The best conspiracies and amulets from evil spirits. How to expel evil spirits from a person

Often, in life we ​​are haunted by misfortunes and worries. Sometimes it seems like there is no end to failure. This is a reason to think that some kind of evil spirit lives around you. Protective amulets and conspiracies of our ancestors will help to get rid of which.

In every house lives a huge number of entities, most of them harmless. But it happens that an evil spirit will wander into the house from the street or from the cemetery. You will immediately realize the presence of otherworldly, evil spirits and evil spirits in the apartment. The devil spawn will give themselves away.

If you are haunted by a black streak, constant quarrels, despondency, which covers upon arrival home and a series of failures. And indoor plants quickly wither in the apartment and strange noises are heard at night: rustles, trampling, laughter - be sure that an evil spirit lives in your house, and maybe not even one. Then either he will drive you away, destroying your whole life, or you will get rid of him.

Protect from evil spirits

Many protective amulets are at your fingertips, you just did not pay attention to them. The most important thing is to know what things have protective properties and be able to properly use your amulet from evil spirits and evil.

Horseshoe. Protect your home from the machinations of evil spirits will help the old Slavic amulet in the form of a horseshoe. Be sure to hang it over front door. It is known that a horseshoe brings happiness to the apartment and expels all evil spirits, negativity and evil spirits. The most important thing is that it be with nails - this will enhance protection.

Ring one of the main and the best talismans, which can protect you from failure. It will drive away evil spirit that surrounds you. Any ring can become a talisman. The main thing is to charge it correctly. Rings can be inherited, from one family member to another. But rings do not always carry positive energy. A conspiracy can also be made on a new ring that will attract positive emotions leaving negativity behind. You should not remove the ring from your hand, it is better to wear it all the time so that the energy does not stop circulating and accumulating. Turn an ordinary ring into strong amulet from evil spirits, you can use the slander:

"Charge my little ring with the miraculous power of nature, serve me as a source of positive and bright energy."

After the plot on the ring is read, you need to throw the ring into a glass filled with water and add a little salt there.

Plants also have protective properties. Among the intercessors, site site experts distinguish lavender, thistle, Bay leaf, nettle and garlic. Evil spirits are scared to death of the smell of these plants. Of course, in the beginning they must be collected and dried. After the plants have dried, small bouquets should be formed and hung in the corners of the apartment.

Rowan. Our ancestors planted rowan trees under the windows. It was believed that the energy of this tree drives away all evil spirits. Even rowan twigs are strong and powerful amulet from any bad interference.

Incense. As you know, more than anything else, demons evil spirits and otherworldly beings are afraid of incense. To do this, it is necessary to overlay the apartment with pieces of incense, and from time to time fumigate the whole house with its aroma. Even soap with incense will drive away all minions of the devil.

No evil spirits will approach you, and even more so, they will not wander into the house if you put powerful protection not only by means of amulets, but also protective prayers and the best conspiracies.

The best conspiracies from evil spirits

Protective words will help you get rid of evil spirits and failures. The power of the spoken word is legendary. It is known that words can even kill, which will be very useful for you in the fight against the otherworldly forces of evil. Many people resort to protective prayers, however, in critical cases, esotericists advise reading a conspiracy that will help drive away troubles for a long time and get rid of evil spirits. And only then thank the Lord and ask him for protection and protection from repeated cases.

Conspiracy to expel evil spirits:

“Leave, Devil, my house and my body, get out of my doors and from all corners of my hearth. There is no place and honor for you here, the cross of the Lord God is kept here, the Mother of God, the Most Pure Mother of God, all the saints of the Orthodox Church, and you get out of my house, my body, and my soul, unclean spirit! Here is the power of the Divine, the angels are bright and pure. There is no place for you in me, for your insidious and evil deeds. Leave me, unclean spirit, do not harm me and my house, go to hell, where is your place! My word is as hard as a stone! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracy from the devil and demons:

This conspiracy must be slandered on wax from a candle.

“God’s protection is on me with the holy cross on each side. The cross is upon me, for I am a servant of God. Cross in front, cross behind me. The cross of the devil will drive out the evil spirits that dwell around me. Evil spirits and demons will flee from me, because I am surrounded by the power of heaven and the Lord. Next to me is the son of God Jesus Christ, His Mother the Virgin Mary the Most Holy, all the holy spirits and pure angels! Everyone is surrounded by me and I am under their protection! I will drive away all demons from myself and send the devil to hell, where his true home is! And forever and ever I will cast out the devil that plots me. Amen."

A conspiracy from the power of unclean and evil spirits:

“Holy Spirit, Most Pure Mother of God, Jesus, son of God! Everyone is on my side. My Guardian Angel, save my sinful soul and keep selflessness and grace in my heart! Strengthen my heart and spirit! My enemies, the Devil, evil spirits and evil spirits drive away from me! I will pray before God and atone for all my earthly sins! May I go to the Lord in Heaven! May I not fall for the evil one and drive him away! Amen!"

If you sincerely believe that you are able to get rid of the evil spirit that surrounds you, then you will succeed. And strong amulets and the best conspiracies will help you in this difficult struggle against the machinations of Satan and his evil spirits. We wish you success and good luck. May your faith grow stronger every day. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

People have believed in the existence of evil spirits throughout the ages. Spirits, demons, demons, ghosts, witches, mermaids, brownies and the living dead still exist today - many people think so. In this age of science and progress, there is something that many cannot understand. With some part of our consciousness, we continue to believe in otherworldly forces that bring evil and are dangerous to humans. Unclean power is a scientifically inexplicable manifestation of dark energy, hidden from full understanding, which often has a negative effect on a person.

Let's try to figure out what the evil spirit is, what danger and threat it can carry, and, most importantly, consider some ways to protect against various manifestations of the evil spirit.

Where did the evil spirit come from?

There are many legends, legends and just superstitions about the appearance of evil spirits. AT Christian religion all manifestations of evil spirits are attributed to the fallen angels, who at one time joined the angel Dennitsa (Devil) who rebelled against the Lord.

According to other ancient legends and folk tales, evil spirits can represent the souls of suicides, drowned people or people who died a violent death, dead unbaptized babies, etc.

In the mythology of many peoples, there is an idea: the souls of people who died a violent or early death, unbaptized souls of babies, as well as those who committed suicide, cannot find peace in the afterlife. It was believed that there is a right death. This is the death of a man who has outlived the age allotted to him by fate and God. But there is also a wrong death or impure death. Centuries ago, people had no doubt that the evil spirit is the same reality as what we can see. Devils and demons inhabit the world on a par with people. Not being able to explain, for example, death or natural phenomena, a person imagined them as living beings. In mythology, the forces of nature were considered to be good-bearing - the sun, rain, relieving drought. Demons and evil spirits became a force that brought misfortune, illness and death - evil spirit.

Human traditional culture should behave in this world very carefully. He must understand that along with the real world of the living, the other world is always co-present. Our ancestors buried the dead, tightly tying their hands behind their backs and pressing down the grave with a heavy stone. The ancient Romans at funerals loudly beat big drums to scare the deceased so that he would not return from the world of the dead. In the Middle East, there is still a custom: to drive away evil spirits, you need to drive a big nail into the place where the murder happened, otherwise the evil spirits will disturb the living.

Based on modern ideas about evil spirits, esotericists put forward theories of the existence of astral and parallel worlds, as well as the essences of their inhabitants. So, for example, some people are able to see ghosts, devils, humanoid creatures, dark figures in hooded robes.

The relation of science to otherworldly evil

Today, science is trying to understand the phenomenon of the appearance of ghosts, evil spirits. Scientists have noticed that all the cases described by people are remarkably similar. A person almost always sees a ghost on the right. They concluded that it is the right hemisphere of the brain that gives rise to those strange visions- hallucinations, which we call ghosts.

Doctors noticed that the feeling of fear and anxiety causes a physiological reaction - a spasm of cerebral vessels. Therefore, there is a lack of oxygen that feeds the cerebral cortex. It is then that a person sees, as it seems to him, evil spirits.

According to another version, which psychologists adhere to, a person himself creates ghostly monsters and monsters. The Viennese physician Georg Groddtek allegedly called visible to the eye impure force by a revived psycho-projection. He believed that our fears can escape from under consciousness, from their shell. People begin to see the visual form of their fears. They perceive such hallucinations as an evil force that torments them already in reality.

According to statistics, the assumptions of scientists can explain only 90% of cases of encounters with evil spirits. But there always remains those 10% that are not subject to any scientific explanation. It is these 10% that make us accept the fact that the evil spirit really exists and is capable of negatively affecting a person and the world around him.

Today, most of the legends about evil spirits that have frightened people for centuries have found their explanation.

From the point of view of scientists, everything that is connected with evil spirits in the minds of people must have a real explanation. Perhaps soon new discoveries await us, the cause of which will be the knowledge of what people at all times called evil spirits.

What is the danger of evil spirits for a person

Anything can be expected from otherworldly beings and dark energy. After all, even such an entity, harmless at first glance, as a brownie, can bring significant harm to a person - constantly frighten, mischief in the house, or even try to strangle an inhabitant who does not please him at night. Therefore, the brownie is considered to be an evil spirit.

From petty pranks and frights, causing harm to health, to obsession as a result of moving into a person, bringing to suicide or even murder - this is what otherworldly evil is capable of.

Whatever we call evil spirits, be it demons, poltergeists or demons, the impact on a person is carried out with one single purpose - to bring maximum harm to a person.

Jokes with evil spirits always end badly. Homegrown and inept "magicians", having read various magical rituals on necromancy and spiritualism on the Internet, themselves let otherworldly evil spirits into their lives. There are many examples when an inexperienced and ignorant of all the intricacies of the magical business of a teenager tries to carry out a complex magical ritual somewhere in a cemetery or at home with the aim of invoking some entity or dead soul. After all, having opened the entrance to our dimension, you never know what or who will come to you. Some simply forget to close the portal and correctly send the entity to their world.

As a rule, such stories end in tears. The evil spirit begins to haunt the person, bringing a curse on him and his family. In other cases, the entity can take root in such a "spirit", and he becomes possessed. Often this scenario leads to suicide.

Settlement in a person

Possession is a person's obsession with evil spirits. An evil spirit always enters a person only at his will. When a person wants to communicate with evil spirits, wants to get in touch, wants to communicate and be close to her, then she comes and enters into him.

It is very difficult to expel evil spirits from a person. One visit to a church or an exorcist for a reprimand is often not enough. Complete healing takes months or even years.

You should know that in the Christian ritual, the only true exorcist, exorcising demons and demons, remains Christ. No one can exorcise the infiltrated evil spirit, except Christ. And the one who acts as an exorcist, whether he is a saint, a monk or a priest, he simply calls for the help of Jesus. Jesus ultimately either comes or he doesn't.

In the Middle Ages, demons were often cast out. Too much was incomprehensible and could not be explained without the intervention of evil spirits. AT different cultures had their own ideas about the unclean and their own rituals of getting rid of it. But today, even the priests will not describe the horned, winged and artiodactyl devil, but they will also not deny the existence of this evil spirit.

Protection from evil spirits

There is no universal remedy for evil spirits. In some cases, prayer will help in the fight against evil spirits, in others, a complex magical ritual performed only by a specialist magician. Protection from various manifestations of evil is the topic of separate articles. But we will still try to understand and figure out what the evil spirit is afraid of.

If you are faced with evil spirits and are sure that this is really not your fantasy, a hallucination, a figment of the imagination, then try several ways to protect yourself from evil spirits.

First of all, never be afraid! The energy of fear always feeds evil spirits. If you are afraid, then you are vulnerable and can be manipulated. Read prayers out loud. One of the most effective prayers against evil spirits - this is a prayer to the Holy Cross. Many say that prayer must be read with faith, otherwise it will not help.

In some cases, the Russian mat also helps to get rid of manifestations of evil spirits, from any trouble. However, it should be remembered that the checkmate is far from the most the best option. It is believed that mate is the language of demons, and through it the evil spirit only understands better what they want from it.

If the house is constantly happening unexplained phenomena- Dishes break, things disappear, spontaneous combustion of objects occurs, someone's voices or steps are heard - all these are manifestations of evil spirits. In order to drive away the noisy spirit, it is necessary to clean the premises and it is desirable to purify yourself spiritually. Go to church for a service, take communion and repent; invite the priest to bless your home. And, perhaps, the evil spirit will leave.

If you do not want personalities with a connection with witchcraft, evil people or ill-wishers to enter your house, stick a needle pointing down into the upper jambs of the front door. The cross formed along the directions of the needles will not let people who know evil spirits through. Evil people and ill-wishers will not be able to stay in your house for a long time and will quickly leave.

Very strong protection against evil spirits, black magic and bad people is the icon "Seven Arrows" and the icon "Holy Trinity". For this, the “Seven-shot” icon is placed opposite the front door, and “ Holy Trinity”- above the front door so that it looks at the first icon. It is believed that after this no evil spirits can even come close to your home.

good or evil

Of course, today there are many skeptics who, foaming at the mouth, claim that all this fuss around evil spirits was invented for one purpose - to intimidate people by clergymen. In their opinion, the evil spirit and the fight against it serve to strengthen the influence of the church over our consciousness. We are accustomed to think figuratively, so it is difficult for a poet to believe in something that cannot be touched. Well, we won't convince anyone. What to believe is a purely personal matter.

And if the older generation is very responsible for everything related to higher powers, then for young people, evil spirits have become a kind of entertainment. What is only one holiday Halloween, so rapidly gaining popularity in our country. What is it, tribute modern fashion or the development of a new subculture, only time will tell. Perhaps the evil spirit is just an excellent reason for entertainment, but in fact it does not exist at all.

But what about the psychics so popular today, who today not only offer to remove the damage, but openly proved to the whole country that Parallel Worlds, and with them the evil spirits, really exist. If you delve into the very essence, it will become clear that certain forces influence everything that happens around us and with us. No one will dare to deny this. These forces are clearly diametrically opposed to each other in their essence. The eternal battle between good and evil only in fairy tales always ends with the victory of good. Everything in life is much more complicated. Our task is to try to maintain such a fragile balance in this confrontation.

There are many ways to do this, choose the one that you like best or with prayers or with conspiracies.
If one method does not work and after the cleansing ritual you feel the presence of evil spirits in the house, do not despair, get down to business again and again, use old conspiracies and strong prayers, which people have used for many centuries to protect their home and expel an unclean spirit from it.

To get rid of werewolves, ghosts and other evil spirits, some traditional tricks are recommended:

1. Stick a nail or knife into the place where evil spirits appear;

2. Find in the floor of the wooden flooring the place where the knot was, circle it with a ring finger in a triangle and step on this place with your left foot;

3. Circle the “knot” in the floorboard with a triangle (such recesses are also found in old wooden frames on windows) with the tip of a knife and stick the knife into the middle of the triangle.

4. An aspen branch hanging over the threshold of the front door will not let you into your house energy vampires. Even dry and winter, put in the bedroom, will save you from nightmares.

5. It is good to keep birch twigs consecrated on the Trinity in the house. They also help with evil spirits.

6. You should not sleep with open windows from 12 to 3 am. At this time, the impure ones are aggressive. Or drive four needles into the windows in the corners, pull the thread crosswise.

7. Going to bed, cross yourself three times, pillows and bed and read the prayer "Alive in help."

8. Crosses painted (accumulated) outside and inside with a candle from the church that you had in your hands on Maundy Thursday will protect you and your house from the unclean.

9. Chalk protects from evil spirits. No wonder in the old days the walls were whitewashed with chalk, which created a certain protective background. Try it, the unclean don't like chalk. And pasting dwellings with wallpaper creates a favorable environment for them.

10. Cats and dogs have a good sense of the unclean. The hair on the back of the dog's neck rises, and he begins to bark at the place where the unclean are. And sometimes cats even leave the house.

11. On Clean Thursday, a house or apartment can be fumigated with juniper, wild rosemary or heather. This will also protect and drive out the unclean from your home.

12. Buckthorn branches, consecrated in the church for the Trinity, hung over the doors and windows of your home, will also protect you and your home from evil spirits.

13. On Epiphany, January 19, bless the water in the church and sprinkle it on your yard and apartment or house. This will also protect you from evil spirits.

14. You can knead the batter on the consecrated baptismal water and draw crosses over the front door (outside and inside the apartment) with it. This will also protect you and your home from the tricks of evil, unkind people.

How to exorcise evil spirits from home

The ritual of expelling evil spirits should be carried out only by the owner of the house. To do this, immediately after midnight, he needs to wash his hands cleanly and go through all the rooms of the house in a clockwise direction. At the same time, at each step, he must throw a black bean over his right shoulder behind his back. When going around, a conspiracy is pronounced (at least 9 times): I'm throwing this away, redeeming myself and my own.

During the process, in no case should you look back, no matter what happens behind your back.

At the end of the event, you should say 9 times in a loud and authoritative voice: Spirits, I command you to leave this place.” Next, you need to fumigate the house with juniper, for which you need to kindle a fire, throw dry juniper into it.

Method with a church candle.

Light a wax candle and go around each room in a clockwise direction, moving towards the front door. With the flame of a candle, baptize all corners and doorways. The following conspiracy pronounced at each of the thresholds in the house:

“Go away, devil, from the temple and from this house, from the doors and from all four corners. No for you, devil, part and participation, place and rest; here is the cross of the Lord, mother of Christ, Holy Mother of God, Saint Peter, the holy evangelists: John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, the holy archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ugasiel, Egudiel, Verachael. The powers of heaven rejoice here, here are the holy cherubim and seraphim, St. Michael is now all over the universe, St. Peter holds the regiments along them, holding the club; here is the Nativity of the Forerunner, here is for you, the devil has no part and participation, place and rest, do not do dirty tricks, the devil to the whole place and house, and man, and cattle, and all God's servants; run away from here to hell, where your real shelter is, and stay there! My word is strong as a stone, amen, amen, amen.”

How to clean the apartment from the presence of otherworldly forces

Sprinkle the walls and, especially carefully, the corners of all the rooms of your house about sacred water in the church. At the same time, it is necessary to read any protective prayer (best of all, the prayer "Our Father")
Pour water into a container, add consecrated water to it in a ratio of one to five. Thoroughly wipe the floors in your house with this water, and then pour this dirty water at any crossroads at night, saying: “Everything is black, bad, witchcraft: misfortunes, bad luck, illnesses, curses and other evil spirits, let them leave my house forever.” Pour this water along with a rag at the crossroads and quickly away from this place without looking back.

Cleanse the house from evil spirits with salt
The next magical ritual should definitely be carried out in the evening, when it was already dark outside. Take in left hand a handful of ordinary table salt, preferably coarsely ground, and, slowly, go around your whole house; room after room, room after room, alternately reading prayers and a conspiracy: “Let everything bad, dark, witchcraft go into this salt: illness, witchcraft, curses, bad luck, misfortunes, and leave my house forever.” After that, you need to pour this dirty salt onto the road, away from your home. It is necessary to repeat the ritual three evenings in a row.

How to exorcise ghosts
To save your home from haunting ghost visits, you need to take feathers and fluff from pillows, set them on fire and fumigate the entire home with smoke.

How to clean your house with prayer

To get rid of evil spirits in the house, you need to take a censer (you can buy it in church and monastery shops), put a piece of coal, incense on it and light it. Read the prayer to the “Honest Cross” ( Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His face. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy they say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away any adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amine b) and fumigate the room, starting from the door, adhering to the left side.

During the ceremony, light candles in all rooms in the largest - three, in the other one - two candles. Do not forget about the bath, corridor and toilet. Be sure to turn off the phones, the doorbell so that no one interferes with the ritual, the doors and windows must be closed. When you finish the ceremony, open the doors, windows, vents so that a draft is drawn in, when the smoke begins to leave the room, say the phrase: “Let all bad things leave the house with this smoke: misfortune, illness, bad luck, witchcraft, curses! Let all evil spirits leave with this smoke, all good things will remain!” Now you can close windows and doors. To protect the house, hang a charmed juniper and burning red with a prayer above the front door

"LIVING AIDS", Psalm 90

“Alive in the help of the Most High, in the blood of the God of Heaven will be settled. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge. My God, and I trust in Him. Yako He will deliver me from the snares of the net, and from the rebellious word, His splash will overshadow thee, and under His wings you hope: His truth will be your weapon.

Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from the arrow flying into the days, from the thing in the darkness that is transient, from the scum and midday demon. A thousand will fall from your country, and the darkness at your right hand will not come close to you, but look at your eyes, and see the retribution of sinners. As you, O Lord, are my hope, the Most High have laid down your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body: as if by Your Angel a commandment about you, save you in all your ways. They will take you in their hands, but not when you stumble your foot on a stone, step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and, as I know My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the length of days, and I will show him My salvation ”(dried juniper is also suitable for fumigating the room).

Protecting the house from evil spirits with the help of an aspen

Prepare aspen pegs pointed on both sides, about 10 centimeters long and 1 cm in diameter, and place them in a container with consecrated water, while saying: “ Blessed God, save and protect my house from all evil spirits, as well as from thieves, enemies and other adversaries". After that, it is necessary to read “Our Father” at least six times.

The aspen pegs prepared in this way must be tied to make a cross and strengthened (you can nail it with a carnation) over the doors in the house. On the land plot it is necessary to drive pegs in its corners and under the gate. Then, after all the pegs have been properly set, it is necessary to water them with the same water in which they were charged.

Herbs to help

Above the front door of your house, indoors, you need to hang a bunch of garlic or hot red pepper, or a juniper branch.

Each blade of grass absorbs a different range of power, so we use some herb for headaches, some for liver disease, some for colds, and so on. But there are a number of herbs that have a very powerful therapeutic effect, their effect is immediately on the entire human body, and not on any separate organ, and, in addition, they regulate the very energy of the body.

These herbs have a very pure spectrum of radiation, in which there is practically no black color. Their energy does not even contain the energies of the dead kingdom, therefore they have a very strong healing effect on a person, as well as the ability to drive away evil spirits. They are called anti-demonic.

These are St. John's wort, hyssop (blue St.

In order to get the greatest strength from the grass, it is harvested at a favorable time for this.

To protect yourself from evil spirits , herbs are used only in the form of incense or water infusions. Alcohol infusions, capsules with dried grass are not suitable for this purpose. To prepare infusions and incense, herbs must first be dried - losing water, they acquire a fiery energy force. a power that increases their ability to drive away evil spirits.

Smoking or incense affects our mind and, by purifying our thoughts, drives away possible troubles and misfortunes. They are good because they clean not only the person himself, but also the dwelling.

But if evil spirits penetrated your body, fumigation will not help you, it will only protect you from a new attack.

If you want to use for home protection smoking from anti-demonic herbs, add a drop of pine resin to the dry grass and try to carry the incense throughout the apartment. Then, when the apartment is filled with the smell of herbs, open a large window or balcony for a few minutes and wish the evil spirits to leave your house: »As the smoke leaves my house, so do misfortunes, illnesses, etc. get out of my house"

Then close the window, the smell of herbs will remain in your home for another day, calling your mind to be free from evil thoughts.

We emphasized that the resin must be pine, as it has more cleansing properties.

Aromatic essential oils to expel evil spirits from the house are not used. They act more on our mind than on the atmosphere of the home, although they are also able to free the head from the accumulated negative energy, and their healing effect is, in fact, based on it.

Herbal infusions act entirely on the entire body, cleansing it of dirty accumulated energy . Water allows the power of herbs to freely fill the cells of our body and tune in to receive light energy. The great power of herbs lies in the fact that they are able to form a common energy field, combining their disparate forces into a common mind. When a person consumes an infusion of herbs, he involuntarily connects to the general energy field of these plants. and the less he will resist its influence, the faster will come recovery.

Therefore, never collect withered, weak grass growing in garbage dumps and other dirty places - otherwise, taking an infusion from it, you will connect not only to clean energy plants, but also to the energy of the place where it grew; do not try to immediately take a “horse” dose of infusion inside - by dramatically changing the energy of the body, you frighten your own body, and it begins to resist healing (microdoses work better and more beneficially, it is not by chance that homeopathic methods of treatment are one of the most reliable); by taking the infusion, help your mind - imagine a field of flowering herbs of the kind you are taking - the cure will be faster. Pouring or bathing in the infusion, do not be too lazy to do this either - the surge of strength will be greater than during the mechanical procedure.

One of the strongest anti-demonic herbs middle lane Russia. This herb, which absorbs sunlight, acts on the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort helps well with depression, fatigue, the first signs colds. It opens a person's heart, allowing his soul, mind and body to unite into a single whole. All evil spirits are afraid of him, just as she is afraid of sunlight.

St. John's wort gains the greatest strength by mid-July. Previously, it (like all magical herbs) was collected on Ivan Kupala (July 7, according to a new style). St. John's wort is a very proud and whimsical plant that remembers the pain caused to it, so if you cut off the strongest shoots that caught your eye, then next year you run the risk of not finding it at all in this place.

St. John's wort is not used in smoking, as it does not have the power to drive evil spirits out of the room. It simply very powerfully fills the body with the solar energy contained in it. Therefore, St. John's wort is used in infusions or aromatic oils, that is, for a direct effect on the body. Previously, in Russia, St. John's wort often replaced tea, which was very good, since in our climate there is a noticeable lack of solar energy, which the body has to extract from other sources.

Hyssop (blue hypericum) acts immediately on the subtle energy plans of our body. It is used in incense, incense, infusions, but it gives our body the greatest strength when in contact with the skin. This allows you to quickly clean the human energy from the accumulated dirt. And the rest of the nature of its action is similar to the usual St. John's wort.

Wormwood is the second most powerful anti-demonic herb in Russia, which is now rarely used. Among others, it drives away evil spirits of water origin. Mermaids are madly afraid of her, and in the mermaid week, to protect against their machinations, wormwood was hung in houses, and bonfires were lit near the houses with the addition of wormwood.

The smell of this herb is capable of drive almost any evil spirits out of the house . Wormwood loses some of its strength in an aqueous solution, and it tastes very bitter, so it is more often used in the form of incense (besides, the strength of wormwood is very high, and it can only be used inside in microdoses).

Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature, and with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can begin to see beings of the subtle world - this is the second reason for such a rare use of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

Absolutely safe method its application is to hang in the house (preferably in the bedroom or corridor) a small bunch of this herb.

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water spirits that it leaves the house where the wormwood is simply present. Ritual wreaths of wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They guessed about future fate, a sacred wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala around the fire all night) was hung in the house above the door, so that quarrels and misfortunes bypass his side . Highly bad omen it was believed that if such a wreath fell or was torn - this spoke of the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

Wormwood is a very strong, but at the same time very whimsical plant.

NETTLE. This burning herb has the ability to counteract evil sorcery. It is used for weakening the body and impotence. Nettle brooms sweep the floors in an enchanted dwelling to expel evil spirits from it. From nettle weave rugs for the hallway to deprive the evil power of those who enter the house.
Nettle is also used as smoking to drive evil spirits out of the house, in the form of infusions and baths to restore a person to his former strength. In order to destroy evil, an old plant is more suitable.
Nettle acquires the greatest anti-demonic power during the period of the young moon. To keep her healing properties nettle is best cut with a knife; this plant cannot be uprooted - half of its strength disappears, as it loses contact with the place where it grew.

THISTLE. If we translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, we get “frightening devils”, which is quite consistent with the abilities of this “grass”. The devils are really afraid of her, so thistles were always hung at the entrance to the house - so as not to let evil spirits into the dwelling. They planted it on the graves of sorcerers and damn people to prevent evil spirits from dragging their souls into hell.
This plant is not used in smoking: thistle smoke is very bitter, eats the eyes and throat. Evil spirits drive out, but it’s hard for people to be in such a haze.
It is believed that the thistle grows in places that are unkind or where bad people live. The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flower blooms.

LAVENDER. This plant has the ability to concentrate forces human body to fight evil. It is used in the form of smoking and infusions. In large doses, lavender can cause aggression and hatred for everything, so you need to use it carefully, little by little. The smell of lavender is not liked by animals and insects that are carriers of evil: mice, rats, moths ... Therefore, lavender oil was often placed in places where food and clothes were stored.

DILL. This grass is a familiar guest of any garden. But few people know that witches cannot stand its aroma. The smell of dill dispels the effect of witchcraft spells, removes haze from a person. An infusion of dill helps to expel the undead sent by evil sorcery from the body. At the same time, dill itself is a weak herb. It works well as aid when cleansing the body and home, but you cannot rely on it alone in protection from evil forces.

MOTHER GRASS. A strong plant, which, unfortunately, does not possess universal action. The sphere of influence is fertility. But it always helps to give birth to soil, animals, plants, people. Smoking and infusions of the virgin herb soothe nervous system, allow us to find a solution difficult problem, interrupt the action of energy, sexual vampires. Washing and bathing in the infusion of the virgin herb contribute to the preservation female beauty. The greatest force this plant is poured before the full moon.

IVAN DA MARIA. The last of the widespread in Russia anti-demonic herbs. Used in infusions. This herb helps a person find happiness in life, attracts to him what he lacks. Calms the nervous system; with the constant use of Ivan da Marya, a person noticeably prettier. But this herb retains its strength for a very short time. Having collected it near the day of Kupala (when it ripens), you will be able to fully use it for no more than one lunar month. In dried form, it is with each lunar month loses about 10 percent of its healing properties.
Finally, I would like to recall the old folk conspiracy, which was spoken aloud before tearing any herb for medicinal purposes. It sounds like this: “Mother Earth, help me tear the grass” . We wish you to use the property and power of herbs for your own benefit.

Evil spirits can choose as their habitat both the soul or body of a person, and his dwelling. At the same time, the person himself may not understand what is happening in him and around him, otherworldly entities are so cunning. To expel evil spirits or dark energies, it is recommended to seek help from the Church. There is a special Christian rite for expelling a demon from a person, this rite is called exorcism. Only monks do this. If you want to deal with evil spirits on your own, then use the following tips.

Prayers for protection and exorcism

First rule: be careful. The disturbed evil spirits will be very indignant and can settle straight into your body. Be sure to use the symbols of faith during the ritual. Baptized Christians are recommended to have a baptismal cross on their body (the one in which you were baptized). If there is no such thing, then put on the symbol of faith illuminated in the Temple.

Be sure to use prayers. "Our Father" must be learned by heart. And with you to have the 90th psalm rewritten by hand. This prayer is aimed at fighting all evil spirits. Before conducting the ritual of exile, be sure to read both prayers.

The ritual of expelling evil spirits from the house

To prevent evil spirits from settling in the house, it is recommended to hang the Trinity Icon opposite the front door. She will protect your monastery from all kinds of mob. Yes and bad man won't knock on the house. AT Maundy Thursday(before dawn) you need to pick up this Icon, light a church candle. Go around the house clockwise, continuously reading "Our Father", baptizing all corners and windows. When you reach the threshold, then read the Trinity prayer three times (do not extinguish the candle). Then throw the cinder away (Since the candle has collected all the negativity, it must be thrown away so that no one can find it. The most The best way- destroy in fire, only outside the walls of the house).

If you feel that there are still unclean forces at home, then the described procedure can be repeated every Thursday. Do this until you feel that the house has become light and light. Being in this is a real happiness!

Exorcism with chicken eggs

To expel evil spirits from any room will help ordinary chicken eggs. They also conduct a ritual of cleansing a person from negative energy (for example). The procedure is simple. Determine exactly what you want to clear. Buy fresh eggs(better from a home laying hen). It is very important that the cleaning tool (eggs) is not chilled. You don't need to put them in the refrigerator.

Take an egg in your left hand and run around the room clockwise. The egg should move in circles (also clockwise). The entire surface must be treated as carefully as possible. If you come across pieces of furniture that cannot be moved, then run them in. So you will be sure that you have expelled evil spirits from all corners. At the same time, a prayer is continuously read: “Protection from evil spirits”, “On softening evil hearts”, “90 psalm”, “Our Father”. Read without interruption in the named order. Throw out an egg every fifteen minutes, take a new one.

Keep in mind that despite its simplicity, the rite of exorcism will require great dedication from you. Don't stop even if you are very tired. The entire area must be processed necessarily. From the first time you will not be able to completely rid the house. The rite of exile will have to be repeated at least three times (and preferably seven). You yourself will feel when a little energy is already required to perform actions - it means the house has been cleared.

Frequency of repetition: once a week. It is not worth exorcising evil spirits more often, you can completely lose your strength. And remember that the best defense is creeds. Be sure to bring the Icons home. Let them openly hang on the wall, protecting your home! And the daily reading of the Lord's Prayer will guarantee this protection.

Using some of these plants, you can contribute to the expulsion of troubles from your life, and in return you can receive various benefits.

1. Periwinkle

This plant represents bright feelings and devoted love. It is able to protect the family from the curse, strengthen the marriage union, and neutralize the love spell. In Russia, the periwinkle was included in mandatory list plants that were used by young girls in the manufacture of wreaths on Ivan Kupala.

2. Acacia

It has the ability to give its positive energy. This plant is a donor. And putting it at the head, you can get an inexhaustible stream of powerful energy. In ancient times, infertility, both female and male, was treated with acacia.

3. Kalina

Symbol of all brides and strong female friendship. No wonder this shrub grew in every garden of the Ukrainian hut and Russian hut. By itself, viburnum is a powerful amulet against negative impact witchcraft powers - damage and evil eye. In the old days, it was customary to sprinkle viburnum infusion on the paths along which a loved one walked, so that his passionate feelings would never fade to his soulmate.

4. Fern

He is truly a king forest plants. It has the ability to fulfill desires, including the most cherished and seemingly unfulfilled. Every year in Kupala night people are looking for this plant in the forest to see its amazing flowering and become the "darling" of fate. But, unfortunately, the fern does not bloom. They say that a leaf of dried and chopped fern should be carried in a pocket, purse or purse. This will protect you from the evil eye, achieve success in the professional field, and improve your health.

5. Hops

An important attribute used before the wedding of the newlyweds. After all, hops are the personification of fertility and wealth. Before going to the temple, the mother of the bride showered the newlyweds with hops so that their family would have many healthy children, and there would always be prosperity.

6. Oak

Gives power and strength. However, its magical influence extends only to worthy and fair people. And for those who show cowardice, on the contrary, it aggravates the situation. No wonder during pagan times it was forbidden to cut down oak groves. This tree is able to protect against damage and from meeting bad people on the road. To do this, a piece of oak bark or an acorn was placed in a pocket and always carried with you.

7. Birch

This tree is able to charge with positive energy and optimism. It is considered a symbol of beauty, tenderness and femininity. Provides assistance to the weak and sick people. In the old days, a cradle for small children was made from birch wood.

8. Dill

This strongest amulet was used not only in Russia, but also in other ancient states. Dill was dried, chopped, placed in a cloth bag and hung over the front door. As a result, none of those people who wished harm to the owners of the dwelling could cross the threshold of the house. Many women, in order to protect themselves from the evil eye, sewed dill into the lining of clothes worn by children.

9. Mint

Strong amulet against evil spirits. Bouquets were made from it, which were placed in residential premises. And this plant also attracts success and wealth to the house. Often mint was used to perform "light" rituals. It was worn in wallets, rubbed with it on the walls of hiding places where valuables and money were stored.

10. St. John's wort

The root of this plant protects against enemies. It was also used for magical rites aimed at attracting love. Girls who wanted to get married as soon as possible carried a small piece of St. John's wort root in their pockets. 11. Onion The plant was considered a protector from various kinds sorcery. With the help of onion broth, the negative emanating from envious people was exterminated. The bulbs were cut in half and laid out at night in the corners of all rooms, which made it possible to cleanse the house of bad energy. In the morning they were thrown away without touching with bare hands. Mistresses never threw out onion peel, because they believed that in this way health and good luck leave their family. The husk had to be burned.

12. Garlic

Another powerful amulet. Bunches were often woven from garlic heads and hung in the kitchen, in the rooms and in the corridor. Not a single person with evil thoughts could freely visit a house with such decorations. On the eve of the wedding, the brides often wove garlic "feathers" into their hair, styled in wedding hairstyle. And the suitors put garlic cloves in their pockets. It was thought that this would attract future family happiness and wealth.

13. Nettle

The strong protective properties of this plant will protect the home from ill-wishers and thieves. To do this, nettle leaves and stalks were scattered around the yard. According to a legend that has survived to this day, July 11 is the day of the nettle spell. All medicinal properties plants are lost, and magical ones, on the contrary, are amplified a hundredfold. Amulets and amulets were most often made from nettles. To do this, the plant was torn with bare hands or cut with a knife, which is intended only for this procedure. It is believed that nettle cannot be uprooted, as the plant will forever lose its main magical abilities and a sacred connection with the area in which he grew up.

14. Poppy

This plant is also a powerful amulet against unkind people and entities - witches, vampires, sorcerers, evil magicians. So that such people could not cross the threshold of the dwelling, a small amount of poppy was poured under the rug. Also, this plant was often planted in the yard so that evil spirits could not even enter the garden. It was believed that until the evil spirits counted all the poppy seeds located in the box of each flower, they would not be able to start doing any other activity. The self-sowing poppy is a particularly strong amulet; it has never been destroyed.

15. Clover

The plant has tremendous power, which is able to protect a person from all sorts of ailments. Clover had a particularly powerful healing effect on people with a "soul" (mental disorder). Also, the plant gives beauty, youth and longevity. Its leaves were dried, wrapped in a handkerchief and carried in a pocket. And for those who use clover leaves to kindle a fire on the day of the summer Solstice, the plant will grant a quick meeting with the other half.

16. Thistle

Mysterious thistle, magical properties which many still believe. For example, both before and now they notice that unkind people live in the area where the thistle loves to grow. The name itself speaks about the meaning of this plant, which specifically indicates the fight against devils. To strip the devils is the true calling of this weed. For this, there are sharp thorns, and the resistance of this plant. That is why the thistle has always been given a place in the house. Most often, above the threshold of the door in the jamb, so that any evil spirits could not get into the house. Thistles were planted in cemeteries on the graves of black witches and sorcerers, who, according to the stories of many eyewitnesses, did their dirty deeds even after their physical death. The thistle in this case played the role of a barbed fence. The thistle gained its greatest strength during the blooming of the flower. When a flower appeared, thistles were collected and always carried with them to protect themselves from damage and the evil eye. They even brewed a special potion to drive away evil spirits.
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