Five most dangerous tourist routes in Russia. The best rivers for rafting on catamarans in Russia Class III: always be ready

Rafting is an extreme rafting mountain river on inflatable rafts. For tourists and non-professional athletes, there are six categories of difficulty - from the first, the easiest, to the sixth, the most difficult. There are, of course, very dangerous routes, but this is the lot of professional rafters, where they have fun at their own peril and risk.

Rafting on the Zambeze River is considered the most difficult commercial rafting: on our route there were four rapids of the fifth category and one of the sixth. Beginners and unprepared tourists are not allowed on the latter, so we walked around it by land. However, this precaution still did not insure us from extreme swimming ...

We had a briefing before we started. From the facial expressions, you can see that everyone was skeptical about the instructor's advice on what to do in case of a fall overboard. The girl Arina, who was sitting next to me, asked: "Why are they telling this? Can we really roll over?" I said that these tips, like contraindications to pills, theoretically can be, but they happen extremely rarely:

After the briefing, they took away all our belongings and gave us a helmet, an oar and a life jacket:


Our rafting started under, in front of the bridge that connects Zambia and Zimbabwe. We went down to the water for a long time, and then for a long time we climbed along the vertical wall to the rafts. Sitting on them, we first swam upstream and looked at the waterfall. Then sailed to quiet place, where our helmsman invited everyone to jump out of the rafts into the water. No one was ready for such an offer, everyone refused, and the man jumped off himself, letting us know that there would be no rafting until we had a swim. I had to jump, which was quite ticklish, considering that crocodiles live in Zambeza. And although they explained to us that they live upstream, we swam with our legs between our legs.

After everyone jumped out of the raft, the instructor climbed onto the raft and began to drag everyone back, explaining how to behave while doing this. We practiced and, so wary serious attitude to safety, went to the rafting:


We were accompanied by four lifeguards in kayaks. They made sure that no one fell, and if this happened, they rowed up to the drowning man and returned him to his place:


And they fell, by the way, often:

There were two rafts in our group - we sat on one, a group of Australians on the second:


I rowed the raft in the front row:


The question may arise - why row, if the river is already carrying us? The fact is that the maneuverability and control of the raft depend on the speed relative to the flow, therefore, on the approaches to the threshold, it is necessary to row with maximum force. What we are doing in this picture:


And during the passage of the threshold, on the contrary, you need to remove the oars and hide. At these moments, the helmsman shouted "Down!" to us, we ducked down and held on to the rope around the raft:


The most important thing in this case is not to lose the paddle:


Well, do not fly out of the raft, of course:


After vigorous shaking, the threshold ends, and we safely move on:


And this is an example of an unsuccessful passage of the threshold, which was demonstrated by the Australians. The girl did not hold tightly to the rope and flew overboard. Please note that her neighbor, although he is in a raft, is submerged in water with his head:


After the threshold, everyone came to their senses and rejoiced:


We performed "High five!" in a rafting manner, using oars instead of palms:


Another threshold is approaching and everyone is adding moves:


A couple of shots of how the water element caressed us:



We had the opportunity to bypass the last threshold of the fifth category, but we, having already passed three of these and matured, decided not to retreat:


I was the first to get under the distribution and met a wave that lifted the raft and turned it over on its side:


After me, the rest of the crew left the raft:


It was a very scary moment: you are trying to come up to the surface to breathe, but since the "surface" at the threshold is very conditional, you are floundering and slurping water. Even the vest does not save:


Fortunately, this place was deep enough, and no one hit the rocks. The helmsman and I climbed onto the raft, tied a rope to the port side and turned the raft over. Everyone climbed back, frightened and with eyes of five kopecks:


The last threshold was the fourth category, we passed it more or less normally. And the boat that followed us capsized:


It was a very memorable rafting and very tough. For those who will be in Zambia or Zimbabwe and are not afraid of such adventures, I advise you to definitely try:


Since, for obvious reasons, it was problematic to take a camera with you, we were filmed from land. I bought these photos with the rights, processed (the originals were pale and inexpressive).

In the next post, read about bungee jumping off the bridge into Victoria Falls. Stay Tuned!

This information concerns the complexity of streams and their classification, which we will start immediately after this paragraph. We have tried to adapt the classification to European habits and world developments in this area. The categories of complexity are quite subjective and are intended so that we can only compare different flows. A specific effect on the waterman is rendered, first of all, by his own track.

Most difficulty categories are set for the minimum (sometimes optimal) water conditions. Always be aware of high water. The difficulty of the route in high water can increase by 2 categories.

But now let's move on to the categories themselves. What is it and what is it eaten with? The totality of individual obstacles, the degree of danger, the slope and flow - all this must be somehow identified and described so that the beginner does not suddenly go to the river with waterfalls. Classifications in the world have developed in different directions. In the Czech Republic, we follow the alpine system, in which the designation ZW refers to relatively calm water, while on turbulent rivers there are six categories of difficulty from WW I to WW VI, provided that they are applied to the nature of local rivers. In different parts of the world, the complexity of rivers is indicated in a similar way, however, sometimes such parameters as the remoteness of the river from the places of civilization or the difficulty of approaching it (mainly in Russia and the USA) can be taken into account in determining the complexity. In addition, the incomparable can be compared in these countries. For example, rivers that have the same course water effects but have discharges of 30 m³ and 1000 m³ may be classified in the same WW II category. However, in terms of rafting, these rivers will be very different. There are also great differences in the evaluation of narrow and obscure streams. The designation of the category of a particular site or place does not always indicate the actual degree of their complexity. One degree of difficulty will be at the threshold of category WW II, 50 meters long, and completely different at a five-kilometer rough section of the same complexity, but with ice water and in an impregnable gorge. Categories of complexity of individual sections stormy rivers using the signs "+" and "-" are further divided into more specific subcategories. In the case of one or two difficult places on a calmer river, the designation!! - and denotes a category with data on the complexity of this particular place, or in this short section, increased complexity can be indicated by an increased category of difficulty in brackets. More detailed description can be found at a given kilometer in the descriptive part of the mileage. Be attentive to water areas, for example, a mirror of a lake when strong wind may be classified as category WW II. Based on these features of the designations, the route should always be chosen very thoughtfully, in accordance with one's own experience and without exaggerated hope for one's abilities. Most of the watermen are rafted along the streams WW II-III (IV), only the most experienced WW V and above. The classification of complexity was not invented by us. It arose as a result of consultations with many local and foreign water experts.


channel character

rafting requirements and risks

necessary equipment

example for optimal water condition

calmly flowing

visible, current speed up to 2 m/s, without obstacles and thresholds

knowledge of the main passage of the rivers and control of the boat, no risk of a coup, easy self-help

open boat with anti-sink equipment, youth life jacket

small rapids with regular waves, visible, narrow meanders with coastal thickets

knowledge of boat handling in running water, minimum risk when swimming, easy self-help

moderately difficult

more visible rapids with waves, wide, well-read passages in a blocked channel, a narrower channel with small rapids that require a quick reaction, the obstacles encountered are clearly visible and, with some training, they can be easily bypassed, a preview is not necessary, there is little risk when sailing, self-help is possible, but the help of friends will not be superfluous

knowledge of boat management on a rapid river, the ability to land in the catch is required, good training and experience are recommended

open boats are possible, well equipped with anti-flooding equipment, but it is better to use closed boats, life jacket, helmet

rapids with high erratic waves, weak swells and moderately blocked track, rapids in meanders less visible, bottlenecks with rapids without sufficient visibility. On rivers with a large current, small "plums" and "barrels" can also be found, but not often. Difficult areas can be bypassed. A preview is recommended at the first rafting, as well as in places that are characterized by their instability (presence of trees). The probability of injury during rafting has not yet reached a critical level, self-help is possible, but it is better to involve friends as well, otherwise there is the prospect of a long swim out of the water.

knowledge of the technique and tactics of rafting on rough water, training, a quick response in boat management is required

closed boats, preferably single boats, otherwise as in WW II difficulty, protective clothing (wetsuit), first aid equipment and knowledge of how to use them are recommended.

extremely difficult

large and pronounced thresholds with high waves, ramparts, "barrels" and "siphons", piles of water on obstacles, a heavily blocked river trough, narrow passages with overflows and fast currents, less visible, but predictable. There may be huge waves and shafts that cannot be bypassed. A preview of the route is always required for the first rafting, and is recommended for subsequent ones. Moderate to high risk, difficulty in self-care. The help of friends is necessary, moreover, it requires a certain experience.

Comprehensive knowledge of the technique and tactics of heavy water rafting, excellent training and experience. The track requires fast maneuvers, which are complicated by the intensity of the rafting conditions. Sometimes you need to stick in the catch and think about the next steps. Thresholds may be at the upper limit of risk. Knowledge of the Eskimo coup is a must.

All as for the complexity of WW III, practical experience in rescue activities and the use of first aid, mental stability.

extremely difficult

big waves and shafts, high waterfall plums, high speed currents, extreme, impenetrable blocking of the channel. high risk for the waterman. Rapids follow one after another, catches are rare, it is desirable to know about them in advance. Track preview is vital, and yet often difficult to access. Rafting is at the upper limit of risk, there is a threat to life, rescue operations are difficult and not without problems.

Lightning reactions in difficult conditions, rafting only in groups of professionals with vast experience and practice. Compulsory knowledge of the Eskimo coup. 100% equipped with rescue and first aid equipment, knowledge of rescue measures in practice.

Equipment as in the complexity of WW IV, participation in the rafting of an expert group, high requirements for physical and mental condition.

official upper bound on complexity

multiple increase in the complexity of the water route and obstacles, rafting is possible only in a certain water condition and ideal conditions, including special training to the event

same as WW IV difficulty

same as WW V difficulty

Plots on the upper or lower boundary of each category are indicated by the signs "+" or "-" respectively.

And at the end of this section, we want to remind you once again - be vigilant about the current state of the water, as well as the state of the rafting people themselves. The mood of the water workers can subjectively influence the perception of the complexity of the flow. And an experienced expert, not being in shape, may have problems on the stream of the third category.

Designation "y" - "complicated" - the route has elements of the following category of complexity

Route: R. Biya. T / b "Artybash" - river Biya - lake Kurevo - mountains. Biysk.
Determining obstacles on the river Sliv Threshold (2nd grade), Yurtok rapids (2nd grade), Kabyrevsky rapids (2nd grade), Pyzhinsky rapids (2nd grade)

Route: R. Anui. S. Cherny Anui - r. Anui - with. Ust-Anui

Route: R. Charysh. S.Ust-Kan - river Charysh - with. Krasnoshchekovo or Beloglazovo

Route: R.Mras-Su.Pos.Mras-Su- r.Mras - Sudo mouth.
Determining obstacles on the river Cascade Khomutovsky (2-3 class), Podporozhnaya Shivera (2-3 class), Vodopadny Rapid (2-3 class)

Route: River Tom from the source to the city of Mezhdurechensk

Route: R. Katun from under the rapids of Manzherok to the bridge to the Belokurikha resort
Determining obstacles on the river threshold Fishing (2nd class)

Route: R. Mundybash (in spring) from the Upper bridge of the tract to Tashtagol to the river Kondoma.

Route: R. Abakan. Lake Teletskoye - transition to the Abakan river - Abakan river - mountains. Abaza
Determining obstacles on the Bol.Abakan River Karbonak rapids (2-3 grades), M. Karbonak rapids (2-3 grades), on the Abakan river Kuchep rapids (2-3 grades)

Routes of the 3rd category of difficulty

Route: R.Uba. Poperechnoe settlement - Uba river - settlement Verhubenka
Determining obstacles on the river Bough Hole Threshold (3rd class), Bolshoy Ubinsky Threshold (3rd-4th class)

Route: R. Peschanaya. with. Ilyinka - r. Sandy - with. Soloneshnoye
Determining obstacles on the river rapid Jaws (3-5 grade), rapid. First Pink Bom (3-5 grade)

Route: R. Katun (Lower). The mouth of the river Biyka - threshold Manzherok
Determining obstacles on the river Cheburakh Threshold (3-4 class), Elandinsky Rapid (3-4 class), Cheposh Threshold (2-5 class), Manzheroksky Threshold (3-5 class). )

Route: R.Sema - river Katun. s.Cherga - r.Sema - r.Katun - s.Srostki.
Determining obstacles on the river Manzheroksky threshold (3-5 category)

Route: R. Belsu from the origins to the city of Mezhdurechensk (in high water up to 4 k.s.)

Route: Kazyr (Shorsky) crossing along the Kazyr river, rafting along the Kazyr river.

Routes 4 categories of difficulty

Route: Rafting from the mouth of the Upper Kurgan river to the village of Chemal

Route: R.Koksa - r. Katun. Ust-Koksa settlement - Koksa river - Katun river - Chemal settlement.
The defining obstacles on the river are Cheki rapids (4th class), (4-5th class), threshold (4th class), threshold (4th class), threshold (4-5th class). ), thresholds (4 k.s.) and (4 k.s.)

Route: R. Chernaya Uba. Gor. Leninogorsk - upper reaches. R. Black Uba - r. Black Uba - r. Uba-st. Shemonaikha
Determining obstacles on the Chernaya Uba River, the Kovarny threshold (4th class), on the Uba River, the Bitch Hole threshold (3rd class), the Bolshoi Ubinsky Rapid (3rd-4th class)

Route: with. Ongudai - Ursul river - Katun river - Chemal settlement
Determining obstacles on the Ursul River Castle rapids (4-5 class) on the Katun River rapids (4 class) and (4 class)

Route: R. Chuya - river Katun. Chibit village - Chuya river - Katun river - Inya village. (route 4 category of complexity with elements of 5 class)
Determining obstacles on the Chuya River threshold (5 class), rapid (5 class), rapid (5 class), on the Katun River threshold (4 class), threshold (4 class) .), threshold (4-5 k.s.), thresholds (4 k.s.) and (4 k.s.)

Route: R. Kumir - river Charysh - river Korgon - river Charysh. Settlement of Ust-Kumir - transition to the upper reaches of the Kumir River - rafting along the Kumir River (with a drift of the Bolshoi Rapid) - the river. Charysh - transition to the confluence of the Gorely and Direct Korgons - rafting along the river. Korgon - r. Charysh - s.Charyshskoe
Determining obstacles on the Kumir River, Krasnoyarka Rapid (4th grade), Deviy Ples Rapid (4-5 grade), Spartak Rapid (4-5 grade), Surprise Rapid (4 grade) on the Korgon River .), threshold Paragraph (4 c.s.)

Routes of the 5th category of difficulty

Route: Chagan-Uzun river - Chuya river - Katun river. Pos. Beltir - Chagan-Uzun - Chuya river (with a drift of the Mazhoy cascade) - Katun river - Chemal settlement.
Determining obstacles on the Chagan-Uzun River (4-5 grade), on the Chuya River rapid (5 grade), rapid (5 grade), rapid (5 grade), on the Katun River threshold (4 k.s.), threshold (4 k.s.), threshold (4-5 k.s.).

Route: R. Mal. Sumulta- r. Bol. Sumulta - river Katun. Settlement Edigan - transition to the arrow of the river. Tyurdem and r. Saigonosh - rafting on the river. Mal. Sumulta - r. Bol. Sumulta - river Katun - settlement Chemal
Defining obstacles on the Malaya Sumulta River Veera Threshold (4u-5 class), Kuturchak cascade (5 class) .), Rapid Track (5 class), Rapid Gag (5 class), rapids (4 class) and (4 class) on the Katun River

Route: Nizhny Kuragan river - Katun river. Pos. Katanda - transition to the upper reaches of the Nizhny Kuragan river - rafting along the Nizhny Kuragan river - the Katun river - Chemal settlement. (5y class, 5 class when rafting from the Osinovka River)
Determining obstacles on the Nizhny Kuragan River Zero Canyon (5-6 grade), 2nd Canyon (6 grade), Cascader Rapid (4-5 grade), Proryv Cascade (5-5 grade) .s.), on the Katun River (4-5 class), threshold (4 class), rapid (4 class), rapid (4-5 class), rapids (4 class .s.) and (4 k.s.)

Route: R. Kucherla - river Katun. Settlement Tyungur - up the river. Kucherla - rafting down the river Kucherla - river. Katun - Chemal settlement.
Defining obstacles on the Kucherla River Kucherlinsky breakthrough (6th grade), Vysotsky Canyon (6th grade), 3rd Canyon (5u-6 grade), on the Katun River (4-5 grade) , threshold (4 c.s.), threshold (4 c.s.), threshold (4-5 c.s.), thresholds (4 c.s.) and (4 c.s.)

Route: Ozernaya River (Multa River) - Katun River. Pos. Ust-Koksa - Multa village - transition to the Multinsky lakes - Multa river (or transition to Taymenye lake - Ozernaya river) - Katun river to Chemal village
Defining obstacles on the Multa River (5-6 class), on the Ozernaya River (5-6 class), on the Katun River (4-5 class), threshold (4 class), threshold (4 k.s.), threshold (4-5 k.s.), thresholds (4 k.s.) and (4 k.s.)

Route: R. Shavla - r. Argut - r. Katun. Settlement Chibit - transition to the upper reaches of the river. Shavla - r. Shavla - r. Argut - river Katun - settlement. Chemal
The defining obstacles on the Shavla River are the Monomakh Rapid (5 grade), the Uigur Rapid (6 grade), the Tushkem Rapid (5 grade), the Kechu Rapid (5 grade), the Neustroev Rapid (5- 5u s.s.), on the Argut River the threshold of Atlanta (5 s.s.), on the Katun River the threshold (4 s.s.), the threshold (4 s.s.), the threshold (4-5 s.s. ), thresholds (4 k.s.) and (4 k.s.)

Route: R. Ongurash - r. Shavla -r. Chulyshman. Pos. Bai-Tal-per. Saigonysh - river Ongurash - river. Shavla - r. Chulyshman (with the carry-over of the Kasha rapids) - Lake Teletskoye
Determining obstacles on the Ongurash River, the OTK threshold (4u-5 class), on the Shavla River, the Surprise threshold (4u-5 class), the Rebro threshold (4u-5 class), the Veer threshold (4u-5 c.s.), on the Chulyshman river Tudansky rapids (5 c.s.), Kovarny rapids (5 c.s.)

Route: R. Chulcha - river Chulyshman. Oz. Itykul - r. Chulcha - r. Chulyshman - Lake Teletskoe (with the lower gorge - 6 ks.).
Defining Obstacles on the Lower Gorge River (6th grade)

Route: R. Kurchum-r. Kaljir. Pos. Katon - Karagay - crossing to the mouth of the Stanovaya river - rafting along the river. Kurchum to the mouth of the Sornaya river, the transition to the upper reaches of the river. Kaldzhir - rafting on the river. Kaldzhir - settlement. Chernyaevka
Determining obstacles on the Kurchum River Rapid-waterfall (5u-6 grade), Dangerous turn rapid (5 grade), Stena rapid (5 grade), 1st gorge on the Kaldzhir river (6 grade) s.), 2nd gorge (5-5u s.s.), 3rd gorge (5-5u s.s.)

Route: R. Bashkaus - r. Bol.Sumult. Rafting along the river Bashkaus from the upper reaches of the river. Tuskul (R. Dzhunduk) - transition to the river Kyzyltobrak - rafting down the river. Kyzyltobrak - r. Bol. Sumulta - river Katun - settlement Chemal
Determining obstacles on the Bashkaus River Stumbling block (5 class), Kolyuchiy rapid (5 class), Novy rapid (5 class), Bol. Sumulta river: Sumultinsky rapid (4u-5 class .), Noise Cascade (5-6 s.s.), Somersault Threshold (5 s.s.), Track Threshold (5 s.s.), Plug Threshold (5 s.s.)

Route: R. Bashkaus - r. Chulyshman. Pos. Aktash - r. Bashkaus (above the mouth of the Mukurachik river) - rafting to the village of Ust-Ulagan - transfer to the Chulyshman river (above the bridge near the village of Yazula) - rafting along the river. Chulyshman (with the carry-over of the Kasha rapids) - Lake Teletskoye.
Determining obstacles on the Bashkaus River Stumbling Stone (5th grade), on the Chulyshman River the Culmination Rapids (5th grade), the Tudansky Rapid (5th grade), the Kovarny Rapid (5-6th grade)

Route: R. Bashkaus (Upper) - Chuya (from the village of Chibit)
Determining obstacles on the Bashkaus River Stumbling block (5 class), Kolyuchiy rapid (5 class), Novy rapid (5 class), Chuya rapid (5 class), rapid (5 c.s.), threshold (5 c.s.)

Route: R. Yungur - r. Argut - r. Katun. Settlement Chibit - per. Kurundu - rafting on the river. Yungur - r. Argut - river Katun - settlement Inya. (route of the 5th category of complexity with elements of 6 class)
Determining obstacles on the Yungur River Zdravviy Chibit Threshold (5th-5th grade), Sarymbel Rapid (6th grade), Crossing Threshold (6th grade), Tourklub Search Threshold (5th-6th grade) , Rapid Double trap (5-5u class), White-Stone Rapid (5-5u class), Shchel Rapid (5u-6 class), on the Argut River White Threshold (5u-6 class .), Separate Rapid (6 class), Atlanta Rapid (5 class)

Routes of the 6th category of difficulty

Route: R. Chuya - river Katun S. Kokoryu or Buguzan Zastava - river Chuya - river. Katun - settlement Inya.
The defining obstacles on the Chuya River are rapid (5u-6 class), rapid (6 class), Sito rapid (6 class), Russian Hills rapid (5u-6 class), Impatiens rapid (5 -6 s.s.), threshold Malysh (6 s.s.), threshold (5 s.s.), threshold (5 s.s.), threshold (5 s.s.).

Route: R. Bashkaus - river Chulyshman. Mouth of the Mal. Kokuri River - Bashkaus River - Chulyshman River - Teletskoye Lake.
Determining obstacles Lower Canyon: Barrikadny rapid (5u-6 grade), Krutoy rapid (5u-6 grade), Melnitsa Klyuchevoy rapid (6 grade), Kapkan rapid (6 grade), Myasorubka threshold (5-6 class), Kamikaze threshold (5u-6 class), Family threshold (5u-6 class), Stubborn threshold (5u-6 class), Tedny threshold (6 class), mudflow threshold (6 class)

Route: R. Chulyshman. Upper reaches of the Chulyshman river - Lake Teletskoye
Determining obstacles on the Chulyshman River: Devil's Bridge rapids (6 class), Oboroten rapids (5u-6 class), Bol. Glyby rapids (5u-6 class), Three Vova rapids (6 class). s.), threshold Zatychka (6 class), Screw threshold (6 class), Maryivanovna threshold (n / a - 6 class), Kasha threshold (6 class).

Route: R. Argut-R. Katun. Settlement of Dzhezator - river Dzhezator - river Argut (with the carry-over of the Karagem breakthrough) - river Katun - village Inya.
Determining obstacles on the Argut River Nadolba Rapid (6 grade), Truba Sapozhnikov rapid (6 grade), Vdp. threshold Separate (6 k.s.).

Route: R. Karagem - R. Argut - R. Katun. The upper reaches of the Karagem river - the Karagem river - the Argut river - the river. Katun - settlement Chemal
Determining obstacles on the Karagem River Olympiysky Rapid (5-5u class), Eridan Rapid (5-5u class), Selevoy Rapid (6 class), Razboinik (5u-6 class) , Vint rapids (5-6 grade), Chibitskiye rapids (5-5 grade), on the Argut River Nadolba Rapid (6 grade), Truba Sapozhnikov rapid (6 grade), Vdp. Sapozhnikova (6th class), Belyi pore (5u-6th class), Razdelny rapid (6th class), rapid (4th class), rapid (4th class) on the Katun River s.), threshold (4-5 k.s.).

Route: R.Ak-Alakha -R.Argut -R.Katun. The upper reaches of the Ak-Alakha river - rafting along the Ak-Alakha river - the Argut river - the Katun river - the village of Inya
Determining obstacles on the Ak-Alakha River Lom Rapid (5 class), Skat Rapid (5 class), Tuz (5 class), Svetlana Rapid (6 class), Azartny ( 5th grade), on the Argut River Nadolby Threshold (6th grade), Sapozhnikov's Threshold Pipe (6th grade), Vdp. .s.), Separate threshold (6 s.s.).

Route: R. Ak-Alakha - r. Kara-Alakha - r. Argut. The upper reaches of the Ak-Alakha river - rafting along the Ak-Alakha river to the mouth of the Kara-Alakha river - transition to the Kara-Alakha river (above 3 canyons) - Kara-Alakha river - Ak-Alakha river - Argut river - Katun river - settlement Inya
Defining obstacles on the Ak-Alakha River 3rd canyon (5-6 class), 4th canyon (5u-6 class), Lom rapid (5 class), Skat threshold (5 class .s.), Tuz pore (5th class), Svetlana rapids (6th class), Azartny rapids (5th class), Nadolby rapids on the Argut River (6th class), Truba rapids Sapozhnikov rapids (6 grades), Sapozhnikov waterfall (6 grades), Bely rapids (5u-6 grades), Separate rapids (6 grades).

Route: R. Kadrin - river Katun. Aktash settlement - transition to the upper reaches of the Kadrin river - rafting along the Kadrin river (with a run-around of the waterfall and the Ufimsky rapids) Katun river - Chemal village.
The defining obstacles on the Kadrin River are the Zavalny threshold (6 grade), the Dinozavr rapid (6 grade), the Vodopadny rapid (6 grade), the Karatash rapid (6 grade), the Plotovy rapid (6 grade). .s.), threshold Kadrinskie Vorota (6th grade), on the Katun River rapid (4th grade), rapid (4-5th grade).

Submit your trip report(information)

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For a novice waterman, knowledge of the difficulty level of the alloy is a must. So you can assess the risk of rafting on the river. Knowing the classification, you can assume what obstacles you can expect on the pond.

Peculiarities of assessing rivers for rafting

Rafting on a mountain river in different time years can vary significantly. Even a quiet descent can be quite dangerous during the spring flood or after heavy rains. Therefore, if you arrived at the place, you saw a seething stream instead of a smooth surface, then it is better to withdraw from the route.

There are several different methods for assessing the difficulty of passing rivers. In our country, international classification is used. According to it, alloys are divided into 6 types of complexity. This is sufficient to appreciate .

These are the easiest rivers to pass. Most often, such alloys most of all resemble a walk. The current is not fast. There are practically no stones on the way. most great danger represent shallows.

It's faster descents, but at the end of summer most of of them becomes very easy to pass. There may be some minor obstacles. Occasionally come across barrels and plums. They are also among the easiest rivers for rafting, but here you can already get some skills to overcome obstacles.

These rivers are complex. There are shafts, and they are often disorderly and quite high. There is a sufficient number of barrels, catches may come across. Passage requires good physical condition. Some technical skills may also be required, but in general, the passage of such a route is accessible, including for a beginner who has only rafted down the rivers a few times.

These are more complex rivers. Passing the thresholds is not always possible without a preliminary assessment of the flow. There are quite powerful barrels. The current is strong, there may be obstacles in the form of stones and submerged trees. In this regard, the ability to quickly maneuver is important.

This category is considered extremely difficult. Before rafting, it is necessary to inspect the river and evaluate the direction of the flows. Special attention given to thresholds. Some of them can be life threatening. There are almost all known types of obstacles.

The possibility of passing depends on the water level. Everyone meets possible types obstacles, while they have a difficult entrance and exit. Any mistake can be fatal. There are still unconquered rivers that fall into this category.

Any river rafting is quite an extreme activity. Sometimes on a quite calm river there may be a threshold more difficult to pass. In this case category mark II4. This indicates the presence of an obstacle on this route. fourth difficulty category. When preparing for the route, be extremely careful. All beginners are advised to go through and familiarize themselves with the basic requirements for inventory and safety precautions in advance.

In any field of activity there is a degree of professionalism. Each participant in the rafting on the river must take into account own forces and opportunities, and therefore you should familiarize yourself with the available levels of complexity (classification) of thresholds.

Of course, you can take into account the international classification, but it is presented in the form of a dry technological language. In practice, usually take into account the flow of water in the threshold, the nature and density of obstacles.

1st category

Obstacles of the first category are characterized by fast-flowing water with small waves. All obstacles are easily passed. It is almost impossible to fall out of the boat, but if it does, the shore is close. In this case, all equipment remains intact. The first class of obstacles corresponds to water recreation. When rafting on a raft, catamaran or kayak, there are almost no extreme sensations (Southern Bug in the Vinnitsa region at low water levels).

2nd category

The second category was created for amateurs. In this case, it is possible to overcome straight rapids with clean and wide passages between the stones. You will be able to meet "plums" and "barrels". Unprepared participants can raft on inflatable kayaks, rafting on which can be very interesting (until the first flip). Rafting on rafts is more calm (Southern Bug, Black Cheremosh at low water levels).

3rd category

Random and high ramparts predominate. There may be numerous stones, small suvodi (calm area of ​​water on the threshold). Middle level difficulties. Rafting on an inflatable kayak for beginners is quite difficult, but interesting, coups are inevitable. Rafting on a raft brings a lot of pleasure, coups are practically impossible (and the Carpathian rivers (with high level water; rivers of Georgia North Caucasus, Norway).

The fourth category is extreme. One must be prepared for powerful and intense rapids, requiring precise maneuverability when passing them; the flow varies in power and can be unpredictable. Rafting on inflatable kayaks is very difficult, even for advanced participants. Raft inspires confidence with reliability, performs in all its glory, but you need to be able to properly manage it. Sometimes there are coups (Prut at high water levels, the Caucasus, the Kola Peninsula, Norway).

5th category

The fifth category includes passing water obstacles which may cause serious harm to health. In this case, not only maneuverability is important, but also preliminary reconnaissance of obstacles, since some sections of the river may be dangerous. Thresholds include complex barrels, clamps, waterfall plums. Rafting on rafts and catamarans is possible if you have a lot of rafting experience (rivers of Georgia, the Caucasus,).

6th category

The sixth category is considered extremely difficult. The risk is huge! This category of obstacles can only be passed by professional athletes. Most often, such obstacles remain unconquered (the rivers of Georgia, the Caucasus, Norway, the Kola Peninsula at high water levels).

Usually, a certain category is assigned to a river and its individual sections, which helps to more accurately determine the category of difficulty (c.s.). For example, a river of 4 class. with elements of 6 k.s.

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