Lunar calendar for a month. Characteristics of the Moon in Leo. Active Organs When the Moon is in Leo

The Moon in Leo promotes an upbeat, cheerful mood. Muscles swell, play, determination rules, a person gathers his courage, dares to make a decision. The boundaries are somewhat blurred, seem easily surmountable. It seems to us that we can do everything, we are capable of everything, just a little bit more - and the whole world is at our feet.

In the days of Leo, we want everyone to praise us, to compliment us. Do not be stingy with kind words for others - you will be answered the same.

The lion is good for a holiday, fun. The presentations are the best. It is advisable to dress smartly, put yourself in order and go somewhere where there are a lot of people and a festive atmosphere reigns: to the theater, to a concert, to visit. These days, people pay special attention to appearance: the way you look will certainly be noticed. If you want to make a favorable impression, use Leo days to the fullest.

Moon in Leo (Leo days) - HEALTH

The impulse of the Moon in Leo makes the entire circulatory system "sing".

Now she is much more active than on other days. In the days of Leo, at times the back hurts more and the heart "goes a little crazy."

Moon . Whoever has heart problems should avoid tedious travel and everything that overstrains the heart and circulatory system. It is advisable to refrain from excessive excitement. You can not give a load on the heart, as this can result in a heart attack or heart failure. In the days of Leo, a person is subject to various radiculitis. It is impossible to waste physical strength in vain, as this will require a much greater expenditure of energy than usual. After such a waste of energy, when the Moon moves into the sign of Virgo, a painful condition may occur. Therefore, physical forces during the stay of the Moon in Leo should be spent sparingly. Nervousness and insomnia may appear.

At this time, it is possible to treat all vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system (convulsions, tremors). Treatment of shins, articular diseases, organs of vision is recommended. Do not touch moles, warts and roughness on the skin.

When the Moon is in Leo, surgical intervention in the heart, the entire cardiovascular system and the circulatory system, the spine and ribs, diaphragm, and spleen is excluded. Operations on the heart are contraindicated, as well as everything that puts a strain on the heart. However, in the days of Leo, you can operate on the eyes and lower legs and put a load on these areas of the body. Plastic surgeries on the face will be successfully carried out to correct the shape of the chin, eliminate wrinkles and deposits on the neck and hips. Removal of benign tumors, thermal and surgical lifting, peeling, physiotherapy are allowed.

Moon in Leo (Leo days) - BEAUTY, HAIR CUT

The Moon in Leo is a very auspicious time for cutting hair. Hair becomes stronger and fuller. If the days of Leo fall on the full moon, the effect of the haircut is enhanced. If the first haircut of the child is made at this time, then the baby will eventually have a lion's mane.

In the days of Leo, the perm of hair works well - they turn out to be especially curly. For those who do not seek to get a curly mane, but prefer light curls, it is not recommended to do a perm with the Moon in Leo.

Appearance will benefit if you take mineral and radon baths these days, as well as steam baths and hot masks - they are very refreshing.

In the days of Leo, you can choose cosmetics for yourself and do makeup - the choice will be successful. But the shoes bought these days are quickly demolished and become unusable.

Moon in Leo - influence on the growth and development of plants

Leo is the second sign of the Fire verse. The Sun rules over him. Therefore, it is considered one of the most dry and barren signs. When the Moon passes the sign of Leo, at this time it is absolutely impossible to plant and transplant anything. The only exception can be asparagus beans.

In general, on the Days of the Lion, the mood is always upbeat, I want to have fun and relax. Therefore arrange a holiday for yourself and the earth. Rest and do not disturb her if it is possible to reschedule the landing.

Leo days are well suited for collecting medicinal herbs, drying root crops and fruits. If dry branches on trees and shrubs. Weeding and weed control. But, it should be remembered that plants are very susceptible to damage these days, so care must be taken not to damage neighboring plants, along with weeds.

In the house of the Sun - the god of love, joy, creativity, awareness. On the throne of Pluto - the god of magic, sexual, transformational energies, influence on others, power. In the element of Fire.

Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Leo, the emotions get sparkle and shine. People are drawn to brag, to show their nobility, generosity. There are many emotions, but they are less vulnerable compared to previous days when the Moon was in Cancer. Men tend to behave like knights, the fiery masculine Yang principle prevails. This period is also conducive to heroic emotions, promises. A lot of fun, draws to joy, relaxation, I want to be awarded recognition. It becomes important for people to feel their weight, strength, influence, to be the "Lion King".

Job. This is the most favorable position for sociable people who are not afraid of the audience and attention, feed on it. This period is good for politicians, actors, artists. Different shows can be very successful: fashion, advertising. Great time for performances, fairs. This is a wonderful time for celebrations and weddings: love, passion, brilliance will accompany them. This period is also favorable for fashion designers who create an image for presentation, photographers, child psychologists. This period is less favorable for everyday tasks: you want to relax and enjoy more, rather than work.

Love. What could be more amazing than love when the Moon is in Leo? This period is especially suitable for weddings: there will be a lot of passion, love, brilliance. The romance started at this time (if you do not spoil everything on the first day) will last a long time - the feelings will be deep, the partners will attract each other. It is easiest to start novels with an open, even exaggerated compliment. Giving compliments generously - it will bring joy and be well received. The power of this position of the Moon is the radiant openness of the senses. Such a romance will be full of joy, passion, elation, brilliance, generosity. These are the best days for love.

Finance and values. When the Moon is in Leo, people are more inclined to spend money than to save. Successful will be the trade associated with accessories of beauty, luxury: jewelry, clothing, perfumes, cosmetics. This period is fertile for theaters, various places of entertainment. Things acquired during this period will be luxurious, valuable and durable, but sometimes impractical, rarely used.

Health. Sensitive parts of the body: heart, back, solar plexus. It is better not to overload these spheres, not to operate. This period is successful in treating the eyes, nervous system, shins, tendons, operations on the vessels, heart, removal of dilated capillaries are prohibited. Avoid touching moles, warts, and rough skin. In addition, one should not waste physical strength in vain, since this requires a greater expenditure of physical energy than usual. At this time, it is possible to treat all vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system (convulsions, tremors). Recommended treatment of legs, joint diseases, diseases of the organs of vision. In the diet of all signs, fatty foods are undesirable, because. these days are important in terms of combating excess weight. Include in the complex of morning exercises exercises for breathing and increasing the flexibility of the dorsal and cervical spine. It is very important to keep a straight posture during the day - this will greatly improve the work of the heart and reduce fatigue in Leo. At dawn and dusk of the day, Lionesses should protect their hearts from stress and overly strong emotions. Women of all signs should protect their eyes from bright light.

Children. Children at this time are especially active, cheerful, initiative. It would be very nice to just play with them without any problems. Children should accumulate a positive experience of common joy, love, relaxation. Let them laugh, rejoice, be creative, express their love, affection. Rejoice, relax with them. Let the children be lion cubs, tell them: "You are the best, beloved, important to me, I love you very much!" (Adults need the same these days, especially men, sometimes even more than children).

  • The entry of the Moon into the sign of Leo in 2019 in Vladimir:
  • January 21 at 06:54
  • February 17 at 18:20
  • March 17 at 03:56
  • April 13 at 10:50
  • May 10 at 16:13
  • June 6 at 22:15
  • July 4 at 06:19
  • July 31 at 16:18
  • August 28 at 02:53
  • September 24 at 12:19
  • October 21 at 19:28
  • November 18 at 00:57
  • December 15 at 06:56
The entry of the Moon into Leo in other years
Moon in Leo 2018 Moon in Leo 2019
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Moon in Leo. A haircut on such days makes the hair beautiful, lush and silky. But know that this position of the Moon in the sky is considered unfavorable for a haircut if your business is going well, and favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.


A person in whose horoscope the Moon is in Leo has a truly fiery temperament. As a rule, he is a choleric; it is difficult to imagine him depressed and depressed. Therefore, when the latter happens and the blues roll over the lunar Leo, he is the complete opposite of the royal sign. Namely, he behaves defiantly, defiantly neglects other people, boasts without restraint, considers himself "the navel of the earth" and makes others think the same way, overestimates his own talents and exaggerates successes. At the same time, he shows a noticeable tendency to pompous luxury and excessive comfort, loves to command, demanding and fastidious, wasteful, arrogant, two-faced, suspicious. Reckless manipulator. However, the described case is a variant of the development of the "lion" character with a minus sign. A good upbringing, plus success in life, plus just a good mood give society a person who is energetic, independent, active, full of real enthusiasm. He is able to go forward without stopping and lead others.

The Lunar Leo will not rest until his work is brought to an end, his work to perfection, and his professionalism to genius. He is very responsible. He can dump some of the work on another person, but he will constantly worry and eventually finish everything himself.

If the merit in the achievement does not belong to him, he will not claim laurels, but if he worked in a distinguished team, he considers himself the first among the best. When the lunar Leo alone coped with a difficult task, he will not be able to get enough of praise for a long time, and a flattering word for him is much more expensive than bonuses or awards. In the end, he will earn himself, but you can’t buy a kind word. At the same time, he will not refuse to help a colleague, and indeed a comrade who finds himself in a difficult situation. Leo will take pleasure in providing another service. But it is necessary that this “other” appreciate his efforts, otherwise Leo will harbor the deepest resentment.

Work. Whatever work the lunar Leo does, it is important for him that it leads to the realization of his need for the game. After all, work for him is a game, a stage where he feels like a director and an actor. It is thanks to this attitude that he is able to convince other people of the correctness of his information and the indisputability of his information. This helps him succeed not only in the acting profession, if he chooses one, but also in other fields related to communication: in journalism, in sales (especially direct), in marketing. The disadvantage of this quality of character is a tendency to dramatization and theatrical effects. However, if this person is well known, he will not be able to deceive such a game.

Relations. In friendship, the lunar Leo shows nobility, generosity, generosity, devotion, kindness. The same applies to romantic relationships. With such a partner, you can feel like behind a stone wall. Moreover, the lunar Leo does not at all refuse responsibility for another and will gladly take the reins of government into his own hands. He will manage the situation with his usual aplomb, self-confidence, enthusiasm and unsurpassed self-esteem.

Communication. With unfamiliar or unfamiliar people, the lunar Leo is traditionally polite and affable, never descends to sycophancy, knows his own worth. No one will be allowed to doubt their talents, knowledge and skills. The Moon Lion is always vain, and if there is no one around to praise him, he will calmly do it himself. Hates criticism. To criticize Leo means to lose his sympathy once and for all.

Career. He also doesn't like being subservient. In work, he prefers leadership positions, not so much because of money, but because of independence. Fair with subordinates. In addition, the boss's chair means a more or less solid title. And for the lunar Leo, being called a “sales officer” is real torture. Wouldn't he be better off as "Director of Market Development" even if the department consists of three people, including himself? And with all this, the lunar Leo neglects the opinion of the public. How two such contradictions coexist in him - vanity and disregard for the opinions of others - only he knows. But the fact remains: if the lunar Leo does something, then it doesn’t matter to him what society thinks about his actions. This is a born nonconformist, moreover, such an attitude allows him to once again show independence and self-sufficiency, which the lunar Leo has more than enough.

aspirations. He has good intuition too. Especially in matters related to profit and success. It is not necessarily about money: it can be the successful completion of a business, the beginning of a risky project, the search for reliable partners, verification of the information delivered. If the lunar Leo gets down to business, nothing will stop him. This is the real locomotive. When he sets a goal, only death can prevent its achievement - he shows such incomprehensible zeal, diligence and perseverance.

Lunar Leo pays attention to his appearance. Follows the wardrobe, hair, if a woman - then make-up. She is interested in fashion, loves to experiment, strives to create her own style and an impressive, memorable image. If he chooses some famous person as a standard, he will easily and successfully copy the image of a star, in which he will look organic, even without having a star wealth.

Relations with the opposite sex are developing successfully, they trust him, and he himself is sincere. But it is important to find a person who wants to play the part of the second violin. Another quality of an ideal partner is the ability to praise and provide moral support in a difficult situation. The Moon Lion is very, very worried if something does not work out for him. But it is difficult for him to ask for help: he is used to relying only on himself.

Gardener - sowing

Leo is the most barren sign. Should not be planted and sown, but weed control and tillage can be done. Only trees and shrubs are allowed to be planted.

Collection of herbs

Violation of cardiac activity and blood circulation.

Planning the gender of the child

The moon is in the male zodiac sign.

Weather forecast

The Day of Heat reigns in the world. More often these days the weather is good, this time is suitable for a walk outside the city. Even if the whole sky is covered with clouds, it seems that it is warm outside. In the sign of Leo, the days of dryness, so be sure to drink a lot. During the summer, sudden thunderstorms are common.

Nutrition and weight loss

When the Moon passes the signs of the element of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the body needs more protein. It is on these days that protein is best absorbed by the body and brings it the most benefits. This means that in the days of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, you need to make sure that your diet consists mainly of protein foods, and proteins should be half vegetable and half animal.

Animal proteins are found in lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese; vegetable - in legumes (soybeans, beans, peas), as well as in various cereals.

But the amount of fat and carbohydrates on "protein" days should be reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to cut off the fat from the meat before cooking, while the meat should not be fried, but boiled, stewed or cooked on a grill or steamed. It is advisable to use milk, cottage cheese, kefir with a low percentage of fat or, even better, fat-free. It is better to refuse cheese on protein days, despite the fact that there is enough protein in it, since cheese is a very fatty product.


Procedures and operations on the eyes and lower legs will go well.
You can not carry out any procedures and operations on the heart and back. Today, these organs are especially vulnerable.


Moon in Leo, one of the best periods for marriage.


Buy gifts, jewelry, jewelry, and other things that you will rarely use. Shoes bought these days are quickly demolished and will become unusable. The Moon in Leo is the best time to choose gifts. If you are thinking of making a present for someone, then choose it on these days - you will not regret it. You can buy some decoration for your home. It is very good to buy products made of gold, precious metals and stones. However, on the days when the Moon is in Leo, money spending must be seriously controlled, since at this time the Moon inclines to excessive wastefulness. This is the time of uncontrollable emotions, exaltation and bright colors - the Moon is visiting the royal Sun! It will pull you to buy something amazing, unique and super fashionable - shoes or a dress that will blow your mind on the spot. You have the right! But keep in mind that, most likely, you will wear these things only a few times, and not because you will be disappointed in them, but because they will quickly lose their shape and appearance. This is especially true for shoes: the Moon in Leo is the worst time to buy them. From clothing, an exception can be made for warm sweaters: they will really warm you up in winter. Perfumes and decorative cosmetics are also a good investment at the moment.


Magic to gain power over others, courage, the birth of a child. Suitable types of magic associated with winning disputes, influencing others. In addition, it gives confidence, courage, physical strength and leadership abilities. Magic is also aimed at changing one's appearance, other people's attitudes towards oneself. Perfect time for a haircut.

the beauty

Perfect for chin surgery, rejuvenating procedures in the face, neck and whole body, anti-wrinkle creams these days will give the maximum effect. It is not recommended to do a deep peeling of the face, steaming is also undesirable. These days are perfect for revising your style, appearance in general. Nourishing creams and masks with the Moon in Leo will be especially effective.

Description of all lunar signs of the zodiac all moon signs → Share

The Moon in Leo is a period of decisive action and activity. Self-esteem rises significantly, so energy overflows. It is important not to give in to this feeling and continue to soberly assess your capabilities.

Affairs. The Moon in Leo gives self-confidence and energy in business. Therefore, all problems seem to be “on the shoulder”. You can start new business, solve current issues if the environment helps to objectively evaluate any action.

Job. A suitable period for holding promotions, presentations, searching for business partners and investors. You can start new projects or continue existing ones. It is worth being careful and careful in serious matters - there is a risk of making a mistake. This is the perfect time for any conversation with superiors and transition to a new job.

Housework. Favorable period for housework. It is advisable not to overload yourself with household chores and not start a grandiose cleaning or repair. You can wash windows, plaster and paint a small surface. At this time, it is good to ventilate the premises for a long time.

Money. It is undesirable to conduct large financial transactions - there is a high risk of error. You can return the debt for previously delivered goods, make small purchases. Investing, borrowing money, large spending can be unsuccessful due to a biased risk assessment. Playing on the stock exchange at this time is exclusively for the minions of fate.

Love, relationships. Love dates these days lead to resentment due to lack of attention. But if you use flattery as your main weapon, any meeting will go off with a bang. While the Moon is in Leo, it is recommended to visit an entertainment event with your soulmate - this will bring lightness to the relationship. New acquaintances made during this period are superficial and quickly forgotten.

Communication. The right time to communicate with family and friends, new acquaintances. But you need to be careful in your behavior, do not put yourself above others and reckon with other people's opinions. There is a desire to command and dominate, so you need to try not to let it manifest itself without a reason.

Travels. Good time to travel. You can go on a business trip or a trip on vacation. Good luck will accompany you on the road, and the trip will definitely leave pleasant impressions.

Haircut and hair care. During the period when the Moon is in the zodiac sign Leo, the general condition of the hair is favorable. This is the right time to visit the hairdresser. A new haircut will get rid of negative energy and attract good luck. You can dye your hair in a new color, bleach, tint, experiment with a hairstyle. It is better to postpone the perm.

Beauty and health. The moon in the zodiac sign Leo is an unfavorable time for increased physical exertion on the body. Therefore, during this period, it is advisable not to participate in sports competitions and not start exercising in the gym. It is better to devote time to your appearance: do manicures, pedicures, body masks. It is recommended to eat foods that contain vegetable protein.

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