What is the meaning of the word catharsis. Definitions, meanings of the word in other dictionaries. The concept of catharsis in psychology

Catharsis is a concept introduced into psychology and psychoanalysis from the time of the ancient era, meaning exaltation, healing of the soul and body, purification. Represents a strong emotional shock caused not by real life events, but by their reflection in art - in a picture, in a film, in music.

Such an experience proceeds for a long time and negatively, but at its most acute point it turns into a positive experience. A seething of emotions that helps transform dark, negative, and painful experiences into light, uplifting, and noble ones.

The concept was developed back in ancient Greek philosophy, then this word meant cleansing, mostly spiritual, from guilt. Most famous definition, which has come down to us from ancient times, was formed by Aristotle and means a drama (tragedy) based on feelings of compassion and fear and purification from these feelings - catharsis.

Having figured out what catharsis means, you need to find out where this concept came from and what it meant in antiquity.

Catharsis in philosophy is the process and effect of facilitating, ennobling the human soul and purifying it, under the influence of several factors. The use of this term began in the culture of ancient Greece, where certain components of religious Greek holidays are characterized by this concept. Catharsis was endowed with healing, healing properties for the soul and body, freeing the body from "foulness", and the soul from dark energy.

Ancient Greek philosophy perceived the concept of catharsis in a variety of definitions, they were used in philosophy, physiology, magic, medicine and mysticism. Later, these concepts were transferred from medicine and religion to the realm of art. And here the definitions of the state of catharsis given by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle become the main ones.

Catharsis according to Aristotle is the cleansing of the human soul from affects, thanks to the educational and cleansing properties of music and the tragedy being viewed. Aristotle believed that every person, experiencing a state of passion, becomes weaker, and with the help of art he will receive relaxation and temporary purification of his soul. While watching a tragedy, a person experiences excitement, a state of fear and empathy, while his emotions lead to the discharge of affects and the creation of a relief effect. According to Aristotle, not only people are endowed with a soul, but also animals and plants. But only a person can experience a state of catharsis - to cleanse the soul of the accumulated "filth" - black energy, negative information and painful affects.

Just as the ancient Greek healers treated the sick by performing enthusiastic music that increased the state of affect and developed the state of catharsis, so Aristotle saw in the perception of tragedy the connection of spiritual purification with the healing of the body.

Definition of a concept in psychology

catharsis in modern psychology- this is purification with the help of one's own imagination and the creation of illusions. Psychoanalysis defines the state of catharsis as the pleasure a person receives from the emotions that he experiences himself, while he perceives other people's emotions. Psychotherapy defines the state of catharsis as a release from excessive emotional stress.

Negative emotions that are deeply embedded in the human subconscious must certainly find a way out, otherwise they will cause oppression and the manifestation of various psychosomatic symptoms that are not even realized by the person. Psychoanalysts are of the opinion that in order to cure an illness, one must go through an emotional shock.

There are two types of catharsis:

  1. Household - to get rid of anger, hatred, resentment, a person needs emotional release. He must cry, suffer, and then there is a desire to forgive the offender and let go of anger from his soul.
  2. High - occurs through the perception of a work of art - a book, film, painting, music. For example, spiritual purification occurs through empathy with the heroes of the tragedy, under the impression of their suffering and difficult life situations.

Since catharsis is an internal cleansing that occurs after experiencing the strongest emotions and upheavals, in psychology and psychotherapy this concept was derived as special method, aimed at identifying and getting rid of impulses that are not realized by a person. This is the phase of treatment during which the mentally ill patient remembers and relives the events and upheavals that led to the mental illness. Thus the patient purifies his psyche.

In psychoanalysis, catharsis is a method of therapeutic action on the patient, with the help of which the affect previously deposited in the subconscious is experienced again and clears from mental conflict. In the course of such treatment, a person revives the strongest emotions and experiences in his memory, releases the restrained affects and comes to recovery.

To explain in more detail what catharsis is and its definition in psychoanalysis, we need to understand the concept of affect. affect is a word Greek origin, which means strong emotional excitement, passion. Such a reaction occurs in a person in critical circumstances, when he is deprived of time to think about the situation and performs stereotypical actions - he shows aggression, runs or just freezes. This reaction is strong, explosive, but short-lived.

Catharsis is the cleansing of the subconscious from negative affects, the process of directing them into a different, positive direction during treatment. For release from negative energy during psychoanalytic treatment, a person again and again has to experience stressful situation, sometimes this state is very painful for the psyche, since emotions have long been in the depths of the subconscious. But only this method of psychotherapy is similar to the ascent to highest point spiritual healing through painful but necessary experiences and memories.

According to Freud

During the treatment of patients with hypnosis, Z. Freud connected the manifestation of catharsis in psychotherapy with the manifestation of hysteria. He was of the opinion that the symptoms of hysteria are formed in a person due to the direction of negative energy to the level of the unconscious.

Freud used hypnosis to induce a state of catharsis in patients, to heal from hysteria. In a state of trance, the scientist "pulled out" depressing memories to the surface of the patient's consciousness, creating an emotional charge, freeing the subconscious from affect and causing such a state. But later he became convinced that he did not achieve a stable effect from hypnosis treatment - some patients responded poorly to hypnosis, and some returned with initial problems.

The path to self-improvement

The concept can be perceived as an impulse to the development of one's own personality and self-improvement, if we talk about it as a flurry of violent emotions experienced when a person comes into contact with beauty - culture and art.

Perceiving and passing through himself the events shown in the film, theatrical performance or depicted in the picture, a person acquires new experience. He empathizes with feelings, problems and life situations other people, doing it disinterestedly and in solidarity. Catharsis in such a situation becomes the culmination point of these experiences, a person cleanses the soul of negativity, fears and resentment.

Such emotions have a cleansing effect, pushing new boundaries in front of the individual, he is ready to receive new knowledge, emotions and feelings. A person becomes wiser, freer and more receptive to the outside world - internal growth is inevitable.

Any knowledge and learning leads to self-education, to the conscious construction of one's own personality through the comprehension and perception of universal human culture. Perceiving cultural values ​​emotionally, being able to conduct a dialogue with them, a person learns and purifies his own soul, changing and improving his mind - this is how the structure of personality changes.

Summing up, we can say that the concept is ambiguous and does not have a clear and single meaning. Its synonyms are purification, relief, storm, flurry, which characterize catharsis as healing through high feelings and emotions.

The concept that philosophers put into the state of purification has changed. After all, the ancient Greek tragedies, which have unique property- cause a person to have a state of purification of the soul, are very different from modern films and musical works. Modern products of culture rarely evoke high feelings and violent emotions. Therefore, in order to purify and develop your own soul, you should try to watch kind, emotional films, get closer to art and painting in order to displace negative energy, which is so much in modern life.

Culturology. Dictionary-reference


(Greek catharsis - cleansing)

the term of ancient aesthetics, which serves to designate one of the essential moments of the aesthetic impact of art on a person - purification through compassion and empathy.

spiritual cleansing through compassion, fear, empathy for the heroes of the tragedy.

Pedagogical terminological dictionary


(from Greek catharsis - cleansing)

the process and result of a cleansing and ennobling effect on a person various factors, causing corresponding experiences and affects. K. is associated with getting pleasure. The traditional concept of "K." developed in the ancient Greek philosophy of art. In the future, K. became widespread in psychological science(Z. Freud, L.S. Vygotsky and others).

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 2002. S. 114)

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(other Greekκαθάρσίς, purification)

Aristotle (384-322 BC) has spiritual enlightenment and purification of the viewer of the tragedy, who has just experienced fear, anger, compassion, and other strong feelings;

the same concept had numerous other interpretations in other philosophical systems;

K. in psychoanalysis is a method of psychotherapy in which the patient is evoked strong feelings, deep, cleansing amazement, which helps to get rid of obsessive fears and bad habits.

Antique world. Dictionary-reference


(Greekκάθαρσις - cleansing)

the concept used by Aristotle in defining tragedy, which “purifies such passions through compassion and fear” (Poetics, Ch. 6). This brief and insufficiently clear statement gave rise to many interpretations, including moral (K. educates the viewer), psychiatric (gives spiritual relief), medical ritual (heals like), intellectual (liberates from erroneous opinion).

(Ancient culture: literature, theater, art, philosophy, science. Dictionary-reference book / Edited by V.N. Yarkho. M., 1995.)

Gasparov. Entries and extracts


♦ "The goal of rhetoric bifurcates the goal of poetry: the accuser instills fear in those who listen, and the defender evokes compassion. So that the viewer leaves the theater, spiritually reborn, but with folded hands, and from the court - not reborn, but having done a fair deed. Poetry is mental gymnastics, rhetoric - mental practice.

♦ I. Babel to A. Slonim December 26, 1927: "My father has been waiting for 15 years for the mood to go to the theater. He died without having been to the theater."

Philosophical Dictionary (Comte-Sponville)



♦ Catharsis

Translated from Greek, catharsis means purification, liberation by removing everything that interferes or pollutes. Thus, according to Aristotle, tragedy is a catharsis of passions; according to Moliere, comedy is a catharsis of our weaknesses, worthy of ridicule; According to some modern psychoanalysts, psychoanalysis is a catharsis of our emotions or psychological traumas. I strongly doubt that in the first, and in the second, and in the third cases, such purification is sufficient.

Aesthetics. encyclopedic Dictionary


(Greek catharsis- cleansing)

a category of psychological aesthetics that characterizes the process of perceiving a work of art and the strong internal shock that occurs in this process and has a beneficial, cleansing effect on the state of the human soul. As an aesthetic experience, catharsis is primarily an attribute of theatrical and dramatic art. It arises at the moment when the hero of the tragedy is experiencing the final catastrophe, and the viewer, who is in emotional contact with him, finds himself in a state of mixed affect of fear, sympathy, and compassion. The storm of experiences in his soul eventually leads to the effect of internal purification, when a person, after a while, begins to feel renewed, filled with new feelings, thoughts, forces, ready for new achievements.

At the time of Pythagoras, the ancient Greeks believed that the soul is capable of becoming clogged, polluted by dark desires, vicious desires, and therefore needs periodic cleansing procedures through a variety of influences - mystery, musical, theatrical, etc. The experience of the state of catharsis has a double healing power, healing both the soul, so is the body.

AristotlePoetics”) created the psychological and aesthetic concept of catharsis in its connection with the perception of the spectacle of a theatrical drama-tragedy. The heavy finale of the tragedy, in which the protagonist usually perishes, shakes the viewer to the core. He is horrified by what happened, mourns for the dead, complains about the injustice of fate. But the most amazing thing is that all these seemingly difficult and gloomy experiences do not plunge him into a state of depression. The paradoxical effect of tragedy lies in its ability to give rise to catharsis. The viewer moves through the darkness towards the light. His soul, having experienced a feeling of despair, suddenly soars upward, filled with strength. Heaviness is replaced by a feeling of relief. Fear and compassion are replaced by liberation, purification of the soul from everything dark, heavy, harmful that burdened it before. The spectacle, as it were, washes away the moral “garbage” accumulated there from the spaces of the inner “I”.

The phenomenon of catharsis occupies an important place in modern psychology. Psychoanalysts actively use the practice of therapeutic influences on the psyche of patients, as a result of which pathogenic experiences that caused mental suffering, go away and the person begins to experience noticeable relief. At the same time, it is possible to attract various forms artistic creativity. So, in the early 1990s. in the Russian press (“Izvestia” of 17.09.1992) there was a message about the 45-year-old Armenian psychiatrist Nazloyan. Fond of sculpture, he sculpted portraits of his patients. For 15 years of medical activity, he created 400 portraits. During his work, he talked with a mentally ill person. In the process of such communication, psychological contact arose, alienation disappeared. This was extremely important for the patient, whose sick soul was lonely, cut off from the world, remained, as if in solitary confinement, in prison cell your inner world. The doctor suggested that the patient tell about himself, about his life and his sufferings, arguing that then the disease would come out of that and turn into a portrait. Each sculpture took an average of 50 hours to complete. At the end of the work, catharsis set in, coinciding with the moment when the portrait acquired eyes. Patients in these minutes experienced the most difficult experiences: some cried, others laughed, others were frightened, others were indignant or hysterical. Such an outburst of feelings testified to the actual liberation of the soul; she was healed, if not from the whole disease, then from a significant part of it.

In philosophical literature, the concept of catharsis has more than one and a half thousand various interpretations. Traditionally interpreted as a category of ancient Greek philosophy and aesthetics, denoting the essence and effect of aesthetic experience associated with the purification of the soul [from affects].

The concept of catharsis was first used in ancient Greek culture to characterize certain elements of the mysteries and religious holidays. In Greek religious healing, catharsis is the liberation of the body from any harmful matter, the soul - from "filth" and painful affects.

It was inherited by ancient Greek philosophy and used in it in different values(magical, mystery, religious, physiological, medical, ethical, philosophical, etc.). Ideas about catharsis were transferred from the religious-medical sphere to the field of art theory even before Aristotle. Heraclitus, according to the testimony of the Stoics, spoke of purification by fire. In the traditional sense, the term goes back to ancient Pythagoreanism, which recommended music for the purification of the soul. The Pythagorean doctrine of catharsis influenced Plato and Aristotle. Plato put forward the doctrine of catharsis as the liberation of the soul from the body ( var.- purification of the spirit from the body), from passions or from pleasures.

Aristotle's catharsis

Aristotle noted the educational and purifying value of music, thanks to which people get relief and are cleansed of affects, while experiencing "harmless joy."

According to the teachings of Aristotle, tragedy “with the help of compassion and fear produces a catharsis of similar (that is, compassion, fear and related) affects” (“Poetics”, VI). The interpretation of these words presents significant difficulties, since Aristotle does not explain how he understands this "purification", but the Greek expression "catharsis of affects" ( κάθαρσις τῶν παθημάτων ) has a double meaning and can mean: 1) purification of affects from any filth; 2) purification of the soul from affects, [temporary] liberation from them.

However, a systematic analysis of the application of the term "catharsis [of the soul]" ( κάθαρσις [τῆς ψυχῆς] ) in Aristotle and other ancient theorists convinces that catharsis should be understood not in the ethical sense, as a moral purification [from] affects (Lessing and others), but in the aforementioned medical sense (Bernays and others). All people are subject to weakening affects, and, according to the teachings of Aristotle, one of the tasks of art is the painless excitation of these affects, leading to catharsis, that is, to vacuum, as a result of which affects [for a time] are, as it were, removed from the soul.

Tragedy, arousing compassion and fear in the viewer, discharges these affects, directing them along the harmless channel of aesthetic emotion, and creates a feeling of relief, just as in Greek religious healing, enthusiastic (hysterical) states were cured by performing enthusiastic melodies in front of the sick, which caused an increase in affect and subsequent catharsis in his area.

According to some statement, Aristotle's connection of the concept of catharsis with tragedy is part of his definition of tragedy, causing the largest number disputes.

Interpretations of the new time

The idea of ​​Aristotelian catharsis received a new impetus in its development in the Renaissance. The idea of ​​the educational impact of tragedy developed as a means of purifying human passions. At the same time, the so-called hedonistic understanding of catharsis was developed, that is, the perception of a higher aesthetic experience directly for the sake of pleasure.

Later, G. Lessing interpreted the concept of catharsis ethically; German scientists of the 19th century. J. Bernays - on the model of medical cleansing (that is, relief), E. Zeller - purely aesthetically, etc., thereby continuing the polemic about the interpretation of Aristotelian catharsis either as simply the elimination of any affects, or as their harmonization. V. Schadevaldt interpreted the concept of catharsis as a shock, and A. Nichev - as a liberation from false opinions.

With late XIX century the concept of catharsis has received significant distribution in psychology and psychotherapy. To a decisive extent, this was due to its use in the theory and psychotherapeutic practice of I. Breuer and Z. Freud. The essence of the method is to introduce the patient into a hypnotic state, in which it is possible to obtain information about pathological memories and various traumatic experiences. As a result of the patient's reaction to the memories that have arisen, there is a release from pathogenic effects, and it is also possible to eliminate hysterical symptoms. In Freud's teachings, the term "catharsis" was used to refer to one of the methods of psychotherapy (namely, reacting), leading to the purification of the psyche from deep conflicts and to alleviate the suffering of patients. A number of modern psychotherapeutic methods and techniques are focused on achieving catharsis.

Impact on culture

In 1981, the screenwriter Vladimir Karev in the script "Catharsis" for the first time in Russian and world literature showed the connection of catharsis in the theatrical drama of Russian classicism with catharsis in Everyday life enlightened contemporaries of the 18th century.

see also


    • To a tarsis // Dictionary of foreign words. - 15th ed., corrected. - M.: Russian language, 1988. - S. 220. - 608 p. - 200,000 copies. - ISBN 5-200-00317-2.
    • To a tarsis, Kat a rsis // Big explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Ch. ed. S. A. Kuznetsov. - St. Petersburg: Norint, 1998
    • To a t a rsis // Krysin L.P. Dictionary foreign words. - 2nd ed., add. - M.: Russian language, 2000. - S. 312. - 856 p. - (Library of Russian language dictionaries). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-200-02699-7.
    • To a t a rsis // Scientific and informational "Spelling Academic Resource ACADEMOS" of the Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradov RAS.
    • Zarva M.V. Cat a rsis // Russian verbal stress. Vocabulary. - M. : NTs ENAS, 2001. - 600 p. - 6000 copies. - ISBN 5-93196-084-8.
  1. Reich, W. Character Analysis: Technique and Fundamentals for Trained and Practicing Analysts. - M., 1999.
  2. Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. - SPb., 1999.
  3. Dolgov K. M. Catharsis// New Philosophical Encyclopedia / ; National social-scientific fund; Prev. scientific-ed. council V. S. Stepin, deputy chairmen: A. A. Guseynov, G. Yu. Semigin, accountant. secret A. P. Ogurtsov. - 2nd ed., corrected. and add. - M.: Thought, 2010. - ISBN 978-5-244-01115-9.
  4. http://www.ksu.ru/uni/sank/db/filebase/files/733.doc
  5. Theoretical Poetics: Concepts and Definitions. Reader. Comp. N. D. Tamarchenko
  6. Vladimir Karev."Catharsis" // Almanac "Film scripts" : Moscow, Goskino USSR. - 1988. - No. 3. - pp. 41-64. - ISSN 0206-8680.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Translated from ancient Greek catharsis literally means " cleansing», « release", physical and mental recovery.

Wikipedia interprets this concept as a tragic experience that carries an educational element, which causes an indispensable change in the state of consciousness in better side. A sort of stress therapy, after which all your problems will seem "flowers".

In search of a more precise meaning, the reader must turn to the philosophy of the ancient period and psychology.

Catharsis in philosophy

Aristotle, the ancient philosopher, was the first to speak about catharsis. He used this term in his work "Poetics", denoting the process exemption from negative emotions based on fear and compassion.

The main characters in the tragedy of the thinker are going through the process of purification of the soul, aimed at achieving inner harmony. The apogee of catharsis is the repression of mental affect, after which a person experiences relief, pleasant devastation and calmness.

Aristotle applied this concept in the context of art and said that any spectator watching a drama experiences a negatively charged affect that fades by the end of the performance.

But also this word used in other areas of life all in the same Greece:

  1. in medicine, catharsis is the release of the body from a painful illness (recovery);
  2. religion interprets it as a cleansing of the soul from filth and suffering;
  3. ancient Greek ethical teaching implied the exaltation of the spirit and mind.
    Philosophical literature contains more than 1500 interpretations of catharsis.

The concept of catharsis in psychology

Psychologists use catharsis as a method based on a person's ability to recreate disturbing images in order to replay in their head difficult moments in their lives that led to a psychological problem.

This is in the end (with correct behavior) allows the client get rid of negative conditions accompanied by the experience of negative emotions in connection with certain life events.

In fact, with the help of catharsis, a person completes his gestalts (?), which remained open and caused discomfort (old conflicts, prohibitions). In the same way, you can get rid of phobias.

As a result of applying the method, the following results are achieved. favorable mental changes:

  1. the feeling of anxiety weakens or goes away for good;
  2. negative emotions lose their charge;
  3. a person begins to better understand his inner world: to hear your desires and needs;
  4. overall positive impact on the individual: improving emotional background which will change your life for the better.

Catharsis (experiencing a problem) proceeds in an acutely negative form (screams, tears and other spewing out of negativity, but with a “lifeline” in the form of a psychotherapist) and at its highest point the negative is transformed into a positive perception. Like a mood boost after you've cried.

To make it more clear, I will give a somewhat answered example. You were greatly offended (you yourself were offended) and you go to the gym, where you beat the pear to exhaustion, while splashing out all the negativity on it (including with words). After that, it becomes easier for you and you are even ready to forgive the offender.

Unfortunately, the state of catharsis is very difficult to achieve because of the internal prohibition of many people on the expression of emotions. Only an experienced psychologist is capable of this.

Where does this method originate?

This term arose in psychology thanks to Sigmund Freud, who was the founder of psychoanalysis. He believed that motives not recognized by the individual give rise to various emotions, under the influence of which a person experiences mental disorders and, as a result, psychosomatics - bodily symptoms.

To achieve awareness of repressed ideas, in order to save the client from suffering, he offered the following methods:

  1. association method;
  2. with the help of word interpretations;
  3. reservations.

Experts who adhere to the paradigm of psychoanalysis are convinced that mental illness can be cured only through the experience of catharsis.

How to achieve catharsis

To experience such a state on your own, first of all, time and diligent practice are needed. Also, no less important condition is the sincere desire of a person to solve his problem.

Understanding the mechanism of catharsis, what it is in reality, can slightly reduce the fear of living this experience.

After all, before experiencing liberation from negative emotions, will have to strengthen them a hundred times and live.

To achieve emotional discharge, you need to go through 3 steps:

  1. Think hard about what is bothering you: it must be some specific problem or situation. Mentally reproduce it in all colors, not missing even the smallest details. Try to completely immerse yourself in the created image-situation.
  2. Along with the image will come negative feelings and bodily sensations. The task of the second step is to strengthen them as much as possible.
  3. Focus on the most powerful, peak experiences and live them sincerely, with full dedication. Gradually, the intensity of emotions will begin to decrease, and soon you will feel great relief, and with it a bright joy.

It is possible that in the third stage you will be visited by a feeling of fear, succumbing to which you will move yourself away from the state of catharsis. Frightened by a bright emotional affect, a person, as a rule, falls out of the mood and after that he will have to start all over again.

That is why the willingness and determination of a person to get rid of an oppressive state are important.

Ways to get rid of problems

There are two types of catharsis:

  1. Household is an emotional discharge from anger, resentment or hatred through suffering, tears, screaming. For example, if you direct anger addressed to a specific offender to a punching bag, then after a while there will be relief and a desire to forgive the person who has treated you badly.
  2. High catharsis is a spiritual cleansing with the help of art. Vivid empathy for the dramatic characters of a book, film or theatrical performance contributes to the combustion of one's own affects through compassion.

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Catharsis refers to a strong emotional release. According to psychoanalytic theory, this release of energy is associated with the need to resolve a certain conflict of the unconscious. For example, stress at work can cause feelings of frustration and tension. Instead of expressing these feelings in an inadequate and socially unacceptable way, the individual may resort to activities that will help release the accumulated energy - physical activity or any other activity capable of having a beneficial effect on his mental state.
The term itself comes from Greek wordcatharsis' meaning "cleansing"; It is used in a variety of fields - from therapy to literature. The hero of the novel may experience a catharsis that leads to some kind of restoration or renewal.

Catharsis includes both a powerful emotional component in which powerful emotions, and the cognitive component, implying the emergence of new knowledge or ideas. The purpose of such a détente may be to bring about positive changes in a person's life in one form or another.

Catharsis in psychoanalysis

This term has been used in Ancient Greece, however, Sigmund Freud's colleague, Josef Breuer, was the first to use the term to describe a therapeutic method. He applied this method in his work with patients showing symptoms of hysteria; Breuer had them recall traumatic experiences under hypnosis—the conscious expression of emotions that had long been repressed allowed his patients to experience relief.

Freud also believed that catharsis could play an important role in relieving the symptoms of distress (or stress that harms the body).

In Freud's theory, an important role is assigned to the subconscious: its contents are able to influence the behavior and functioning of a person. With the help of psychotherapeutic tools such as dream interpretation and free association, according to Freud, these unconscious feelings and memories can be retrieved and processed.

In their book Studies in Hysteria, Freud and Breuer defined catharsis as the process of reducing or eliminating a complex by drawing it out of the unconscious. Catharsis is still considered an important element of psychoanalysis. American psychological association defines this process as "an outburst of feelings connected with previously suppressed traumatic events and implying the return of these events to consciousness in order to experience them again."

"Catharsis" in everyday life

The term "catharsis" has found its place in everyday language - it is often used to describe the moments of a person's awareness of something or experiencing the completion of some stage of his life. A person going through a divorce might call it catharsis the moment in which they find peace and realize that they can move on after recovering from a failed relationship. People also call catharsis some kind of traumatic or stressful event - for example, health problems, job loss, accident or death. loved one(in this case, of course, the meaning of the term is somewhat different).

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