Sanino village: how to get there, what to see. St. Nicholas Convent Sanino village, Suzdal district, Vladimirov region Sanino village from the eyes of the compass

Vladimir region of Russia. It is part of the Nagorny rural settlement.

S. Sanino. Mound of the XI century near the village. Plowed up.

Since 1677, Nikita Moiseev taught the young prince Peter Alekseevich. According to the prince's mother, Natalya Kirillovna, he taught "divine wisdom, the fear of God and a noble life", literacy, reading from the Book of Hours and the Psalter, introduced him to the New Testament.
Fyodor Sokovnin pointed out Zotov to Tsar Feodor Alekseevich (the elder brother of Tsarevich Peter), as a meek and humble man, full of all virtues, skillful in reading and writing. The Sokovnins adhered to the split. Both of Sokovnin's sisters, Feodosya Morozova and Avdotya Urusova, were severely imprisoned in the earthen prison at Borovo during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and brother Alexei was subsequently executed for participating in a conspiracy against Peter.
Klyuchevsky writes: “The story of how Zotov was introduced to the position of court teacher breathes such ancient Russian simplicity that it leaves no doubt about the nature of Zotov's pedagogy. Sokovnin brought Zotov to the tsar and, leaving him in the hall, set off with a report. Soon a nobleman came out of the king's rooms and asked: "Who is Nikita Zotov here?" the future court teacher became so timid that he could not move in unconsciousness, and the nobleman had to take his hand.
Zotov asked to wait a little, to let him recover. Having settled, he crossed himself and went to the tsar, who granted him to his hand and examined him in the presence of Simeon of Polotsk. The tsar's learned educator approved of Zotov's reading and writing; then Sokovnin took the certified teacher to the queen-widow. She accepted him, holding Peter by the hand, and said: “I know that you have a good life and are skilled in Divine Scripture; I give you my only son." Zotov burst into tears and, trembling with fear, fell at the feet of the queen with the words: “I am not worthy, mother empress, to accept such a treasure.” The queen granted him to her hand and ordered the next morning to begin teaching.
The tsar and the patriarch came to the opening of the course, served a prayer service with the blessing of water, sprinkled the new stude with holy water and, having blessed, sat down at the alphabet. Zotov bowed to his student to the ground and began his course of study, and he immediately received a fee: the patriarch gave him a hundred rubles (more than a thousand rubles for our money), the sovereign granted him a court, made him a nobleman, and the queen mother sent two pairs a rich top and bottom dress and “the whole outfit”, into which, upon the departure of the sovereign and the patriarch, Zotov immediately dressed up. Peter's education began on March 12, 1677, when, consequently, Peter was not even five years old.
Historians of Peter sometimes blame Zotov for not having an educational, developing influence on his student. But after all, Zotov was not called to the palace to educate, but simply to teach literacy, and he, perhaps, passed on to his student a course of ancient Russian literacy training, if not better, then no worse than many court literate teachers who preceded him. He began, of course, with "verbal teaching," that is, he went through the alphabet with Peter, the Book of Hours, the Psalter, even the Gospel and the Apostle; everything passed according to the old Russian pedagogical rule was taken by heart. Subsequently, Peter freely held on to the kliros, read and sang with his sparse baritone no worse than any deacon; It was even said that he could recite the Gospel and the Apostle by heart. This is how Tsar Alexei studied, and this is how his eldest sons began their studies. But Zotov's teaching was not limited to simple training in literate craftsmanship. Obviously, new trends also touched this impromptu teacher from the order of the Big Parish. Like the tutor of Tsar Alexei Morozov, Zotov used the method of visual learning. The prince studied willingly and smartly.
In his spare time, he liked to listen to various stories and look at books with “kunsht” and pictures. Zotov told the queen about this, and she ordered him to give out "historical books", manuscripts with drawings from the palace library, and ordered several new illustrations from the masters of painting in the Armory. So Peter made up a collection of “funny notebooks”, which depicted cities, buildings, ships, soldiers, weapons, battles and “face stories with inscriptions”, illustrated stories and fairy tales with texts in gold and colors. All these notebooks, written with the best craftsmanship, Zotov laid out in the prince's rooms.
Noticing when Peter began to tire of reading books, Zotov took the book from his hands and showed him these pictures, accompanying the review with their explanations. At the same time, he ... also touched on Russian antiquity, told the prince about the affairs of his father, about Tsar Ivan the Terrible, and went back to more distant times, Dimitri Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, and even to Vladimir himself.
Subsequently, Peter had very little leisure to study Russian history, but he did not lose interest in it, betrayed its importance for public education and took a lot of trouble about compiling a popular textbook on this subject. Who knows! Perhaps the memory of Zotov's lessons was reflected in all this.
From 1673 to 1677, Nikita Moiseev was the clerk of the Petition Order. In this order, complaints were sent to the sovereign himself about all sorts of "untruths and insults" perpetrated by representatives of the authorities.
According to custom, such petitions were served to the king during his pilgrimage or! holidays, they were considered and reported to the tsar by the clerk of the order, and the tsar's decisions were announced by the clerks on the Kremlin square and handed over personally to the petitioners. The order was also in charge of the trial of employees of the Moscow orders from clerks to watchmen. Then for a short time he served in the Detective Order. The order was engaged in the search for fugitive peasants and townspeople who sought to hide from the performance of state duties or from the fortress to a private owner. The search for fugitives is a dangerous occupation, military force was often used here, employees in the order were at risk of injury during the investigation.
From 1678 to 1679, Zotov served in the Vladimir ship, from 1679 to 1680 - in the Moscow ship orders.
From 1681 to 1682, in the Local Order, he was in charge of inheritance, salaries, and the transfer of estates to estates.
In 1681, for participation in the conclusion of the Bakhchisaray peace with the Ottoman Porte and the Crimean Khanate, Zotov was granted a Duma clerk. During the Azov campaigns, he was in charge of embassy affairs, was with Peter in Voronezh during the construction of the fleet.
For training, the princes were chosen from clerks - "teaching people who are quiet and not brazhnikov" (according to the testimony of the clerk of the 17th century Kotoshikhin). That Zotov was an instructive man, quiet, is vouched for by the story just quoted; but, they say, he did not fully satisfy the second requirement, he liked to drink. Subsequently, Peter appointed him the prince-pope, the president of the clownish college of drunkenness.
In the 1690s the young Tsar Peter created "the most mad, most joking and most drunken cathedral", made his former uncle and teacher with the nickname "prince-dad" his father. Of all Peter's undertakings, the "most jesting cathedral" turned out to be the most durable, it existed throughout the reign of Peter I. The blasphemous rituals introduced by Peter and developed by him were characterized by constancy, obligation and publicity, which testifies to their important role in the policy of the king. The very combination in the “most jesting council” of Catholic church institutions and the institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church symbolized the identification of two types of “clericalism” in their opposition to tsarist autocracy. At this time, the tsar personally cut off the long skirts of the Russian clothes of his entourage, cut off their beards, the common people had to pay a fee for the right to wear a beard. The tsar set up “idols”, statues of pagan gods, and not everyone had the strength of will and faith, like St. Mitrofan of Voronezh, to refuse to enter the royal palace, decorated with “idols”, despite even threats from the hot-tempered tsar to execute by death. Peter demanded that his subjects overcome themselves, defiantly renounce the customs of their fathers and grandfathers and accept the European institutions as the rites of the new faith.
Peter compiled and wrote with his own hand "ranks", i.e. ceremonies for the election and installation of new members of the “most drunken council”. "The rite of suppression of the most jesting patriarch and bishops directly follows the Orthodox rite of episcopal consecration." Many right-equal people, forced by the tsar to enter the "most jesting council" experienced this ceremony as a departure from the faith. Prince I.I. Svansky wrote: “They took me to Preobrazhenskoye, and at the General Court Nikita Zotov appointed me to the metropolitans, and they gave me a column for renunciation, and according to that letter I denied it, and in the renunciation they asked Instead: are you a believer? - Do you drink? and with that renunciation I ruined myself more than a beard, that I did not argue, and the crown of torment was better for me! accept rather than make such a renunciation.” These ceremonies were a means of intimidating Russian society, they silenced the prudent advisers of the young tsar and opened the way for other violent transformations that undermined the strength of the country. Peter himself composed the charter, which he constantly changed.
He introduced holidays that were new in spirit, and a gathering of close people who were ready to noisily celebrate victory, the conclusion of peace, the launching of a ship, someone's name day, a wedding, etc. helped him do it. At these feasts, Zotov excelled - "the most joking father Ioanikit, the Patriarch of Pressburg, Kokui and All Yauz"; Peter was a deacon or protodeacon; many members of the "council" bore the titles of "lords" of one city or another. I.I. Golikaya in the Acts of Peter the Great, talking about the "most jesting council", says that Peter "produced little by little in disrespect to the Patriarch! Russian".
At Christmas time, the cathedrals went to praise Christ; the tsar himself traveled to all the boyars, Zotov visited merchants. Information about several outstanding feasts, in which Nikita Moiseevich took part, has been preserved. On February 12, 1699, at the opening of the new palace of Lefort, the clownish procession was led by Zotov. The mixture of blasphemous-parodic elements with elements of state activity is a constant feature of the Petrine era. When in 1699, during the execution of the rebellious archers, the archer priest was also executed, Nikita Zotov, due to his parodic belonging to the spiritual department, was to become the executioner.
Divine service was the main content of the spiritual life of a Russian person. Peter, on the other hand, tried to push worship to the periphery of the cultural space. This was achieved through parodic, blasphemous ceremonies, as well as by opposing faith and rituals, and the idea was introduced that these phenomena were connected only by a conditional connection, while for a Russian person of that time, a change in the rite testified to a change in faith. So, according to the decree of 1718, fasts (fasting) were canceled in the army during campaigns.
A special, civil cult of the monarch is introduced. In 1704, after a successful campaign against the Swedes, Peter made a triumphant entry into Moscow. The triumph was performed on the model of pagan Roman ceremonies. The Russian people, accustomed to perceive victory as God's mercy to the believing people, had to explain in a special brochure, written by the prefect of the Moscow Academy Turoboisky, the meaning of such celebrations, and what the triumphal arch itself is: “First, this is not a temple, or a church in the name of a certain Created by the saints, political, this is civil praise for those who work for the integrity of their fatherland and their labors, hurried by God, enemies who have won from ancient times ... established in all political, and not barbarian countries ... ”Peter introduced parodic rituals in ceremonies of civil celebrations . During the triumphant entry into Moscow in 1710, after the Poltava victory, the jester, the Samoyed King, accompanied by 19 sledges in which real Samoyeds sat, followed the captured Swedes and part of the guard. The inclusion of parodic elements in the triumphal procession emphasized the new system of values ​​that the victorious monarch established, namely, his right to arbitrariness and the connection of victory with this arbitrariness.
In 1701-1703. Nikita Zotov is a Duma nobleman and printer of the Near Chancellery. In 1711, the Senate decree "On the existence of a secret table in the office of the Governing Senate" took place. It was ordered to keep in the Senate office the letters that will be sent to the Senate “by decree of the Tsar’s Majesty, their mercy, the supreme gentlemen, like the Most Serene Prince (i.e. Prince A.D. Menshikov), such as Admiral Count Apraksin, Field Marshal General Sheremetev, State Chancellor Count Golovkin, General President of the Near Chancellery Count Zotov, State Sub-Chancellor Baron Shafirov and Mr. Kuzma Patrekeyev. Further, in the same Senate decree, all these persons are called "principals."
Zotov's belonging to the "supreme masters" and "principals" did not save him from Peter's jokes, which bordered on mockery. So, a reader was assigned to Zotov. In 1712, Ivan Karamyshev appeared in St. Petersburg for the royal review, among other undergrowths. “And from this I look,” as stated in the Senate Reports and Sentences, “by His Royal Majesty’s personal decree, he was ordered to be with the Privy Councilor and the Near Office, President-General Nikita Moiseevich Zotov, for the hardening of his tongue (i.e. due to tongue-tied) in readers. On September 28, 1715, Peter visited Zotov's house, and there Karamyshev again received a command from the sovereign "to be with him, Count Nikita Moiseevich, as before." One must have special ingenuity in order to appoint a tongue-tied undergrowth as a reader and in three years to confirm his order.
At the end of 1713, Zotov asked the tsar to go to Moscow, intending, allegedly, to enter a monastery. Peter advised him, instead, to look for a wife there, and Zotov wrote on this occasion to the tsar, among other things, the following: cause the public, then I’m ready to amuse you, sovereign, with a joyful hunt.
Zotov had three sons from his first marriage (the name of his first wife is unknown): Vasily, Konon and Ivan. Konon Nikitich (a prominent figure in the Russian fleet), having heard at the end of 1714 about the preparations that were being made for his father's jester's wedding, was saddened and dejected: on the one hand, he was afraid of losing his inheritance, on the other, he was outraged that the old father subjected to such ridicule. In support of his request to cancel the wedding, Konon Nikitich cited in a letter to the king the words of his father: “I would be glad to renounce my marriage; but I don’t dare to anger the royal majesty, so many old people have been gathered for me, and dresses have been made ”(in the case of Zotov’s wedding, registers of participants with their signatures were preserved that they“ heard the decree ”and undertake to appear). The request of Konon Nikitich was belated, he wrote to Peter on January 14, 1715, and on January 16 the wedding was to take place (Nikita Moiseevich married the widow Anna Eremeevna Stremoukhova, born Pashkova).
As early as September 25, 1714, by order of the Governing Senate, her subsistence estate and patrimony, which she owned before the nominal royal decree on movable and immovable estates of 1714, were ordered “to celebrate now or after marrying her fiancé, the royal majesty, as a privy councilor and near office by President-General Count Magnus Naklevangi Nikita Moiseevich Zotov. When Peter gave this nickname to Zotov is unknown. A month later, in the Senate verdict on the maintenance of income and expense books of various provinces in the Near Office, the saying “Announce in the Near Office to President-General Count Magnus Naklevangi Nikita Moiseevich Zotov and comrades.”
In the first case, it could be assumed that Zotov was jokingly named Magnus Naklevangi, in connection with his supposed “funny” wedding, but the repetition of this nickname in the Senate verdict clearly proves that Peter assigned a prefix to him, as if hinting at a great ability to nod , i.e. for excessive drinking. Under Alexander I, the descendants of Zotov laid claim to the title of count, and they received it.
I.I. Golikov directly connects the organization of the wedding of the "prince-pope" that stirred up the entire capital with Peter's decision to destroy the patriarchate and establish a Synod. On December 12, 1714, Peter ordered all persons appointed to attend Zotov's wedding to come to the house of Volkov's secretary on Vasilevsky Island in costumes. The betrothed couple walked on foot, supported by four elders; in front, as runners, four muzhiks were so obese and clumsy that, in fact, they themselves needed leaders. The king was among the travelers in a sailor's dress.
The crackle, the whistle of guns merged with the ringing of bells, and an unimaginable noise turned out. For the wedding of Zotov, a priest of the Archangel Cathedral, who was more than 90 years old, was discharged from Moscow. From the church, in the same order, the procession went to the house of the newly married "prince-pope". Young people (according to the testimony of Prince P.V. Dolgoruky, Nikita Moiseevich was about eighty) diligently regaled the guests with various drinks. On the streets, tubs with wine and beer and various dishes were put up for the people. The next day, the young people were taken around the city, in the forefront of all the participants in the wedding celebration.
Here is what the famous Russian historian Solovyov says about this wedding: “Zotov’s wedding deserves special attention: some are arming themselves against the indecency of this celebration, others are trying to justify it, and in general they want to see here a mockery of the patriarchate, a desire to humiliate the dignity that they wanted to destroy. But we know that it was just a game of kings, popes and patriarchs, a game understandable in the then state of the young society. Zotov was called the Patriarch of Kokuy even when the real patriarch was in Moscow, when, in all likelihood, the idea of ​​abolishing the patriarchate had not yet sunk in; now this Kokuysky, buffoonish patriarch took it into his head to marry and his wedding was celebrated in a manner befitting his rank.
If we assume that Peter wanted to ridicule the patriarchate, then we must assume that he also wanted to ridicule his own royal power, because he also had the jester King of Pressburg, later Caesar; after the death of old man Zotov, the clownish patriarchate was abolished, but the prince-pope remained in line with the prince-Caesar.
Zotov died in 1717, and at the end of that year, before the election of a new "prince-pope", Peter turned on behalf of the cathedral with the following request to the "prince-Caesar" I.F. Romodanovsky, who was elevated to this title after the death of his father: “Great Sovereign Prince Caesar Ivan Feodorovich! It is known to your Majesty that your father and pilgrimage, the Grand Duke-Papa, the most joking Anikita, depart from this life, and leave our madcap cathedral headless; For this reason, we ask Your Majesty to look upon the dowager throne by electing a Bacchus imitative father. Pyotr Ivanovich Buturlin was elected to the "Prince-Papa", the second and then married the widow of Nikita Moiseevich Zotov, Anna ^ Remeevna. Asserting his autocracy, Peter consistently eradicates the memory of the symphonic relationship between secular and spiritual authorities. So, in the oath of the members of the Synod, they confess "with the oath of the Supreme Judge of this Spiritual College to be the All-Russian Monarch Himself, our Most Merciful Sovereign."

From N.M. Zotov Sanino passed to his son, Vasily Nikitich Zotov, the Reval commandant, then the auditor general of the senate (since 1715). Vast duties were entrusted to him by Peter I, but the means of their fulfillment were not given. He had to oversee the activities of the administration outside the Senate, having no subordinate supervisory bodies, the office of the Senate was inaccessible to him, so his activities in the Senate were reduced to receiving from the senators and transferring to Peter monthly reports on the decrees of the Senate.
Zotov had no authority in the Senate. In 1719, Vasily Nikitich was entrusted with the leadership of the poll census, from 1725 he was the president of the Moscow court court, in 1727 he was the governor of Kazan. He died in the rank of major general in 1729.
From the son of V. Zotov Nikita Vasilievich (1710-1738), married to Anna Loginovna, nee Eichler, Sanino passed to his son, Colonel Ivan Nikitich Zotov (1738 - after 1782), married by a second marriage to Margarita Frantsevna (d. 1820). Their son Nikola Ivanovich (1782-1849) was a retired colonel of the Guards and a real state councillor.

At the end of the 19th century, the village of Sanino was part of the second camp of the Argunovskaya volost, there were 118 households in the village, there was a wooden chapel, a folk school, a bread shop, wine and tea shops operated.
In 2010, the population is 72 males. and 83 women, total 155 people.

Saninsky parish
Church of the Chernihiv Icon of the Mother of God

Not far from Argunov, in the village of Sanino, in the XIX century. there was a wooden chapel with ancient icons of the Savior and St. Nicholas of Myra the Wonderworker.
In 1890, a stone church of the Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God was built.
In the parish of the village of Sanina Circle of zealots of Orthodoxy It was opened on July 12, 1915 under the auspices of St. Nicholas, Miracle Worker of Mirliki. The group consisted of 8 men and 3 women. Membership fees are determined from 1 to 5 rubles. Donations of 45 rubles were collected for the purchase of books of religious content for reading to their people. On Sundays and holidays, the peasant Alexander Artemov read in the psalm-reader's house.

Sanino School, Argunovskaya volost, in the village of Sanin. Founded by the society in 1874. From the parish church in the 4th century. Nearest schools: Kashinsky in the 3rd century, Fineevsky - 3 ½ ver. and Argunovskoye - 4 ver. The premises are public, wooden, separate; light but cold; the teacher has an apartment; There is only one class room - 7 ½ long, 7 ½ wide, 3 ½ arsh high. There are enough teaching aids - for 132 rubles. 77 k. There is a library: 232 Op. - Volume 289 There is no earth. The clergyman and teacher Mikhail Beltov, a student at the Vladimir Theological Seminary, has been teaching since 1881. The trustee is a peasant, Mikhail Antonov; made no donations. Students by January 1, 1883, 32 m. and 10 days. Dropped out before the end of the course at the request of the parents. 2 m. Graduated from the course with certificates 6 m. 3 small. and 4 dev. By January 1, 1884, there were 27 boys. and 14 dev. Everyone learns together. Age: 7 - 8 years. - 1, 8 - 9 years. - 4, 9 - 10 liters. - 8, 10 - 11 liters. - 11, 11-12 y.o. - 11, 12 - 13 liters. - 4, 13 and above - 2. Of the students: 38 from the village of Sanina and 3 from the village of Shibotova in the 1st century. There is no overnight shelter and no one living in apartments. Religions Orthodox and all the peasant class. Funds: from the minister. national enlightenment 20 rubles, from the Zemstvo 230 rubles. 50 k., from the society 130 rubles; there is no tuition fee. Expenses: heating, lighting, servants and repairs 70 rubles; salary - 276 rubles for the teacher and teacher, 20 rubles for him; for books and teaching aids 14 rubles. 50 k. Attend classes regularly. Reception in September; all were illiterate. Due to the tightness of the premises refused 3. Academic year from September 8th to May 7th. Simple singing is taught, there is no choir. Study per day 5 ½ - 6 hours. and home lessons are given. Departments 3. Lessons per week: in the I department. - according to the Law of God - 4, according to the Russian language - 15, according to arithmetic - 5; in II part. - according to the Law of God - 4, according to the Russian language - 15, according to the Slavic language - 1, according to arithmetic - 5; in the III part. - according to the Law of God - 4, according to the Russian language - 14, according to the Slavic language - 2, according to arithmetic - 4. There were no winners. Those who received certificates studied for 3-4 ½ years. Those who did not complete the course studied for up to 3 years. Nobody looked at the school. There is no training in crafts and needlework. There are no Sunday talks and readings.”

In with. Sanino March 25, 1887 in the family of a rural carpenter Ivan Andreevich Artemov was born a martyr for the faith Ivan Artemov. Having received a technical education, Ivan Ivanovich worked for many years as a builder, an estimate specialist. Having moved to work in Moscow, he continued to maintain relations with the inhabitants of his native village, where he was known as a deeply religious and pious person.

In 1935, local authorities in the village. Sanino made an attempt to close the temple, due to the fact that the old church twenty fell apart, but this was immediately protested by believers, a new twenty was assembled, which included Ivan Artemov.
Members of the G20 sent a complaint to the Regional Executive Committee, which, having considered it, found all the requests of believers legitimate and wrote to the local executive committee to immediately open a church, register a priest, and not obstruct "the community from fulfilling its religious needs." The church in the village was open, but since the community was in a difficult financial situation - since it had to pay taxes, despite the fact that services were not performed in the church - Ivan Ivanovich was asked to help the church and collect from Orthodox friends in Moscow what any means that were successfully carried out by him. Subsequently, this was blamed on him.
In Moscow, priests from closed churches who found themselves without a place, monks and believers, often lived in the apartment of Ivan Ivanovich, and a priest also lived in his house in the village. This was noticed by the NKVD officers, who soon found out that he was conducting religious conversations among construction workers, and also collecting money for the temple. At that time, this was quite enough for an arrest, and on August 22, 1937, Ivan Ivanovich Artemov was arrested and imprisoned in the Butyrka prison in Moscow. In early September, the investigator, in order to collect material, interrogated his neighbors in the apartment, and after that he interrogated the accused himself.
- The investigation knows that for counter-revolutionary purposes you worked the workers in a religious spirit, preached that fascism would soon be in power everywhere, and the Soviet government should be shot down. Do you plead guilty to this?
- I did not say anything against the Soviet government and I do not admit that I am guilty of this.
- Being a permanent resident in Moscow, why did you collect money for the restoration of the church, what made you?
- From time to time I visited my homeland, and they knew me there as a very religious person.
On October 7, 1937, the "troika" of the NKVD sentenced Ivan Ivanovich to death. John Artemov was shot on October 14, 1937 at the Butovo training ground near Moscow.

On the outskirts of the village of Starovo, on the road from Sanino to Ilinskoye, a roadside chapel has been preserved.

Educational and demonstration workshop in the village. Sanino Pokrovsky district

According to the decision of the next provincial zemstvo meeting of the 1911 session in the village. Sanino, Argunovskaya volost, Pokrovsky district, Vladimir province, a training and demonstration workshop for furniture and carpentry was established. The opening of the workshop took place on September 15, 1912 in a rented room rented from kr. I.P. Ushanova. The size of the room for the workshop is 15x8 arches. did not allow to accept everyone who wanted to learn carpentry. Only 16 people were accepted as students, and 2 of them were from the village of Rodionova, the rest from the village. Sanina. All students graduated from the village school. V.S., who graduated from a vocational school, was invited to the post of head. Chervyakov, and for the post of master N.Ya. Kholshchevnikov.
At the beginning of the activity of the workshop, it was begun to teach students the methods of work, and the training was carried out mainly on products, and only at the very beginning were several program works made by the students. In addition to teaching the craft, in the workshop, students were provided with information on drawing, drawing and craft technology.
10 hours a week were used for theoretical subjects. Education was conducted according to the program, which, somewhat modified than was adopted in 1912, is placed at the end of this report. The equipment of the workshop in 1912 was only partially produced: 2 lathes were bought, 14 workbenches and the necessary small tools were bought from the Moscow company br. Lindeman. It was impossible to complete the equipment due to the tightness of the room.
Part of the items made by the students went to equip the workshop, the other was sold together with the master's items at the Vladimir exhibition (1912) and placed in a handicraft museum.
As for relations with adult handicraftsmen, in 1912 this kind of activity of the workshop manifested itself rather weakly: several orders were transferred to the handicraftsmen, the execution of which was carried out under the supervision and guidance of the workshop.
Since October 20, the workshop has opened evening classes for adult craftsmen twice a week. The number of visiting handicraftsmen was 3 people. At first, such classes were supposed to be conducted regularly, but since the handicraftsmen were busy with the execution of current affairs and did not want to be distracted from them, due to at least a temporary loss of earnings, this idea had to be abandoned and regular classes with adults were replaced by giving advice to handicraftsmen when they were fulfilling orders for workshop and in those cases when it was necessary for the handicraftsman.
An allowance was received from the department of rural economy for the equipment and maintenance of the Sanin workshop. The buildings were supposed to be built in 1913.

Account for materials:
In 1912, materials were purchased - 364 rubles. 95 kop.
In 1912, material was spent on products made in the workshop and by handicraftsmen - 135 rubles. 40 kop.
Left in the workshop on January 1, 1913 - 229 rubles. 55 kop.

In 1912, items were made in the workshop itself:
Of these, for the workshop - 39 rubles. 55 kop.
Sent to an exhibition in Vladimir - 57 rubles.

Craft program

I class.
1. Exercise in sawing along and across the fibers in straight and curved lines on unusable material.
2. An exercise in planing a bar for a thickness gauge, chiselling eyelets in it, drilling different holes on it.
3. A simple stool.
4. Depending on the strength of the student, a simple table with one or two drawers or a kitchen table with a cabinet.
5. Foot bench, shield legs driven into awards, polished all around, etched in any color.
6. Turning work: cylinder, cone, 5 pcs. tool handles, two balusters.
7. Anything from drawer furniture: a nightstand, a simple hanging cabinet, cabinet cabinets, etc., polished and etched all around.

II class.
1. Turning work, round table, hanging shelf, standing shelf, chiseled chair, chiselled table, etc., good finish.
2. Turning work on an internal point: a salt shaker-vase, feather cleaners, inkwells, etc. a trifle from Korelsky birch, linden or other suitable trees.
3. Veneer work of medium size: salon cabinets, chests of drawers, card tables, sideboards, etc., clean work.
4. Exercises in simple carving.
5. Large item: wardrobe, sideboard, bookcase, desk, etc., carved with clean workmanship, good wood. Things are given for the most part to two or three students.

III class.
Works on orders; accustom to speedy execution with good work.


I class. 3 hours per week.
1. Several drawings, with the aim of accustoming the student to the correct possession of the drawing tool.
2. Geometric drawing, go through all the tasks that can be encountered in the craft, such as: restoring a perpendicular, dividing lines in half and into an arbitrary number of equal parts, drawing parallels, building basic figures, inscribing and describing a circle in a square, triangle, dividing an angle in half into three parts, etc.
3. The simplest drawings from furniture nature in 3 projections with cuts to nature in pencil and ink.

II class. 3 hours per week.
1. Technical drawing: doors, windows, furniture, small and large, from life in relative size and scale, mostly in pencil, according to one or two ink drawings, with cuts cut with paint.

III class. 3 hours per week.
Working drawings of their works in kind, with sections on the projections, with savings in space.


I class. 3 hours per week.
1. Drawing from the board exercises in drawing lines by hand, dividing them into parts by eye; the same with the corners.
2. Drawing from the board simple rectilinear and smoothly curved rosettes, flowers, consoles, etc.
3. Drawing from wall tables.
4. Sketching in perspective the simplest bodies with shading.
5. Sketching objects that are close in shape to geometric bodies: stools, caskets, balusters, legs, etc. with respect to perspective and shades.

II class. 3 hours per week.
1. Drawing from nature of furniture parts: cornices, pilasters, capitals, legs, tops, etc.
2. Drawing as much as possible from nature of carvings on furniture, carved cornices, legs, panels, etc.
3. Drawing them from atlases, enlarging them from photographs to life.
4. Compositions on carving in a given outline of a thing.

III class. 3 hours per week.
Independent drawing of cornices and carvings, under the guidance of the manager for their work with the need for compositions in the preparation of certain details.

wood technology

I class. 1 hour per week.
1. Various types of trees and their cutting for sale. Properties of a tree, defects of a tree.
2. Good quality tool. America. instr.
3. Various tree knittings: lengthening, plucking, knitting at an angle.
4. Ways to combat warping and cracking of wood: natural and artificial drying, dowels, slats, panels.
5. Polishing, waxing, gold plating.

II class. 1 hour per week.
1. Furniture design: seating furniture; tables: simple valve, sliding, card, writing, billiard, small tables; small drawer furniture: caskets, night tables, lockers, chests of drawers, washbasins, etc.; wardrobes, bookcases, simple and attached, sideboards, cupboards, cutlery and decorations on furniture, with an understanding of styles.
2. Woodworking on machine tools: the benefits of woodworking. Possible applications of machine tools in handicraft production.

Workshop activities in 1914

1. The workshop accepts students who have completed primary school, aged 13 ½ - 14 years. By the end of 1913-1914 school. year was in the 1st grade - 7 people, in the 2nd grade - 11 people. Of these, during the summer holidays, two went to work - one from the 1st class. 1 from 2nd grade. Accepted again in the 1st class - 3rd for carving and 5 for carpentry. In total, as of January 1, there are students: in grade 1 - 3 carvers and 5 joiners, in grade 2 - 6 joiners and in grade 3 - 10 joiners, a total of 24 people. The absence of carvers in the senior classes is explained by the fact that carving has been taught in the workshop since May 1914. All students come.
2. The head of the workshop graduated from the secondary mechanical-technical school, has the title of technician in mechanical engineering. Master carpenter - he learned the craft from his father, a carpenter, ran his own business, served as a carpenter in a colony of juvenile delinquents of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo.
The master carver studied in a private workshop, worked as a pieceworker in the workshop of the Moscow Provincial Zemstvo in Sergievsky Posad.
3. The course of the workshop, in addition to direct training in the craft, includes drawing, drawing and craft technology. From February 1915, it is planned to introduce the beginning of bookkeeping.
4. There has not yet been a graduation of students.
5. The workshop with its intermediary operations serves mainly two villages - with. Sanino and der. Radionovo. In the village of Sanin, handicraftsmen make chairs, tables and shovels; they mainly need white material - birch and pine, which they use partly their own, partly bought from the same timber merchants as the workshop. The need for glue and plywood seats is comparatively small and is supplied by local merchants. Oak for tables is ordered by the handicraftsmen themselves directly from Moscow, ordinary, without a choice. So in this village, the handicraftsmen do not feel the need for the mediation of the workshop for the preparation of material, because the workshop does not have the opportunity to prepare good material - cheaply and ordinary - cheaper than the handicraftsmen themselves do, since they use the same market as they do. If there was a mediation of the workshop here, then it was accidental and very small in size and will hardly go far in the future.
In Radionov, they mainly make chests of drawers and partly wardrobes and cupboards. All this is pasted over, often walnut, occasionally oak. Plywood was still bought by handicraftsmen themselves in Moscow, and since this product requires a personal choice, is inconvenient to transport in small quantities, and is not always available in Moscow warehouses of the required grade, here the intervention of the workshop should have found sympathy. And indeed, when the workshop purchased at the end of February 500 plywood pieces of Caucasian, walnut, then by September 1 it had only 130 plywood left, and these 370 plywood cost 89 rubles. 33 kop. were bought by 5 householders, out of 9, who are always engaged in crafts in Radionov. The relatively small number of plywood is explained by the fact that by February it had already been purchased from many of the handicraftsmen, and the time was moving towards summer, the quietest time of the year in terms of sales. This figure is likely to rise from autumn if the work suspended by the war continues. Next in line is a test for the sale of glue, varnish and varnish from the workshop in Radionovo, and partly in Sanino.
6. Until September 1, 15 handicraftsmen received orders through the workshop, 10 people from Sanin and 5 from Radionov, totaling 1908 rubles. 76 kop. In addition, since June, two handicraftsmen have been working in the workshop itself as pieceworkers, and by September 1, they have done 374 rubles worth of work. 76 kop. Then, in view of the haste of the order for the equipment of infirmaries, the workshop handed over 60 pieces to the students of the 3rd grade during the summer holidays. tables and 10 pcs. beds in the amount of 103 rubles. 80 kop.
Thus, only 17 handicraftsmen and 10 students by September 1, with the mediation of the workshop, carpentry work was done in the amount of 2387 rubles. 32 kop.
7. The workshop sells handicraft products mainly through the handicraft department of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo. So out of the total amount of handicrafts sold in 2313 rubles. 82 kop. handicraft department done for 1479 rubles. 44 kopecks, to the joint-stock company "electric transmission" for 256 rubles, to the post office for 291 rubles, to the Pokrovskaya Zemstvo Administration for 124 rubles. and various persons for 163 rubles. 38 kop.
A few in a different position are the products of the students. Firstly, a large % of them are kept in the warehouse of the workshop, as demonstration products; then from among those written off to the expense in the amount of 245 rubles. 30 kopecks, for 91 rubles. they remained in the inventory of the workshop, for 86 rubles. 80 kop. sold to different persons and only 67 rubles. 50 kop. sent to customers through the handicraft department. From this it can be seen that a significant part of the student's products was absorbed by the workshop itself, as it had recently arisen and gradually replenished its inventory. But by September 1, this article is almost exhausted, and in a short time, here, too, the predominant role in sales will for the time being, probably, pass to the handicraft department. In general, in the business of selling the products of the workshop, it is planned, as markets, - zemstvo and city institutions. Intercession, Kirzhach, Bogorodsk, furniture shops in Orekhov, Bogorodsk and surrounding residents; but so far the connection with them is still very weak, except for the latter and the handicraft department.
8. Buyers of handicraft products are, firstly, some of the handicraftsmen themselves, who have a permanent market, produce goods in a decent amount, through hired hands and along the way buy goods from handicraftsmen who do not want to bother with delivering it and looking for a buyer. Out-of-town, so to speak, buyers are the furniture stores of Orekhov, Bogorodsk, Strunin, Pavlov-Posad.
A fair amount of chairs and tables from Sanin are sold by handicraft buyers in the bazaars, the mentioned factory centers. It is not yet possible to determine to what extent which buyers take goods from handicraftsmen; Approximately all 60 handicraftsmen turn out products worth 30,000 rubles a year, which are sold to bazaars and buyers.
Moreover, these figures include both workers and owners, adults and adolescents, shovels and chairs and chests of drawers.
9. The workshop has been open since September 15, 1912 in a rented room and since September 15, 1913 moved to its own.
10. Maintenance costs are distributed between the department of rural economy and agricultural-hoz. statistics giving ½ of it, the Vladimir provincial zemstvo giving 1/3 and the Pokrovsky district 1/6 part. It is expressed for the year 1914 in the amount of 4940 rubles. 52 kop.
« On the expansion of the premises of the Saninskaya educational and demonstration workshop of the Pokrovsky district, Vladimir. lips.
The provincial government will receive a journal of the meeting of the board of trustees with a note from its member D. A. Ugryumov dated June 27, 1917.
In the aforementioned meeting, the board of trustees of the workshop, discussing the nature of the work of graduate students, found that they all have one thing in common, they are all “student” works, i.e. bear the traces of a yet unsteady hand, an inexperienced eye, and timid execution.
Wishing to erase these characteristic student traits in the performance of work by those finishing the workshop, the council came to the conclusion that the best way to do this was to keep them with her for another year, but not as students, but as paid pieceworkers, financially responsible for their work. Moreover, this year of work in the workshop as a pieceworker should, of course, be made mandatory. It is very possible that some adult handicraftsmen in this department could temporarily, along with apprentice piece-workers, be engaged in the manufacture of certain works, both in order to improve the methods of work, as well as to increase the productivity of the workshop in the execution of orders.
But in order to implement this measure, it is necessary to increase the number of workbenches by 10 to 12 pieces, and this is not possible without expanding the premises of the workshop.
Discussing further the issue of this expansion, the board of trustees found that the apartments attached to the workshop were also small. In addition, there are two apartments, and three full-time positions at the workshop, so one of the masters does not have an apartment. Therefore, when drawing up a plan for the expansion of the workshop premises, the council indicated that the expansion should go in both directions, i.e. it is necessary to increase the area of ​​​​working premises, expand the apartments, arranging a third of them and build services for them.
At present, the premises of the workshop consist of a one-story stone building of the workshop itself and a two-story stone annex to it, at the bottom of which there is a drying room and a drawing room with a carved compartment, and at the top of the apartment. A special wooden building was built for the furniture store and the gatehouse. Of the services for apartments, there is only a common cellar and a cowshed for one cow.
From the given location of the working premises of the workshop, the idea naturally arose that in order to increase them it is convenient to attach a two-story stone extension, identical to the one currently available, on the other side of the workshop building.
In addition, at the same time, it would be necessary to make a cut to the wooden building of a furniture store in 10x8 arches, and build a chopped shed for apartments.
However, this idea was abandoned, in view of the fact that the construction would have cost at present prices very expensive, about 30,000 rubles.
The entire restructuring, previously capable of meeting the sum of about 13,000 rubles, will now require an outlay of capital of about 30,000 rubles.
True, at the same time, all the urgent, sore questions of the workshop will be radically cured: the working rooms will be quite spacious, all located on the lower floor of one building (except for the drawing room), the manager’s office is located in the middle of them and supervision over them, so they can be carried out in between. There will be three apartments, and all of them are large enough and equipped with the necessary outbuildings: the cesspool absorbing well will not spoil the drinking water. At the gatehouse there will be lodging for the night for distant students, which is also very urgently needed now. But all these amenities don't come cheap.
Therefore, another scheme was developed for expanding the premises of the workshop, which, although it would not give all the conveniences, would nevertheless approach them and would cost less.
For this, both the stone building of the workshop, the clock, and the wooden one for the furniture store were left untouched, but the second floor of the stone building was half cleared of apartments and occupied by a drawing room. Thus, the workshop was enlarged by the premises of the current drawing class, and the manager's office was obtained from the current dressing room.
As for the apartments, one of them was placed, as before, at the top of the stone building, and for the other two, as well as for the rooming house and the room for visitors, a special wooden two-story building was built.
Services for the apartments were built and redone in the same way as in the first scheme, so the cost of this is the same - about 1500 rubles.
The new wooden building will be 7X4X4 san. only 112 cu. sazhen. Assuming the former cost of a cube of such a building at 45, and the current one by 15% more expensive, which means about 115 rubles, we get its modern cost of about 13,000 rubles. So the entire restructuring according to this scheme will cost no more than 15 thousand rubles.
The provincial government, joining the project for the expansion of the Saninskaya workshop according to the assumptions of the board of trustees and considering the said expansion expedient, however, believes that it should be put into practice in 1918, having authorized the provincial government to file a petition for the release of benefits from the Ministry of Agriculture by the beginning of 1918 in the amount half the cost of buildings and additional equipment ... "

History of the monastery

Surrounded by forests, away from noisy highways, near the river in the village of Sanino, located in the Suzdal district of the Vladimir region, 20 km from the city of Suzdol, stands the St. Nicholas Convent.

Thousands of pilgrims from all over Russia and even from abroad come here to see the miracles of the Lord with their own eyes - renewing frescoes, myrrh-streaming icons, healing from childlessness, help in everyday needs, help in work and in everything that is in your heart, you can drink water from a healing source.

Since 2001, nuns have been living in the monastery, headed by mother Irina, every day as a family overcoming everyday difficulties, restoring temples, ennobling the area around them, meeting pilgrims and hospices. There is a large farm here: goats, chickens. The nuns grow vegetables, make preparations for the winter for pilgrims visiting the monastery.

After Mother Superior Irina appealed to the local authorities, the village of Sanino is now connected by a new asphalt road to the Suzdol-Kameshkovo highway, so you can get here without any problems.

In the 18th century, two churches were built on the site of the old wooden church in Sanino, which still exist today: the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Church of the Intercession.

The walls of the temples are painted with frescoes of the Vasnetsov school, which depict scenes from the Gospel. The iconostases amaze with their beauty and splendor. A few years ago, many frescoes began to restore themselves without the participation of restorers. Myrrh-streaming and icons in temples. One of them is an icon with the God of Hosts holding little Jesus on his knees. There is also a miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Satisfy my Sorrows” in the monastery, whose intercession is asked by many who came to Sanino by writing notes and releasing them for the glass salary of the icon.

After the revolution, the churches in Sanino experienced difficult times. But thanks to the asceticism of priests and nuns, local residents, they managed to survive. Nun Angelina put a lot of effort into a good cause. She hid the icons between the front doors, and buried the keys to the temples in the forest, refusing to give them away.

For this, she paid with years of camps and prisons. Returning to the village, she again began to serve in the temple, bequeathing to bury herself here in Sanino. The keys that Angelina hid are still used to open the temple ... It is believed that they have a holy power - they are applied to a sore spot, reading a prayer.

A monument was erected on the grave of Angelina, the monks look after her, and the monuments go to venerate the cross on her grave.

Not far from the temples there is a small ruble house with a cross. There is a life-giving source from under the ground. It is said that the water in it cures various ailments. The key appeared almost at the same time when the nuns began to live in the monastery. The water was given for examination, it turned out that there was a lot of silver in it. Now they collect and drink water, and in the house they pour it over with prayer three times at any time of the year.

The healing properties of water have already been experienced by many pilgrims, passing on stories of miraculous healing from various diseases.

In the temple of the village of Sanino, Suzdal region, icons are being restored without the participation of restorers.

The artists themselves drew attention to the miracle that takes place in the church. A scientific explanation for this fact has not yet been found. The nuns of the St. Nicholas Convent do not know what the manifestation of God's attention to their monastery means.

The healing qualities of spring moisture have been experienced by many pilgrims who arrive at the St. Nicholas Compound of the village of Sanino, Vladimir Region.

Eczema disappears, headache disappears. But the main miracles of pilgrims await in the temple, where you can observe the process of self-renewal of icons.

In addition, myrrh-streaming increased on one of the icons.

Myrrh-streaming and the icon of the Lord of hosts.

The history of Sanino as a monastic property ends after the village was withdrawn from monastic jurisdiction by decree on secularization (1764). The village passed the fate of being transferred from the queen as a gift to someone else's property. It entered the land and settlements of the Imperial College of Economy (i.e., the Palace Department). This circumstance had a positive effect on the further development of the economy of the entire district. It is also good that the long stay of the villagers under the monastic eye affected the rooting of good morals here, the latter is confirmed by the absence in the documents of the Suzdal spiritual consistory of any cases related to the loss of piety or crimes in the vast Saninsky parish. In addition to the village itself, at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, it included villages located within a radius of 1-7 versts: Zaueche, Prudy, Pesochnovo, Krutovo and Sergeyikha.

Sanino village

Sanino - a village in the Vladimir region, is part of the Seletsky rural settlement.
The village is located on the banks of the river Uechka, 18 km southeast of the district center of the city of Suzdal.

Uechka River

The village of Sanino is a former estate. Letters granted to the monastery on Sanino appear in the inventory of the "monastery of 1660" under No. 106 - 124. The oldest charter for Sanino was given by the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich in 1462.
In the receipt books of the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery of 1697, it is written: “from the village of Sanina, 16 rubles were taken from the peasants with 16 feathers. 2 altyns; Ivashko Artemyev paid.
The history of Sanino as a monastic property ends after the village was withdrawn from monastic jurisdiction by decree on secularization (1764). The village passed the fate of being transferred from the queen as a gift to someone else's property. It entered the land and settlements of the Imperial College of Economy (i.e., the Palace Department). This circumstance had a positive effect on the further development of the economy of the entire district.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the village was part of the Bykovskaya volost of the Suzdal district.
Since 1929, the village has been the center of the Saninsky village council of the Suzdal region, since 1954 - as part of the Lyakhovitsky village council, since 1956 - as part of the Kidekshansky village council, since 1974 - as part of the Seletsky village council, since 2005 - as part of the Seletsky rural settlement.

Population in with. Sanino: in 1859 - 348 people. (44 yards); in 1926 - 219 people. (51 yards); in 2010 - 9 men, 20 women, total 29 people.
KH Mamulina L.G., has been in force since February 27, 1992. The head of the farm is Mamulina Lyudmila Grigorievna. The main activity is "Cultivation of grain crops". Organization PEASANT (FARM) ECONOMY MAMULINOY L.G. liquidated on January 9, 2018
KH Degtyareva A.V. valid since March 18, 1993. Legal address: Sanino village, Zhuravlinaya street, 3. The organization PEASANT ECONOMY OF ANATOLY VASILIEVICH DEGTYAREV was liquidated on August 4, 2011.
Peasant (Farmer) Farm Semyanov Alexander Vladimirovich effective since May 5, 1994
Peasant (Farmer) Economy Ivanov Vladimir Sergeevich effective since March 2, 1992

Saninsky parish

On August 12, 1868, the priest of the village of Sanina Alexander Belyaev, for transcribing the canon of the Mother of God into four voices, was announced from His Eminence gratitude and blessing.
In 1885, a 22-year-old seminary student was appointed rector of the church in the village of Sanino. For 12 years, Priest Nikolai Rozhdestvensky served in the Suzdal outback. It seemed like he was destined to spend the rest of his life there. But the priest was not attracted by a quiet existence, and in 1897, following the example of the outstanding preacher Archbishop Macarius (Nevsky), originally from the village of Shapkino, Kovrov district, he volunteered to go to Altai, where he became a teacher at a school for missionaries in the city of Biysk.

Pritch-state in con. XIX century: priest, deacon and psalmist. Lands at this church: manor 70 sazhens in diameter and 60 sazhens. Dlinniku, haymaking 3 ten. and arable 30 dess. There was a plan and a boundary book for the land. From the land and for the correction of income, the clerk received 925 rubles. ser. in year. The clergy had their own houses.
Parish: a village (78 yards) and villages: Zaueche, Prudy, Pesochnovo, Pigasovo, Krutovo (Derevyan Krutovo was the patrimony of the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery. with peasants with 2 vyte 2 rubles; paid Alyoshka Ivanov ") and; villages distance from the church from 1 ver. up to 7 versts; There were no barriers to communication with them. All households in the parish 409; 1160 male showers and 1294 female showers.

With the blessing of His Eminence, in Sanin of the Suzdal district, in opposition to sectarianism (Baptism and Pashkovism) from January 29 to February 9, 1914, at the expense of the Brotherhood of St. Alexander Nevsky Diocesan Missionary Preacher, Fr. Gregory St. Orfeev organized short-term folk missionary courses.
“The entire Saninsky youth missionary singing circle (23 people), the psalmist I. Smirnov and five zealots of the parishioners, also Fr. Deacon P. Nikolsky, several people from and three from the village of Kruglov.
On January 29, 1914, after a prayer service to the Savior and the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, with very harmonious singing of two local choirs, with the confluence of almost all parishioners, despite weekdays, the courses were solemnly opened. Served Fr. missionary, the priests of the village of Sanina, Fr. A. Kudryavtsev and the village of Mordysh about. S. Sheryshev at the deacon of the village of Mordysh Fr. P. Nikolsky. A. The missionary offered the people an instructive speech on the text (1 Pet. 3.15): “Be always ready to give an answer to everyone who requires you to answer in your hope with meekness and reverence.” In his speech, Fr. the missionary mentioned the Divine Revelation, the heralds of the Divine Revelation, the uncalled teachers, and invited the listeners to be attentive to the missionary talks, and the students to be careful to attend the morning lessons.
Conversations were conducted in the morning (from ½ 10 o'clock to 1 o'clock) especially with the course students and in the evening from 4 o'clock to 1 o'clock. in the temple, where from 300 to 500 or more listeners flocked every day. Regular listeners were also Fr. a local priest, his wife Vera I. Kudryavtseva, two local teachers Glafira D. Marsova and Alevtina Vl. Benevolenskaya. Attended talks: local Fr. Reverend Fr. HELL. Tikhonravov, priest Fr. M.V. Kapatsinsky, the village of Kruglov about. I.A. Chelyshev, county observer Fr. THEM. Looks and parishioners of neighboring parishes for 7-8 versts. During the break, various church hymns were sung in a very harmonious manner: “On the rivers of Babylon”, “Open the doors of repentance”, “I pour out the prayer to the Lord”, etc. The conversations were conducted according to the previously planned program. The conversations about the Holy Cross, Holy icons, Holy relics, and prayer for the dead made a particularly strong impression. After each conversation, the people sincerely thanked Fr. Gregory for his clear and sensible exposition of Orthodox teaching.
January 30. From 5 ½ o'clock. until 9 o'clock vech. missionary's conversation with listeners on the topic: What is called Divine Revelation and why it is necessary. About the Heralds of the Deities. Revelations. On the ways of spreading the Divine Revelation among people.
January 31st. On sacred Tradition and St. Scripture.
1st of February. About St. churches. On the Composition of the Church of Christ. On the unity, holiness and infallibility of the Church. About her judgment on sinners. On the right of the church to introduce new liturgical rites for the edification of the faithful.
February 2, Fr. missionary co-serving with the local priest under the deacon of the churchyard of Seminova Gora, Fr. M. Smirnov performed an all-night vigil and liturgy. A very roomy temple was crowded with people. Fr. the missionary delivered two teachings: at the Vespers on the holiness and infallibility of the Church and at the liturgy for the gospel. text of Luke 2. 34.
At 2 pm in the village. Zauchye had a conversation about. missionary about salvation in Christ Jesus (faith and good works). This topic was suggested by Fr. to the missionary by the sectarians themselves on November 21, 1913, at a conversation in the village. Kruglov. However, the sectarians left the village of Zauchya in front of our eyes. Kruglovo, having received a warning from Moscow through Stepan Khromov not to enter into a conversation with Fr. missionary. The conversation was held for the Orthodox during the gathering of the entire village (200 households) at the local parochial school at the request of the priest. Here, although there is officially only one sectarian (there are only two of them in Sanin's parish). But the Baptist preacher Yakovlev very often comes here from Moscow, who does in Zauchye and especially often with. Kruglov in Khromov's house (the center of Baptism) meetings, to which the Orthodox are also strenuously invited. The conversation was listened to the listeners with great attention and gratitude.
February 3rd. About the mutual relations of the earthly and heavenly churches. On the veneration and prayerful invocation of Angels and St. Pleasers of God.
February 4th. On the glorification and prayerful invocation of the Most Holy Theotokos.
February 5th. On the prayers of the church for the dead.
February 6. About the man-made shrine. About St. temples of God.
February 7th. About the veneration of St. icons.
February 8th. About the veneration of the Cross of the Lord.
February 4 to the village of Kruglovo through the priest Fr. I. Chelyshev to the leader of the Baptists St. Khromy was sent Fr. missionary an invitation to appear for a public talk in the village of Sanino on February 9. The topic is about the veneration of the Holy Cross. The answer was received from the priest only on the evening of February 8, with the news that "Khromov does not need the missionary's conversations and does not want to talk with him." It was then decided that on February 9 the courses would end with a thanksgiving service. On February 9, the liturgy was served by the conciliar: Fr. missionary and local priest under the deacon Fr. P. Nikolsky from the village of Mordysha. For the all-night vigil, Fr. the missionary gave a lecture on Psalm 136, and at the liturgy - on the veneration of the Holy Cross and the Last Judgment. Before the prayer service the missionary in a short speech thanked the local priest for his hospitality and help, the student singers for their very harmonious singing and zeal for their studies, the parishioners for their zeal for the church and listening to the word of God. In response to a speech about missionary, the local priest thanked him with the following brief impromptu: “Your Reverend, venerable Fr. Grigory Stefanovich! Allow me, on behalf of myself, my parishioners, listeners, and especially students, to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to you for the great missionary work that you have endured for us, for the sake of the religious improvement of my parish. I firmly believe that your teachings, your missionary conversations, diluted with love for us, will undoubtedly bring and have brought good results: one thing - the calm of the soul, restless under the onslaught of sectarianism; to others, a warning to be careful and critical of the gentle appeals of the sectarian.
I dare to say - you are like Ap. Paul, the first to plant a divine, anti-sectarian doctrine in my parish, I, imitating Apollos, will try, as far as my strength and skill is enough, to water this doctrine, firmly hoping that the Lord God, through our prayers, will increase your sown Divine seed into a shady tree, capable of drowning out the sectarian thorns that were already beginning to break through with their branches. Once again, we sincerely thank you, venerable Fr. Gregory. In turn, we ask you, on behalf of the clergy, parish and students, to convey the most sincere gratitude and caring for our religious needs to the most blessed angel of the Vladimir Church - Archbishop Nikolai. Tell him that we ask for his apostolic prayers and blessings for our further work in the mission of the parish.
I would like to believe that you, venerable Fr. Gregory, continue not to leave us orphans without your experienced guidance and your saints. prayers. And we will pray for you: “Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, in prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, save and save Your servant Priest Gregory in his difficult missionary field for many, many years.”
The chorus of singers unanimously repeated the end of their priest's speech. Among the masses of the people there were also sectarians; one of them Vasily Abramov at the end of the liturgy went up to the pulpit and asked Fr. missionary to tell him: “where in the Holy Scriptures it is said that the sign that will appear in heaven at the second coming is St. Cross?" O. the missionary in response drew a parallel to him: Num. 21:8 and Ev. John. 3:14, by which he clearly explained to him that the sign that will appear in heaven at the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is St. Cross. Answer about. the missionary, apparently, was satisfied and touched by the sectarian, and he left the temple.
Holy A. Kudryavtsev ”(“ Vladimir Diocesan Vedomosti ”, Unofficial Department, No. 3, January 18, 1914).

As a significant settlement of the Bykovskaya volost, the village had a parochial school. In the neighboring village of Zaueche, which was part of the same parish, there was a literacy school. The latter in terms of status was something between a parochial and a Sunday school.
By this time, the population, which had multiplied, as in other places, could not feed itself on grain growing and vegetable gardens alone. Insufficiency of funds, as before, was compensated by seasonal trades, occupations, although profitable, but requiring a long departure (leaving) to other cities and villages. For the people of Suzdal, they developed long ago due to the traditionally developed craftsmanship here, which glorified them mainly as skilled masons and roofers. In Moscow alone, almost half of the city was built by them. And so it was until the October Revolution in 1917. The people from the Suzdal villages were famous in number less than the number and as incomparable bogomaz-painters. They were also known in other guises, up to skillful coachmen and accurate cargo carriers. With the development of manufactories, the inhabitants of the Suzdal side were also known as clever handyman weavers. Home machines were an essential part of home-based manufacturing right up to the end. 19th century The clerks regularly took the canvas to the warehouses of the factory, where it was brought to condition.
Sanins were no exception. In the statistics of 1895, the number of those who went to work was one-fifth of the total number of men in the village, including babies. And those who remained in the field, presumably, did not sit at home with their hands folded. Skillful crafts developed at home as well. Suzdal bazaars sold ceramics, wood products, and much more. A variety of occupations developed long before the memorable year of 1861, when all the peasants were personally free. But even before that, in the practice of monastic activity, there were frequent cases of holidays and even deliberate sending of peasants for additional earnings, and simply for the execution of contracts concluded between the monastery and the customer. Skilful craftsmen, and they were found most of all in monastic villages, were sent by the Spas-Evfimiev Monastery to near and far lands: from the center of the country to the Urals. It is not for nothing that we have traces of the influence of Suzdal woodworkers and stone craftsmen throughout Siberia and Altai. Such a broad "expansion" was also condoned by the government, which encouraged otkhodnichestvo. It is not out of place to note that it was the monasteries that initiated the holding of fairs, large and small, to which the surplus products of the main occupations and any "other" craft were brought.

St. Nicholas Convent
Nikolskaya women's community

Holy gates of the monastery

south gate

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a bell tower

Unfortunately, we do not know the name of the previously burnt wooden church in Sanino. But, given the tradition of succession, which involved the transfer of the name (dedication) of a broken or burnt church to a newly built one, it can be assumed that the former church was also dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The new temple was erected between about 1775 and about 1800, mostly at the expense of the parishioners. From their number, presumably, there were craftsmen and workers. The noble stone and "wooden" business was not a novelty for the villagers. Having saved on craftsmen, and in Suzdal villages this was in the order of things, a significant part of the funds was directed to expensive bricks, roofing iron and other materials.
So in Sanino we see an example of diligence, which allowed pious parishioners to build a church that was not out of the ordinary, but rather impressive in height and volume, consisting of a main quadrangle, a spacious porch and a bright altar.
On the north side of the church adjoins a small chapel in honor of the Epiphany of the Lord.

From the west, along the longitudinal axis of the general structure, a high bell tower adjoins (an octahedron on the lower quadrangle with an elongated cone-candles of completion). It also serves as an entrance, perceived as a front porch with shoots on three sides. The cross of the bell tower rises above the district on a par with the main cross of the temple. The whole church is so successfully inscribed in the general architectonics of the landscape that the impression of meeting with her even at the distant approaches fills the soul with beauty and delight from the proportionality of the man-made and the miraculous. This impression is not erased even up close. It is hard to resist not calling the temple reigning over the plain a ship that confidently sails across the boundless expanse of both seas: heavenly blue and earthly green. The temple is beautiful in winter, white in white ...
The main building of the St. Nicholas Church is a classic two-tiered cube with windows surrounded by noble old Russian architraves with kokoshniks. They somewhat contrast with the innovations of con. 18th century - triangular pediments covering the width of the walls on all four sides. The cube is completed with a voluminous octagonal tent topped with a small, also octagonal, turret with a magnificent onion and a cross.
There are several notable graves around the walls of the St. Nicholas Church. One of them especially draws attention. A magnificent forged cross rises above the marble footboard. Here rest the patriarch of these places throughout the second half. 19th century - Priest Fr. Anthony (Antony Dimitrievich Dekapolitov) and his wife-mother Evdokia Alexandrovna. Awarded with almost all the signs of church distinction, the rural priest priested in Sanino for 52 years, dying on November 5, 1892. How many lives did he take and spend in the next world during his long pastoral path?! Truly, before us is a feat of asceticism and sacred rites!

Dome of St. Nicholas Church

Nicholas Church. The southern facade of the quadrangle, divided by a frieze into 2 tiers and completed by a pediment.

Church of the Intercession

Next to the Church of St. Nicholas stands a low Church of the Intercession with an altar in the name of St. Pr. God's Elijah. The Nikolsky Church was originally built as a cold one, then next to it it was supposed to build a winter, heated church dedicated to the Intercession of the Mother of God, which was completed in 1825. It was from here, from the Suzdal lands, even at the time of the development of township architecture, it became customary in Russia to build on two temples: both winter and summer.
Modest in height, somewhat feminine and plastic forms of the Intercession Church, with its moderate rustication of the walls, match and, as it were, set off the sublime masculine face of the neighboring St. Nicholas Church. Both churches, like a friendly couple of newlyweds, echo each other with a number of similar elements (pediments, cornice belts, ledges-pilasters) and eventually form a harmonious ensemble of the main monastery buildings.

Adjacent to the Church of the Intercession is the chapel of St. prophet Elijah.

In Sanino, where the traditions of piety and fidelity to Orthodoxy were strong, both terrible waves in the 1930s and 1950-60s. state terrorism, vandalism and outright robbery did not, fortunately, cause the damage that was done everywhere. This happened thanks to the dedication of the clergy and local residents. The elders and priests came up with conceivable and unthinkable tricks to avert terror away from the temple. The secret nun turned out to be especially inventive, she was also the headman, Sister Angelina (Semenova), who “just in time” hid the keys to churches from all kinds of commissions. And although the church was not allowed to renovate inside and outside, which is why the walls, frescoes were slowly crumbling and the roof was collapsing, the interior decoration was kept almost intact. Truly a miracle! The kingdom of heaven to all the "black" and "white kerchiefs - known and unknown Sanin ascetics and ascetics. The Mother Church and their efforts stood on its feet. It's a shame that the barbarians of modern times, outright thieves and blasphemers, in perestroika time managed to succeed in one of nights to rob temples, taking 260 icons from them.
In 1959 he was tonsured a monk with the name Seraphim and elevated to the rank of abbot in 1959. He was subjected to repressions, fought and was seriously wounded in the Great Patriotic War. February 15, 1961 - rector of St. Nicholas Church with. Sanino, Suzdal region. He was transferred to the Vladimir Mother of God Church in the village of Mstera, Vyaznikovsky District, where there were a significant number of co-religionists among the parishioners. In 1963 he was appointed rector of the Cathedral of the Annunciation in the city of Murom.

Hegumen Seraphim (Urbanovsky). Photo 1963-66 VEA Foundation

Local Religious Organization Orthodox Parish of St. Nicholas Church in the village of Sanino, Suzdal District, Vladimir Region, Vladimir Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) has been operating since November 12, 1999.
Chairman of the parish council - Kotikova Nonna Pavlovna, rector - Nechitaev Igor Yurievich.

In October 2001, the St. Nicholas women's community was formed from ascetics who came here from different parts of the former USSR, which is a farmstead.
The sisters settled in an old log house. Gradually, they began to improve the temples and the territory adjacent to them. We found a sponsor who gives money for the restoration of two churches - the Church of the Intercession and the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Domes were restored on the churches, the facade was repaired. An alarm system was installed in the temples, because the robbers repeatedly attempted on the miraculously surviving icons. Several icons, each more than two meters high, with silver frames, were stolen by vandals. And one night they took away 260 icons.
The miracles of gilding both temples were the result of a skillful large-scale restoration in 2002-2006.
At the beginning In 2007, the community consisted of 15 people, including 5 nuns, 3 nuns and 7 novices. The oldest, the nun Fomaida, is a local resident. For more than forty years she served here as a parish clerk and was the guardian of the shrines of the village. Overcoming ailments and infirmities today, she participates in all services. With spiritual trepidation, the nun recalls how she once took the baton from a no less heroic woman, nun Angelina (Semenova), who took secret tonsure at the beginning of the Bolshevik era and rested here in 1967. How much courage and ingenuity they showed during the Stalinist and Khrushchev persecutions together with other ascetics, in order to preserve without loss all the splendor of the interior decoration of both churches. He acquired the crown of martyrdom in the 1930s. local priest Eugene. In order to force him to renounce the truths of Orthodoxy, the executioners tortured him in the prison of the Spas-Evfimiev Monastery. Then, not having achieved the desired, the half-naked priest was doused with ice-cold water in the middle of the courtyard in a fierce winter.
In 2008, about 30 nuns and novices worked in the monastery. The nuns live in a well-appointed wooden warm house, strictly observing the fasts. Among them are skilled embroiderers, seamstresses and gardeners, cooks, young Elikonida, an artist and an excellent ringer.
Today, a modern hotel is being built on the territory of the monastery for guests and pilgrims - they come from all over Russia.
Abbess, the founder of the community, mother Irina, came to the holy land of Suzdal from distant Riga at her retirement age. Unusually energetic, tenacious of ideas and concrete undertakings useful for the monastery, she was known as an active, intelligent and, most importantly, patient leader. The spirit of harmony in the sisterhood is unshakable. In addition to searching for benefactors, Abbess Irina resolutely seeks and knows how to seek understanding and help from authorities at all levels. The quality is not frequent in secular leaders either. Judge for yourself! How many years the locals suffered, and then the sisters from the oppressive impassability of all! And now, a few years after the formation of the monastery, with the assistance of the governor of the region, Sanino is now connected by a new asphalt road with the main route Suzdal - Kameshkovo. To come to the monastery today at any time is not a problem. Hieromonk Sergius is now safely reaching the sisters and his flock. Twice a week he comes from the Vasilyevsky Monastery in Suzdal to celebrate the Liturgy. The residents of Sanin also dream of the arrival of Vladyka Evlogii, Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal, again. His memorable visit here and colorful service in 2003 significantly advanced the course of the large-scale restoration work that was then unfolding in Sanino.
Among the nuns there are also excellent embroiderers, seamstresses and gardeners with a subtle sense of the earth and the possible blossoms on it. God has gathered into this ark the bearers of many talents.
The plans of the active and indefatigable abbess is the expansion of the economy. Taking into account the lazy cultivation of the land around Sanino, one should seriously propose the creation of an entire agro-livestock complex here. Well, just like before - remember the story of Sanino! - monastic time. There are already similar precedents in Russia. Entire villages pass under the arm of rural priests and restored monasteries. How much can be done today to raise the former prestige of the village by its now small population, mostly pensioners and summer residents?! And the rye will grow around - then they will rejoice, people's hearts will come to life, and the angels will have to shed fewer tears for us sinners, for the most part, as Pushkin correctly noted, "lazy and incurious."

The space between the temples is mostly occupied by the rural cemetery.
On the outer circle, the church is adequately completed with courtyard buildings and a monastery garden with flower beds, a noble stone fence with lyrically executed holy gates and other entrances.

monastery fence

Healing water of St. Nicholas spring

Holy Nicholas spring

The oldest witness of antiquity Sanino is a small, almost stream-sized river Uechka. It flows modestly past the village, occupying the space between the Nerl and Pechuga with its valley. Before the arrival of the Slavs, it was full-flowing, the first inhabitants of the Suzdal land drank to their heart's content and watered the living creatures.
Now the river has almost dried up, only on the edge of the village about 500 meters from the temple there is a life-giving spring, to which Orthodox believers in a miracle rush to draw water at any time of the day. Although a wooden house was built above the spring, people do not bathe in it, but only douse themselves at any time of the year.
Tradition says that a spring appeared on the territory of the monastery in the 17th century. by the prayer of two nuns. At that time, no miraculous phenomena were noticed behind the spring water. In the last century, the temples fell into decay, gradually collapsing. They also abandoned the spring, and then the locals completely forgot where he hit.
As soon as the nuns returned to the monastery, amazing things began to happen. Summer resident Lyudmila, who lives every summer in Sanino, said that she began to have unusual dreams: that someone enters her house and starts talking to her. This "someone" told the woman that an unusual key was breaking through near her house. Water needs to be helped out of the ground.
- "Alien" from a dream told me where to dig with a shovel so that the water breaks free, - says Lyudmila, - the dream was repeated again and again. In the end, I gave up and decided to go to the indicated place. I took a shovel. Dug a couple of times. There was no water. I decided: I’ll dig a couple more times and leave. At least my conscience will be clear. And so she did. I look, and water breaks through the earthen cut, like a gimlet. Everything, as in a dream, was predicted.
The summer resident told the nuns about the appearance of the spring. Just in case, the water was checked in the sanitary and epidemiological station for drinking suitability. The water, as the analysis showed, is the purest, enriched with silver.
Some nuns douse themselves with spring water. One of the sisters, who suffered from arthritis, noticed that water relieved bouts of pain. I began to wipe myself with water every day, and the disease receded.
The healing qualities of spring moisture have been experienced by many pilgrims who arrive at St. Nicholas Monastery. Eczema disappears, headache disappears.
One incident occurred with a visitor from Voronezh, who was staying a couple of kilometers away in the summer cottage village of Prudy. The man was badly bitten by the bees, he began to suffocate, he was urgently brought to the source and poured with water. He quickly made amends.


In the temple of the village of Sanino, Suzdal region, icons are being restored without the participation of restorers.
The artists themselves drew attention to the miracle that takes place in the church. A scientific explanation for this fact has not yet been found. The nuns of the St. Nicholas Convent do not know what the manifestation of God's attention to their monastery means.
The main miracles of the pilgrims await in the temple, where you can observe the process of self-renewal of icons.

On one of the icons myrrh-streaming intensified.

Myrrh-streaming and the icon of the Lord of hosts.

D. Lyalyaev

The sparkle of candles illuminates shoulder straps,
The stars are drowning in Easter blood.
“Icons stream myrrh in Russia! -
Loudly broadcasts TV. -
The impossible became possible
Rejoice, rich and poor!"
Unbeknownst to the grandiose fools:
That is not a joyful - a sad sign.
And scientists accumulate questions
But the hour of truth is far from them.
If the myrrh contains tears,
What does this mean for us?
How many times have you hit me
Once sent down into the flesh,
Burning burning sting,
Whose heart pierces the Lord!
The prophetic heart is sick again
And prepares a lamentable answer:
Who in Russia is now dying,
That does not shine on the sky ticket.
That's why the saints cry
And with tears from the icons they say:
All depraved, evil, "cool"
After death, they go to hell.
In crimes, uproar and disputes
We have squandered our essence.
In the Russian cemetery expanses
Holy place dirtied dregs:
“Everything is decent with us and legal,
Sleep in peace, dear country!
In Russia icons stream myrrh,
And in the Kremlin, Satan rules the ball.

The Legend of Angelina

Mother Irina tells every visitor about the nun Angelina (Semyonova) and her feat.
During the first years after the revolution, all the monks of the monastery were taken to Suzdal, where they were killed. Angelina, then the headman of the monastery, hid icons with silver and gold frames in the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker between the entrance doors, and buried the huge keys to the church in the forest. When the authorities demanded the keys, she refused to give them up, for which she paid 15 years in prisons and camps.
Returning to her native village years later, she again began to serve in the temple. Dying in the spring of 1967, she asked to be buried at the temple, but the flood did not allow her body to be transported to the churchyard. Suddenly, a hard frost hit at night, and the parishioners, having crossed over the ice, nevertheless buried Angelina where she asked. The next morning the ice melted again.
Women from Vladimir, who learned the story of Angelina, decided to raise money and erect a monument on her grave. The artist made two sketches, but did not dare to choose. And then in a dream she dreamed of Angelina, who said to her: "I am a girl, make me a light, graceful and white monument."
By the way, the keys that have lain in the ground for 15 years are still used to open and close the temple. Many believe that they are healing.

healing keys


The miraculous icon of the Lord of Hosts

Attached Church: Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village. Fomikha.
Attached chapels: Nikolskaya chapel over the holy spring in the village. Sanino and the chapel in Baikovo.

Pesochnoye village

Pesochnoe is a village in the Suzdalsky District of the Vladimir Region, part of the Seletsky Rural Settlement.
The village is located on the banks of the river Uechka, 15 km southeast of the regional center of the city of Suzdal near the highway 17K-7 Kameshkovo - Lyahovitsy - Suzdal.
At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the village was part of the Bykovskaya volost of the Suzdal district.

Peasant Pesochnovy Spiridon Fedorov Agrafenin filed a petition with the county government for a report to the county zemstvo assembly, in which he explained that in 1912 the former chairman of the council, the city of Yurkov, had rented a room from him for a school with a fee of 15 rubles. per month, subject to rent and for the summer months. Despite the requests of Agrafenin, Mr. Yurkov did not wish to conclude a lease agreement, reassuring that the rent would be paid to him all year round, both for the academic and summer months, meanwhile, the current composition of the council, with the end of exams at school, issuing stopped the money, why Agrafenin petitions for the payment of 15 rubles to him starting from June 1, a total of 60 rubles.
Since 1929, the village has been part of the Prudovsky village council of the Suzdal region, since 1940 - as part of the Lyakhovitsky village council, since 1956 - as part of the Kidekshansky village council, since 1974 - as part of the Seletsky village council, since 2005 - as part of the Seletsky rural settlement.
Population: in 1859 - 266 people. (36 households), in 1905 - 514 people. (77 households), in 1926 - 566 people. (124 households), in 2002 - 21 people, in 2010 - 20 people. (10 men and 10 women).

Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Pesochnoye

The chapel was built in 2004.
LLC "Peasant (Farmer) Farm Filippova N.S." effective since January 13, 1999. General Director - Filippova Nina Sergeevna. Organization LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "KRESTIANSKOE (FERMERSKOE) HOUSEHOLD FILIPPOVOY NS" liquidated April 25, 2003

136 m Timezone UTC+3 Population Population ↘ 155 people (2010) Digital IDs Postcode 601136 OKATO code OKTMO code

Sanino- an old village in the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region of Russia. Included in the Nagorny rural settlement.


The village is located on the river Kirzhach.

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In revision tales, revisions 1-10 of 1719-1858 were called a village.
According to the data for 1795-8016, in the village there is a master's house of Lieutenant Colonel, Prince Alexander Yakovlevich Khilkov (1755-1819), yard peasants - 3, later - 1.
In 1834 - the manor house of Lieutenant General, Prince Stepan Alexandrovich Khilkov (1786-1854) - 2 huts, 2 yard peasants. In the same 1834, in the village, the manor house of Lieutenant General Princess Elizaveta Semyonovna Khilkova - 40 yard peasants (owns them by agreement with her husband) and the house of Princess Vera Alexandrovna Khilkova (daughter of A. Ya. Khilkov), yard servants - 1 person (was released released in 1833).
In 1858, in the village, the manor house of collegiate adviser Prince Ivan Alexandrovich Khilkov (yard peasants - 2, there were 9, were recruited).

At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the village was part of the Argunovskaya volost of Pokrovsky uyezd, since 1926 it was part of the Ovchininskaya volost of Aleksandrovsky uyezd. In 1859, there were 79 households in the village, in 1905 - 121 households, in 1926 - 164 households.

Since 1929 the village has been the center Saninsky Village Council Kirzhachsky district, since 1940 - as part of Lachuzhsky Village Council, since 1945 - as part of the Pokrovsky district, since 1960 - as part of the Petushinsky district, since 1966 - the center Saninsky Village Council, since 2005 - as part of the Nagorny rural settlement.

Sanino Village Owners


Production of trays and scoops

The production of trays and scoops in the Pokrovsky district was carried out only in the village of Sanino. This craft has existed in Sanino since time immemorial. It is very likely that it was adopted from near Nizhny Novgorod, where the peasants have long been engaged in this kind of craft, as well as the manufacture of all kinds of other wood products, and where the Argun carpenters went to carpentry. At the end of the 19th century, about 31 families were engaged in this in Sanino, in 1908 only 18 families. Before liberation from serfdom, the Sanintsy owned the vast forests of the landowner, they could cut them down as much as they wanted. In addition to free material, the prosperity of the fishery at that time was facilitated by the absence of a railway from Nizhny Novgorod. Carriages with bread were constantly dragging along the large Moscow tract, and in Orekhovo-Zuyevo and in the village of Shalovo (since 1977 it has been attached to the working village of Obukhovo, Noginsk district, Moscow region). By the beginning of the 20th century, forests were reduced, material had to be bought, the local market disappeared, and trays and scoops fell in price.

Only men were engaged in the production of scoops. The three of us divided the work as follows: one trims birch blocks from the outside, the other - gouges inside, the third - finishes. The working day began in winter at 5 am, and lasts until 8 pm with a 3-hour break. Production was carried out directly in residential huts. Net income from fishing - up to 23 rubles per person per month.

Furniture manufacture

Furniture production in the village of Sanino and the villages closest to it (mainly in Rodionovo) appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. By 1908, the fishery was constantly growing with an improvement in demand in Orekhovo-Zuyevo. Many joiners and carpenters who were previously engaged in outdoor activities began to stay at home, making furniture. In 1908, in one village of Sanino, furniture was produced by 11 families all year round and 7 families only in winter. They make cheap furniture of average quality: chairs, tables, cabinets, armchairs, wardrobes, sofas, chests of drawers, beds, chests, stools. In the summer, during field work from St. Peter's Day to the Assumption, they are not engaged in the production of furniture. The working day is 12 hours. Wood was bought on the vine in groves, and walnut plywood was ordered from Moscow. The sale of finished products took place almost exclusively to local buyers, or products were delivered directly to the shops of Pavlovsky Posad, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, or Bogorodsk. The usual daily income of a furniture maker is 80 kopecks.

Manufacture of wheelbarrows for diggers

In 1908, in the Pokrovsky district, only two families were engaged in this trade in the village of Sanino. This craft appeared in Sanino only at the very end of the 19th century.


Russian Orthodox Church

In the village there is the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of Chernihiv built in 1890 - an architectural monument of federal significance.


At the end of the 20th century, there was a legend in the village, according to which their landlord set the peasants free along with the land for free. This legend is an echo of the history of the village of Kashino, located 3 kilometers from the village of Sanino. In the middle of the 19th century, F.V. Moshkov, the owner of the village of Kashino, released the peasants (136 souls) together with the land without taking money from them, but according to the agreement, the peasants had to pay his debt to the Moscow Board of Trustees in the amount of 9520 silver rubles, take over the payment dues from landowners' estates and to pay 5,000 silver rubles to the Moscow Board of Trustees for unforeseen accidents.
Minister of the Interior Perovsky submitted a report on this unusual case to Emperor Nicholas I. On the original report, by the hand of His Imperial Majesty, it is written: "Be according to this." St. Petersburg, October 1, 1848.


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