Presentation of reserved places of white mountains. Presentation "reserved places of the Belgorod region". State Nature Reserve “Belogorye”

Purpose: the formation of students' knowledge about the features of reserves and wildlife preserves of the Belgorod region. The planned result of the training, the formation of UUD: students will get acquainted with the reserves, wildlife sanctuaries of the Belgorod region and the Stary Oskol urban district, learn how to work with different sources of information, work in a team. Personal UUD - to develop ecological consciousness, to realize the basic principles and rules of relation to nature, to form a benevolent attitude towards others, to awaken the need for self-expression and self-realization. Cognitive UUD - to form the ability to independently select the necessary information, use sign-symbolic means, define concepts, independently create ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature, form the ability to work with cards. Regulatory UUD - to show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation. Communicative UUD - mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the task. Basic concepts: specially protected natural areas (PAs), reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, plants and animals of the Red Book.

Home > Methodical development

Department of Education and Science

administration of the Gubkinsky urban district Municipal educational institution

additional education for children

"Station of young naturalists"

Methodological development of the lesson:

"Journey through the reserved places of Belogorye"

Gubkin - 2009

1. "Journey through the reserved places of Belogorye"

2. Methodological development of the lesson

3. Explanatory note

Most people in their psychological development sooner or later come to the conscious need to communicate with nature. Communication with nature heals both physically and spiritually, calms, pacifies, makes a person kinder towards others. But in order for the attitude towards nature not to be consumerist and, ultimately, barbaric, destroying both it and the soul of the person himself, it is necessary to educate children from an early age in the spirit of love, respect for the world around us. To this end, our institution has developed and is conducting a correspondence tour of the protected areas of the Belgorod region. As a result of conducting a correspondence excursion, it is very important to bring students to the conclusion that only by joint efforts to preserve natural landscapes can we achieve our goal. This methodological development can be recommended for use in the work of associations of ecological and biological orientation.

Purpose of the lesson: education of respect for the nature of the native land as part of the universal culture


    to acquaint trainees with the diversity of protected areas;

    to form in students a careful attitude to the flora and fauna;

    instill in students a love of nature and develop an interest in environmental activities

Occupation designed for students 11-15 years old

The form of the lesson - correspondence tour

Teaching methods used during the lesson: the main teaching method in the classroom is the teacher's story, which is used in combination with a conversation and a presentation

A necessary condition for the lesson is the presence of a study room, equipment for organizing the presentation of material on the topic.

Equipment: computer, screen, projector, presentation

Visual aids: map-scheme of the location of protected areas on the territory of the Belgorod region; posters "Plants of the Red Book of the Belgorod Region", "Animals of the Red Book of the Belgorod Region"

5. Methodological advice for the preparatory period

Preparing the teacher for the lesson:

Correspondence tour requires careful preparation, writing a plan. The teacher must clearly set the objectives of the excursion, collect information on the topic, select visual material, and create a presentation.

To design an office, you can organize and arrange an exhibition of literature on the topic: "Reserved Belogorye", organize and arrange an exhibition of children's creative works "World of Reserved Nature"

Trainingstudents for class:

At this stage, the teacher needs to reveal the purpose and objectives of the excursion, explain that it is of an ecological nature, recall and discuss such concepts as “nature protection”, “protected areas”, dwell on protected areas in more detail. Students can be given tasks to select literature on the topic, draw up a creative work "The world of protected nature"

Lesson plan.

    Greetings to all participants. Organizing time.

    Introduction to the proposed educational material. Brief introductory talk.

    Acquaintance with new material on the topic under study:

b) generalization and consolidation on the topic: presentation "The world of protected nature"


4. Summing up.

1. Brief introductory conversation.

The introductory word of the teacher: “Paternal land dear to the heart. You were born here, your loved ones live here. This land was bequeathed to us by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Look what a wonderful, wonderful world surrounds us: endless fields, chalk hills, shady oak forests... This is nature. She is generous and selfless. Our life is inseparable from it. Today we will make a distance journey into the wonderful world of nature…

They won't take us there
Roads and bridges.
Oaks there are centuries old

occupied positions,
reminiscent of butterflies
Beautiful flowers,
And bunches of ripe berries

Who can guess what the poem is about? (about the reserve)

Are you familiar with this word?

What do you know about reserves?

For what purpose does a person create reserves?

Protected areas - what is it?

Are there such places in our Belgorod region?

Why are protected areas needed?

2. Acquaintance with new material on the topic under study:

a) teacher information on the topic.

All-Union Society for the Conservation of Nature" of the Belgorod Region dated 30.08.91. A network of regional specially protected natural areas of our region was created, which includes nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, natural parks.

reserves- a protected natural area in which rare and valuable species of plants and animals are preserved in their natural state. They prohibit any human activity: hunting, catching animals, grazing, cutting trees, haymaking, that is, the reserve is forever withdrawn from economic use.

Reserves- a temporarily protected natural area in which certain species of plants and animals are preserved. Unlike reserves, human agricultural activities are allowed here: plowing land, picking berries.

Monuments of nature- they are unique or typical, scientifically, culturally, educationally and health-improvingly valuable natural objects. It can be lakes, rivers, individual trees.

natural parks- territories with unique natural objects with the right to be visited by tourists along specially designated ecological paths.

On the territory of the Belgorod region there is a state natural reserve "Belogorye". The total area of ​​the reserve is 2131 hectares and includes five separate areas:

"Yamskaya steppe"

The Yamskaya Steppe protected area was established in 1935. Currently, its area is 566 hectares. It was created to protect the meadow-steppe areas that have been preserved on the territory of the Belgorod Region at the outcrops of primary limestones and riverine rocky limestone cliffs. There are 661 species of higher vascular plants; 20 species of plants and animals found on the site are listed in the Red Book.

"Forest on Vorskla"

The protected area of ​​1038 hectares was established in 1922. The site is located on the right bank of the Vorskla River, northwest of the outskirts of the village of Borisovka. The protected area "Forest on Vorskla" was created with the aim of protecting the only remaining untouched massif of riverine oak forests, typical of the Central Russian forest-steppe. It is based on 160 hectares of unique 300-year-old oak.

"Bald Mountains"

The protected area of ​​170 hectares was included in the reserve in 1993. It is located 7 km southwest of the city of Gubkin in the tract of the same name. The tract is distinguished by a rich species composition and the number of rare species of plants and animals. Unique vegetation on chalk has been preserved here, the so-called "reduced Alps"

"Walls of the Ridge"

The protected area of ​​257 hectares was included in the reserve in 1995. The site is characterized by a unique combination of natural complexes: upland oak forest with chalk pines preserved along the ridges, feather-grass steppes, chalk outcrops, and swampy alder forests nearby.

"Ostrasiev Yars"

The protected area of ​​90 hectares was included in the reserve in 1995. About 400 species of vegetation grow on the protected area - almost a third of the flora of the region.

b). Presentation "The world of reserved nature of Belogorye"

And now we will go on our journey into the world of protected nature ... The first station is "Historical"

Station "Historical"

The reserve was created in 1925 and until 1999 consisted of one section "Forest on Vorskla". In fact, from the beginning of the 18th century until the revolution, it was a private hunting reserve of the Sheremetev count family. Did not function during the Great Patriotic War; from 1951 to 1979 it was liquidated and existed as a training base of the Leningrad State University, to which it was subordinate from 1934 to 1990. By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 312, it was restored on June 13, 1979. In 1999, 4 more isolated clusters were included in the reserve, including 2 transferred from the Central Chernozemny reserve. At the same time, the reserve received the modern name "Belogorye". The sites of the reserve are located in the Borisovsky (Forest on Vorskla and Ostrasyevy Yary sites), Gubkinsky (Bald Mountains and Yamskaya Steppe sites) and Novooskolsky (Izgorye Walls section) districts of the Belgorod Region, on the southwestern outskirts of Central Russian Upland. The rest of the sites were created to protect the meadow-steppe sites that have survived on the territory of the Belgorod Region at the outcrops of primary limestones and riverine rocky limestone cliffs. Thus, at present, the reserve covers the most typical and preserved landscapes of the Central Russian forest-steppe.

The flora of the reserve is diverse, there are 550 species of flowering and fern-like species, about 25 species of mosses, 61 species of lichens, and about 900 species of mushrooms. There are rare plant species in the reserve. We will now meet some of them.

Station "Plants"

Feather grass pinnate Stipa pennata S. Joannis Celak.)

Densely soddy perennial. Like other pinnate feather grasses, it belongs to the most characteristic steppe plants, but it is confined to relatively wetter varieties of steppes (meadow steppes) and penetrates north farther than other pinnate feather grasses.

Brandushka multi-colored ( Bulbocodium versicolor)

Usually grows on the steppe slopes of beams, less often on steppe glades in oak forests and on elevated areas of river floodplains in small groups, rarely in large numbers. Early spring bulbous ephemeroid, blooming simultaneously with the appearance of leaves. The ovaries are under the surface of the earth, and the fruits are brought to its surface with arrows that are strongly elongated after flowering. Orchis marsh - Orchis palustris

Grows in damp, usually floodplain meadows, key swamps. In undisturbed habitats, it sometimes occurs en masse.

The fauna of the reserve is very diverse. Wild boar and European roe deer are numerous in the oak forests, fox, raccoon dog, badger, stone marten, weasel, forest polecat live. Among the insect inhabitants of the reserve, there are many Red Book species, for example, the stag beetle, hermit beetle, swallowtail, podalirium and others.

Station "Animals"

stag beetle - Lucanus cervus

Beetle 25-75 mm long. The body is black, matte. In the male, the elytra and upper jaws are brown; in the female, the elytra are black-brown. The main tooth on the inner margin of the very strongly developed mandibles of the male is in front of the middle of the margin. The head of the male is greatly expanded. Antennal club - four-segmented. Found in deciduous forests in the region.

In the reserve there are 10 species of birds listed in the Red Book of Russia, among them the curlew, bustard, short-toed eagle, steppe eagle, osprey and others. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Osprey- Pandion haliaetus

It inhabits the banks of rivers and lakes. For nesting, it prefers flattened or broken tops of tall trees. Willingly uses artificial nesting platforms, can nest on various towers in anthropogenic habitats.

Bustard - Otis tarda

Settles in open areas. Occurs rarely. Recorded in the Yamskaya Steppe area.

raccoon dog

An omnivorous predator, it equally successfully hunts mouse-like rodents and insects, amphibians and birds, fish and reptiles, does not disdain carrion and food waste, eats leaves, stems, seeds and fruits of many plants. It leads a twilight lifestyle, combing 3-7 km of coastal thickets, ravines, bushes and similar places during the hunt, where it does not leave anything alive, accumulates large reserves of subcutaneous fat by autumn and is ready to hibernate. As shelters, he uses dens under eversion and in hollows at the roots of large trees, niches in ravines, burrows, etc. Here, in the spring, he brings offspring. The winter sleep of a raccoon dog is not strong. In the thaw, the animal comes out and feeds near the chosen shelter, since it cannot move long distances in deep snow.

Boar - Sus scrofa

The wild boar is an omnivorous artiodactyl non-ruminant mammal. It is the ancestor of the domestic pig. Body length up to 1.8 m, tail 25 cm, height up to 1 m; the weight of an adult boar can reach 150-200 kg.

Ordinary, or European, hedgehog - Erinaceus europaeus

The hedgehog is a well-known animal, the back and sides are covered with short dark needles. The needles are up to 3 cm long. The needles are white at the base and at the end, in the middle they are painted with stripes of black, white and brown. The fur on the muzzle, legs and abdomen of the hedgehog is hard, gray in color. The body length of the hedgehog is 135-265 mm. It weighs an average of 700-800 g, but before hibernation it can eat up to 1200 g. Males are larger than females. The muzzle is elongated, mobile; nose sharp and constantly moist. The eyes are black and round. The ears are short, rounded, almost hidden in the fur.

Station "Erudite"

Excursion participants are invited to answer the following questions:

1) What protected areas do you know? (Reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, natural monuments)

2) What is the difference between a nature reserve and a sanctuary?

3) What is the name of the reserve located in the Belgorod region? ("Belogorye")

4) What protected areas are part of the Belogorye nature reserve?

(“Forest on the Vorskla”, “Yamskaya Steppe”, “Ostrasiev Yars”, “Bald Mountains”, “Izgorya Walls”)

5) When was the Forest on Vorskla nature reserve founded? (1922)

6) When did the first “Red Book” appear? (1966)

7) When was the Red Book of the RSFSR published? (1985 - animals, 1988 - plants)

8) When was the Red Book of the Belgorod Region published? (2007)

9) When and why is the World Day of Reserves and National Parks observed? World Day of Reserves and National Parks? (annually on January 11 on the day of the formation of the first Barguzinsky Reserve in Russia)

10) How many reserves and national parks are there in Russia? (more than a hundred nature reserves and four dozen national parks)

5. Summing up the lesson

    How has your view of the problem of protected areas changed?

    What measures, in your opinion, will be the most effective in solving this environmental problem?

Methodological advice for the period of the next aftereffect:

When summing up the results of the lesson, students should pay attention to the practical solution to the problem of protecting natural areas in our region.

The methodological development was prepared by: Khodyachikh Galina Ivanovna, methodologist of the MOU DOD "Station of young naturalists"

  1. School Order No. 356 dated September 01, 2011

    Educational program

    3.1. The main educational program of primary general education, which implements the federal state educational standard of primary general education (grades 1-4,

  2. Competition for the best work on Russian history “The legacy of the ancestors to the young. 2006" (1)


    The question of the origin of our city occupies a special place in local history of Belgorod. Heated discussions on this issue remained in the last century, when the townspeople celebrated both the millennium and the four hundredth anniversary of the founding of the city.

  3. Information collection


    For your convenience, we have created an information collection that includes EVERYTHING you need to know about the Youth Tourism shift. This collection also includes materials that were previously published on the site of the year of youth.

  4. Methodological recommendations on the use of local history in classroom and extracurricular activities Department of Primary School Teachers 2011


    The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2020 defines the goals of general education. The main ones are due to the need to form for each graduate of a general education school an integral system of universal

  5. Bio-Bibliographic Index 2003

    Bibliographic index

    Writers of Ugra: Biobibliogr. decree. / Committee for Mass Media and Printing, State. library of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; Comp.: S. Yu. Volzhenina and others; Auth. intro. Art. N. I. Konyaev. - Ekaterinburg:, 2003.

Belogorye... Father's field.
White smoke over the meadow.
Herbs thick radiance juicy
On the slopes of the chalk.
Curly Heather Snake
Rose over the mountain
And you can't see the shore
Behind the shore grass.
Midnight stars ellipsis,
The clouds move in a crowd.
Belogorye ... Father's field -
What they call their destiny!...
(Vladimir Molchanov)


(large explanatory dictionary D.N. Ushakov)

Geographical position.

Sites of the reserve
located in
Borisovsky (sites
"Forest on Vorskla" and
"Ostrasiev Yars"),
Gubkinsky (sites
"Bald Mountains" and
"Yamskaya steppe" near the city of
Stary Oskol) and
(Section "Walls
Izgorya") districts

State Nature Reserve “Belogorye”

One of the most famous and beautiful
natural objects of the Belgorod
region - state reserve
Belogorye with an area of ​​2131 hectares.
Plot "Forest on Vorskla" - the oldest
the place of the reserve, which preserves
centuries-old upland oak forest on Vorskla,
the age of some trees reaches 300350 years. The forest is inhabited by about 100 species of birds.
(dwarf eagle. Black kite, gray
owl, etc.), wild boars, European roe deer,
foxes, badgers, weasels, hares,
stone martens, etc.

Section "Ostrastevy Yars"

is a dense network of beams and
ravines reaching into
height 200-250 m.
Site vegetation
typical of the forest-steppe
zones - more than 362 species
plants: fescue, feather grass, sage,
astragalus, flax, etc.
The animal world of these places
represented by roe deer,
foxes, hedgehogs,
mole rats, long-eared owl,
buzzards, newts,
several types of toads and
frogs, etc.

Section "Stenki-Izgorya"

located in the floodplain
site and on river
slopes of Oskol. Most
beautiful places in this area -
numerous beams with
narrow ridges. home
the value of the site
relic chalk pines,
whose average age
reaches 200 years.

Plot "Yamskaya steppe"

can boast of
chernozem soils with
characteristic beautiful
steppe landscapes. it
place is the only one in the world
large massif of virgin
feather-grass-forb-meadow steppe on typical
black soil, thanks to which
he was awarded a diploma
Council of Europe and named
steppe ecosystems

Area "Bald Mountains"

unique in that it has
still ongoing process
active formation
relief. It's beautiful
the place is covered with chalk
remnants formed
water washout after
last glaciation.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Date of formation: 1924 Total area: 1038 ha Protected zone: 488 ha Location: Vicinity of Borisovka village, on the right bank of the upper river Vorskla Neighborhood of Borisovka village, on the right bank of the upper river. Vorskla "Forest on Vorskla" - a state reserve, located on the right elevated bank of the river. Vorskla in the Borisovsky district of the Belgorod region The central estate of the reserve is located 49 km along the highway to the west of Belgorod, 0.5 km from the regional center of the village of Borisovka. Area - 1038.08 ha. The forest on Vorskla is one of the few protected upland oak forests in the southern forest-steppe. For the first time, it received a protected status back in the days of Peter the Great. In 1925, a forest on the steep and high right bank of the Vorskla River, one kilometer from the regional center of Borisovka, Belgorod Region, was declared a state reserve. The decree of Peter I on the conservation of forests attributed the forest near the settlement of Borisovka to the Bryansk Admiralty with the prohibition of logging in it “forever”, and until the 19th century, the “Custom Rosha” was protected by horse nukers and a religious ban, since at the beginning of the 18th century. was transferred by the owner, Count Sheremetev, to the protection of the convent of the Tikhvin Hermitage.

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Description of the slide:

The site "Forest on Vorskla" is an upland oak forest located on the right high bank of the Vorskla River. Of the tree species, the dominant ones are pedunculate oak, common ash, Norway maple, small-leaved linden, and rough elm. European euonymus, warty euonymus, and field maple are common in the undergrowth. Somewhat less common are: Tatar maple, svidina, laxative buckthorn, wild rose. Of the rare species, the noble liverwort, umbrella vulture and curly vulture are noted here. Buckthorn laxative Pedunculate oak Warty euonymus Photo gallery

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The fauna of the protected area is very diverse. Its avifauna is especially rich, numbering 50-60 nesting, 5-7 wintering and 10-20 vagrant species of birds, which are representatives of 14 orders. Of the mammals, the most numerous in the oak forest, of course, are small mouse-like rodents; in addition, some species of bats and insectivores are common here, as well as fox, pine marten, European roe deer and some others. Representatives of the classes Amphibians and Reptiles - 6-7 and 5-6 species, respectively, are an integral part of the oak forest fauna. More than 2,500 species of insects have been recorded in the Forest on Vorskla, including many rare ones (stag beetle, large green bronze, Hungarian ground beetle, etc.) and about 300 species of arachnids. Ground beetle Hungarian pine marten European roe deer

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Total area: 566 ha Protected zone: 1400 ha (width 1 km) Location: 12 km south-west of the city of Gubkin The history of the Yamskaya steppe is connected with the history of the Yamskaya settlement of Stary Oskol. Coachmen and pits (parking lots for changing horses on roadways) were under the authority of the royal Yamsky order and provided the movement of government officials and mail. Starooskolskaya Yamskaya Sloboda, as well as Streltsy and Cossacks, had their own reserved lands, which were used for grazing and haymaking. There is a legend according to which the Yamskaya steppe was presented by Catherine II to the city coachmen of Stary Oskol. Communal use of these lands prevented their sale and contributed to the preservation of virgin lands to this day. The site was transferred to the Belogorye Reserve from the Central Black Earth State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Professor V.V. Alekhine in 1999.

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The most colorful of all the habitats of the Yamsky section of the steppe are on the uplands, which cover almost the entire relatively flat watershed area, except for large hollows and depressions, as well as islands of forest and dereznyak. They occupy the predominant part of the territory - 402.4 hectares. The herbage here has a complex structure, several tiers stand out in it. In July, up to 7 tiers can be distinguished in the steppe. Usually all plants are over 60 centimeters. The tallest plants in the tiers can reach one and a half meters or more, but there are few such plants. Shrub thickets "Savannah" steppe Oak forest Kuchugury Photo gallery

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The fauna of amphibians and reptiles of the Yamsky area totals about 10 species, with 2-3 more reptile species. Among the birds in terms of density, of course, ground-nesting inhabitants of open spaces predominate, however, in terms of the number of species, the composition of representatives of the forest-edge complex is somewhat richer. Reservoirs have a large area, due to the frequent meetings in its immediate vicinity of a number of semi-aquatic and waterfowl species of birds. In total, about 60 nesting species, more than 50 migratory and vagrant species, and about 10 wintering species were recorded on the site and adjacent territories. Lizard agile Fox Roe deer

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The history of the creation of the reserve. The reserve was created in 1925 and until 1999 consisted of one section "Forest on Vorskla". In fact, from the beginning of the 18th century until the revolution, it was a private hunting reserve of the Sheremetev count family. Did not function during the Great Patriotic War; from 1951 to 1979 it was liquidated and existed as a training base of the Leningrad State University, to which it was subordinate from 1934 to 1990. By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 312, it was restored on June 13, 1979. In 1999, 4 more isolated clusters were included in the reserve, including 2 transferred from the Central Chernozemny reserve. At the same time, the reserve received the modern name "Belogorye". The reserve was created in 1925 and until 1999 consisted of one section "Forest on Vorskla". In fact, from the beginning of the 18th century until the revolution, it was a private hunting reserve of the Sheremetev count family. Did not function during the Great Patriotic War; from 1951 to 1979 it was liquidated and existed as a training base of the Leningrad State University, to which it was subordinate from 1934 to 1990. By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 312, it was restored on June 13, 1979. In 1999, 4 more isolated clusters were included in the reserve, including 2 transferred from the Central Chernozemny reserve. At the same time, the reserve received the modern name "Belogorye". "Central Black Earth"

Geographical position. The sites of the reserve are located in the Borisovskiy (Forest on Vorskla and Ostrasyevy Yary sites), Gubkinskiy (Lysyye Gory and Yamskaya Steppe sites near the town of Stary Oskol) and Novooskolskiy (Izgorye Walls site) districts of the Belgorod Region , on the southwestern outskirts of the Central Russian Upland. The sites of the reserve are located in the Borisovskiy (Forest on Vorskla and Ostrasyevy Yary sites), Gubkinskiy (Lysyye Gory and Yamskaya Steppe sites near the town of Stary Oskol) and Novooskolskiy (Izgorye Walls site) districts of the Belgorod Region , on the southwestern outskirts of the Central Russian Upland.

Flora of the reserve. The modern vegetation cover of the reserve is the result of a long and complex history of the flora and vegetation of the forest-steppe zone. Although the territory of the modern Belgorod region was not subject to glaciation (it was located between the two tongues of the Dnieper and Don glaciers), the cold breath of the glacier affected the formation of vegetation. The tertiary evergreen vegetation was almost not preserved; taiga and subarctic species migrated from the north. During the retreat of the glacier, the liberated areas were inhabited by alpine, mountain-steppe, meadow, and steppe remnants of the pre-glacial steppes. Of the tree species, the most cold-resistant pine, birch, and partly spruce were the first to emerge from protected "shelters" in the south and form small forests among grassy vegetation. birch spruce pine

Subsequent waves of warming also produced waves of more heat-loving migrants from the south, including broad-leaved tree species and their companions. Oak gradually replaced pine and birch, and at the end of the Holocene, a vegetation cover of the forest-steppe was formed, close to the modern one. Islands of broad-leaved species with a predominance of oak and forb steppes occupied approximately the same area in it. Subsequent waves of warming also produced waves of more heat-loving migrants from the south, including broad-leaved tree species and their companions. Oak gradually replaced pine and birch, and at the end of the Holocene, a vegetation cover of the forest-steppe was formed, close to the modern one. Islands of broad-leaved species with a predominance of oak and forb steppes occupied approximately the same area in it.

In the depressions of the steppe gullies, remnants of a characteristic element of the forest-steppe of “bairach” forests have been preserved, where low oaks, maples and bushes of blackthorn, hawthorn, buckthorn, etc. grow. There are many moisture-loving plants in the coastal part and overgrown oxbow lakes, and among them are sharp and vesicular sedge, large and floating manna, reed-like double spring, beckmania. The central part of the floodplain is occupied by meadow communities with a predominance of foxtail, timothy grass, and awnless brome. There are species with somewhat increased salt tolerance (halomesophytes), which is typical for floodplains of forest-steppe rivers. Among aquatic plants in Vorskla, floating, forming thickets near the coast and in small backwaters, egg-pod, water lily, duckweed, floating pondweed, as well as submerged curly and pierced pondweed, hornwort, are common. The shore near the water is occupied by broad-leaved cattail, forest reeds, and iris; thickets of reeds and calamus are characteristic. thorn water lily

Most of the animals living in the protected oak forest are typical for the fauna of the forest-steppe. Some of them, for example, the yellow-throated mouse, the oriole, the common turtle dove, and the green woodpecker, are so closely related in their distribution to the oak and its accompanying flora that their relationship can serve as a clear illustration of the historically established biocenotic relationships. The reserve is the only forest in the Belgorod region, which has long been withdrawn from economic use, plays an exceptionally important role in preserving the main complex of upland oak forests. Birds appeared and became numerous here, usually settling near dwellings: house and field sparrows, starlings, city and village swallows, jackdaws, rooks. Animal world of the reserve. barn swallow sparrow

Energetic human activity has affected the species composition of animals even in protected areas: once game animals such as red deer, beaver, otter were exterminated. In our century, there were no roe deer, elks, wild boars and squirrels in the oak forest for a long time. On the other hand, man also enriched the fauna of the oak forest with new species for it, primarily with inhabitants of open spaces. In areas of arable land and meadows, which penetrate into forests, the common vole, gray hamster, mole rat, quail, and meadow chasing have penetrated into oak forests. Highly located hollows are inhabited by bats, squirrels, stone martens. Of the bats in the reserve, the red-headed evening bat, the dwarf bat and the Nathusius bat are more numerous, the pond and water bats, long-eared bats, small evening bats, late and two-colored leather are more rare. Yellow-throated mice, bank voles and bush voles nest in root holes, old stumps, dead tree roots, or simply in the forest floor. The forest floor is inhabited by small mammalian shrews (common and lesser shrews, lesser and white-bellied shrews), which move freely in its thickness. In search of rodents, insects and heron chicks that have fallen out of their nests, foxes and badgers visit high-stemmed areas. Where undergrowth and undergrowth with euonymus are abundant, roe deer and elk often feed, and in years with acorns, wild boars stay all autumn and winter. boars

About 5.0 species of mammals, 149 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles, 9 species of amphibians were recorded in the reserve and its environs in different years and seasons. At least 15 species of fish are found in the Vorskla and its tributaries. The fauna of numerous insects here is still insufficiently studied. Only a few species of large insects are listed in the Red Book of the USSR: the stag beetle, the hermit beetle, the swallowtail, the mnemosyne, the iridium, the podalirium, the blue sash. mnemosynazhuk - deer plumper

Achieved goals. The reserve "Forest on Vorskla" was created with the aim of protecting the only remaining untouched massif of riverine oak forests, typical of the Central Russian forest-steppe. The rest of the sites were created to protect the meadow-steppe sites that have survived on the territory of the Belgorod Region at the outcrops of primary limestones and riverine rocky limestone cliffs. Thus, at present, the reserve covers the most typical and preserved landscapes of the Central Russian forest-steppe. The reserve "Forest on Vorskla" was created with the aim of protecting the only remaining untouched massif of riverine oak forests, typical of the Central Russian forest-steppe. The rest of the sites were created to protect the meadow-steppe sites that have survived on the territory of the Belgorod Region at the outcrops of primary limestones and riverine rocky limestone cliffs. Thus, at present, the reserve covers the most typical and preserved landscapes of the Central Russian forest-steppe.

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