The mystery is that cows drink milk. Psychological mysteries. Psychological riddles "Associations"

Tests::: Test your brain!

Answer out loud and then check your answer (below).

1.Question: What do you put in a toaster?

Answer. BREAD. If you put something else, be careful! If you said "bread", go to question 2.

2.Question. Say the word "far" 5 times. Spell it out: d-a-l-e-k-o. What do cows drink?

Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk", please don't attempt to answer the next question. Your brain is obviously overworked and may even overheat. Maybe you should take a break and read Funny Pictures magazine. If you said "water", go to the next question.

3.Question. If the red house is made of red bricks and the blue house is made of blue bricks and the pink house is made of pink bricks and the black house is made of black bricks, what is the green house made of?

Answer: The green house is made of glass. (Green house - greenhouse. Note. translator). If you answered "Green bricks", why the hell are you still reading these questions? If you said, "Made of glass," go to question 4.

4. Question. Twenty years ago, an airplane was flying at an altitude of 10 km over Germany. If you remember, 20 years ago Germany was politically divided into two parts - West and East. And so, during the flight, two engines failed. The pilot, feeling that the last engine is also about to stall, decides to make an emergency landing. Unfortunately, the engine stalled early and the plane crashed on no man's land between West and East Germany. Where would you bury the survivors? In West Germany or in East or in no man's land?

Answer. Of course, it is not necessary to bury the survivors! If you said anything else, you are a real dumbass and you should never be involved in rescue work after a plane crash. If you answered "they don't bury the survivors," then move on to the next question.

5.Question. If the hour hand moves 1/60 of a degree every minute, how many degrees will it move in an hour?

Answer: One degree. If you said "360 degrees" or anything other than "One degree", you don't belong here. Turn off your computer and go do something else.

Psychological riddles- These are riddles. They are built in such a way as to confuse us so that our subconscious mind gives the wrong answer. Although the answers seem to us correct and obvious.

Riddles help develop original thinking, help to find a non-standard approach in solving problems, and also improve attention and memory.

We solve psychological riddles, cheer ourselves up. When solving, it is important to observe the following rules:

Answer quickly, don't think too long.

Don't cheat. Do not peep the answer until you give your solution.

Psychological riddles with answers

Answer you will find after the question in brackets. Select this area with the mouse (as for copying).


Mathematical. Don't use a calculator! Count in your mind! Add 40 to 1000. Add 1000. Add 30. Plus another 1000. Then add 20. Plus 1000. Plus 10. What is your result?

ANSWER: ( If your answer is 5000, that's not true! That's right - 4100. Don't believe me? Recount carefully.)


Think of a number from 2 to 9. Multiply it by 9. Then add the 1st and 2nd digits in the resulting two-digit number. Got a number. For 1 letter of this number, guess the name of any country. And on the third letter, come up with the name of the animal. What happened?

ANSWER: ( Are there rhinos in Denmark?)


We check friends and acquaintances for attentiveness. Ask the person to write any number on the board and remember it. (You should remember this number too). Then erase the number from the board yourself and continue the conversation with the interlocutor on any topic. Then sharply name the number! The first seconds will be a shock for a person. How could you guess?


Imagine that you have two coins in your pocket. The total amount is 15 kopecks. One of them is not a nickel. Question: what coins do you have in your pocket?

ANSWER: ( 10 and 5 kopecks. Because only one coin is not a nickel.)


Sasha - owns a company that produces sneakers. The company has 2 factories that produce the same model of sneakers. Factories are theft. How can Sasha organize the work of factories in order to stop theft, but without firing anyone?

ANSWER: ( One factory produces the left shoe, and the other the right shoe.)


What has a head but doesn't have a brain?

ANSWER: (Garlic, onion, pin, cheese)


Running competition. You overtook the runner who was in second position. What is your position now?

ANSWER: ( You are the first. This is not the correct answer. You are in second position, because you took the place of the runner, and he was in second position.)


At the competition, you overtook the last runner. What is your position now?

ANSWER: ( Penultimate? Not true. If you overtook him, then he was not the last. So it is impossible to overtake the last runner.)


There is a white sheet of paper in front of you. Answer the question: What color is it?

Another question: What does a cow drink?

ANSWER: ( Milk? You are mistaken. The cow gives milk, but does not drink.)


A man in captivity on the island of the Amazons. They are going to execute him, but before that they promise to fulfill any desire. What should a man guess to avoid execution? (An answer like "Don't execute" doesn't work.)

ANSWER: ( Desire of a man: "Let me be killed by the ugliest of you.")


The father had three daughters. He decided to marry one of them. The first wants to get married, the second does not, and the third does not care. And the father decided that the first one to come out would be the one in which the water boils faster in the pan. He gave each of the daughters the same pot with a lid and the same amount of water. They put it on fire.

Q: Which daughter will marry first?

ANSWER: ( Third daughter. Her water will boil faster in the pot because she doesn't care and won't look under the lid.)


Checks attention.

The passenger elevator rises to the 6th floor twice as fast as the freight elevator to the 3rd.

Question: Which elevator will rise faster - the passenger one to the 6th floor or the cargo one to the 3rd if they start moving from the 1st floor at the same time?

ANSWER: ( Passenger will rise faster. This is already stated in the problem statement.)


Maria's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Cheche, Chichi, Chocho.

Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter.

ANSWER: ( Chuchu? Not true. The answer is in the riddle. Her name is Maria.)

Did you like psychological riddles with answers?

Keeping track of what a cow drinks is not just out of curiosity. No liquid is suitable for cows. And for various reasons, she may completely refuse to drink water. Then a real disaster will come, because for the formation of milk in the udder, a certain presence of moisture in the body of the animal must be present. And, of course, consumption rates are different depending on the breed, age and conditions of detention. To figure out what is possible and what is not, when organizing the watering of cattle, our article will help.

Water balance arithmetic

The norms of liquids drunk during the day for each individual, even if cows of the same age and breed, may differ. So, for dairy cows, on average, you need 5 liters per 1 kg of feed. That is, if the daily rate of roughage is 8 kg, then 40 liters of water will be required. This amount will make it possible to receive up to 40 liters of milk.

But you still need to feed the body of the cow itself. So, if we are talking about stall or tethered content, then it is necessary to get the right liquid due to succulent feed or additional water poured into the drinker.

In the summer, when a cow grazes on a pasture and nibbles grass all day, it is difficult to accurately calculate the fluid that enters her body with juice. However, according to statistics, it happens from 20 to 40 liters per day.

For meat cows, the calculation is different. But in the end, he can come to the same figure due to the larger amount of food that is given out to increase the mass. For the average rate, 3-4 liters of water are used here for every kg of dry food.

Reasons for not drinking water

Cows may not drink water for the following reasons:

  • too cold;
  • difficult access to the drinker;
  • unpleasant taste impurities;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the stomach;
  • stuffed stomach.

If the water temperature is less than 8 degrees, then cattle begin to consume it in reduced volumes. Also the cow drinks less if the liquid is too warm. The optimal temperature regime is 12-15 degrees.

For a calf, the degrees are much higher - from 15 to 30.

The stall method of keeping cows allows you to control the temperature in the drinkers. And if on a farm animals are kept in a box by a loose method, then the most convenient solution would be the organization of auto-heating. Then the water will always have the desired temperature.

Water consumption rates, frequency of drinking and temperature are shown in the table:

Herring will help

In a barn or paddock, access to the drinker should be free. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary items that make it difficult for cattle to approach the water.

The amount of liquid you drink is also affected by weather conditions. If normally during the day a cow can drink 10 liters at a time, then during wind or rain the volume decreases by 30-40%. Accordingly, milk yields will decrease by the same amount. Heifers especially react to weather conditions.

The folk way will tell you what to do if the cow consumes little water or does not drink at all. Its essence is as follows. An ordinary herring is rubbed on the animal's nasolabial mirror. It makes you thirsty.

But this method is only good if you are sure of the usual capriciousness of the cow. It happens that she swallows some foreign object and refuses the liquid for this reason. Or she has an upset stomach. Then you need to contact your veterinarian immediately.

About drinkers indoors and outdoors

For watering animals use special containers. In large farms, with tethered livestock, a tiered watering system is used. A flow-through valve is provided for control. The required amount of water is constantly in the drinkers - the law of communicating vessels is used. For every fifty cows - its own tank with a volume of 40 liters, and 13 liters of liquid are placed in each drinker. If necessary, the bowl can be attached to the wall. But in any case, the cow, even on a leash, must freely reach the water.

Group drinkers are suitable for free-range cattle. In addition to using them in boxes, it is quite possible to install these containers on pastures. They may or may not be heated. Double polyethylene walls with thermal insulation allow you to keep the desired temperature unchanged for a long time. The optimal bowl size is 90x40x40 cm.

For convenience, the drinker can be installed on a pedestal. In order to maintain sanitary standards, they need to be washed regularly and disinfected once a week.

Other liquids and water additives

In addition to ordinary water, cows also drink products diluted in it. For example, bran is dissolved in water before use. The normal dosage is from 2 to 3 kg per bucket. Cows after calving after an hour are given salted water (100 g per 10 l), heated to 25 degrees. Some foods (wheat, barley, compound feed) are steamed with boiling water to make them softer.

The first fluid of a newborn calf is colostrum. It is given 2-3 hours after birth. The volume is calculated depending on the weight. Usually it is 10%. The next feeding - in 6-7 hours in the same amount.

But the maximum allowable rate of cow colostrum is 3 liters at a time. It happens that the calf can drink more, but you should not let him overeat from the first days of life. Feeding is repeated 3-4 times a day. Thus, drinking continues for a week, after which they switch to milk.

Milk for calves

For calves, as they grow, the amount of milk produced decreases. So, if two-week-old babies drank 7 liters per day, then by the age of three months each calf drinks no more than 5 liters

This is due to their growing up and the fact that they now drink more water in combination with various feeds. You can read more about rearing young animals in the article.

In some farms, water is given to the cow in unlimited quantities (excluding periods of possible illness or a special physiological economy). And that's perfectly acceptable. Sometimes an unlimited mode is considered normal when feeding calves with milk. But we advise you to adhere to the recommended norms: for the age of 5 weeks - 7 liters, 7 weeks - 6 liters, 8 weeks - 5 liters, 11 weeks - 2 liters. Gradual weaning will have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

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In the comments, write about your observations of a cow at a watering hole.

December 27, 2011, 23:27

94NN03 S006SCH3NN3 P0K4ZY8437, K4KN3 U9N8N73LNY3 83SCHN M0ZH37 93L47L N4Sh R4ZUM! 8P3CH47LAYUSCHN3 83SCHN! CH4CH4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 S3YCH4S N4 E70Y S7R0K3 84SH R4ZOOM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SKN, N3 Z49UMY84YAS 06 E70M. G0P9NC. LNSH 0PR393L3NNY3 LU9N M0GU7 PR0CHN747E70. It's an erectometer. The patient of the sexologist should press the pads with his finger and say what hardness his penis corresponds to in an erection.
Choose: two combinations
So if: MELON AND TOMATO: This combination is chosen, as a rule, by balanced, calm and purposeful people. They are tactful and balanced. These people have good taste. They love modern, stylish things. Men of this type are gentle and affectionate, many consider them even feminine and weak-willed. Often men of this type define themselves as creative people. True, such men are often egocentric. Women of the melon-tomato type are gentle and caring, good wives, faithful lovers. They are impressionable, passionate and constant. CUCUMBER AND WATERMELON: This is the most creative type of people. About men of such a warehouse they say "devils are found in a still pool." Their explosive nature is not immediately recognizable. But then life with such - as on a volcano. They have an idea, the implementation of which requires a large share of adventurism and determination. Women of this type are capable of many decisive actions, but they are in their emotions and irresponsible. They can break all the dishes in a fit of anger. Such women often hide their grievances, but do not forget them - they save up. Subsequently, this threatens the husband of such a woman to become a target for a splash of all the accumulated negative emotions. Among this type of people, inventors and scientists are most often found. TOMATO AND WATERMELON: People of this warehouse are sociable, talkative. It is often said about such people that they "know how to live." They are active and cheerful. Men of the watermelon-tomato type are lazy, like good food, good cars and good sex. They prefer to have established manners and places of work and residence. It is not often that they become earners. Women of this warehouse love the hearth, homebodies, economic. They create coziness and comfort. People of this warehouse are less capable of meanness, lies and betrayal than others. They do not like and do not know how to weave intrigues. CUCUMBER AND MELON: Indeed, these products are more often preferred by men. If such a choice in this test is made by a man, then most likely he is serious and courageous, weakly prone to bad habits. It is easy for him to achieve his goals. He is reliable and responsible. Women of this type are good bosses. But in everyday life and family life, they are not the best, they do not like to wash, wash dishes, clean up. But they can become a true friend and a good adviser. ATTENTION TEST: you have to find the child who is in the room. Good luck.

NEXT TEST: This is a psychological test that all Finnish recruits, both men and women, must now take. The purpose of the test is to identify potential problems in the head of the soldiers, so that doctors and commanders look more closely at them during their service. The idea behind the test is very simple. The recruit looks at the sheet and calls out the numbers located inside the circles. If the recruit sees the numbers in all six circles, he is healthy. If the future soldier does not see the number in several circles at once, he should be checked for color blindness - color blindness. And if the recruit does not see the numbers in only one circle, then he may develop the following problems ... The circle is not visible 1. Increased aggressiveness, conflict. It is recommended to pay a lot of attention to the contrast shower and physical exercises. Circle 2 is not visible. Mental abilities are reduced. When serving in the general branches of the military, additional measures are not required. The circle is not visible 3. Gasterimargia (gluttony). Reinforced rations, more physical exercises, sedentary work and work in the kitchen are contraindicated. The circle is not visible 4. Sadism. In a mild form, an appointment to the teaching staff is recommended, in a severe form - to the disciplinary department. The circle is not visible 5. Latent (hidden, repressed) homosexuality. Attacks of poorly controlled attraction to people of the same sex are possible. Additional measures are not required. The circle is not visible 6. Schizophrenia. A full check-up with a psychiatrist is recommended. A TASK: I took 100 rubles from you. Went to the store and lost them. I met a friend and took another 50 rubles from him. I bought 2 chocolates for 10 rubles. I have 30 rubles left. I gave them to you and I owe you 70 rubles. And a friend 50 rubles. Total 120 rub. Plus I have 2 chocolates. Total 140 rubles. WHERE 10 RUBLES!???

Test Read line by line! Answer IMMEDIATELY - WITHOUT THINKING! What color is the snow? What color is the notebook sheet? What color is sugar? What color is the refrigerator? What does the cow drink? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results Is it really milk? ;) So, here are four questions, they should be asked in that order. An important feature: in this test, the interpretation of each answer is given immediately after it, and not at the end of the entire test. This very well establishes a high level of trust and interest in further passing the test. Questions 1. You are walking along the road and suddenly a wall blocks your way. Describe this wall and your actions. 2. What is your favorite color, describe it and how you feel about it. 3. What is your favorite animal, why? Describe it. 4. Imagine that you are near water, a large volume of water... Describe it, what it is, your feelings and what you will do... Interpretation 1. Reaction to problems, obstacles in life, how you overcome them. 2. This is how you see yourself, your qualities. 3. (This always causes embarrassment.) And this is how others perceive you. 4. Attitude towards sex. Test for the bride “The road to the beloved” Girls turn on the imagination: 1. You are going home to your fiancé. There are 2 roads leading to it. The first road is straight and short, but it passes through a wasteland that is boring to walk on. The other road is very long, but it leads through a picturesque park, which is very pleasant to walk in. Which road will you take? 2. You continue on your way and see 2 rose bushes. On one of them - only red, on the other - only white. You decided to cut some roses and give them to your fiance. How many roses will you give and what color will they be? 3. You came home to your fiancé, but he is not at home, and one of the relatives opened the door. You need to find your boyfriend's room, but you don't know where it is. What will you do? Will you look for it yourself or ask the one who opened the door? 4. You go into your fiance's room and want to leave a bouquet of roses in it. Where will you put them? On the table or on the bed? 5. Your fiancé returned home, but it was already dark outside and you decided to stay with him for the night. You go to bed in different rooms. Waking up early in the morning, you decided to go to him. Will he still be sleeping at this time or will he wake up already? 6. It is time to return home. Which road will you take? Short but boring or long but interesting?
Answers: 1. The road is your attitude towards love. If you chose the short cut, it means that you fall in love quickly and easily. If you have chosen a long road, then this means that you do not rush into the pool with your head and prefer to get to know a person well before falling in love with him. 2. The number of roses you give your fiancé indicates how much you are willing to give and receive in your relationship. Red roses are how much you give, white roses are how much you expect to receive in return. For example, if you chose 18 red and 3 white roses, then this means that you give your love by 90%, and you are ready to accept 10% from your fiancé. 3. The answer to this question symbolizes your attitude towards solving problems in your relationship. If you decide to get an answer from another person, then this means that you are afraid to solve problems yourself and wait for everything to be settled by itself. If you look for a room yourself, this means that you are ready to solve all problems immediately and will make every effort to do so. 4. The place where you left the roses symbolizes how you want to see your fiancé. If you left them on the table, then this means that you want to see him as a business person, and if on the bed, then this means that you, first of all, see him as a lover. 5. The answer to this question symbolizes whether your attitude towards the groom can change after the wedding. If you answered that he will sleep, then your feelings will remain the same, but if you answered that he will be awake, then this means that your attitude may change. 6. The road home means how long your love will last. If you chose the short road, then your feelings may soon fade away, and if the long one, then your love will last for many years.

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