Part 2 of the poem Russian women. Nikolai Nekrasov Russian women. Means of artistic expression

Part one

Calm, durable and light
A wonderfully well-coordinated carriage;

The count-father himself more than once, not twice
Tried it first.

Six horses harnessed to it,
The lantern inside was lit.

The count himself corrected the pillows,
I made a bear cavity at my feet,

Making a prayer, scapular
Hung in the right corner

And - sobbed ... Princess-daughter
Goes somewhere tonight...

"Yes, we tear the heart in half
To each other, but, dear,
Tell me, what else can we do?
Can you help melancholy!
One who could help us
Now... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Bless your own daughter
And let go in peace!

God knows, see you again
Alas! there is no hope.
Forgive and know: your love,
Your last testament
I will remember deeply
On the far side...
I don't cry, but it's not easy
To part with you!

Oh, God knows! .. But the duty is different,
And higher and harder
Calling me... Forgive me, my dear!
Don't cry in vain!
Far is my way, hard is my way,
My fate is terrible
But I dressed my chest with steel ...
Be proud - I'm your daughter!

Forgive me too, my native land,
Sorry, unfortunate land!
And you... oh fatal city,
Nest of kings... farewell!
Who has seen London and Paris
Venice and Rome
That you do not seduce with brilliance,
But you were loved by me -

Happy my youth
Passed within your walls
I loved your balls
Catania from the steep mountains,
Loved the shine of your Neva
In the evening silence
And this square in front of her
With a hero on horseback...

I can't forget... Then, then
Tell our story...
And you be damned, gloomy house,
Where is the first quadrille
I danced... That hand
So far it's burning my hand...

Calm, strong and light,
A cart rolls by the city.

All in black, deathly pale,
The princess rides in it alone,

And the father's secretary (in crosses,
To instill dear fear)

With servants galloping ahead ...
Fistula with a whip, shouting: "Down!"

The coachman passed the capital ....
The path lay far for the princess,

It's been a harsh winter...
At every station

A traveler comes out: "Hurry
Harness your horses!"

And sprinkles with a generous hand
Chervonets of Yamskaya's servants.

But the path is hard! On the twentieth day
Barely arrived in Tyumen,

They rode for another ten days,
"We'll see the Yenisei soon, -

The secretary said to the princess,
The sovereign does not go like that! .. "

Forward! Soul full of sadness
The road is getting harder
But dreams are peaceful and easy -
She dreamed of her youth.
Wealth, shine! high house
On the banks of the Neva
Staircase upholstered with carpet
Lions in front of the entrance
The magnificent hall is elegantly decorated,
The lights are all on fire.
O joy! now a children's ball,
Chu! the music is booming!
Scarlet ribbons were woven into her
In two blond braids,
Flowers, outfits brought
Unseen beauty.
Papa came - gray, blush, -
Invites her to guests.
"Well, Katya! a miracle sundress!
He drives everyone crazy!"
She loves, loves without limits.
Spinning in front of her
Flower garden of cute children's faces,
Heads and curls.
Children are dressed up like flowers,
Smarter old people:
Plumes, ribbons and crosses,
With the sound of heels...
Dancing, jumping child,
Not thinking about anything
And childhood frisky joking
Sweeps... Then
Another time, another ball
She dreams: in front of her
A handsome young man is standing
He whispers something to her...
Then again balls, balls ...
She is their mistress
They have dignitaries, ambassadors,
They have all the fashionable light ...
"Oh dear! why are you so gloomy?
What's in your heart?"
- "Child! I'm bored with secular noise,
Let's go, let's go!"

And so she left
With your chosen one.
Before her is a wonderful country,
Before her is eternal Rome...
Oh! what would we remember life -
If we don't have those days
When, having snatched away somehow
From your homeland
And passing the boring north,
Let's go south.
Needs before us, rights over us
No one ... Himself-friend
Always only with those who are dear to us,
We live as we want;
Today we look at the ancient temple,
Tomorrow we will visit
Palace, ruins, museum...
How fun though
Share your thoughts
With your favorite being!

Under the spell of beauty
In the power of strict thoughts,
You wander through the Vatican
Depressed and gloomy;
Surrounded by an obsolete world,
You don't remember the living.
But how terribly amazed
You in the first moment then
When, after leaving the Vatican,
Return to the living world
Where the donkey neighs, the fountain roars,
The artisan sings;
Trade is booming
They shout in every way:
"Corals! shells! snails!
Ice cream water!"
Dancing, eating, fighting naked,
Satisfied with myself
And a braid as black as pitch
Roman woman young
The old woman is scratching ... It's a hot day,
Unbearable black din,
Where can we find peace and shade?
We go to the first temple.

The noise of life is not heard here,
Coolness, silence
And semi-darkness... Strict thoughts
Again the soul is full.
Saints and angels in a crowd
Temple decorated above
Porphyry and jasper under the foot
And marble on the walls...

How sweet to listen to the sound of the sea!
You sit for an hour
Undepressed, cheerful mind
Works meanwhile...
Mountain path to the sun
Climb high -
What a morning before you!
How easy it is to breathe!
But hotter, hotter southern day
In the green of the valleys
There is no dewdrop ... Let's go under the shade
Umbrella pinn...

The princess remembers those days
Walks and conversations
They left in their hearts
An indelible mark.
But do not return her days of the past,
Those days of hopes and dreams
How not to return later about them
Tears shed by her!

Gone are the rainbow dreams
In front of her are a number of paintings.
Downtrodden, driven country:
Severe lord
And a miserable worker-man
With a bowed head...
As the first to rule accustomed!
How slaves the second!
She dreams of groups of poor people
In the fields, in the meadows,
She dreams of the groans of barge haulers
On the banks of the Volga...
Full of naive horror
She doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep
Fall asleep satellite she
Questions in a hurry:
"Tell me, is the whole region like this?
There is no shadow contentment? .. "
- "You are in the kingdom of beggars and slaves!" -
The short answer was...

She woke up - in the hand of a dream!
Chu, heard ahead
Sad ringing - shackled ringing!
"Hey, coachman, wait!"
Then the exiled party is coming,
My chest hurt more.
The princess gives them money, -
"Thank you, good way!"
She long, long their faces
Dreaming later,
And do not drive away her thoughts,
Don't forget sleep!
"And that party was here ...
Yes... there is no other way...
But the blizzard covered their trail.
Hurry, coachman, hurry! .. "

The frost is stronger, the path is more deserted,
The farther to the east;
Some three hundred miles
wretched town,
But how happy you look
On a dark row of houses
But where are the people? Silence everywhere
Can't even hear the dogs.
Frost drove everyone under the roof,
They drink tea out of boredom.
A soldier passed, a cart passed,
The chimes are striking somewhere.
The windows are frozen... light
In one, a little flickered ...
Cathedral ... at the exit of the prison ...
The coachman waved his whip:
"Hey you!" - and there is no longer a town,
The last house is gone...
To the right are the mountains and the river,
To the left is a dark forest...

Sick, tired mind boils,
Sleepless until morning
Heart yearns. Change of thoughts
Painfully fast:
The princess sees friends
That dark prison
And then she thinks
God knows why
That the starry sky is sand
sprinkled leaf,
And the month - with red sealing wax
Embossed circle...

The mountains are gone; started
A plain without end.
More dead! Won't meet the eye
Living tree.
"Here comes the tundra!" - He speaks
Coachman, Buryat steppe.
The princess gazes
And he thinks sadly:
Here's a greedy man
Goes for gold!
It lies along the riverbeds,
It is at the bottom of the marshes.
Difficult mining on the river,
The swamps are terrible in the heat,
But worse, worse in the mine,
Deep underground!
There is deathly silence
There's an unfathomable darkness...
Why, damn country,
Ermak found you?..

The haze of the night descended in succession,
The moon has risen again.
The princess did not sleep for a long time,
Full of heavy thoughts...
She fell asleep ... she dreams of the tower ...
She stands at the top;
A familiar city before her
Agitated, noisy;
They run to the vast square
Countless Crowds:
Official people, merchant people,
Peddlers, priests;
Hats, velvet, silk are full of colors,
Sheepskin coats, Armenians...
There was already a regiment there,
More shelves came
More than a thousand soldiers
Agreed. They "hooray!" screaming,
They are waiting for something...
The people roared, the people yawned,
Hardly a hundredth understood
What's going on here...
But he laughed out loud
Slyly squinting,
A Frenchman familiar with storms,
Capital kuafer...

New shelves arrived:
"Give up!" - they shout.
The answer to them is bullets and bayonets,
They don't want to give up.
Some brave general
Having flown in a square, he began to threaten -
They took him off the horse.
Another approached the ranks:
"The king grants forgiveness to you!"
They killed that too.

The Metropolitan himself appeared
With banners, with a cross:
"Repent, brethren! - says, -
Fall before the king!"
The soldiers listened, crossing themselves,
But the answer was friendly:
"Go away, old man! pray for us!
You don't care here..."

Then the guns were brought
The king himself commanded: "pa-li! .."
Buckshot whistles, the core roars,
People are falling in rows...
"Oh, dear! are you alive? .."
Princess, having lost her memory,
Rushed forward and headlong
Fell from above!

In front of her is a long and damp
underground corridor,
At every door there is a sentry
All doors are locked.
The surf of the waves is like a splash
Outside is heard by her;
Inside - rattling, guns shine
By the light of lanterns;
Yes, the distant sound of footsteps
And a long rumble from them,
Yes, the cross-chime of the clock,
Yes, the screams of sentries ...

With keys, old and gray,
Mustachioed invalid.
"Come, sadness, follow me! -
She speaks quietly. -
I will take you to him
He is alive and unharmed..."
She trusted him
She followed him...

We walked for a long, long time ... Finally
The door screeched - and suddenly
In front of her he is... a living dead...
Before her is a poor friend!
Falling on his chest, she
Rush to ask:
"Tell me what to do? I'm strong,
I can take revenge!
Will get courage in the chest,
Readiness is hot
Is it necessary to ask? .. "-" Do not go,
Don't touch the executioner!"
- "Oh dear! What did you say? Words
I don't hear yours.
That terrible chime of the clock,
Those are the screams of sentries!
Why is there a third between us? .. "
- "Your question is naive."

"It's time! The appointed hour has struck!" -
That third one said...

The princess shuddered, looking
Frightened around,
Horror chills her heart:
Not everything here was a dream!

The moon floated among the skies
No glitter, no rays
To the left was a gloomy forest,
To the right is the Yenisei.
Dark! Towards not a soul
The coachman on the goats was sleeping,
Hungry wolf in the wilderness
groaned piercingly,
Yes, the wind beat and roared,
playing on the river,
Yes, a foreigner sang somewhere
In a strange language
Severe pathos sounded
unknown language
And more heartbreak,
Like a seagull crying in a storm...

The princess is cold; that night
The frost was unbearable
Forces have fallen; she can't stand it
Fight more with him.
Horror seized the mind,
That she can't get there.
The coachman has not sung for a long time,
Didn't urge the horses
Do not hear the front three.
"Hey! are you alive, coachman?
What are you shutting up? Don't you dare sleep!"
"Don't be afraid, I'm used to..."

They fly... From the frozen window
Nothing is visible
She drives a dangerous dream,
But don't chase him away!
He will the sick woman
Instantly conquered
And, like a magician, to another land
She was relocated.
That land - he is already familiar to her, -
As before, the bliss is full,
And warm sunshine
And the sweet singing of the waves
She was greeted like a friend...
Wherever you look:
"Yes, this is the south! yes, this is the south!" -
Everything speaks...

Not a cloud in the blue sky
The valley is full of flowers
Everything is flooded with the sun, - on everything,
Down and on the mountains
Seal of mighty beauty
Rejoices all around;
To her sun, sea and flowers
They sing: "Yes - this is the south!"

In a valley between a chain of mountains
And the blue sea
She flies at full speed
With your chosen one.
Their road is a luxurious garden,
Fragrance pours from the trees
On every tree is burning
Ruddy, lush fruit;
Through the dark branches
Azure of skies and waters;
Ships sail across the sea,
sails flicker,
And the mountains visible in the distance
They go to heaven.
How wonderful are their colors! In an hour
Rubies glowed there,
Now sparkling topaz
On their white ridges...
Here is a pack mule walking a step,
In bells, in flowers,
Behind the mule is a woman with a wreath,
With a basket in hand.
She shouts to them: "Good trip!" -
And suddenly laughing
Throws quickly on her chest
Flower... yes! it's south!
Country of ancient, swarthy maidens
And the land of eternal roses...
Chu! melodic tune,
Chu! music is heard!
"Yes, this is the south! yes, this is the south!
(Sings a good dream to her.)
Again with you beloved friend,
He's free again!

Part two

It's been almost two months now
Constantly day and night on the road

A marvelously well-coordinated carriage,
And the end of the road is far away!

The princess' companion is so tired,
That he fell ill near Irkutsk.

I met her in Irkutsk myself
City chief;
How dry the relics are, how straight the stick is,
Tall and grey.
Slipped from his shoulder doha,
Under it - crosses, uniform,
On the hat are rooster feathers.
Honorable Brigadier,
Scolding the coachman for something,
hastily jumped up
And the doors of a strong wagon
The princess opened...


(included in the station house)

To Nerchinsk! Deposit quickly!


I have come to meet you.


Tell them to give me horses!


Please slow down.
Our road is so bad
You need to rest...


Thank you! I am strong...
My path is far...


All the same it will be eight hundred miles,
And the main problem:
The road will get worse there
Dangerous ride!
Two words you need to say
On service, and besides
I had the luck of the count to know
Served with him for seven years.
Your father is a rare man
By heart, by mind
Imprinted in the soul forever
Gratitude to him
At the service of his daughter
I'm ready... I'm all yours...


But I don't need anything!

(Opening the door to the hallway)

Is the crew ready?


Until I say
It won't be served...


So order it! I ask...


But there is a clue here:
Sent with last mail


What is in it:
Shouldn't I go back?


Yes, it would be better.


But who sent you and about what
Paper? what is there
Were you kidding about your father?
He arranged everything himself!


No... I dare not say...
But the way is still far...


So what a gift and chat!
Is my cart ready?


Not! I haven't ordered yet...
Princess! here I am the king!
Sit down! I already said
What I knew the count of old,
And the count ... even though he let you go,
By your kindness
But your departure killed him...
Come back soon!


Not! once decided
I will complete it!
It's funny for me to tell you
How I love my father
How he loves. But another duty
And above and holy
Calls me. My tormentor!
Let's have horses!


Allow me, sir. I agree myself
What is precious every hour
But do you know well
What's in store for you?
Our side is barren
And she is even poorer,
In short, our spring is there,
Winter is even longer.
Yes, eight months of winter
There - did you know?
There people are rare without stigma,
And those souls are callous;
Freely prowl around
There are only varnaks;
The prison house is terrible there,
Deep mines.
You don't have to be with your husband
Eye to eye minutes:
You have to live in a common barracks,
And food: bread and kvass.
Five thousand convicts there,
Embittered by fate
Start fights at night
Murder and robbery;
The judgment is short and terrible for them,
There is no more terrible court!
And you, princess, are always here
Witness... Yes!
Trust me, you won't be spared
Nobody will take pity!
Let your husband - he is to blame ...
And you endure ... for what?


It will be terrible, I know
My husband's life.
Let it be mine
Not happier than him!


But you won't live there:
That climate will kill you!
I have to convince you
Don't go ahead!
Oh! Do you live in a country like this
Where is the air in people
Not by ferry - ice dust
Coming out of the nostrils?
Where darkness and cold all year round,
And in brief heats -
Non-drying swamps
Bad couples?
Yes... Terrible edge! Get out of there
The beast of the forest also runs,
When the hundred day night
Hang over the country...


People live in that region
I'm used to joking...


Live? But my youth
Remember... child!
Here mother is snowy water,
Having given birth, will wash the daughter,
Howling a tiny storm
Rocking all night
A wild beast wakes up, growling
Near the forest hut,
Yes, a blizzard, furiously knocking
Out the window, like a brownie.
From dense forests, from deserted rivers
Collecting your tribute
Strong native man
With nature in battle
And you?..


May death be destined for me -
I have nothing to regret!..
I'm going! food! I should
Near her husband to die.


Yes, you will die, but first
Exhaust the one
Whose irrevocably head
She died. For him
Please don't go there!
More bearable alone
Tired of hard work
Come to your prison
Come - and lie down on the bare floor
And with stale cracker
Fall asleep ... and a good dream came -
And the prisoner became king!
Flying a dream to relatives, to friends,
Seeing yourself
He will wake up, to the daily labors
And cheerful, and quiet in heart,
And with you? .. with you do not know
Happy dreams to him
In himself he will be aware
The reason for your tears.


Oh!.. Keep these words
You are better for others.
All your tortures won't extract
Tears from my eyes!
Leaving home, friends,
beloved father,
Taking a vow in my soul
Fulfill to the end
My duty - I will not bring tears
To the damn prison
I will save pride, pride in him,
I will give him strength!
Contempt for our executioners,
Consciousness of being right
We will be a faithful support.


Wonderful dreams!
But they will get for five days.
Don't you be sad for a century?
Trust my conscience
You want to live.
Here is stale bread, prison, shame,
Need and eternal oppression,
And there are balls, a brilliant courtyard,
Freedom and honor.
How to know? Maybe God judged...
like another,
The law doesn't take away your rights...


Be silent!.. My God!..


Yes, I'm being honest
Get back into the light.


Thank you, thank you
For your good advice!
And before there was an earthly paradise,
And now this paradise
With your caring hand
Cleared by Nicholas.
There people rot alive -
walking coffins,
Men are a bunch of Judas,
And women are slaves.
What will I find there? hypocrisy,
desecrated honor,
Cheeky bastard triumph
And petty revenge.
No, in this cut down forest
I won't be lured
Where there were oaks to heaven,
And now the stumps are sticking out!

Part one

Calm, durable and light
A wonderfully well-coordinated carriage;

The count-father himself more than once, not twice
Tried it first.

Six horses harnessed to it,
The lantern inside was lit.

The count himself corrected the pillows,
I made a bear cavity at my feet,

Making a prayer, scapular
Hung in the right corner

And - sobbed ... Princess-daughter
Going somewhere tonight...


Yes, we tear the heart in half
To each other, but, dear,
Tell me, what else can we do?
Can you help melancholy!
One who could help us
Now... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Bless your own daughter
And let go in peace!


God knows, see you again
Alas! there is no hope.
Forgive and know: your love,
Your last testament
I will remember deeply
On the far side…
I don't cry, but it's not easy
To part with you!


Oh, God knows! .. But the duty is different,
And higher and harder
He's calling me... Forgive me, my dear!
Don't cry in vain!
Far is my way, hard is my way,
My fate is terrible
But I dressed my chest with steel ...
Be proud - I'm your daughter!


Forgive me too, my native land,
Sorry, unfortunate land!
And you ... oh fatal city,
Nest of kings... farewell!
Who has seen London and Paris
Venice and Rome
That you do not seduce with brilliance,
But you were loved by me -


Happy my youth
Passed within your walls
I loved your balls
Catania from the steep mountains,
Loved the shine of your Neva
In the evening silence
And this square in front of her
With a hero on horseback...


I can't forget... Then, then
Will tell our story...
And you be damned, gloomy house,
Where is the first quadrille
I danced... That hand
So far it burns my hand ...
Calm, strong and light,
A cart rolls by the city.

All in black, deathly pale,
The princess rides in it alone,

And the father's secretary (in crosses,
To instill dear fear)

With servants galloping ahead ...
Fistula with a whip, shouting: "Fall!"

The coachman passed the capital ....
The path lay far for the princess,

It was a harsh winter...
At every station

The traveler comes out: “Hurry
Harness your horses!"

And sprinkles with a generous hand
Chervonets of Yamskaya's servants.

But the path is hard! On the twentieth day
Barely arrived in Tyumen,

They rode for another ten days,
“We will soon see the Yenisei, -

The secretary said to the princess,
The sovereign does not go like that! .. "

Forward! Soul full of sadness
The road is getting harder
But dreams are peaceful and easy -
She dreamed of her youth.
Wealth, shine! high house
On the banks of the Neva
Staircase upholstered with carpet
Lions in front of the entrance
The magnificent hall is elegantly decorated,
The lights are all on fire.
O joy! now a children's ball,
Chu! the music is booming!
Scarlet ribbons were woven into her
In two blond braids,
Flowers, outfits brought
Unseen beauty.
Papa came - gray, blush, -
Invites her to guests.
"Well, Katya! miracle sundress!
He will drive everyone crazy!
She loves, loves without limits.
Spinning in front of her
Flower garden of cute children's faces,
Heads and curls.
Children are dressed up like flowers,
Smarter old people:
Plumes, ribbons and crosses,
With the sound of heels ...
Dancing, jumping child,
Not thinking about anything
And childhood frisky joking
Sweeps… Then
Another time, another ball
She dreams: in front of her
A handsome young man is standing
He whispers something to her...
Then again balls, balls ...
She is their mistress
They have dignitaries, ambassadors,
They have all the fashionable light ...
“Oh dear! why are you so gloomy?
What is in your heart?
“Child! I'm bored with social noise
Let's go, let's go!"

And so she left
With your chosen one.
Before her is a wonderful country,
Before her is eternal Rome...
Oh! what would we remember life -
If we don't have those days
When, having snatched away somehow
From your homeland
And passing the boring north,
Let's go south.
Needs before us, rights over us
No one ... Himself-friend
Always only with those who are dear to us,
We live as we want;
Today we look at the ancient temple,
Tomorrow we will visit
Palace, ruins, museum...
How fun though
Share your thoughts
With your favorite being!

Under the spell of beauty
In the power of strict thoughts,
You wander through the Vatican
Depressed and gloomy;
Surrounded by an obsolete world,
You don't remember the living.
But how terribly amazed
You in the first moment then
When, after leaving the Vatican,
Return to the living world
Where the donkey neighs, the fountain roars,
The artisan sings;
Trade is booming
They shout in every way:
"Corals! shells! snails!
Ice cream water!”
Dancing, eating, fighting naked,
Satisfied with myself
And a braid as black as pitch
Roman woman young
The old woman is scratching ... It's a hot day,
Unbearable black din,
Where can we find peace and shade?
We go to the first temple.

The noise of life is not heard here,
Coolness, silence
And semi-darkness... Strict thoughts
Again the soul is full.
Saints and angels in a crowd
Temple decorated above
Porphyry and jasper under the foot
And marble on the walls ...

How sweet to listen to the sound of the sea!
You sit for an hour
Undepressed, cheerful mind
Works meanwhile...
Mountain path to the sun
Climb high -
What a morning before you!
How easy it is to breathe!
But hotter, hotter southern day
In the green of the valleys
There is no dewdrop ... Let's go under the shade
Umbrella pinn…

The princess remembers those days
Walks and conversations
They left in their hearts
An indelible mark.
But do not return her days of the past,
Those days of hopes and dreams
How not to return later about them
Tears shed by her!

Gone are the rainbow dreams
In front of her are a number of paintings.
Downtrodden, driven country:
Severe lord
And a miserable worker-man
With a bowed head...
As the first to rule accustomed!
How slaves the second!
She dreams of groups of poor people
In the fields, in the meadows,
She dreams of the groans of barge haulers
On the banks of the Volga ...
Full of naive horror
She doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep
Fall asleep satellite she
Questions in a hurry:
“Tell me, is the whole region like this?
There is no shade contentment? .. "
“You are in the kingdom of beggars and slaves!” -
The short answer was...

She woke up - in the hand of a dream!
Chu, heard ahead
Sad ringing - shackle ringing!
"Hey, coachman, wait!"
Then the exiled party is coming,
My chest hurt more.
The princess gives them money, -
"Thank you, good luck!"
She long, long their faces
Dreaming later,
And do not drive away her thoughts,
Don't forget sleep!
“And that party here was ...
Yes... there is no other way...
But the blizzard covered their trail.
Hurry, coachman, hurry! .. "
The frost is stronger, the path is more deserted,
The farther to the east;
Some three hundred miles
wretched town,
But how happy you look
On a dark row of houses
But where are the people? Silence everywhere
Can't even hear the dogs.
Frost drove everyone under the roof,
They drink tea out of boredom.
A soldier passed, a cart passed,
The chimes are striking somewhere.
Frozen windows ... light
In one, a little flashed ...
Cathedral ... at the exit of the prison ...
The coachman waved his whip:
"Hey you!" - and there is no longer a town,
The last house is gone...
To the right are the mountains and the river,
To the left is a dark forest...

Sick, tired mind boils,
Sleepless until morning
Heart yearns.

Change of thoughts
Painfully fast:
The princess sees friends
That dark prison
And then she thinks
God knows why
That the starry sky is sand
sprinkled leaf,
And the month - with red sealing wax
Embossed circle...

The mountains are gone; started
A plain without end.
More dead! Won't meet the eye
Living tree.
“And here is the tundra!” - He speaks
Coachman, Buryat steppe.
The princess gazes
And he thinks sadly:
Here's a greedy man
Goes for gold!
It lies along the riverbeds,
It is at the bottom of the marshes.
Difficult mining on the river,
The swamps are terrible in the heat,
But worse, worse in the mine,
Deep underground!
There is deathly silence
There's an unfathomable darkness...
Why, damn country,
Ermak found you?..
The haze of the night descended in succession,
The moon has risen again.
The princess did not sleep for a long time,
Full of heavy thoughts...
She fell asleep ... She dreams of the tower ...
She stands at the top;
A familiar city before her
Agitated, noisy;
They run to the vast square
Countless Crowds:
Official people, merchant people,
Peddlers, priests;
Hats, velvet, silk are full of colors,
Sheepskin coats, Armenians ...
There was already a regiment there,
More shelves came
More than a thousand soldiers
Agreed. They are "hooray!" screaming,
They are waiting for something...
The people roared, the people yawned,
Hardly a hundredth understood
What is going on here...
But he laughed out loud
Slyly squinting,
A Frenchman familiar with storms,
Capital kuafer…

New shelves arrived:
"Give up!" - they shout.
The answer to them is bullets and bayonets,
They don't want to give up.
Some brave general
Having flown in a square, he began to threaten -
They took him off the horse.
Another approached the ranks:
"Forgiveness the king will grant you!"
They killed that too.

The Metropolitan himself appeared
With banners, with a cross:
“Repent, brethren! - says -
Fall before the king!"
The soldiers listened, crossing themselves,
But the answer was friendly:
"Go away, old man! pray for us!
You don't care here..."

Then the guns were brought
The king himself commanded: “pa-li! ..”
Buckshot whistles, the core roars,
People are falling in rows...
“Oh dear! are you alive?..”
Princess, having lost her memory,
Rushed forward and headlong
Fell from above!

In front of her is a long and damp
underground corridor,
At every door there is a sentry
All doors are locked.
The surf of the waves is like a splash
Outside is heard by her;
Inside - rattling, guns shine
By the light of lanterns;
Yes, the distant sound of footsteps
And a long rumble from them,
Yes, the cross-chime of the clock,
Yes, the cries of sentries ...

With keys, old and gray,
Mustachioed invalid.
“Come, sadness, follow me! -
She speaks quietly. -
I will take you to him
He is alive and unharmed…”
She trusted him
She followed him...

We walked for a long, long time ... Finally
The door screeched - and suddenly
In front of her he is ... a living dead ...
Before her is a poor friend!
Falling on his chest, she
Rush to ask:
“Tell me what to do? I am strong
I can take revenge!
Will get courage in the chest,
Readiness is hot
Is it necessary to ask? .. "-" Do not go,
Don't touch the executioner!"
- "Oh dear! What did you say? words
I don't hear yours.
That terrible chime of the clock,
Those are the screams of sentries!
Why is there a third between us? .. "
- "Your question is naive."
“It's time! the hour has struck!" -
That third one said...
The princess shuddered, - looks
Frightened around,
Horror chills her heart:
Not everything here was a dream!

The moon floated among the skies
No glitter, no rays
To the left was a gloomy forest,
To the right is the Yenisei.
Dark! Towards not a soul
The coachman on the goats was sleeping,
Hungry wolf in the wilderness
groaned piercingly,
Yes, the wind beat and roared,
playing on the river,
Yes, a foreigner sang somewhere
In a strange language
Severe pathos sounded
unknown language
And more heartbreak,
Like a seagull crying in a storm...

The princess is cold; that night
The frost was unbearable
Forces have fallen; she can't stand it
Fight more with him.
Horror seized the mind,
That she can't get there.
The coachman has not sung for a long time,
Didn't urge the horses
Do not hear the front three.
"Hey! are you alive, coachman?
What are you shutting up? don't you dare sleep!"
"Don't worry, I'm used to..."

They fly ... From a frozen window
Nothing is visible
She drives a dangerous dream,
But don't chase him away!
He will the sick woman
Instantly conquered
And, like a magician, to another land
She was relocated.
That land - he is already familiar to her, -
As before, the bliss is full,
And warm sunshine
And the sweet singing of the waves
She was greeted like a friend...
Wherever you look:
Yes, this is the south! yes, this is the south! -
Everything tells the eye...

Not a cloud in the blue sky
The valley is full of flowers
Everything is flooded with the sun, - on everything,
Down and on the mountains
Seal of mighty beauty
Rejoices all around;
To her sun, sea and flowers
They sing: "Yes - this is the south!"

In a valley between a chain of mountains
And the blue sea
She flies at full speed
With your chosen one.
Their path is a luxurious garden,
Fragrance pours from the trees
On every tree is burning
Ruddy, lush fruit;
Through the dark branches
Azure of skies and waters;
Ships sail across the sea,
sails flicker,
And the mountains visible in the distance
They go to heaven.
How wonderful are their colors! In an hour
Rubies glowed there,
Now sparkling topaz
On their white ridges ...
Here is a pack mule walking a step,
In bells, in flowers,
Behind the mule is a woman with a wreath,
With a basket in hand.
She yells at them, "Goodbye!" -
And suddenly laughing
Throws quickly on her chest
Flower... yes! it's south!
Country of ancient, swarthy maidens
And the land of eternal roses...
Chu! melodic tune,
Chu! music is heard!
Yes, it's south! yes, it's south!
(Sings a good dream to her.)
Again with you beloved friend,
He's free again!

Part two

It's been almost two months now
Constantly day and night on the road

A marvelously well-coordinated carriage,
And the end of the road is far away!

The princess' companion is so tired,
That he fell ill near Irkutsk.

I met her in Irkutsk myself
City chief;
How dry the relics are, how straight the stick is,
Tall and grey.
Slipped from his shoulder doha,
Under it - crosses, uniform,
The hat has rooster feathers.
Honorable Brigadier,
Scolding the coachman for something,
hastily jumped up
And the doors of a strong wagon
The princess opened ...


(included in the station house)

To Nerchinsk! Deposit quickly!


I have come to meet you.


Tell them to give me horses!


Please slow down.
Our road is so bad
You need to rest…


Thank you! I am strong...
My path is far...


All the same it will be eight hundred miles,
And the main problem:
The road will get worse there
Dangerous ride!
Two words you need to say
On service, and moreover
I had the luck of the count to know
Served with him for seven years.
Your father is a rare man
By heart, by mind
Imprinted in the soul forever
Gratitude to him
At the service of his daughter
I'm ready ... I'm all yours ...


But I don't need anything!

(Opening the door to the hallway)

Is the crew ready?


Until I say
It will not be served...


So order it! I ask…


But there is a clue here:
Sent with last mail


What is in it:
Shouldn't I go back?


Yes, it would be better.


But who sent you and about what
Paper? what is there
Were you kidding about your father?
He arranged everything himself!


No... I dare not say...
But the way is still far...


So what a gift and chat!
Is my cart ready?



Not! once decided
I will complete it!
It's funny for me to tell you
How I love my father
How he loves. But another duty
And above and holy
Calls me. My tormentor!
Let's have horses!


Allow me, sir. I agree myself
What is precious every hour
But do you know well
What's in store for you?
Our side is barren
And she is even poorer,
In short, our spring is there,
Winter is even longer.
Yes, eight months of winter
There, you know?
There people are rare without stigma,
And those souls are callous;
Freely prowl around
There are only varnaks;
The prison house is terrible there,
Deep mines.
You don't have to be with your husband
Eye to eye minutes:
You have to live in a common barracks,
And food: bread and kvass.
Five thousand convicts there,
Embittered by fate
Start fights at night
Murder and robbery;
The judgment is short and terrible for them,
There is no more terrible court!
And you, princess, are always here
Witness... Yes!
Trust me, you won't be spared
Nobody will take pity!
Let your husband - he is to blame ...
And you endure ... why?


It will be terrible, I know
My husband's life.
Let it be mine
Not happier than him!


But you won't live there:
That climate will kill you!
I have to convince you
Don't go ahead!
Oh! Do you live in a country like this
Where is the air in people
Not by ferry - ice dust
Coming out of the nostrils?
Where darkness and cold all year round,
And in brief heats -
Non-drying swamps
Bad couples?
Yes ... Terrible land! Get out of there
The beast of the forest also runs,
When the hundred day night
Hang over the country...


People live in that region
I'm used to joking...


Live? But my youth
Remember... child!
Here mother is snowy water,
Having given birth, will wash the daughter,
Howling a tiny storm
Rocking all night
A wild beast wakes up, growling
Near the forest hut,
Yes, a blizzard, furiously knocking
Out the window, like a brownie.
From dense forests, from deserted rivers
Collecting your tribute
Strong native man
With nature in battle
And you?..


May death be destined for me -
I have nothing to regret!..
I'm going! food! I should
Near her husband to die.


Yes, you will die, but first
Exhaust the one
Whose irrevocably head
She died. For him
Please don't go there!
More bearable alone
Tired of hard work
Come to your prison
Come - and lie down on the bare floor
And with stale cracker
Fall asleep ... and a good dream came -
And the prisoner became king!
Flying a dream to relatives, to friends,
Seeing yourself
He will wake up, to the daily labors
And cheerful, and quiet in heart,
And with you? .. with you do not know
Happy dreams to him
In himself he will be aware
The reason for your tears.


Oh!.. Keep these words
You are better for others.
All your tortures won't extract
Tears from my eyes!
Leaving home, friends,
beloved father,
Taking a vow in my soul
Fulfill to the end
My duty - I will not bring tears
To the damn prison
I will save pride, pride in him,
I will give him strength!
Contempt for our executioners,
Consciousness of being right
We will be a faithful support.


Wonderful dreams!
But they will get for five days.
Don't you be sad for a century?
Trust my conscience
You want to live.
Here is stale bread, prison, shame,
Need and eternal oppression,
And there are balls, a brilliant courtyard,
Freedom and honor.
How to know? Perhaps God judged...
like another,
The law does not deprive you of the right ...


Be silent!.. My God!..


Yes, I'm being honest
Get back into the light.


Thank you, thank you
For your good advice!
And before there was an earthly paradise,
And now this paradise
With your caring hand
Cleared by Nicholas.
There people rot alive -
walking coffins,
Men are a bunch of Judas,
And women are slaves.
What will I find there? hypocrisy,
desecrated honor,
Cheeky bastard triumph
And petty revenge.
No, in this cut down forest
I won't be lured
Where there were oaks to heaven,
And now the stumps are sticking out!

Current page: 1 (total book has 3 pages)

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

Part one

Calm, durable and light
A wonderfully well-coordinated carriage;

The count-father himself more than once, not twice
Tried it first.

Six horses harnessed to it,
The lantern inside was lit.

The count himself corrected the pillows,
I made a bear cavity at my feet,

Making a prayer, scapular
Hung in the right corner

And - sobbed ... Princess-daughter
Going somewhere tonight...


Yes, we tear the heart in half
To each other, but, dear,
Tell me, what else can we do?
Can you help melancholy!
One who could help us
Now... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Bless your own daughter
And let go in peace!


God knows, see you again
Alas! there is no hope.
Forgive and know: your love,
Your last testament
I will remember deeply
On the far side…
I don't cry, but it's not easy
To part with you!


Oh, God knows! .. But the duty is different,
And higher and harder
He's calling me... Forgive me, my dear!
Don't cry in vain!
Far is my way, hard is my way,
My fate is terrible
But I dressed my chest with steel ...
Be proud - I'm your daughter!


Forgive me too, my native land,
Sorry, unfortunate land!
And you ... oh fatal city,
Nest of kings... farewell!
Who has seen London and Paris
Venice and Rome
That you do not seduce with brilliance,
But you were loved by me -


Happy my youth
Passed within your walls
I loved your balls
Catania from the steep mountains,
Loved the shine of your Neva
In the evening silence
And this square in front of her
With a hero on horseback...


I can't forget... Then, then
Will tell our story...
And you be damned, gloomy house,
Where is the first quadrille
I danced... That hand
So far it burns my hand ...
Calm, strong and light,
A cart rolls by the city.

All in black, deathly pale,
The princess rides in it alone,

And the father's secretary (in crosses,
To instill dear fear)

With servants galloping ahead ...
Fistula with a whip, shouting: "Fall!"

The coachman passed the capital ....
The path lay far for the princess,

It was a harsh winter...
At every station

The traveler comes out: “Hurry
Harness your horses!"

And sprinkles with a generous hand
Chervonets of Yamskaya's servants.

But the path is hard! On the twentieth day
Barely arrived in Tyumen,

They rode for another ten days,
“We will soon see the Yenisei, -

The secretary said to the princess,
The sovereign does not go like that! .. "

Forward! Soul full of sadness
The road is getting harder
But dreams are peaceful and easy -
She dreamed of her youth.
Wealth, shine! high house
On the banks of the Neva
Staircase upholstered with carpet
Lions in front of the entrance
The magnificent hall is elegantly decorated,
The lights are all on fire.
O joy! now a children's ball,
Chu! the music is booming!
Scarlet ribbons were woven into her
In two blond braids,
Flowers, outfits brought
Unseen beauty.
Papa came - gray, blush, -
Invites her to guests.
"Well, Katya! miracle sundress!
He will drive everyone crazy!
She loves, loves without limits.
Spinning in front of her
Flower garden of cute children's faces,
Heads and curls.
Children are dressed up like flowers,
Smarter old people:
Plumes, ribbons and crosses,
With the sound of heels ...
Dancing, jumping child,
Not thinking about anything
And childhood frisky joking
Sweeps… Then
Another time, another ball
She dreams: in front of her
A handsome young man is standing
He whispers something to her...
Then again balls, balls ...
She is their mistress
They have dignitaries, ambassadors,
They have all the fashionable light ...
“Oh dear! why are you so gloomy?
What is in your heart?
“Child! I'm bored with social noise
Let's go, let's go!"

And so she left
With your chosen one.
Before her is a wonderful country,
Before her is eternal Rome...
Oh! what would we remember life -
If we don't have those days
When, having snatched away somehow
From your homeland
And passing the boring north,
Let's go south.
Needs before us, rights over us
No one ... Himself-friend
Always only with those who are dear to us,
We live as we want;
Today we look at the ancient temple,
Tomorrow we will visit
Palace, ruins, museum...
How fun though
Share your thoughts
With your favorite being!

Under the spell of beauty
In the power of strict thoughts,
You wander through the Vatican
Depressed and gloomy;
Surrounded by an obsolete world,
You don't remember the living.
But how terribly amazed
You in the first moment then
When, after leaving the Vatican,
Return to the living world
Where the donkey neighs, the fountain roars,
The artisan sings;
Trade is booming
They shout in every way:
"Corals! shells! snails!
Ice cream water!”
Dancing, eating, fighting naked,
Satisfied with myself
And a braid as black as pitch
Roman woman young
The old woman is scratching ... It's a hot day,
Unbearable black din,
Where can we find peace and shade?
We go to the first temple.

The noise of life is not heard here,
Coolness, silence
And semi-darkness... Strict thoughts
Again the soul is full.
Saints and angels in a crowd
Temple decorated above
Porphyry and jasper under the foot
And marble on the walls ...

How sweet to listen to the sound of the sea!
You sit for an hour
Undepressed, cheerful mind
Works meanwhile...
Mountain path to the sun
Climb high -
What a morning before you!
How easy it is to breathe!
But hotter, hotter southern day
In the green of the valleys
There is no dewdrop ... Let's go under the shade
Umbrella pinn…

The princess remembers those days
Walks and conversations
They left in their hearts
An indelible mark.
But do not return her days of the past,
Those days of hopes and dreams
How not to return later about them
Tears shed by her!

Gone are the rainbow dreams
In front of her are a number of paintings.
Downtrodden, driven country:
Severe lord
And a miserable worker-man
With a bowed head...
As the first to rule accustomed!
How slaves the second!
She dreams of groups of poor people
In the fields, in the meadows,
She dreams of the groans of barge haulers
On the banks of the Volga ...
Full of naive horror
She doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep
Fall asleep satellite she
Questions in a hurry:
“Tell me, is the whole region like this?
There is no shade contentment? .. "
“You are in the kingdom of beggars and slaves!” -
The short answer was...

She woke up - in the hand of a dream!
Chu, heard ahead
Sad ringing - shackle ringing!
"Hey, coachman, wait!"
Then the exiled party is coming,
My chest hurt more.
The princess gives them money, -
"Thank you, good luck!"
She long, long their faces
Dreaming later,
And do not drive away her thoughts,
Don't forget sleep!
“And that party here was ...
Yes... there is no other way...
But the blizzard covered their trail.
Hurry, coachman, hurry! .. "
The frost is stronger, the path is more deserted,
The farther to the east;
Some three hundred miles
wretched town,
But how happy you look
On a dark row of houses
But where are the people? Silence everywhere
Can't even hear the dogs.
Frost drove everyone under the roof,
They drink tea out of boredom.
A soldier passed, a cart passed,
The chimes are striking somewhere.
Frozen windows ... light
In one, a little flashed ...
Cathedral ... at the exit of the prison ...
The coachman waved his whip:
"Hey you!" - and there is no longer a town,
The last house is gone...
To the right are the mountains and the river,
To the left is a dark forest...

Sick, tired mind boils,
Sleepless until morning
Heart yearns. Change of thoughts
Painfully fast:
The princess sees friends
That dark prison
And then she thinks
God knows why
That the starry sky is sand
sprinkled leaf,
And the month - with red sealing wax
Embossed circle...

The mountains are gone; started
A plain without end.
More dead! Won't meet the eye
Living tree.
“And here is the tundra!” - He speaks
Coachman, Buryat steppe.
The princess gazes
And he thinks sadly:
Here's a greedy man
Goes for gold!
It lies along the riverbeds,
It is at the bottom of the marshes.
Difficult mining on the river,
The swamps are terrible in the heat,
But worse, worse in the mine,
Deep underground!
There is deathly silence
There's an unfathomable darkness...
Why, damn country,
Ermak found you?..
The haze of the night descended in succession,
The moon has risen again.
The princess did not sleep for a long time,
Full of heavy thoughts...
She fell asleep ... She dreams of the tower ...
She stands at the top;
A familiar city before her
Agitated, noisy;
They run to the vast square
Countless Crowds:
Official people, merchant people,
Peddlers, priests;
Hats, velvet, silk are full of colors,
Sheepskin coats, Armenians ...
There was already a regiment there,
More shelves came
More than a thousand soldiers
Agreed. They are "hooray!" screaming,
They are waiting for something...
The people roared, the people yawned,
Hardly a hundredth understood
What is going on here...
But he laughed out loud
Slyly squinting,
A Frenchman familiar with storms,
Capital kuafer…

New shelves arrived:
"Give up!" - they shout.
The answer to them is bullets and bayonets,
They don't want to give up.
Some brave general
Having flown in a square, he began to threaten -
They took him off the horse.
Another approached the ranks:
"Forgiveness the king will grant you!"
They killed that too.

The Metropolitan himself appeared
With banners, with a cross:
“Repent, brethren! - says -
Fall before the king!"
The soldiers listened, crossing themselves,
But the answer was friendly:
"Go away, old man! pray for us!
You don't care here..."

Then the guns were brought
The king himself commanded: “pa-li! ..”
Buckshot whistles, the core roars,
People are falling in rows...
“Oh dear! are you alive?..”
Princess, having lost her memory,
Rushed forward and headlong
Fell from above!

In front of her is a long and damp
underground corridor,
At every door there is a sentry
All doors are locked.
The surf of the waves is like a splash
Outside is heard by her;
Inside - rattling, guns shine
By the light of lanterns;
Yes, the distant sound of footsteps
And a long rumble from them,
Yes, the cross-chime of the clock,
Yes, the cries of sentries ...

With keys, old and gray,
Mustachioed invalid.
“Come, sadness, follow me! -
She speaks quietly. -
I will take you to him
He is alive and unharmed…”
She trusted him
She followed him...

We walked for a long, long time ... Finally
The door screeched - and suddenly
In front of her he is ... a living dead ...
Before her is a poor friend!
Falling on his chest, she
Rush to ask:
“Tell me what to do? I am strong
I can take revenge!
Will get courage in the chest,
Readiness is hot
Is it necessary to ask? .. "-" Do not go,
Don't touch the executioner!"
- "Oh dear! What did you say? words
I don't hear yours.
That terrible chime of the clock,
Those are the screams of sentries!
Why is there a third between us? .. "
- "Your question is naive."
“It's time! the hour has struck!" -
That third one said...
The princess shuddered, - looks
Frightened around,
Horror chills her heart:
Not everything here was a dream!

The moon floated among the skies
No glitter, no rays
To the left was a gloomy forest,
To the right is the Yenisei.
Dark! Towards not a soul
The coachman on the goats was sleeping,
Hungry wolf in the wilderness
groaned piercingly,
Yes, the wind beat and roared,
playing on the river,
Yes, a foreigner sang somewhere
In a strange language
Severe pathos sounded
unknown language
And more heartbreak,
Like a seagull crying in a storm...

The princess is cold; that night
The frost was unbearable
Forces have fallen; she can't stand it
Fight more with him.
Horror seized the mind,
That she can't get there.
The coachman has not sung for a long time,
Didn't urge the horses
Do not hear the front three.
"Hey! are you alive, coachman?
What are you shutting up? don't you dare sleep!"
"Don't worry, I'm used to..."

They fly ... From a frozen window
Nothing is visible
She drives a dangerous dream,
But don't chase him away!
He will the sick woman
Instantly conquered
And, like a magician, to another land
She was relocated.
That land - he is already familiar to her, -
As before, the bliss is full,
And warm sunshine
And the sweet singing of the waves
She was greeted like a friend...
Wherever you look:
Yes, this is the south! yes, this is the south! -
Everything tells the eye...

Not a cloud in the blue sky
The valley is full of flowers
Everything is flooded with the sun, - on everything,
Down and on the mountains
Seal of mighty beauty
Rejoices all around;
To her sun, sea and flowers
They sing: "Yes - this is the south!"

In a valley between a chain of mountains
And the blue sea
She flies at full speed
With your chosen one.
Their path is a luxurious garden,
Fragrance pours from the trees
On every tree is burning
Ruddy, lush fruit;
Through the dark branches
Azure of skies and waters;
Ships sail across the sea,
sails flicker,
And the mountains visible in the distance
They go to heaven.
How wonderful are their colors! In an hour
Rubies glowed there,
Now sparkling topaz
On their white ridges ...
Here is a pack mule walking a step,
In bells, in flowers,
Behind the mule is a woman with a wreath,
With a basket in hand.
She yells at them, "Goodbye!" -
And suddenly laughing
Throws quickly on her chest
Flower... yes! it's south!
Country of ancient, swarthy maidens
And the land of eternal roses...
Chu! melodic tune,
Chu! music is heard!
Yes, it's south! yes, it's south!
(Sings a good dream to her.)
Again with you beloved friend,
He's free again!

Part two

It's been almost two months now
Constantly day and night on the road

A marvelously well-coordinated carriage,
And the end of the road is far away!

The princess' companion is so tired,
That he fell ill near Irkutsk.

I met her in Irkutsk myself
City chief;
How dry the relics are, how straight the stick is,
Tall and grey.
Slipped from his shoulder doha,
Under it - crosses, uniform,
The hat has rooster feathers.
Honorable Brigadier,
Scolding the coachman for something,
hastily jumped up
And the doors of a strong wagon
The princess opened ...


(included in the station house)

To Nerchinsk! Deposit quickly!


I have come to meet you.


Tell them to give me horses!


Please slow down.
Our road is so bad
You need to rest…


Thank you! I am strong...
My path is far...


All the same it will be eight hundred miles,
And the main problem:
The road will get worse there
Dangerous ride!
Two words you need to say
On service, and moreover
I had the luck of the count to know
Served with him for seven years.
Your father is a rare man
By heart, by mind
Imprinted in the soul forever
Gratitude to him
At the service of his daughter
I'm ready ... I'm all yours ...


But I don't need anything!

(Opening the door to the hallway)

Is the crew ready?


Until I say
It will not be served...


So order it! I ask…


But there is a clue here:
Sent with last mail


What is in it:
Shouldn't I go back?


Yes, it would be better.


But who sent you and about what
Paper? what is there
Were you kidding about your father?
He arranged everything himself!


No... I dare not say...
But the way is still far...


So what a gift and chat!
Is my cart ready?



Not! once decided
I will complete it!
It's funny for me to tell you
How I love my father
How he loves. But another duty
And above and holy
Calls me. My tormentor!
Let's have horses!


Allow me, sir. I agree myself
What is precious every hour
But do you know well
What's in store for you?
Our side is barren
And she is even poorer,
In short, our spring is there,
Winter is even longer.
Yes, eight months of winter
There, you know?
There people are rare without stigma,
And those souls are callous;
Freely prowl around
There are only varnaks;
The prison house is terrible there,
Deep mines.
You don't have to be with your husband
Eye to eye minutes:
You have to live in a common barracks,
And food: bread and kvass.
Five thousand convicts there,
Embittered by fate
Start fights at night
Murder and robbery;
The judgment is short and terrible for them,
There is no more terrible court!
And you, princess, are always here
Witness... Yes!
Trust me, you won't be spared
Nobody will take pity!
Let your husband - he is to blame ...
And you endure ... why?


It will be terrible, I know
My husband's life.
Let it be mine
Not happier than him!


But you won't live there:
That climate will kill you!
I have to convince you
Don't go ahead!
Oh! Do you live in a country like this
Where is the air in people
Not by ferry - ice dust
Coming out of the nostrils?
Where darkness and cold all year round,
And in brief heats -
Non-drying swamps
Bad couples?
Yes ... Terrible land! Get out of there
The beast of the forest also runs,
When the hundred day night
Hang over the country...


People live in that region
I'm used to joking...


Live? But my youth
Remember... child!
Here mother is snowy water,
Having given birth, will wash the daughter,
Howling a tiny storm
Rocking all night
A wild beast wakes up, growling
Near the forest hut,
Yes, a blizzard, furiously knocking
Out the window, like a brownie.
From dense forests, from deserted rivers
Collecting your tribute
Strong native man
With nature in battle
And you?..


May death be destined for me -
I have nothing to regret!..
I'm going! food! I should
Near her husband to die.


Yes, you will die, but first
Exhaust the one
Whose irrevocably head
She died. For him
Please don't go there!
More bearable alone
Tired of hard work
Come to your prison
Come - and lie down on the bare floor
And with stale cracker
Fall asleep ... and a good dream came -
And the prisoner became king!
Flying a dream to relatives, to friends,
Seeing yourself
He will wake up, to the daily labors
And cheerful, and quiet in heart,
And with you? .. with you do not know
Happy dreams to him
In himself he will be aware
The reason for your tears.


Oh!.. Keep these words
You are better for others.
All your tortures won't extract
Tears from my eyes!
Leaving home, friends,
beloved father,
Taking a vow in my soul
Fulfill to the end
My duty - I will not bring tears
To the damn prison
I will save pride, pride in him,
I will give him strength!
Contempt for our executioners,
Consciousness of being right
We will be a faithful support.


Wonderful dreams!
But they will get for five days.
Don't you be sad for a century?
Trust my conscience
You want to live.
Here is stale bread, prison, shame,
Need and eternal oppression,
And there are balls, a brilliant courtyard,
Freedom and honor.
How to know? Perhaps God judged...
like another,
The law does not deprive you of the right ...


Be silent!.. My God!..


Yes, I'm being honest
Get back into the light.


Thank you, thank you
For your good advice!
And before there was an earthly paradise,
And now this paradise
With your caring hand
Cleared by Nicholas.
There people rot alive -
walking coffins,
Men are a bunch of Judas,
And women are slaves.
What will I find there? hypocrisy,
desecrated honor,
Cheeky bastard triumph
And petty revenge.
No, in this cut down forest
I won't be lured
Where there were oaks to heaven,
And now the stumps are sticking out!

In the winter of 1826, at night, Princess Ekaterina Trubetskaya followed her Decembrist husband to Siberia. Her father, the old count, saw off his daughter:

The count himself corrected the pillows,

I made a bear cavity at my feet,

While praying, the icon hung in the right corner

And - sobbed ... Princess-daughter ...

Goes somewhere tonight...

It is hard for the princess to leave her father, but duty requires her to be near her husband.

Far is my way, hard is my way,

My fate is terrible

But I dressed my chest with steel ...

Be proud - I'm your daughter!

The princess says goodbye not only to her family, but also to her native Petersburg, which she loved more than all the cities she had seen, in which her youth happily passed. After the arrest of her husband, Petersburg became a fatal city for a woman.

Forgive me too, my native land,

Sorry, unfortunate land!

And you... oh fatal city,

Nest of kings... farewell!

Who has seen London and Paris

Venice and Rome

That you do not seduce with brilliance,

But you were my love...

She curses the king - the executioner of the Decembrists, with whom she danced at the ball. Having said goodbye to her father and her beloved city, Trubetskaya, together with her father's secretary, goes to Siberia for her husband. Her path is difficult. Despite the fact that at each station the princess generously rewards the drivers, the journey to Tyumen takes "twenty days.

On the way, the woman recalls her childhood, carefree youth, balls in her father's house, to which all the fashionable world gathered:

Forward! Soul full of sadness

The road is getting harder

But dreams are peaceful and easy -

She dreamed of her youth.

Wealth, shine! High house on the banks of the Neva,

Staircase upholstered with carpet

Lions in front of the entrance...

Dancing, jumping child,

Not thinking about anything

And frisky childhood jokingly Sweeps ... Then another time, another ball She dreams: in front of her stands a handsome young man,

He whispers something to her...

These memories are replaced by pictures of a honeymoon trip to Italy, walks and conversations with her beloved husband.

The dreams of the princess, in contrast to travel impressions, are light and joyful. Then pictures of her country pass before her.

In a dream, Princess Trubetskaya feels, and in reality she sees the kingdom of slaves and beggars:

A stern gentleman And a pitiful worker-man With a downcast head...

As the first to rule,

How slaves the second!

Chu, heard ahead Sad ringing - shackled ringing!

"Hey, coachman, wait!"

Then the party of exiles is coming ...

The spectacle of the exiles in shackles turns out to be difficult for the princess. She imagines her husband, who had gone the same way a little earlier. Every day the frost is getting stronger, and the path is more deserted.

In Siberia, for three hundred miles, one miserable town comes across, the inhabitants of which are sitting at home because of the terrible frost:

But where are the people? Silence everywhere

Can't even hear the dogs.

Frost drove everyone under the roof,

They drink tea out of boredom.

A soldier passed, a cart passed,

The chimes are striking somewhere.

The windows froze ... a light flickered a little in one ...

Cathedral ... at the exit of the prison ...

“Why, damned country, // Did Yermak find you? ..” - Trubetskaya thinks in despair. People are being driven to Siberia in search of gold:

It lies along the riverbeds,

It is at the bottom of the marshes.

Difficult mining on the river,

The swamps are terrible in the heat,

But worse, worse in the mine,

Deep underground!

The princess understands that she is doomed to end her days in Siberia, and recalls the events that preceded her journey: the Decembrist uprising, a meeting with her arrested husband. Horror chills her heart when she hears the piercing howl of a hungry wolf, the roar of the wind along the banks of the Yenisei, the hysterical song of a foreigner and realizes that she may not reach the goal. There is a frost, which the princess has not yet experienced, and she no longer has the strength to endure. Horror took over her mind. Unable to overcome the cold, the sleeping princess dreamed of the south:

Yes, it's south! yes, it's south!

(Sings a good dream to her.)

Again with you beloved friend,

He's free again!

It's been two months on the road. Trubetskoy had to part with the secretary - he fell ill near Irkutsk, the princess waited for him for two days and set off , recalls Trubetskoy's father, under whose command he served for seven years.The governor appeals to Trubetskoy's childish feelings, persuading her to return back.Trubetskaya refuses:

Not! once decided

I will complete it!

It's funny for me to tell you

How I love my father

How he loves. But another duty

And above and holy

Calls me. My tormentor!

Let's have horses!

The governor is trying to frighten the princess with the horrors of Siberia, where "people are rare without a stigma, / And those souls are callous." He explains that she will not have to live with her husband, but in a common barracks, among convicts, but the princess repeats that she wants to share all the horrors of her husband's life and die next to him. The governor demands that the princess sign a renunciation of all her rights - she agrees without hesitation to be in the position of a poor commoner. To all the exhortations of the governor, the princess has one answer:

Having taken a vow in my soul To fulfill my duty to the end - I will not bring tears to the accursed prison -

I will save pride, pride in him,

I will give him strength!

Contempt for our executioners,

Consciousness of rightness Will be our true support.

Trubetskaya speaks about Petersburg. These are bitter and angry lines:

And before there was an earthly paradise,

And now this paradise

With your caring hand

Cleared by Nicholas.

There people rot alive -

walking coffins,

Men are a bunch of Judas,

And women are slaves.

After keeping Trubetskaya in Nerchinsk for a week, the governor declared that he could not give her horses: she must continue on foot, with an escort, along with convicts. But, having heard her answer: “I’m coming! I don’t care! .. ”- the old general with tears refuses to tyrannize the princess. He assures that he did this on the personal order of the king, and orders the horses to be harnessed:

With shame, horror, the work of the Staged Path, I tried to scare you.

You were not afraid!

And even though I can't keep my head on my shoulders,

I can't, I don't want to tyrannize you anymore...

I'll take you there in three days...

Part one

Calm, durable and light
A wonderfully well-coordinated carriage;

The count-father himself more than once, not twice
Tried it first.

Six horses harnessed to it,
The lantern inside was lit.

The count himself corrected the pillows,
I made a bear cavity at my feet,

Making a prayer, scapular
Hung in the right corner

And - sobbed ... Princess-daughter
Going somewhere tonight...

Yes, we tear the heart in half
To each other, but, dear,
Tell me, what else can we do?
Can you help melancholy!
One who could help us
Now... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Bless your own daughter
And let go in peace!

God knows, see you again
Alas! there is no hope.
Forgive and know: your love,
Your last testament
I will remember deeply
On the far side…
I don't cry, but it's not easy
To part with you!

Oh, God knows! .. But the duty is different,
And higher and harder
He's calling me... Forgive me, my dear!
Don't cry in vain!
Far is my way, hard is my way,
My fate is terrible
But I dressed my chest with steel ...
Be proud - I'm your daughter!

Forgive me too, my native land,
Sorry, unfortunate land!
And you ... oh fatal city,
Nest of kings... farewell!
Who has seen London and Paris
Venice and Rome
That you do not seduce with brilliance,
But you were loved by me -

Happy my youth
Passed within your walls
I loved your balls
Catania from the steep mountains,
Loved the shine of your Neva
In the evening silence
And this square in front of her
With a hero on horseback...

I can't forget... Then, then
Will tell our story...
And you be damned, gloomy house,
Where is the first quadrille
I danced... That hand
So far it burns my hand ...

* * *
Calm, strong and light,
A cart rolls by the city.

All in black, deathly pale,
The princess rides in it alone,

And the father's secretary (in crosses,
To instill dear fear)

With servants galloping ahead ...
Fistula with a whip, shouting: "Fall!"

The coachman passed the capital ....
The path lay far for the princess,

It was a harsh winter...
At every station

The traveler comes out: “Hurry
Harness your horses!"

And sprinkles with a generous hand
Chervonets of Yamskaya's servants.

But the path is hard! On the twentieth day
Barely arrived in Tyumen,

They rode for another ten days,
“We will soon see the Yenisei, -

The secretary said to the princess,
The sovereign does not go like that! .. "

* * *
Forward! Soul full of sadness
The road is getting harder
But dreams are peaceful and easy -
She dreamed of her youth.
Wealth, shine! high house
On the banks of the Neva
Staircase upholstered with carpet
Lions in front of the entrance
The magnificent hall is elegantly decorated,
The lights are all on fire.
O joy! now a children's ball,
Chu! the music is booming!
Scarlet ribbons were woven into her
In two blond braids,
Flowers, outfits brought
Unseen beauty.
Papa came - gray, blush, -
Invites her to guests.
"Well, Katya! miracle sundress!
He will drive everyone crazy!
She loves, loves without limits.
Spinning in front of her
Flower garden of cute children's faces,
Heads and curls.
Children are dressed up like flowers,
Smarter old people:
Plumes, ribbons and crosses,
With the sound of heels ...
Dancing, jumping child,
Not thinking about anything
And childhood frisky joking
Sweeps… Then
Another time, another ball
She dreams: in front of her
A handsome young man is standing
He whispers something to her...
Then again balls, balls ...
She is their mistress
They have dignitaries, ambassadors,
They have all the fashionable light ...
“Oh dear! why are you so gloomy?
What is in your heart?
- “Child! I'm bored with social noise
Let's go, let's go!"

And so she left
With your chosen one.
Before her is a wonderful country,
Before her is eternal Rome...
Oh! what would we remember life -
If we don't have those days
When, having snatched away somehow
From your homeland
And passing the boring north,
Let's go south.
Needs before us, rights over us
No one ... Himself-friend
Always only with those who are dear to us,
We live as we want;
Today we look at the ancient temple,
Tomorrow we will visit
Palace, ruins, museum...
How fun though
Share your thoughts
With your favorite being!

Under the spell of beauty
In the power of strict thoughts,
You wander through the Vatican
Depressed and gloomy;
Surrounded by an obsolete world,
You don't remember the living.
But how terribly amazed
You in the first moment then
When, after leaving the Vatican,
Return to the living world
Where the donkey neighs, the fountain roars,
The artisan sings;
Trade is booming
They shout in every way:
"Corals! shells! snails!
Ice cream water!”
Dancing, eating, fighting naked,
Satisfied with myself
And a braid as black as pitch
Roman woman young
The old woman is scratching ... It's a hot day,
Unbearable black din,
Where can we find peace and shade?
We go to the first temple.

The noise of life is not heard here,
Coolness, silence
And semi-darkness... Strict thoughts
Again the soul is full.
Saints and angels in a crowd
Temple decorated above
Porphyry and jasper under the foot
And marble on the walls ...

How sweet to listen to the sound of the sea!
You sit for an hour
Undepressed, cheerful mind
Works meanwhile....
Mountain path to the sun
Climb high -
What a morning before you!
How easy it is to breathe!
But hotter, hotter southern day
In the green of the valleys
There is no dewdrop ... Let's go under the shade
Umbrella pinn…

The princess remembers those days
Walks and conversations
They left in their hearts
An indelible mark.
But do not return her days of the past,
Those days of hopes and dreams
How not to return later about them
Tears shed by her!

Gone are the rainbow dreams
In front of her are a number of paintings.
Downtrodden, driven country:
Severe lord
And a miserable worker-man
With a bowed head...
As the first to rule accustomed!
How slaves the second!
She dreams of groups of poor people
In the fields, in the meadows,
She dreams of the groans of barge haulers
On the banks of the Volga ...
Full of naive horror
She doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep
Fall asleep satellite she
Questions in a hurry:
“Tell me, is the whole region like this?
There is no shade contentment? .. "
- "You are in the kingdom of beggars and slaves!" -
The short answer was...

She woke up - in the hand of a dream!
Chu, heard ahead
Sad ringing - shackled ringing!
"Hey, coachman, wait!"
Then the exiled party is coming,
My chest hurt more.
The princess gives them money, -
"Thank you, good luck!"
She long, long their faces
Dreaming later,
And do not drive away her thoughts,
Don't forget sleep!
“And that party here was ...
Yes... there is no other way...
But the blizzard covered their trail.
Hurry, coachman, hurry! .. "

* * *
The frost is stronger, the path is more deserted,
The farther to the east;
Some three hundred miles
wretched town,
But how happy you look
On a dark row of houses
But where are the people? Silence everywhere
Can't even hear the dogs.
Frost drove everyone under the roof,
They drink tea out of boredom.
A soldier passed, a cart passed,
The chimes are striking somewhere.
Frozen windows ... light
In one, a little flashed ...
Cathedral ... at the exit of the prison ...
The coachman waved his whip:
"Hey you!" - and there is no longer a town,
The last house is gone...
To the right are the mountains and the river,
To the left is a dark forest...

Sick, tired mind boils,
Sleepless until morning
Heart yearns. Change of thoughts
Painfully fast:
The princess sees friends
That dark prison
And then she thinks
God knows why
That the starry sky is sand
sprinkled leaf,
And the month - with red sealing wax
Embossed circle...

The mountains are gone; started
A plain without end.
More dead! Won't meet the eye
Living tree.
“And here is the tundra!” - He speaks
Coachman, Buryat steppe.
The princess gazes
And he thinks sadly:
Here's a greedy man
Goes for gold!
It lies along the riverbeds,
It is at the bottom of the marshes.
Difficult mining on the river,
The swamps are terrible in the heat,
But worse, worse in the mine,
Deep underground!
There is deathly silence
There's an unfathomable darkness...
Why, damn country,
Ermak found you?..

* * *
The haze of the night descended in succession,
The moon has risen again.
The princess did not sleep for a long time,
Full of heavy thoughts...
She fell asleep ... She dreams of the tower ...
She stands at the top;
A familiar city before her
Agitated, noisy;
They run to the vast square
Countless Crowds:
Official people, merchant people,
Peddlers, priests;
Hats, velvet, silk are full of colors,
Sheepskin coats, Armenians ...
There was already a regiment there,
More shelves came
More than a thousand soldiers
Agreed. They are "hooray!" screaming,
They are waiting for something...
The people roared, the people yawned,
Hardly a hundredth understood
What is going on here...
But he laughed out loud
Slyly squinting,
A Frenchman familiar with storms,
Capital kuafer…

New shelves arrived:
"Give up!" - they shout.
The answer to them is bullets and bayonets,
They don't want to give up.
Some brave general
Having flown in a square, he began to threaten -
They took him off the horse.
Another approached the ranks:
"Forgiveness the king will grant you!"
They killed that too.

The Metropolitan himself appeared
With banners, with a cross:
“Repent, brethren! - says -
Fall before the king!"
The soldiers listened, crossing themselves,
But the answer was friendly:
"Go away, old man! pray for us!
You don't care here..."

Then the guns were brought
The king himself commanded: “pa-li! ..”
Buckshot whistles, the core roars,
People are falling in rows...
“Oh dear! are you alive?..”
Princess, having lost her memory,
Rushed forward and headlong
Fell from above!

In front of her is a long and damp
underground corridor,
At every door there is a sentry
All doors are locked.
The surf of the waves is like a splash
Outside is heard by her;
Inside - rattling, guns shine
By the light of lanterns;
Yes, the distant sound of footsteps
And a long rumble from them,
Yes, the cross-chime of the clock,
Yes, the cries of sentries ...

With keys, old and gray,
Mustachioed invalid.
“Come, sadness, follow me! -
She speaks quietly. -
I will take you to him
He is alive and unharmed…”
She trusted him
She followed him...

We walked for a long, long time ... Finally
The door screeched - and suddenly
In front of her he is ... a living dead ...
Before her is a poor friend!
Falling on his chest, she
Rush to ask:
“Tell me what to do? I am strong
I can take revenge!
Will get courage in the chest,
Readiness is hot
Is it necessary to ask? .. "-" Do not go,
Don't touch the executioner!"
- “Oh dear! What did you say? words
I don't hear yours.
That terrible chime of the clock,
Those are the screams of sentries!
Why is there a third between us? .. "
- "Your question is naive."

“It's time! the hour has struck!" -
That third one said...

* * *
The princess shuddered, looking
Frightened around,
Horror chills her heart:
Not everything here was a dream!

The moon floated among the skies
No glitter, no rays
To the left was a gloomy forest,
To the right is the Yenisei.
Dark! Towards not a soul
The coachman on the goats was sleeping,
Hungry wolf in the wilderness
groaned piercingly,
Yes, the wind beat and roared,
playing on the river,
Yes, a foreigner sang somewhere
In a strange language
Severe pathos sounded
unknown language
And more heartbreak,
Like a seagull crying in a storm...

The princess is cold; that night
The frost was unbearable
Forces have fallen; she can't stand it
Fight more with him.
Horror seized the mind,
That she can't get there.
The coachman has not sung for a long time,
Didn't urge the horses
Do not hear the front three.
"Hey! are you alive, coachman?
What are you shutting up? don't you dare sleep!"
"Don't be afraid, I'm used to..."

They fly ... From a frozen window
Nothing is visible
She drives a dangerous dream,
But don't chase him away!
He will the sick woman
Instantly conquered
And, like a magician, to another land
She was relocated.
That land - he is already familiar to her, -
As before, the bliss is full,
And warm sunshine
And the sweet singing of the waves
She was greeted like a friend...
Wherever you look:
Yes, this is the south! yes, this is the south! -
Everything tells the eye...

Not a cloud in the blue sky
The valley is full of flowers
Everything is flooded with the sun, - on everything,
Down and on the mountains
Seal of mighty beauty
Rejoices all around;
To her sun, sea and flowers
They sing: "Yes - this is the south!"

In a valley between a chain of mountains
And the blue sea
She flies at full speed
With your chosen one.
Their road is a luxurious garden,
Fragrance pours from the trees
On every tree is burning
Ruddy, lush fruit;
Through the dark branches
Azure of skies and waters;
Ships sail across the sea,
sails flicker,
And the mountains visible in the distance
They go to heaven.
How wonderful are their colors! In an hour
Rubies glowed there,
Now sparkling topaz
On their white ridges ...
Here is a pack mule walking a step,
In bells, in flowers,
Behind the mule is a woman with a wreath,
With a basket in hand.
She yells at them, "Goodbye!" -
And suddenly laughing
Throws quickly on her chest
Flower... yes! it's south!
Country of ancient, swarthy maidens
And the land of eternal roses...
Chu! melodic tune,
Chu! music is heard!
Yes, it's south! yes, it's south!
(Sings a good dream to her.)
Again with you beloved friend,
He's free again!

Part two

It's been almost two months now
Constantly day and night on the road

A marvelously well-coordinated carriage,
And the end of the road is far away!

The princess' companion is so tired,
That he fell ill near Irkutsk.

I met her in Irkutsk myself
City chief;
How dry the relics are, how straight the stick is,
Tall and grey.
Slipped from his shoulder doha,
Under it - crosses, uniform,
On the hat are rooster feathers.
Honorable Brigadier,
Scolding the coachman for something,
hastily jumped up
And the doors of a strong wagon
The princess opened ...

(included in the station house)
To Nerchinsk! Deposit quickly!

I have come to meet you.

Tell them to give me horses!

Please slow down.
Our road is so bad
You need to rest…

Thank you! I am strong...
My path is far...

All the same it will be eight hundred miles,
And the main problem:
The road will get worse there
Dangerous ride!
Two words you need to say
On service, and besides
I had the luck of the count to know
Served with him for seven years.
Your father is a rare man
By heart, by mind
Imprinted in the soul forever
Gratitude to him
At the service of his daughter
I'm ready ... I'm all yours ...

But I don't need anything!

(Opening the door to the hallway.)
Is the crew ready?

Until I say
It will not be served...

So order it! I ask…

But there is a clue here:
Sent with last mail

What is in it:
Shouldn't I go back?

Yes, it would be better.

But who sent you and about what
Paper? what is there
Were you kidding about your father?
He arranged everything himself!

No... I dare not say...
But the way is still far...

So what a gift and chat!
Is my cart ready?

Not! I haven't ordered yet...
Princess! here I am the king!
Sit down! I already said
What I knew the count of old,
And the count ... even though he let you go,
By your kindness
But your departure killed him...
Come back soon!

Not! once decided
I will complete it!
It's funny for me to tell you
How I love my father
How he loves. But another duty
And above and holy
Calls me. My tormentor!
Let's have horses!

Allow me, sir. I agree myself
What is precious every hour
But do you know well
What's in store for you?
Our side is barren
And she is even poorer,
In short, our spring is there,
Winter is even longer.
Yes, eight months of winter
There - did you know?
There people are rare without stigma,
And those souls are callous;
Freely prowl around
There are only varnaks;
The prison house is terrible there,
Deep mines.
You don't have to be with your husband
Eye to eye minutes:
You have to live in a common barracks,
And food: bread and kvass.
Five thousand convicts there,
Embittered by fate
Start fights at night
Murder and robbery;
The judgment is short and terrible for them,
There is no more terrible court!
And you, princess, are always here
Witness... Yes!
Trust me, you won't be spared
Nobody will take pity!
Let your husband - he is to blame ...
And you endure ... why?

It will be terrible, I know
My husband's life.
Let it be mine
Not happier than him!

But you won't live there:
That climate will kill you!
I have to convince you
Don't go ahead!
Oh! Do you live in a country like this
Where is the air in people
Not by ferry - ice dust
Coming out of the nostrils?
Where darkness and cold all year round,
And in brief heats -
Non-drying swamps
Bad couples?
Yes ... Terrible land! Get out of there
The beast of the forest also runs,
When the hundred day night
Hang over the country...

People live in that region
I'm used to joking...

Live? But my youth
Remember... child!
Here mother is snowy water,
Having given birth, will wash the daughter,
Howling a tiny storm
Rocking all night
A wild beast wakes up, growling
Near the forest hut,
Yes, a blizzard, furiously knocking
Out the window, like a brownie.
From dense forests, from deserted rivers
Collecting your tribute
Strong native man
With nature in battle
And you?..

May death be destined for me -
I have nothing to regret!..
I'm going! food! I should
Near her husband to die.

Yes, you will die, but first
Exhaust the one
Whose irrevocably head
She died. For him
Please don't go there!
More bearable alone
Tired of hard work
Come to your prison
Come - and lie down on the bare floor
And with stale cracker
Fall asleep ... and a good dream came -
And the prisoner became king!
Flying a dream to relatives, to friends,
Seeing yourself
He will wake up, to the daily labors
And cheerful, and quiet in heart,
And with you? .. with you do not know
Happy dreams to him
In himself he will be aware
The reason for your tears.

Oh!.. Keep these words
You are better for others.
All your tortures won't extract
Tears from my eyes!
Leaving home, friends,
beloved father,
Taking a vow in my soul
Fulfill to the end
My duty - I will not bring tears
To the damn prison
I will save pride, pride in him,
I will give him strength!
Contempt for our executioners,
Consciousness of being right
We will be a faithful support.

Wonderful dreams!
But they will get for five days.
Don't you be sad for a century?
Trust my conscience
You want to live.
Here is stale bread, prison, shame,
Need and eternal oppression,
And there are balls, a brilliant courtyard,
Freedom and honor.
How to know? Perhaps God judged...
like another,
The law does not deprive you of the right ...

Be silent!.. My God!..

Yes, I'm being honest
Get back into the light.

Thank you, thank you
For your good advice!
And before there was an earthly paradise,
And now this paradise
With your caring hand
Cleared by Nicholas.
There people rot alive -
walking coffins,
Men are a bunch of Judas,
And women are slaves.
What will I find there? hypocrisy,
desecrated honor,
Cheeky bastard triumph
And petty revenge.
No, in this cut down forest
I won't be lured
Where there were oaks to heaven,
And now the stumps are sticking out!

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