How to find inner harmony. How to achieve inner harmony

  • What is harmony?
  • Harmony in our life

What is harmony?

Regularly and everywhere using certain words and terms, we often do not even think about their meaning. A life modern man it is difficult to call it harmonious, since everyday fuss and the burden of many problems prevent us from realizing the beauty and integrity of the world around us, and this is the essence of the concept of harmony.

Consider the meaning of the word "harmony" in more detail. In antiquity, the concept of "harmony" was studied by philosophers and thinkers, one of whom was Pythagoras. He put forward the idea of ​​the harmony of the spheres, which formed the basis of idealism and exists to this day in the new philosophy of Shaftesbury, Kepler, Giordano Bruno, Leibniz in an altered form.

Harmony was considered as the main feature of being as a whole, as the orderliness of the Universe, opposing itself to chaos. So if you follow the worldview of the Greeks of the ancient period, together with the terms "symmetry", "order" and "measure" harmony is the basis of beauty.

Over the centuries, the meaning of the word harmony has changed, new adjustments have been made to it, its connection with the beautiful has been interpreted in different ways. Already in the aesthetics of the Renaissance, harmony began to be considered not only the main feature, but also an inexhaustible source for creativity.

Modern theorists describe harmony as a unity of sometimes opposite, contradictory elements or entities.

Harmony in our life

What is the secret of a harmonious person?

Let's try to move from theory to practice and understand how much harmony means in the life of a modern man or woman and where to look for it. Why do people who have inner harmony more often achieve success in life, quickly find contact with others?

Harmonization of personality takes place in stages. It takes years to form a harmonious, balanced personality of a person, and as a result, not everyone comprehends the essence of harmony, even having achieved impressive results in the knowledge of this state. Harmony is internal and external.

Find out, how to achieve harmony right now using information from free program Alexei Tolkachev - " Life at full power».

Inner harmony manifests itself in a person when he clearly realizes what he wants in his soul. If you think about inner world harmonious person, then he is not disturbed by internal disagreements and contradictions, he lives and acts according to his own inner convictions. Harmonious is the one whose emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical components are in perfect balance and do not contradict each other. The secret of a person who has revealed his inner harmony is simple, he does not allow himself to be carried away by bad thoughts, and drives away worries and sorrows, i.e. he is just happy, accepting himself for who he is. This attitude allows him to achieve success and prosperity.

One way or another, every person dreams of success in life. In any society, a person's success is judged by three main criteria:

  • Does the person consider themselves successful?
  • who are his friends?
  • What goals did he achieve in life?

Harmonious relationships of people in society

"To be in harmony with others, you must be in harmony with yourself." — Martin Gray

Harmonious life gives a feeling of satisfaction from the fact that a person is the creator of his own destiny, leads a full life full of pleasant events. The first rule for achieving harmonious relationships with other people is to treat them the way you want them to treat you. Be independent of the opinions of others, confident in own forces, not everyone can motivate themselves with a clearly set goal and at the same time have strict self-control, but this approach helps to achieve success through harmony with oneself and the people around.

The understanding of harmony in men and women occurs in different ways. Both men and women sometimes do things that are contrary to their inner beliefs, which creates an internal imbalance. In search of a solution that would smooth out this imbalance or get rid of it altogether, many resort to spiritual practices or seek harmony in the family, surrounding themselves with loved ones, loving people. In the relationship between a man and a woman, harmony is also achieved due to their differences, both internal and external.

The main signs of a harmonious woman:

  1. The ability to create a sense of order around oneself, to surround loved ones with care and love.
  2. A combination of inner and outer beauty.
  3. Balance in relationships with parents and employees at work.
  4. Ability to be flexible and adapt to the situation.
  5. The ability to create and build.
  6. Purity and chastity.

The main signs of a harmonious man:

  1. Confidence in yourself and your actions.
  2. Knowing how to be sincere and grateful.
  3. The manifestation of generosity and at the same time restraint in relations with loved ones.
  4. Respect for others, their tastes and preferences.
  5. Perseverance and firmness of character.
  6. The ability to be patient and sometimes even sensitive towards a child, wife.
  7. Stress tolerance.

“Harmony is... ratio qualitative differences and, moreover, the totality of such differences as it finds its basis in the essence of the thing itself. -G.W.F. Hegel

Harmony cannot be achieved in one day, it is internal state arises in a person's life due to the ability to live for today, love yourself and be honest with yourself and others. Each person has his own way of finding harmony, which is no less important and valuable than the goal itself - achieving internal balance in relationships with oneself and the outside world.

How to achieve harmony in yourself and in relationships with people?

Here, perhaps, there is no single answer. Everyone seeks inner harmony by their own means and methods. You can engage in self-development, create, commit risky actions Or just live for today.

The main thing in all these actions is that the feeling of happiness, freedom, peace fills a person to the brim and helps him move through life easily and energetically. Success and self-sufficiency are closely related to the extent to which a person has managed to fill his life with harmony and order.

Inner peace, comfort, security, safety, integrity, unity. For others it is ideal relationship with close people, clarity, enlightenment, moving forward, love for everything in the world, perfection.

AT classical The definition of harmony (from the Greek “harmonia”) is the proportionality of parts and the whole, the fusion of various components into a single, organic whole.

When a person clearly imagines his mission and realizes that nothing prevents him from fulfilling it, then he enters a state of harmony.

Harmony can be considered equilibrium, but not static, in which there is no movement, but dynamic, in which all elements of the system move in a balanced way, at the “same speed”, uniformly moving the system forward towards its goal. Figuratively speaking, harmony is like a car in which all its parts move relative to the road at the same speed - the speed of the car, and act with one goal - to maintain or change the speed of the car depending on its current goal.

And with disharmony, some elements can move slower or faster, creating voltage in system. Again, comparing harmony with a car, we can say that with disharmony it would be, for example, that one wheel moved faster than a car or vice versa, slower. This could lead to the fact that the connection of the wheel with the car was destroyed, and it fell off. Then the car would stop moving altogether.

The image of ideal disharmony is perfectly described in Krylov's fable "The Swan, the Cancer and the Pike", where the animals decided to transport the cart, but moved it in different directions. They put in a lot of effort, but the cart remained in place; there was no movement, and the goal could not be reached.

Harmony is holistic state. But regarding the system, it can be divided into internal and external.

Inner harmony system with itself allows you to determine deviations in development from its essence, its optimal state. The closer the system is to its optimal state, the more harmonious it is and feels inner peace and comfort. When deviations occur, the system goes into a state of disharmony. Then she has contradictions, doubts, fears, discomfort.

External harmony with the environment determines the usefulness of connections and relationships that support or hinder development and self-realization. In the presence of harmful connections, the system feels danger, discomfort. She is forced to focus on her defense instead of fulfilling herself.

To move into a state of harmony, you need to achieve both internal and external harmony. Only under this condition will the system be able to realize itself, and this process will be easy and enjoyable.


Every person has ideals that he creates or improves in his life, such as: freedom, wealth, family, education, balance, etc. Moreover, the ideals are interconnected.

For example, wealth makes you freer, kindness makes the world a better place, security allows you to focus on development, love makes you happier, and so on.

Those. some ideals are part of some larger ideal that is more important to the system. So the ideals are hierarchical structure, therefore, there is some ideal system.

And if you build such hierarchy, then the most common and important ideals will be freedom and harmony. Those. each system develops to add more ideals to your life, which will ultimately allow you to achieve personal freedom and harmony with yourself and the world around you.

The system can learn about ideals in the process of development or can discover them in environment, for other systems that already have this ideal. Then the system can realize that some ideals are very important for its self-realization, but they are not in its life. In this case, the system can set a goal to obtain this ideal.

The desire to obtain or improve certain ideals is cause performance of specific actions by the system and its expenditure of personal resources. Such ideals are values ​​for her.

These steps are not sequential, rather the opposite - they need to be done all at once, parallel and as quickly as possible.

Step " understanding the meaning of life» described in the product Book "Personal Development as a System. Part One. The Meaning of Life" . It tells about the essence of man and the world around him. The answer is given from a systemic point of view to the questions "Who are we and why did we appear here?". It explains what a person should do for his life and what is its meaning.

Step " self-awareness» described in the product Book "Personal Development as a System. Part Two. Awareness" . It tells how a person determines the direction and purpose of his life. The answer is given from a systemic point of view to the questions "Who am I?" and "Why do I live?". The main components of a person that he needs to realize are described: character, temperament, talent and purpose. The methods of their determination and the consequences of this are described.

The remaining steps to achieve harmony are described in the product. to improve life in all areas.

It is also important to realize difference between destroying the useless and harming the useful and stop doing harm to others, nature and the world as a whole. After all, by harming the world, you actually harm yourself, because everything in the world is interconnected and interdependent.

And you can say that inner harmony- this is when you do what you love, you love what you do, and nothing interferes with you. BUT external harmony is a conscious and mutually beneficial dependence on each other for the joint creation of something more, the pursuit of ideal perfection.

When from everyone life circumstances that fell on your shoulders, you understand that something has gone wrong in your life. Then the moment comes when you have to withdraw into yourself and understand what you need. In such cases, the majority believes that a job change, a move to another city or country, or a change of partner will help them.

But wherever you move, you always take yourself. After all, in order to decide what you lack in life, you do not need to go anywhere. You don't have to run away from life's problems. It is enough to understand yourself, that is, to find harmony with yourself and accept yourself.

Sounds very simple to be true, you might think. But, nevertheless, heed the advice that will be given below. After all, using them, you will not lose anything. Moreover, you will find harmony in yourself, which means that you will not be afraid of any troubles in life. And welcome to the world of harmony.

How to start the path to harmony?

Agree, in the crowd of people walking by, you notice radiant and eye-catching people. And it's not about them appearance or the way they dress, they have a kind of completely invisible inner radiance. Their eyes are full of calmness, happiness, harmony. These people are always drawn to others. What is their secret? It is in the fact that these people have found harmony with themselves.

The moment you realized that you needed to change something, you took the first step towards a harmonious life with yourself. Next, you will need to improve yourself, and do a long and hard work on yourself. But this work in your life will become a real treasure.

So, first of all you need to understand who you are and what you want from this life. And the answer: "I'm Marina, I'm 25, I want to be a successful designer" - does not fit. After all, it is very important question if your goal is to find harmony, there is no place here material things. After all, harmony belongs to the spiritual category. And if you think that it will come after the acquisition of a material thing, then this is a basic delusion. Just the opposite is true. Only after you have discovered harmony in yourself, you will have everything and even more.

The second step is be aware. At the very beginning, this can be difficult for you, because the constant stream of unnecessary thoughts in your head will constantly take you in a different direction. But that shouldn't scare you. For example, every time you make dinner, focus only on the cooking process itself, and at the moment when an extraneous thought takes you somewhere, return again to the conscious cooking process. And so every time, whatever you do, always be absorbed only in the process itself, and do not allow extraneous thoughts. And every day, you will see how there are fewer unnecessary thoughts in your head, and you spend more and more time consciously.

This also applies to emotions. You don't need any negativity. Always, always when entering into some kind of contact with people, try to be constructive and calm, especially if you have some kind of conflict. After all, anger, discontent and irritation have not yet helped any person to effectively resolve any problems. So always keep an eye on the occurrence negative emotions and try to neutralize them. Remember that in a harmonious person, all emotions come from the heart. And in the heart there is only room for love.

Out of this comes next tip. Always be in love with someone or something. After all, love in a person reveals their true essence. It makes a person more noble. After all, this is a very strong feeling, and if you are in love, you cannot help but notice positive changes in yourself. First of all, you will have respect for yourself. Having it, you will know exactly what you want. You will never intentionally offend another, you will not deceive, you will not do bad deeds, you will not be able to live in dirt and untidiness, because you respect yourself. Develop love in yourself, because this is a huge gift that will help you be more harmonious with yourself and with the world around you.

The next piece of advice will also be about your gift. More specifically, about your talent. And if you think that you have no abilities, then you are deeply mistaken. Each person is endowed with them, and you must discover them in yourself. But if you sit in your usual comfortable world, you may never know what you are capable of. Indeed, in order to discover talent in yourself, you need to go where you have not been yet, try something that you have never done, eat something that you have not eaten before. In short, in order for your soul to wake up, indulge it with new experiences and watch your well-being. When the soul finds its own, you will understand. And by the way, people who are passionate about something are always attractive and attractive to others. After all, you have your "raisin". And, most importantly, in the moments of your enthusiasm, you find that harmony with yourself, that peace, which is so lacking in the noisy city rhythm.

The fifth tip is that you need to become a master of sports in games with your mind. This means that you need to imagine that you have already found harmony with yourself. You already need to be harmonious. Analyze how harmonious personalities behave, how they speak, how they relate to failures and victories. Do not wait for the day when you wake up in the morning and realize that you have become harmonious, be so right now.

And remember that all great things start small. A long journey begins with the first step. Even the biggest professionals start small, they don't get something overnight. So be patient. Be indulgent to yourself, if something doesn’t work out for you right away, everything will come gradually. And in order to develop a certain skill, you need to do more than one number of repetitions. Be grateful for what you have, and live according to your heart and soul, learn, develop, apply these tips, look for your own, experiment, and you will find true harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

Based on the materials of the book "Gymnastics of the Soul".

Happiness is the ability to get along with yourself. Seems so easy. In fact, there is nothing more difficult in the world. To find mutual language with yourself, sometimes it takes a whole life, and even a long work on your personality. But at the end of the journey, true peace and harmony await you...

We invite you to follow our daily simple advice. You will see, the result will not be long in coming!

1. Take your time to live

How to understand yourself, how to understand this life? Very simple: try to live slowly. Think about how you spend your day. You probably don't have enough time. Since childhood, many have been told: “Hurry up to live, you won’t have time - you are already five years old! Learn faster, work better! Faster there, faster here…” You can’t live like that. "Life is short - be patient a little," said one famous satirist. But if life is short, why live it quickly? Life is to be enjoyed. And this can be done only if you take your time, act calmly and evenly, with understanding and with a sense of the celebration of this life.

Fifteen or twenty years ago, there was a saying: “You should never rush for a bus, a woman, and a new reform. Why? But because behind them all the time there are new ones. And rightly so: no need to rush. Life is short. And if you feel it, then everything will be fine. Our main mistake is that we prolong all the bad things - we do not want to do this. Well, let's say someone doesn't feel like doing the dishes and puts it off all the time. And everything good, good, what we like, we do very quickly. And you need to do the opposite: try to do everything bad as quickly as possible, and stretch everything good, take your time.

On a note: Watch how you talk to interesting people: Do you interrupt them or do you slowly carry on a conversation? How do you read interesting book: swallow or read? How do you behave on a walk: do you walk quickly or walk, inhaling the air deeply, having time to look at the trees, snow, sun, the first spring grass? Try to feel this life, and it will become better: you will achieve success faster. And you yourself will become better. Do not hurry.

2. Learn to love

You can't and shouldn't live without feelings

Man needs to know strong feelings so that noble qualities would develop in him that would expand the circle of his life.

The ability to love is a great ability. It helps to feel life, other people, own need, usefulness. Feel and respect yourself. Self-respect warns a person against many bad deeds. If I respect myself, can I deceive another? If I respect myself, can I boldly answer my son, daughter, wife, husband, brother, colleague? If I respect myself, can I live in filth and be unkempt? If I respect myself, will I be late for personal or business dates? Of course not: I respect myself.

3. Forget about shyness

Be educated, not too humble

From childhood, we were taught: be modest, like everyone else, and do not draw attention to yourself. Humility is good. When they want to say good things about a person, they add: "He is modest." But in fact, modesty is bad. You don't have to be humble. We confuse two concepts - "modesty" and "good manners". Education is wonderful. When a man gives way to a woman in a transport or lets her go ahead, this is good manners. Do not interrupt the interlocutor - this is good breeding. What about modesty? “Don’t think about a career, don’t think that you can achieve a lot”   – does this mean being humble? "Do not look for success, down with ambition!" This is also modesty.

We will get rid of modesty - we will develop good breeding: gallantry, masculinity, chivalry. We will develop ourselves best qualities- respect for another person, because it is good manners.

On a note: Try to reason and see if you yourself are too modest. Because the next level of modesty is shyness, and shyness gets in the way of people. Think about whether you are educated, whether your relatives, your colleagues are educated. Think about how to become well-mannered without becoming modest and shy. Discuss this topic today on your way to school, work, and home. When you gather for evening tea, talk about it with loved ones and with yourself. Develop good manners in yourself and get rid of, if you have it, shyness.

4. Believe in yourself

Every person has a talent

Three magical "I": I want, I can, I will! That's how you have to argue. Many explain failures in life, in career, in family affairs own laziness. “I’m too lazy to go somewhere, I’m too lazy to clean my apartment, I’m too lazy to clean up my papers, I’m too lazy to call other people. I'm lazy." And there are no lazy people. Initially, any person is born active, because he is full of a thirst for life. Like a sprout that breaks through the asphalt, by all means, against all odds. Everything that is alive is active, there are no lazy people among the living. There are people who are disorganized and uninterested. Remember yourself when you are in love. Morning - when will you meet with your loved one? Arrive an hour early, if you are late, run. You are addicted! Remember yourself when you play some game for an hour, two, three, ten: your eyes burn - you like to play.

As soon as you have a passion for work, or, say, photography, or you want to draw, sculpt, there will always be time for this.

5. Avoid Arguments

All quarrels are exhausting and emotionally draining.

Undoubtedly, each of us has heard the phrase “harmony of soul and body” more than once, let's try to figure out together what it means and how to achieve a balance of these two sides, which, in fact, are parts of one whole.

Beauty, first of all, comes from what we have in our souls. If we do not love ourselves, we have gloomy thoughts, dissatisfaction with ourselves and the world, Bad mood, then no beautiful clothes and cosmetics will help here. Have you noticed that there are people who do not differ in special external data, but they radiate light, attract, after communicating with them, you seem to come to life and recharge with positive energy? So, in order to become the same "magnet" and a source of light, you need to work on yourself.

First of all, you need to love life and learn to enjoy the little things. In other words, learn to live one day at a time. For example, you are in a hurry to work and think about the upcoming hustle and bustle in transport, about the boss’s orders, instead of looking around and looking at the beautiful flowers that have bloomed near your house, at the laughter of a child whose mother is taking to kindergarten. Enjoy the moment, happiness can be found in the most ordinary things.

The second step on the path to harmonization will be self-love, because, as you know, if you cannot love yourself, then it will be difficult for other people to do this in relation to you. Accept yourself the way nature created you, develop, do not stand still, find your hobby, because, improving, you will discover a lot of positive traits. More precisely, you will begin to notice them, because they have always been in you, you just were so fixated on the negative that you could not see your own merits. Feel beautiful and loved, do not get tired of remembering this, because the thought that is associated with emotion has great power and will certainly materialize.

Also, do not forget about such a quality as kindness. a kind person- This wonderful person. Help people, good will return to you like a boomerang. Do not judge anyone - everyone has the right to make a mistake. Be sincere and friendly. All these are pieces of a huge puzzle called "Inner Beauty". You can talk a lot more about the beauty of the soul, but, perhaps, all of the above is its foundation and basis.

As for external beauty, do not forget to follow it. Go in for sports: run, walk in gym, and if there is no time for this, set aside 15-20 minutes a day for simple exercises, do not hesitate - this will keep you in great shape. Eat wholesome and healthy food, do not forget that we are what we eat.

Skillfully combining inner and outer beauty, you will definitely achieve the very harmony that we talked about at the beginning. Skillfully combining these two sides, you will become happy man. The main thing is to strive for this, believe in yourself, and everything will work out.

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