Presentation on the theme of protected areas of the Crimea. A single lesson on the topic "reserves of the Crimea" a class hour on ecology on the topic. project "Ecological trail"

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"Crimean gymnasium-boarding school for gifted children"

information hour

on the topic:

"Reserves of the Crimea"


Umerova Lilia Alikovna

Simferopol 2017

Reserves of Crimea

Target: to acquaint with the flora and fauna of the Crimean Reserve, especially with those species that are under state protection.


education of love for the native land;

fostering a culture of behavior in nature reserves and national parks;

expanding the range of environmental knowledge;

development of collectivism and patriotism.

In fact, the history of the protected areas of Crimea began on July 30, 1923 - with the release of the decree "On the Crimean State Reserve and Forest Biological Station". In subsequent years, researchers identified in the nature of the Crimea and substantiated the need to create reserves, represented by unique natural complexes. In 1991-1993 in Ukraine and Crimea, Laws on the protection of the natural environment and protected areas have been adopted.

The basis of the natural reserve fund of the peninsula is formed by 4 state reserves: Crimean, Yalta, Cape Martyan and Karadag. They occupy 43.8% of the entire protected area of ​​Crimea.

Crimean Reserve was organized in 1928. It occupies 33,397 hectares in the central part of the Main Crimean Ridge. More than 1200 species of plants (almost half of the entire flora of Crimea) grow in the protected area, over 200 species of vertebrates live (half of those found in Crimea). Of particular value are oak, beech and hornbeam forests, which play an important water and soil protection role. Crimean red deer, Crimean roe deer, mouflon, black vulture, griffon vulture and other rare animals live in the forests. The scientific, cultural and educational significance of the reserve is great. On the periphery of the protected area, several recreational areas and ecological trails have been created, where tourists in organized groups, without harming nature, get acquainted with its riches. On Chatyrdag, the most beautiful cave "Marble" is equipped for mass visits.

Off the northwestern coast of Crimea there is a branch of the reserve -Swan Islands. One of the largest concentrations of waterfowl in Eastern Europe is located here: more than 230 species, of which 18 species are listed in the Red Book. Up to 5,000 swans flock to molt from the south each year, and the colony of gulled cod has more than 30,000 individuals. During the summer season, seagulls destroy almost 2 million ground squirrels and up to 8 million mice - pests of fields.

In Alushta, under the management of the Crimean Reserve, a Museum of Nature and an arboretum were created, where you can get acquainted with the natural resources of mountain forests.

Yalta mountain forest reserve established in 1973. It covers mainly the western South Coast (14590 ha). Forests occupy 3/4 of its territory. On the mountain slopes, tall, mainly pine (57% of the forests of the reserve) and broad-leaved (beech and oak) forests are common, in places with evergreen sub-Mediterranean undergrowth. The ecological path "Solnechnaya" (formerly "Tsarskaya"), 7 km long, has been laid on the territory of the reserve.

Reserve Cape Martyan , located to the east of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden (on the limestone cape of the same name), occupies 240 hectares together with the coastal waters of the Black Sea. It was created in 1973 and is intended to preserve a corner of the Mediterranean nature in the Crimea. A relic sub-Mediterranean forest is protected here, in which more than 500 plant species grow. Of particular value are the communities of the rarest relic, the only broad-leaved evergreen tree in Eastern Europe - the red strawberry tree (small-fruited strawberry), listed in the International Red Book. Other “Red Book” species also grow here: juniper high, pistachio tupolis. Cape Martyan is a full-scale scientific laboratory of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, where a scientific and ecological trail runs.

On the South-Eastern coast of Crimea - the youngest on the peninsulaKaradag Reserve (founded in 1979). It occupies the territory of the ancient volcanic mountain-forest landscape between the Meganom and Kiikatlama peninsulas (2855 ha). In this unique museum, created by nature itself, you can read the history of the Earth for almost one and a half hundred million years. More than 100 minerals and their varieties have been found on Karadag. Semi-precious stones are found here: carnelian, opal, heliotrope, agate, rock crystal, amethyst. You can observe the attributes of a fossil volcano: lava flows and brexia, dikes, mineral veins, volcanic bombs, and even a channel that once served as a conductor of lava to the surface. The flora of Karadag includes about 1050 plant species. Only here live Poyarkova's hawthorn, Steven's chickweed, Koktebel tulip and other rare species. 29 plant species are listed in the Red Books. The fauna of the reserve is also peculiar: 35 species of mammals, 277 species of birds, 15 species of reptiles, 18 species of animals listed in the Red Book are noted here. For organized tourists and sightseers in Karadag, an educational ecological trail has been laid.

There are 33 state reserves established on the peninsula. Among them are 16 reserves of national importance. Landscape (complex) reserves are: Cape Aya in the west of the southern coast of Crimea with picturesque limestone cliffs covered with a relict forest of Stankevich pine, high juniper and small-fruited strawberry; Baidarsky reserve on the northern slope of the Main Ridge with canyons and relict juniper forests; Ayudag on the South Coast - a mountainous volcanic massif with a relic sub-Mediterranean forest; The Grand Canyon of Crimea in the west of the Main Ridge is the deepest tectonic-erosion gorge in Crimea (up to 320 m) with mixed forests; Weeping Rock is a picturesque foothill tract in the Western Bulganak valley.

Geological reserves are located in the mountainous Crimea: Chernaya Rechka in the west of the Main Ridge - a gorge-canyon; Kachinsky canyon on the site of the valley of the breakthrough of the Kacha River through the Inner Ridge; The Crimean mountain karst, which occupies part of the Karabi-yayly karst plateau.

The Khapkhal hydrological reserve is located on the southern slope of the Main Ridge in the gorge with the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall.

Botanical reserves include; Kubalach - a mountain in the east of the Crimean foothills with thickets of endemic cyclamen Kuznetsov; Karabi-yayla - a section of a mountain plateau, a place where medicinal plants grow; Kanaka - a valley in the eastern part of the South Coast with a relic grove of high juniper; Novy Svet - a mountainous coastal massif on the Southeast coast, occupied by light forests of Pitsunda pine and high juniper; Arabatsky Reserve - a section of the steppe at the base of the Arabat Spit with virgin coastal-steppe vegetation.

There are two ornithological sanctuaries in Crimea where communities of rare birds are protected: Karkinitsky near the northwestern coast of the peninsula with an abundance of waterfowl; Astana plavni - lake shallow water in the north of the Kerch Peninsula, habitat for shelducks, common cranes and other birds.

There are 87 state natural monuments in Crimea (occupying 2.4% of the entire protected area). 13 of them have the status of national monuments, 6 monuments are complex (landscape): Cat-mountain - a limestone outlier in the west of the South Coast with sub-Mediterranean woodlands; Karaul-Oba - a mountain limestone cape in the east of the South Coast with juniper woodlands; Agarmysh forest - Yaylin massif near the city of Stary Krym, on the slopes of which a beech forest is protected; Ak-kaya - a rocky peak of the Inner Ridge of the foothills with shrubs; Belbek Canyon - the valley of the breakthrough of the Belbek River through the Inner Ridge of the Foothills; Mangup-Kale is a remnant mountain in the west of the Crimean foothills, occupied by a mixed forest.

Geological natural monuments include 4 objects: Demerdzhi - a mountain range of the Main Ridge near Alushta, on the slopes of which original figures of weathering of conglomerates rise (Ghost Valley); Kizil-Koba - a tract on the western slope of Dolgorukovskaya Yayla, which contains the largest cave system in Crimea (13.7 km); Karst mine Soldatskaya on Kaarabi-yayla, the deepest in the Crimea (more than 500 m); Dzhau-Tepe is the largest mud hill on the Kerch Peninsula.

A hydrological monument of nature is Karasu-Bashi - a mountain-forest tract at the head of the Biyuk-Karasu River on the northern slope of Karabi-yayla.

Reserves of Crimea

For the first time, in 1870, part of the mountain-forest landscapes in the Crimea acquired the status of a reserve of the imperial (royal) hunting.

The reserve fund of the Crimea over the years of its development has become the most important indicator of the standard scientific and natural resource potential of the peninsula. This is a natural environment-preserving and environment-reproducing source of the plain-steppe, mountain-forest and south-coast-sub-Mediterranean nature of the peninsula. As of 1.01. 1998 in Crimea there are 145 territories and objects of the natural reserve fund, with a total area of ​​140.4 thousand hectares, including 43 territories of national importance, with an area of ​​124.7 thousand hectares (which is 87% of the area of ​​the entire reserve fund) and 102 objects of local importance, with an area of ​​15.7 thousand hectares (13% of the reserve fund area). At the same time, specially protected territories and objects, reflecting the degree of uniqueness of nature in different regions of the peninsula, are unevenly distributed over the landscape regions of Crimea. The Main Crimean Ridge and the Crimean Sub-Mediterranean Sea are distinguished by the greatest reserved saturation. The landscape areas of the Plain Crimea, the Kerch hills and the Crimean foothills are characterized by much less reserved saturation. In general, the reserve fund in the Crimea accounts for 5.4% of the territory of the peninsula. This is 2.5 times higher than the similar average for Ukraine as a whole, but 2 times lower than the UN-recommended optimal level of protected saturation for the regions of the world.

The Crimean nature reserve is the oldest on the peninsula, it was created in 1923. For a long time (1957-1991 it was in the strange status of a “reserved hunting economy”, when instead of protecting valuable animals, they were hunted by “reserved” hunting. Now the reserve is together with a branch occupies 44.1 thousand hectares.Northern-slope forest, upland meadow-steppe (yailta) and partly southern-slope forest landscapes are protected in the reserve.1165 species of higher plants grow in the protected area (plus 84 species on the Swan Islands). 45 endemic species, 115 rare and protected species, 39 species of mammals, 120 species of birds (20 and 230 respectively on the Swan Islands). Of particular value are beech, oak, hornbeam and pine forests, which play a large water and soil protection role. Red deer, moufflon roe deer, black vulture, griffon vulture and other rare animals live here. Up to 5,000 mute swans flock to the Lebyazhy Islands every year to molt, and the colony of seagulls numbers more than 30,000 individuals.

The Yalta Natural Mountain and Forest Reserve was established in 1973. It covers mainly the western South Coast (14,589 ha). Forests occupy 3/4 of its territory. Tall, mainly pine forests are widespread here (they make up 56% of all forests of the reserve), also beech and oak, in places with evergreen sub-Mediterranean undergrowth. The flora of the reserve includes 1363 species of vascular plants, including 115 endemics; 43 plant species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The reserve is inhabited by 37 species of mammals, 113 species of birds, 11 reptiles and 4 species of amphibians.

Cape Martyan nature reserve, located to the east of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden on the limestone cape of the same name, occupies, together with the coastal aquatic complex, only 240 hectares. The reserve was created in 1973 and is intended to preserve a corner of nature of the sub-Mediterranean type in the Crimea. A relict pine-juniper-strawberry forest with more than 600 plant species is preserved here, including 23 endemic species. High juniper, small-fruited greenberry, etc. are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. 71 species of algae, 50 species of fish, 40 species of mollusks live in the adjacent water area - a total of 200 species of marine animals.

Finally, in the east of the Crimean Sub-Mediterranean, there is the youngest Karadag nature reserve on the peninsula, founded in 1979. It occupies the territory of 1855.1 hectares of ancient volcanic mountain-forest landscape. The reserve was created to protect the rarest landscape, botanical and zoological objects. More than 100 mineral species and varieties have been found on Karadag: semi-precious stones are found here - carnelian, opal, heliotrope, agate, rock crystal, amethyst, etc. You can observe the attributes of volcano fossils: lava flows and breccias, dikes, mineral veins. The richest flora of Karadag includes 1090 species of vascular plants, including about 50 endemics. Many species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: juniper high, pistachio pistachio, hawthorn Poyarkova, etc. The fauna of Karadag includes 28 species of mammals, 184 species of birds, reptiles, 3 - amphibians, 1900 - invertebrates. The flora of the coastal waters includes 454 plant species and 900 animal species (including 80 fish species).

In addition to nature reserves, numerous other, mostly small in area, specially protected natural unique specimens are sporadically scattered throughout the Crimea. On the peninsula, 32 state reserves have been established, which account for 51% of the reserve territory of Crimea. Among them - 1 reserves are of national importance. There are 73 protected nature monuments in Crimea, with a total area of ​​2.4% of the total reserve fund; among them - 12 have national status. There are 25 protected botanical gardens and parks-monuments of horticultural art in Crimea (their area is 1% of the reserve fund); 11 of them have national status. Finally, there are 11 protected areas in Crimea. They occupy 1.6% of the protected area of ​​the peninsula.

Crimean Nature ReserveCrimean Nature Reserve - the largest reserve
Crimea, one of the oldest in the Crimea. Located in the city of Alushta.
The beginning of the conservation of the territory that is now part of it,
the creation in 1913 of the "Reserve of imperial hunting" is considered.
In 1957 the reserve was
turned into Crimean
state reserve hunting economy.
The status of the reserve was
returned to this territory
only in June 1991
years by the decision of the Council
Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. Branch
Reserve "Lebyazhy"
islands" was created in 1949
year. In 2014 the reserve
was transferred under
observation of the UDP RF.

The total area of ​​the reserve is 44,175 hectares.
The main part of the reserve occupies the center of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains, a branch
The reserve is located in the west of the Crimean steppe zone and occupies part of
water area of ​​the Karkinitsky Gulf of the Black Sea.
Here are the highest mountain ranges of Crimea - Yalta Yayla, Gurzufskaya
yayla, Babugan-yayla, Chatyr-Dag-yayla with peaks: Roman-Kosh (1545 m), Bolshaya Chuchel
(1387 m), Chernaya (1311 m). In the central part of the reserve originate many
Crimean rivers - Alma, Kacha, Tavelchuk, Kosse, Marta, UluUzen, Avunda, Derekoika, Donga. There are about 300 mountain springs and
springs, among which the most famous is Savlukh-Su, due to its healing,
silver ions, water.

The Crimean Reserve is rich in vegetation. Here grows more
1200 plant species of which 29 are on the European Red List
(Crimean eremur, Crimean cotoneaster, Sobolevsky
Siberian, Dzevanovsky thyme, purple and red-headed lagozeris, prangos
tripartite), and another 9 species are protected by the Berne Convention. 100 kinds
plants and mushrooms growing in the reserve are listed in the Red Book of Russia. To
they include leafless chin, large astrantia, white flower
summer, larkspur Pallas, etc.

The rivers and ponds of the reserve are inhabited by 6
fish species such as brook trout,
Crimean endemic barbel, chub.
Least represented in
amphibians in the reserve - there are only 4 of them
species: green toad, tree frog
and lake and crested newt.

Birds are the most visible and commonly seen vertebrates. Total in
In the reserve in the mountain-forest part, 160 species of birds were recorded in all seasons of the year.
Red book birds nest here: short-toed eagle, black stork, imperial eagle, black
vulture, griffon vulture, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, motley rock thrush.

Among the nesting common species -
spotted woodpecker, black-headed warbler, warbler, robin, blackbird, Muscovite,
finch, the most numerous bird
Crimean forests, and many others. AT
pine forests nest redheads and
yellow-headed beetles - the smallest
birds of Europe, siskins and common
crossbills. On the yayla - field larks,
quail, variegated rock thrush, most
cautious, mysterious and beautiful bird
reserve, one of the best singers.

The largest population of the Crimean deer subspecies in the Crimea lives in the reserve
noble. In addition, in the forests of the reserve there are roe deer,
wild boar, mouflon. Of the small mammals, the hedgehog is often found.
The red fox is ubiquitous (sometimes there are silver-brown
instances). Badgers and weasels live in the forests.

The reserve maintains the number of wild animals for
optimal level, ensuring the ecological balance of natural
environment. In addition to environmental protection, the Crimean Nature Reserve conducts
research work. According to the program "Chronicle of Nature"
natural processes in forests are studied, observations are made of
rare species of plants and animals, human impact is analyzed
on the environment.
Another function of the reserve is
educational work. When driving
reserve in the city of Alushta created the Museum
nature and the arboretum with an aviary
keeping animals. sightseers
introduce typical and unique
mountain-forest natural complexes,
rare species of plants and animals. On the
the territory of the reserve for
organized visit
equipped recreation areas and three
ecological educational route.

List of sources of information:
irodny_reserve of crimea/alusta/museum-of-nature of the crimean-reserve

imperial hunts. At that time, a huntsman service was organized for the royal hunting reserve, and on Mount Bolshaya Chuchel, forest areas were allocated for demonstrating animals brought to the Crimea - Caucasian deer, Dagestan turs and bezoar goats, Corsican mouflons, bison. With the advent of Soviet power in the Crimea, in 1923, on the site of the royal reserve, a reserve was created with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 23 thousand hectares, a weather station appeared here, a laboratory in which scientists conduct their research. During the Great Patriotic War, the reserve was badly damaged by fires, bison were completely destroyed and almost the entire population of deer, roe deer and other large animals died. In 1957, the reserve was turned into the Crimean State Protected Game Reserve. During the time of the Soviet leaders N. S. Khrushchev and L. I. Brezhnev, the former reserve turned into a hunting ground for high-ranking officials not only from the USSR, but also from other countries. The status of the reserve was returned to this territory only in June 1991 by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. It is currently one of the largest, most interesting and important environmental institutions in Russia.

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