Management of large organized groups. A group in an organization as an object of management. Management of informal organizations

Quote Delegation is one of the most significant and at the same time complex managerial competencies. This is a whole system of actions. Indeed, in order to effectively delegate, you need to be able to make decisions, clearly formulate a task, enter into emotional contact with a subordinate, motivate him and control the progress of the task. Maria Urban What the book is about Management is sometimes called the art of doing work with someone else's hands. To a large extent this is true, because delegation of authority - the distribution of tasks between departments and department employees - is one of the central concepts of management. But in practice, the transfer of even a small share of the tasks and functions of the leader to subordinates often causes difficulties. Bosses are afraid of losing power, and employees do not want to take responsibility. How to delegate authority without fear for the success of the case and without causing resistance from employees? In this book, the reader will find answers to these and other questions. How...

You are holding in your hands the book "Wages in Modern Conditions", which has come out in its thirteenth edition, which shows the continued interest in wage issues. In this book you will find comprehensive information on the organization of wages, the calculation of earnings for various forms of payment, the rules for establishing surcharges and allowances, etc. The issues of taxation of individuals and accruals on employees' wages are considered in detail. All examples related to payroll, deductions from it, allowances, surcharges, compensations, etc., are presented with links to a document containing the above norms. To perform the tasks of accounting for labor and wages, an enterprise accountant needs to know the provisions of labor legislation regarding hiring, execution of labor or civil law contracts with employees, the procedure for compiling and using documents for accounting personnel - this is the subject of the book in the section "Registration of labor ...

Payroll is one of the most important areas of accounting in any organization. The handbook pays great attention to the issues of legal regulation of the conditions and procedure for remuneration of employees and financial and economic mechanisms for calculating wages and other social and labor benefits. The procedure for registration of labor relations and regulation of systems and forms of remuneration is disclosed. The grounds and procedure for deductions from wages and taxation, as well as settlements with employees upon transfer, dismissal, etc. are considered. The guide answers practical questions related to the regulation of labor relations, the calculation and payment of wages, and the provision of labor benefits.

One of the most important areas of accounting in each organization is wages, since it largely determines the cost of production. The book offered to the reader tells about the systems and methods of remuneration, about the procedure for filling out documents, as well as about payments that make up wages. Addressed to accountants, auditors, heads of organizations, students of economic universities and colleges.

The book will help accountants understand all the complexities of the current accounting and tax accounting of wages, as well as the nuances of its legal regulation. The publication deals with the issues of registration of labor relations, the organization of remuneration, payroll and registration of its payment. Particular attention is paid to deductions from wages (taxes, on writ of execution, for marriage, etc.). A separate chapter of the book is devoted to state social insurance benefits and the new procedure for their calculation and payment.

The issues of organizing wages are relevant for any employer and for each employee. The current legislation provides for the need to calculate wages for work performed and hours worked, to keep the average salary for the employee, and to assign benefits to him in some cases when the employee did not actually work. Moreover, the procedure for its taxation depends on the type, size and other conditions of payment. Errors in calculations, in the calculation of taxes, in the registration and payment of wages lead both to disputes with the employees themselves, and to claims and sanctions from labor inspectorates, tax authorities, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the FSS of the Russian Federation. The book discusses the main approaches to the formation of a remuneration system in an organization and practical examples of calculating various payments in favor of employees. The author does not confine himself to describing one traditionally established or proposed by the official bodies approach to resolving controversial issues, but cites ...

For the first time in the economic literature, an analysis is made of the dynamics of various forms of wages for 1991-2001. This analysis is carried out in conjunction with the study of the dynamics of other indicators. A comprehensive analysis of the chronology, dynamics and problems of wages is carried out in annual and monthly terms, as well as in the sectoral aspect. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the dynamics of relative indicators, the problems of wage differentiation. The problems of remuneration in the public sector are considered. For theoretical economists, teachers, students and graduate students; can be used in courses of macroeconomics, labor economics, theory of transformational processes, national economy, public sector economics, etc.

The textbook deals with such issues as: the level and quality of life of the population, methods of their measurement; essence, content, implementation of social policy, pension provision, generation of income from various activities and state policy in this area, modeling of modern systems of labor remuneration; features of the policy of income and wages in foreign countries, etc. The book attempts to quite fully cover the vast problems of the standard of living. The textbook is intended for students and teachers of economic specialties of universities, students of business and management schools, and researchers. It is also of interest to a wide range of economists, business managers, employees of state and local governments, trade unions, employment services, enterprises and organizations.

The practical manual is a work that effectively combines the issues of legal regulation of the conditions and procedure for remuneration of employees and financial and economic mechanisms for calculating wages and other social and labor payments. The manual reveals the procedure for formalizing labor relations and regulating remuneration issues, the system and forms of remuneration, the grounds and procedure for deductions from wages, the procedure for taxing wages and compiling financial statements, the procedure for settlements with employees upon transfer and dismissal, etc. In addition, the manual discloses the most relevant types of violations by the employer of the labor rights of employees, including those to wages, and provides mechanisms for protecting the violated rights by the employee with the application to the employer of liability measures provided for by law. To improve the efficiency of assimilation of the material presented in the book, links are provided to the regulatory legal ...

The monograph continues a series of previous publications by the HSE Center for Labor Studies (CETI) devoted to the "Russian model of the labor market" and offers a comprehensive analysis of wage formation in post-Soviet Russia. The book examines the dynamics of the cost of labor and identifies the features of the institutional mechanisms of wage formation in the Russian economy. Various aspects of wage differentiation are analyzed specifically and in detail: between men and women; employees of the public and commercial sectors; holders of different education; residents of different regions; professions; employees with different employment contracts. Differentiation is analyzed using modern econometric methods and using large arrays of microdata. For economists and sociologists, specialists in the field of labor relations and social policy. The monograph can be used as a teaching aid in teaching such...

Group dynamics and leadership in the management system

The person is the basis of the organization, its essence and its main wealth. However, from the standpoint of management, it is impossible to talk about a person in general, since all people are different. People behave differently, they have different abilities, different attitudes to their work, to the organization, to their duties; people have different needs, their motives for activities can differ significantly. Finally, people differently perceive the reality of the people around them and themselves in this environment. All this suggests that the management of a person in an organization is extremely complex, but at the same time, an extremely responsible and important matter for the fate of the organization. A manager must know a great deal about the people he works with in order to try to successfully manage them.

But the problem of managing a person in an organization is not limited to the interaction between an employee and a manager. In any organization, a person works surrounded by colleagues, workmates. He is a member of formal and informal groups, which has an exceptionally great influence on him: either helping to reveal his potential more fully, or suppressing the ability and desire to work productively, with full dedication. The organization expects the individual to perform a specific role. If a member of the organization successfully fulfills his role and if at the same time he himself is personally satisfied with the nature, content and results of his activities in the organization and his interaction with the organizational environment, then there are no conflict contradictions that undermine the interaction between a person and an organization. One of the most important conditions for this is the correct construction of the role and, in particular, the formation of correct prerequisites for the content, essence and growth of this role in the organization system.

The social role can be divided into 3 aspects:

1. The system of social expectations of the forms of human behavior in accordance with his status (position in society).

2. The system of a person's expectations from himself.

3. Open Observable Behavior.

Petrovsky A. V. identifies the following stages of development of the workforce:

1. Diffuse group (a group of people who do not have a common goal and activity).

2. Association group (there is a common goal, an official structure, but there is no joint activity).

3. Group-cooperation (a common activity is being formed).

4. Group-autonomy (developed group cohesion, effective common activity).

5. Labor collective (an organization characterized by joint socially significant activities).

Effective leadership requires comprehensive introspection. Real leaders constantly ask themselves questions like: What am I good at? What are my strengths? What am I missing as a leader? What else should I work on to be better?

It is recognized that leadership abilities and skills can be learned. It is also known that leaders do not become immediately. This is usually preceded by some type of career in the organization. It should be noted that leadership is not a set of skills and abilities, but qualities of character, such as, for example, taking risks. The strength of leadership influence is directly proportional to the extent to which the follower accepts what the leader proposes to do. Power and influence are central to the work of a leader. Consider how power is used in effective leadership.

Expert power can help a leader lead followers if they believe the leader has more expertise in a particular area than they do.

When a leader uses the power of example, it is in many cases the cause of recognition and subsequent adoration (charisma) of the leader by followers. This source of power comes directly from the followers, and for this the leader needs to "find" his admirers, and not vice versa.

The right to power is acquired by the leader in the course of his career and comes from his position in the organization. However, the leader can actually use this right only until the moment when it is recognized by his followers and accepted by them as an indication to action.

The power of information in the leadership variant is associated with the individual abilities and ability of the leader to connect at his level the ends of information flows that cannot be connected at the bottom.

Decision-making as a source of power is important for the leader at the stage of his "last word", which, as a rule, followers expect from him. Effective leadership requires the active participation of followers at all other stages of decision-making and a high level of "decisiveness" from the leader himself.

Reward and coercion as sources of power within effective leadership are more associated with the ability to be or not be in the same “team” with an effective leader than with a monthly bonus or reprimand.

Power over resources is used by an effective leader to balance weaknesses and improve the state of affairs.

Increasingly important for the achievement of effective leadership is the power of connections, implemented, in particular, through the creation of so-called network structures that help maintain effective leadership at the proper level without quantitative growth of the organization. The leader must strive for an effective combination of all possible and available foundations and sources of power, as this is one of the main conditions for effective leadership.

Man management and group management

A person performs work in an environment of people, in interaction with them. He is not only the performer of a role in the organization, but also a member of the group within which he operates. At the same time, the group has a huge impact on human behavior. And the behavior of a person, his actions make a certain contribution to the life of the group.

characteristic features groups are as follows. First, the members of the group identify themselves and their actions with the group as a whole and thus, in external interactions, act as if on behalf of the group. Secondly, the interaction between group members is of the nature direct contacts, personal conversation, observation of each other's behavior, etc. Thirdly, in a group, along with the formal distribution of roles, if any, there is necessarily a informal distribution of roles, usually recognized by the group.

These and other roles of group behavior are performed by people in accordance with their abilities and inner calling. Therefore, in well-functioning groups, opportunities are usually created for the person to behave in accordance with his abilities for group action and his organically defined role as a member of the group.

There are two group types: formal and informal. Both of these types of groups are important to the organization and have a great impact on the members of the organization.

Formal groups usually stand out as structural units in an organization. They have a formally appointed leader, a formally defined structure of roles, positions and positions within the group, as well as formally assigned functions and tasks.

informal groups are created not by executive orders and formal regulations, but by members of the organization in accordance with their mutual sympathies, common interests, the same hobbies, habits, etc.

Successful organizations differ from their opposites mainly in that they have a more dynamic and efficient management. In modern Russian, under the guidance, from the point owner's perspective, it means either an individual (manager) or a group (leadership), or a process, i.e., a way of managing an organization that has individual characteristics.

Being a manager does not automatically mean being considered a leader in an organization, since leadership is largely informal.

Leadership- this is a type of managerial interaction (in this case between a leader and followers), based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals.

The effectiveness of an organization based on this early type of leadership relationship is manifested in its ability to quickly, in a short time, perform rather difficult tasks, in the least favorable conditions.

Leadership: power and partnership

Managers' success is judged not by what they do, but by how they motivate others to work. You can induce or motivate people only by influencing them in a certain way or influencing them.

In management literature, the ability to influence people's behavior is called power. Power can refer to an individual, a group, or an organization as a whole.

Power is a dependency function or rather, interdependence. The more one person depends on another, the more power both have. Possession of power is the ability to influence the satisfaction of needs.

Forms of power can be classified as follows:

1) power based on compulsion, justified by the belief that the leader has the ability to punish the subordinate;

2) power based on remuneration, is based on the performer's belief that the influencer can satisfy the performer's needs;

3) expert power is based on the belief that the influencer has special knowledge that will satisfy the need;

4) reference power- the power of an example is based on the attractiveness of the traits of the influencer so much that one wants to follow his example;

5) legal authority built on the belief of the executor that the influencer has the right to give orders, and the duty of the executor is to obey.

There are many ways of managerial influence - this is the impact through social norms, principles and morality of a given organization, and direct orders, instructions, and, finally, covert control, manipulation, behind-the-scenes games, etc.

Influence and power depend equally on the person being influenced, as well as on the situation and the ability of the leader. Therefore, real absolute power does not exist, since no one can influence all people in all situations. In an organization, for example: power is only partly determined by hierarchy. How much power a particular person has in a given situation is determined not by the level of his formal powers, but by the degree of dependence on another person. The greater the dependence on another person, the greater the power of that person.

At the same time, in any organization, subordinates have power over their superiors. Even prison guards depend on prisoners to some extent. They allow some infractions of prison rules by inmates in exchange for more submissive behavior. The leader must be aware that, since subordinates often also have power, the use of his unilateral power to the fullest may cause adequate opposition from subordinates.

Every effective leader must maintain a reasonable balance of power, sufficient to achieve the goals of the organization, but not causing a feeling of protest and rebelliousness in subordinates. In addition to subordinates, his fellow managers, secretaries of chiefs, can have power over the leader, since they have the information resources he needs.

Delegation– transfer to others (usually subordinates) of responsibility and authorship of operations and/or coordination of certain actions. There are various levels of delegation (delegation of activities, but not of evaluations, responsibility, authorship of actions).

Advantages of delegation:

– release of manager's time;

- the opportunity for the manager to do more important work (for example, strategic decisions);

- the possibility of a deeper assessment of the potential of subordinates;

– motivation of those to whom delegation is carried out;

- a means of developing the arts and skills of employees;

- work with personnel reserve.

Disadvantages of delegation:

- the organization of delegation requires a certain amount of time and effort of the manager;

- there is a certain risk;

- the organization may simply not have people with sufficient time resources and competence.

List of actions for delegation:

1. Highlight the essential in all the variety of activities.

2. Determine the activities to be delegated.

3. Evaluate the benefits of delegation.

4. Identify persons suitable for delegation.

5. Discuss transferred activities.

6. Determine the time frame and provision for delegation.

7. Determine the levels of responsibility for delegation.

8. Review and evaluation of the results of delegation.

Do's and Don'ts for Successful Delegation.

Necessary: plan delegation; discuss the planned delegation with the relevant individuals; it is obligatory to give those to whom authority is delegated to finish the work effectively performed.

No need: leave people in a state of doubt; turn on, dictate the course of work that is already being done in the order of delegation; delegate all activities to the same employees; apply lending methods when delegating ("we'll see later").

Management style and image (image) of a manager

Management style is the typical manner and way of behavior of a manager. There are several classifications of management styles.

Styles can be classified according to the following criteria.



2 Group dynamics in informal groups


1 Leadership styles

2 Leadership in a group



group leadership leader conformism


Organization is a social category and at the same time a means to achieve goals. It is a place where people build relationships and interact. Therefore, in every formal organization there is a complex interweaving of informal groups and organizations that have been formed without the intervention of management. These informal associations often have a strong impact on performance and organizational effectiveness.

Although informal organizations are not created by the will of management, they are a factor that every manager must reckon with, because such organizations and other groups can have a strong influence on the behavior of individuals and on the work behavior of employees. In addition, no matter how well the leader performs his functions, it is impossible to determine what actions and attitudes will be required to achieve the goals in an organization moving forward. The manager and subordinate often have to interact with people outside the organization and with units outside their subordination. People will not be able to successfully carry out their tasks if they do not achieve the proper interaction of individuals and groups on which their activities depend.

The management of the organization is satisfied if the organization continues to exist as a single organism. However, almost always the real stereotypes of the behavior and attitudes of the members of the organization deviate slightly or very far from the formal plan of the organization's management.

The informal groups that form in organizations are a powerful force that, under certain conditions, can actually become dominant in the organization and nullify the efforts of management. Informal groups can also carry a positive influence on the activities of a formal organization.

Leaders need to reconcile the demands of the informal groups of the organization with the demands of the governing apparatus above them. This need encourages the manager to look for non-standard methods of managing people or use existing methods more effectively in order to use the potential benefits and reduce the negative impact of informal groups.

The purpose of the work: to consider the group and group dynamics in the organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the work:

Consider the concept and types of groups in the organization;

Consider group management styles in the organization;

Consider group leadership.

The relevance of the work lies in a deeper consideration of the theoretical foundations of the group in the organization.


1 The concept and types of groups in an organization

A group is a socially stable association of individuals who have common interests, values ​​and norms of behavior that develop within a particular organization. In a group, the behavior and (or) activities of one member are influenced by the behavior and (or) activities of other members of the group. The degree of this impact and its form determines the concept of "Group dynamics".

Group dynamics - a set of intra-group relations, socio-psychological processes and phenomena occurring in the process of group life. This concept characterizes the interaction of group members, which is based on a certain common interest and may be associated with the achievement of a common goal.

Groups arise in an organization and function as separate structural units due to the fact that, as a result of the division of labor, separate specialized functions are distinguished that require for their performance a certain set of people with certain qualifications, having a certain profession and ready to perform certain work in the system of joint activities.

Another important reason for the formation of groups is the natural desire of a person to unite with other people, to form sustainable forms of interaction with people. The group gives a person a sense of security, from the group he expects support, help in solving his problems and warnings. In a group, it is easier for a person to achieve remuneration in the form of recognition, praise or material encouragement. By uniting in groups, people feel stronger and more confident in the face of difficulties and obstacles.

In addition, belonging to a certain group, such as a professional association, may provide a member with a prestigious position in society, c. group, among friends and relatives. At the same time, the need for self-esteem will also be satisfied. Organizing in groups can also increase the power of its members: what is sometimes difficult to achieve alone is much easier to achieve together. In addition, the group provides a person with the opportunity to spend time in a pleasant environment for him, the opportunity to avoid loneliness.

Modern management practice more and more confirms the undoubted advantages of a group form of labor organization over an individual one. Mutual support based on sympathy and friendly relations, contributing to the cohesion of the group, can generate a synergistic effect that significantly increases the effectiveness of the work.

However, with an undoubted advantage over other forms of work organization, the group form can also carry a number of negative aspects for the organization. One of these negative manifestations is the processes of group dynamics, which take shape under the condition that, on the whole, the management of the group is incorrectly set and its functioning in the organization is incorrectly organized. This is expressed in the fact that:

in the group, there is a tendency to moralize processes, accompanied by a presentation of oneself and one's actions in the best light from a moral point of view.

Secondly, the group begins to feel invulnerable and even invincible in conflict clashes.

an atmosphere of conformism develops in the group, the desire to force everyone to agree with a single opinion, unwillingness to listen and discuss other opinions, etc.

unanimity develops in the group. People are starting to think more and more like the rest. And even if they have other opinions, they do not express themselves, believing that the general opinion is true.

the group refuses to consider opinions from outside if they do not agree with the opinion of the group.

Formal groups

Formal groups are legalized groups are usually identified as structural units within an organization. They have a formally appointed leader, a formally defined structure of roles, positions and positions within the group, as well as formally assigned functions and tasks.

In everyday speech, the word formal has a negative connotation, meaning not interested in the results, indifferent attitude to the performance of official duties. Indeed, the abuse of formalities leads to various kinds of bureaucratic perversions. However, the formal has a number of advantages:

makes the acquired knowledge and, based on it, advanced technologies and methods of work, common property;

establishes uniform norms and rules for everyone, which excludes arbitrariness and contributes to the objectification of activities;

provides transparency setting the case for control and publicity for interacting with the public, which is certainly important for the democratization of governance.

Thus, a formal group has the following features:

it is rational, i.e. it is based on the principle of expediency, conscious movement towards a known goal;

it is impersonal, i.e. It is designed for individuals, relations between which are established according to a compiled program.

In a formal group, only official connections between individuals are provided, and it is subject only to functional goals. The formal groups are:

A vertical (linear) organization that unites a number of bodies and departments in such a way that each of them is located between two others - higher and lower, and the leadership of each of the bodies and departments is concentrated in one person;

Functional organization, in accordance with which, management is distributed among a number of persons specializing in the performance of certain functions and works;

Staff organization, characterized by the presence of a staff of advisers, experts, assistants, not included in the vertical organization system.

Formal groups may be formed to perform a regular function, such as accounting, or they may be created to solve a specific task, such as a commission to develop a project.

informal groups

Informal groups arise as a result of the fundamental incompleteness of formal groups, since it is simply impossible to foresee all possible situations that can happen by job descriptions, and formalizing all subjective ideas as norms for regulating social relations is possible only under totalitarian political regimes.

Informal groups are created not by executive orders and formal resolutions, but by members of the organization in accordance with their mutual sympathies, common interests, similar hobbies, habits, etc. These groups exist in all organizations, although they are not represented in the diagrams that reflect the structure of the organization, its structure.

Informal groups usually have their own unwritten rules and norms of behavior, people know well who is in their informal group and who is not. In informal groups, a certain distribution of roles and positions is formed. Usually these groups have an explicit or implicit leader. In many cases, informal groups can exert equal or even greater influence over their members than formal structures.

Informal categories are an unexpectedly (spontaneously) formed system of social relationships, generally recognized measures, actions that are the product of more or less long interpersonal communication.

It is a non-formal company, in which non-formalized state affairs have a highly functional (production) content, and is along with a formal organization. For example, a suitable system of business relationships that spontaneously develops between employees, any form of rationalization and invention, decision-making methods, and so on.

It assumes a socio-psychological company that acts as a repeating type of interpersonal relationships formed on the basis of the mutual enthusiasm of individuals for each other, regardless of the relationship with highly functional affairs, that is, a specific, spontaneously formed community of the inhabitants of our planet, based on an individual choice of relationships and associations between them, for example , friendly affairs, amateur categories, cases of pathos, leadership, sympathy, etc.

The picture of the informal category is very diverse and changeable in terms of the trend of interests, the nature of the work, age and social. composition. Based on the ideological and highly moral tendency, style of behavior, informal organizations can be classified into 3 groups:

Prosocial, that is, socially positive categories. These are socio-political clubs of international friendship, funds of public initiatives, categories of environmental protection and rescue of cultural monuments, club amateur associations and others.

They have, as a rule, a positive orientation;

Asocial, i.e. groups standing apart from social problems;

Antisocial. These groups are the most unfavorable part of society, causing him anxiety. On the one hand, moral deafness, inability to understand others, a different point of view, on the other hand, often their own pain and suffering that befell this category of people contribute to the development of extreme views among its individual representatives.


Each group is formed and developed in its own way. At the same time, some general patterns can be identified in the development of various groups.

Any group in its development goes through the following stages, which form a 5-step model of group development:

initial stage of formation;

intragroup conflict;

ensuring cohesion of group members;

the stage of highest efficiency and productivity;

final stage (for temporary groups).

Let us consider the stages of group development in more detail.

The initial stage of formation, as a rule, is characterized by uncertainty about the structure of the group, its goals. It is often not clear who is the leader of this group, and what type of behavior is most acceptable in it. This stage ends when the members of the group begin to clearly understand that they are part of this group.

Intragroup conflict. The second stage of group development is usually characterized by the development of intra-group conflict. There is a struggle for leadership and distribution of roles between group members. After this stage is completed, it becomes clear who is the leader in this group (if it is a formal group, then we are talking about an informal leader).

Ensuring group cohesion. At this stage, relations between group members become closer and more cohesive.

Informal group cohesion factors include:

Contacts and communication after hours, joint leisure activities;

The strictness of the rules of initiation (the more difficult it is to become a member of the group, the more cohesive this group becomes);

Group size (larger groups are less cohesive);

The presence of external threats;

Having successful joint activities in the past. At the same time, there is clarity about the informal norms of behavior and the distribution of roles in this group.

The stage of highest efficiency and productivity. At this stage, the group is fully functional. The energy of its members is no longer directed to the distribution of roles and the struggle for power, but directly to ensuring effective work and achieving high results.

Final stage. For temporary groups, for example groups designed to temporarily implement precise tasks, the execution of these tasks becomes the final stage of their existence. The closer it is to the end of work on the plan, or the closer to the fulfillment of the task assigned to the category, the more its members begin to think about the fact that this category itself will quickly cease to exist, and also about fresh prospects for their own work in a different team. The performance of the category during this period can noticeably decrease.

Undoubtedly, the actual stages of the formation of the category that we have examined give only a simplified idea of ​​the rather difficult actions that take place in real life. In reality, it is quite difficult to isolate one stage of the formation of a category from another; from time to time several stages pass at the same time. A transition from the highest stage to the lowest is likely (for example, an incident about leadership and distribution of roles in a group can appear at any stage of its formation, even at the final one).

Experts who analyzed the stages of the functioning of groups discovered another interesting pattern in the formation of temporary groups. It was revealed that the actual performance of the category fluctuates in different periods, significantly increasing in the 2nd half of the period of its work. The 1st phase of the category's work on solving a certain problem is characterized by conditional inertia. Significant changes occur only at the end of this phase, after about half the time allotted for solving this problem has expired. During this period, it often becomes clear that the time itself, which is allotted for solving the problem facing the category, is cut down and, in order to successfully reach the finish line, you need to concentrate your efforts and speed up the work. In phase 2, the performance of a category usually increases, in fact, in the end, it allows you to successfully achieve the intended goal.

1.2 Group dynamics in informal groups

The structure and type of a formal organization is built consciously by management through design, while the structure and type of an informal organization arises from social interaction. People who join a formal organization usually either want to fulfill the goals of the organization, or they need to be rewarded in the form of income, or they are guided by considerations of prestige associated with belonging to this organization. They also have reasons for joining groups and informal organizations, which include a sense of belonging, mutual assistance, mutual protection, close communication and interest, but people often do not realize them.

The very first reason for joining an informal group is to satisfy the need for a sense of belonging. People whose work does not provide the opportunity to establish and maintain social contacts tend to be dissatisfied. The ability to belong to a group, support from its side are closely related to employee satisfaction.

And yet, despite the fact that the need for belonging is widely recognized, most formal organizations deliberately deprive people of opportunities for social contact. Therefore, people are often forced to turn to informal organizations in order to gain these contacts.

Ideally, subordinates should be able to feel free to turn to their direct superiors for advice or to discuss their problems. If this does not happen, then the boss should carefully examine his relationship with his subordinates. Many people feel that their boss in a formal organization will think badly of them if they ask him how they can get a job done. Others are afraid of criticism. Moreover, every organization has many unwritten rules that deal with minor procedural issues, such as how the boss treats chatter and jokes, how to dress in order to earn everyone's approval, and also how mandatory all these rules are.

In these and other situations, people often prefer to resort to the help of their colleagues. For example, a new worker would rather ask another worker to explain to him how to perform this or that operation than turn to the manager. This leads to the fact that new workers also tend to participate in an already formed social group, where there are experienced workers.

Receiving help from a colleague is beneficial to both: the one who received it and the one who provided it. As a result of helping, the one who gives it acquires prestige and self-respect, and the one who receives it acquires the necessary guidance for action.

The need for protection is also considered a weighty reason for the preface of the inhabitants of our planet in any category. Wishing now occasionally we can talk about the existence of a real physical threat in the workplace, the very first trade unions originated specifically in social groups that intended to go to pubs and sorted out their own complaints to the leadership. And now members of informal organizations protect each other from the rules that hurt them. This protective function acquires even more actual value, as soon as the management is not trusted.

The need for conversation arises because people want to know what is going on around them, especially when it affects their work. Nevertheless, in almost all formal organizations, the system of internal contacts is rather frail, and from time to time management deliberately hides specific information from its own subordinates.

As a result, one of the important circumstances of adaptation to an informal organization is access to an informal channel for receiving information - rumors. This can satisfy the individual's needs for emotional protection and accommodation, and still provide him with the most rapid access to information suitable for work.

Among other things, people often join informal groups simply to be closer to those they sympathize with. They are given the opportunity to eat together, negotiate their own work and their own affairs during the breaks, or turn to management with a wish to increase pay and improve working conditions. People tend to establish the most narrow cases with other people who are in close proximity to them rather than with those who are at a distance of several meters. At work, people tend to interact with those around them.

Characteristic features of informal organization dynamics

The process of development of informal organizations and the reasons why people join them contribute to the formation of characteristics in these organizations that make them both similar and different from formal organizations.

The following is a brief description of the main characteristics of informal organizations that are of direct relevance to management, as they have a strong influence on the effectiveness of a formal organization.

Informal organizations exercise social control over their members, and the first step towards this is the establishment and strengthening of norms - group standards of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. To be accepted by the group and maintain its position in it, the individual must comply with these norms.

It is only natural, for example, that an informal organization has its own well-defined rules regarding the nature of dress, behavior and acceptable types of work.

To reinforce compliance with these norms, the group can impose fairly severe sanctions, and those who violate them can face exclusion. This is a strong and effective punishment when a person is dependent on an informal organization to meet their social needs, which happens quite often.

The social control exercised by the informal organization can influence and guide the achievement of the goals of the formal organization. It can also affect the opinion of leaders and the fairness of their decisions.

Resistance to change. People may also use the informal organization to discuss anticipated or actual changes that may occur in their department or organization. In informal organizations, there is a tendency to resist change. This is partly due to the fact that change can pose a threat to the continued existence of an informal organization.

Reorganization, the introduction of new technology, the expansion of production and, consequently, the emergence of a large group of new employees, can lead to the disintegration of an informal group or organization, or to a reduction in opportunities for interaction and satisfaction of social needs.

Sometimes such changes can enable specific groups to achieve position and power.

Since people do not react to what is happening objectively, but to what is happening according to them, the proposed change may seem to the group to be much more dangerous than it actually is. For example, a group of middle-level managers may resist the introduction of computing technology for fear that this technology will take their jobs just at the moment when management is about to expand their sphere of competence.

Resistance will arise whenever group members see change as a threat to the continued existence of their group as such, their shared experience, social needs, shared interests, or positive emotions.

Management can ease this resistance by allowing and encouraging subordinates to participate in decision making.

Just like formal organizations, informal ones have their own leaders. The informal leader acquires his position by seeking power and exercising it over the members of the group, in the same way as the leader of a formal organization does. As such, there are no major differences in the means used by leaders of formal and informal organizations to exert influence.

They are essentially different only in that the leader of a formal organization has support in the form of official powers delegated to him and usually acts in a specific functional area assigned to him. The support of the informal leader is the recognition of his group.

In his actions, he relies on people and their relationships.

The sphere of influence of the informal leader may go beyond the administrative framework of the formal organization.

Despite the fact that the informal leader is also one of the members of the managerial staff of a formal organization, very often he occupies a relatively low level in the organizational hierarchy there.

Significant factors that determine the possibility of becoming the leader of an informal organization include: age, position, professional competence, location of the workplace, freedom of movement in the work area and responsiveness.

The exact characteristics are determined by the value system adopted in the group. For example, in some informal organizations, old age may be considered a positive characteristic, while in others it may be the other way around.

The informal leader has two primary functions: to help the group achieve its goals and to maintain and strengthen its existence. Sometimes these functions are performed by different people.

If this is the case, then two leaders emerge in the informal group: one for fulfilling the group's goals, the other for social interaction.


2.1 Leadership styles

The management of the organization is satisfied when the organization continues to exist as a whole. However, almost always the stereotypes of behavior and attitudes of members of the organization deviate far from the formal plan of the leaders of the organization.

A workable close-knit group does not appear immediately, this is preceded by a long process of its formation and development, the success of which is determined by a number of circumstances that little depend on whether it is formed spontaneously or is formed consciously and purposefully.

First of all, we are talking about clear and understandable goals of the forthcoming activity, corresponding to the internal aspirations of people, for the sake of achieving which they are ready to completely or partially give up freedom of decisions and actions and submit to group power.

Another important condition for the successful formation of a group is the presence of certain, even minor, achievements in the process of joint activity, clearly demonstrating its clear advantages over the individual.

Another condition for the success of the official group is a strong leader, and an unofficial leader, to whom people are ready to obey and go towards the goal.

Informal groups that form in an organization can, under certain conditions, become dominant.

Middle managers need to reconcile the demands of the organization's informal groups with the demands of the top management. This need encourages managers to look for non-standard methods of managing people or to use existing methods more effectively in order to use the potential benefits and reduce the negative impact of informal groups.

Allocate groups of leaders, working (target) groups and committees.

The management team consists of the leader and his direct reports under his control (the president and vice presidents).

Working (target) group - employees working on a single task.

Committee - a group within the organization, which is delegated authority to perform any task or set of tasks. Sometimes committees are called councils, commissions, task forces. Allocate permanent and special committees.

Informal organizations carry out social control<#"justify">1. Arutyunov, V.V. Personnel management: textbook. allowance /V.V. Arutyunov, I.V. Volynsky. - Rostov-on-Don, 2011. - 448s.

Boronova, G.Kh. Psychology of work. Lecture notes / G.Kh. Boronova, N.V. Prusova. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 160 p.

Vesnin, V. P. Personnel management. Theory and practice: textbook /V.R. Vesnin. - M.: TK Velby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2011. - 688 p.

Dyatlov, V.A. Personnel management: textbook. allowance / V.A. Dyatlov.- M.: PRIOR, 2011. - 365 p.

Zaitseva, T.V. Personnel management: textbook. /T. V. Zaitseva, A. T. Zub. - M.: ID "FORUM": INFRA-M, 2011. - 336 p. - (Professional education).

Kibanov, A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: textbook. / AND I. Kibanov.- M.: INFRA-M, 2011. - 304 p.

Fundamentals of personnel management: textbook. / Ed. Rozarenova T.V. - M.: GASBU, 20011. - 328 p.

Personnel management of the organization / ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M.: Infra-M, 2011. - 638 p.

Personnel management: textbook / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - 2nd ed., revised. and add. - M.: UNITI, 2010. - 560 p.

Shapiro, S.A., Fundamentals of personnel management in modern organizations. Express course / S.A., Shapiro, O.V. Shataev. - M.: GrossMedia, ROSBUKH, 2012. - 400 p.

Shapiro, S.A., Fundamentals of personnel management in modern organizations. Express course / S.A., Shapiro, O.V. Shataev. - M.: GrossMedia, ROSBUKH, 2011. - 468 p.

Shchamin A.A. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M.: Academy, 2011. - 80 p.

Shchukin G.V. Styles of management in the organization. - M.: Phoenix, 2011. - 55 p.

Tsyplenkov A.M. Personnel Management. - M.: Infra, 2011. - 70 p.

Yanovsky O.Yu. Personnel management system. - M.: Unity, 2011. - 56 p.


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The main object of study in management are planned, consciously created organizations - formal organizations. Often the final step in the formation of such organizations is their state registration.

Formal registration is:

A means, a tool for achieving the goals of the organization and its participants, meeting their needs;

An environment where members of a formal organization interact.

A group is two or more interacting and mutually influencing individuals.

The organization includes various groups. The organization has a complex structure, which includes a number of divisions. Their collectives are also groups. The number and composition of groups, their number are determined by the main characteristics of the organization, the conditions of its functioning.

An important basis for the classification of groups is the way they arise. In accordance with this basis, formal and informal groups are distinguished.

A formal group is a group specifically formed by management through an organizational process. Its purpose is usually to perform a specific job.

The main types of formal groups are:

1. Leader's group, including the leader and his direct reports.

2. Working (target group). It also has a leader, but the members of the group have more opportunities in determining approaches to solving the problem. This allows group members to satisfy the need of higher levels.

3. Committees - groups to which powers are delegated to solve a specific problem. Committees make decisions collectively.

Informal groups - spontaneously arising in the process of functioning of the organization, a group of people who regularly interact with each other.

An informal organization is a series of interacting informal groups.

Formal and informal groups are coevals of the organization. However, initially only formal groups were studied.

The starting point for the study of informal groups was the experiments of E. Mayo. In the process of their implementation, a new quality of communication was not only manifested, but also studied. People acted both as members of the formal groups of this organization and as participants in the experiment. Interest in its holding, novelty of conditions, increased and even excessive attention to the participants led to a sharp increase in the efficiency of their work. An important aspect of the experiment was the change in the form of control of performers. Giving them more freedom in decision-making led to the realization of social responsibility for the results of their activities.

In the course of the experiments, it was planned to give an assessment, to determine the threshold values ​​of traditional efficiency growth factors taken into account when organizing motivation - working conditions and organization, forms and amounts of payment, types and forms of additional remuneration. In reality, during the experiment, there were changes in interpersonal relations, informal groups arose. In these groups, members of the organization satisfied their needs for belonging (experiment participants), getting help (from management, experiment organizers), communication (with participants, experiment organizers, organization leaders), protection.

The main characteristics of informal organizations are:

1. Implementation of informal control through the establishment and maintenance of norms of communication, behavior, the use of measures, sanctions.

2. Attitude towards change, including:

a) resistance to change, because, for example, the arrival of a new leader will lead to the emergence of new favorites; new technology will cause changes in the structure of the team, possible loss of jobs;

b) inadequate assessment of the consequences of changes, underestimation of one's own adaptive abilities, overestimated ideas about the requirements.

3. The presence of informal leaders who differ from the leader primarily in the mechanism of their appointment. However, the leader (formal leader) and the informal leader have much in common in terms of the means of influencing the group or organization.

The nomination of an informal leader is determined primarily by the extent to which the value systems of the group and the leader correspond, as well as the leader's help in achieving the goals of the group, its preservation and strengthening.

The management of an informal organization is carried out along the following chain:

Creation of a formal organization, including the definition of the value system of the members of the organization, the goals and activities of the organization necessary to achieve its goals;

Solving specific tasks that ensure the achievement of goals;

Interaction between performers in the process of solving problems;

Formation of a communication environment for performers that affects the performance of tasks, the achievement of the organization's goals;

The impact of the communication environment, as well as the goals of the organization on the interests of the members of the formal organization, the satisfaction of their needs;

The emergence of informal groups that influence the achievement of the goals of a formal organization;

The emergence of the leader of an informal group, reflecting the value system of the group members, ensuring the achievement of the group's goals (preservation and strengthening of the group, protection of its members);

Possible negative impact of informal groups on achieving the goals of formal organizations. It may be resistance to change. This is also facilitated by the lack or unreliability of information, rumors about the possible negative consequences of the changes (loss of a job, the requirement to increase the level of qualification requirements, a decrease in earnings, etc.). It is clear that under these conditions, workers are trying to find protection by uniting in informal groups.

In such a situation, the head of the formal organization should:

Give an objective assessment of the informal group, its activities;

Take into account (if possible) the proposals of the members of the informal group;

Make decisions taking into account their impact on the informal group and the influence of this group on the formal organization, its goals;

Involve informal group members in decision making;

Promptly disseminate accurate information.

The main form of work of a formal group is the general meeting, where decisions are made.

The effectiveness of the groups' activities is determined by a number of factors.

1. The optimal size of the group, taking into account the characteristics of the organization. When a group is large, it is divided into subgroups.

2. Composition of the group. With limited time for solving the problem, using the voting procedure for decision-making, it is advisable to have a homogeneous composition (for example, from representatives of the same specialty). For an expert evaluation of the project, it is possible to create a group that is heterogeneous in composition.

3. Group norms. Their implementation allows you to count on the support of the group. From the variety of grounds for the classification of norms, we single out: the attitude towards the management of the organization and the presentation of objective information; the importance of belonging to an organization and collective work; attitude towards innovation; protection against threats from the external environment.

4. The cohesion of the group, the coordination of its goals with the goals of the organization (for example, the organization of quality circles, joint recreation, etc.).

A negative aspect of cohesion can be group unanimity, the suppression of their views by individual members of the group in order not to fall out of the group. Unity can grow into unity. Without a variety of options, the desire for self-improvement is weakened.

5. Conflict, as another pole of cohesion, especially in the presence of destructive conflicts.

6. Status of group members: official position; formal signs (position title, cabinet size, etc.); experience; general erudition; professional training.

7. The roles of the members of the group, including the target ones (selection of tasks, distribution of resources and maintenance of the life of the groups).

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Group management

1. The concept of a group. Formal and informal groups

A group is two or more persons who interact with each other in such a way that each person influences the others and at the same time is influenced by other persons.

Groups created by the will of management to organize the production process are called formal groups.

The formal group appears in the process of division of labor in the organization. It interacts within its divisions, has its own goals, objectives and powers.

There are formal and informal groups.

A formal group is a group of people specially formed by management (that is, as a result of an organizational process).

Formal groups arise during structuring, as discussed in detail in the section on the organizational process.

Main types of formal groups:

Ш Group of the head - the head and his subordinates.

Ø Working group or task force. Such a group also has a leader, but its members have broader powers to solve the task.

Ш Committees. These are groups that have been delegated authority to solve a specific problem. Members of such a group make decisions collectively.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of small formal groups: size, composition, group norms, cohesion, degree of conflict, status and functional roles of group members. The most effective group is one whose size corresponds to its tasks, which includes people with dissimilar character traits, whose norms contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization and the creation of a team spirit, where there is a healthy level of conflict, good performance in both goal and support roles, and where high-status group members do not dominate.

2. Informal groups

Informal groups - spontaneously arising in the process of functioning of a group of people who regularly interact with each other.

The purpose of creation: social interaction, allowing to satisfy individual socio-psychological needs.

Reason for creation : the presence of unsatisfied socio-psychological needs.

The main characteristics of informal organizations that are directly related to management are:

b Social control. Establishment and strengthening of norms, group standards of acceptable and unacceptable behavior alienation

b Resistance to change. Fear of change. People react not to what is happening, but to what is happening according to their imagination.

l Presence of an informal leader. The formal leader is appointed from above. Informal leader - recognized by the members of the group.

b When personal goals and needs are met, the informal organization breaks up or is updated. The process of decay and renewal is constant.

3. Management of informal organizations

Informal organizations interact dynamically with formal ones. George Homans, the group research theorist, was the first to pay attention to this.

The J. Homans model looks like this:

In the process of performing tasks, people enter into interactions that contribute to the emergence of feelings (positive and negative emotions towards each other and superiors. These emotions affect how people will carry out their activities and interact in the future).

Problems associated with informal organizations include inefficiency, the spread of false rumors, and a tendency to resist change.

Potential benefits: greater commitment to the organization, high team spirit, etc.

In order to cope with the potential problems and capture the potential benefits of the informal organization, management must recognize and work with the informal organization, listen to opinions of informal leaders and group members, consider the effectiveness of informal organization decisions, allow informal groups to participate in decision making, and quell rumors through prompt representation. official information.

The motivational factor for people to join informal groups and organizations is the desire and ability to satisfy their secondary needs, in particular, a sense of belonging, mutual assistance, etc.

Industrial joint activity in a formal organization is an objective factor in the social interaction of people and the creation of informal groups and organizations.

E. Mayo was the first to experiment with informal groups. As a result of a series of psychological experiments on volunteers, which aroused great interest and were supported by a group of well-known firms, interesting results were obtained and a new quality of communication was studied. In addition, new forms of control over performers were identified, taking into account their belonging to one or another informal group that exists within the framework of formal groups.

The main characteristics of an informal group:

Ш Implementation of informal control through the norms of communication, behavior, the use of measures, sanctions.

Ш Attitude to change (resistance to them, inadequate assessment of consequences, overestimation of requirements).

Ш Presence of informal leaders.

The informal structure of the organization arises and develops spontaneously. Strengthening it increases as workers communicate with each other. The emotional intensity of informal relationships often reaches such a level that they become much more significant for people than relationships based on official instructions.

A wide variety of informal structures are formed in labor collectives. The most frequent cases of the formation of informal groups of two, three and four people. Larger stable structures are much less common.

The most common informal structure is a dyad, which is a system that unites 2-3 people based on conjunctive connections: friends, partners, colleagues, as well as people where one plays the role of a leader and the other is a follower. In addition, the dyad can act as a structure where two antagonists act. Such a system operates on the basis of the mechanism of mutual repulsion, its elements, i.e. people cling together like two opposite poles of a magnet.

The informal structure is characterized by the presence of a leader in each formed group. From the point of view of social psychology, leadership is the core problem of the informal behavior of people in society.

Leadership in small groups stems from the psychological tendencies of the group to form around a certain socio-psychological core. Such in informal groups is an informal leader. He takes on this function due to the fact that he is somehow superior to the rest of the group. Surveys of managers show that specific categories can be distinguished among employees:

q attractive;

q ambitious;

q "hard worker";

q irresponsible;

q upstarts;

q pets;

q "scapegoats";

q "white crows";

q "jack of all trades"

q toadies;

q quarrelsome.

In working groups of 10-15 people, several informal structures are formed with their leaders, performers, and followers. Under favorable conditions, i.e. when all employees are involved in solving the tasks facing the team and, most importantly, when the formal leader is authoritative (i.e., his leadership is not only formal, but also recognized by informal structures), informal structures combine their efforts in the direction of fulfilling company-wide tasks. In conditions of “calm” (i.e., when a period of relatively calm and routine work begins in the organization), or when the behavior of a formal leader does not correspond to what other employees of the unit entrusted to him expect from him, tension and interpersonal friction arise. If there are 3-4 informal structures in the subdivision, then these frictions are smoothed out and conflict may not arise. If the unit breaks up into two structures, which takes place in working groups of 7-8 people, and the head is not authoritative, then things can come to a conflict.

Ø give an objective assessment of the activities of the informal group;

ø take into account her suggestions;

Ø make decisions taking into account the impact on the members of the informal group and the influence of this group on the goals and functions of the organization;

Ø involve the leaders of the informal group in decision-making;

disseminate accurate information promptly.

group formal Homans conflict

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