A.S. Pushkin. I erected a monument to myself not made by hands. I erected a monument to myself miraculous (Pushkin)

In continuation .

The fact is that the priest himself did not change anything. He only restored the pre-revolutionary publishing version.

After the death of Pushkin, immediately after the removal of the body, Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky sealed Pushkin's office with his seal, and then received permission to transfer the poet's manuscripts to his apartment.

All subsequent months, Zhukovsky was engaged in the analysis of Pushkin's manuscripts, preparing for the publication of the posthumous collected works and all property matters, becoming one of the three guardians of the poet's children (in the words of Vyazemsky, the guardian angel of the family).

And he wanted the works that could not be censored in the author's version to still be published.

And then Zhukovsky starts editing. That is, change.

Seventeen years before the death of the genius, Zhukovsky presented Pushkin with his portrait of her with the inscription: “To the winner-student from the defeated teacher on that highly solemn day on which he finished his poem Ruslan and Lyudmila. March 26, 1820, Good Friday"

In 1837, the teacher sits down to correct the student's essays, which cannot pass the attestation commission in any way.
Zhukovsky, forced to present Pushkin to posterity as "a loyal subject and a Christian."
So in the fairy tale “About the priest and his worker Balda”, the priest is replaced by a merchant.

But there were more important things as well. One of Zhukovsky's most famous improvements to Pushkin's text is the famous " I erected a monument to myself not made by hands».

Here is the original Pushkin text in the original spelling:

Exegi monumentum

I erected a monument to myself not made by hands;
A folk path will not grow to him;
He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious
Alexandria pillar.

No! I won't die! Soul in the cherished lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will run away -
And I will be glorious as long as in the sublunar world
Live will be at least one drink.

Rumors about me will spread throughout the great Russia,
And every tongue that exists in it will call me:
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tunguz, and friend of the Kalmyk steppes.

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with a lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified freedom,
And he called for mercy for the fallen.

By the command of God, O muse, be obedient:
Not afraid of resentment, not demanding a crown,
Praise and slander were accepted with indifference
And don't argue with the fool.

This poem by A.S. Pushkin devoted a huge literature. (There is even a special two-hundred-page work: Alekseev M.P. "Pushkin's poem" I erected a monument to myself ...". L., "Nauka", 1967.). In its genre, this poem goes back to a long age-old tradition. One can analyze how the previous Russian and French translations and arrangements of Horace's Ode (III.XXX) differ from Pushkin's text, what Pushkin introduced into the interpretation of the theme, etc. But it is not worth competing with Alekseev within a short post.

The final Pushkin text is already self-censored. If you look at

draft versions , then we see more clearly what Alexander Sergeevich actually wanted to say more precisely. We see direction.

The original version was: That following Radishchev I glorified freedom»

But even looking at the final version, Zhukovsky understands that this poem will not pass the censorship.

What is at least this one mentioned in the poem " Alexandria pillar". It is clear that this is not the architectural miracle "Pompeius Pillar" in distant Egyptian Alexandria, but the column in honor of Alexander the First in the city of St. Petersburg (especially when you consider that it is next to the expression "rebellious head").

Pushkin contrasts his "not-made" glory with a monument of material glory, created in honor of the one whom he called "the enemy of labor, inadvertently warmed by glory." A contrast that Pushkin himself could not even dream of seeing in print, like the burned chapter of his “novel in verse.”

The Alexander Column, shortly before Pushkin's poems, was erected (1832) and opened (1834) near the place where the poet's last apartment was later located.

The column was glorified as a symbol of indestructible autocratic power in a number of pamphlets and poems by "overcoat" poets. Pushkin, who avoided being present at the opening ceremony of the column, fearlessly declared in his poems that his fame was higher than the Pillar of Alexandria.

What does Zhukovsky do? It replaces " Alexandria" on the " Napoleonova».

He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious
Napoleonic pillar.

Instead of the confrontation "Poet-Power", the opposition "Russia-Napoleon" appears. Nothing too. But about something else.

More a big problem with the line: " That in my cruel age I glorified freedom”is a direct reminder of the rebellious ode “Liberty” by young Pushkin, that glorified “freedom” that caused his six-year exile, and later - careful gendarmerie surveillance of him.

What does Zhukovsky do?

Instead of:

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,

That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And mercy to the fallen called

Zhukovsky puts:

That I aroused good feelings with lyre,

And mercy to the fallen called

wrote about these substitutions, the great textologist Sergei Mikhailovich Bondi:

The replacement of one verse in the penultimate stanza with another composed by Zhukovsky completely changed the content of the entire stanza, gave a new meaning even to those Pushkin's verses that Zhukovsky left unchanged.

And for a long time I will be kind to those people ...

Here Zhukovsky only rearranged the words of Pushkin's text ("And for a long time I will be kind to the people") in order to get rid of Pushkin's rhyme "to the people" - "freedom".

That I aroused good feelings with lyre ...

The word "kind" has many meanings in Russian. In this context ("feelings of good") there can only be a choice between two meanings: "good" in the sense of "good" (cf. the expressions "good evening", "good health") or in the moral sense - "feelings of kindness towards people." Zhukovsky's alteration of the next verse gives the expression "good feelings" precisely the second, moral meaning.

That by the charm of living poetry I was useful
And he called for mercy on the fallen.

The "living charm" of Pushkin's poems not only pleases readers, gives them aesthetic pleasure, but (according to Zhukovsky) also brings them direct benefit. What is the benefit, it is clear from the whole context: Pushkin's poems awaken feelings of kindness to people and call for merciful treatment of the "fallen", that is, those who have sinned against the moral law, not to condemn them, to help them.

It is interesting that Zhukovsky managed to create a stanza that is completely anti-Pushkin in its content. He changed. He replaced Mozart with Salieri.

After all, it is the envious poisoner Salieri, who is sure that talent is given for diligence and zeal, requires art to be useful and reproaches Mozart: “What is the use if Mozart lives and still reaches new heights?” i.d. But Mozart does not care about the benefit. " There are few of us chosen, happy idlers, neglecting contemptible benefits, one beautiful priests." And Pushkin has a completely Mozartian attitude towards usefulness. " Everything would be good for you - you value the weight of an idol Belvedere».

And Zhukovsky puts " That by the charm of living poetry I was USEFUL»

In 1870, a committee was established in Moscow to collect donations for the installation of a monument to the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. As a result of the competition, the jury chose the project of the sculptor A.M. Opekushin. On June 18, 1880, the grand opening of the monument took place.

On the pedestal on the right side was carved:
And for a long time I will be kind to those people,
That I aroused good feelings with my lyre.

In this form, the monument stood for 57 years. Already after the revolution, Tsvetaeva, who was in exile,

resented in one of his articles: “Indelible and indelible shame. This is where the Bolsheviks should have started! What to end with! But the false lines show off. The lie of the king, which has now become the lie of the people.

The Bolsheviks will correct the lines on the monument.

Oddly enough, it was the most cruel year of 1937 that would become the year of the posthumous rehabilitation of the poem "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands."

old text cut down, the surface was polished, the stone around the new letters was cut to a depth of 3 millimeters, which created a light gray background for the text. In addition, instead of couplets, quatrains were carved, and the outdated grammar was replaced with a modern one.

This happened on the centennial anniversary of Pushkin's death, which was celebrated in the USSR on a Stalinist scale.

And on the 150th anniversary of the birth, the poem experienced another truncation.

One hundred and fifty years since the birth of Pushkin (in 1949) the country celebrated not as loudly as the bicentennial, but still quite pompously.

There was, as usual, a solemn meeting at the Bolshoi Theatre. Members of the Politburo and others, as it was customary to say then, "noble people of our Motherland" sat on the presidium.

A report on the life and work of the great poet was made by Konstantin Simonov.

Of course, both the entire course of this solemn meeting and Simonov's report were broadcast on the radio throughout the country.

But wide populace, - especially somewhere out there, in the outback - they did not show much interest in this event.

In any case, in a small Kazakh town, on the central square of which a loudspeaker was installed, no one - including the local authorities - expected that Simonov's report would suddenly arouse such burning interest among the population.

The loudspeaker wheezed something of its own, not very intelligible. The area, as usual, was empty. But by the beginning of the solemn meeting, broadcast from the Bolshoi Theater, or rather, by the beginning of Simonov's report, the entire square was suddenly filled with a crowd of horsemen who galloped from nowhere. The riders dismounted and silently froze at the loudspeaker

Least of all were they like connoisseurs of belles-lettres. These were completely simple people, poorly dressed, with tired, haggard faces. But they listened to the official words of Simonov's report as if their whole life depended on what the famous poet would say there, at the Bolshoi Theater.

But at some point, somewhere around the middle of the report, they suddenly lost all interest in him. They jumped on their horses and galloped off - just as unexpectedly and as swiftly as they appeared.

These were Kalmyks exiled to Kazakhstan. And they rushed from the far places of their settlement to this town, to this square, with one single goal: to hear if the Moscow speaker will say when he quotes the text of Pushkin's "Monument" (and he will certainly quote it! this?), the words: “And a Kalmyk friend of the steppes.”

If he had uttered them, it would have meant that the gloomy fate of the exiled people was suddenly illuminated by a faint ray of hope.
But, contrary to their timid expectations, Simonov did not utter these words.

"Monument" he, of course, quoted. And even read the corresponding stanza. But not all. Not to the end:

The rumor about me will spread throughout the great Russia,
And every language that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild

And - everything. On "Tungus" the quote was cut off.

I also listened then (on the radio, of course) to this report. And he also drew attention to how strangely and unexpectedly the speaker halved Pushkin's line. But I learned much later about what is behind this broken quote. And this story about the Kalmyks who rushed from distant places to listen to Simonov's report was also told to me later, many years later. And then I was only surprised to note that when quoting Pushkin's "Monument" the speaker for some reason lost his rhyme. And I was very surprised that Simonov (after all, a poet!) for no reason at all suddenly mutilated a beautiful Pushkin line.

The missing rhyme was returned to Pushkin only eight years later. Only in the 57th (after the death of Stalin, after the XX Congress), the exiled people returned to their native Kalmyk steppes, and the text of Pushkin's "Monument" could finally be quoted in its original form.Even from the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre.”
Benedict Sarnov «

The poem “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” has an unusual, even tragic story. His draft was discovered after the death of the writer and given to Zhukovsky for revision. He carefully edited the original, and the poem was placed in a posthumous edition. It is rather sad to read the verse “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” by Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich - the poet, as if anticipating death approaching the threshold, hurries to create a work that will become his creative testament. In whatever class this creation is studied, it is able to make a deep impression.

The main theme of the poem is by no means self-praise, as the poet's detractors believed, but reflections on the role of poetry in public life. It does not matter whether a person decides to download it or read it online, Pushkin's message will be quite clear to him: the poetic word does not die, even if the creator dies. Remaining the imprint of his personality, it passes through the centuries, carries itself like a banner different nations. This is a lesson about love for freedom, homeland and people that needs to be taught at any age.

The text of Pushkin's poem “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” is filled with inspiration and admiration, there is a lot of tenderness and even sadness in it, which one way or another slips between the lines, is completely covered by the realization of the fact that the poet's soul is immortal. It is kept by the people themselves, who are not indifferent to literature.

Exegi monumentum.*

I erected a monument to myself not made by hands,
The folk trail will not grow to it,
He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious
Pillar of Alexandria.**

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the cherished lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will run away -
And I will be glorious as long as in the sublunar world
At least one piit will live.

The rumor about me will spread throughout the great Russia,
And every language that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tungus, and a Kalmyk friend of the steppes.

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And he called for mercy on the fallen.

By the command of God, O muse, be obedient,
Not afraid of resentment, not demanding a crown;
Praise and slander received with indifference
And don't argue with the fool.
* “I erected a monument” (lat.). The epigraph is taken from the works
Horace, the famous Roman poet (65-8 BC).

Comparative analysis of works by different authors

Scenario plan for a literature lesson in grade 9 according to the program of V.Ya. Korovina.
Technology of educational research activities
on the comparative analysis of works of different authors.

Lesson topic: “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands…”
Comparative analysis of the works of different authors.
The purpose of the lesson: - create conditions for research activities of students;
- teach comparative text analysis fiction;
- develop the main types of speech activity;
- to cultivate a sense of patriotism, to form a civic consciousness.
learning outcome,
formation of UUD

Personal: to improve the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual; use for solving cognitive and communicative problems various sources information.

Meta-subject: the ability to understand the problem, put forward a hypothesis, structure the material, formulate conclusions, independently organize activities.

Subject: understanding connection literary works with the era of their writing, revealing the timeless moral values ​​embedded in them and their modern sound; the ability to analyze a work, understand and formulate the theme, idea, pathos of a literary work; determination of the composition of a poem, figurative and expressive means, possession of literary terminology in the analysis of a literary work.

Cognitive UUD: record information different ways; carry out analysis and synthesis in scientific research; generalize, establish analogies.

Communicative UUD: use language resources to solve educational search problems; formulate, argue their own opinion, take into account and coordinate the opinions of others in cooperation.

Personal UUD: the ability to self-esteem, orientation in the moral space of society, awareness of citizenship, finding one's own position in the evaluation of works of art.

Regulatory UUD: plan activities, show cognitive initiative in cooperation, exercise control, evaluate results.

Basic concepts: idea of ​​the work, ode, historical commentary, figurative and expressive means, composition, translation, transcription, position of the author.
Interdisciplinary connections: Russian language, history, world art culture.
Resources: texts of works, textbook, multimedia equipment

Lesson stages Formed UUD Teacher activity Student activity
Orgmoment Cognitive UUD: work planning, collecting information for the lesson. Establishment of thematic framework for the content of the work; motivation of educational activity; creating an emotional component. Perception of information; message about preparatory stage for the lesson: information was collected, an exhibition of books was prepared, a sociological survey was conducted, homework was done.
goal setting
and motivation
Regulatory: determine the purpose of the activity with with the help of a teacher, learn to discover and formulate a learning problem together with the teacher. Control of speech activity students; making adjustments to the answers. Evaluation of the preparatory stage for the study. Formulation of a cognitive goal;
definition of information retrieval methods;
directions research work; message about the preparatory stage for the lesson:
- collected information;
- prepared an exhibition of books;
- conducted a survey;
-Homework done.
Knowledge update Communicative: oral speech, argumentation of opinion, formulation of conclusions Determination of rules for working in groups. Demonstration of a film about Horace. Slide show about poets. Summarizing sociological survey, demonstration of schemes and diagrams, formulation of conclusions based on the results of a sociological survey. Formulate questions to which they would like to receive answers as a result of the study. Reading poems by heart.
Revealing the causes
difficulties and
goal setting
learning task)
Regulatory: search for means to achieve the goal learning activities. Cognitive: correlate objects and lines of comparison. Organization of work of students in groups, instruction. Time control. Formulate questions to which they would like to receive answers as a result of the study. Working with a table. The distribution of tasks within groups by the students themselves.
exit project
out of embarrassment
(“discovery” by children
new knowledge)
Cognitive: process information to obtain the desired result, including the creation of a new product. Regulatory: implementation of actions to create a common project. Directs the work, controls the logic and expediency of choosing lines of comparison. Registration of the results of research work in the table, the creation of syncwines. Formulate conclusions for each line of comparison. Arrange work in groups.
Communicative: communication, oral speech activity. Cognitive: perform analysis, produce synthesis, choose bases for comparison, build a logical chain of reasoning. Organize student messages. Construction of a conscious arbitrary speech statement in oral form; integration into a peer group and building productive cooperation in the search for information.
in external speech
Communicative: readiness to listen to others, argumentation of a point of view. Cognitive: the ability to arrange information in the required form, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships. Correction of own difficulties, participation in a collective discussion of the result of the work.
with self-test
according to the standard
Regulatory: correlating the results of their activities with the purpose of the lesson, assessing the success of the group and self-assessment, understanding the reasons for failure. Communicative: appropriate use of evaluative vocabulary. Displays a sample table on the screen. Evaluation of work on comparative analysis. Evaluation of the quality and level of research work.
into the knowledge system
and repetition
Regulatory: formulation of conclusions. Communicative: the ability to formulate a hypothesis for further scientific research. Commenting on homework. Fixing the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of activities, setting goals for subsequent activities.

1. Organizing moment.

Today we work in groups. You yourself have defined the functions of each member of the group. Completed homework. We received a working folder with materials for work.

2. Goal setting and motivation.
Presentation of the topic of the lesson.
Watching a film about Horace.

What makes a person immortal? heroic deeds? Wealth? ranks? And in what did poets, people of art, see their immortality?

One of them lived in the first century BC, participated in battles, but preferred to devote his life to literature. The other also fought, was both a governor and a senator, had state awards, but found happiness in creative activity. And the third was neither a warrior nor a politician. He immediately felt like a poet.

Almost two thousand years have passed between the first and the third, but the cause to which they have devoted themselves erases the barriers of centuries. After all, we are talking about poetry, about its eternity, about its immortality.

How long ago did you hear the topic of the lesson?

Why was the topic announced already in the first lesson?

How did we prepare for this lesson?

What are the results of the poll?


1. How do you understand the meaning of the word "monument"?

2. What kind of people have monuments erected in our city?

3. What architectural structures in Sudzha bear the names of monuments?

4. Is it necessary to erect monuments on the graves of relatives?

5. What monument can be called eternal?

Demonstration of the presentation of the results of the opinion poll. One of the students comments on the results of the survey.

The survey involved 26 students of 11 classes. Most of them understand the meaning of the word "monument" as a sculptural structure in honor of someone or some event. Named monuments to Lenin, Shchepkin. Architectural monuments Only a few respondents were correct. The fifth question caused the greatest difficulty. 13 people refused to answer it, only two answered correctly.

From the results of the survey, we see that the topic of memory worries people. Every person thinks that human life cannot be endless. How can you keep your name even after death? How and with what to fill your immortal soul so that it becomes immortal not only in the Christian sense?

What is the goal we set for ourselves in the lesson and strive to achieve it?
(Goal: As a result comparative analysis poems to understand what Horace revealed to the world? What made Lomonosov and Derzhavin turn to him? Why does Pushkin also develop the ideas of the ancient Roman poet?)

I have proposed a way to achieve the goal. You should have understood it from the wording of the homework. Compiling and filling out a table is one of the types of design scientific research, and in today's lesson we will improve this universal educational action.

3. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activities.

The table itself is in front of you. There are factual errors in the first line of comparison. We check the homework of the first group, we find factual errors in the proposed historical commentary.

Homework the second group. Interpretation of obscure words and expressions.

Aufid is a river in Italy, in the homeland of Horace.
Alcean lyre - lyre of Alcea (Alcaea). 6th century BC
Delphic laurel- a laurel from the city of Delphi, from the temple of Apollo.
Aeolian poems - the poems of the Aeolian tribe (Sappho and Alcaeus) were considered a model in ancient Greek lyrics.
Aquilon is the north wind.
Davnus is the legendary king of Apulia, the birthplace of Horace.
Melpomene is the muse of tragedy.
Felitsa is the heroine of Derzhavin's ode. The name is borrowed from the tale of Catherine 11. The ode "Felitsa" is dedicated to Catherine.
Alexandria pillar- a monument to Alexander 1 on Palace Square in honor of the victory over Napoleon.

In the previous lesson, we got acquainted with the texts of the works. Let them sound today in your performance. ( Expressive reading by heart.)

Texts of the studied works.

Horace "To Melpomene"
(1st century BC)
translation by Lomonosov (1747)
Derzhavin "Monument" (1795) Pushkin
"I erected a monument to myself
miraculous…” (1836)
Exegi monumentum

I erected a sign of immortality for myself
Above the pyramids and stronger than copper,
That stormy Aquilon cannot erase,
Neither many centuries, nor caustic antiquity.

Not at all I will die, but death will leave
Great is my part, as I end my life.
I will grow in glory everywhere
While the great Rome owns the light.

Where the fast jets of Aufid roar,
Where Davnus reigned among the common people,
My fatherland will not be silent,
That an obscure family was not an obstacle to me,

To bring Aeolian verses to Italy
And the first to ring the Alceian lyre.
Be proud of righteous merit, muse,
And crown the head with the Delphic laurel.

I erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself,
It is harder than metal and higher than pyramids,
Neither his whirlwind, nor thunder will break the fleeting,
And time will not crush him.

So! - all of me will not die, but a large part of me,
Fleeing from decay, after death he will live,
And my glory will grow without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavs?

The rumor will pass about me from the White Waters to the Black ones,
Where the Volga, Don, Neva, the Urals pour from the Riphean;
Everyone will remember that among innumerable peoples,
How from obscurity I became known for that,

That I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable
Proclaim the virtues of Felitsa,
Talk about God with sincerity
And tell the truth to kings with a smile.

O Muse! Be proud of just merit,
And whoever despise you, despise those yourself;
With a leisurely, unhurried hand
Crown your forehead with the dawn of immortality.

I erected a monument to myself not made by hands,
The folk trail will not grow to it,
He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious
Pillar of Alexandria.

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the cherished lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will run away -
And I will be glorious as long as in the sublunar world
At least one piit will live.

The rumor about me will spread throughout the great Russia,
And every language that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tungus, and a Kalmyk friend of the steppes.

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And he called for mercy on the fallen.

By the command of God, O muse, be obedient,
Not afraid of resentment, not demanding a crown;
Praise and slander were accepted indifferently,
And don't argue with the fool.

The third group determined the lines of comparison of these works. What lines do they offer us and why? Idea, composition, means of expression, author's position, images of the poem.

4. Identification of the causes of the difficulty and setting the goal of the activity.

How to line up the proposed lines? Let's define the sequence of these lines. (On the board, arrange the cards vertically in the desired sequence.)

So, working in groups, in collaboration, we begin to fill in the table.

5. Building a project to get out of the difficulty (“discovery” of new knowledge).

Distribution of work by the students themselves in groups: leader, secretary, assistants.

Groups use dictionaries of literary terms.

6. Project implementation.

Registration of results of research work in the table.

comparison line Horace
(per. Lomonosov)
"To Melpomene"
"I am a monument to myself
erected not made by hands…”
Date of creation.
a brief description of epoch ( important events in the life of the country, rulers, the fate of the poet
Horace - 1st century BC
Lomonosov -1747
The father is a freed slave. Horace is a participant in the civil war on the side of Brutus. Author of The Science of Poetry. Translated from Greek Alcaeus, Anacreon, Sappho. Recognized in Italy as a classic of literature.
18th century (1795)
Secretary of State under Catherine II, senator, governor. Member of the Supreme Council under Paul, Minister of Justice under Alexander. Cavalier of several orders.
19th century (1836)
One of the first graduates Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, discovered by Alexander First. During his lifetime, he was awarded the glory of a great poet. Reformer of the Russian literary language. He sympathized with the nobles who rebelled against the government (1825)
Genre Ode (Horace himself called a lyric poem Ode to the era of classicism. An ode to Horace is taken as a model. Oh yeah. Solemn, lyrical and philosophical work
Idea Poetic creativity is a monument, "a sign of immortality." Poetry is immortal, it is more powerful than the forces of nature. Poetic creativity is immortal, if it is fulfilled by God's command, it awakens good feelings.
2. The main part.
3. Conclusion.
1. Erected an unusual monument (“sign of immortality”).
2. Merits (translated Greek poetry).
3. Appeal to the muse.
(Laurel crown.)
1. Erected an eternal monument.
2. Merits (simple syllable, truthfulness).
3. Appeal to the muse. (Be immortal.)
1. The erection of a "monument not made by hands."
2. Kindness, mercy, love of freedom in creativity give immortality.
3. Appeal to the Muse. (Be obedient to God's command.)
The central image of the poem
(creating syncwines)
tall, strong
I will not die, I will raise up, I will grow, I will ring, I will bring,
“Be proud of righteous merit, muse!”
Alceian lyre.
miraculous, everlasting
will not die, will remember, dared, talk, talk
"Oh muse! Be proud of the just merit ... "
Funny Russian syllable and truth.
miraculous, sacred
I will not die, glorified, called, awakened, survive
“By the command of God, O muse, be obedient…”
"Soul in the cherished lyre..."
Expressive means:
- epithets;
- metaphors;
- personifications;
Great, righteous.
Death will leave a great part of me...
Be proud of righteous merit, muse.
To ring the Alceian lyre.
Wonderful, eternal.
Flight of time.
O muse! Be proud...
Not made by hands, rebellious, cherished, proud, wild, kind, cruel.
The rumor will pass.
By the command of God, oh muse, be obedient ..
Vocabulary features High style words:
owns, a large part, the Fatherland, a sign of immortality.
High style words:
crush, decay, increase, how long, obscurity, become proud.
High style words:
erected, not made by hands, ascended, soul, covenant, glorious, piit, glorified, fallen ones, commandment, praise, accepted.
Syntax Features Complex structures, handling. ranks homogeneous members,
Rows of homogeneous members, circulation, separate members suggestions.
Author's position He sees his merit in the fact that he discovered something new in poetry, translated Greek verses.
Proud of Rome.
Admire the Motherland, the Slavs. He believes that creativity will give him immortality for his truthfulness and "funny Russian style." I am sure of immortality as a true Christian. "The soul in the cherished lyre" is imperishable. miraculous monument Poetry is the fulfillment of the will of God.
Attitude to the author's position and to its artistic embodiment. Causes the interest of many poets as an axiom of immortality. He was the first to introduce poetry as an eternal monument. For the first time, Horace's idea was "transplanted onto Russian soil." Teaches love for the Fatherland. It sounds light and sublime, fascinates, captivates thought and feelings.
The laws of poetic immortality have been created for all the poets of the earth.
The significance of the work in the context of the author's work and the world literary process The legacy of Horace has caused a huge number of imitations. In Russian literature, 32 poets addressed her. In many universities, according to the work of Horace, they master the Latin language. Created the first Russian transcription of Horace's ode.
“He sang and praised Holy Russia. He put the public good above all the blessings in the world ”(K. Ryleev about Derzhavin)
In Pushkin's work, the theme of the poet and poetry is one of the leading themes. This poem is the testament and manifesto of the poet, it develops the idea of ​​the poem "Prophet". The lines of this poem are carved on the plinth of the first monument to the poet in Moscow.

7. Primary consolidation in external speech.

Students fill in the table in each group, commenting, summarizing, drawing conclusions for each line of comparison.

8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

The teacher focuses on the finished product of the work, but welcomes the creative approach and non-standard thinking. One of the tasks is performed in syncwine technology, if students are prepared for this. Each group works with one piece.

9. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

The finished educational product (comparative analysis table) is reproduced on the board. Students compare the results of their activities and the sample and draw conclusions.

Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus) was born in 65 BC. in Venusui, southern Italy. His father was a freed slave. Educated in Rome, participated in civil war that began after the assassination of Caesar. He commanded a legion in the army of Brutus.

After the defeat and the amnesty, he devotes himself to poetry. Creates political poems, satires, odes, messages. He considered ideology to be the main thing in the work. Favorite poet of many statesmen Europe and Russia. The ode "Monument" attracted the attention of many poets. The first translation from Latin in Russia was made by Lomonosov.

Lomonosov (Horace): the poet erected a "sign of immortality", neither the stormy Aquilon, nor the centuries can destroy it; posthumous glory will increase as long as the great Rome owns the world. He sees his merit in the fact that he brought Greek verses to Italy. The ode was translated in 1747.

Derzhavin: erected an eternal monument; glory will increase, “as long as the universe honors the Slavs”; merit sees in the simplicity and truthfulness of the style. Derzhavin based on the text of Horace created his work. The poem was written in 1795. Original title "To the Muse. Imitation of Horace.

Belinsky wrote: “Although the idea of ​​this excellent poem was taken by Derzhavin from Horace, he knew how to express it in such an original, characteristic form alone, to apply it to himself so well that the honor of this thought belongs to him, like Horace.”

Pushkin writes the poem "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ..." in 1836. This is a confession, a testament, and a poet's manifesto. The epigraph indicates a direct continuation of the traditions of Horace. For the poet, the main thing in creativity is creativity itself, “good feelings”, freedom and “mercy for the fallen” elevate the poet to the rank of a prophet and teacher. The final stanza is Pushkin's spiritual program: one must obey only God's command.

10. Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson).

What can you say about our work in today's lesson? What did you like about work? What element of the lesson was the most striking? What could have been done differently?

What life lessons have we learned?

Additional demo material:

Pushkin's poem performed by Vladimir Yakhontov (video clip).

Homework is designed for you to return to the text of the poems again. I offer three tasks to choose from. Each of you will decide for yourself what is more interesting for further reflection on the lines of poems.


1. Find a typo in the text of Horace's poem (translated by Lomonosov). How does this typo change the meaning of the poem?

2. Analyze the article of the literature textbook for grade 8 high school edited by A.G. Aleksin (1986), dedicated to the poem by A.S. Pushkin. What conclusions of the author of the article do you disagree with and why?

3. Many Russian poets turned to Horace's ode (more than 30). Why did the ideas of the ancient Roman poet arouse such interest among many readers and writers?

Choose one of the tasks and complete it in writing.

Classes are graded by groups. The teacher offers both his own assessment criteria and points, using a table of observations of the work of students.

“I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...” A. Pushkin

Exegi monumentum.

I erected a monument to myself not made by hands,
The folk trail will not grow to it,
He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious
Pillar of Alexandria.

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the cherished lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will run away -
And I will be glorious as long as in the sublunar world
At least one piit will live.

The rumor about me will spread throughout the great Russia,
And every language that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tungus, and a Kalmyk friend of the steppes.

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And he called for mercy on the fallen.

By the command of God, O muse, be obedient,
Not afraid of resentment, not demanding a crown;
Praise and slander received with indifference
And don't argue with the fool.

After tragic death Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin on January 29, 1837, among his papers, a draft of the poem “I erected a monument not made by hands”, dated August 21, 1836, was discovered. The original work was handed over to the poet Vasily Zhukovsky, who made literary corrections to the poem. Subsequently, the poems were included in the posthumous collection of Pushkin's works, which was published in 1841.

There are a number of assumptions related to the history of the creation of this poem. Researchers of Pushkin's work argue that the work "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands" is an imitation of the work of other poets, whom Pushkin simply paraphrased. For example, similar "Monuments" can be found in the works of Gavriil Derzhavin, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Vostokov and Vasily Kapnist - brilliant writers of the 17th century. However, many Pushkinists are inclined to believe that the poet got the main ideas for this poem in Horace's ode called "Exegi monumentum".

What exactly prompted Pushkin to create this work? Today, this can only be guessed at. However, the poet's contemporaries reacted rather coolly to the poem, believing that it was at least incorrect to praise their literary talents. Admirers of Pushkin's work, on the contrary, saw in this work a hymn modern poetry and the victory of the spiritual over the material. However, among Pushkin's close friends, there was an opinion at all that the work was full of irony and was an epigram, which the poet addressed to himself. Thus, he seemed to want to emphasize that his work deserves a much more respectful attitude of fellow tribesmen, which should be supported not only by ephemeral admiration, but also by material benefits.

The “ironic” version of the appearance of this work is also supported by the notes of the memoirist Pyotr Vyazemsky, who maintained friendly relations with Pushkin and argued that the word “not made by hands” in the context of the work has a completely different meaning. In particular, Pyotr Vyazemsky repeatedly stated that in the poem we are talking not at all about the poet’s literary and spiritual heritage, since “he wrote his poems with nothing more than his hands,” but about his status in modern society. Indeed, in the highest circles of Pushkin, they did not like him, although they recognized his undoubted literary talent. But, at the same time, with his work, Pushkin, who managed to receive national recognition during his lifetime, could not earn a living and was forced to constantly mortgage property in order to somehow ensure a decent level of existence for his family. This is confirmed by the order of Tsar Nicholas I, which he gave after the death of Pushkin, obliging him to pay all the poet's debts from the treasury, as well as to assign maintenance to his widow and children in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

In addition, there is a “mystical” version of the creation of the poem “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands”, the supporters of which are convinced that Pushkin foresaw his death. That is why, six months before his death, he wrote this work, which, if we discard the ironic context, can be regarded as the spiritual testament of the poet. Moreover, Pushkin knew that his work would become a role model not only in Russian, but also in foreign literature. There is a legend that a fortune-teller predicted the death of Pushkin in a duel at the hands of a handsome blond, and the poet knew not only the exact date but also the time of his death. Therefore, he took care to sum up his own life in poetic form.

The poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "" is not an entirely original source. When Pushkin sat down to write it, he was familiar with the original - the poem "To Melpomene" by Horatio, free translations and transcriptions of foreign and Russian poets. In Russia, Batyushkov, Derzhavin (whose verse is often with Pushkin's), and Lomonosov wrote on this subject. Later - Lermontov, A. Fet, Kapnist.

And at the same time, an analysis of the poem “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” shows that it is not a translation, like the works of Lomonosov, Fet, Kapnist. This is not even an imitation of an ancient Roman poet who lived in pre-Christian times. Although some motives of Horatio are present in Pushkin's work. The ancient Roman ode served as a form, a kind of wrapper for Pushkin's original poem, in which the poet put his content - feelings and worldview.

The poem was written in 1836, shortly before his death. It was a time of creative flourishing, grandiose literary plans and a personal spiritual crisis.

In this poem, Pushkin, summing up his work, says:

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified Freedom,
And he called for mercy on the fallen.

And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tunguz, and a Kalmyk friend of the steppes.

Between the lines one can read the poet's belief that people will someday be free and educated, and Pushkin will be translated into other languages. Well, that prophecy came true.

The appeal to the Muse to be obedient to the command of God is a call to writers who will create after him.

Not afraid of resentment, not demanding a crown,
Praise and slander were accepted indifferently,

And don't argue with the fool.

The poem is close to the genre of ode, it is written in iambic six-foot. This rhythm, more than others, corresponds to ancient poetry, and fits the ode. But unlike ancient literary works, Pushkin's poem is not read heavily. On the contrary, the rhythm of the verse is energetic, and the work itself sounds solemn. True, the last stanza is set out in iambic tetrameter, which makes it energetic.

The work consists of 5 stanzas, the rhyme is crossed, the feminine rhyme alternates with the masculine. It can be divided into 3 parts: in the first, the poet says that he erected a monument to himself. In the second part, he explains how, in his opinion, he will be "kind to the people." And the third part is a call to the poets who will create after him.

The poem is related to the ode by Old Slavonicisms - head, pillar, piit, existing; and polyunion.

The poem uses means artistic expressiveness helping to feel the mood of the poet. These are epithets - miraculous, rebellious, great, cherished, proud, kind, wild, cruel.

The poem itself is metaphorical in essence. Everyone knows that Pushkin is not an architect or a sculptor, and did not build anything. He applied the inversion. The monument means all his literary work, which will keep the memory of him among the people. He says that his soul lives in his works. "Soul in the cherished lyre". Lyra is ancient Greek musical instrument, symbolizing poetic creativity. Annenkov confirms the same idea:

"Real, full life his [Pushkin's] lies in his very works, generated, so to speak, by its course. In them, the reader can study both the soul of the poet and the circumstances of his existence, moving from one artistic image to another. This is how Pushkin wrote his biography... The reader may have the pleasure of tracing this poetic story about himself, starting from the first imitations of our poet to the erotic writers of France, until, after a series of powerful creations, he could exclaim in just pride:

I erected a monument to myself not made by hands:
The folk trail will not overgrow to it.

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