Male names platon meaning. Love and family

Professional astrologers claim that the name, given to the child at birth, is able to predetermine how his future character, and fate. Therefore, it is recommended to approach this issue as responsibly as possible. We invite you to learn everything about the meaning, as well as the origin of the name Plato. Our article will help you get a clearer picture of the people who own this name.

A Brief History of the Name Plato

Astrologers are still arguing about the origin of the name. However, answering the question of whether Plato - Russian name or not, all experts have a fairly clear answer - no. According to the most popular version, the name Plato has ancient Greek roots and is translated into Russian as "consolation". Most popular given name found on the territory of the post-Soviet space, as well as in such European countries like Greece, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Italy.

Astrological characteristic

The secret of the name Plato is as follows:

  • zodiac sign - Aries;
  • plant - anemone;
  • talisman stone - heliotrope;
  • planet - Sun;
  • animal - turtle;
  • color - red.


The name Plato, whose meaning we will consider in this article, is associated with the number 1. The unit indicates that its owner is a rather purposeful person who is ready to sacrifice a lot to achieve his goals. These people, as a rule, have an innate artistry and have a highly developed imagination. Leadership qualities, which are also inherent in these people, will help to achieve significant results in a career and business.

The unit indicates that its owner is constantly in the spotlight. Using innate oratorical abilities, Plato is able to subjugate others, achieve his goals, resorting to outside help. Knowing the meaning of the name Plato, we can say that this person is quite proud. He is very good friend who will lend a helping hand to his comrade.

The meaning of the letters in the name

When interpreting any name, you need to know the meaning of each letter:

  • P - the desire for perfectionism. It is extremely important for this man to see order in everything. He is very concerned about what other people will think of him. He is a rather gambling and vindictive person with excellent visual and emotional memory.
  • L - non-standard thinking and artistic personalities, who, as a rule, are used to relying on their own intuition and logic. They are good psychologists, which are easily rubbed into the trust of people. Men who have this letter in their name are distinguished by their selfishness, as well as their dismissive attitude towards others. It is extremely difficult for them to part with loved ones and relatives. These men are extremely jealous and capricious. It is vital for them to receive enough attention from others.
  • A - this letter, located at the very beginning of the alphabet, indicates an irresistible desire to achieve your goals. The person whose name contains this letter is distinguished by his desire for moral and physical balance. These people are very hardworking and try to avoid monotonous work. They always show initiative and are not afraid to take responsibility.
  • T - given letter indicates that this man is comprehensively developed. He has a fine mental organization, quite vulnerable and romantic. This man has a well-developed intuition, and also easily finds a way out of any life situation. The letter says that its owner is prone to compassion and generosity.
  • O - sociable, cheerful and maximally open people. They are real workaholics and have innate artistic talents. For these people, professions are great, where there is an opportunity to show innate abilities, for example, the ability to analyze. Men whose name contains the letter O are reliable. They become great friends and business partners.
  • N - decisive people with steel willpower. They are quite industrious, but they can not stand "monkey labor." These men marry late, as they approach the choice of the second half very seriously, scrupulously. They are attractive, have an analytical mindset. They are great friends and love to take care of.


The characteristic of the name Plato for a boy predetermines the owner of high intellectual abilities. If you believe the astrologers, then the children named by this name, as a rule, with early age extremely stubborn and goal oriented. However, they prefer to be friends not with peers, but with guys who are much older. This is explained by the fact that they are able to gain invaluable experience from more experienced comrades, to learn a lot of new things.

Knowing the meaning of the name Plato, we can say that the character of the boy will be quite complex, independent. These boys categorically do not tolerate violence. It's almost impossible to get them to do anything. If you want Plato to fulfill your request, you must find individual approach. This boy can only be bribed with good nature and affection.

Plato, whose name we are considering, can be a rather charming and at the same time arrogant person. He is very attached to people. Plato spares no effort, no time, no money, if there is an urgent need to help his neighbor.

Adolescence and character

The name Plato is characterized by such character traits as leadership and the ability to convince people. At school, this guy will enjoy authority among his peers. He quite often finds himself in various ridiculous situations, most of which occurs solely through his fault. He is a real leader. Despite such strong character traits, Plato is very suspicious. Any failure can unsettle him.

The school program is given to him very hard. However, thanks to perseverance and hard work, he will be able to get a good education. Every year Plato changes literally before our eyes. From a little bully, he grows into a serious and sensible guy who is sometimes quite secretive.


The man named Plato is usually a man of his word. He prefers to talk less and do more. He is extremely demanding both to himself and to the people who surround him. Adult Plato becomes less sociable, but is always glad to see friends in his house.

He is used to doing things on his own. Plato needs constant movement forward, physical and spiritual development. He sets himself exceptionally ambitious goals, which he certainly achieves. At the same time, he is not at all interested in what others think.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Plato tells us that this man is very amorous. The girl for whom he will experience sincere sympathy will be in seventh heaven with happiness. Plato is a romantic nature. He will give expensive jewelry, flowers, give a real fairy tale.

Most often, a man named Plato is monogamous. Despite the fact that he is rather impulsive, charismatic, temperamental and is very popular with girls, Plato remains faithful to his wife until the end of his life. For the sake of the family, he is ready to do almost anything. As a rule, he becomes a father already in adulthood, after he builds successful career and will stand firm.

He is a strict but fair father, whom children love very much. Having become a dad, Plato seeks to spend more time with his family, to instill in the children the right manners. Its main goal is to give good education to children. In this he is completely helped by a loving wife.

But with age, this man can become unbearable. From loving husband and exemplary family man he is able to turn into a rude man who has no control over his own emotions. Most often, his wife suffers from his behavior. Plato almost never pesters his children, tries to support them morally and financially until the end of his days. They reciprocate.


Plato's most successful marriage will be with women named Angela, Maria, Olesya, Vera, Nadezhda, Lilia, Polina, Natalya, Margarita, Yulia, Inga, Svetlana.

Nothing good should be expected from an alliance with girls named Ulyana, Olga, Yana, Irina, Tamara.


Plato is an active and purposeful person who is quickly moving up the career ladder. He knows how to take important and right decisions, to take responsibility. For this, he is respected by both colleagues and superiors. However, as a rule, this man is not ready to work for someone for years. Having an analytical mindset and an entrepreneurial streak, he strives to fulfill himself and try own forces in business.

Plato is suitable for professions that need his leadership qualities, as well as the ability to convey information to listeners. He can become an excellent teacher, politician, journalist, travel agent or lecturer.


Despite the fact that from childhood Plato is not used to complaining about life, and his health is usually good, certain problems begin to appear with age. Most vulnerable spot- the spine, the pains in which will pester Plato, knock out the ground from under his feet. That is why it is recommended to play sports, for example, go to the pool regularly. A massage will not be superfluous.

Famous people

The list of famous people named Plato is huge, since the history of the name goes back several thousand years. The list is headed by the Old Attic comedian Plato, who lived in the 5th century BC.

However, the most famous Plato was the ancient Greek philosopher, who gained knowledge from Socrates, and then became the teacher of the equally famous Aristotle.

AT last years the tradition of giving children uncommon, almost forgotten names is taking root more and more. At the same time, many mothers and fathers are guided only by euphony, not thinking that they predetermine the fate of their child in advance. About what is the true meaning of the name Plato and about the character traits inherent in the people who wear it - in our article.

The meaning of the name and its interpretation

The name Plato is ancient Greek origin: "platius" in translation means "wide". It is used mainly in Slavic languages, although occasionally Plato or Plato can be found among the inhabitants of Italy and Portugal.

When preparing for the rite of baptism and choosing a name for the baby, you need to immediately think over its diminutive and caressing options. In the case of Plato, there are not so many of them. The most acceptable would be Platosha, Platonchik, Platonik. You can also say Tosha, Tonic or Toha.

Great thinker

At the mention of the name Plato, the famous ancient Greek philosopher immediately comes to mind. But the real name of this man was completely different.

The future great thinker was born in 428 BC in Athens. The boy was named Aristocles. And the nickname Plato, under which this man became world famous, appeared much later. Some historians believe that it was due to the thinker's large forehead.

Plato was the most beloved student of another great philosopher, Socrates. Behind long life he wrote many scientific treatises, of which the most famous are "The State" and "Dialogues", containing thoughts and ideas that are relevant today.

Plato spent a lot of time studying the relationship between a man and a woman. He came to the conclusion that it is not base carnal relationships that are genuine, but elevated spiritual relationships. This is how the term “platonic love” appeared, which is also used by modern people.

By the way, it was Plato who invented Atlantis, which has been searched unsuccessfully for many millennia. Some scientists believe that this country is just a figment of the philosopher's imagination. Using the example of Atlantis, he wanted to show how greed and militancy can destroy even the most highly developed state.

Plato founded in Athens philosophical school Academy and brought up many students. Aristotle is considered his most famous follower. The thinker died at the age of 81 and was buried in his hometown. In memory of a great compatriot, many boys in Greece are given his name.

The name Plato in Orthodoxy

In addition to the great Greek, there were others no less famous people bearing the name Plato. in their honor in church calendar marked memorable dates, on which Plato's name day falls.

  • November 18 (December 1, old style) is the day of the holy martyr Platon of Ancyra, who lived in the 300s BC. Leaving his home and family, the young man went around the cities, preaching the true faith. Captured by the guards of the ruler Agrippina, he did not succumb to their promises, for which he was subjected to severe torture and executed.
  • On April 5 (April 18, old style), the Monk Plato of Studius (735-814 BC) is venerated. Being very wealthy man, he distributed all his property to the poor and retired to a monastery, where he was engaged in preaching and copying church treatises. Throughout his life, the Monk Plato was subjected to persecution and was repeatedly imprisoned. He died in the Studian monastery near Mount Olympus, where he was buried.

The name Plato is still very common among the ministers of both the Orthodox and catholic church. It is worn by many bishops, abbots and abbots of monasteries.

Notable people named Plato

Unlike the clergy, secular life there were not so many famous Platos. The names of such people have come down to us:

  1. Platon Yakovlevich Gamaleya (1766-1817). Naval theorist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
  2. Platon Aleksandrovich Zubov (1767–1822). General of infantry, the last favorite of Catherine the Great. Participated in a conspiracy against Emperor Paul I.
  3. Platon Aleksandrovich Geisman (1853–1919). Military historian, participant in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–78.
  4. Platon Sergeevich Poretsky (1846–1907). Russian mathematician and astronomer, author of works on logic and algebra.
  5. Platon Petrovich Beketov (1761-1836). Russian publisher, historian and book printer.

It is noteworthy that the name Plato is more common in Ukraine. Suffice it to recall the outstanding composer Platon Illarionovich Mayboroda or the poet Platon Nikitovich Voronko. One of the plays by the Ukrainian playwright A. E. Korneichuk is called "Platon Krechet".

Plato's character traits

So, having decided on the famous namesakes, let's turn to the characteristics that astrologers give. What does fate promise a man named Plato? Let's start, as usual, with childhood.

Platosha is the best student

From the early years the main feature of the little Plato is independence, which sometimes manifests itself in causeless stubbornness. The boy does not tolerate when he is told how to act, and is quite capable of specifically doing "everything is the other way around."

If adults find the right approach to the baby and do not impose their opinion on him, then Platonchik will become the most diligent and educated son and grandson. By the way, the child prefers to be in the company of adults rather than peers. Platosha is impressed when he is initiated into family problems and asked for advice.

Nevertheless, Platonist always has many friends. He likes to be the center of attention, come up with various fun and participate in tricks. The kid can rightly be called the "soul of the company."

Platosha has an amazing craving for knowledge. At school, he will be, if not an excellent student, then a solid “good student”. Possessing a remarkable tenacious memory and logical thinking, the boy easily masters even the most difficult material.

In childhood, the Platonchik already shows intolerance towards people who have an opinion that differs from his point of view, or who commit acts that the boy considers wrong. In order to adult life Plato did not have problems with communication, it is important for parents to pay attention to this character trait.

Plato is the leader

The ability to accumulate new knowledge does not leave Plato even in his adult years. Only now the man seeks to find a worthy use for them. High level erudition and self-respect contribute to the fact that people are drawn to Plato, and gradually he becomes a leader in any team.

Independent since childhood, Plato does not like to work "for his uncle", and in most cases he opens his own business. The man does not have enough special stars from the sky, but diligence and perseverance, coupled with a wealth of knowledge, contribute to the stability of his enterprise.

As a subordinate, Plato is very difficult. The slightest remarks from the authorities embitter him, causing a "spirit of contradiction", which often leads to dismissal.

Plato has extraordinary oratory skills. And what more listens to people's speeches, so much the better: it amuses his pride. Therefore, the profession of a teacher, a guide, a TV journalist is suitable for a man. For the same reason, Plato may well make a good career as a politician.

It is noteworthy that in adulthood, stubbornness plays into the hands of Plato. It is it that makes him, having failed in business, gather all his will into a fist and again climb to the top.

Love and family

What is not in the character of Plato is romance. He just doesn't see the point in all the buttercup flowers and candlelit dinners. If a man likes a girl, he will immediately tell her directly about it. And if he wants to make a gift, he will present something necessary and practical.

Plato chooses his life partner for a long time and carefully, paying attention Special attention to her intellectual level: no matter what simpleton would suit him. At the same time, the sensual side for a man does not really matter, because Plato is often not even in love with his soul mate. Nevertheless, if the wife is able to show due wisdom, then the marriage will be long and strong.

Family life with Plato is not sugar. Not every woman will be able to withstand his leadership manners and lack of patience and tact. Women who are especially sensitive and soft by nature are unlikely to be happy in such a marriage. But the wife is a like-minded person and assistant in all endeavors - the best option. And if she is still well-read and well versed in the sciences, politics and art, then the relationship can last for many years.

Tough at first glance, in his heart Plato is very kind and sympathetic. He is always ready to help and comfort. Only “wiping snot” and “lisping” do not work here: they will be replaced by specific male actions.

Even if relations with his wife do not work out, then Plato will not leave the family. And the reason for this is the children whom a man simply adores. It is interesting that, irreconcilable to the shortcomings of others, Plato turns a blind eye to any pranks of his children and is ready to indulge their greatest whims.

Compatibility with female names

A woman who is counting on a long and lasting relationship with Plato should have one of the following names: Galina, Larisa, Diana, Lyudmila, Iya, Tamila.

Unfortunately, the owners of the names Anna, Alevtina, Angelina, Daria, Zhanna, Natalya, Rimma, Oksana, Yulia and Marina will not find family happiness with this man.

Interests and hobbies

Books will surround Plato throughout his life. He reads a lot, not only fiction, but also non-fiction. Often in a man's house you can see a large library, which he cherishes.

Another passion of Plato is philosophy and psychology. Being an introvert by nature, he likes to "dig" into the depths of the human soul and think about the eternal in solitude. Apparently, the aura of the great name leaves its mark.


From an early age, Plato has been distinguished by enviable health. He rarely catches a cold and never gets sick for a long time. By the way, if in childhood you give the boy to sports section, then he will be able to achieve considerable heights in this field.

In adulthood, the main problem may be the musculoskeletal system, in particular, diseases of the spine. Joint diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism are also common.

Plato's culinary habits are quite diverse. A man loves to eat tasty food, but he is squeamish and selective in food. Snacking on the street at a fast food place is not for him. Solid Plato will prefer a solid lunch in a restaurant.

The attitude towards alcohol is rather negative. Plato can drink, but he always feels the measure and does not lose face.

The main advantages and disadvantages of Plato

Summing up all the information presented, we will once again compare the negative and positive qualities of Plato.

Plus character traits include:

  1. Independence.
  2. perseverance.
  3. Thirst for knowledge.
  4. Born Leadership.
  5. Accuracy.
  6. Independence.
  7. Practicality.
  8. Responsiveness.

And here are the lines with a negative sign:

  1. Pronounced intransigence to other people's shortcomings.
  2. Stubbornness.
  3. No romantic touch.
  4. Closure.
  5. Arrogance.

True, under a certain set of circumstances, these qualities can play a positive role in the fate of a man named Plato.

So, Plato beautiful name for a boy whom his parents see as a successful leader of his own company, a strong family man and loving father. And let him be far from romance, but he will stand firmly and reliably on his feet.

Translated from ancient Greek, means "broad-shouldered." The bearer of this name has a rather high opinion of himself, is proud and strives for superiority. Even in early childhood, Plato wants to make a favorable impression on everyone. He pleases parents and other family members with his exemplary behavior and good manners, but behind them lies tightness, fear of being criticized. Plato is upset if he is scolded, remarks are made to him, especially in front of strangers. Therefore, he tries not to make noise, not to run, to behave well and quietly. Little Plato gives the impression of a reasonable and intelligent child beyond his years. Although from time to time he also has a desire to just be himself: to play, run, play pranks, which radically changes his behavior. At such moments, he ceases to be well-mannered and calm, surprising others with a sharp change in behavior. Plato should find a balance between calm behavior, poise and the ability to be a child, open and spontaneous.

Plato has few friends. He is not one of those who easily makes acquaintances. It is important for him to find people who would understand him and would have common interests, hobbies, views with him. Plato does not particularly like to spend time in big noisy companies; it is much easier for him to communicate with one person.

Plato is quite well versed in people, seeing in them not only virtues, but also negative traits. Because of this, he is overly critical of other people, placing too high demands on them. Plato will not call a friend a person whom he does not know well enough and who does not share his views on the world. Communication for Plato, and especially friendship, is very serious. At times, such a vision greatly complicates Plato's life, prevents him from trusting people, being benevolent and friendly.

Plato prefers to hide his feelings and experiences from others. Nobody knows what's going on inside him. For others, such a person gives the impression of a tough, unbending personality, although an ocean of emotions may be hidden under external hardness. Plato perfectly knows how to control them without showing anyone.

Plato copes well with the duties of a boss, so he often makes a dizzying career in this area. In his personal life, everything is far from being so successful.

Diminutive forms of the name Plato

Platosha, Platoshka, Platoshka, Platoshka, Platonchik, Platonushka.


As a rule, he achieves his goal thanks to hard work and perseverance. He knows how to present himself, knows how to communicate, but he has few friends, as he is afraid to trust people.


He does not often listen to other people's opinions, he always goes his own way, making, at the same time, many mistakes. With difficulty admits his guilt, even if it is obvious.


It seems to everyone around him that he is a cheerful and a little frivolous person, but, in fact, he suffers from loneliness and the absence of close friends. He needs them, but it is extremely difficult for him to start a relationship.


It is a rather weak character type of personality: he does not know how to stand up for himself, defend his own opinion, decide on any act. He tries to appear tougher than he really is, sometimes behaving too aggressively.

a lion

An excellent organizer with many goals and ambitions. In dealing with people, he lacks softness and tact, so many consider him a tough and insensitive person.


Erudite, captivating nature. Among his hobbies are music, literature, science. Often tries his hand at creativity, and quite successfully. Prefers loneliness or the company of close friends to large noisy companies.


He behaves equally kindly with absolutely everyone, even if he does not like one of his acquaintances. He tries to give the impression of a smart, sensible and reliable person, sometimes getting too hung up on this.


In appearance, he is firm and self-confident, but inside he suffers from misunderstanding and a feeling of his own uselessness. He dreams of learning to trust people, but he does not always succeed.


A friendly, cheerful, pleasant person who easily makes new friends and acquaintances. However, all his acquaintances are rather superficial.


Hardworking, active, active. Can do several things at the same time, coping well with them. He loves his work, considering it the main thing in life.


Does not tolerate quarrels, scandals and any conflicts. Can find mutual language with different people without trying to please someone on purpose.


Romantic and dreamer, constantly in the clouds. He builds unrealizable plans, knowing full well that they will remain only fantasies. Needs constant support from a stronger personality.

A man with the name Plato has a synthetic mindset. Such a representative of the stronger sex is able to grasp everything on the fly. The meaning of the name Plato also speaks of diligence. Platosha is not afraid of hard work, and it is this valuable quality that often helps him achieve success in life.

Given man's name currently difficult to find. Not many parents decide to name a child like that, but in vain, because the interpretation of the name speaks of high intellectual abilities. According to the meaning of the name Plato for a boy, such children are stubborn and diligent from an early age. They prefer to make friends not with peers, but with guys a little older. Such communication causes more interest and allows you to learn a lot of new things.

The meaning of the name Plato for a child speaks of his independent character. Such children do not tolerate any violence at all. It is possible to force Platonchik to do something only with affection and persuasion. Able to be both charming and haughty at the same time. It has such a valuable quality as disinterestedness. For real dear people spares neither personal time nor money.


With women, relationships with such men are not easy. The representatives of the stronger sex can be frightened by their excessive arrogance and waywardness. Platosha is not capable of committing significant acts for the sake of his chosen one. This means that in a relationship with a partner, he thinks about himself most of all, attaching the greatest importance to his own emotional comfort.

A platonist in love is not a romantic at all, which is often lacking in a partner. He does not like to give flowers and do crazy things. Prefers to make practical and useful gifts. If Plato likes any woman, he will just come up and tell her about it. Long flirting and riddles are not for him. He likes specifics and maximum clarity in everything.


Plateau - not best husband. This means that in order to become a real support for his wife, he lacks reliability. That's why best wife for a Platonchik, a woman is quite strong-willed and economic. With all this, he loves children. For the sake of the offspring, he is ready for a lot. He is even capable of doing great things.

Marriage is mainly kept only thanks to the wife. If the Platonchik connects his life with an overly kind and gentle woman, then a quick divorce or an unhappy marriage is likely. family life. Right choice life partner is of great importance. A woman plays a leading role in the fate of this representative of the stronger sex.

Business and career

Platosha is often an informal leader in the work team. Great importance attaches to work, career. Knows how to look at the problem as a whole, but often “stumbles” over trifles. He is not inclined to bend and curry favor with his superiors, which means that he is able to express his dissatisfaction in a sharp form. Because of this, often at work there are conflict situations. Colleagues respect him for his poise, for his kindness.

The basis of success in the career field is inexhaustible diligence. The most suitable professions are psychologist, teacher, public figure, bartender, journalist, politician, writer, critic, diplomat. Communication in the workplace is of great importance for such men. They prefer work built on constant communication with living people.

origin of the name Plato

Where this adverb came from can be said for sure. The origin of the name is ancient Greek. Based on the word "platus". Etymology - "broad-shouldered", "wide". History also suggests that the adverb may have a Hebrew origin and is translated as "comfort".

A man whose name Plato can often be found in countries such as Russia, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Belarus, Czech Republic, Ukraine. According to the mystery of the name in Italy, the dialect sounds like Plato.

Characteristics of the name Plato

The main character trait of the Platonchik from childhood is excessive independence. The characteristic of the name allows you to talk about leadership qualities. He never follows someone, rather he himself acts as a leader. Independence and pronounced leadership inclinations allow Platosha to influence people big influence. He attaches great importance to the respect of the people around him.

Pros and cons speak of a certain prudence. Quite often, Plato is closed. Such alienation speaks of thinking about your life and the problems in it. He attaches great importance to his own experiences and feelings. Prone to frequent depression. Failure is very hard to bear.

Platonist is a true introvert by nature. He prefers to keep all his thoughts to himself. Not inclined to complain about life. Such a person is difficult to get to know well because of his closeness. But the positive and goodness emanating from Plato attracts many well-wishers to him. At the same time, there are very few true friends due to the increased demands on people.

Platosha is completely devoid of hypocrisy. He defends his position in the dispute very actively and selflessly. Has no special talents. All the best and social status only achieved through hard work. To achieve even minor successes, it is worth working hard.

Prefers to receive guests at home. He does not like to go to other people's houses. This is explained by a certain squeamishness. He is in good health, although some back problems are not ruled out. In order to prevent diseases of the spine, it is useful to visit the pool regularly, as well as monitor body weight.

Many men so named tend to talk a lot and do little. This negative trait of some pretty spoils life. Of great importance is who in life is next to this person. It is the influence of loved ones that often helps him get on the right path and achieve a lot. The right person nearby will help the Platonchik to realize all his dreams, even the most cherished ones.

Mystery of the name

  • Heliotrope stone.
  • Name days April 18 and December 1.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aries.

Famous people

  • Platon Lebedev (born in 1956) - Russian businessman, co-founder of the bank "MENATEP", former chairman Board of Directors of Group MENATEP.
  • Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle.

Different languages

Translation of adverbs from ancient Greek- “broad-shouldered” or “wide”. The following is a list of how the adverb is translated and how it is written in several foreign languages:

In Chinese - 柏拉圖 In Japanese - プラトン In English - Plato In French - Platon.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Plato.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Platosha, Platonka, Tokha, Tosha, Platonko, Platonya, Platokha, Fee, Tonya, Platonko, Platonchik, Platosha, Plat.
  • Declension of the name - Plato - Plato - Plato.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Plato.

Nowadays, a man with that name can be found infrequently. Parents prefer to call their children simpler and more common names. And in vain, because Plato - really interesting name, bearing in itself strength and masculinity.

Name history

Plato is a name of Greek origin. It comes from the ancient Greek word "platus", which means "broad-shouldered". Some sources claim that the origin of the name is Hebrew, and Plato in this case means "consolation".

male sonorous name Plato is used in many countries and revered in both the Catholic and Orthodox Church. It came into the culture of our country with the adoption of Christianity.

Name day by Orthodox calendar Plato notes 5 times a year:

  • January 14 - Holy Martyr Bishop of Revel Platon Kulbush is venerated on this day.
  • April 18 - this day is considered the day of the confessor Plato of Studius.
  • May 5 is the day of memory of the Hieromartyr Bishop Platon Yovanovitch.
  • August 9 - Priest Platon Gornykh is venerated.
  • August 15 is the day of Hieromonk Platon Kolegov.

There have been and still are many great people in the world who bear the name Plato. So, Wikipedia gives a lot of pages about famous people with that name. One of the most famous is a philosopher who lived in ancient Greece.

What else can be called: Platosha, Tosha, Tonya. Name talismans that bring good luck are:

  • Zodiac sign - .
  • The patronizing luminary is the Sun.
  • The totem animal is the lion.
  • The stone is a diamond.
  • The lucky color is gold.

Temperament and fate

As a child, the boy has a very active character, it is quite difficult to keep the child in place. The kid is very sociable, easily merges into new company. As a rule, he likes to communicate with older guys more, as he draws new knowledge from this communication.

The kid is smart beyond his years. The curiosity of a boy sometimes knows no bounds. He reads a lot, and he may like books completely various subjects. If parents are engaged in expanding the horizons of the child and his education, then Plato becomes very intellectually developed.

The boy does not like being told what to do. His freedom-loving nature sometimes causes a lot of trouble for parents. It is impossible to force a child to do something, only gentle persuasion will work here.

Plato has a very stubborn character which often helps him in his studies. Possessing high intelligence, excellent memory and perseverance, he easily understands the entire educational material and often gets good grades.

Already in childhood, the character of the child contains such positive quality like disinterestedness. He does not do anything for the purpose of profit, and for dear people he spares neither effort nor time. The boy's health is strong, he gets sick less often than other guys. If parents give the child to the sports section, then this can lead to success in this field.

The meaning of the name Plato speaks for itself. A man with that name exudes strength and confidence. With age, he becomes more calm and not so stubborn. Nevertheless, on the way to achieving his goals, a man often shows perseverance.

Compared with the childhood period, in the older years, Plato no longer has so many friends. Now he has become selective and very carefully and picky chooses people for his environment.

But the intellectual abilities of men still amaze others. The turn of his mind can be called synthetic, since Plato has equal outstanding abilities both in the exact sciences and in the humanities. He is very smart, grasps everything on the fly.

This person has many talents, he is a very resourceful person. A man has his own opinion about everything and his own life position. As in childhood, he does not tolerate instructions, especially does not like when his voice is raised at him.

Career and love

Plato takes his career very seriously, for him it is one of the most important goals in life. In a work team, he is often a leader, colleagues respect and appreciate him for his kindness and fortitude.

One of the main features of his character is independence and leadership skills . A man is not used to following someone and likes to lead the way. That is why he is often attracted to such professions where there is no complete and unquestioning obedience to superiors.

Plato is a hardworking and talented man, which often helps him achieve heights in his career. He loves to communicate with people very much, he likes being listened to, so often his choice stops at such professions as a teacher, tour guide, politician, public figure, writer, journalist.

Often, in his pursuit of heights, Plato forgets about the little things. But if one day fate turns out to be unfavorable to him and the man fails in business, then, having gathered all his will into a fist, he will definitely get up and rush into battle again.

In relationships, Plato values ​​emotional comfort. He puts his desires above all else, which often causes discomfort to his chosen one. Some women may be intimidated by Plato's excessive willfulness.

Being an unromantic nature, he does not see the point in long courtship. If he liked the girl, then he will directly and clearly tell her this information. A man does not like to give flowers and make surprises, he prefers to give practical gifts to his chosen one.

Like friends, Plato chooses his wife for a very long time and meticulously. He needs a beautiful clever woman who can be a wonderful hostess and a good mother. It is important for him that his woman is close to him in spirit.

Wife to such suitable for a man only wise, economic and strong-willed. Too soft and overly sensitive woman will not be easy in a relationship with such a man. The main thing for Plato in marriage is mutual respect. If the spouses understand each other, appreciate and respect, then the marriage will be long, strong and happy.

But a man does not have a soul in his children. He is ready to carry them in his arms, spend everything with them free time to surprise them. A father will even do crazy things for his child.

At the sight of his relationship with children, all doubts disappear that this man is capable of love. And this means that, despite the outwardly calm and practical nature, inside it is a truly sensual nature.

The name Plato is an excellent choice for parents who want to name their child in an original and beautiful way. The meaning of the name Plato carries masculinity and fortitude. Such a man is strong and strong-willed character, is a wonderful father and a good friend.
Author: Maria Shcherbakova

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