Aborigines are the indigenous people of a certain area. Aboriginal people Aboriginal people

Now almost every person lives in a new world where technology meets us at every turn. We use everything, developing in different directions. That is, our evolution does not stand still promotion happens every day.

We find something new for ourselves that helps us to know this world from all sides. However, not all of us have this opportunity.

Someone stuck in evolution and today we will talk about such people as the natives. Who are they and why are they unable to develop? Now let's figure it out.

Who are the aborigines

So, who are the natives? These are the people who are native inhabitants of a particular area. That is, people who have been living in a certain place for a long time, but who do not have the opportunity to develop.

Mostly these people are those who live in Africa. However, we will give the most striking example of people who are most famous among this type of population. These are American Indians. We know a lot about them.

Remember how many films and feature films were made about them. Recall a film like "The Revenant", where he played Leonardo DiCaprio and received his first Oscar. It was in this film that the whole essence of the American Indians was very clearly revealed to us. The director was able to very beautifully show the life that the Indians live.

They hunt without using modern weapons such as pistols, machine guns and so on. They hunt using simple things - spears, bows. This is what distinguishes them from ordinary people - they are far from evolution. However, this is not to say that they only make things worse.

There are such tribes that themselves refuse evolution, because it does not bring them any benefit. Basically, this problem occurs in Africa, where there is also a known problem with water shortages. Indigenous people are called so, because they adhere to their moral standards.

However, this does not mean that the inhabitants of the same country or state are the same. No way. This is the choice of the natives themselves, although not always. We cannot say that America is an undeveloped country, by no means.

In the list of the most inhabited countries, Inhabited natives include the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Paraguay, India. It is in these countries that the indigenous people are the most numerous. India is famous for the fact that there are a lot of people there and too active birth rate leads them to poverty to some extent.

The main positive feature of such peoples is friendliness. They do not try to harm evolution in any way, but on the contrary, they are friends with it. Travelers can also find their benefit. After all, why do people choose to travel at all?

To get to know the country and relax in it. And if you go to conditional Germany, then some traditions may not be the same as you saw them in the films. But in countries where natives live, on the contrary, you can learn a lot of new things from the traditions of peoples, because it is the indigenous people who have kept their norms for centuries.

States actively support natives, protecting them from all possible problems, as with all other people. They are equal in their rights with the entire population of the country in which they live.

Also, many people migrate from one country to another. Aborigines don't do that, they stay in place until the end, until his death, constantly only proving his devotion to one country or another. This makes them a very, very different people, which makes it possible only to admire him. There are no people in the world who would not admire the primitive world and its possibilities.

This concludes our article, and we figured out who the natives are. In fact, one cannot consider people who are far from evolution as bad or backward. It may be their personal choice that allows them to live according to their rules and customs.

Not everyone will be content with what they have. But the natives are able to appreciate all possible little things and enjoy life sincerely, in the circle of people like them. Also, natives are good in that they are always friendly. On the contrary, they are happy to communicate with people, show them their culture, introduce them into their lives.

At the same time, as civilized people, even close, they may not let you near their home, considering them enemies. It is very foolish to say that the natives are almost the same as cannibals, because many people had such an idea. She is very wrong, but the natives are actually good people.

If you ever have a desire to visit another country, look at the natives, then please, everything is in your hands. you will not regret it By visiting a country with such people, you will learn a lot of new things and make sure that the civilized world is not so cool. We wish you a pleasant journey, and also wish to learn a lot about the peoples from the indigenous people of these countries.

NATIVES Natives are the indigenous inhabitants of any territory or country. In modern law, A. is usually understood as the indigenous peoples (ethnic groups) of some developed and developing countries who have preserved a primitive communal way of life (American Indians, Eskimos, New Zealand Maori, etc.). Due to the extreme backwardness of A. they cannot adapt, therefore the law provides for them a special legal status, emanating from the traditional way of A. This status usually involves the creation of special reservations, their release from general civil duties (paying taxes, military service), recognition of traditional institutions of self-government ( councils of leaders, etc.) and customs, as well as traditional forms of nature management and trade (hunting, fishing, etc.). Currently, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Paraguay, and India have the most developed legislation on A. In some of them A. is enshrined in the constitution. In the Russian Federation, a special legal framework for indigenous minorities is also legislatively enshrined.

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .

See what "ABORIGENES" is in other dictionaries:

    See Apartheid Concise Geographical Dictionary. Edwart. 2008. Aborigines are the original population of a country or a vast area, pr ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    - (lat. aborigine, from ab from and origine beginning). Indigenous people of any country. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Natives Indigenous people Ph.D. countries, old-timers. A complete dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    The first settlers of the region, the original, indigenous people of it. Wed He thought that the adventure he was experiencing would make some Cooper and Jules Verne happy: there is a shipwreck and hospitable natives and wild dance around a fire ... ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Indigenous people of any locality, country (for example, Australian Aborigines in Australia, Maori in New Zealand). According to ancient Roman legends, this was the name of an ancient tribe that lived at the foot of the Apennine mountains ... Historical dictionary

    Indigenous inhabitants of any territory, country. In modern law, they are usually understood as indigenous peoples (ethnic groups) of some developed and developing countries who have preserved a primitive communal way of life (American Indians, ... ... Glossary of business terms

    - (from the Latin ab origine from the beginning), the indigenous inhabitants (people, animals, plants) of any territory, country. In biology, the term autochthonous is more often used ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from lat. ab origine from the beginning) people in Dr. Italy. According to legend, Saturn brought them to Italy. By the name of the king, Latina began to be called Latins (Latins), their country Latium. On the side of Aeneas fought against Turn. In the land of the aboriginal Latins was ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Or the Autochthones (Aborigines, Αύτόχθονες). In general, primitive, indigenous people of some kind of country. In particular, the Aborigines were an ancient tribe related to the Latins and lived in Italy between the Tiber and Lyris. According to Sallust, this tribe is in alliance with ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    - (from lat. ab origine from the beginning), indigenous inhabitants (people, animals, plants) to. l. territories, countries. (see AUTOCHTONES). .(Source: "Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary." Chief editor M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial staff: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    - (lat. Aborigines from ab origine from the beginning) among the ancient Romans, the name for the primitive, indigenous inhabitants of the country, corresponds to the Greek. autochthons. In the same sense, the word A. has passed into the newest languages. According to Roman legends, the people of A., who lived in Apenninsky. ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


  • Aborigines of the Black Sea, Alexander Elizare. The adventurous and adventure novel was written as a diary from September 2002 to June 2003 during the author's trip with his family to the Black Sea. Dizzying and incredible encounters with…

This term belongs to the category of well-known. It is actively used in scientific circulation, and in the meantime, not everyone has a clear idea of ​​its original origin and semantic nuances. Therefore, there is reason to think about the question: aborigines - who are they? And how do they differ from other population groups?

From the history of civilization

The population of territories and continents has never been stable. Over the centuries, there have been processes of displacement of significant ethnic groups to new habitats. This process is due to a number of economic and political reasons. People fled from hunger, wars and epidemics, or simply looked for new habitats that favorably differed in climate and the possibility of increasing prosperity. And on the way of immigrants almost always met the so-called "natives". These are people who have previously lived in the area. Relationships with them were different. Sometimes they were quite peaceful. But during the period of the colonial division of the world, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, these relations often acquired the character of an armed conflict. For the colonialists, the natives are, first of all, those who prevented them from seizing new lands.

From the history of the term

The very name of the indigenous peoples is quite ancient, the word was used even before the Christian civilization. This term, like many other things in science, is of Latin origin. Aborigines are those who already lived in those territories before they were taken under control by the legions from the "capital of the world". The Roman Empire is long gone, but the term has outlived it for a long time and is widely used. It can be heard both in modern political practice and in scientific circulation. Often it is used in a variety of figurative meanings. Has this word and synonyms. Aborigines are the same people who are designated by the terms "autochthonous" and "natives". Also, the commonly used global designation for aborigines is the phrase "indigenous peoples".

Aborigines of the New World

Most often, indigenous peoples are remembered when it comes to the history of the development of North America. Perhaps nowhere was the fate of the natives so sad as in the continental United States. The population of the vast territories of the American continent was actually destroyed by the European civilization approaching from across the ocean. Moreover, they were not always subjected to physical extermination. Mostly they died out from expulsion from their original habitats and forced separation from the traditional way of life. This inevitably led to the abuse of alcohol brought by white people. And as a result - to social and personal degradation with subsequent degeneration. Not the best for the natives was the situation during the development of the Australian continent.

Much happier was the fate of South America. The natives of the Amazon today constitute a very significant ethnic group in terms of numbers on the continent. Moreover, they live mainly in the same natural habitat as many generations of their ancestors, while maintaining their language, cultural, religious and household traditions. Among other things, they attract numerous tourists from all over the world to the continent. Aboriginal people, whose photos adorn the promotional materials of many tourist structures, are one of the main

Aborigines in Russia

Much more prosperous was the fate of the indigenous peoples who traditionally lived in the northeastern expanses of the Russian Empire. It cannot be said that the colonization of Siberia took place completely without conflict. Many conquerors of the trans-Ural expanses, such as Yermak, periodically entered into armed conflicts with the natives. But still, most of the indigenous peoples integrated into Russia quite voluntarily. A lot was done for their development and well-being both in pre-revolutionary times and in the Soviet period of history. But at the same time, the number of indigenous people has a steady downward trend. Not all of these people want to preserve the traditional way of life, many choose the path of assimilation and gradual dissolution in larger ethnic groups.


BUT, m. , book.

Indigenous inhabitant of the country, some l. locality as opposed to the newly arrived settlers.

Aborigines of New Guinea.

Down the street, heading towards the police department, there is a crowd of Gilyaks, the local natives ( Chekhov) .


autochthon ( book.) , native, native

Related words:



From Latin aborigines ( ab origine ‘from the beginning’). In Russian - from the second half of the 18th century.

A culture of speech:

In the meaning of the word native already concluded the meaning of the words indigenous, local , so use them as a definition of native Not recommended.

In the genitive plural, use the form aborigines.

Popular dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory-encyclopedic. - M.: Russian language-Media. A.P. Guskova, B.V. Sotin. 2003 .


See what "aboriginal" is in other dictionaries:

    native- See native... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. aboriginal first settler, autochthon, (primitive, primordial, age-old, ancestral, indigenous, local) resident, native, old-timer ... Synonym dictionary

    NATIVE- [lat. aborigines Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    native- autochthon An organism (taxon) that has inhabited a given area since its phylogenetic development; the term "aboriginal" is used in a specific opposition to the introduced (introduced) and alien forms, although in this case ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    native- a, m. aborigène, lat. natives. 1582. Rey 1998. 1. Indigenous people of the area as opposed to settled newcomers. Sl. 18. The natives from whom the Romans descend were also born in Italy. Roman. ist. 1 3. My subordinates and colleagues ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    native- ABORIGEN, native, book. autochthon, obsolete. inhabitant ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    NATIVE- m. lat. more used. pl. including the first settlers of the region; primitive, primordial, age-old, tribal, indigenous people; natives, old-timers, first settlers, indigenous people sitting on the root; opposite sex residents, settlers, settlers, settlers, settlers, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    NATIVE- ABORIGEN, aborigine, husband. (from lat. aborigines the most ancient inhabitants of Latium) (book). Indigenous, not alien resident of the country. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Australia. At the same time, a picture appears in the imagination, where in the photo the natives are half-naked, in a loincloth, with a nose ring and feathers on their heads. But this opinion is not entirely correct. About who the natives really are will be discussed in the article.

Aboriginal people and international law

What is a native in the legal sense? There is no such term in international law. But aborigines are understood as peoples who lived on their land until the moment when immigrants from other areas came there. The term "indigenous peoples" is used here. Although there is no clear definition of this concept. This is due to reasons such as:

  • Aborigines are scattered all over the world.
  • They represent different races, cultures, languages, religions.
  • Their social, economic and cultural life is at different stages of development.
  • They have different interests, requirements and aspirations.

Indigenous peoples: wording

In one of the UN special reports on the problems of discrimination, it is said that the indigenous population (aboriginal people) are the heirs of those groups of people who lived in a certain territory at the time when representatives of a different ethnic origin and culture arrived there from other countries of the world.

The aliens conquered the locals, put them in colonial dependence by conquest. Today, the existence of these peoples, as a rule, is subject to special traditions: economic, cultural, social and ancient customs. And this despite the fact that the states where they live are based mainly on the national and cultural characteristics of those sections of the population that are dominant.

Other terms

Studying the question of what an aborigine is, it would be advisable to consider other related concepts. Unlike international law, where only the single wording “indigenous peoples” is used, the legislation of the Russian Federation contains such concepts as “small peoples” or “small indigenous peoples”. Close in semantics to the term "indigenous peoples" are the words "natives", "natives", "autochthons", "indigenous population". But all of them are unofficial and are not used in legal practice.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the natives are the indigenous inhabitants of the lands who lived on them before representatives of other peoples came there. They are found on all continents. For example:

  • in the Far East - Evenks;
  • on the Kola Peninsula and in Scandinavia - the Saami;
  • in New Zealand, Maori;
  • on the American continent - Indians;
  • in the Subpolar regions of the Far East and North America - Aleuts and Eskimos.

In total, there are approximately 370 million people.

Etymology of the word

Who are the natives of Lazia? As historians say, in ancient Italy there was a region of Latium, which was the ancestral home of the Romans. The first inhabitants of this area, according to legend, were the natives of Latsia. Translated from Latin, aborigines - this means "original". But this is a modern interpretation, which is not recorded in ancient Roman sources. There are two more translation options: “coming from the north” (from Rome) and “wandering, deviating”. The second option may indicate a nomadic lifestyle.

Some ancient authors noted that the natives were in fact the first inhabitants of Latium, others believed that they were migrants from Greece. The well-known Roman historian of the 1st century BC, Gaius Sallust Crispus, considered the natives a wild people, while other sources report that they had a monarchical system. The historian of the 3rd century, Mark Junian Justin, attributed the founder of Rome, Romulus, to the natives.

From the history of indigenous peoples

From the history of the natives, whose photos are given in the article, it is known that most of them (especially representatives of small peoples) during the process of colonization, which lasted from the 15th to the 20th century, were under the threat of extinction. They were treated unfairly, deprived of land, resources, the right to development and their own interests. Even if it was not about physical destruction, the destruction of languages ​​and culture as a whole was observed.

Recognition of the rights of small indigenous peoples in the international arena began in 1957 with the adoption of a UN resolution. Their rights were advocated mainly by environmental organizations. Since the 1970s, they have independently begun to fight for them at the local and global level. In 1994, the UN established the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, which is celebrated on August 18th. In 2007, the Declaration of their rights was adopted. Today, representatives of indigenous peoples participate in the work of the UN on a permanent basis, as well as in other international organizations.

Despite the difference between the natives of different regions, which were mentioned above, they have many common features. One of them is a harmonious coexistence with the environment, the presence of a high ecological culture. In addition, for the majority of indigenous peoples, the experience gained in conditions of oppression and colonization by the state, the experience of lack of rights in all areas of life, is common.

Indigenous peoples of Russia

Continuing to consider the question of what an aborigine is, let us turn to some statistical facts concerning our country. According to government documents, there are 47 small indigenous peoples living in Russia today. According to the 2002 census, this figure corresponds to 44. Their total number is close to half a million people. This is only 0.3% of the total population of the country.

Of these peoples, 35 have a population of 275 thousand, they live in 28 subjects of the Russian Federation and make up 2% of the total number of inhabitants of these regions. The fewest of them are 13, that is, each has less than one thousand people. The largest people among such aborigines are the Nenets (41 thousand), and the smallest are the Kereks (4 people).

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