Barack Obama's name. Biography. Interesting Barack Obama Facts

Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii. His parents met at the University of Hawaii. His father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a black Kenyan, came to the US to study economics. Mother, white American Stanley Ann Dunham (Stanley Ann Dunham) studied anthropology. When Barack was still a baby, his father went to continue his studies at Harvard, but due to financial difficulties he did not take his family with him. When his son was two years old, Obama Sr. left alone for Kenya, where he received a position as an economist in the government apparatus. He divorced his wife.

When Barack was six years old, Ann Dunham remarried, again to foreign student, this time - Indonesian. Together with his mother, half-sister and stepfather Lolo Soetoro (Lolo Soetoro), the boy went to Indonesia, where he spent four years. He studied at one of the public schools in Jakarta. Then he returned to Hawaii, lived with his mother's parents. In 1979 he graduated from the privileged private school Punahou School in Honolulu. A school that is proud of its famous graduates - actors and athletes. During his high school years, Obama's big passion was basketball. As part of the Punahaou team, he won the state championship in 1979. In the same 1979, Barack Obama graduated from high school, and now honorably takes not the last place in the lists of famous graduates of this school. In a memoir published in 1995, Obama himself recalled that in high school he used marijuana and cocaine, and his academic performance declined.

After high school, Obama studied at Western College (Occidental College) in Los Angeles, then transferred to Columbia University, graduating in 1983, where Obama began to emerge as a politician and public figure.

In 1983, with a Bachelor's degree, Barack Obama began working for a large International Business Corporation as an editor in the financial information department. Obama will work there for a year, his first post-college job.

After that, in 1985 he settled in Chicago and worked in one of the church charity groups. As a "social organizer" he helped residents of disadvantaged areas of the city. It was his experience in philanthropy that made him realize that in order to improve people's lives, changes in legislation and policy are needed.

In 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School, where he became the first black editor of the university's Harvard Law Review in 1990. These were not all of Obama's successes at Harvard in 1990. The New York Times will write about the news that he has become the first black president of the Harvard Lawyers' Club in its hundred and four year history. In 1991, Obama graduated and returned to Chicago. Engaged in legal practice, mainly defending victims in court different types discrimination. In addition, Obama worked at the headquarters of the Democratic Party, taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School, worked on suffrage issues at the small law firm of Miner, Barnhill and Galand. Obama became known as a liberal, an opponent of the creation of NAFTA - the North American Free Trade Area (North American Free Trade Area), a fighter against racial discrimination, a supporter of the universal health insurance system.

In 1993, Barack Obama will begin teaching the course "Constitutional Law" at the University of Chicago Law School. Obama will work there until 2004. Until the year of his election to the US Senate.

In 1995, Obama will write and publish his first book, Dreams from a Father. A book that will bring glory to the future senator.

In 1996, Obama will win elections to the Illinois State Senate. And subsequently, doing political review about the senator's work, an article in the Washington Post newspaper will note Obama's ability to unite the Democratic and Republican opposing parties in the work.

Political career Obama began in the Illinois Senate, where he served for eight years, from 1997 to 2004, as the Democratic Party. In 2000, Obama attempted to run for the House of Representatives, but lost the primary to incumbent black Congressman Bobby Rush - former member the Black Panther movement. In the state Senate, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans: representatives of the two parties worked together on state programs to support low-income families through tax cuts. Obama has been a strong advocate for development preschool education. Supported measures to tighten control over the work of the investigating authorities. In 2002, Obama condemned the George W. Bush administration's plans to invade Iraq.

In 2004, Obama entered the race for the nomination for one of the Illinois seats in the US Senate. In the primaries, he managed to win a convincing victory over six opponents. Obama's chances of success increased when his Republican opponent Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan) was forced to withdraw his candidacy, the reason was the scandalous accusations against Ryan during the divorce proceedings.

On July 29, 2004, during the campaign, Obama delivered an address to the Democratic National Convention. His televised speech made Obama widely known in the United States. The senatorial candidate urged listeners to return to the roots of American society and re-make the US a country of "open opportunity": he illustrated the ideal of open opportunity through his own biography and that of his father.

In the Senate elections, Obama won by a large margin (70% to 27%) Republican Alan Keyes (Alan Keyes). He took office on January 4, 2005 and became the fifth African-American senator in US history. Obama has served on several committees: on the environment and public works, Veterans Affairs and International Relations.

As previously in the state Senate, Obama has worked with Republicans on a number of issues, including legislation on government transparency. In addition, together with the well-known Republican Senator Richard Lugar (Richard Lugar), Obama visited Russia: the trip was devoted to cooperation in the field of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In general, Obama voted in the Senate in accordance with the liberal line of the Democratic Party. Special attention he devoted to the idea of ​​developing alternative energy sources.

Senator Obama managed to win the sympathy of the press unusually quickly and become one of the most visible figures in Washington. By the fall of 2006, observers already considered it quite possible for him to advance to the next presidential elections. In early 2007, Obama was second only to Senator Hillary Clinton on the list of Democratic Party favorites. In January, Obama created an evaluation committee to prepare for running in the presidential election. As of early February 2007, Obama was ready to support 15 percent of Democrats, and Clinton - 43 percent. The data at the beginning of June 2007 surpassed the most optimistic forecasts of Obama's supporters - the gap was only 3 percent in favor of Hillary Clinton.

In January 2007, Obama faced controversial allegations. Information began to spread in the press that during his life in Indonesia, he allegedly studied at an Islamic school-madrasah, where representatives of the radical Muslim sect of Wahhabis preached. These accusations were denied, but left a significant negative imprint on the image of Obama.

On February 10, at a rally in Springfield, Illinois, Obama announced his entry into the presidential race. If he wins, he promised to withdraw American troops from Iraq by March 2009. Along with the Iraqi campaign, he has criticized the Bush administration for its lack of progress in combating oil dependency and developing the education system. Soon, on February 13, at another rally in Iowa, Obama made a rash statement. Criticizing Bush's Iraq policy, he said that the lives of the US military who died in Iraq were "wasted". He had to repeatedly apologize and explain that he unsuccessfully expressed his thought. Obama's position on Iraq and his plans to withdraw troops were critically received by Bush supporters not only in the US but also abroad. One of the president's allies, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, announced that Obama's plans play into the hands of terrorists.

In February 2007, Obama was supported by David Geffen, co-founder of the DreamWorks film company and formerly a prominent supporter of Bill Clinton. Geffin said that Hillary Clinton is too controversial a figure and will not be able to unite Americans in a difficult time for the country. Together with other Hollywood celebrities, Geffin organized a campaign to collect donations in favor of Obama - the collected amount reached $ 1.3 billion. Geffin's tough comments about Clinton have been linked to the narrowing of the gap between the former first lady and Obama: at the end of February, the difference was 12 percent. 36 percent of Democrats were ready to vote for Clinton, and 24 percent for Obama.

One of the vulnerabilities of Obama as a candidate was the question of his belonging to "African-Americans". As it turned out, some representatives of the black population, including the most influential representatives of this minority, were in no hurry to recognize their own in Obama. The fact is that, unlike the "real" American Negro, Obama is not a descendant of slaves brought to the American continent from West Africa. In addition, the senator did not have a chance to participate in the struggle for the rights of blacks - unlike most American African-American politicians. The situation worsened when, in early March 2007, the press reported that there were slave owners in the Obama family on the maternal side.

Obama has been married to lawyer Michelle Robinson Obama since 1992. They have two daughters: Malia (Malia) and Sasha (Sasha). Official biographies report that Obama and his wife are parishioners of one of the Christian churches in Chicago, Trinity United Church of Christ.

Barack Obama is the author of two books: in 1995, he published the memoir Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, which we have already mentioned, and in 2006, the book The Courage of Hope ( The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream). The audio version of the first book in 2006 won the Grammy Award. Both of Obama's books have become bestsellers.

His parents met at the University of Hawaii. Father - Barack Hussein Obama Sr. came to the United States from Kenya to study economics. Mother, white American Stanley Ann Dunham, studied anthropology. Parents separated when Barak was two years old. My father went to continue his studies at Harvard, and then went back to Kenya. Ann Dunham remarried - to an Indonesian student.

In 1967, Obama moved to Indonesia, and in 1980 he returned to Hawaii, where he graduated from a private school. After high school, Barack Obama entered the Western College of Los Angeles, from where he transferred to Columbia University, which is in political science and international relations.

After graduating from college, Obama worked as a consultant for Business International Corporation and then for the New York Public Interest Research Group.
In 1985, he moved to Chicago, where he worked in one of the church charity groups, helping residents of disadvantaged areas of the city.

In 1988, Barack Obama entered Harvard Law School.
After graduating, he returned to Chicago and worked for a law firm for nine years. At the same time, he taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.

In 1996, Barack Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate, where he represented the Democratic Party for eight years, from 1997 to 2004.

In 2004, he ran for the vacant seat in the U.S. Senate from Illinois and was able to win 70% of the vote. Barack Obama became the fifth black senator in US history.

On January 10, 2007, Democratic Senator Barack Obama officially announced the start of the race for the presidency of the United States.

Barack Obama's statement about entering the presidential race was made in the capital of Illinois, the city of Springfield. The place was symbolic, since it was here, in the Illinois legislature, that the career of the youngest US senator, 45-year-old Barack Obama, began.

September 7, 2012 Barack Obama of the Democratic Party in the upcoming November 6 presidential election.

On October 9, 2009, the Nobel Committee announced US President Barack Obama as the winner of the Peace Prize for his "extraordinary efforts" in strengthening international diplomacy to create a world without nuclear weapons.

Barack Obama is the author of three books. In 1995, he published a memoir, Dreams from My Father, and in 2006, The Audacity of Hope. Both books became bestsellers. In November 2010, "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters", which Obama wrote before he became head of state.

Barack Obama has been married to Michelle Robinson Obama since 1992. They have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

Barack Obama belongs to the United Church of Christ congregation, which he joined as an adult.

According to Obama, his main hobbies are basketball and poker.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Barack Obama is the most atypical politician in the whole world, who broke many conventions due to his cold mind. He is the 44th President of the United States, who became the first black head of state in the history of the country. During his years in office, Obama's electoral rating has always been in the leading positions among his fellow presidents of other countries, but over the past few years has begun to decline significantly. This fact due to a reduction in the number of supporters of the American president who do not support Barack's policy in some state and foreign policy issues.


Barack Obama in his youth

Barack Hussein Obama II was born in the warm and sunny city of Honolulu, the only metropolis in the Hawaiian Islands. His father, a native of the Kenyan village of Kanyadyang, entered the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1959 to study economics. During his studies, he met an anthropology student, a white American named Stanley Ann Dunham, the mother of the future president. It is noteworthy that the acquaintance took place at optional courses in the Russian language.

No less interesting is the fact that before his marriage to Denham, he was already married to a Kenyan Keise Aoko, with whom he had two children - a son, Malik, and a daughter, Aumu. In 1959, he left his family and flew to the States.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr was born in August 1961. The new mother decided to drop out of school, while the father, on the contrary, took up his studies, graduated from the University of Hawaii and, when the youngest Obama was not even three years old, left the family to continue his studies at Harvard. For some time, Barack Obama's parents still maintained relations, but some time later, Obama Sr. left the United States of America altogether in order to take a high post in the administrative apparatus of Kenya.

Little Barack Obama with his mother, sister and foster father.

In Kenya, Barack Obama Sr. becomes a major official, but after he published an article in which Obama criticized the national plan for building African socialism in Kenya, his career was ruined. In 1982, Barack Obama Sr. died in a car accident. It should be noted that after him there were 8 children from 4 marriages.

Ann Dunham, the mother of Barack Obama Jr., after a divorce from his father, married an Indonesian student and Barack Obama spent several years in Indonesia, then returned to Hawaii to his grandmother.

In 1972, Ann Dunham separated from her Indonesian husband and devoted herself to raising her son and continuing her education. In 1992, Ann received her PhD in anthropology from the University of Hawaii. On November 7, 1995, Barack Obama's mother died of cancer.

Then Barack Obama Sr., who briefly visited the States, gave his son the first basketball in his life and took him to the first jazz concert. Both have become an integral part of the boy's hobbies, carried over into adulthood. He even won the state championship in 1979 as part of the school team. Many years later, Barack Obama outlined the memories of his childhood in the biographical book Dreams of My Father.

With his father Barack Hussein Obama Sr.

In Kenya, Obama Sr. got into a car accident, as a result of which he lost both legs.

After his parents divorced, Barack Obama lived in Hawaii with his grandparents. His mother starred in candid photo shoots, and therefore her parents disowned her. Grandma Madeleine Lee raised the boy for a long time. Barak's grandfather, dissident and revolutionary; like Obama's father, fought with the existing in Kenya political system, but unsuccessfully. Torture, disability and two years in prison ended Hussein Onyango Obama's struggle with British colonial policy in his country. Soon his grandson will spread this policy around the world...

Later, Barack Obama will publish a memoir where he talks about the use of marijuana and cocaine in high school. Barack himself describes this as far from the most favorable life period, since his school performance has significantly decreased due to the use of drugs.

Ann Dunham divorced her husband when he started having problems, remarried an Indonesian foreign student Lolo Sutoro. In 1967, Ann left with him and little Barack for Jakarta. From this marriage, Barak had a half-sister, Maya.

A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was also the first ever African American editor of the university edition of the Harvard Law Review. Obama has also worked as a community organizer and civil rights attorney. He taught constitutional law at the Chicago Law Institute from 1992 to 2004 and was simultaneously elected to the Illinois Senate three times between 1997 and 2004.


After failing to run for the US House of Representatives in 2000, he ran for the US Senate in January 2003. After winning the March 2004 primary, Obama delivered the keynote speech at the July 2004 Democratic National Convention.

Barack Obama's speech before the Democratic National Convention played a decisive role in his election victory. His speech was broadcast live on television. The senatorial candidate called for the United States to be made a country of free people again and to return the so-called american dream. As an example, he gave examples from his own life and the life of his father. The Democratic Party and the people of the United States supported the young politician, as a result of which he gained fame and won the election to the Senate of the United States of America.

In his new elected office, Barack Hussein Obama continued to work with both parties to produce fruitful bills. One of the most significant examples of such cooperation was Obama's visit to Russia with Republican Senator Richard Lugar. AT Russian Federation Senators negotiated to limit the supply of weapons mass destruction. During his senatorial tenure, Obama showed great interest in the development of alternative energy sources.

He was sworn in as a U.S. Senator on January 4, 2005, becoming the 5th African American U.S. Senator in the country's history.

At the end of August 2005, as part of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, he flew to Russia to inspect Russian nuclear facilities together with Republican Senator Richard Lugar; During the trip, on August 28, an incident occurred during a flight at Perm’s Bolshoye Savino airport: the senators were detained for three hours due to their refusal to “follow the requirements of the border guards” to inspect the aircraft, which had diplomatic immunity. Later, the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed regret "in connection with the misunderstanding that had arisen and the inconvenience caused to the senators."

The non-partisan Congressional Quarterly described him as a "loyal Democrat" based on an analysis of all Senate votes from 2005-2007; The National Journal ranked him as the "most liberal" senator based on an assessment of the elected votes during 2007.

In 2008, ranked him the 11th most powerful senator.

Barack Obama's grandmother with a campaign poster for her senator grandson.

On February 10, at a rally in Springfield, Illinois, Obama announced his entry into the presidential race. If he wins, he promised to withdraw American troops from Iraq by March 2009. Along with the Iraq campaign, he has criticized the Bush administration for its lack of progress in combating oil dependency and developing the education system. Soon, on February 13, at another rally in Iowa, Obama made a rash statement. Criticizing Bush's Iraq policy, he said that the lives of American soldiers who died in Iraq were "wasted".

He had to repeatedly apologize and explain that he unsuccessfully expressed his thought. Obama's position on Iraq and his plans to withdraw troops were critically received by Bush supporters not only in the US but also abroad. One of the president's allies, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, announced that Obama's plans play into the hands of terrorists.

During his presidency, he worked closely with leading European countries. He often met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French Presidents Sarkozy and Hollande. Barack Obama argued that such cooperation between the US and the EU is "vital" to maintaining order in the world. However, the alliance was overshadowed by the actions of American intelligence agencies, which even listened to European leaders. Angela Merkel personally called the US president: "Such methods are unacceptable between the allies," the chancellor was indignant.

Barack Obama's victory has caused euphoria in many countries, especially in Kenya, other countries in Africa and the Middle East. People hoped for positive changes with his arrival. But these hopes were not justified. Barack Obama, who opposed the American military presence in Iraq before the election, changed his mind by moving to White House, and in February 2009 sent 17,000 US troops to Afghanistan. 2009 was the bloodiest year for the US Army in Afghanistan since the beginning of the counterterrorist operation.

Then, new pockets of bloodshed appeared in North Africa, in the Middle East and even in Ukraine. This was facilitated by a whole series of "color revolutions" inspired and supported by the US State Department and personally by Barack Obama. As Senator Alexei Pushkov noted, “not under Bush, but under Obama, a bloody massacre began in Yemen, to which there is no end in sight. And not under Bush, but under Obama, the so-called IS * emerged, established itself and gained a foothold on the territory of Iraq and Syria, with which Obama refused to wage a real fight for almost two years.

According to the Associated Press, cases of religious and racial intolerance have increased in the United States since the victory of Barack Obama in the presidential election; Director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Mark Potok said: “There are a large number of people who feel that they are losing their usual way of life, that they seem to have been robbed of the country that their ancestors built.”

Russian-American political scientist Nikolai Zlobin wrote in Vedomosti on January 28, 2009 about the Kremlin's reaction to Obama's victory: was unprepared for Obama and very disappointed.”

On November 10, 2008, Obama met with George W. Bush to discuss the state of affairs in the country and the world. The next day, Obama and his wife visited the White House, where he was received by President George W. Bush and his wife, which was presented by the US media as "the beginning of the transfer of power."

On November 16, 2008, the International Herald Tribune wrote about Obama's political views as they were articulated by him during the election campaign: "Obama did not define himself in clear ideological terms, although his track record and program are to the left of the center." On the same day, Obama left the Senate office.

Obama has spoken out in favor of allowing artificial termination of pregnancy, including on-site abortions. later dates. During a discussion in the United States about the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, he wrote that if he were elected, he would tirelessly defend this method of abortion as a legitimate medical procedure. He also participated in the development of programs to prevent teenage pregnancy, including through the distribution of contraceptives and educational programs about sex education for teenagers.

Activities as president-elect

John McCain with Obama

On November 17, 2008, Obama met with Republican Senator John McCain; together with the latter, he issued a statement proclaiming his intention to "start a new era of reform" in Washington and "bring back prosperity" to American families. The next day, Obama reaffirmed his commitment to working towards significant global climate change goals. And also in a video message to the participants of an environmental conference in Los Angeles, he condemned the current administration for "refusing to lead" the United States in environmental conservation; pledged to spend $15 billion a year on energy conservation measures and to work to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 to 1990 levels. On the same day, the media reported unofficial information about his intention to appoint a black lawyer, Eric Holder, who was the US Deputy Attorney General under Clinton, to his future administration as Attorney General.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta, November 19, 2008, wrote: "It came as a surprise to many believers that a black Democrat, a defender of women's right to abortion and a supporter of stem cell research, won the majority of religious votes." The publication cited Pew Research Center statistics, according to which 53% of US believers voted for Barack Obama, 46% for John McCain; while four years ago John Kerry lost to George W. Bush for the vote of religious Americans: 48% to 51%.

On November 24, 2008, Obama introduced several members of his "team, The President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board", who would go on to take important positions and develop the future administration's policy on the global economic crisis. November 26, Obama appointed head of his team of economic advisers former chairman US Federal Reserve System (1979-1987) Paul Volcker.

On December 1, 2008, in Chicago, Obama officially announced Senator Hillary Clinton as a candidate for the post of US Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates for the position of Secretary of Defense. That same year, ranked Obama the 11th most powerful senator.

First presidential term

On January 20, 2009, during the inauguration ceremony near the Capitol building, he was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States at 12:05 EST (17:05 UTC); The ceremony attracted a record number of spectators - over a million people. The oath was taken on the Bible, on which Abraham Lincoln swore at the inauguration. The President's first swearing-in act was the issuance of a Proclamation declaring January 20, 2009, "National Day of Renewal and Accord."

In his speech, he called for " new era responsibility."

According to CNN (January 21, 2009), the cost of Barack Obama's inauguration and inaugural celebrations is the highest in US history: the cost of holding it could exceed $160 million.

The next day, late in the evening, on the advice of constitutional lawyers, in the White House, as a precaution, he again took the oath of the head of state, due to the fact that the day before there had been an error in reading the text of the oath established by the US Constitution: Chairman Supreme Court United States Roberts mistakenly put the word "honestly" after the words "to act as President of the United States."

Activities as President of the United States

After taking office, Barack Obama began to fulfill his campaign promises. His administration introduced a number of important executive orders and initiatives in the first 100 days of his presidency. One of the preferred directions for the new president was the establishment of international relations. In the first year of his presidency, Obama made numerous working visits. Barack Obama's foreign policy has brought the United States a geopolitical and economic benefit. He managed to establish partnerships with China, Russia and Cuba. Barak also tried to improve relations with Venezuela and Iran, but the matter did not move forward. For services to peacekeeping in 2009, Obama received Nobel Prize peace.

Barack Obama's height is 1 meter 85 centimeters. While the growth of the Dalai Lama is 1 meter 70 centimeters. Barack Obama's height is average, which allows him to feel comfortable in negotiations with world leaders.

The 44th President of the United States of America made a great contribution to internal politics states. From his hand, the system of children's health insurance was improved. The Obama administration has become concerned about women's pay discrimination. The state economy received additional funding from the banking sector and agro-industry in the amount of more than $787 billion. The changes also affected the tax system. At the initiative of Barack Obama, taxes were reduced for entrepreneurs, unions and buyers of real estate.

The legislative process for the withdrawal of the US military from Iraq dragged on, as many opponents of this initiative remained among government officials. This prevented Obama from fulfilling his campaign promise. The American contingent was withdrawn from Iraq much later than the deadline - in December 2011. This allowed the incumbent president to be successfully re-elected for a second presidential term. Mitt Romney - the Republican candidate could not get around Barack Obama.

However, according to Barak himself, not everything in his policy was positive. He considers the invasion of Libya to be his biggest mistake during his administration of the United States. At the same time, he managed to achieve significant success in pursuing economic policy. Many of Obama's colleagues argue that it was thanks to the initiatives of the 44th President of the United States that the economic crisis, which could develop into a new American depression, was painlessly overcome.

On November 5, 2014, according to the American magazine Forbes, Obama was ranked second in the list of the annual ranking of the most influential people peace. The first place was taken by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who topped this list for the second time in a row. Chinese President Xi Jinping ranked third in the ranking. In fourth place in the ranking of the magazine - Pope Francis, in fifth - Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. In total, the list included 72 people, statesmen and public figures, heads of corporations.

On December 8, 2014, Barack tried himself as a host of a satirical program, speaking on the comedy television channel Comedy Central. American actor, satirist, director and writer Stephen Colbert lost his place in the aired program to Obama by almost 6.5 minutes.

Barack of Deception at Comedy Central

February 27, 2015 in Russia happened high-profile murder. In the center of Moscow on Vasilyevsky Spusk, a killer shot Boris Efimovich Nemtsov four times in the back. The American leader condemned his assassination, issued a special statement in connection with the assassination of a Russian opposition politician and called Russian authorities“conduct a prompt, independent and transparent investigation into the circumstances of his murder.”

On November 21, 2015, a petition appeared on the website of the White House, addressed to the head of state, with a request to cancel the system of collecting fees from truckers "Platon" introduced in Russia. The petitioners, addressing the President of the United States, announced a "catastrophic new duty on long-haul trucks." The creators of the text explained that they were referring specifically to Obama, since Russian State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fedorov said that Platon was introduced by agents of the fifth column in Russia on orders from the United States. On February 27, 2015, a high-profile murder took place in Russia. In the center of Moscow on Vasilyevsky Spusk, a killer shot Boris Efimovich Nemtsov four times in the back. The American leader condemned his murder, issued a special statement in connection with the murder of a Russian opposition politician and called on the Russian authorities to "conduct a prompt, independent and transparent investigation into the circumstances of his murder."

The head of "Sberbank" G. Gref, in turn, said that the system of collecting fees from trucks for travel on federal roads "Platon" was introduced in the Russian Federation with design errors. The way it's done is, of course, unacceptable, simply unacceptable. Errors in project management are absolutely obvious,” German Oskarovich Gref said, calling the changes “a reform of passage on federal roads for heavy vehicles.”

On January 11, 2017, Barack Obama's farewell tweet became the most popular during his presidency. His last tweet as President of the United States received the most likes and reposts of any tweet posted by a head of state on his page in social network. "Thank you for everything. My last request is similar to the first. I ask you to believe - not in my ability to change the world, but in yours, ”wrote the outgoing US president.

Barack Obama: Ukraine and sanctions against Russia

Barack of Deception with Vladimir Putin

Of course, the Obama presidency has not passed and the situation in Ukraine, in which, according to the US administration, Russia is trying to encroach on sovereignty and territorial integrity independent state. US support for Ukraine is spelled out in the relevant law, signed by the American head in December 2014. According to this bill, the US authorities will provide Kyiv with military assistance in the form of anti-tank and other weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles, anti-artillery radars and other military equipment.

However, according to the US President himself, his main task is not to supply weapons to Ukraine and incite war, but to diplomatically resolve the conflict and stop the bloodshed. To this end, shortly after signing the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, Obama passed a law imposing sanctions against the Russian Federation, which, according to the idea of ​​the American authorities, should influence the policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin and, accordingly, provide additional assistance to Ukraine.

Against the backdrop of several stages of the escalation of the conflict in Donbass, anti-Russian sanctions from the West expanded and tightened, but this did not bring the expected result for the United States, since the decline in the economy in Russia did not affect the change in the political course of the Russian leader.

Personal life

Obama with his wife

Barack Obama's personal life is crystal clear and clean. The 44th President of the United States, unlike his counterparts in other countries, does not hide his wife Michelle Lavon Robinson from society, with whom he has been married for over 20 years. Unlike her husband, who has royal roots, Michelle Obama is a descendant of black slaves, but this did not prevent her from becoming the first lady of the United States and with dignity to fulfill the duties corresponding to her status.

With my charming wife Michelle Obama (nee LaVon Robinson) he met during an internship at the Sidley Austin law firm in the late 80s. It is noteworthy that at first Michelle, a lively lawyer, was not at all interested in him from a love point of view, although she was never bored with him and always had something to talk about. For several months, Barack sought her favor. Bouquets, sweets, romantic confessions - everything was in vain. But when Michelle heard his fiery speech, which he delivered to black teenagers from the Chicago slums, she realized that she could no longer deny her feelings.

Barack and Michelle Obama got married on October 3, 1992. After the ceremony, the newlyweds traveled to Kenya to visit the groom's relatives. The next five years, the life of the young spouses was cloudless, until their eldest daughter Malia was born in 1998. As soon as Michelle went on maternity leave, it turned out that Barack's social and political activities did not allow him to support his family at a decent level. “We were as poor as church mice,” Michel recalled these years. Barak refused to work in his specialty, although she would bring a huge income to the family, claiming that she does not see herself anywhere except in politics.

In 2001, the family almost fell apart due to the birth of their second daughter, Sasha. Between Barack and Michelle appeared serious differences, as financial problems only worsened with the birth of their second child. According to Michelle, their marriage was saved by their daughter Sasha, who fell ill with meningitis. The struggle for the life of her daughter erased all disagreements between the spouses. And after the miraculous recovery of Sasha, Michel became a faithful support for Barack and his political activities.

What does Barack Obama do after the presidency?

After the inauguration of Donald Trump, Obama stepped down from the post he held for 8 years. If you're wondering how old Barack Obama was when he ended his presidency, the answer is 55. At his last press conference, he joked that he was going to sleep off, and also said that he would help disadvantaged children get an education. Barack and his family did not leave Washington, as his daughter Sasha is still continuing her studies at one of the Washington schools.

Barack Obama also continued the good tradition of traveling. However, now he visits non-diplomatic missions various countries and tourist resorts. This allows the presidential pension, which is 240 thousand dollars annually. According to unconfirmed sources, Barack Obama is working on his memoirs, as this is an old tradition of all heads of the White House. Experts predict that his memoirs could become the best-selling in history. The approximate amount that the 44th president can earn from the sale of his book is $30 million. For comparison: Bill Clinton earned only 15 million dollars.

On the this moment the biography of Barack Obama, who is already 56 years old, is not over yet, as he continues to raise his daughters and do what he loves.


Barack Hussein Obama Jr. is born. Barack's parents studied at the University of Hawaii, where they met. Barack Hussein-Obama Sr. is a black Kenyan, Stanley Ann Dunham's mother is a white American. When Barack Obama was just born, his father left to study economics. Due to financial difficulties, the father left on his own. Two years later, he moved to Kenya, where he was offered a job in the government apparatus. long separation the family was destroyed and the parents divorced.

When Barak was 6 years old, his mother remarried an Indonesian foreign student. Stepfather Lolo Soetoro moved new family to Indonesia. Barack Obama spent four years in Indonesia.

Barak received his first education in one of the schools in Jakarta. Then he returned to his mother's parents in Hawaii. In 1979 - Obama graduated from the Punahou Privileged Private School in the capital. The name of the school was made by its graduates, among them famous actors and athletes. During his studies, Barack Obama was fond of basketball. His team won the 1979 state championship. In the same year, Obama Junior graduated from high school, taking pride of place in the lists of famous alumni. Much later, in 1995, Barack Obama admits in his memoirs that he used marijuana and cocaine at school, which caused his grades to plummet.

Barack then enrolled at Western College in , but soon transferred to Columbia University, graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1983. It was here, at Columbia University, that Obama began to take shape as a politician. After university, Barack Obama worked for a year as an editor in the financial information department.

In 1985 - Barack Obama moved to, where he got a job as a "social organizer" at one of the charitable church organizations. This work significantly influenced his political views. Helping the poor, the future president realized that the country needed changes, as in legislative framework and in politics in general.

In 1988, Barack Obama again sits down for textbooks. He begins studying law at Harvard. In 1990, he became the first black editor of the Harvard Love Review. This year, the New York Times will name him the first "black" president of the Harvard Lawyers' Club in the club's 104 years of existence.

In 1991, after graduation, he returned to Chicago, where he practiced law. Its main feature was the protection of the rights of victims of discrimination. During this time, he also served on the Democrats' headquarters and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago (1993-2004). In addition, Barak also worked part-time at the private law firm Miner, Barnhill and Galand.

Baraka became known for his liberal views, he was against the creation of the North American Trade Area NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area). In addition, he has always fought against racial discrimination and supported the system of universal health insurance.

The first book, Dreams from a Father, will be published in 1995 and will bring great fame to Barack Obama.

In 1996, Obama will win elections to the State Senate. A little later, in the Washington Post, Obama will be noted as a politician who managed to unite the goals of Republicans and Democrats. It was in Illinois that Barack Obama's political career began. From 1997 to 2004 Obama was a member of the Democratic Party.

In 2000, Obama ran for the first time in the House of Representatives. The attempt was doomed to failure. The election was won by former member of the Black Panther movement Bobby Rush. In , Barack Obama was one of the initiators of early childhood education. Together with representatives of Republicans and Democrats, he developed state programs for the poor through tax cuts. Obama insisted on the need to tighten control over the activities of the investigating authorities. In 2002, he spoke out strongly in favor of Bush's policy on the war in Iraq.

In 2004, he entered the race for a seat in the US Senate. In the primaries, he successfully beat six opponents. In addition, the departure of one of his opponents from the Republicans played into the hands of Obama. The reason for the departure of Jack Ryan was a divorce scandal.

On July 29, 2004, Obama delivered an address at the national convention. Obama's speech was broadcast on television, and brought considerable fame to the politician. In his speech, Barack Obama reminded Americans that the status of the country of "open opportunities" should be returned to America. As an example, he used facts from the biography of his family. This appeal sealed the outcome of the election, which Obama won by a 70% to 27% margin over his rival, Alan Keyes.

January 4, 2005 - Obama becomes the fifth African-American senator in US history. Obama worked with several committees at once: the Committee on Foreign Relations, Environmental Protection, Veterans Affairs and Public Works.

In the Senate, Obama continues to cooperate with the Republican Party. Together with the Republicans, Barack Obama is working on changes in the legislative framework, regarding transparency in the activities of the government. In addition, together with Republican Senator Richard Lugar, Obama visits Russia. The purpose of the trip was to establish cooperation in the field of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. However, in the Senate, Obama has always taken the liberal Democratic line. In addition, the senator showed considerable interest in the development of alternative energy sources.

The senator quickly won media sympathy and became one of the key figures in the capital. In the fall of 2006, for the first time, forecasts were made regarding Obama as president. And already in 2007 he became a dangerous competitor for Hillary Clinton. In January, a committee was set up to evaluate election forecasts. According to statistics, Barack Obama was supported by 15% of Democrats, and Hillary Clinton - 43%. But already in June 2007, the gap between the candidates was only 3%.

In January 2007, a scandal erupted around Obama. Someone released information that the senator studied in Indonesia at an Islamic school-madrasah, where representatives of the radical Muslim Wahhabi sect taught. The information was refuted, but many began to distrust the running candidate.

On February 10, a rally was organized in Springfield, Illinois, at which Obama for the first time announced publicly that he was ready to join the fight for the presidency. He promised the Americans that, if he won, he would withdraw US troops from Iraq by early spring 2009. He also criticized the Bush administration for significant gaps in the elimination of dependence on oil supplies, as well as in the educational system.

On February 13, there was another rally in the state where Obama recklessly accused Bush of wasting people's lives in Iraq. After that, Obama publicly apologized many times and justified himself by saying that he had expressed himself incorrectly. With his intention to end the war in Iraq, Barack Obama caused a storm of protest not only in the country, but also abroad. For example, Australian Prime Minister John Howard has said that Obama is in favor of the terrorists' plans.

In February 2007, Obama was supported by the founder of the DreamWorks film company, David Geffin. In the past, Geffin supported Bill Clinton. Geffin announced that Hillary Clinton is not yet able to unite the nation in such a difficult time for the country. David Geffin initiated a fundraising campaign in favor of Barack Obama, Hollywood celebrities raised 1.3 billion US dollars. But harsh statements towards Hillary Clinton undermined Obama's chances, after which the difference between the candidates reached 12% (Obama was supported by 24% of Democrats, and Clinton by 36%).

But there was another problem - Obama is an African American. This question worried not only representatives of the white population, but also influential African-American figures. They did not see him as their own, since Obama's ancestors were never slaves and did not take part in uprisings for the rights of the African American population. In addition, it turns out that there were slave owners in the Obama family.

In 1992, Obama married lawyer Michelle Robinson Obama. They had two daughters: Malia and Sasha. According to the official biography, the couple are parishioners of the Trinity United Church of Christ Christian Church in Chicago.

Barack Obama is the author of two famous books. In 1995, the memoir Dreams from My Father was published, and in 2006 the bestseller The Courage of Hope was released. The audio version of the first edition broke all sales records and in 2006 Obama received a Grammy Award for the book.

American Democratic politician, Senator from Illinois since 2005. Fifth black senator in US history. Obama has gained significant popularity since 2004. Runs for the 2008 presidential election as a candidate for the Democratic Party.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii. His parents met at the University of Hawaii. His father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a black Kenyan, came to the US to study economics. Mother, white American Stanley Ann Dunham (Stanley Ann Dunham) studied anthropology. When Barack was still a baby, his father went to continue his studies at Harvard, but he did not take his family with him due to financial difficulties. When his son was two years old, Obama Sr. left alone for Kenya, where he received a position as an economist in the government apparatus. He divorced his wife.

When Barak was six years old, Ann Dunham remarried, again to an international student, this time an Indonesian. Together with his mother and stepfather Lolo Soetoro (Lolo Soetoro), the boy went to Indonesia, where he spent four years. He studied at one of the public schools in Jakarta. Then he returned to Hawaii, lived with his mother's parents. In 1979, he graduated from Punahou School, a privileged private school in Honolulu. During his high school years, Obama's big passion was basketball. As part of the Punahaou team, he won the state championship in 1979. In a memoir published in 1995, Obama himself recalled that in high school he used marijuana and cocaine, and his academic performance declined.

After high school, Obama studied at Western College (Occidental College) in Los Angeles, then transferred to Columbia University, graduating in 1983. After that, in 1985 he settled in Chicago and worked in one of the church charity groups. As a "social organizer" he helped residents of disadvantaged areas of the city. According to one of Obama's websites, it was his experience in philanthropy that made him realize that changes in law and policy are needed to improve people's lives.

In 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School, where in 1990 he became the first black editor of the university's Harvard Law Review. In 1991, Obama graduated and returned to Chicago. Engaged in legal practice, mainly defending victims of various types of discrimination in court. In addition, he taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School and worked on voting law issues for a small law firm. Obama became known as a liberal, an opponent of the creation of NAFTA - the North American Free Trade Area (North American Free Trade Area), a fighter against racial discrimination, a supporter of the universal health insurance system.

Obama's political career began in the Illinois State Senate, where he represented the Democratic Party for eight years, from 1997 to 2004. In 2000, Obama attempted to run for the House of Representatives, but lost the primary to incumbent Congressman Bobby Rush, a former member of the Black Panther movement. In the state Senate, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans: representatives of the two parties worked together on state programs to support low-income families through tax cuts. Obama acted as an active supporter of the development of preschool education. Supported measures to tighten control over the work of the investigating authorities. In 2002, Obama condemned the George W. Bush administration's plans to invade Iraq.

In 2004, Obama entered the race for the nomination for one of the Illinois seats in the US Senate. In the primaries, he managed to win a convincing victory over six opponents. Obama's chances of success increased when his Republican opponent Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan) was forced to withdraw his candidacy, the reason was the scandalous accusations against Ryan during the divorce proceedings.

On July 29, 2004, during the campaign, Obama delivered an address to the Democratic National Convention. His televised speech made Obama widely known in the United States. The senatorial candidate urged listeners to return to the roots of American society and re-make the US a country of "open opportunity": he illustrated the ideal of open opportunity through his own biography and that of his father.

Obama defeated Republican Alan Keyes by a wide margin in the Senate elections. He took office on January 4, 2005 and became the fifth black senator in US history. Obama served on several committees: on environmental issues and public works, on veterans' affairs and on foreign relations.

As previously in the state Senate, Obama has worked with Republicans on a number of issues, including legislation on government transparency. In addition, together with the well-known Republican Senator Richard Lugar (Richard Lugar), Obama visited Russia: the trip was devoted to cooperation in the field of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In general, Obama voted in the Senate in accordance with the liberal line of the Democratic Party. He paid special attention to the idea of ​​developing alternative energy sources.

Senator Obama managed to win the sympathy of the press unusually quickly and become one of the most visible figures in Washington. By the fall of 2006, observers already considered it quite possible for him to be nominated in the next presidential election. In early 2007, Obama was second only to Senator Hillary Clinton on the list of Democratic Party favorites. In January, Obama created an evaluation committee to prepare for running in the presidential election. As of early February 2007, Obama was ready to support 15 percent of Democrats, and Clinton - 43 percent.

In January 2007, Obama faced controversial allegations. Information began to spread in the press that during his life in Indonesia, he allegedly studied at an Islamic school-madrasah, where representatives of the radical Muslim sect of Wahhabis preached. These accusations were denied, but left a significant negative imprint on the image of Obama.

On February 10, at a rally in Springfield, Illinois, Obama announced his entry into the presidential race. If he wins, he promised to withdraw American troops from Iraq by March 2008. Along with the Iraqi campaign, he has criticized the Bush administration for its lack of progress in combating oil dependency and developing the education system. Soon, on February 13, at another rally in Iowa, Obama made a rash statement. Criticizing Bush's Iraq policy, he said that the lives of the US military who died in Iraq were "wasted". He had to repeatedly apologize and explain that he unsuccessfully expressed his thought. Obama's position on Iraq and his plans to withdraw troops were critically received by Bush supporters not only in the US but also abroad. One of the president's allies, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, announced that Obama's plans play into the hands of terrorists.

In February 2007, Obama was supported by David Geffen, co-founder of the DreamWorks film company and formerly a prominent supporter of Bill Clinton. Geffin said that Hillary Clinton is too controversial a figure and will not be able to unite Americans in a difficult time for the country. Together with other Hollywood celebrities, Geffin organized a campaign to collect donations in favor of Obama - the collected amount reached $ 1.3 billion. Geffin's tough comments about Clinton have been linked to the narrowing of the gap between the former first lady and Obama: at the end of February, the difference was 12 percent. 36 percent of Democrats were ready to vote for Clinton, and 24 percent for Obama.

One of the vulnerabilities of Obama as a candidate was the question of his belonging to "African-Americans". As it turned out, some representatives of the black population, including the most influential representatives of this minority, were in no hurry to recognize their own in Obama. The fact is that, unlike the "real" American Negro, Obama is not a descendant of slaves brought to the American continent from West Africa. In addition, the senator did not have a chance to participate in the struggle for the rights of blacks - unlike most black American politicians. The situation worsened when, in early March 2007, the press reported that there were slave owners in the Obama family on the maternal side.

Obama has been married to lawyer Michelle Robinson Obama since 1992. They have two daughters: Malia (Malia) and Sasha (Sasha). Official biographies report that Obama and his wife are parishioners of one of the Christian churches in Chicago - Trinity United Church of Christ.

Barack Obama is the author of two books: in 1995 he published a memoir, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, and in 2006, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream). The audio version of the first book in 2006 won the Grammy Award. Both of Obama's books have become bestsellers.

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