Form of special forces of the USSR. Russian special forces equip themselves. The appearance of a beret in the army

SWAT on present stage represents special formations subordinate to the special services of Russia. These units, being in any military formation, are considered the elite of the Armed Forces. The Soviet and Russian special forces throughout the history of their existence have proved their uniqueness and superiority over similar units in the world.

Russian fighters special forces "Alpha" at the world championship took first place and were recognized as the best international squad. The special forces uniform has its own signs regulated by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The fighters of the unit on the sleeve of the uniform wear the emblem, the symbolism of the unit.

Special forces history

The roots of the special forces are quite deep. The first formations in Russia were endowed with the main goal: ensuring the security of the state. The problem of creating special units raised by Russian commanders: General Pyotr Panin, General of Infantry Alexander Suvorov, Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov.

These units were called chasseur regiments, their appearance dates back to 1874. These detachments became the ancestors of modern special forces.

The tactics of rangers in the fighting was used by Catherine II. combat training jaeger detachments is similar to the principles of action of modern special forces: the organization of agents and the collection necessary information and force intelligence associated with striking, disabling combat complexes, warehouses, ships, control centers and many other tasks.

The uniform of the rangers was also special, it was dominated by green and black colors.

Doloman, short jacket with cords, tight-fitting trousers in dark Green colour. Only the huntsmen had a green overcoat, which they wore folded over their knapsacks, in their uniforms.

In 1917, the Bolsheviks established the People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs, which was later entrusted with the leadership of all the armed forces of the Republic.

  • to fight the Basmachi and the remnants of the gangs;
  • tasks of operational suppression of conspiracies and rebellions;
  • protection of political, economic and military facilities of national importance;
  • participation in hostilities, being in the front line.

CHON and units of the Red Army had the same organizational structure. Parts special purpose included infantry, cavalry, artillery and armored units, formed from the most trained soldiers.

The external and internal situation gradually stabilized and in the period 1924-1925, by the decision of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) CHON were disbanded.

The years of the Great Patriotic War were the beginning of the formation of detachments capable of operating in the German rear, conducting reconnaissance and carrying out combat operations.

During the war years, special forces with vast reconnaissance and sabotage experience were formed. However, after the end of the bloody war, they were disbanded.

In the 50s, the need to form special units again arose. The main reason was the advent of mobile nuclear weapons, which was adopted by some armies of the countries that are part of NATO.

Only specially trained fighters could reconnoiter and destroy new weapons that threaten the country's security. They were entrusted with reconnaissance in the deep rear, conducting sabotage operations aimed at eliminating dangerous weapons.

Equipment of special forces of different countries

Historically, units that perform special tasks on which the security of the state depends belong to the elite armed forces. Their equipment at all times differed from the uniforms and weapons of other military branches. The fighters of these detachments were given weapons and devices of the perfect look to perform tasks effectively.

In all countries of the world, the uniform of special forces units, first of all, provided for the maximum possibility of protecting a fighter from external conditions and weapons of the opposing side.

Special requirements are imposed on the material from which the special forces uniform is sewn. First of all, these are safety requirements. The material must have special strength, breathability.

To provide camouflage, a fabric with a special pattern is used. This uniform of a special forces soldier is called camouflage, which has its own characteristics in a particular country.

All countries have special units in parts of the armed forces. Outwardly, the uniform of the special forces is similar to the uniform of the type of troops to which it is attached:

  1. The GSG 9 unit belongs to one of the structures of the German police and has all the powers of the German federal police. Its actions are regulated by the German Ministry of the Interior. The unit consists of three subgroups of primary importance (a subgroup of regular, naval and amphibious operations) and several auxiliary (technical and technological) support groups.

    The GSG 9 divisions are armed with the developments of Heckler & KochGmbH:

    • submachine gun of all versions and configurations;
    • assault rifle;
    • carbine;
    • automatic G8;
    • AMP Technical Services DSR-yo sniper rifle;
    • assault rifle SIG Sauer SG 550;
    • pistol Glock 17;
    • grenade launcher Heckler Koch MZP-1;
    • anti-tank gun MBB Armbrust;
    • semi-automatic sniper rifle Heckler & Koch PSG1.

    The fighters of the unit undergo a special training course, which takes 11 weeks.

    Combat training is allocated 13 weeks, 9 weeks is the advanced training of fighters.

  2. NOCS - anti-terrorist special unit of the Italian civilian police special purpose are in all military units Italy. NOCS - refers to the Italian civilian police units. The center coordinates the actions of all special forces units, the abbreviation of which is O.S.S.I. (Operatori Speciali Servizio Informazioni).

    The NOCS unit is armed with the latest small arms. The equipment of the fighters of the Italian police special forces also corresponds to perfect samples, ensuring the performance of tasks of any level of complexity.

    Each fighter has several types of weapons. The NOCSj fighters especially prefer the easy-to-shoot Beretta Mod.92, the updated Beretta Px4 Storm and the H&K P-2000.

    In the arsenal of weapons of the special forces there is a sniper weapon. It is used in anti-terrorist operations.

  3. CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Forces, formed in 2006. Main tasks: suppression of actions terrorist organizations within the state and beyond its borders. Canadian special forces soldiers are equipped with various types of small arms:
    • Canadian-made C16 assault rifle;
    • carbine C8;
    • the set of weapons for groups carrying out operations to free people taken hostage is complemented by weapons manufactured by ColtCanada under license. This is a NK MP5 pistol and sniper rifles;
    • each special forces soldier has a personal weapon: a Sieg Sauer pistol and an FNP90 submachine gun manufactured by the Belgian company FNHerstal$
  4. SWAT under this abbreviation there is a special unit of the United States - Special Weapons And Tactics Teams. These units are located in the department of the police department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The specialized forces are designed to perform the following tasks:
    • neutralization of terrorist gangs and release of hostages;
    • escort of US dignitaries;
    • resolution of situations high risk related to the transportation of drugs, the arrest and escort of those arrested;
    • conducting counter-terrorism operations in settlements USA.

    US SWAT police forces are also part of the elite military units and have a uniform similar to police uniforms, but with special equipment necessary to perform specific operations: bulletproof vests, camouflage, shoes.

    In the arsenal special units uses a universal submachine gun Universale Maschinenpistole.

    As a personal weapon, special forces soldiers use the Glock 17 pistol, a highly reliable product of Austrian design. This type of weapon is produced in several modifications.

    A number of pistol modifications German development HK USP finds wide application in the US military and its special forces.

  5. Russian special forces units are part of various ministries or departments with their own specifics. Their tasks determine the use various kinds weapons, equipment, transport, equipment, training centers and bases. The Russian military units of this kind include the SOBR detachment, Alfa, Vympel. These units select the best of the best fighters. Vympel employees were assigned special tasks:
    • illegal intelligence on the territory of different states;
    • release of hostages taken by terrorists;
    • release of objects seized by terrorists;
    • introduction into the military intelligence and special services of other states;
    • elimination of persons posing a threat to the Russian state.

    It takes at least five years to train Vympel employees.

    For combatants, there is a special form and weapons, which they are fluent in.

The uniform of the Russian army is being improved. VKBO - a set supplied in parts, is a field uniform, which includes 18 clothing options. Elements of army uniforms can be combined in any combination convenient for a fighter.

The development of the field uniform was entrusted to the specialists of the BTK-group company, which operates on its own high-tech production base. In addition, expert research institutes have been included in this process.

The VKBO set consists of 23 pieces of clothing and three pairs of shoes.

A feature of the development is the principle of its multi-layering. 8-layer workwear allows military personnel to use this innovative uniform in any weather conditions in all climatic zones by combining a combination of elements of the kit.

Such special forces equipment is able to protect military personnel in a 40-degree frost with wind and snowstorm. The kit is supplied in a VKBO trunk.

High performance clothing functionality at any level physical activity soldiers of each branch of the military. All criteria for its application are met:

  • camouflage properties required for field clothing;
  • the strength of the material, ensuring a long service life of uniforms. In combat conditions, this characteristic plays a decisive role, since there is no possibility of its repair or replacement;
  • adaptability of the cut design to combat conditions;
  • comfortable shoe design and choice of material for its manufacture, it is characterized by resistance to oils and gasoline, providing slip resistance when passing ice surfaces.

Caring for the VKBO uniform is simple. Hand wash machine washable at 300C, all zippers and textile fasteners must be fastened before washing in the machine. Tumble drying is acceptable when using a lower temperature regime.

Ceremonial uniforms

Dress uniform of military personnel Russian Army first demonstrated at the Victory Parade in 2016.

Its development is given maximum attention. This clothing should contain the image of a victorious warrior great war, to remain the memory of a soldier who defended his land, liberated the world from fascism at the cost of his life.

For these reasons, the uniforms of military personnel were reproduced naval forces, Ground Forces and Air force the times of 1941-1945. It was an exact repetition of the form of the armed forces of the USSR.

Clothing for hot regions

Uniforms have long been developed to replace the same type of uniform, taking into account service in regions with hot climates. The first batches of this form were delivered to 201 military base located in Tajikistan. For the form, a fabric made using modern technologies was used, the color of the material is sand. Her must-have kit:

  • panama - for the rank and file, officers are entitled to a field cap;
  • field jacket with a zipper;
  • trousers, comfortable straight cut, on which on the side, in the lower part, there is a pocket with a valve or shorts, knee-length;
  • shoes - lightweight boots with high sides made of genuine leather light color with inserts made of durable fabric of high wear resistance.

A new development for a hot region, provided for the strength and lightness of the fastener elements - zippers, sewing clothes from a fabric with a high degree of thermal and moisture control, good ventilation and air exchange.

female form

In the ranks of the armed forces there are many positions held by women: medical personnel in hospitals, sanitary instructors in units and subunits, signalmen, employees of clothing and food units, teachers in military educational institutions.

Their uniforms, in addition to the standard army kit, include female models of skirts, dresses, coats, and shoes.

The uniform is made of olive-colored fabric, for women serving in the Air Force, the color of the uniform is blue. The set of women's uniforms includes everyday and dress uniforms.

Special Operations Forces MTR

Specially trained units are involved in all hot spots on the territory and outside of Russia.

Forces are being created in Russia special operations, the decree on their establishment was signed on February 26, 2015.

The equipment of the MTR fighters differs from the equipment of other representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

  • overalls made of camouflage fabric of special strength and special cut;
  • body armor, protection class 6, protects against machine gun bullets and sniper weapon SVD and machine gun, and Kalashnikov PK and PKM;
  • helmet high degree strength from special material;
  • the soldier of the MTR is armed with the last Kalashnikov assault rifle with a special bracket (Picatinny rails) designed for mounting additional equipment and accessories;
  • red dot sight, provides a high speed of aiming a point at the target;
  • silent firing devices (silencers);
  • special designs of active headphones that protect against ambient sounds of battle and ensure the use of the built-in radio station for the necessary negotiations;
  • optical sight, providing a visual approximation of the target;
  • personal weapon - a pistol;
  • tactical footwear made of material High Quality and strength.

Special Operations Forces (SOF) have unique, advanced weapons and ammunition, which allows them to solve the most difficult missions and tasks anywhere in the world.

Variants of camouflage suits

Camouflage suits appeared not so long ago, but among the military they have received very wide use. Over the course of several years, patterns have been developed for camouflage fabrics that can hide a person in any landscape.

A fabric pattern is being developed for a suit designed to disguise a person on certain locality. There is no universal camouflage.

Russian camouflage based on the use of his own drawings, as well as copying the German versions of the Great Patriotic War:

  • "Amoeba" - camouflage, developed in 1935 in the USSR. Has several color options;
  • « deciduous forest» - camouflage of the times of the Great Patriotic War, development of 1945;
  • "Silver leaf" camouflage, which is referred to as "Birch" or "Sunny Bunnies". The drawing has a deforming effect, developed in 192 in Russia;
  • VSR-93. The camouflage is decorated with a pattern in the form of vertical stripes. Well masks the figure of a person against the background of plants;
  • HRV-98 "Flora", characteristic camouflage stripes gave the name "watermelon". This type of camouflage is classified as basic, and is used for tailoring camouflage suits of special forces of the Russian armed forces;
  • camouflage "Russian figure" or "Digital flora". This fabric is used for camouflage uniforms in parts of the GRU, FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

The earliest developments of Russian camouflage colors are still used for the manufacture of camouflage uniforms in the Russian Armed Forces.


The flag in the car with the sucker "Spetsnaz GRU and Airborne Forces" will become great gift for both paratroopers and scouts. After all, their functions, goals and methods are so closely intertwined.

Flag in the car with a sucker "Spetsnaz GRU and Airborne Forces"

Special forces units of the GRU and the Airborne Forces in public consciousness have long been firmly established as a single entity, the boundary separating different, in general, departments is often extremely blurred. For the special forces are equally close and landing troops and military intelligence. The second of August for the special forces is the same “red day of the calendar” as the sixth of November, the paratroopers and scouts are united by the flag of the Airborne Forces, blue berets and vests, a really special spirit in these branches of the military.

What do the GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces have in common?

If strictly - in accordance with the existing charter, the scheme of functioning of the armed forces, the existing combat order approved by the Ministry of Defense - to consider the organization of the Special Forces troops, then the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces include formations of different formats. Moreover, part of the special purpose in airborne troops oh, only one is the legendary 45th Guards Reconnaissance Regiment, here, as you can see, without belonging to military intelligence also did not work. Paratroopers from the Kubinka very often conduct joint operations with the troops of the Special Forces of the GRU, the last major military operation special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces - South Ossetia 2008, then 45 ORP worked in the conflict zone together with detachments 22, 10 and 16 ObrSpN.

Separate special-purpose brigades are subordinate to the leadership of the GRU and the military district to which they are assigned; they have no organizational relationship to the airborne troops, which is why the connection between the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces does not become weaker. Back in the middle of the last century, when special forces in the country were just beginning to be created, some identification of the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces appeared. Firstly, soldiers were called up to the formations of the Special Forces troops that were being created. military service, marked "fit for service in the Airborne Forces." Secondly, new units were formed primarily on the basis of airborne regiments and separate battalions took an active part and airborne officers. Finally, the dress uniforms of the GRU and Airborne Special Forces are initially almost identical.

Why does the GRU special forces wear the uniform of the Airborne Forces?

For the Special Forces troops, the very existence of which at that time was a military secret, special form was not developed, there were no insignia. Veterans say that military personnel of other types of troops during the exercises even mistook mobile groups without identification marks for saboteurs, but the GRU special forces soldiers were chosen as parade clothes airborne uniform- they were most often mistaken for paratroopers.

Further, the kinship intensified more and more - the training and combat missions of paratroopers and special forces are in many ways similar, in general, both of them are essentially saboteurs. Of course, the tasks of the troops of the Special Forces of the GRU directly behind enemy lines are completely different than those of assault groups airborne troops. One way or another, the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces consist of units of constant combat readiness, but the training of fighters is always higher than the standard in the troops. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the mandatory VDP - the sky is related to the special forces of the GRU and Airborne more All of the above, the program of jumps in ObrSpN and airborne formations is approximately the same, they often jump together.

Combat interaction between the GRU special forces and the Airborne Troops

The joint use of the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces in real combat conditions is a practice that has brought more than one victory to the command of the domestic armed forces. It all started with the introduction of formations of Special Forces troops into Afghanistan, when a few special forces units of the GRU and the Airborne Forces managed to carry out operations that seemed impossible. The story continued in Chechnya, the troops of the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces resolved issues in which motorized rifle formations were powerless. It's scary to imagine how many people our generals would have killed in Grozny in 1995 if special forces had not taken part in the assault.

So, if you do not take into account the subtleties of subordination, the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces are in many respects organizations related to each other, primarily in spirit.

Special Forces costumes are popular not only with representatives of law enforcement agencies. Such heavy-duty and comfortable clothing has gained great popularity among civilians. She is suitable for sports games, active rest, fishing and hunting. Some parts of the uniform can be used as regular clothing. For example, a warm jacket or trousers look stylish. But at the same time, it is the representatives of the special forces who most often need such equipment.

Varieties of form

To begin with, it is worth finding out what kind of overalls for law enforcement agencies are. The form is divided into summer and winter. The task of the first type is to ensure the removal of heat from the body, and winter things, on the contrary, retain heat.

The Russian special forces use uniforms in two basic colors: khaki and black, but the camouflage can be very different. The most popular types of special uniform colors for many law enforcement agencies are:

  • amoeba - camouflage designed by the famous artist Malevich, used since 1935;
  • birch, silver leaf - the drawing was developed in the 50s;
  • VSR-93, vertical - field uniform;
  • VSR-98 - the basic uniform used by the special forces of the Russian Armed Forces;
  • digital flora - winter and summer special uniform for fighters of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the GRU.

No less popular with our compatriots is the uniform of the US special forces. These are MARPAT, Woodland and ACU PAT products. The first type is the clothing of the special forces of the Marine Corps. Woodland is a NATO camouflage that comes in four colors. ACU PAT is a special form for ground forces USA.

How to choose the right clothes for special forces?

Uniforms for such structures are distinguished by high strength and well-thought-out design. Typically, the jacket and trousers have different pockets in different places for carrying weapons and ammunition.

The presence of weapons should not hinder the movement of a fighter, so the jacket and trousers must exactly match the size. During the fitting of the kit, you need to subject things to rigorous testing. It consists in various exercises: running, jumping, changing direction. There should be no discomfort, as they can cause delays, which should not be allowed.

Buying uniforms for special forces in the online store "Attack"

On our website, residents of Russia can profitably buy a special uniform at the best prices. We offer a lot of advantages: affordable cost of goods, prompt delivery, as well as bonuses for purchases. After registering on the site, each new user receives an individual discount of 5%.

All equipment must be returned within 30 days from the date of purchase if one of the items of clothing does not fit. You can also use the convenient service "Delivery with fitting".

Fighters prefer non-standard butts, sights, bulletproof vests and boots. Servicemen of special forces units of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops and SOBR of the Special Purpose Center (TSSN) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs agreed to tell the Military Industrial Courier newspaper why American colors are popular in Russian special forces, how effective domestic body armor and night vision devices are, how they select combat equipment and weapons.

AT last years protagonists of television reports and photographs from North Caucasus became fighters of various special forces units, performing tasks to combat the terrorist underground. On the video and photo chronicles, it is striking that the field uniform, bulletproof vests, communications equipment, etc. of the special forces are different, so to speak, from the world by thread.

AT modern world the segment of private production of tactical equipment and protective equipment is developing very dynamically. Even such well-funded Western divisions as the American Delta, the British SAS and others, buy their favorite products for their money. After all, the success of any operation depends on uniforms, equipment, and even more so weapons. How are things with Russian security forces What are the problems that you would like to change?

If for a civilian a beret is an ordinary headdress, which, in principle, is more popular among women, then for military personnel it is not just component uniforms, as a symbol. Currently, each branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has its own beret. Hats differ not only in color, but also in the rule and the right to wear it. Therefore, not everyone knows how it differs, for example, in taking the GRU special forces from the headdress of the marines.

The first mention of an army headdress

The very first army berets appeared at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries in England and Scotland. Then the warriors wear special caps that look like berets. However mass distribution such a headdress began only during the First World War. The first who began to wear them were the soldiers of the tank and mechanized units of the French army.

Further, the baton for the introduction of such an element of clothing was the UK. With the advent of tanks, the question arose of what to wear to the tanker, because the helmet was very uncomfortable, and the cap was too bulky. Therefore, it was decided to introduce a black beret. The color was chosen on the basis that the tankers are constantly working and are near the equipment, and soot and oil are not visible on the black color.

The appearance of a beret in the army

During the Second World War, such hats became even more popular, especially among the Allied forces. US Special Forces soldiers noted the following conveniences of these headgear:

  • First of all, they hid their hair well;
  • Dark colors were not visible in the dark;
  • The berets were warm enough;
  • He could wear a helmet or a helmet.

Accordingly, some types and types of troops in Great Britain and the United States adopted a headdress as one of the main elements of uniforms. AT Soviet army this element of clothing began to appear already in the early sixties, as the head attribute of the landing and special forces. Since then, the rules and wearing of such hats have not changed much.

Which one does the special forces take?

At the end of the 20th century, berets became an integral part of the daily and dress uniforms of the armies of many countries. Almost every defensive state has elite special units that have their own unique headgear:

  1. The mountain infantry detachments of the French armed forces, the Alpine Chasseurs, wear a dark blue beret of a sufficiently large diameter.
  2. The elite Foreign Legion is characterized by light green robes.
  3. French naval special forces are distinguished by wearing a green beret.
  4. German airborne troops and reconnaissance units wear maroon berets, but with different emblems on it.
  5. The Royal Netherlands Marines are distinguished by wearing dark blue uniform elements, while the paratroopers are wearing maroon headdresses.
  6. British special forces SAS have been wearing beige caps since the mid-forties of the last century, and the marines are green.
  7. The US Rangers are recognizable by the same color as the British Special Forces - beige.
  8. US Special Forces have been wearing green berets since 1961, earning their nickname.

It can be seen that most NATO member countries have an identical color scheme headwear. As for the shape, it is round for all armies, and differs only in size.

Distribution in the Armed Forces of the USSR

In 1967, an updated uniform was adopted for the Airborne Forces. The famous Soviet artist A.B. Zhuk submitted a proposal to General V.F. Margelov to use crimson caps as an attribute of paratroopers, referring to the use of such caps in other countries of the world. The commander agreed and approved the beret. For privates and sergeants, an emblem in the form of an asterisk was intended, which was attached to the front in the center of the beret, and a blue flag was located on the right, and a cockade was provided for officers.

A year later, a blue beret was adopted for the paratroopers, as the leadership considered that it more symbolizes the color of the sky. Concerning marines, then black was approved for this type of troops. Tankers also used black berets, but not as the main headgear, but during the maintenance and repair of equipment to protect their heads from dirt.

The difference between the uniform of the GRU special forces and the rest of the military branches

Special Forces developed with the Airborne Forces at the same time and due to similar specifics and the use and profile of the tasks of these troops, their uniforms were identical. The special forces soldiers wore exactly the same uniform as the paratroopers. Outwardly, it is very difficult to distinguish who is standing in front of you: a commando or an airborne officer. After all, the color, and the shape, and the cockade itself are the same. However, the GRU had one caveat.

Blue berets and Airborne Forces uniform Soviet time Special Forces soldiers mostly wore training parts or at the parade. After the training centers, the soldiers were assigned to combat units, which could be carefully disguised as other branches of the military. This was especially true for those who were sent to serve abroad.

Instead of a white and blue vest, beret and lace-up boots, the soldiers were given the usual combined arms uniform, for example, like tankers or signalmen. So you could forget about berets. This was done in order to hide the presence of the special forces from the eyes of the enemy. Thus, for the GRU, the blue beret is a ceremonial headdress and only in those cases when it is allowed to wear it.

The beret of the GRU special forces is not just a type of headdress and an integral part of the uniform, but a symbol of valor and courage, honor and nobility, the right to wear which is not given to every even the most experienced and brave warrior.

Video: how do they pass the standards for a maroon beret?

In this video, Pavel Zelennikov will show how the special forces elite receive an olive and maroon beret:

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