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The court sentenced the poet to six years in a strict regime colony. But the misfortunes did not end there. Irina did not want to remain the wife of the "enemy of the people" and demanded a divorce from her husband. And then Mikhail received a letter full of hurtful words from his son. The boy decided to abandon his criminal father. Surviving the renunciation of the closest people was not easy.

Lidia Kozlova met Tanich when she was only eighteen years old. In one of the newspapers, she read poetic lines that struck her to the core. She wrote music for poetry and performed the work in the company of friends. By pure chance, the author of the poem turned out to be at the party. Since then, Tanich and Kozlova have not parted.

“Under Tanich, people were at our house from morning to evening. At the same time, at least 5-6 people gathered. The owner loved to treat everyone, fed, watered. Tanich suffered in childhood from hunger, from homelessness. Everyone who came to the house, he first asked: “Do you want to eat? Linda, put something on the table." And I took everything out of the refrigerator that I was, as they say, rich, ”said the poet’s widow in an interview with the Sobesednik publication.

In a marriage with Kozlova, Tanich had two daughters. The eldest Inga became an artist and now lives in Holland. And the younger Svetlana devoted herself to the work of preserving her father's vast archives. Mikhail Isaevich had enough spiritual warmth not only for those closest to him. He loved and took care of young and talented musicians. So, Igor Nikolaev calls the poet the second father. Mikhail Tanich passed away on April 14, 2008. In recent years, he battled severe cancer.

    The wife of the legendary songwriter Mikhail Tanich, Lydia Kozlova, frankly spoke about Tanich's relationship with show business stars who sang his imperishable hits.

    Tanich dissuaded the Valley from a divorce

    - WITH Larisa Dolina Mikhail Isaevich was very friendly. She often came to us: she talked about her life, asked for advice, sometimes she cried on her shoulder. It was her husband who wrote her "Weather in the House", after which she became a full-fledged star. She is a very ambitious girl, but in our family she has always been like a daughter. She also told Tanich about the breakup with her ex-husband, Vitya Mityazov. Tanich has always been against any parting. Now even scientists have proved that love lives only four years. A change of partner, as a rule, does not give happiness, but only a passionate sexual impulse that does not last long. Mikhail Isaevich was a tough person and told her bluntly: “Lariska, think about it. Vitka is a very good person and an excellent producer. You lived with him for many years. And she answered: "Mikhail Isaevich, I've gone crazy, I can't live, I've never had such love." Tanich gave her advice, but did not force her.

    She made her own choice.

    Pugacheva danced for Tanich in the yard

    With Alla Pugacheva Tanich had an excellent relationship, but they did not cooperate closely, although they respected each other.

    You see, Alla always dominates in communication with men, but Tanich did not accept such an attitude. He saw Pugachev when she was 15 years old. He then said: "Something will come out of this girl." During the first joint trip, her husband wrote her the song "Robot". Literally two months later, Alla, who toured in Yalta with the Cheerful Guys ensemble, went out onto the balcony of her hotel room and heard that this song was already being sung. Allah asked: “What is this?” Then the head of the ensemble, Pasha Slobodkin, told her: "Alla, this is glory." They were in love at a distance. When Tanich had a heart bypass surgery and he was still in bed, she came to us. For a long time I could not put my huge limousine in our yard. I saw this and told Tanich. He, all hung with pieces of iron, got up and went downstairs to meet her, although he had not gone before. He went out into the yard, Alla saw him and let the gypsy girl dance. And he, too, began to dance. The two of them shook this gypsy girl so incendiary that the whole yard was watching. I still remember this scene fondly.

    Kirkorov screwed light bulbs for us

    Philip Kirkorov during the life of Mikhail Isaevich often came to us. He sang six or seven of her husband's songs. I have always looked forward to visiting him. It's long, so I kept asking him to screw in the light bulbs for us. He is not stellar at all, he never refused. After his divorce from Alla, we somehow moved away from each other. But I'm always glad to see him. After all, I already have half of the light bulbs (and there are about 120 of them) do not work. She left it for Fili - he will come and screw it in for sure.

    Allegrova had to refuse

    Irina Allegrova she sang two songs by Mikhail Isaevich - “Girlfriend” and “A white light has converged on you like a wedge.” "White Light" was once performed by both Kobzon and Piekha. But let them not be offended by me: they didn’t succeed as penetratingly as Allegrova’s. She performed it better. A few years ago, we really wanted Irina to sing at a concert in his memory. But then she was on tour in Germany, and we did not expect that she would have time to return. Literally on the eve of the concert, Ira calls me and almost with tears asks if she will participate in the concert. It turned out that she managed to return from the tour. I answered her: "Ira, I will ask the TV people who filmed." When I called Perviy, they told me that the broadcast was full and they would not be able to allocate time. I had to refuse.

    I appreciate her first of all as a cordial and sincere singer.

    Kuprik was not taken back

    “Many people ask me why, after the death of Mikhail Isaevich, the soloist Seryozha Kuprik left the Lesopoval group,” Lidia Nikolaevna admitted. - About six months after Tanich passed away, he came to my house with a bouquet of roses and said that he wanted to work on his own. I then asked him: “Seryozha, did you think well?” He nodded. For me, this decision was unexpected - literally the next day the group was supposed to go on tour. Forty concerts are planned. The group then left without him. I just told him: “Seryozha, do you know that you have no right to sing the songs of “Lesopoval”?” He replied: “Yes, I know this, but I ask you to give permission for the performance of one song - “White Swan on the Pond”. I allowed. He then added that, they say, if anything, he will be able to speak at corporate parties. But I didn't go for it. So, the guys will wander around the country, and he will only attend corporate parties?

    No need! The reasons for his departure from the group are not clear to me. But, perhaps, his girlfriend helped, who told him that he was a genius and if he starts a solo career, he will become cooler than Leps. In fact, in the last years of work at Lesopoval, Kuprik began to have problems with his voice. He could not sing - swallowed air. The doctors said that the problems with the voice are psychological. At that time, Stas Volkov was the soloist with Kuprik. And Tanich, as another performer, introduced Slava Velichkovsky into the group. Probably, Sergey was worried that not only he began to wear flowers at concerts. He came to the cemetery, hinted that he did not mind returning. But the guys said that they would not forgive betrayal.

    Kobzon must be carried on hand

    People like Joseph Kobzon, difficult to find. He is a true friend and helped us all the time. When my husband had the last stage of oncology, the doctors shrugged. Once they advised us a medicine that was not yet on sale.

    We were promised to get it for fifty thousand dollars, but they could not. And now Joseph calls again, who at that moment was at the airport and was about to fly abroad. I say: "Yosya, you need medicine, but it is not on sale." He replied: "Spell it." Three days later he calls: "Lida, I brought the medicine." Unfortunately, it didn't help. On the day my husband passed away, Yosya and I called each other in the morning. I told him that Misha had only a few hours to live. He answered me: “What do you need?” I conveyed my husband's last request. He asked Kobzon to help him secure a place at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Kobzon, leaving all his affairs, turned the car around and went to negotiate. After two hours he found a place. Calls and reports. And Mikhail Isaevich was no more. So we buried him at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

    My husband chose this cemetery, arguing that it is not far from our house and it would be more convenient for me to go there.

    // Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov /

    The artists called Tanich "Uncle Misha" for the fact that he will always help. Sincere and devoted to his work, he wanted to work until the last months of his life. Show business stars dreamed of performing songs based on Tanich's poems, and spoke of him in a purely positive way. So, Igor Nikolaev came to his house as to his own home. “They and Lydia Nikolaevna were my Moscow parents, they took care of and protected. Mikhail Isaevich later told me that there were daughters, but no son. And he saw me as a son. And for me he was a father, whom I lost at the age of 21, ”said the musician.

    However, few people know that the real son of Mikhail Tanich abandoned him as a child. For the first time, Mikhail Isaevich married in Rostov a student at a medical institute, Irina, in a marriage with whom a son, Yuri, was born. Their family was destroyed by misfortune: Tanich was sent to prison on a denunciation. During one of the student parties, he had the imprudence to praise German roads and radios. For anti-Soviet propaganda, 24-year-old Tanich received six years in the camps. The first wife did not wait for the poet from prison and asked for a divorce. And then she even forced her son to write a letter in which he abandoned his father. Tanich met with his son later, when he entered Moscow State University, but there was no warm relationship between them. The heir to the star died very early from heart disease.

    The only true love of the poet was Lydia Kozlova, with whom he lived together all his life. Their love began in the poorest hut on the banks of the Volga. There was no furniture, only a bed. Yes, and that Tanich took in the morgue, broken. It was the wife who helped Tanich forget about the failures in his first marriage.

    “Once he gave me a bouquet of flowers,” recalls Lidia Nikolaevna. And I saw how happy I was. Since then, he never forgot to bring flowers once a week for all 52 years that we lived together.

    Even the youngest daughter of Mikhail Isaevich, Svetlana, admits that her father was really close only with her mother. “Dad did not like pampering with children. For rudeness and could knock. In general, he was open and friendly up to a certain point. He had doors where he never let anyone in. Until the end, he opened up, maybe only to his mother, ”admitted the heiress of the star Svetlana.

    By the way, both daughters took their mother's surname so as not to be in the shadow of their famous father. Seeing the sincere love of their parents, the heirs of Tanich still could not build personal happiness. Now both women are single. Inga has two unsuccessful marriages behind her. But Svetlana has never been married, lives in her parents' apartment and is engaged in her father's archive.

    On the air of the Tonight program, the poet's relatives recalled that a difficult time for their family came in the early 2000s, when Tanich suffered two heart attacks one after the other. He underwent heart surgery when he was already over 70. But the worst thing happened when the writer was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He suffered from unbearable pains, but spared his wife, did not admit how much it hurt him.

    “At 3:10 am he died. And nobody told me. I went to see him at ten in the morning in full confidence that he was still alive. When I found out that he was dead, I asked to see him. The doctor says that when a loved one comes to the newly deceased, he can react to this. I enter, Tanich is an absolute corpse. I understand that it is not possible to return it. But I start to say words that I did not finish. And when I said "Mishenka, I'm here, I'm with you," a tear came out of him, he parted his lips and almost silently said, "We didn't fall in love with you." It was our farewell to him,” said the poet's widow.

    The poet's wife admitted that she still remembers him every day. Only next to this man were both his wife and two daughters truly happy, and therefore now they protect the memory of him with all their might.

    Her childhood years were burned by the Great Patriotic War. After receiving a school certificate, she entered the construction technical school. After graduating from the technical school, she went with the rest of the graduates to Saratov. Young builders were supposed to build the Volzhskaya GRES. It was there, in Saratov, that Lydia Kozlova met her future husband, Mikhail Tanich. A few years after the wedding, the young family was able to move closer to Moscow - to the town of Orekhovo-Zuevo.

    The creative biography began in his youth. The girl learned to play the guitar, sang well, wrote poetry. But after marriage, an amateur occupation turned into a profession for Kozlova. Lydia wrote her first song to her husband's poems. At that time she was 18 years old.

    Writing has long attracted the young Lydia Kozlova. She had something to tell her contemporaries. She saw the tragedy of soldiers crippled from the front. Many of them, armless and legless, did not want to return home and become a burden for their relatives. For such unfortunates, nursing homes were created, where these people could live out their lives at public expense. About such a house, Lidia Nikolaevna Kozlova wrote the story "Next to the War."

    Then came a long pause that lasted 20 years. Once Kozlova caught herself wanting to write poetry. She claims that the impetus was the creative atmosphere that reigned in their house thanks to her husband. Lidia Nikolaevna decided not to show her works to Mikhail Tanich. She gave the song “Snow is spinning, flying, flying” to the head of the VIA “Flame” Sergey Berezin, asking her not to tell her husband who wrote it. After 2 days, Berezin said that everyone liked the song. It was called "Snowfall" and became Lidia Kozlova's first hit.

    The author of a number of popular songs, including: "Iceberg", "Snow is spinning", "My Red Rose", "Tumbleweed". Her songs are performed by popular artists. Among them are Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Alexander Malinin, Nadezhda Chepraga, Valentina Tolkunova, Edita Piekha, Lyudmila Gurchenko and Vyacheslav Malezhik. Among the composers-co-authors: Igor Nikolaev, Sergey Korzhukov, Igor Azarov, David Tukhmanov, Sergey Berezin, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Ruslan Gorobets, Anatoly Kalvarsky, Alexander Levshin, Alexander Fedorkov, Alexander Malinin, Mikhail Muromov, Irina Gribulina, Vadim Gamalia and others.

    After the death of her husband, she is the producer and artistic director of the Lesopoval group.

    Today, Lidia Nikolaevna not only continues to write poetry and produce a famous musical group, but also puts in order the huge archive of Mikhail Tanich. She claims that the late songwriter still has a lot of poems left for wonderful songs to appear on.

    Member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation

    Born November 19, 1937 - Soviet and Russian poetess. Her childhood years were burned by the Great Patriotic War. After receiving a school certificate, she entered the construction technical school. After graduating from the technical school, she went with the rest of the graduates to Saratov. Young builders were supposed to build the Volzhskaya GRES. It was there, in Saratov, that Lydia Kozlova met her future husband, Mikhail Tanich. A few years after the wedding, the young family was able to move closer to Moscow - to the town of Orekhovo-Zuevo. The creative biography began in his youth. The girl learned to play the guitar, sang well, wrote poetry. But after marriage, an amateur occupation turned into a profession for Kozlova. Lydia wrote her first song to her husband's poems. At that time she was 18 years old. Writing long ago

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