baking, you can replace it with another product and bake sour cream on kefir.

Required Ingredients:

  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • kefir - 1.5 cups;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • soda - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • sour cream - 700 gr;
  • sugar - 1 cup.

How to cook:

Sift flour, extinguish soda with vinegar. Mix them together. Drive eggs into them, pour in condensed milk with kefir. Dilute everything into a single mixture. General dough liquid consistency should be divided into parts in a ratio of 1 to 2. Mix the cocoa powder into the smaller part and mix it well.

Bake sour cream at 180°C until fully cooked. Cut the cooled light cake in half.

Prepare a cream from sugar with chilled sour cream. Start assembling the cake by placing the cocoa cake in the center of the cake. Spread all layers, sides and top of the pie equally with cream. Before serving, let the cake soak with sour cream for softness, leaving it for 1-2 hours.

The simplicity and uniformity of the sour cream pie recipe is compensated by natural additives in the form of nuts, raisins and poppy seeds.

These components give the most ordinary cake a solemn look.

  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • sour cream - 400 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • raisins - 1 handful;
  • walnut - 1 handful;
  • poppy - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • sour cream - 800 gr;
  • powdered sugar - to taste.

How to cook:

Turn the mixture of eggs and sugar into a viscous mass. Pour oil into them, add sour cream. Mix everything. Pour flour through a sieve, add baking powder. To obtain a smooth mass without lumps, thoroughly knead the components.

Pour the dough into 4 bowls in equal doses. Mix raisins, cocoa, poppy seeds, crushed nuts into each part.

Cake sour cream bake on paper separate parts for 15-20 minutes at 200°C.

Make a magnificent filling for dessert from a mixture of sour cream and sweet powder.

Cover each layer of the pie with the same amount of cream. Let it brew for 6 to 24 hours.

Smetannik for chocolate lovers

The classic sour cream cake and chocolate lovers did not pass by. Adjusting to their taste, the cake takes on chocolate shades flavored with coffee or condensed milk.

Required Ingredients:

  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cocoa powder - 100 gr;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon.
  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • instant coffee - to taste;
  • oil - 50 gr.

How to cook:

Grind sugar with proteins and yolks until they turn into a lush mass. Add sour cream to the resulting viscous mixture, mix the products. Mix cocoa powder with baking soda. Pour the dry mixture in parts to the sweet egg foam, stirring it all the time.

Grease the mold where the cake will be baked with oil. Place it in the oven for 60-65 minutes at 180-190°C. After - let the cake cool, and then divide it in half.

Pour 100-150 grams of strong coffee into sugar to dissolve the grains. Beat coffee sugar vigorously until smooth with sour cream. The presence of coffee in the cream gives the truffle sour cream an even more expressive taste. To sour cream on a spoon, mix soft butter, constantly whipping the cream.

Smear the cakes with sour cream and leave the cake for 3-4 hours.

Cooking sour cream not in the oven

The Soviet Union taught many to be content with little, so there are many recipes for pies baked in a pan. And modern kitchen appliances, which make life easier for housewives, save time by taking all the baking work on yourself.

You can make a sour cream cake in almost any household appliance:

  • microwave;
  • multicooker;
  • bread maker.

Such recipes are easy to diversify, with fruits or candied fruits.

A simple recipe for sour cream for a pan

The recipe for sour cream in a pan differs from the usual options. A thick dough is being prepared for it, which requires rolling out.

Required Ingredients:

  • margarine - 100 gr;
  • sour cream - 80 gr;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 260 gr;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • nutmeg - ½ teaspoon;
  • ginger - ½ teaspoon;
  • lemon zest - ½ teaspoon.
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • sour cream - 400 gr;
  • sugar - 100 gr.

How to cook:

Prepare margarine in advance, giving it time to melt. Grind soft fat with sugar. Drive an egg into it, add sour cream. Sprinkle all the spices with aromatic additives. Mix ingredients well.

In a separate bowl, mix flour with baking powder, and then fluff it through a sieve. Mix the flour into the liquid mass 2 times. Knead into a smooth thick dough. Form a well-kneaded dough into a ball. Let him lie down in the cold for 1 hour.

From the rested dough, roll 6-7 equal lumps. Form each portion into round cakes of the same size.

Bake sour cream in a pan until the first bubbles appear on the cakes on both sides.

While the base is cooling, prepare the cream. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve to remove all grains. Combine it with sour cream with a blender or mixer, adding sugar to them in portions. The cream needs to be whipped until it can hold on to the whisk of the mixer on its own.

Form a cake on a flat dish. Place 2-3 tablespoons of curd cream on all layers and smooth it over the surface.

Spread the remaining cream on the sides and top of the pie. Sprinkle sour cream with cottage cheese with chocolate, crumbs or candied fruits.

Recipe for apple sour cream for a slow cooker

The proposed recipe for sour cream in a slow cooker is quick and juicy. The main idea of ​​the pie is taken from the Tatar version and enriched with apples. Such a cake will turn any ordinary day into a holiday.

Required Ingredients:

  • sour cream - 450 gr;
  • egg - 5 pcs.;
  • oil - 200 gr;
  • flour - 300 gr;
  • sugar - 250 gr;
  • apple - 4 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

How to cook:

First, knead the base of the dough. Cut solid butter into pieces, add flour, ½ sugar, beat in an egg (1 pc.). Knead an even dough by hand.

Lubricate the multi-cooker bowl with grease. Lay the dough in an even layer along its bottom and walls. Allow the base to rest in the refrigerator.

During this time, prepare the jellied part of the pie. Beat 4 eggs with sour cream and sugar until fluffy. In this case, the mass should increase significantly in volume and become thick and homogeneous. Cut fruit into thin slices, remove seeds. For such a sour cream with apples, it is better to take dense, slightly sour varieties of fruits.

Pour the sour cream-apple filling into the chilled bowl shape. Top the whole product with apple slices, and then sprinkle with cinnamon.

Cook sour cream in a slow cooker on the “Baking” mode. Baking time - 50 minutes. Leave the cake to cool completely in the slow cooker.

You can decorate the cake with powder, mint leaves or a cinnamon stick.

Microwave chocolate sour cream

It's easy to make sour cream when guests are already on the doorstep using a microwave. A few minutes in the miracle oven and the chocolate dessert is ready.

Required Ingredients:

  • milk - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.
  • sour cream 30% - 200 gr;
  • powdered sugar - to taste.

How to cook:

Lather the proteins to a state of lush foam, and grind the yolks with the addition of sugar to a white state. Combine dry ingredients together: sifted flour, cocoa, starch, baking powder.

Pour them into the sugar-egg mass, mix avoiding lumps. Gradually add milk and butter in small portions. As an oil, you can take sunflower or butter, but then the second should be melted in advance. Add fluffy proteins to the resulting mass and mix everything diligently. Smooth out the dough.

Chocolate sour cream is baked at a power of 700 W for no more than 5 minutes.

Prepare the cream by diligently whisking sour cream with powder. Divide the cooled pastries into 21 parts. Spread generously with cream. If desired, additionally decorate the product on top of sour cream.

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