How many times an airborne officer jumps from a parachute. Heights from which paratroopers jump with a parachute. Airborne parachute jumps in the modern army of Russia

The main indicator that limits the height for making a parachute jump can be called a transport aircraft.

Not a single aircraft that transports people is able to rise above the mark of 26 thousand meters. And even at this altitude, the aircraft is flying at too high a speed for a person to be able to jump out of the plane.

However, spaceships are capable of going much higher, but their movement through space is even faster, so that a parachuting paratrooper will need a heat-resistant suit to survive leaving the limits of the spacecraft.

There is the only aircraft that allows people to be transported, besides an airplane and a spacecraft, a hot air balloon. The highest mark that this air vehicle is capable of climbing is 34.668 meters. This is an absolute record, demonstrated by United States Navy officers Victor Prater and Malcolm Ross, at the moment when they moved from the Antietam to Mexico, and this was May 4, 1961. But they did not jump.

A man's parachute jump from the highest mark was made by Joseph Kittinger of the United States Air Force. He did this result from a balloon, which on August 16, 1960 rose to a height of 31 thousand 333 meters. Joseph was in freefall for four minutes and 36 seconds, reaching an average speed of 1,150 kilometers per hour. The parachute was opened at around five and a half thousand meters.

Skydiving standards for paratroopers

For a parachute jump, you can call a safe height from 400 meters to 4 kilometers.

If we talk about the maximum allowable lowest height, the paratroopers consider a height of less than fifty meters "bordering on suicide." Back in 2003, professional stuntman Harry Connery made a parachute jump from the monument to Nelson's Column (from a height of 51.5 meters), which is located in Trafalgar Square.

A large number of times paratroopers parachuted from the top of the statue of Christ the Savior, located in Rio de Janeiro, jumped from St. Paul's Cathedral, which is located in London, and the height of these monuments is slightly more than 100 meters.

A little earlier, in October of the year before last, a paratrooper jump was made from the most significant height - 135,890 feet (over 40 thousand meters), which was made by the vice head of Google Alan Eustace. He was able to beat the previous planetary record of 127,852.4 feet (38,969.4 meters) set by Australian skydiver Felix Baumgartner in 2012. In two cases, the paratroopers were dressed in a spacesuit designed specifically for them.

In a standard setting, a parachute jump is made from a height of 4,200 meters. Above the accepted mark, the risk of oxygen starvation increases. In addition, when jumping from a height higher than the set one, a dense flow of oncoming air can reflect some problems in a skydiver.

In the lower atmospheric layers, the falling speed of a paratrooper during a long jump increases only at the moment of the first ten seconds (over the first hundred meters). The resistance of the air mass increases with increasing speed so significantly that very soon there comes a moment when the speed no longer changes. The motion changes from accelerating to uniform.

When falling through the upper, thinner atmospheric layers, a person will fly faster than the final falling speed in the lower layers, when the paratrooper meets them, and the resistance reaches its peak. Essentially, a person encounters the atmosphere. At the moment of a parachute jump in 1960, Kittinger described this force as shocking: at an altitude of 23 thousand meters, she showed 1.2 g (g is the overload value).

A fall from 75 thousand meters would have made a huge impact of 3 g at a height of 31 thousand meters, which would have lasted over 20 seconds. After that, the jump would not be anything remarkable. Marines that enter the lower atmosphere will not experience any problems from g-forces above 3 g if their bodies are positioned across the airflow to continue their time in the atmosphere, but they will be significantly hot.

Kittinger was wearing a special suit, the purpose of which was to protect him from low pressure in the stratosphere. But more difficult in such jumps is to maintain a position of stability in the process of free fall. In addition, Kittinger was equipped with a small stabilizing parachute, but he did not need it. Due to malfunctions, the parachute could not open, and the parachutist skidded into a tailspin. Kittinger was spinning very fast, about 120 revolutions per minute, the g-force level was 22 g. At the moment of such overloads, the stuntman lost consciousness. The main parachute was able to open thanks to a special automatic opening device.

One of the highest high jumps was planned to be part of Project Moose. It was considered a development by the United States of America that began in the early 1960s, and its object was a program that would allow an astronaut to skydive in low orbit of our planet directly from a spacecraft. It was expected that an astronaut with equipment would put on a parachute on his chest, and on his back - a folded plastic bag. The pressurized cylinder should spread the bag and fill it with polyurethane foam, which will create a heat shield. The astronaut leaves orbit, after which he begins to fall. Protected from heat by a screen, it waits until it reaches the lower atmospheric layers, after which the parachute opens and the screen is removed.

The work that was carried out by the General Electric organization demonstrated that the idea, although quite good at first glance, was not unworkable. A heat shield sample was created and foam samples sent to the spacecraft. However, neither NASA nor the Air Force paid much attention to this undertaking.

The airborne troops can rightfully be considered a model of the valor and strength of the national army. It is difficult to imagine a soldier who dreams of serving in the army, who would not like to try himself as a paratrooper.

Service in this type of troops has several characteristic features, among which intense physical activity is the key. Because of this, the current legislation provides for a number of mandatory requirements that a conscript who wants to serve in the ranks of the elite troops must meet.

How to get into the Airborne Forces by conscription, many conscripts ask themselves this question before visiting the medical commission. The answer is simple: it is important to meet all the selection criteria and express your desire to get into this branch of the military before the distribution commission.

What is important to do

According to current legal norms, namely, in accordance with paragraph "D" of the provision "On military duty", recommendations on the distribution of conscript soldiers are provided by the head of the territorial military registration and enlistment office. As a rule, people of military age are asked about his intention regarding military duty even during the initial registration. After passing the medical commission, the conscript goes to a meeting of the draft commission, where a decision will be made on which troops the young man will serve in (in the absence of contraindications for health reasons). It is important here not to be shy and clearly indicate your desire to serve in the Airborne Forces.

It is very important to understand that airborne troops are not just romance, it is a very difficult and dangerous service. This branch of service is not only considered the elite of the entire Russian army, it is practically the main reserve of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, therefore the requirements for enrollment in this branch of service are much more serious than anywhere else. Good health and impressive stamina are especially important if you want to serve in a special forces unit.

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Key selection criteria for recruits

For ease of perception, these requirements for conscript soldiers should be divided into several categories.

Physical health status

For intense loads, which is subjected to an ordinary Airborne Forces, an impeccable state of health is required. There should be no congenital or acquired pathologies. Based on the results of the examination, the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office must issue a fitness category A1, which must be recorded in the relevant documentation.

In addition, a recruit applying for service in the Airborne Forces should not have any predisposition to chronic inflammatory processes. The medical record from the polyclinic at the place of permanent registration should not contain evidence of surgical interventions as a result of injuries or the development of internal pathology. On a daily basis, paratroopers are subjected to heavy loads, which include:

  • grueling endurance training;
  • constant skydiving;
  • regular exhaustion of the body as a result of long flights;
  • unbalanced nutrition during survival courses and so on.

All this can leave an indelible mark on a weakened body, so you should sensibly assess your health. With a purposeful desire to enter military service in the Airborne Forces, it is recommended to start training as early as possible. Indeed, in addition to physical good health and the absence of pathological processes in the body, these are far from all the requirements.

Mental health and emotional stability are also integral requirements for a soldier entering military service as a paratrooper. The recruit will have to pass a series of specialized tests, which cannot be deliberately deceived. They are developed by military psychologists and are quite successfully applied in practice, weeding out unreliable applicants.

Physical Data

There are certain anthropometric parameters that must be met in order to enter the service in the Airborne Forces. The figures are reasonable. Even a slight deviation from the specified requirements for height and weight can be the main reason for refusal.

The growth of a potential paratrooper should not be less than 175 cm and not more than 195 cm. Body weight can vary from 75 to 85 kg.

These indicators are natural in the physiological sense. Deviation from these parameters is an indirect evidence of hidden health problems. In addition, non-compliance with these requirements may impede the fulfillment of the combat mission assigned to the elite troops of the Russian Federation.

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Growth indicators are also not randomly assigned. Short people will definitely not be able to cope with strength exercises and other delights of the life of blue berets for a long time, and people who are too tall have a different problem. A long stay in the air, which is the norm for a paratrooper, is associated with intense atmospheric stress, which affects blood pressure. Tall people are more prone to hypotension (low blood pressure syndrome), which can also leave an imprint on the health of a soldier even after military service.

If the height discrepancy is almost impossible to correct, then things are different with weight. You can gain muscle mass, or vice versa, get rid of excess weight in a relatively short time, it is important to take care of yourself in time.

Physical form

A conscript who wishes to serve in the Airborne Forces must meet the requirements for physical fitness. In the absence of medical and physiological contraindications, the soldier will be asked to pass the following physical standards:

  • 20 pushups;
  • 20 pull-ups;
  • cross 3 km with equipment weighing 15 kg.

This will have to be demonstrated by the recruiting commission, otherwise, the recruit will be denied a request for enrollment in the ranks of the Airborne Forces. It is important to understand that these requirements may not seem so difficult, but in reality they are far from being so. It will not be possible to fulfill these standards without purposeful and lengthy preparation. In addition, in order to achieve such indicators, it is recommended to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.


A potential paratrooper must not only meet all the requirements mentioned earlier. Another important factor is education. The overall average will be sufficient. A good advantage would be the absence of triples in the certificate.

Additional factors

There are several factors that can significantly increase a young person's chances of successfully enlisting in the Airborne Forces. These include.

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Cash reward for skydiving (landing with equipment)

170. To military personnel for parachute jumps (landing with equipment) from aircraft (helicopters) provided for by the approved combat (training) training plan, as well as experimental jumps performed on the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force or, accordingly, the commander of the Airborne Forces, the head Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy, the monetary reward is paid in the following amounts:

Cash reward for each jump as a percentage of salary according to the 10th tariff category

1st jump

2 - 25 jump

26 - 50 jump

51 - 100 jump

101 and subsequent jumps

a) conscripted military personnel;

b) military personnel serving under a contract (except for those with the title of instructor of parachute training);

c) military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, having the title of instructor of parachute training

171. Military personnel who have the title of master of parachuting or international class master or honored master of parachuting are paid a monetary reward for each jump from an aircraft, starting from 201 to 1000 jumps, in the amount of 12 percent, and for each jump, starting from 1001 , - in the amount of 13 percent of the salary for a military position in the 10th tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this Procedure).
172. For each complicated parachute jump, but for no more than two complication factors, and for the graduate who has made a parachute jump, for no more than three complication factors, the amount of monetary reward increases by 2 percent of the salary for a military position in the 10th tariff category ( Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure).
Complicated jumps include:
for fulfilling the duties of a releaser (when making a jump);
with a parachute opening delay of at least 20 s, including with fall stabilization;
to a limited area;
in difficult weather conditions (when the height of the lower edge of the clouds is below the specified throw height);
when the wind speed near the ground is more than 5 m/s;
to landing sites (exceeding 500 m above sea level);
at night, on water (except for jumping in diving equipment) or forest;
with weapons (except for a pistol);
with a cargo container weighing more than 4 kg, excluding service equipment;
following the landing equipment;
from heights less than 500 m and more than 4000 m;
from an aircraft at a flight speed of over 200 km/h.
173. For parachute jumps made by the ejection method and on the water in diving equipment, the amount of monetary reward calculated in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 171-172 of this Procedure is increased by the decision of the commander of the military unit to 4 percent of the salary for a military position for 10 tariff category ( Appendix N 2 to this Procedure) depending on the complexity of the jump.
For landing inside equipment or together with it, a monetary reward is paid in the amount of 20 percent of the salary for a military position in the 10th tariff category (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure) to each serviceman.
174. When making experimental jumps in excess of the monetary reward provided for in paragraphs 171 - 172 of this Procedure, an additional 3 to 10 percent of the salary for a military position in the 10th tariff category (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure) is paid, depending on the complexity of the jump.
The amount of additional remuneration for each experimental jump is determined by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force or, respectively, the commander of the Airborne Forces, the head of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy, upon approval of the report on the jump.
175. The monetary reward to the military personnel specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 170 of this Procedure is paid for no more than two jumps, to the military personnel indicated in subparagraph "c" of the same paragraph - for no more than three jumps made one day. This restriction does not apply to experimental jumps.
Military personnel who have the title of master of parachuting or master of international class or honored master of parachuting are paid a monetary reward for all parachute jumps made within one day, but within the limits of paid jumps.
176. Monetary remuneration during the calendar year is paid for parachute jumps made according to the combat (training) training plan, but not more than within the annual norms of paid jumps established for certain categories of military personnel by officials specified in paragraph 170 of this Procedure.
177. Military personnel who are members of sports parachute teams are paid monetary rewards for parachute jumps made according to the combat (training) training plan, but not more than:
for teams of formations, associations and military educational institutions of vocational education - 150 jumps per year;
for teams of combined services of the Armed Forces and branches of the Armed Forces - 200 jumps per year;
for teams of national teams of the Armed Forces and servicemen of the 3rd Central Sports Parachute Club - 400 jumps per year.
Servicemen who are part of the combined sports parachute teams of the branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the Armed Forces, in addition to the specified norm, are allowed to make 50 paid parachute jumps in preparation for the championship of the Armed Forces and each international competition.
178. The monetary reward is paid by the military unit in which the jumps were made, on the basis of the order of the commander of the military unit, indicating in it the date of each jump, complication factors and what the jump is in order.
When determining the amount of monetary remuneration, all documented parachute jumps made by a serviceman, including in the period before conscription (entry) for military service, are taken into account.
179. Cash reward is not paid for parachute jumps made:
not according to the combat (training) training plan;
in excess of two or three jumps per day for the relevant categories of military personnel;
in excess of the annual rate of paid jumps established for a separate category of military personnel.
180. Citizens called up in accordance with the established procedure for training and verification camps, performing parachute jumps (landing with equipment) during these training camps, monetary remuneration is subject to payment in the manner and in the amount established by paragraphs 170 - 179 of this Procedure for the relevant categories of military personnel.

Landing troops are required to undergo jump training at the training stage. Then the skydiving skills are already used during military operations or demonstration performances. Jumping has special rules: requirements for parachutes, aircraft used, training of soldiers. All these requirements must be known to the landing party for a safe flight and landing.

A paratrooper cannot jump without preparation. Training is a mandatory stage before the start of real airborne jumps, during which theoretical training and jumping practice take place. All the information that is told to future paratroopers during training is given below.

Aircraft for transportation and landing

What aircraft do paratroopers jump from? The Russian army currently uses several aircraft for landing troops. The main one is IL-76, but other flying machines are also used:

  • AN-12;
  • MI-6;
  • MI-8.

The IL-76 remains the preferred choice because it is the most conveniently equipped for landing, has a large luggage compartment and retains pressure well even at high altitudes, if the landing party needs to jump there. Its body is sealed, but in case of emergency, the compartment for paratroopers is equipped with individual oxygen masks. Thus, each skydiver will not experience a lack of oxygen during the flight.

The aircraft develops speeds of approximately 300 km per hour, and this is the optimal indicator for landing in military conditions.

Jump Height

From what height do paratroopers usually jump with a parachute? The altitude of the jump depends on the type of parachute and the aircraft used for landing. The recommended optimal landing height is 800-1000 meters above the ground. This indicator is convenient in combat conditions, since at such an altitude the aircraft is less exposed to fire. At the same time, the air is not too rarefied for the paratrooper to land.

From what height do paratroopers usually jump in case of non-training actions? The opening of the D-5 or D-6 parachute during landing from the IL-76 occurs at an altitude of 600 meters. The usual distance required for full disclosure is 200 meters. That is, if the landing starts from a height of 1200, then the opening will occur at around 1000. The maximum allowable for landing is 2000 meters.

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More advanced models of parachutes allow you to start landing from a mark of several thousand meters. So, the modern model D-10 allows you to land at a maximum height of no more than 4000 m above the ground. At the same time, the minimum allowable level for deployment is 200. It is recommended to start deployment earlier to reduce the likelihood of injury and a hard landing.

Types of parachutes

Since the 1990s, two main types of landing parachutes have been used in Russia: D-5 and D-6. The first is the simplest, does not allow you to adjust the landing site. How many lines does a paratrooper's parachute have? Depends on the model. Lines in D-5 28, the ends are fixed, which is why it is impossible to adjust the direction of flight. The length of the lines is 9 meters. The weight of one set is about 15 kg.

A more advanced D-5 model is the D-6 paratrooper parachute. In it, the ends of the lines can be released and the threads can be pulled, adjusting the direction of flight. To turn left, you need to pull the lines on the left, to maneuver to the right side, pull the thread on the right. The area of ​​the parachute dome is the same as that of the D-5 (83 square meters). The weight of the kit is reduced - only 11 kilograms, it is most convenient for still being trained, but already trained paratroopers. During the training, about 5 jumps are made (with express courses), D-6 is recommended to be issued after the first or second. There are 30 rafters in the kit, four of them allow you to control the parachute.

For complete beginners, D-10 kits have been developed, this is an updated version, which has only recently been made available to the army. There are more rafters here: 26 main and 24 additional. Of the 26 feet, 4 allow you to control the system, their length is 7 meters, and the remaining 22 - 4 meters. It turns out that there are only 22 external additional lines and 24 internal additional lines. Such a number of cords (all of them are made of nylon) allow you to control the flight as much as possible, adjust the course during disembarkation. The area of ​​the dome at the D-10 is as much as 100 square meters. At the same time, the dome is made in the shape of a squash, a comfortable green color without a pattern, so that after landing a paratrooper it would be harder to detect it.

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Rules for disembarking from an aircraft

The paratroopers disembark from the cabin in a certain order. In IL-76 this happens in several streams. For disembarkation, there are two side doors and a ramp. During training activities, they prefer to use exclusively side doors. Disembarkation can be carried out:

  • in one stream of two doors (with a minimum of personnel);
  • in two streams from two doors (with an average number of paratroopers);
  • in three or four streams from two doors (with large-scale educational activities);
  • in two streams and from the ramp, and from the doors (during hostilities).

The distribution into streams is done so that the jumpers do not collide with each other upon landing and cannot be hooked. A small delay is made between threads, usually several tens of seconds.

Parachute flight and deployment mechanism

After landing, the paratrooper must calculate 5 seconds. It cannot be considered a standard method: "1, 2, 3 ...". It will turn out too quickly, the real 5 seconds will not pass yet. It is better to count like this: "121, 122 ...". Now the most commonly used account is starting from 500: "501, 502, 503 ...".

Immediately after the jump, the stabilizing parachute opens automatically (the stages of its opening can be seen on the video). This is a small dome that prevents the paratrooper from starting to "circle" during the fall. Stabilization prevents flips in the air, in which a person begins to fly upside down (this position does not allow the parachute to open).

After five seconds, the stabilization is completely removed, and the main dome must be activated. This is done either with the help of a ring, or automatically. A good paratrooper should be able to adjust the opening of the parachute himself, so trained students are given kits with a ring. After activating the ring, the main dome fully opens in 200 meters of fall. The duties of a trained paratrooper paratrooper also include camouflage after landing.

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Safety rules: how to protect the landing from injury

Parachutes require special care, care, so that jumps with their use occur as safely as possible. Immediately after use, the parachute must be properly folded, otherwise its service life will be drastically reduced. An improperly folded parachute may fail to deploy during landing, resulting in death.

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