Drinking mineral water. All about mineral water. Is bowel irrigation really that useful? Heated mineral water

Therapeutic mineral waters, bottled, do not lose their qualities if stored properly. To enhance their therapeutic effect, the reception conditions must be as close as possible to the resort. To do this, the patient must strictly observe the regime of work and rest, diet, do morning hygienic exercises, exclude alcohol and smoking, and exercise therapy. Under these conditions, treatment with mineral water at home will be no less effective than with spa treatment. Medicinal water is chosen by the attending physician, depending on the underlying disease, concomitant diseases, physical and chemical properties of water. Mineral water bottles should be stored in a cool, dark place, in a horizontal position, at a temperature of 6-12°C. Unused water must be sealed with a special stopper and also stored in a horizontal position. In an open bottle, mineral water loses its physical and chemical properties.

It is necessary to drink mineral water on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day for 3-4 to 5-6 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the nature of the disease. The amount of water taken at one time will also be determined by the course of the disease. In addition, the method of taking mineral water for different diseases will be different.

Especially effective is the internal use of mineral waters in the treatment of the digestive system. Taking 10-15 minutes before a meal or during a meal stimulates the secretion of the stomach, and the water taken 1-1.5 hours before a meal quickly passes from the stomach into the intestines and has an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion.

In chronic gastritis with reduced secretion and acidity of gastric juice, mineral water is drunk 15-30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The course begins with taking half a glass of water at a temperature of 18-25°C, then the dose is adjusted to 200-250 ml. When prescribing a drinking course, some circumstances must be taken into account. So, if a patient with a sharply reduced secretion does not have free hydrochloric acid and the evacuation from the stomach is accelerated, then water should be taken with food at a temperature of 25-30 ° C. In chronic gastritis with reduced secretion and acidity, with reduced stomach tone and delayed evacuation, or with prolapse of the stomach, mineral water is drunk 30-60 minutes before a meal.

It is recommended to drink water slowly, in small sips, which provides a longer effect on the gastric mucosa. If the patient immediately after taking feels heaviness in the epigastric region, then the water must be taken in 40-60 minutes, in small sips in a volume of up to 100-150 ml. In the presence of pain in the stomach, water should be heated to 40-50 ° C. Mineral water at home can be heated by adding boiling drinking water (a quarter cup per bottle).

Patients with chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function are recommended sodium chloride or bicarbonate-chloride sodium waters: Aksai, Arzni, Ankavan, Java, Druskininkai, No. 4 and 17, Saryagach and others.

In chronic gastritis with increased secretory function, water is drunk in an amount of 200-250 ml one and a half hours before meals 3-4 times a day, and with pyloric spasms and delayed evacuation - two to two and a half hours before meals. Water intake begins with half a glass and gradually brought to one and a half glasses. Water heated to a temperature of 38-45°C has an analgesic and inhibitory effect. In addition, when it is heated, carbon dioxide is released, which has a stimulating effect on the secretory function of the stomach. In order to quickly move water into the intestines, it must be drunk quickly, in large sips.


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder in the proper functioning of the digestive system, during which various symptoms occur: diarrhea, flatulence, constipation.

In this case, there are no structural changes in the intestine. Irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed by doctors if a person has specific symptoms for at least three days a month for six months.

irritable bowel syndrome causes

There are no exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome, everything is individual, each person may have their own reasons.

  1. Wrong diet, eating unhealthy foods. When a person eats irregularly, he eats a lot of fried, smoked and fatty foods. Drinks a lot of snacks, soda and chocolate. Therefore, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work incorrectly.
  2. Intestinal motility may be slow with constipation or accelerated with diarrhea.
  3. genetic factors. Irritable bowel syndrome can be inherited.
  4. SCR sometimes occurs when the bacteria overgrow. A large number of bacteria fill the small intestine and this can cause dysbacteriosis, flatulence and other symptoms.
  5. Also, various stresses, disorders of the nervous system and emotional disharmony can become the cause of TFR.
  6. Some people have increased bowel sensitivity. Therefore, when it is filled with gases or food, discomfort may occur.
  7. Taking certain medications.
  8. Disturbances in the hormonal system of the body.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome in children and adults can resemble various intestinal disorders in terms of symptoms.

Common symptoms include the following:

  • Swelling, bloating, and discomfort may occur, which decrease after the person has gone to the bathroom.
  • Diarrhea and constipation may alternate.
  • There is a large amount of gas in the intestines (flatulence).
  • After eating, the symptoms of discomfort may increase.
  • Along with the feces, mucus may be excreted.
  • After you go to the bathroom, your bowels may feel full or only half empty.

If a person's symptoms began to appear already in old age, the temperature rises, if the symptoms progress, weight decreases, and so on. The cause of the bowel disorder may not be TFR.

Irritable bowel syndrome in pregnancy

It is believed that TFR in pregnant women presents with mild symptoms, with no structural changes in the intestines, but only slight changes in its functioning.

Factors that influence the onset of IBS symptoms in pregnant women include:

  • Changes in the hormonal sphere
  • Maybe something will change in the diet.
  • Due to the growing fetus, the bowel loops can mix. There may be pressure on the nerve fibers and the intestines begin to react differently.
  • The immune system may be weakened.
  • The doctor may prescribe dietary supplements and drugs for pregnant women that affect the functioning of the intestines.

A doctor can treat IBS in pregnant women, he will prescribe drugs that will be safe for the patient. Pregnant women are advised to walk in the air, proper nutrition and eating food that is digestible. Pregnant women need to be calm so that their mood remains positive.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Diagnosis

Irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed with the help of special tests and techniques by a professional doctor.

Assign research:

  • A general blood test, in which they look at the number of red blood cells and white blood cells in the body. A biochemical blood test, as well as a blood test for the presence of celiac disease.
  • Conduct an analysis of fecal masses, study their structure.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • In order to examine the rectum and the large intestine as a whole, the doctor performs a colonoscopy, and to study the rectum and sigmoid colon, a sigmoidoscopy.
  • Sometimes a biopsy is prescribed as a diagnostic.

How to treat irritable bowel syndrome?

If symptoms appear that indicate the presence of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, you should immediately consult a gastroenterologist. He will conduct a special diagnosis and confirm the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Exclude diseases of the intestines and digestive system, which have similar symptoms.

The doctor will prescribe a special drug treatment to eliminate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. If a person wants to supplement the treatment with folk remedies, he must definitely consult with his doctor before that.

It is impossible to take medicines constantly, but only in acute periods of IBS.

Irritable bowel syndrome: drug treatment

IBS with diarrhea

  • Well helps in the treatment of diarrhea such a drug as "Smecta".
  • Various sorbents are used in the treatment: Enterosgel, Prolifepan and Polysorb.
  • With diarrhea, drugs are prescribed that are taken two to three times a day before eating: "Defenoxylate", "Imodium" and "Loperamide".

IBS with constipation

  1. For constipation, serotonin modulators "Tegaserod" and "Prucaloprid" are used.
  2. Well helps in the treatment of constipation drugs with osmotic laxative action: "Forlax", "Lavakol", "Tranzileg", "Osmogol" and "Relaxan". The action of drugs begins after three to six hours after ingestion. The drug "Exportal" contains a component of lactiol, removes constipation and restores the intestinal microflora.
  3. Means that increase the volume of what is in the intestines are effective. Preparations, the main component in which is flea plantain: Solgar Psyllium, Fiberlex, Metamucil. Medicines based on agar, synthetic cellulose and kelp: "Citrucel", "Fiberal" and "Fibercon". The action of medicines begins after ten hours after ingestion.
  4. Mineral waters, which contain magnesium ions, have a laxative effect.
  5. They also use drugs that contain a component of lactulose: Normaze, Romfalak and Goodluck.

IBS with abdominal pain

  • With discomfort in the abdomen due to gases, such drugs help well: Dimethicone, Espumizan and Polysilane.
  • Calcium channel blockers are used: Spazmomen and Ditsitel. The drug "Debridat" reduces pain.
  • They are treated with Darifenacin, Zamifenacin, which are traditionally prescribed with antispasmodics (for example, No-shpa).

IBS with dysbacteriosis

  1. Classical drugs are considered: "Furazolidone", "Enterofuril" and so on. The course of treatment is from five to seven days.
  2. They are also treated with drugs that contain probiotics with antibacterial action: Enterol, Baktisuptil and bacteriophages.
  3. Additional drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis can be: "Ciproflaxin", "Alpha Normix" and so on.
  4. Enterosorbents: "Enterosgel" and "Filtrum".
  5. Probiotics: "Lactulose" and "Hilak-Forte".

Treatment of IBS with antidepressants

Since one of the main causes of irritable bowel syndrome is stress and inharmonious work of the nervous system, antidepressants are often prescribed by a doctor as a treatment.

They normalize the correct supply of nerve impulses from the brain to the intestines, and it begins to work correctly. Good options for antidepressants that are taken after consulting a doctor: Befol, Fenelzine, Trimipramine, and so on.

Diet for irritable bowel syndrome

In order to cure irritable bowel syndrome, you should establish the right diet. Therefore, with IBS, a special diet is indicated, the use of certain foods can significantly improve well-being and heal the intestines. There is no universal diet, there are general principles and advice, the patient needs to try to eat the recommended foods, watch the body's reaction to them.

Keep a special food diary in which to write down the food eaten and what was the result. A nutritionist can help you make the right diet.

General nutrition rules

  1. Eating must be regular, do not make large gaps. It is best to eat in small portions five to six times a day.
  2. You need to drink more non-carbonated water, at least seven large cups a day. Also, do not drink drinks that contain caffeine.
  3. Drinking coffee, tea, alcohol should be reduced to a minimum.
  4. Servings of fruit should not be consumed more than three times a day.
  5. If you have diarrhea, do not eat foods with sweeteners (such as chewing gum).
  6. If there is bloating and flatulence, you should eat foods containing oats.
  7. Dairy products and chocolate are not allowed.

Taking probiotics helps people treat IBS. They are useful nutritional supplements that contain special bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and normalize digestion. Before taking them, carefully read the instructions and follow all the recommendations written in it.

Irritable bowel syndrome in children also requires compliance with the diet and general principles and rules of nutrition. A variety of crackers and snacks should be excluded from the child's diet. Children should not eat smoked foods, foods with marinades, and whole milk. If constipation occurs, bran, prunes, honey, dried apricots and figs are added to soups and cereals. With diarrhea, they eat more food in the form of heat, eat rice, homemade crackers, weak broths and apples. All recommendations apply for IBS symptoms in adults.

Fiber for irritable bowel syndrome

One of the important therapeutic foods for IBS is fiber, which patients need to consume in their daily diet. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fibre.

Soluble fiber foods: barley, oats, rye, fruits (bananas, apples, and so on) and various root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, and so on).

Insoluble fiber foods: Cereals (except rye, oats, and barley), whole grain breads, bran, nuts, and seeds.

If you have diarrhea symptoms with IBS, then you should cut down on foods that have insoluble fiber in your diet. Also, do not eat vegetables, fruits and berries with the skin.

If you have symptoms of constipation in IBS, then it is recommended to increase the amount of foods that have soluble fiber. It is also worth drinking more water.

Irritable bowel syndrome in children

IBS occurs in children for the same reasons as in adults. These include: unbalanced nutrition, improper functioning of the central nervous and autonomic systems, and so on.

In children, specific features of the body that complicate the diagnosis of IBS:

  • The child's body does not yet have the whole complex of digestive enzymes, so not all foods can be digested normally.
  • It is difficult for children to control the muscles of the intestines.
  • High sensitivity to various intestinal infections.
  • They often have food allergies.
  • Cal is formed rapidly.
  • Babies often have fermentation in the intestines and gases accumulate.
  • Fats are not digested as well because bile is not yet produced as intensively.

Irritable bowel syndrome in infants often occurs if they are transferred to artificial nutrition for various reasons.

In order to effectively cure irritable bowel syndrome in children, you need to adhere to a proper diet, make sure that the child is always calm and in a good mood. Also, the doctor can supplement the treatment with special medications that will need to be taken. They also recommend visiting a child psychologist and moving more.

Irritable bowel syndrome folk remedies

Many people prefer to treat irritable bowel syndrome with folk remedies without seeking the advice of medical specialists. Despite the effectiveness of folk remedies, you should still consult a doctor who will advise the best treatment. Also, it is worth noting that some folk remedies can negatively affect if there are other health problems not related to the intestines. In order to find the ideal option, you may need to try several folk remedies.

For symptoms of diarrhea:

Walnut tincture. To prepare it, you need to pour one hundred grams of green nuts (let them be with a peel) two hundred grams of vodka. Infuse this remedy in a glass container for five to seven days. You need to take half a teaspoon twice a day after meals after ten to fifteen minutes. This remedy fixes the intestines well, but is not recommended for abdominal pain.

Decoction of hawthorn helps to cure irritable bowel syndrome. Ten grams of hawthorn fruit is poured with a glass of boiling water, the mixture is boiled over low heat for ten minutes and then insisted for another half an hour. Then the decoction is well filtered and before drinking it, diluted in equal proportions with boiled water.

Remedy from rye crackers - folk treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour half a glass of crackers with a glass of warm water. After twelve hours, strain large crackers through a sieve, let there be a sediment in the infusion, which is shaken before use. You need to drink the remedy in small portions throughout the day.

For signs of constipation

With constipation, onion juice helps well. To do this, squeeze the juice from the peeled bulbs and take it in half or a teaspoon before eating three times a day. The course is three weeks, then they take a break for three weeks. This remedy is not used by those who have flatulence and women who are breastfeeding.

It works great for constipation, a remedy that contains aloe and honey. Three hundred grams of warmed honey is added to one hundred and fifty grams of mashed aloe and insisted for twenty-four hours. Then the pulp of aloe will need to be filtered. Take this infusion one teaspoon half an hour or an hour before meals.

In order to relax the intestines, they drink tea from thorn leaves. You can buy the collection at the pharmacy. The leaves are brewed in a thermos in the form of non-concentrated tea. Take half a glass of tea three times a day for two weeks, until the stool normalizes.

Soothes pain and relieves flatulence

Peppermint infusion can be a good folk remedy for abdominal pain. Two tablespoons of leaves should be poured with two tablespoons of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for twenty minutes, then strain. You need to drink an infusion of one hundred and fifty milliliters in large sips thirty minutes before meals, two to three times a day.

Removes gases in the stomach infusion of carrot seeds. Brew it in a thermos, take a teaspoon of carrot seeds and pour them with a glass of boiling water. This remedy is infused for 9 hours. Drink the infusion twice a day, one glass.

Therapeutic infusion of dill seeds removes the accumulation of gases in the body. When preparing it, two teaspoons of dill seeds are poured into a glass of boiling water. Insist one or two hours and then filter. Take half a glass two to three times a day.

Removes pain in the abdomen decoction of bird cherry. Add a tablespoon of bird cherry fruits to a glass of boiling water. The prepared mixture is boiled over low heat for five to seven minutes and infused for one to two hours. Remember that when cooking, bird cherry fruits cannot be crushed. Before drinking the decoction, strain it through cheesecloth. Drink the remedy after meals two or three times a day for fifty to seventy-five milliliters.

Other treatments

In addition to folk and medications for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, other methods of treatment are recommended.

Carrying out aromatherapy with peppermint oil in order to relieve spasms and calm the intestines.

There are special therapeutic exercises, the implementation of a set of exercises which allows you to normalize the proper functioning of the intestines. It is best to do exercises in the fresh air, thus, the nervous system and the work of all internal organs will be normalized. It is also recommended to perform practices such as Pilates and yoga, which improve the condition of the whole body. You can walk, bike or walk at an average pace.

It is useful to engage in meditation, which perfectly harmonizes the internal state of the body, relaxes the nervous system, and gives a good mood.

Helps with irritable bowel syndrome acupuncture.

Methods for the prevention of IBS

  • It is necessary to develop an optimal daily routine, where there will be enough time for both work and rest.
  • It is important to eat right so that there are many healthy foods in the diet.
  • In order for the stomach to work normally and properly, it is worth drinking a glass of warm boiled water in the morning before eating.
  • It is worth regularly doing gymnastics and various exercises.

In order to cure irritable bowel syndrome, it is important not only to treat with medicines and folk remedies, but to set the right rhythm of your life and be positive all the time.

The best way to maintain the body's water balance is pure drinking and non-carbonated mineral water. In the event that simple drinking water will help quench your thirst, then mineral water will also make up for the loss of vital salts and trace elements. Pay attention to the label. Thus, if the location, number of the well and its depth are indicated on it, it is indeed natural mineral water. The deeper the well, the greater the degree of mineralization

In the event that there is no information about the well, most likely, such a bottle contains purified drinking water, which is artificially mineralized, from which there is neither harm nor special benefit.

Strictly speaking, mineral waters cannot be classified as "Soft Drinks". In fact, these are healing agents with a different spectrum of action. There are indications and contraindications for their use. The exception is table or drinking mineral waters, which can be consumed by almost everyone quite often.

Natural mineral water is divided into three types:

1. dining room is ordinary drinking water with a natural salt content of 1 gram per liter;
2. medical - table water contains from 1.5 to 7 g / liter of mineral salts; such waters are divided into two categories: the first - does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, the second - on the contrary. You need to drink such water within reasonable limits - no more than 0.5-1 liters per day.
3. healing - the most saturated salt composition of the water. This category includes mineral waters with mineralization - more than 10 grams per liter, or waters with a high content of active trace elements, such as arsenic or boron, it should be drunk strictly on the advice of a doctor.

Dean of the Therapeutic Faculty of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Marina Viktorovna Shtonda and Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhanna Leonidovna Sukhikh.

Everyone needs to drink mineral water under medical supervision, especially for those who have cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, impaired renal excretory function. Who has problems with the digestive system - an unreasonable intake can only worsen the condition, especially in the acute stage of the disease. Healthy people should remember: for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it does not make sense to drink mineral water for longer than 2-3 weeks. After that, its effectiveness decreases. After 3-6 months, the course can be repeated. It is very useful to change the type of water from time to time. The program for a healthy person should be as follows: 2-3 different courses per year for 3-4 weeks. By the way, water has the best effect on a healthy body - it strengthens the endocrine system of the gastrointestinal tract, restores strength, activates the immune system ....

What are the benefits of mineral water?
- This natural drink is a complex solution, its components - ions, colloidal particles, dissolved gases - normalize metabolic processes in organs and tissues. It has been established that mineral water is able to influence the restoration of liver function, the improvement of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and the stimulation of bile production. Depending on the constituents, mineral waters can have a diuretic or laxative effect. Also, various mineral waters help in the treatment of chronic gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretion of the stomach, chronic colitis and enterocolitis, biliary tract, metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity.

What gives the gas composition of mineral water?
- Carbon dioxide stabilizes the chemical composition of water, actively influences metabolic processes in the body, and also makes water taste good. The natural carbon dioxide bubbling in the mineral water creates a sensation of rapid filling of the stomach, which makes the organs of gastric secretion work intensively. Therefore, highly carbonated waters are recommended for an atonic stomach (for example, diabetics. Those suffering from peptic ulcer should drink non-carbonated mineral water. It is better for practically healthy people to consume medium-mineralized and medium-carbonated waters.

How to drink mineral water - before, after, during meals?
- If we want to stimulate the function of the stomach and increase the secretion of gastric juice, water should be drunk 15-20 minutes before meals. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the secretion of gastric juice and act on the duodenum, water is consumed an hour and a half before meals.

Mineral waters are good during fasting days ....
- Mineral water can be an integral part of fasting days. However, we must remember: on such days, you need to drink water an hour and a half before meals, then it will pass from the stomach into the duodenum and begin to inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. If you do this 15-20 minutes before a meal, we will only provoke the work of the stomach. But why do this if there is a minimum of food? In general, instead of mineral water, it is better to drink rosehip broth - this is a more acceptable option for diets and fasting days. But if you already use mineral water, then still is better.

What mineral water to take to normalize bowel function?
- Sulfate, chloride and bicarbonate-sulfate waters, as well as those containing magnesium, have a laxative effect. You can drink a glass of some water 40-60 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Before use, be sure to heat the water to 40-45 degrees.

When there are gallstones.
- Take mineral waters that have a choleretic effect (Essentuki 4, 17, naftusya, etc.) In this case, it is contraindicated!

I have diabetes.
- People diagnosed with Diabetes are constantly thirsty, drink a lot and excrete large amounts of urine. They definitely need to restore the lost fluid. Patients with diabetes are recommended to drink mineral water 3 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner 45-60 minutes before meals. It is worth giving preference to waters with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Is mineral water an assistant for liver diseases?
- There are indications for taking mineral water in case of liver diseases (viral hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, etc. . drink it 3 times a day, always in a heated form (40-45 degrees. The volume must be constantly increased to 1.5-2 glasses per The mineral water itself must be chosen depending on the initial secretory function of the stomach.However, all this is beyond the exacerbation of chronic hepatitis.

Diagnosis - obesity?
- Certainly. It is recommended to drink 150-200 ml of mineral water at room temperature 3 times a day 45-60 minutes before meals, after releasing all carbon dioxide from the bottle. The results of many studies have shown that the use of waters of low mineralization (bicarbonate - sulfate - chloride sodium - potassium - calcium composition) in the complex treatment of obesity can improve carbohydrate, lipid and water - mineral metabolism (besides, somewhat reduce appetite. However, in any case, your Mom should consult a dietitian.

Which waters are diuretic?
- Mostly those that have low mineralization and contain calcium ions.

Before drinking water, it is worth opening the bottle so that the gas escapes ....
- It all depends on the state of the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa. Only if the acidity is low, you can drink water with gas, because, getting into the stomach, it improves the blood circulation of the mucous membrane, dilates blood vessels, and stimulates the production of gastric juice. In the event that the acidity of the gastric juice is increased, the gas is removed.

Are mineral waters used in the treatment of gynecological diseases?
- Mineral waters, which have an acidic reaction, act on the skin and mucous membranes in such a way that they reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. Therefore, they are used for gynecological irrigation in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
Hydrocarbonate waters contribute to the liquefaction and removal of pathological mucus from the mucous membrane of the stomach, urinary and respiratory tract, while reducing inflammation; excretion of uric acid from the body. The intake of these waters stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, which is successfully used in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus. Hydrocarbonate waters are recommended in the treatment of chronic gastritis with increased secretory function, peptic ulcer, chronic colitis and pancreatitis, cystitis, diabetes of various etiologies.

The intake of sulfate waters enhances the motor (motor) function of the intestine, improves blood flow in the liver, has a laxative effect, helps to eliminate the inflammatory process in the biliary tract, and prevents stone formation. Sulphate waters reduce cholesterol, normalize the concentration of free fatty acids. They are used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity), chronic constipation.

Chloride waters have a choleretic effect, stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands. Chloride waters are most effective for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system with a reduced secretory function of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis.

Hydrocarbonate - chloride water is prescribed for the treatment of chronic gastritis with reduced, normal and increased secretion of the stomach.

Sulfate-chloride waters have a beneficial effect in diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion and simultaneous damage to the liver and biliary tract, in intestinal diseases that occur with constipation.

Hydrocarbonate - sulfate waters have an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion and cause relief. They are used in diseases of the stomach with increased secretory function and concomitant damage to the liver and intestines. It is useful for inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

Silicon waters have a beneficial effect on the health of the elderly, especially those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and metabolic disorders. Also indicated for skin diseases. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, enhance the antitoxic function of the liver.

Hydrogen sulfide waters play an important role in the process of protein metabolism. Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, diseases of the endocrine system.

Radon waters in the treatment of atherosclerosis are good. In addition, they contribute to the normalization of thyroid function, enhance the secretory and motor functions of the stomach. They are used as an addition to the treatment of dystrophic diseases of the joints, diseases of the peripheral nervous system with the elimination of pain. The analgesic effect of radon waters depends on the time of use. So, taken with or after a meal, this water has a longer analgesic effect than drunk on an empty stomach. Ferrous mineral waters stimulate the formation of blood, and therefore it is useful to take them for anemia.

High-quality drinking water is the main guarantee of health. It is now popular to drink purified bottled water. What is the difference between mineral and ordinary drinking water. Mineral water is extracted from drilled wells, underground and natural sources, as a result of which the possibility of any pollution or influence on its chemical properties is excluded. Mineral water in its useful properties significantly exceeds ordinary drinking water, contains a whole complex of micro and macro elements, dissolved salts.

The healing properties of mineral water have been known since ancient Greece. Residents of Europe to this day prefer to drink mostly water from sources. If a European drinks an average of about 110 liters of mineral water per year, then we are 2 times less.

Benefits of mineral water over regular water

There are a number of benefits of mineral water:

Increases appetite;

Strengthens tooth enamel;

Improves bowel function;

Increases vitality;

Reduces appetite;

Cleanses the body of harmful bacteria;

Does not contain chlorine;

Improves metabolism;

Improves the taste of coffee and tea.

Application of mineral water

Mineral water is a real remedy that can be taken not only inside, but also externally for:

Preparation of baths and therapeutic pools;


mouth rinses;

Treatment of the upper respiratory tract;

Treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx;

Washing the genitals;

According to international standards, mineral water must:

Extracted only from registered sources;

Be naturally clean;

Mined by a method that does not alter its natural properties;

Extracted using filters only if it is necessary to remove unwanted substances and mechanical impurities;

Extracted from a clean, natural source and bottled no further than 50 meters from it.

If the source of mineral water extraction is rich in carbon dioxide, it should be removed, as it adversely affects the properties of the water.

Drinking water

  • Drinking water

Potable water is water suitable for ingestion, meeting established quality standards. In case of non-compliance of water, it is purified and disinfected. This means the release of water from suspended particles, turbidity, from unusual colors, odors and tastes, from excess salts and gases. Purification and disinfection of water is carried out by various means, they are used from a porous substance (coal, baked clay); chlorine, etc.

The most suitable for domestic and drinking water supply, as a rule, are deep underground waters (artesian, interstratal). Their difference is transparency, absence of organisms, constant temperature. Almost all natural water requires purification and disinfection.

If you make a list of things necessary for life, then water, of course, will lead it. Without it, none of the known forms of life is completely impossible. The use of drinking water is that in the human body it performs the following important functions:

  • preserves the structure and functions of DNA,
  • delivers oxygen to cells
  • important for the production of proteins involved in tissue growth and repair,
  • allows proteins to restructure the structure of cells,
  • plays the role of an intermediary in the delivery of nutrients,
  • protects bones and joints
  • moisturizes the joints
  • provides a means to remove toxins from the body,
  • allows you to maintain the electrical conductivity of cells is normal,
  • regulates body temperature
  • supplies cells with water
  • supports the immune system
  • Helps maintain normal basal metabolic rate
  • plays the role of a conductor in the removal of free radicals from the body,
  • important component of digestive juices.

In order to feel good, a person should use only clean, high-quality drinking water. Scientists have long established a direct link between. According to the World Health Organization, about 80% of human diseases are caused by drinking poor-quality water.

High-quality drinking water should not contain substances harmful to humans, and should contain useful minerals, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of our body.

Water is the source of life, the determining factor of your health and longevity. Water accompanies a person throughout the day and therefore its presence is natural, familiar, and therefore imperceptible.

bottled water

Centralized water supply

Shipot, drinking water supply in a village in Ukraine.

Vending machines for the sale of drinking water in the buyer's container in Thailand, 1 baht (about 80 kopecks in 2007) per 1 liter.

Sale of drinking water, Lviv, Ukraine, 2007

Drinking water is water that is intended for daily, unlimited and safe consumption by humans and other living beings. The main difference from table and mineral waters is the reduced salt content (dry residue), as well as the presence of existing standards for the general composition and properties (SanPiN - for centralized water supply systems and SanPiN - for waters packaged in a container).

The water of many fresh water sources is not suitable for human drinking, as it can spread disease or cause long-term health problems if it does not meet certain water quality standards. Water that does not harm human health and meets the requirements of current quality standards is called drinking water. If necessary, in order for the water to comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards, it is purified or, officially speaking, “prepared” using water treatment plants.

The main source of drinking water is natural water, which is purified and disinfected by municipal services, having carried out all the stages of water treatment and purification necessary to obtain first technical, and then tap water. In Russia, the main ones are reservoirs, rivers, lakes. The share of groundwater is not large. In general, the sources are as follows:

  • Rain and melt water;
  • Underground sources (wells, artesian wells, springs, etc.);
  • Water intake from reservoirs, rivers, lakes, etc.;
  • Distillers;
  • Iceberg water.

Water is divided into artesian, drinking, mineral, purified, carbonated, spring and well water. (according to GOST 51232-98 "Drinking water. General requirements for the organization and quality control.")

Below is a list of normative and technical documents that regulate the quality of drinking water.

It is known that almost 80 percent of the human body consists of water. Therefore, in order to replenish its reserves and maintain its level in a normal state, each person must consume the required amount of clean drinking water every day. Also, mineral water should not be neglected.

No matter how tempting and seemingly completely true advertising may be, you need to know that there is no absolutely one hundred percent natural water. One way or another, a person performs certain actions on it before it becomes drinkable. Water goes through several stages of filtration, it is neutralized from harmful bacteria with various chemicals, enriched with vitamin and mineral supplements.

Quality water sold in stores must contain the following information on the label:

  • carbonated or still water;
  • drinking or mineral;
  • if the water is mineral, then its purpose is mandatory - dining room, medical, medical-dining room;
  • belonging to the group of water, depending on the main salts contained in it;
  • quantitative indicator of the content of ions in water.

There is the following most common classification of water:

  1. Drinking non-carbonated

    There are first and highest categories. Contains a minimum amount of salts (approximately 200-500 mg per 1 liter). Water of the highest category contains an optimally balanced amount of salts, the chemical composition of water of the first category is absolutely harmless. The use of such water gives a wonderful refreshing effect. It is recommended to drink it slightly chilled. It is also recommended to use such water in the cooking process.

  2. Natural carbonated

    Such water has the same degree of mineralization as ordinary water. However, unlike plain water, it is enriched with carbon dioxide particles. The process of carbonation of water allows you to increase its shelf life, protect it from harmful substances. Sparkling water perfectly quenches thirst, besides it is completely free from germs and harmful bacteria.

    However, people suffering from gastritis and prone to flatulence are not recommended to drink carbonated water in order to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa caused by an increase in the level of acidity of gastric juice.

    • silver ions and iodine effectively fight microbes;
    • selenium has an excellent antioxidant effect;
    • fluoride helps to retain calcium in the body;
    • iodine has a pronounced protective effect aimed at preventing thyroid diseases;
    • Oxygen perfectly tones up and helps to improve the overall well-being of a person.
  3. Chemically enriched water (silver ions, minerals, oxygen)

    The main task of this water is to fill the deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the human body. The shelf life of such water is much higher than that of ordinary water. Useful substances contained in water are designed to solve many problems:

    However, in order to avoid an overdose of vitamins and minerals, you should not consume too much water enriched with them.

  4. Table mineral water

    It happens both natural and artificially mineralized. There is one gram of salt per liter of water. Such water has natural bubbles, it is not specially carbonated. It is perhaps the most effective means of quenching thirst during a period of intense heat. Table water is very soft and pleasant in taste, suitable for daily use. However, it is not recommended for cooking.

  5. Therapeutic-table mineral water

    For 1 liter of such water, there are from one to ten grams of salts. It is noteworthy that water with a predominant content of sodium chloride has a more salty taste, and water enriched with magnesium sulfate has a bitter taste. The use of medicinal table water improves the metabolic processes of the body, contributes to a slight laxative effect. Despite the fact that you can drink such water without a doctor's prescription, you should not abuse it. Otherwise, excessive accumulation of salts in the body can provoke various complications, which can affect the kidneys, blood vessels, teeth and other human organs.

  6. Healing mineral water

    It is the most salt-saturated water - the degree of its mineralization is more than 10 grams per 1 liter. And the prevailing content is usually one active microelement. Medicinal water is always carbonated and has a pronounced, strong taste, it is bottled exclusively in glass containers. By drinking this water, many diseases can be cured. However, it is necessary to drink it only on the recommendation of a doctor, in strictly defined quantities.

bottled water

Recently, more and more people are beginning to understand that drinking tap water is not entirely correct, since such water contains quite a lot of foreign impurities that do not have the best effect on health. For this reason, water bottled in plastic bottles at the factory (bottled) has become quite popular. For water to be considered bottled, it must meet certain chemical and physical requirements.

As a container for bottled water, plastic or glass containers with a volume of 250 milliliters to 22 liters are used. The composition of bottled water cannot include any additional elements (flavoring additives, food colorings, etc.), the calorie content of such a product cannot exceed zero percent.

Bottled water is divided into the following types according to its composition:

  • Mineral.
  • Artesian.
  • Purified or distilled.
  • Spring or well.

Benefits of bottled water

As the main advantage of bottled water, one can single out the indicator that it does not contain any harmful impurities in its composition. Water, before being poured into special containers, is cleaned in accordance with current regulations.

Another advantage of bottled water is the fact that it is bottled in containers of various volumes and you can take as much water with you as you need without the need for additional purification. And if you find some promotions (for example, like here https://www.truewater.ru/aktsii/), then you can also save on such water.

Disadvantages of bottled water

One of the main disadvantages of bottled water is that during the purification process, it is deprived not only of harmful substances, but also of beneficial minerals. In addition, it is practically impossible for an ordinary consumer to check the quality of bottled water and one has to rely on the honesty of the manufacturer.

What is the difference between mineral water and drinking water. Not all drinking water has mineralization

When someone tries to compare mineral water with ordinary water, it is the same as trying to find similarities between sour and red. It is clear that these characteristics are simply in different planes. It should be understood that not every water can be mineralized, just as not every mineral belongs to the category of drinking liquids.

Drinking water is a liquid medium, which, by its composition, is suitable for human consumption without a doctor's prescription. That is, these are all waters, starting with tap water and ending with substances extracted from artesian wells. The use of such water does not cause any harm to the body.

Mineral water may well be so saturated with micro and macro elements that it is impossible to drink it without harm to health. Such waters are available in balneological resorts. In special pools they take baths, wipe themselves off, but in no case do they drink.

You will not find mineral water with a high salt content in stores. For lovers of baths with minerals, various salts are sold, but often they are not of very high quality and certainly such water cannot be considered natural.

Healing mineral waters. Treatment with mineral water in medicine

According to the degree of mineralization, all waters are divided into waters

  • weak
  • small,
  • middle
  • and high mineralization.

The former are used for oral administration, and highly mineralized water is used only for baths.

The chemical composition of mineral waters is very diverse, but medicinal properties are attributed to only a few ions - sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium.

The presence of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen and methane is important in the gas composition of waters. An important role is played by biologically active substances - iron, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc. Let's consider what mineral water treatment can be used for.

Indications for treatment with mineral water:

Scientists have found that the healing properties of mineral water can be explained by replacing cellular water with a partially destroyed structure with structured water, which improves the functioning of absolutely all body cells. At the same time, the body independently discovers diseases in itself and treats them.

Mineral water treatment is used for drinking, rinsing the mouth, gastric lavage, inhalation, in the form of enemas, showers or baths.

Treatment with mineral water is indicated for the following diseases:

gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers without exacerbations of diseases and bleeding, disease of the large and small intestines without exacerbations of the disease, intestinal dyskinesia;

early stage of Botkin's disease, pancreatitis, obesity;

diseases of the urinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

Of course, the most common use of mineral waters is in the form of drinking.

Treatment with mineral water inside has a cleansing and healing effect due to the general mineralization of water, its ionic composition, the presence of active ions, organic substances and gases.

Contraindications to treatment with mineral water:

Mineral waters are contraindicated in acute diseases and inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, accompanied by bleeding and vomiting. With diarrhea, you should drink very small portions of mineral water, which has a low salt content. And if there are obstacles and failures with the passage of food through the digestive tract, it is better to completely refuse to use it.

Overweight people are not recommended to drink carbonated water, it increases the feeling of hunger. For the treatment of obesity with mineral water, you need to drink plenty of fluids, and in order to cope with the often associated hypertension, it is recommended to use low-mineralized water.

Treatment with hydrocarbonate water is contraindicated in case of a strong alkaline urine reaction.

We need water like air, in the literal sense of the word. It provides delivery of nutrients to the cells, helps to absorb them and convert food into energy, regulates body temperature, frees our body from toxins, strengthens the immune system, and finally, simply restores strength. When our body does not receive enough water, it “withers” like a flower without watering: the skin dries up and peels off, muscle weakness appears, the head often hurts, the pulse and breathing quicken, and efficiency decreases.

In large SPA centers and balneological resorts, mineral waters form the basis of the entire wellness course. Of course, we cannot afford the luxury of taking mineral baths at home. But everyone can drink bottled mineral water and use it for some other procedures.

To begin with, let's talk about what mineral waters are, as well as how their healing effect can affect our body.

Each source of mineral waters is unique in its composition. Even if the chemical composition is the same, in many other characteristics, the waters of different sources differ from each other. A sophisticated connoisseur sees some difference already on the bottle label. This is the concentration of mineral salts or the total mineralization of water. According to the value of this indicator, waters are slightly mineralized, medium degree of mineralization, high degree of mineralization, brine and strong brine. For internal use in the treatment, mineral waters with a mineralization of 2 to 20 g/l are usually prescribed; of this indicator are already medicinal mineral waters.

The water that we most often buy is considered table water, and medical table and medicinal water is also isolated.

The chemical composition of water is expressed by the ratio of ions in it. According to the ionic composition, mineral waters are divided into magnesium, calcium, sodium, hydrocarbonate, chloride. The name of the water is usually made up of the most important chemicals contained in the solution, for example, bicarbonate, chloride, ferruginous, sulfide, etc.

Acidity - the pH of water is determined by its chemical composition, according to this indicator, the following mineral waters are distinguished: alkaline - pH above 8; slightly alkaline - 7.2–8.5; neutral - 6.8–7.2; slightly acidic - 5.5–6.7; sour - 3.5–5.5; strongly acidic - pH less than 3.5.

By the presence of gases, non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium-carbonated and highly carbonated waters are distinguished. Basically, carbon dioxide is present in mineral water, but there may also be hydrogen sulfide, iodine, nitrogen, bromine, radon, arsenic and other waters.

Universal water that suits everyone is purified drinking water. It is extracted from natural sources - springs, springs, artesian wells. After purification, the water is mineralized to the optimum salt content. Sometimes carbon dioxide is added to it - a natural preservative that prevents the development of bacteria. So the water becomes carbonated. The water we buy to quench our thirst is considered table water. It is natural mineral water with salt content up to 1 g/l.

The healing properties of mineral water

Undoubtedly, any mineral water has healing properties. But this does not mean at all that you can buy any available water and drink it in large quantities. Even with a general low mineralization (up to 1 g / l), the water may contain too much of one or more biologically active elements (iron, hydrogen sulfide, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc.). Therefore, some people, especially those suffering from certain diseases, should carefully study the chemical composition of the purchased water. For the use of mineral water, there are no less strict contraindications or indications than for drugs.

For example, those with poor blood clotting should be wary of water with a high calcium content. And those who have hypertension or problems with the kidneys, heart, should not drink water with a high content of sodium. Sulfates have a laxative effect, chlorides affect the digestive tract. The conclusion is this: water is useful and vital, but under certain factors it can be harmful. We should be careful about what we pour into our glass. This, above all, applies to people who are fond of treating or improving their own body. It is advisable to use mineral water inside only after consulting a doctor, because despite the apparent simplicity of this method of cleansing the body, complications are possible (most often due to improper use of mineral water).

Mineral water begins its life-giving effect already in the mouth.

For example, in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, tongue, gums, rinses and mouth baths with highly mineralized waters are used. Rinsing is recommended to be carried out up to 6 times a day using mineral water heated to 38 ° C for two weeks.

Already in the mouth, mineral water irritates the mucosal receptors, affects salivation and the motor function of the stomach and intestines. Even in the stomach, water inhibits gastric secretion, reducing the amount of gastric juice and digestion capacity. This is especially true for water with a high content of carbon dioxide and bicarbonates. That is why it is not recommended to drink mineral water with food, or drink it immediately after eating.

Mineral water has another feature, it is able to change the chemical and acid-base composition of blood, lymph, tissue fluid, which is an important healing property, as it enhances the formation of biologically active substances needed by our body. Water can affect the immune and endocrine systems.

The effect of water depends on the chemical composition:

– mineral waters with a high content of iodine stimulate the activation of metabolic processes, and can also have a calming effect on our nervous system (which is especially good in stressful situations);

- ferruterous mineral waters have a therapeutic effect on the circulatory system, as they contribute to the formation of red blood cells and increase hemoglobin in the blood; several times increase the protective mechanisms in the body, helping the formation of vitamin D; ferruginous mineral waters effectively help with anemia;

– mineral waters with a high content of hydrocarbonate ions (alkaline waters) effectively affect the gastrointestinal tract; increase the production of bile, improving its composition and reducing the formation of uric acid, which most of all helps with gastritis, colitis and pancreatitis, peptic ulcer and diabetes;

– magnesium mineral waters lower blood cholesterol levels, have a choleretic effect and have an antispasmodic effect;

– siliceous waters soothe and have an anti-inflammatory effect; especially useful for older people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

- chloride waters improve metabolic processes in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, are prescribed for pregnant women, and also help the growth of bones and teeth;

- Radon waters are widely used as drinking water, as it has been found that in small quantities they are useful for kidney diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is possible to list the healing properties of mineral waters for a long time, but so that the internal use of water does not cause negative reactions on the part of your body, you should consult a doctor before starting balneotherapy.

The use of mineral waters is contraindicated in the following diseases:

- violation of the excretory function of the kidneys of various origins;

- acute gastrointestinal diseases, including narrowing of the esophagus and pylorus;

- cardiovascular diseases, which are accompanied by significant edema.

The following brands of mineral waters are best known: "Baltiyskaya" and "Arzni" (sulphate sodium-magnesium); "Jermuk" and "Mariupol" (ferruginous mineral waters); "Narzan" and "Borjomi" (hydrocarbonate sodium); Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 (hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium); as well as Mirgorod, Darasun, Azovskaya and many others.

Mineral waters are not only used internally, but also used for inhalation; for rinsing the mouth, oral baths; for gastric lavage; injected directly into the colon in the form of microclysters, enemas, siphon washes.

The temperature of mineral water also matters: cold water enhances the motor function of the stomach and intestines, causes spasm of the biliary tract and intestines; warm water helps relieve spasm and remove mucus. In most cases, the intake of mineral water is prescribed in a heated form (up to 42-44 degrees). Cold water is prescribed only to enhance intestinal motility in some forms of constipation.

Usually, both therapeutic and health-improving use of mineral waters should be combined with the observance of the daily regimen, diet, and the implementation of physical exercises. Without giving up bad habits, without maintaining a proper and healthy lifestyle, drinking mineral water will not give a tangible result. Not without reason, the people have long known the expression "you should not drink Borjomi if the kidneys have fallen off." Mineral water is not a panacea, but only a "small brick" in the wall of general wellness methods.

- drink mineral water slowly, slowly, in small sips;

- if the water has a specific smell or tastes unpleasant, it is allowed to drink it quickly, in one gulp;

- usually, moderately and slightly mineralized waters are prescribed 200 ml per dose; but depending on the weight (90-100 kg), the dose is doubled;

- at the beginning of the course of treatment or prevention with mineral waters, small doses should be used - about 1 glass, gradually increasing the amount of water you drink;

- in most cases, mineral water should be consumed before meals (with low acidity of gastric juice - 30 minutes before, with increased secretion of gastric juice - 1-1.5 hours before);

– the frequency of water intake is mainly 3 times a day;

- in some cases - with diseases of the urinary tract - the number of doses increases up to six times;

- in case of stool disorders or a tendency to diarrhea, you should stop taking mineral water until the diarrhea disappears;

- the use of mineral water is prescribed in courses, in no case should you drink water all the time (the course can last from 12 days to three weeks or more, if necessary, the course is repeated after a 2-3-week break).

It is very important to store mineral water bottles correctly: in a horizontal position in a cool, dark place; frozen mineral water loses some of its properties; the duration of storage is usually indicated on the label, but almost all types of mineral waters can be stored for about 1 year or more. Good quality water has no color, taste and smell, must be absolutely transparent, although in some cases a slight sediment of salts is allowed at the bottom of the bottle.

How to heat up mineral water? To do this (at home), mineral water should be heated in a water bath. To do this, a glass filled with water is placed in a bowl of hot water and left until the water reaches the required temperature, which is checked with a thermometer. It is worth remembering that in the treatment of certain diseases (gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, spasms of the pylorus, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis), the use of mineral waters at room temperature or cold can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. For these diseases, drinking warm water heated to 40-45 degrees is usually prescribed.

In chronic colitis, hepatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in case of metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes, diathesis), it is recommended to take moderately heated mineral waters - 25–35 degrees.

Therapeutic methods using mineral waters

As mentioned above, the healing properties of mineral water are mainly used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Mineral waters, mostly of low mineralization and containing calcium ions, have a good diuretic effect and help to remove bacteria, mucus, sand and small stones from the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder.

To eliminate constipation, enhance bile formation and bile secretion, the following mineral water intake is prescribed: in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 400-500 ml of weakly or moderately mineralized mineral water heated to a temperature of 38-40 degrees; water is taken in two doses of 200-250 ml with an interval of 15-20 minutes. During the day, these techniques are repeated two more times: before lunch - 20 minutes before meals, before dinner - also 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment will be 12-14 days. If necessary, repeat the course in two to three weeks.

For chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, for disorders of the bile ducts, for constipation, the following scheme is recommended: before the morning intake of mineral water, again on an empty stomach, you must first drink either magnesium sulfate - 1 teaspoon of a 20% solution for 1/2 cup of water, or sorbitol, which has a choleretic and laxative effect, - 30-50 g per 1/2 cup of water, or 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil. Then the intake of mineral water is carried out according to the same scheme as described above. It is advisable after the first intake of mineral water to lie down for a couple of hours on a heating pad, applying it to the gallbladder area.

Procedures affecting the strengthening of the activity of the liver and gallbladder should be carried out twice a week. Course 6-8 procedures.

For enhanced washing of the kidneys and urinary tract, more frequent use of mineral waters is recommended. This also includes severe metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus.

In addition, additional intakes of mineral waters are prescribed for gastritis (accompanied by pain in the epigastric region and severe heartburn), with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with difficulty in emptying the stomach associated with pyloric spasms, etc. The regimen is as follows: in total a day, 4-6 doses of 1/4 cup are recommended at 15-minute intervals. To relieve pain, 200 ml of mineral water is usually enough.

During the treatment of gastritis, certain rules should be followed. They relate to the mode of water intake and taking into account its chemical composition.

It should be remembered that some types of mineral water have a very pronounced juice effect, that is, they increase the secretion of gastric juice; others, on the contrary, inhibit the action on gastric secretion.

With anacid and subacid gastritis (with reduced secretion of gastric juice), as well as with the complete absence of secretion of gastric juice, carbonic acid-rich sodium chloride-hydrocarbonate mineral waters of the Essentuki type or chloride-sodium of the Mirgorodskaya type are recommended.

With increased secretion, alkaline varieties of mineral waters are prescribed - Borjomi, Krainka, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanskaya.

The mode of reception is as follows: with reduced secretion, either immediately before a meal, or 20 minutes before a meal; with normal secretion, water is recommended to be taken 40 minutes before meals; with gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice - an hour and a half before meals.

Wellness methods using mineral waters

We have already mentioned the effect of rinsing the mouth with mineral water and oral baths. In addition to a tonic effect on the oral mucosa, this procedure helps prevent periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and other unpleasant diseases of the oral cavity.

Hydrocarbonate and chloride mineral waters are considered the most suitable. Such warm rinses are also great for pharyngitis.

A good effect in diseases of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi is given by rinsing, washing and inhalation. For inhalation in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, moderately or slightly mineralized waters containing various gases are used. For example, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. The most effective are mineral waters of the "Borjomi" type (hydrocarbonate-sodium), alkaline earth type "Zheleznovodsk", hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium type "Essentuki".

At home, inhalations are carried out as follows: water heated to 70 degrees is poured into a container, then, closing your eyes and covering yourself with a towel, inhale the steam evenly and deeply for 5 minutes. Such inhalations are done up to three times a day. The course is carried out within a week. During the period of inhalation, you can not go outside or be in a draft.

To enhance the effect, menthol or eucalyptus oil, coniferous oils or extracts, and thyme herb are sometimes added.

With a runny nose, washing the nose with chloride mineral water gives a good effect (you must first release gases). The water is heated up to 30 degrees and in small portions, one nostril is pulled into the nose. After passing through the nasal passage, the water should get into the mouth (in no case into the throat), then it must be spit out.

Enemas using mineral waters have an excellent cleansing effect. In this case, water with a low or moderate degree of mineralization is taken. Preliminary it is necessary to carry out the usual cleansing enema. Then they take about one liter of mineral water, heat it in a water bath to body temperature or higher (36-38 degrees), and introduce it into the rectum at low speed. This procedure has an effective cleansing effect on the large and small intestines. The course of wellness cleansing lasts a week (7-10 procedures).

Mineral enemas are often strengthened with decoctions of mint, chamomile, yarrow, etc. Solutions are prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials per 1 glass of water.

Mineral baths give a healing effect. To do this, use numerous mineral additives that have recently appeared on the pharmaceutical market. Such baths have a huge overall cleansing effect, and the whole body.

salt baths

For the bath, sea salt or Dead Sea salts are used at the rate of up to 2 kg per bath. To enhance the effect, a 5% solution of iodine alcohol is added (until a slight odor appears). The temperature is about 35-37 degrees. The duration of the bath is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Ferrous baths

Iron sulfate is used at the rate of 50-100 grams of the substance. The water temperature is 35–36 degrees. Baths are recommended to be taken once a day, a full course of 12-14 procedures.

Iodine baths

To prepare such a bath, take 30-35 grams of potassium iodine per procedure. The substance should be dissolved in water at a temperature of 35 degrees. The bath should be taken once a day. The general course is up to 14 procedures.

Mineral water is good not only for baths. By its influence, it is able to maintain health and prolong youth. No wonder mineral water is introduced into the composition of many cosmetic preparations.

You can successfully use these qualities of mineral water at home. In order to better retain moisture in the skin, you need to spray several times a day with a spray bottle on your face and on your body natural weakly mineralized water. It is especially effective to do this before going to bed, after you blot the remnants of the night cream with a napkin.

In the summer heat or on vacation, such a procedure will only refresh your face, suffering from the scorching rays of the sun.

Let's also cite one funny case. A group of Americans came to one of the cities of the Russian outback to conduct business. But, as is often the case in our cities, the Americans were faced with a lack of water, which was periodically turned off. Accustomed to taking a shower every morning, businessmen were not ready for this exotic. At first, they had a hard time, until someone thought of using mineral water for morning hygiene. It should be said that with an ordinary shampooing with mineral water, their hair was healthy and shiny. So it may be worth taking this recipe, invented due to certain circumstances, into service.

Try rinsing your hair after shampooing with mineral water. For those who are passionate about their health and exercise regularly, we offer the following recipes for health and beauty.

Drinks containing the daily norm of many vitamins and mineral salts:

- Grind 50 g of sour apple in puree, add 80 ml of plum and 50 ml of apple juice. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped raisins. Fill with mineral water;

- grind half a banana into puree, mix with 100 ml of cherry juice, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pear juice with pulp. Fill with mineral water.

Drinks rich in vitamins A, E and C, as well as drinks rich in proteins and carbohydrates:

- Mix 80 ml of blackberries with 90 ml of white grape juice. Fill with mineral water;

- 100 g of mango (replace with any other fruit) grind into a puree, add 80 ml of grapefruit juice, 50 ml of apricot nectar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon mint or lemon balm. Fill with mineral water;

- grind half a banana and ripe kiwi into puree, add 100 ml of multivitamin juice. Fill with mineral water;

- mix 100 ml of orange juice, 70 ml of grapefruit juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon. Fill with mineral water;

- grind half a banana into puree, add 150 ml of orange juice, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn syrup. Fill with mineral water.

... It pleasantly refreshes and invigorates. Always at hand - inexpensive, tasty, healthy. Let's talk about the benefits. The questions of interest to many will be answered by the Dean of the Therapeutic Faculty of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Marina Viktorovna Shtonda and Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhanna Leonidovna SUKHIKH.

They say it's better to drink more mineral water than less?

Natalia, Minsk

J.S.- This is not true, especially for those who have cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, violations of the excretory function of the kidneys. Everyone who has problems with the digestive system should drink mineral water under medical supervision - an unreasonable intake can only worsen the condition, especially in the acute stage of the disease.

Healthy people should remember: for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it does not make sense to drink mineral water for longer than 2-3 weeks. After that, its effectiveness decreases. After 3-6 months, the course can be repeated. It is very useful to change the type of water from time to time. The program for a healthy person should be as follows: 2-3 different courses per year for 3-4 weeks.

By the way, water has the best effect on a healthy body - it strengthens the endocrine system of the gastrointestinal tract, restores strength, activates the immune system ... All mineral water can be divided into three types: drinking, medical-dining and medicinal. The third type is water with a high content of minerals and salts. It is used only after medical advice. Drinking and medical-dining can be drunk by almost all healthy people.

What are the benefits of mineral water?

Valery, Mogilev

M.Sh.- This natural drink is a complex solution, its components - ions, colloidal particles, dissolved gases - normalize metabolic processes in organs and tissues. It has been established that mineral water is able to influence the restoration of liver function, the improvement of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and the stimulation of bile production. Depending on the constituents, mineral waters can have a diuretic or laxative effect.

Also, various mineral waters help in the treatment of chronic gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretion of the stomach, chronic colitis and enterocolitis, biliary tract, metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity).

What gives the gas composition of mineral water?

Marina, Baranovichi

J.S.- Those who have been “on the waters” have seen how bewitchingly beautiful mineral springs are boiling. This effect is created by escaping carbon dioxide. It stabilizes its chemical composition, actively influences metabolic processes in the body, and also makes water taste good.

I love highly carbonated mineral water. I drink it often and a lot. Maybe it's harmful?

Pavel, Orsha

J.S.- Natural carbon dioxide bubbling in mineral water creates a feeling of rapid filling of the stomach, which makes the organs of gastric secretion work intensively. Therefore, highly carbonated waters are recommended for an atonic stomach (for example, for diabetics).

Suffering from peptic ulcer, it is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water. It is better for practically healthy people to consume moderately mineralized and moderately carbonated waters.

How to drink mineral water - before, after, during meals?

Evgeniya, Lida

M.Sh.- Many drink mineral water during or after a meal. You can do this - there is no harm to the body - however, there is no benefit from the drink.
It should be known that if we want to stimulate the function of the stomach and increase the secretion of gastric juice, water should be drunk 15-20 minutes before meals.
If, on the contrary, it is necessary to lower the secretion of gastric juice and act on the duodenum, water is consumed an hour and a half before meals.

Heard that warmed mineral water is very beneficial...

Alevtina, Zaslavl

J.S.- Indeed, for medicinal purposes, doctors usually prescribe heated water (cold water helps when it is necessary to increase intestinal motility, for example, with some forms of constipation). Healthy people can drink mineral water at a temperature that is pleasant for them.

They say that various mineral waters are good during fasting days ...

Diana, Borisov

J.S.- Mineral water can be an integral part of fasting days. However, we must remember: on such days, you need to drink water an hour and a half before meals, then it will pass from the stomach into the duodenum and begin to inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. If you do this 15-20 minutes before a meal, we will only provoke the work of the stomach. But why do this if we are eating at least?
In general, instead of mineral water, it is better to drink rosehip broth - this is a more acceptable option for diets and fasting days. But if you already use mineral water, then still is better.

I have had intestinal problems since childhood. Advise what mineral water to take to normalize his work, and the stool was regular?

Svetlana, Molodechno

J.S.- Sulfate, chloride and bicarbonate-sulfate waters, as well as those containing magnesium, have a laxative effect. You can drink a glass of some water 40-60 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Before use, be sure to heat the water to 40-45 degrees.

They say that when there are stones in the gallbladder, do Essentuki help?

J.S.- Taking mineral waters that have a choleretic effect (Essentuki 4.17, Naftusya, etc.) is contraindicated in this case!

I have diabetes. Is it worth it to be friends with mineral water?

Valentina, Zhytomyr

M.Sh.- Costs. People diagnosed with diabetes experience a constant feeling of thirst, drink a lot and pass large amounts of urine. They definitely need to restore the lost fluid. Patients with diabetes are recommended to drink mineral water 3 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner 45-60 minutes before meals. It is worth giving preference to waters with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Is mineral water an assistant for liver diseases?

Vladimir, Minsk

M.Sh.– There are indications for taking mineral water in case of liver diseases (viral hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, etc.). You will have to drink it quite a lot - 3 times a day, always in a heated form (40-45 degrees). The volume must be constantly increased to 1.5-2 glasses per dose. The mineral water itself must be chosen depending on the initial secretory function of the stomach.
However, all this is outside (!) exacerbation of chronic hepatitis.

My relatives are large, overweight people. My mom was diagnosed with obesity a couple of years ago. Tell me, can mineral water somehow help her?

Katya, Slonim

The results of many studies have shown that the use of low mineralization waters (hydrocarbonate-sulphate-chloride sodium-potassium-calcium composition) in the complex treatment of obesity can improve carbohydrate, lipid and water-mineral metabolism (besides, slightly reduce appetite). However, in any case, your mother should consult a dietitian.

Which waters are diuretic?

M.Sh.- Mostly those that have low mineralization and contain calcium ions.

They say that before you drink water, you should open a bottle so that the gas escapes ...

Vladislav, Belynichi

J.S.- So many people think, however, this is not entirely true.
It all depends on the state of the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa. If the acidity is low, you can drink water with gas, because, getting into the stomach, it improves the blood circulation of the mucous membrane, dilates blood vessels, and stimulates the production of gastric juice. If the acidity of the gastric juice is increased, the gas is removed.

Is it true that mineral waters are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases?

Margarita, Zhlobin

J.S.- It really is. Mineral waters, which have an acidic reaction, act on the skin and mucous membranes in such a way that they reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. Therefore, they are used for gynecological irrigation in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

How do I figure it out: sulfate water, hydrocarbonate-chloride, etc. ... How to make a choice?

Maria, Soligorsk

M.Sh and Zh.S. - Hydrocarbonate waters contribute to the liquefaction and removal of pathological mucus from the mucous membrane of the stomach, urinary and respiratory tract, while reducing inflammation; excretion of uric acid from the body.

The intake of these waters stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, which is successfully used in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Reception sulfate waters enhances the motor (motor) function of the intestine, improves blood flow in the liver, has a laxative effect, helps eliminate the inflammatory process in the biliary tract, and prevents stone formation.

Sulphate waters reduce cholesterol, normalize the concentration of free fatty acids. They are used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity), chronic constipation.

Chloride water have a choleretic effect, stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands. Chloride waters are most effective for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system with a reduced secretory function of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis).

Hydrocarbonate-chloride waters prescribed for the treatment of chronic gastritis with reduced, normal and increased secretion of the stomach.

Sulfate-chloride waters favorably act in diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion and simultaneous damage to the liver and biliary tract, with intestinal diseases that occur with constipation.

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters have an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion and cause relaxation. They are used in diseases of the stomach with increased secretory function and concomitant damage to the liver and intestines.

silicon waters beneficial effect on the health of the elderly, especially those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and metabolic disorders. Also indicated for skin diseases. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, enhance the antitoxic function of the liver.

Hydrogen sulfide water play an important role in the process of protein metabolism. Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, diseases of the endocrine system.

radon water good in the treatment of atherosclerosis. In addition, they contribute to the normalization of thyroid function, enhance the secretory and motor functions of the stomach.
They are used as an addition to the treatment of dystrophic diseases of the joints, diseases of the peripheral nervous system with the elimination of pain. The analgesic effect of radon waters depends on the time of use. So, taken with or after a meal, this water has a longer analgesic effect than drunk on an empty stomach.

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