Good deeds with an evil heart? How good deeds affect the fate

Greetings my friends!

Of course, each of us knows from childhood that doing good deeds is good and right. But surely you have not thought about the fact that it is still very useful for yourself! How? Let's talk about this.

Do good deeds only sincerely!

We were all told fairy tales as children. And we all remember how the heroes of these fairy tales, doing good deeds, eventually received their reward for this. Well, fairy tales are very wise and they really preach the right things.

As I already wrote in an article about, everything that we gave into this world returns to us - both good and evil. Therefore, it is much more reasonable to give good things into the world - you will receive it back multiplied.

But before you rush to help the old women across the road and take the kittens out of the trees, you should know one rule. The exchange of energies (giving you energy into the world and returning it to you) is possible only when you do good deeds sincerely. For if you start doing good deeds “for show”, that is, without investing your spiritual energy in it, but only hoping that it will “be credited” to you, then nothing will return to you in terms of energy. Still - after all, you have not given anything to the world.

It is important to understand here that the Universe “sees” not so much our physical actions as our inner messages. If we take the example of the notorious old woman being translated across the road, then it is unlikely that you, from the point of view of the Universe, will do a good deed if, helping the old woman, you are indignant and think about how this situation infuriates you.

And this happens quite often when a person helps someone not because he feels a desire to help, but, for example, out of a sense of duty or because “it’s customary” or “it’s inconvenient to refuse.” And now he seems to be helping, but he himself is angry at the situation, at those people whom he is forced to help, at the circumstances that forced him to do this. And in the end, it turns out that, seemingly doing a good deed, he, in fact, splashes out so much negativity into the world that nothing good will definitely “backfire” on him.

What can be concluded from this? And such that you need to help someone only when you feel that it does not cause you negative emotions. And if the circumstances are such that it’s impossible to refuse (such situations happen quite often), then you need to urgently deal with your emotions and thoughts and try to look at the situation more. After all, it is very possible that this situation is peculiar in order to give you the opportunity to become more tolerant and friendly.

Kindness is a source of internal energy!

By the way, another side effect» from doing good deeds sincerely
and from the bottom of my heart is that it fills you very well and. Surely you have noticed that when you helped someone completely disinterestedly, then later you felt a spiritual upsurge and a surge of energy.

So if we talk about saturation with internal energy, then here's another way for you - to do good deeds.

There is one wise saying that I really like. It sounds like this: “If you don’t know what to do, choose the kindest of all the options.” It's really very wise thought, because we are far from always able to predict and calculate what this or that act of ours will eventually lead to. And a sincere desire for good certainly will not attract negativity into your life.

And also the desire to do good deeds is an indicator of your fullness of internal energy. Because only when you are filled, you feel the desire to give, to bring positive and goodness into the world. Therefore, if you feel that you don’t want to do anything good for anyone, it’s time to think hard - this means that your level of internal energy is quite low. But it is on the degree of fullness of internal energy that the flow of all kinds of blessings into your life depends!

Feel free to do good deeds, my friends! Kindness always comes back to you! And it happens exactly at the moment when you need it most! Remember once again the wise tales - after all, at the most difficult moment, the hero comes to the rescue from those whom he saved or set free. Let's keep this in mind. And let's do good deeds!

Your Catherine :)

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What should be Orthodox person? What good deeds to do? What should make him stand out from the crowd? If a Christian wears a cross, prays and fasts twice a week, but is indifferent to someone else's grief - can we call him perfect?

Faith without works is dead - these are the words of the Apostle James for all Christians who are thinking about what good deeds the Orthodox should do in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

What good deeds should the Orthodox do?

The desire to treat each other kindly is inherent in a person. It is extinguished by false beliefs, vanity. Then - we say to ourselves, I will be kind, when I get rich, I finish the job, I will rest. But who and why sent the needy on our path?

Hasten to do good, hasten to perfection, the Apostle Paul tells us. Why is it necessary to hurry? Because evil takes over like a weed. Saint Paisios the Holy Mountaineer warns that if earlier evil was drowning in an abundance of virtue, now it is taking over the world more and more.

It can only be eradicated with kindness. No one knows when our days will end. Will we have time to bring the saving gifts of mercy before the day when all our work ends? What will we regret in the moment? Is it not about what they spent most life, "killing time", and were not in a hurry to do good deeds.

Why do good deeds?

We pronounce the names of the saints with reverence centuries after their death. Centuries after our lives, we ask them for help, and they help. Help where sometimes powerless powers of the world this. What is this force before which any doors open?

God is love. We can experience divine grace by participating in the Sacraments of the Church. By doing good deeds from a pure heart, we can feel love in it. A stranger in need of help becomes close.

Jesus Christ commanded us to love our neighbors. Will we be able to enter the kingdom of heaven if we do not do as he commanded?

What good deeds should the Orthodox do? It is said in the book of the prophet Isaiah that it is necessary to help first of all the most disadvantaged: the poor and the homeless, who do not have food and clothes, prisoners who are in hospitals. Do not hide from the consanguineous - says the prophet, that is, help your neighbor in trouble.

You can help not only the poor, and not only money. In orphanages and shelters for the elderly, in blood transfusion centers, perhaps behind the wall of the apartment there are people who need help.

Many sins will be forgiven the Orthodox if he makes alms for the construction of the temple. Nowadays, you can give alms without leaving your home, so why are we in a hurry not to do a good deed, but to turn away from it?

What good deeds does an Orthodox person do to his own detriment?

Any good deeds for salvation? No, if we act out of a sense of superiority, pride, vanity, a desire to gain fame or praise.

If our mercy corrupts or offends a person. Boasting about our good deeds, we cross out perfect mercy and hurt ourselves very much.

The fact that there are more and more indifferent people in our society is a sign of the approaching end of time.

It would seem that a simple rule of courtesy, but how many people in a hurry forget about this simple little thing. And the person following you will certainly appreciate the fact that you stopped for a second and held the door for him.

2. Do a little charity

Finally, sort out your cabinets and give unnecessary things to orphanages or to another place, for example, where disaster(Such fees are carried out regularly). You don’t need these things at all, but they will bring joy to someone, they will warm someone, and perhaps even.

3. Leave a positive review for your favorite cafe

We don't skimp on negative feedback. It is worth offending us, and friends from all will know about it social networks. When everything is fine, we are somehow in no hurry to shout about it at every corner. If you liked a cafe or some other institution, leave a positive review about it. It will not take you much time, and the cafe will acquire several new visitors. And your friends will surely thank you for your advice about good location where they spent a lovely evening.

4. Donate blood

If you were not too lazy to go to the blood donation point once, you have already saved someone's life.

5. Try volunteering at a nursing home for a while

Oh, it's not easy. It takes a certain amount of character to spend at least a few hours in a nursing home, where there are mostly elderly people who are probably too burdensome for their loved ones or who have no loved ones at all. A few hours spent with them for a conversation or some kind of game will be remembered by him, because it will be a whole event for the old people in a series of rather boring days.

6. Help new neighbors settle in

Are new neighbors moving into your building? It would be nice to start by saying hello to them. Offer help in moving, perhaps suggest something, answer questions. Some simple actions, which will help you strengthen good neighborly relations, and maybe even find new friends.

7. Skip someone forward in line at the supermarket

If you have a basket full of groceries, and a customer is languishing behind you in line with a single bottle of water, why not let him go ahead, especially if you are not in too much of a hurry. I'm sure he will not only be very surprised, but also very grateful to you.

8. Send a surprise gift to a friend

You don't have to wait for the holidays. Just in honor Have a good mood send a friend who lives in another city a book or some kind of trinket, or even just a postcard. It is always such a joy to receive parcels!

9. Bring something delicious to the office

Why not treat your colleagues or donuts in the morning? Why not bring a watermelon to the office, for example, and eat it all together? Everyone's mood will definitely improve.

10. Offer your parking space to an oncoming car

Park somewhere at shopping center is a real problem, especially in holidays. If you are about to leave and, approaching your car, pay attention to the driver who is looking for a parking spot for himself, indicate to him that you will leave now so that he can slow down and get into your place.

11. Help the motorist on the road

If you are an experienced driver and you see a car stopped on the side of the road with hazard lights on, stop and offer help.

12. Lend change to someone in line.

If you are standing behind someone in line at the checkout and the person suddenly lacks 50 kopecks to pay for the purchase, or there is no change to give without change, lend them to him. It is clear that he will not return the money to you, but this is not so great value, and you will save a person from having to refuse one of their purchases. And the queue behind you will be grateful that you did not make you wait for the cashier to issue the cancellation of the goods.

13. Give up your seat on the subway, minibus or tram

This is not only about the elderly, who, of course, should give way. Give in if you see that the person next to you is having a hard time standing, is too tired, is unwell, or has heavy bags.

14. Leave leftover food in the trash

My mother never just throws away the leftover food, which, in principle, can still be eaten, or dried bread. She carefully folds it into a bag and hangs it near the street trash cans. Some homeless person will not need to dig through the garbage for a long time to find food, he can just take a bag.

15. Pick up something that someone has dropped

If someone drops a glove or something, be sure to call out to the person and point out the loss. And if you are standing nearby, then pick up the thing and give it to him.

16. Teach someone what you're good at.

I recently explained to a female photographer how to use the Dropbox service. It took a few minutes, but she was happy to be able to use such a handy tool now. If you are a pro at something, teach others what you know.

17. Ask tourists to take pictures of them.

If you suddenly see tourists on the street who are trying at arm's length, offer them help. Surely no one wants all their photos to be the same: huge faces and tiny sights somewhere in the background near the ear.

18. Bring a treat for your friends pet

You have leftover meat bones from dinner, and in the evening you go to visit friends who have ? Take the bones with you. Your friends and their pet will thank you.

19. Share greens and vegetables from your garden with a neighbor

If you or your parents have your own garden and you have much more greens and vegetables than you can eat yourself, share them with friends or neighbors.

20. Share discounts

If you have extra discount coupons that you are unlikely to use, give them to those who need them. Do not keep until the last, then throw it away.

These are far from all the ideas of small good deeds that can be done regularly, without spending a lot of effort and money. Tell us in the comments about your options for small good deeds.

From childhood, the child is taught certain rules social behavior. "Do good" is one of them. However, due to different reasons both children and their parents often do not comply with this rule, however, it has little effect on their lives. So is it worth it to do good to other people?

When you do good, you get joy from it.

People are not similar to each other in strength different type upbringing, social habits and outlook on life. The more you do good, the more happiness you get. Is it true? For some, it is a great joy to feed a hungry kitten, curled up on the threshold of the entrance, and someone will pass by and not even notice him. And the point here is not that someone is able to help, but someone is not. Basically, everyone can help, but it's only a matter of desire. Kindness fills the human soul with happiness, because there is nothing better than to see gratitude on the face of the person you helped. Having done good, a person feels the same pleasure as the person whom he was able to help. But not always.

Good is the basis of man, his core, aspiration and faith. If this quality is not in a person, he will not try to do good, because he does not understand what good it can bring specifically to him. Such people are selfish, and they, not doing good, turn into evil people. How to react to such people and should they be treated kindly?

Is it necessary to do good to evil people in order to kill evil?

On this account, wise people one answer: good people and evil people cannot be treated equally, kind people deserve good relations and the evil ones of the just. It is hard to disagree with this, since other behavior simply contradicts human nature - now it is quite rare to meet a person who, after being hit on the cheek, is ready to substitute another. People get used to the fact that they are forced to survive, which means they are forced to fight evil. At the same time, evil cannot be punished by evil; other peaceful ways should be sought.

Evil deeds inevitably poison the human soul. deal with evil people necessary according to justice. For example, if one person constantly offends another and does bad things to him. Neither words nor requests help, and even an indifferent attitude has no effect on the villain. If you answer him in the same way, this can be perceived as evil, and, in principle, if you act like an offender, you yourself differ little from him. What does fair mean? This means that since a person does not deserve good relationship, he should be treated with disdain and do him no good. In any case, the measures of justice are different for everyone, so everyone is free to choose for himself what fair revenge on evil means to him.

Good cannot be indifferent

Each person is watching how much evil is happening on our land - wars, murders, terrible diseases, accidental deaths. And many troubles, unfortunately, occur not only because someone does evil, but because good people do not want to resist him and silently watch what is happening. And this behavior has been equated with evil by many thinkers. It should be suppressed when it just begins to emerge, and with good deeds it is not worth waiting, since any expectation can bring more trouble than evil itself.

Is it possible to pass by a person who sincerely asks a passerby for help? Perhaps it depends on his participation whether the sufferer can survive or not. If his hand is pushed away, it will also be evil. Unfortunately, people do not always understand that they are doing evil, since the measures of this concept are different for everyone, and evil itself is never recognized as such by its nature. Therefore, every day you need to sow the seeds of good around you, and soon they will sprout. lush garden for those who sincerely did good deeds.

Goodness doesn't need to be counted like apples in the market

If you ask several people about the reasons why they do good, the answers will be different. Someone does it by the will of his soul out of good intentions, and someone does it for himself. And the point here is not a simple joy from the fact that a person has shared his kindness with someone, but that he will expect that he is now obliged to do good. On this account, folk wisdom one answer - goodness does not tolerate calculus and calendar entries. A person should not expect that because of good deeds all the stones in his path will be removed, he should accept all subsequent events humbly.

Do good and don't expect rewards. You should not live by the rule "you - to me, I - to you", because to human relations you can not apply the rules of trading in the market. If a person who has been helped is required to do something in return, it turns out that good can be bought and sold, but this is not so.

Taking away the love of good - you take away the charms of life

Kindness is smiles, laughter, joy and happiness both for the one to whom they did good, and for the one who acted kindly. Human nature is such that people feel the need to take care of someone and help someone. For some, helping themselves is the main task, and these are selfish people who will never know what real happiness is. For others, doing good is as much a necessity as breathing and eating. Without doing good, a person feels empty and useless. Therefore, if a person strives to do a good deed, one cannot dissuade him from this, since this is the meaning of his life.

Do good and you will avoid evil

Kindness is like a boomerang - it will definitely return to the person who did it. The same goes for evil. Any bad thoughts and deeds will be avenged, and good deeds will be rewarded with good. People who do good to others gradually drive out evil from the world, which means they reduce the possibility of its appearance. Today you will help the needy and save him from starvation, and tomorrow someone will donate money for an operation to a terminally ill person. Thus, good will spread and soon conquer the manifestations of evil.

Bad habits don't mix with good ones.

Whether it is possible to learn to do good is a moot point. In many ways, it depends on the person himself, and whether he is ready to give up his desires for the sake of a good deed. Already one desire to become kinder is worth a lot and is the basis for one's re-education. Kindness today is a rather scarce quality, but it depends on it whether this world can still exist or will die soon. According to aphorisms, evil character traits completely recede before good deeds. By doing good and seeing its consequences, a person will never again be able to do evil.

Goodness creates around a person small world in which a good mood, smiles, happiness and kindness reign. Is it possible to leave this world voluntarily? Only if a person has a natural attraction to evil. It is psychologically important for him to see the suffering and pain of other people, and most often such a need arose in a person because of a difficult childhood, which is why you should not allow a child to be unhappy and lonely, even if he is a stranger to you.

Doing good must be unconditional and immeasurable

Kindness is a thing that cannot end, and therefore they should be shared with everyone who needs it and who deserves it. There are so many unfortunate and desperate people around, for whom the kindness of others is salvation. You should not save on kindness, if you have the opportunity, help and do a good deed. It’s wonderful when you feel the strength to help, it means that you don’t live in vain on this earth. Do not make good conditional, because a good deed done by decree loses its power.

Aphorisms about good

There are a lot of arguments about the nature of goodness and the need to do good deeds, with the help of them the sages shared their wisdom, worldview and life experience. Aphorisms about good have a very deep meaning and help a person decide for himself whether to do good or not. One of the well-known aphorisms says that one who talks too much about doing good, loses the time allotted for doing good deeds.

The meaning of many aphorisms is that doing good is true joy, and that trying to take away the desire to do good is equated with trying to take away the charm of life. Also, there are often aphorisms that good is immortal, and good deeds must be paid only with good.

It's time to do good! Create it and be happy!

It would seem that a simple rule of courtesy, but how many people in a hurry forget about this simple little thing. And the person following you will certainly appreciate the fact that you stopped for a second and held the door for him.

2. Do a little charity

Finally, sort out your closets and donate unnecessary things to orphanages or to another place, for example, where a natural disaster has recently occurred (such collections are carried out regularly). You don’t need these things at all, but they will bring joy to someone, they will warm someone, and perhaps even.

3. Leave a positive review for your favorite cafe

We don't skimp on negative reviews. It is worth offending us, and friends from all social networks will know about it. When everything is fine, we are somehow in no hurry to shout about it at every corner. If you liked a cafe or some other institution, leave a positive review about it. It will not take you much time, and the cafe will acquire several new visitors. And your friends will surely thank you for your advice about a good place where they spent a wonderful evening.

4. Donate blood

If you were not too lazy to go to the blood donation point once, you have already saved someone's life.

5. Try volunteering at a nursing home for a while

Oh, it's not easy. It takes a certain amount of character to spend at least a few hours in a nursing home, where there are mostly elderly people who are probably too burdensome for their loved ones or who have no loved ones at all. A few hours spent with them for a conversation or some kind of game will be remembered by him, because it will be a whole event for the old people in a series of rather boring days.

6. Help new neighbors settle in

Are new neighbors moving into your building? It would be nice to start by saying hello to them. Offer help in moving, perhaps suggest something, answer questions. A few simple steps that will help you strengthen good neighborly relations, and maybe make new friends.

7. Skip someone forward in line at the supermarket

If you have a basket full of groceries, and a customer is languishing behind you in line with a single bottle of water, why not let him go ahead, especially if you are not in too much of a hurry. I'm sure he will not only be very surprised, but also very grateful to you.

8. Send a surprise gift to a friend

You don't have to wait for the holidays. Just in honor of a good mood, send a friend who lives in another city a book or some kind of trinket, or at least just a postcard. It is always such a joy to receive parcels!

9. Bring something delicious to the office

Why not treat your colleagues or donuts in the morning? Why not bring a watermelon to the office, for example, and eat it all together? Everyone's mood will definitely improve.

10. Offer your parking space to an oncoming car

Parking somewhere near the mall is a real problem, especially during the holidays. If you are about to leave and, approaching your car, pay attention to the driver who is looking for a parking spot for himself, indicate to him that you will leave now so that he can slow down and get into your place.

11. Help the motorist on the road

If you are an experienced driver and you see a car stopped on the side of the road with hazard lights on, stop and offer help.

12. Lend change to someone in line.

If you are standing behind someone in line at the checkout and the person suddenly lacks 50 kopecks to pay for the purchase, or there is no change to give without change, lend them to him. It is clear that he will not return the money to you, but this is not such a great value, and you will save a person from having to refuse one of their purchases. And the queue behind you will be grateful that you did not make you wait for the cashier to issue the cancellation of the goods.

13. Give up your seat on the subway, minibus or tram

This is not only about the elderly, who, of course, should give way. Give in if you see that the person next to you is having a hard time standing, is too tired, is unwell, or has heavy bags.

14. Leave leftover food in the trash

My mother never just throws away the leftover food, which, in principle, can still be eaten, or dried bread. She carefully folds it into a bag and hangs it near the street trash cans. Some homeless person will not need to dig through the garbage for a long time to find food, he can just take a bag.

15. Pick up something that someone has dropped

If someone drops a glove or something, be sure to call out to the person and point out the loss. And if you are standing nearby, then pick up the thing and give it to him.

16. Teach someone what you're good at.

I recently explained to a female photographer how to use the Dropbox service. It took a few minutes, but she was happy to be able to use such a handy tool now. If you are a pro at something, teach others what you know.

17. Ask tourists to take pictures of them.

If you suddenly see tourists on the street who are trying at arm's length, offer them help. Surely no one wants all their photos to be the same: huge faces and tiny sights somewhere in the background near the ear.

18. Bring a treat for your friends pet

You have leftover meat bones from dinner, and in the evening you go to visit friends who have ? Take the bones with you. Your friends and their pet will thank you.

19. Share greens and vegetables from your garden with a neighbor

If you or your parents have your own garden and you have much more greens and vegetables than you can eat yourself, share them with friends or neighbors.

20. Share discounts

If you have extra discount coupons that you are unlikely to use, give them to those who need them. Do not keep until the last, then throw it away.

These are far from all the ideas of small good deeds that can be done regularly, without spending a lot of effort and money. Tell us in the comments about your options for small good deeds.

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