Can a bad person be an author? Who are harmful people: typology. Dormant but deadly volcano

N. Karamzin

The success of the painting "Admission to the Party" at the previous exhibition and its recognition, which followed after Kamyshev's article in Pravda, inspired Vladimir Mashkov and improved his financial situation. He worked with renewed vigor and hopes for a year on the painting "Native Lands".

In creative organizations, after the well-known decisions of the Party on ideological issues, the situation also changed dramatically for the better. Aesthetes and formalists of all stripes, apologists for "art for art's sake" were pushed into the background. All these distillers, Yakovlevs, Ivanov-petrenkas, like cockroaches, hid in the cracks and temporarily did not show much activity. In the quiet of country mansions, they regrouped their forces, developed new tactics and conducted reconnaissance by observation.

Osip Davydovich no longer appeared in the press, he did not appear at meetings of artists. Locked up in his dacha, he wrote the theoretical work "On the natural disappearance of conflicts in life and in art." With this "discovery" he was going to shake the world and ... move forward again. It was a turn "a few points", as the sailors say. Now Osip Davydovich was preaching the same thing that he had denied yesterday. Speculating with correct slogans, juggling with loud phrases, he even ran ahead of his time and proved that there are no class contradictions in life, and therefore, there are no and cannot be irreconcilable conflicts. And since art is a reflection of reality, it means that there can be no conflicts in works of art. Thus, Osip Davydovich, although veiled, but unambiguously called on artists and the Soviet public to reconcile the old with the new, the backward with the advanced, the ideological with the unprincipled, the philistine.

After listening to his friend, Lev Mikhailovich of Barcelona smiled slyly:

“Very witty and tempting!” But are you sure that your theory is invulnerable? Still, there are still a lot of abominations in life, and dialecticians call on us to fight against survivals ...

- I understand you, - Osip Davydovich picked up, - but there is a convincing answer to this: what is conflicting is atypical. Everything shadowy in our reality is an uncharacteristic accident that does not deserve attention ... - He grinned. “Well, chance, as you understand, is suitable only for vaudeville…” And after a short pause, he said mysteriously: “This little thing can be liked even at the top.

It was a secret dream, suddenly spoken out loud in confidence.

Barcelonasky screwed up his eyes, grunted contentedly, and, drumming his fingers on the table, repeated:

- Very witty and tempting, very! - I thought about it and reported it as news: - But Semyon Semenovich puts the question differently ...

“He has a different plan,” Ivanov-Petrenko confidently objected. - I spoke to him...

Semyon Semyonovich Vinokurov lived all winter and summer at Barcelona's dacha at his complete expense and wrote a long magazine article "On Sincerity in Art."

In the evenings, the artist and critic slowly walked along the clean alleys of a spacious suburban area, surrounded by a high green fence, and had an endless conversation on this topic. Barcelonasky spoke more, and Vinokurov listened, memorized and brought into the system the thoughts of the “patriarch”. After each walk, Vinokurov sat down at his desk and wrote down something on paper.

Thus, a sharp, polemical tone article was gradually born, in which the situation in Soviet art was covered in a biased and one-sided way. Emphasis was placed on the shady sides of our reality, as if hushed up by art and literature. The main point of the article was that Soviet artists were insincere. And they are insincere because they are deprived of “freedom of creativity”, they do not write as they would like, but allegedly only in such a way as to please the tastes of superior comrades and undemanding spectators and readers. “At the heart of our art,” Vinokurov wrote, “is a sermon clothed in the crude form of propaganda. It must be replaced by confession. The naturalistic art of fact must give way to the true art of psychological analysis.

Both articles were ready almost simultaneously. But the authors understood that they needed to be made public at different times. First, the work of Ivanov-Petrenka on the disappearance of conflicts in Soviet reality and in art appeared in print, then, after a certain time, in the course of the discussion that unfolded, Vinokurov published his article. Once again, the public and the artists were skillfully confused by these clever critics who asserted irreconcilable things.

An article by Ivanov-Petrenka with the pretentious title "Time and Conflict" was published in the journal. The article was shown to Vladimir by Pavel Okunev.

- I saw Ivanov-Petrenko crawl out into the light of day again! It's amazing how they survive.

– What is the article about? Vladimir asked. Okunev did not read the article, he only leafed through it and, not finding anything interesting in it for himself and not grasping its main meaning, threw the magazine into the corner of the workshop. Vladimiru answered: “I am not interested in the content, but in the very fact of the too soon resurrection of its author.

Vladimir read Ivanov-Petrenka's article attentively, finding in it motives that related to his work, somehow resonated with his personal moods. Someone else's voice had previously stubbornly inspired him with the idea of ​​the need to depict our reality only in iridescent tones and shades. Vladimir did not understand why this was necessary, and internally opposed such an idea. However, the two canvases on which he was currently working, voluntarily or involuntarily, were reflections of this idea. And not only because their main characters were absolutely positive people. The artist placed them in an atmosphere of carefree well-being, where every detail, every brushstroke emphasized some spiritual carelessness. In the Native Lands, a demobilized foreman walks a field road among a sea of ​​dense, high, fat, fruitful rye. Above him is a clear cloudless sky, behind him the asphalt of the highway shines along which cars rush. And further, beyond the highway, brand new peasant houses sparkle in the sun with white slate. The expression on the face of a demobilized warrior is an expression of carefree happiness.

Osip Davydovich's article cast doubts in him, and, oddly enough, precisely because the critic's theoretical propositions coincided to some extent with the artist's creative practice. Vladimir did not suspect that in his practice these ideas about the varnishing of reality, about the absence of conflict in art were imposed by the same critic and his friends much earlier, imposed gradually and imperceptibly. Vladimir did not know what to do: accept such an article or not. The author of the article, in his convictions, was alien to him, and therefore everything that he proposed should be rejected. But Vladimir understood the frivolity and naivete of such a path. Osip Davydovich is not a fool, and he does not always offer alien ideas. Sometimes he is forced to express the right thoughts, otherwise no one would print him. But they print, and before they print, they must be read by people who understand and are literate. Moreover, this was the first speech by Ivanov-Petrenka after sharp party criticism against him, and it is unlikely that Osip Davydovich would dare to carry the devilry in it.

No, Vladimir did not find any sedition in this article. But she did not bring clarity, but only intensified the discord that had formed in his soul. How to reconcile the thatched roofs that he saw in life with the brand new tiling of houses in collective farm films? And he reassured himself by the fact that his creative practice converges with the theoretical positions of critics like Ivanov-Petrenka. In this case, he believed that in the end it was not so important who the author of the article was, it was important that it was published in a Soviet journal. In this light, he saw the article as a product of the collective mind.

The painting "Native Lands" did not bring the expected joy to the artist. He was tormented by doubts. I wanted to listen to the opinion of the authorities before the picture gets to the exhibition. Or maybe not show it at all? He once expressed such an idea to Eremenko. Pyotr looked at him with half-closed eyes, and, making sure that his comrade was speaking seriously, answered:

You have become too demanding of yourself. And excesses, as you know, are harmful.

Vladimir decided to show the painting to Pchelkin. True, Nikolai Nikolaevich was no longer an impeccable authority for him, as several years ago, but still.

Pchelkin willingly responded to the request of his former student. He entered the Mashkovs' apartment easily, rolled in like a kolobok, rubbing his hands as usual, like a gambler. He looked at the picture attentively, from all sides, frowning amiably and meaningfully, which is why his full, round face became ridiculous, like that of a boy playing the role of an adult.

“Well then,” he finally drawled importantly, still not taking his eyes off the picture, “good. I would just strengthen the reflex here, make it brighter, juicier. - He pointed a plump, soft, freckled finger at the left edge of the canvas and added instructively: - And the right corner of the sky still needs to be worked out. Make it softer, warmer. - And quickly looked at Vladimir, as if saying that he no longer had any comments.

“I’m not asking about that ... These are details, it won’t take long to eliminate them,” Mashkov said with a quiet sadness in his voice. - In theory, how? You know, it's about the main thing.

“Actually…not bad. I'll tell you - even good. Cheerful coloring, cheerful, cheerful mood. Have you read Ivanov-Petrenka's article about the disappearance of conflict in our art?

This unexpected question from Pchelkin opened Vladimir's eyes.

Sunny, no clouds? Was reading. At first, I even seemed to like it, but now I see that it’s not that ...

- What is "not that"? Pchelkin was worried.

- Both Osip's article and my picture are not the same. You see, inwardly I feel that something is wrong here, - he tapped on the canvas, - some kind of falseness here ... sugariness. That's it - sweetness! He rejoiced at the word he found.

– Introspection? Pchelkin asked suspiciously.

- No, something else. I began this picture in the first days of my stay in Pavlovka. And then, when I got to know the difficult life of the collective farm more closely, I wanted to quit this story, but ... just at that time an article by Osip Ivanov-Petrenka appeared, and I took up this picture with renewed fervor.

“I don’t quite understand you…” Pchelkin looked at the floor. Vladimir looked inquisitively at him from the side and asked with his eyes: “Do you sincerely want to understand, or just like that, for the sake of appearances?” Nikolai Nikolaevich must have guessed this dumb question, put his hand on Mashkov's shoulder and asked affectionately:

- Can you explain...

They sat down on the couch, and Vladimir began to patiently explain:

This picture has a certain geographical place and time. Imagine the post-war years, the Smolensk village, devastated and trampled by the war. Scarce land, a wild deposit that had to be raised. And to whom? There are women and children in the village. And now he, a demobilized foreman, returns to his native land, to the land for which he shed his blood. How many things he has to do! What do you see in my picture? There is nothing more for this sergeant to do. For him, what kind of bread was grown! Live happily ever after, as they say. You say, "a cheerful picture" came out, but now it seems to me - careless.

“Hmmm,” muttered Nikolai Nikolaevich. - This is a different topic. What you said is sadness, grief, sadness ...

- Sadness? Vladimir exclaimed. - Well, no, brother, there is no time to be sad here and there is no need. You have to roll up your sleeves here.

- So, all over again? asked Nikolai Nikolayevich, unable to find either the right words or convincing arguments for objection.

- Yes, now it's decided: I'll start a new canvas. Everything, everything anew: heaven, earth, and most importantly - the inner state of the hero. Unless the composition remains, - Vladimir said firmly, although an hour ago he was not sure of this either.

"It's a pity for the rye and the sky," Pchelkin remarked. - You succeeded.

“Don’t you think that I feel sorry for you less than you?” – Vladimir contritely looked at Nikolai Nikolayevich.

“Then go to Lake Senezh to the House of Artists: there you will find both the necessary sky and unplowed land,” Pchelkin advised.

It was not a bad idea, especially since Vladimir did not want to go to Pavlovka: he was afraid of the collective farmers asking questions about Valya, whom he never saw ...

September has come, soft and sunny. The time for golden autumn was approaching, the very time from which Vladimir did not know where to hide. Spring inspired him, filled him with energy, and he was ready to work for days on end, without sleep, malnutrition, and he always felt cheerful. And the early autumn of the Central Russian strip with the subtle smells of withering grasses and wild flowers, with white cobwebs on the stubble, the rustle of fallen leaves and bitter smoke of fires, with the cool of the evenings and the sad chirping of the first cranes - this autumn unsettled him, reminding him of something irrevocably outgoing and infinitely dear. Sometimes he wanted to shout to the whole world: “Stop, stop, time! Let me look at the earth, enjoy its beauty, breathe in the last smells of the past summer.

Walking around the picturesque surroundings of Solnechnogorsk in search of a suitable deposit from which to paint the foreground of the picture, looking around the picturesque surroundings, Vladimir thought: “Only here could the genius of Tchaikovsky be born, in this“ Russian Switzerland ”! How nice and easy it is to wander around here! Wherever you step, a new rural distance opens up, calling and beckoning, and you go without feeling tired, and you dream so well, you even forget that this is not autumn, but “Indian summer” ... A strange name. What is the meaning of it? Is it really in the withering of female youth?

Vladimir went along the edge of the forest along the old road to the former manor, where the state farm is now located. Four rows of old birches ran along the road. The untravelled road, overgrown with grass and covered with yellow-orange foliage, led to a quiet pond.

Vladimir descended into a hollow breathing moisture. He stood for a while, as if trying to cope with the feelings that overwhelmed him, and climbed the hillock. A country road ran out of the forest, crossing the hollow. Not far away - a village, near the village - a sanatorium for military sailors, with an arch and white towers at the central entrance. And next to it there is a chill and a plot of land that has not been plowed for a long time on the edge of a ravine. A real cover with small grass, like thinning hair, with bumps and dimples ... Yes, this is what you need!

Delighted by the find, the artist raised his eyes, looked to the west and at a distance of three or four kilometers he saw Senezh, sandwiched on both sides by a motley forest. The lake sparkled with a reflection of the bright western sky. And suddenly this picture reminded me of something very familiar and close. Yes, this is a landscape by Ivan Shishkin! Yes, yes, it was here, from this hill, that Shishkin wrote his "Forest Dali"! Now, almost a hundred years later, the heir to the great landscape painter stood in the same place and was preparing to paint a background for his painting, in which he wanted to put all the heat of his soul, all his thoughts.

He opened the sketchbook, put the cardboard and began to write. He worked, as always, quickly, but time passed even faster. The sun rolled towards the lake, threatening to drown in its sparkling abyss; long shadows lay on the ground along with the moisture of the fog. Vladimir straightened his overworked back and, making sure that the colors on the ground had changed dramatically, began to curtail the work with regret.

The next day he came here a little before light to write a sketch. The lake looked even better now, though fog was smoking over it. Vladimir sat at the sketchbook until dinner. A new version of the oblogue was made - with a different lighting. You can, perhaps, return to the "House of Creativity" to the canvas stretched on a stretcher. Vladimir climbed to the very crest of the mound to take another look at the lake, then returned for a sketchbook and suddenly saw that the oblogue had become different, not like the one depicted on cardboard. He looked at the sun, which was not tightly covered by a cloud, and everything became clear: he wrote those two studies in sunlight. And now what, the third to write?

According to the plan in the new version of the painting "Native Land" the sky should be cloudy. But do clouds cover the sun? He remembered a mighty sunbeam breaking through a purple thundercloud, that very unusual picture of nature that he and his friends at the dacha in Peredelkino were in a hurry to put in albums and on cardboard. Yes, yes, that cloud and that sunbeam, a symbol of life, strength and power, are the best fit for his new plan!

Forgetting even about food, he again settled down on the cover and began to rewrite the sketch again ...

And here is the finished picture. At first glance, almost everything from the old version remained in place, but it was still a completely new picture, different in spirit and thought. Not a trace of the former carelessness remained. Something courageous, stern and inviting appeared on the canvas. In the background is an asphalt highway. On it, a truck is carried away into the distance of the coppice. You can guess: a demobilized sergeant jumped out of his body a few minutes ago. Here he is in the foreground with a suitcase and an overcoat in his hands, smart and restrained. Now he walked not along a country road among high ripe rye, but along a path laid through a neglected oblog, behind which his native boundless distances opened. Complicated and broad feelings expressed the face of the sergeant. It was the face of a man who, after a long separation, returned to his native land, where he first appeared in the world, where he trampled with his bare feet the odorous earth, for which his fighting brother-soldiers shed blood and which he must remake so that it blooms in abundance. Behind the highway - a new log house, a new telegraph pole and a wrecked tank that has not yet been removed. These are “details” that (like the covers and clouds with a sunbeam) were not in the previous version. But the main thing, nevertheless, was not in these details, but in the image of the hero - the grain grower of the new village.

On the day when the first editorial was published in Pravda, exposing the "theory" of non-conflict, Osip Davydovich was sitting at home answering the phone. Numerous friends hurried to testify to him their sympathy and advised him "not to lose heart." And in the evening, the regulars of the "salon" gathered here. The first to arrive were Boris Yulin and Efim Yakovlev, both dressed up and excited. Nothing about the article. The owner liked it. With a smile he asked Yakovlev:

- What is the news from the cinema?

“We, as you know, have always been in order in this respect,” the screenwriter answered presumptuously and also with a smile.

- Do not rush to brag, Yefim, wait for the release of the film "Lomonosov," the owner warned, heading for the phone to answer another consolation. Returning to the living room, he continued: - As far as I know, there are thoughts in this film that are doubtful for patriotic criticism ...

Yakovlev nodded, raised his eyebrows, and objected with a smirk:

– The film will be released on the screen on the anniversary days of Moscow University. Who will become a critical review to overshadow the triumph?

Osip Davydovich shook his head approvingly, as if to say: "Oh, mischief-makers!"

Semyon Semyonovich Vinokurov appeared in the "salon" later than everyone else. He came with his Kyiv nephew, a young artist who had just graduated from the institute. He was a small-faced, frail young man with a self-satisfied, insolent look, to which a thin string of red mustache gave a comical expression. The young man was dressed in a Ukrainian shirt with embroidery and a gray suit. His name was Gennady Repin. Institute wits said about him: “Empty-headed Gena with a brilliant surname”, which, however, did not bother the future celebrity in the least, according to which talent, as such, does not exist at all, but there are successful and unsuccessful ones, just as objectively there are no good and bad works . Everything depends on the point of view. And he was sure that kind, close people would create for him the glory of a great artist. The first step to this glory was the famous surname.

The host was greeted especially warmly today: no one forgot that he was the hero of the day, although no one dared to start a conversation on this topic. When everyone sat down in their favorite places and the chandelier began to melt in a cloud of tobacco smoke, Osip Davydovich announced as good news:

Leo called today. Invited to the christening of his offspring ...

This meant that the Leo of Barcelona had completed a new painting, which had previously been assigned a place in the treasury of immortality.

So far, we talked a little about everything, and everyone understood that this was just a prelude. They talked about the clouds gathering over the world, and that the Yulins bought themselves a “quite decent” house for one hundred and twenty thousand far from Moscow, in the Tomsk region, “where there was no blackout.” Ivanov-Petrenko noted that he personally would have preferred Alma-Ata, but one cannot do without a companion, since such a remote and "decent" dacha "will cost a pretty penny." Vinokurov outlined his dacha plan: he decided to find “for a reasonable price” a peasant house for three or four rooms in the Kama wilderness, away from the noise of the city ...

Finally, Osip Davydovich looked around at everyone present with an inquisitive look and asked:

- Well, how do you like today's article?

"They're making noise again," Vinokurov replied at once. The rest looked inquiringly at the owner of the "salon".

“They will make some noise and forget,” Ivanov-Petrenko decisively concluded. Those who don't resist win. As the military says: offensive is the best form of defense.

And again a conversation began, consisting of half hints and omissions, where it was not so much the words themselves that mattered, but the tone in which they were pronounced, the grimaces and gestures that accompanied them.

“The watercolors of Barcelona were a good start,” Ivanov-Petrenko said, and everyone understood that this, in fact, was a successful reconnaissance in force and that it was time to move on to a decisive attack on realistic art.

The restless poet, jumping up from his chair and striding across the room, gloomily admitted:

– I still do not understand why this theory of non-conflict is needed.

“You, Yefim, are incapable of thinking seriously,” Ivanov-Petrenko reasoned with him. - Ask Boris, he knows how to express the most complex things in elementary language.

Yulin, with an unchanging smile and without changing his independent posture, which he adopted on the day of receiving the laureate medal, began with feigned laziness:

- The whole point of the theory of non-conflict lies in its meaninglessness. I hope Osip Davydovich will not be offended by this paradox. Any wonderful thought, brought to the point of absurdity, turns into its opposite.

Everyone laughed, and Semyon Semyonovich Vinokurov said seriously:

– This is a vulgarization of a big idea. I think we must now fight for sincerity in art. Yes, yes, this is how it should be presented, the artist must be sincere!

- Write this article! Yakovlev blurted out innocently.

Vinokurov looked at him ironically.

“The main thing here,” he said meaningfully, “is that my theory be confirmed by practice.

– The appearance at the exhibition of new paintings by Barcelona, ​​Pchelkin and Boris will be the best reinforcement of your theory, – put in Ivanov-Petrenko. He perfectly understood Vinokurov's train of thought:

– And what if there are paintings at the exhibition that are contrary to your theory? asked Yakovlev. – And it is they who will receive press support? Or even worse: the press will open fire on the works of Barcelonsky, Pchelkin and Yulin - then what?

I've been anticipating this question for a long time. Osip Davydovich replied:

- Our opportunities at exhibitions and in criticism are unlimited, and if you, Yefim, were smarter, you would not ask such questions. And I wonder what they will give to the exhibition? – did he look at Vinokurov?

Semyon Semyonovich, with the air of a knowledgeable person, replied:

- Okunev has a picture about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Well written, interesting. This time. Mashkov can impress. These are two…

- Mashkov? Boris curled his lips skeptically. - How? Golden rye and a cheerful ditty soldier?

– Unfortunately, your information, Borenka, is out of date. Mashkov rewrote the whole picture, - Vinokurov said gloomily

- When did he get it? Boris' pupils widened in surprise.

- I managed ... - Vinokurov's sharp fox face stretched warningly. He learned about Vladimir's painting from Lina Pchelkina. - It is possible and necessary to deny Mashkov's talent, but to underestimate him is unreasonable and even stupid. Next: Eremenko is finishing a picture of the Brest Fortress - that's three. Vartanyan will exhibit life-affirming landscapes - these are four ...

- Vartanyan is out. Boris made a scornful grimace on his full, well-groomed face. - Landscape is landscape, and whatever it is, it is not a competitor to the picture. As for Eremenko's battle, it will simply be out of place in the days when the ideas of peace are so vigorously propagated. Well, we’ll tell Pasha Okunev that it’s not worth exhibiting your picture for the time being, that there is still a lot of work to be done on it.

“That’s cleverly said,” Vinokurov praised Yulin.

- Yes, Okunev can be advised, - Yulin confirmed, - but Mashkov ...

“Only criticism in the press can reason with this arrogant guy,” Semyon Semyonovich prompted. - Well, in the guest book. - Vinokurov turned his gaze to Osip Davydovich and asked: - Should I wait a little with the article?

Ivanov-Petrenko shrugged his shoulders.

– On the contrary, it is desirable to speed up its appearance in the press. Another thing: should you sign it yourself and tease the geese? They will say: “Vinokurov again!”

“I wanted to consult with you about this,” Vinokurov quickly picked up.

“Let Boris sign,” suggested Yakovlev. Ivanov-Petrenko raised his hand, as if to put aside this inappropriate proposal:

– No, no, we need a neutral signature! It's better for you to sign the article, Yefim. Boris should be kept away from such stories. Remember: Leo is already old and you need to think about a replacement. Boris is already a figure, a name ... Let's nominate a corresponding member, give a note in the encyclopedia ...

For a while everyone was silent. Each of those present went over in the memory of his acquaintances: which of them could be invited to become the author of Semyon Vinokurov's article.

Boris was the first to break the silence:

- I have a suggestion. The article can be signed by a young art critic Lyudmila Lebedeva.

Osip Davydovich's swollen face cleared up, he took off his glasses and, waving them, exclaimed:

- Brilliant idea! Why were you silent? - Everyone agreed with this, and Yulin was very pleased. Boris understood, however, that he had taken on a very delicate task. The "quarantine period" of the engagement dragged on. At the request of the bride, the wedding was postponed for the second year. The relationship between the bride and groom became increasingly cold. True, Lucy continued to treat Boris with respect. In her eyes, he was a hardworking and helpful person. Besides, he seemed witty to her. She was privy to his creative plans, she knew that he was preparing for the exhibition a large picture, conceived by him in the southern resort.

Once in a sanatorium, in the presence of Lucy, an experienced sailor told how recently, as a result of a catastrophic tide caused by an underwater earthquake, a small village on one of the islands in the Pacific Ocean was completely licked off and carried away to the sea by a giant wave. The story made a strong impression on Boris. “Here is the new Pompeii!” - he exclaimed and promised to paint a picture on this plot.

Since then, for more than a year, he has been working on a new canvas. Lucy knew this, but for some reason she never once showed interest in how things were progressing, and did not go into his studio. Several times he reminded her of the wedding. She shied away from a specific answer, and he stopped reminding. Sometimes they did not meet for several weeks and then did not reproach each other for it. Friends have already stopped asking Boris about the wedding. Wits were exhausted, the groom resigned himself to the position of "an unmarried widower", as Yefim Yakovlev christened him.

And now he needs to meet with Lucy, "warm up" her by talking about the article. He called her and asked for a date. She agreed, but, judging by her voice, without enthusiasm. We met on one of the main streets. Lusya pulled on an impenetrable cold mask of alienation, and Boris did not know where to start the conversation. She answered all his questions dryly and absent-mindedly. He joked:

- Are you married yet?

She shrugged and turned away. Boris was pissed off. "Enough! he decided. “Now I’ll say goodbye, turn around and leave without any explanation.” And he probably would have done so if he had not had a delicate assignment. “No, no, we must fasten ourselves,” he began to repeat to himself. “Business is business, you can’t risk it.” And he pressed her elbow tighter.

And Lucy suddenly changed. His face became nervously excited, his movements jerky. Boris decided that until now she had been pretending to be indifferent, but now she was finally feeling emotional. But he was wrong. Lucy saw Vladimir walking arm in arm with some woman. It was on Sverdlov Square. Vladimir and his companion walked in a dense stream of people and quickly disappeared into the entrance of the Maly Theater. Boris didn’t see them and didn’t understand why Lucy quickened her pace so sharply and why she dragged him by the arm:

"Come on, let's go, let's go faster!"

- Where? he wondered. - Where are you in a hurry?

- How to where? she wondered. - To the Maly Theatre!

- To the theatre? He, in turn, wondered. - Why all of a sudden to the theater?

- Yes, rather! she yelled, not answering his question.

– What is there today? - he asked.

- There? Today? - She was confused. “Ah, it doesn’t matter! Let's go, let's go, I haven't been to the Maly Theater for a very long time!

- What about the tickets? Now you can't get...

- You won't get it? That's not expected! Renowned artist, laureate…

Boris looked worriedly at his watch.

“But understand, it starts in twenty minutes!” Better next time.

- Only today! - Lucy said with capricious persistence, and he realized that it was useless to argue, and went to the administrator.

Jealousy, resentment, a feeling of offended pride - everything flared up in her at once, and she, forgetting that she herself was to blame for Vladimir, was ready to rush to him and say insolent things.

"Talents and Admirers" were on the stage. Lyusya loved this performance, but now she did not watch it and after the first act she suggested it to Boris.

- Boring. Let's go. Let's wander down the street ... - Forgetting about the conversation with her father, Lucy, unexpectedly for Boris, herself started talking about the wedding, which "cannot be postponed any longer." Boris was happy.

We agreed: exactly one month later, that is, the first of November, to go to the registry office to coincide with the wedding to coincide with the October holidays. There was no need to talk about the "case", however. “But there’s no need to hurry now,” thought Boris. Now she will do whatever I need. Wife! As the Russian proverb says: "Husband and wife are one Satan."

Once Boris called Lucy at work, asked if she was free tonight, and invited her to his studio.

“I finished my Catastrophe, you'll see. And then we'll take a walk. I have two surprises for you.

“Catastrophe” is probably the picture that Boris has been working on for so long, ”Lusya guessed. She will be the first viewer! And two more mysterious surprises! She looked impatiently at her watch, waiting for the end of the working day.

Boris met her at his entrance, silently led her into the studio, helped her undress, seated her in an armchair and pulled the cover off the painting.

- Well, judge, bride. Strictly judge, mercilessly, without discounts. He was sure that the picture would shock her. Large size picture was painted with a sweeping brush. A gigantic block of water was inevitably approaching the small defenseless town and its miserable, helpless inhabitants, running in horror before the wave, climbing onto balconies and roofs. But there is no salvation for them. The wave is so monstrously high that even two-story houses seem like toys in front of it. Horror and inevitable death. Fear was especially clearly expressed by the artist in the figure of a woman with a child. A ray of sunlight fell on her from behind a thundercloud, like a fiery-hot sword. Lucy liked the bold manner of writing, and she said, without taking her eyes off the picture:

“I want to shock the audience. Let not pass indifferent by my picture.

- Shake? - Lucy asked again - Why, Borya? - She looked up at him, affectionate, shining. No, she did not want to offend him, and he understood this, but he could hardly contain his irritation.

When I wrote, I didn't ask myself why. I just expressed myself, my feelings and moods. This is a confession, not a sermon. Let us leave, Lyusenka, the sermons to the Okunevs, the Eremenki, and other agitators-moralists.

Under the "others" Lucy easily guessed Mashkov. But the idea of ​​"confession" (like the picture itself) seemed to her unexpected and original, and she said:

You have grown a lot as an artist! You will be successful!

These were the words he expected from her. Now you can brag. And to report that Barcelona, ​​Pchelkin and Testov are nominating him as a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts and that tomorrow he is waiting in his studio for cameramen, and the day after tomorrow they are waiting for him in the studio of the radio committee ...

Lucy did not tolerate boasting, but then she kept silent. The success of her future husband, it turns out, has already begun!

Boris sat down beside her, gently, carefully hugged her by the shoulders, and spoke as affectionately as he seemed to have never spoken before.

- You know, Lucy, you also need to go out onto the main road. You will become a famous art critic. I will help you.

- What are you, Borya! She blushed deeply. What data do I have. I'm ordinary.

“No, really,” continued Boris enthusiastically, not paying attention to her words. – We will help you. I, Osip Davydovich, Semyon Semyonovich.

With these words, he got up, went to the desk, opened one drawer with the key, took out a thick stack of typewritten sheets, and, returning, handed it to Lucy.

- I wrote an article, take a look. Lucy took the article and began to read.

"I think it's interesting," she said, turning the third page. - Sharp, bold. And it's written in an engaging way. I did not assume that you are not only a painter, but also a critic-publicist.

“Read, read, Lyusenka,” he interrupted her softly. - Semyon Semyonovich helped me. When she finished reading, she said:

- Yes, an artist must be sincere in his work, otherwise he is not an artist, but a businessman!

- So you think that the article will sound?

- Oh, how! It can make noise, cause discussion.

So you approve? That is great. So let this article be your first major appearance in the big press, this is me for you. Sign.

- How so? - She was smitten. - I do not understand…

- What is there to understand? Write here at the end: “Lyudmila Lebedeva”, and the article will be published in the next issue of one of the magazines.

But this is not my article!

“Consider it my wedding present. And the second gift is this painting,” he added, nodding at Catastrophe.

“A strange gift,” she said, and suddenly remembered her conversation with her father.

“Is this worse than a bottle of perfume?” Boris asked laughing.

“No, Borya, you can’t joke about this,” she pricked up her ears. Why don't you sign the article yourself?

“You see, dear, I’m embarrassed. Something is said here about my work, and this, you know ...

- But in this sense, I am all the more embarrassed, they will say - the bride advertises her future husband ...

- Nonsense! Nobody will tell you anything! - Luce really did not want to refuse Boris.

“You know what, Borenka,” she said with a sigh, “you give me the article home, I will read it carefully again and then sign it, so that you know well what you are signing.”

Boris didn't mind. He only asked not to show the article to anyone and to return it as soon as possible.

The next day, she called him and said that she could not sign such an article, since, upon careful reading, the main idea seemed to her false. She realized this by becoming the point of view of other artists she knew.

Why "false"? Boris was surprised.

Lucy didn't know how to explain it and only repeated:

- False, Borenka, false, believe me. And harmful.

- That's even how! he exclaimed indignantly. “Perhaps you will call me an enemy of the people?”

She tried to influence him with meekness.

- Do not get excited, Borya, listen to me, because it is in your own interests. Let's drop this article. You are mistaken. After all, what comes out? It turns out that all our art is insincere and that all our artists are businessmen, they do not paint at the call of the soul. Of course, there are such people, but most of them write their works sincerely, from the heart. How can you make such generalizations?

- Enough! – roughly and sharply interrupted he. - I asked you not to show anyone, especially ... Mashkov.

“Borya, I swear I won’t…

I don't need your oaths! he shouted. - To hell! And I still thought that not all is lost! Fool! It would be high time to understand that you are a stranger to me!

His voice broke, angry bitter words piled up on top of each other, he tried to tell her hurtful and insulting words as much as possible and tell her what he had thought about before, but did not dare to say: he was saving for an opportunity, and this opportunity turned up just now.

“You miscalculated, yes, you miscalculated. You are short-sighted, you are not able to see who the future belongs to.

- Is it really behind you? Lucy said sarcastically.

Yes, follow us. We ... I, yes, I, if you please, and there is a young generation ...

- You ... you are an aphid, an ordinary aphid, - something suddenly escaped that lived somewhere latent, accumulated and matured.

It was in the evening after work. Lyusya sat in a deep stupor for several minutes, then she got up heavily, dressed mechanically and went out into the street. The frosty air immediately refreshed her, her thoughts cleared up. "Here's your wedding!"

The opening of the art exhibition was delayed. Autumn passed, winter came, and the exhibition was still engaged in the selection of exhibits. The work of the exhibition committee was shrouded in the most incredible rumors. They said that almost battles take place there every day, that aesthetes predominate among the members of the exhibition committee, rejecting any thing with a pronounced ideological content, that the emphasis is on salon, chamber things, and that the exhibition will be unusual. It hinted at some kind of new course in art.

Vladimir watched a new movie - "Mikhail Lomonosov". I left the cinema with a heavy feeling. The state was such that he did not care about his soul. It was a film not about a national Russian genius, but about foreign seekers of "happiness and rank." The main characters of the film, as it seemed to him, were not Lomonosov and Russian people, but foreigners teaching Russians the mind. The impression is that the film was made somewhere outside the USSR, beyond the seas and oceans.

Once Pavel Okunev called and told Vladimir about a strange meeting with Boris Yulin.

“You see, he came to my studio and talked all sorts of nonsense for two hours. Then he sent the elevator attendant for Tsimlyansky: suddenly such a whim came to his mind - to drink Tsimlyansky from a flower vase, from the one with which I paint still lifes ... Okay, I think, drink like that. They drank, and he kindled a censer, let's “fumigate” me, that I am the most talented of all contemporary painters and only by my kindness and stupidity I cannot sit in the chair that fate has prepared for me, and then everything in the same tone. I listened, I listened and I asked him: “For what need are you carrying this nonsense?” In response, he began to praise my latest painting - Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. He praised, praised, and then with a butt on the back of my head: “She is holy to you, devoid of human flesh.” It's Zoya! Written, he says, in an old-fashioned way: everything is licked. And he warned: “This is not only my opinion, almost the entire exhibition thinks so. Everyone loves you and therefore they tell you: do not expose it in this form, work for another year.

Taking a breath, Pavel asked Vladimir:

- Well, what do you say to that?

Vladimir was silent, and Pavel spoke again:

“You know, Boris, I tell him, you didn’t order Tsimlyansky enough. If only there were two bottles, then I would have thought ... And so I don’t know what to do with you: throw you out the window or just take you down the stairs. He cursed, called me a fool and left.

Okunev and Mashkov never figured out the meaning of this strange visit.

Linochka did not have long to persuade her husband to sign the article "On Sincerity in Art." Nikolai Nikolaevich only asked his wife admiringly:

- Did you write it yourself? ... Oh, young man. You are a genius, Linochka! ...

And two weeks later, a large article by Nikolai Pchelkin appeared in one of the magazines under the intriguing title: “On sincerity in art. Artist's Notes.

Reading the article, Vladimir was amazed: “How to understand all this? It turns out that we are insincere in our work? It turns out that everything that we created during the years of Soviet power is nothing more than handicraft? The words “sermon” and “confession” flashed in the article. Preachers are realists who worship the idea of ​​communism; Confessors are the priests of genuine art, worshiping beauty, which is not available to the artisans of socialist realism. “Frankly, cynically and impudently,” Vladimir was indignant. It was a shame that Pchelkin wrote all this nonsense, an artist whose talent Mashkov once admired.

Eremenko came to Vladimir and said: “Pchelkin, it seems, has thrown off his mask. Do you remember how you and I fought for Pchelkin? And now we have to fight against Pchelkin. Still, the winemakers dragged him into their swamp.

On the eve of the exhibition, one of the capital's newspapers published catchy information and a reproduction of Boris Yulin's painting Catastrophe. The text began with pathetic elephants: “You see an angry element, frantic and indomitable, sweeping away all life in its path ...” The note ended promisingly:

“This picture was painted by a talented artist Boris Yulin. Under the title "Catastrophe" you will see it tomorrow at the All-Union Art Exhibition.

The Ivanov-Petrenka "salon" machine began to operate.

Vladimir did not know that Lucy's wedding was completely upset, and more and more anxiously thought about Lucy. What drew him to her? He remembered her either as a narcissistic cold beauty, or as a smart and gentle, thoughtfully sad girl. Not jokingly, not seriously, she called herself a "complex nature." And Valya is in full view. It turns out that it is too simple? What does "complex nature" mean? Gorky said that "complexity" is a shortcoming, the result of the extreme fragmentation of the petty-bourgeois soul. Vladimir did not look for “difficulties” in people, but for other virtues. And again he compared Lyusya and Valya ... But these comparisons did not give anything: before him were two very different, dissimilar characters.

On the opening day of the exhibition, it was difficult to get to it, and it turned out to be even more difficult to look at the paintings in this hustle and bustle.

Around the painting by Leo of Barcelona "Bad weather", about which even before the opening of the exhibition there was so much noise, raised a stir. Vladimir can’t understand at first what, in fact, this picture is remarkable for. Some kind of dull, indefinite, it is not known what geographical zone the landscape is, a village forgotten in the wilderness with thatched, rotten roofs, bare trees. Rain mixed with snow, a dirty broken road on which the Pobeda car got stuck, should be with the district authorities. A stout, puffy man stood on the side of the road and, vigorously waving his briefcase, apparently gave guiding instructions. Two pairs of skinny horses tried in vain to pull Pobeda out of the mud. Three people of indeterminate age and gender pushed the car from behind. From the picture carried something hopeless, hopeless. It seemed that “Victory” would not be pulled out by these skinny nags, and there would be no end to the slush, and the sun would never rise over this land ... From a professional point of view, everything was written approximately, sketchy, with deliberate rudeness: people, landscape, and horses - everything is done conditionally and according to drawing and painting. Actually, there was no painting there at all: everything was painted with three colors, as if the artist had never known halftones and shades.

Vladimir turned away. His gaze rested on another picture: a blizzard howls in the branches of a birch, frost burns the faces of Russian women and teenagers, sad with hatred in the eyes. In the foreground, surrounded by fascist bayonets, a barefoot, half-dressed, Soviet girl Zoya walks straight at the viewer, with her head held high. The painting is titled: “The Path to Immortality. P. Okunev. Zoya is written in such a way that it seems to the viewer that he hears her breathing, sees how her eyelashes tremble and her whitened, bitten lips move. And in wide-open eyes there is such an attractive force that the audience cannot move away from the picture.

In the crowd, Vladimir saw Lyusya and was surprised that she was without Boris. Why? Under his stubborn gaze, Lucy turned around, and their eyes met. Both simultaneously took a step towards each other. She held out her hand to him and said sincerely:

– Congratulations, Vladimir Ivanovich, with great luck!

- Thank you, Lyusenka, but, unfortunately, I cannot answer you in the same way: I don’t like the picture of your fiancé.

She sighed.

“Ah, don’t say it, it really is a catastrophe… However, nothing strange: this was to be expected. - And, changing her tone, she asked: - Aren't you married yet?

“Yes, I won’t choose all the time,” he answered jokingly and, hiding his smile, asked: “Well, how are things going with you?”

“So-so…” she answered vaguely. “We haven’t seen each other for so long that I don’t even know where to start the conversation, although I wanted to tell you a lot.

- Why didn't you call?

“I was afraid you wouldn't talk to me. I am very guilty before you. And before many. But before others I will somehow justify myself, but before you - never ...

Pushing the crowd aside, Pavel Okunev approached with the air of an angry boar. Without apologizing, he interrupted their conversation:

"Come on, I'll show you what those bastards are doing." - Only after these words did he see Lucy and grumbled in her direction with displeasure: - Sorry, I didn’t say hello to you. Your fiancé is a disastrous success. - And, grabbing Vladimir by the hand, dragged him along.

Looking back, Vladimir apologized to Lucy with his eyes: "There's nothing you can do, you'll forgive him, something serious must have happened."

When, at last, they passed several halls, Vladimir asked:

"Where are you taking me, what's the matter?" Pavel swore loudly:

“This gang of aesthetes is completely insolent. Go see what they're doing with the guest book. The voice of the "public" is created.

The guest book was crowded with people eager to express their opinion about the exhibition. Vladimir and Pavel, having made their way closer to the table, stopped behind the back of a shabby little man, who was quickly writing his “review”. Vladimir from above, from behind, read: “Shocked by the magnificent paintings of Leo of Barcelona, ​​Boris Yulin and N.N. Pchelkin. It is gratifying to live, realizing that such giants of the brush live and create at the same time as you. Next to them, Mashkov's landscape "Native Lands" and the battle of Eremenka seem like miserable colorized photographs. The work of Barcelona, ​​Yulin and Pchelkin is the high road of Soviet art. This is true socialist realism."

Putting an end, the little man thought a little and signed in a sweeping way: "Colonel of the Guard S. Popov." He got up and wanted to leave. But at that moment, the mighty hand of Pavel Okunev grabbed him by the collar.

- Listen, the so-called "Colonel of the Guards Popov." The word "guards" is written in front, and any real colonel knows this. And for such nasty things they beat the face!

The little man cringed, made a grimace on his face and hissed like a snake:

- Get off, bully!

And the whole crowd, eager to leave their autographs in the guest book, recoiled from the table and surrounded Okunev. Dozens of voices boomed menacingly:

- Call the policeman!

- What right do you have?

- Let the man go!

- Is it a human? Pavel asked the crowd. “He’s a petty adventurer with a petty soul!”

The imaginary colonel instantly melted into the crowd, and his accomplices hissed menacingly at Pavel, trying to intimidate him.

Mashkov forcibly took Okunev away. We went out into the street, got into a taxi, but could not figure out where to go. The driver turned on the meter and waited patiently. Finally, Paul suggested:

- Let's go to me. - And gave the driver the address. - Let's sit down for a cup of tea, play each other something spiritual on the piano: it calms.

Bad or bad we can call a person who experiences the need to harm others and realizes it, consciously or semi-consciously, which can be expressed in the spread of nasty things, the imposition of guilt and morally dubious beliefs.

This does not mean that all people should be divided into good and bad once and for all - we all have strengths and weaknesses, everyone can do right or wrong - however, this does not negate the fact that in a particular period of time this or that person can be just for us bad or decent. And this gap can be very long ...

Some people become instruments of God, others may become instruments of the lower worlds, disrupting mental balance surrounding. On an intuitive level, they are able to capture our sensitive places, areas of uncertainty and doubt, and put pressure on them at the most inopportune moment. At the same time, outwardly, everything may look random and unintentional, but it tends to repeat itself from time to time.

So, once I had to submit documents for a project, which I had been preparing for a very long time and in the end I was extremely psychologically exhausted. After everything was formalized and they were accepted from me, with a clear conscience I went to meet my old acquaintances in a cafe.

I was not alone in my research: one of them also went through a similar project and was familiar with the application process. While I was waiting for the dish I ordered from the waiter, the talk turned to technical difficulties, and this acquaintance began to argue that it was necessary to submit another voluminous document. My cheekbones crumpled. Have I really spoiled the work of two years by providing the wrong package of documents?! Having overcome the feeling of embarrassment, I asked my friend about it again and received an affirmative answer.

I went home on my own. It was Sunday, and it was possible to start the procedure for submitting additional documents only in the morning. But I was not sure that the time was not lost forever. I tried not to get hysterical, which didn't work very well. The next morning, I turned to other knowledgeable people for advice, and also reread the project requirements. It turned out that the documents in question were never required, and I did everything right.

I still can't fully explain this case to myself. But when similar accidents happened again with the same person, I thought hard. Considering other troubles that arose before in communication, I decided to end the relationship, henceforth limiting myself to words of greeting and a polite question “how are you?”

Sometimes our path to our goal takes a lot of time, requires effort, concentration and the rejection of some other benefits and entertainment. The result is not always visible immediately, and our choice is understandable to people.

For example, many women and men are looking for strong long-term relationships and true love. However, there are often “friends” and “well-wishers” who have long conversations about the fact that nothing like this happens in life. Others begin to reproach that love was not found because of our wrong behavior. At the same time, many people forget that things are not going well for them themselves, or that they themselves were recently alone. Still others just talk about their wild life and constantly describe drunken parties and short-term relationships as a form of heroism.

Of course, each person has the right to choose his own model of behavior and live the way he wants. But does he have the right to constantly rub salt in the wound and devalue goals that are important to others?

The main antidote in such situations is awareness true state of affairs and rejection of stereotypes alien to us. The value of our good deeds should be clear, first of all, to ourselves, and we have the right to repulse those who impose otherwise on us. If necessary, you can limit or exclude communication with individuals or to fence off morally from them.

If a person on the way to his goal experiences doubts and worries about the result, it can be especially painful for him to listen to various bad arguments. Sometimes there is a feeling of annoyance and inner pain, it seems that the chosen goals are wrong, there is anguish and uncertainty, even envy for the lives of others.

Here it is very important to distinguish what we envied: bad or good. If something happened to our neighbor, and we are annoyed that we ourselves do not have it, this is understandable, although not very beautiful. This is treated with the realization that we are all individual, everyone has their own life, with their own trials and achievements, and God has a providence for all of us. The neighbor is not to blame for our difficulties in this case. If we envied the bad, were seduced by dishonesty and the easy achievement of goals with the help of dubious means, it is necessary for ourselves to give these facts an unambiguous assessment. We may well condemn unseemly acts, while trying to be lenient with human weaknesses, which is the meaning of the commandment “do not judge, you will not be judged”.

We need to return to the thought of what is really important to us, what virtues we value and what we do not accept. As a rule, this dispels annoyance and gives us peace of mind and strength to move on in the right direction. And if unpleasant and bad people can be bypassed, then why create difficulties for yourself where they are optional.

Well and we should not forget about our own shortcomings and cockroaches either and if we have already acted as a bad person for someone, we need to repent and try to make amends. And the Lord will be merciful to all of us sinners.

As they say, with the reverend you will be reverend ...

That's what you just said, I don't understand.

(c) The film "The Island"

Today in the lesson we will talk about the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa", we will find out the details of its creation, the historical context, determine what the author's innovation is, analyze the characters of the characters in the story, and also consider the moral issues raised by the writer.

It must be said that the publication of this story was accompanied by extraordinary success, even a stir among the Russian readership, which is not surprising, because the first Russian book appeared, the heroes of which could be empathized in the same way as Goethe's "The Sufferings of Young Werther" or "The New Eloise by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. We can say that Russian literature began to become on the same level with European. The enthusiasm and popularity were such that even a pilgrimage to the place of events described in the book began. As you remember, the case takes place not far from the Simonov Monastery, the place was called "Lizin's pond". This place is becoming so popular that some evil-speaking people even compose epigrams:

Drowned here
Erast's bride...
Get drunk girls
There's plenty of room in the pond!

Well, can you do
Godless and worse?
Fall in love with a tomboy
And drown in a puddle.

All this contributed to the unusual popularity of the story among Russian readers.

Naturally, the popularity of the story was given not only by the dramatic plot, but also by the fact that it was all artistically unusual.

Rice. 2. N. M. Karamzin ()

Here is what he writes: “They say that the author needs talents and knowledge: a sharp, penetrating mind, a vivid imagination, and so on. Fair enough, but not enough. He must also have a kind, tender heart if he wants to be a friend and favorite of our soul; if he wants his gifts to shine with a flickering light; if he wants to write for eternity and collect the blessings of the nations. The Creator is always depicted in creation, and often against his will. It is in vain that the hypocrite thinks to deceive the readers and to hide an iron heart under the golden clothes of magnificent words; in vain speaks to us of mercy, compassion, virtue! All his exclamations are cold, without soul, without life; and never a nourishing, ethereal flame will pour from his creations into the tender soul of the reader…”, “When you want to paint your portrait, then first look in the right mirror: can your face be an object of art…”, “You take up the pen and want to be an author: ask yourself, alone, without witnesses, sincerely: what am I? for you want to paint a portrait of your soul and heart…”, “You want to be an author: read the history of the misfortunes of the human race - and if your heart does not bleed, leave the pen, - or it will portray to us the cold gloom of your soul. But if for all that is sorrowful, for all that is oppressed, for all that weeps, the way is open to your sensitive breast; if your soul can rise to a passion for good, can nourish in itself a holy desire for the common good, not limited by any spheres: then boldly call on the goddesses of Parnassus - they will pass by the magnificent halls and visit your humble hut - you will not be a useless writer - and none of good people will not look with dry eyes at your grave ... "," In a word: I am sure that a bad person cannot be a good author.

Here is the artistic motto of Karamzin: a bad person cannot be a good writer.

So before Karamzin, no one had ever written in Russia. Moreover, the unusualness began already with the exposition, with a description of the place where the action of the story would take place.

“Perhaps no one living in Moscow knows the surroundings of this city as well as I do, because no one is more often than me in the field, no one more than me wanders on foot, without a plan, without a goal - wherever your eyes look - through the meadows and groves, hills and plains. Every summer I find new pleasant places or new beauties in old ones. But most pleasant for me is the place on which the gloomy, Gothic towers of the Si ... New Monastery rise.(Fig. 3) .

Rice. 3. Lithography of the Simonov Monastery ()

Here, too, there is unusualness: on the one hand, Karamzin accurately describes and designates the place of action - the Simonov Monastery, on the other hand, this encryption creates a certain mystery, understatement, which is very much in line with the spirit of the story. The main thing is the installation on the non-fiction of events, on documentary. It is no coincidence that the narrator will say that he learned about these events from the hero himself, from Erast, who told him about this shortly before his death. It was this feeling that everything happened nearby, that one could be a witness to these events, intrigued the reader and gave the story a special meaning and a special character.

Rice. 4. Erast and Lisa ("Poor Lisa" in a modern production) ()

It is curious that this private, uncomplicated story of two young people (the nobleman Erast and the peasant woman Lisa (Fig. 4)) turns out to be inscribed in a very wide historical and geographical context.

“But the most pleasant for me is the place where the gloomy, Gothic towers of the Si ... new monastery rise. Standing on this mountain, you see on the right side almost all of Moscow, this terrible mass of houses and churches, which appears to the eyes in the form of a majestic amphitheater»

Word amphitheater Karamzin singles out, and this is probably no coincidence, because the scene becomes a kind of arena where events unfold, open to the eyes of everyone (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Moscow, XVIII century ()

“a magnificent picture, especially when the sun shines on it, when its evening rays blaze on countless golden domes, on countless crosses, ascending to the sky! Below are fat, densely green flowering meadows, and behind them, on yellow sands, a bright river flows, agitated by the light oars of fishing boats or rustling under the helm of heavy plows that float from the most fruitful countries of the Russian Empire and endow greedy Moscow with bread.(Fig. 6) .

Rice. 6. View from Sparrow Hills ()

On the other side of the river, an oak grove is visible, near which numerous herds graze; there the young shepherds, sitting under the shade of the trees, sing simple, melancholy songs, and thereby shorten the summer days, so uniform to them. Farther away, in the dense greenery of ancient elms, the golden-domed Danilov Monastery shines; still farther, almost at the edge of the horizon, the Sparrow Hills turn blue. On the left side, you can see vast fields covered with bread, forests, three or four villages, and in the distance the village of Kolomenskoye with its high palace.

Curiously, why does Karamzin frame private history with this panorama? It turns out that this history is becoming a part of human life, a part of Russian history and geography. All this gave the events described in the story a generalizing character. But, giving a general hint at this world history and this extensive biography, Karamzin nevertheless shows that private history, the history of individual people, not famous, simple, attracts him much more strongly. 10 years will pass, and Karamzin will become a professional historian and begin to work on his "History of the Russian State", written in 1803-1826 (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Cover of the book by N. M. Karamzin "History of the Russian State" ()

But for now, the focus of his literary attention is the story of ordinary people - the peasant woman Lisa and the nobleman Erast.

Creation of a new language of fiction

In the language of fiction, even at the end of the 18th century, the theory of three calms, created by Lomonosov and reflecting the needs of classicism literature, with its ideas about high and low genres, still dominated.

The theory of three calms- classification of styles in rhetoric and poetics, distinguishing three styles: high, medium and low (simple).

Classicism- an artistic direction focused on the ideals of ancient classics.

But it is natural that by the 90s of the 18th century this theory was already outdated and became a brake on the development of literature. Literature demanded more flexible linguistic principles, there was a need to bring the language of literature closer to the spoken language, but not a simple peasant language, but an educated noble language. The need for books that were written the way people in this educated society speak was already very acute. Karamzin believed that the writer, having developed his own taste, could create a language that would become the spoken language of a noble society. In addition, another goal was implied here: such a language was supposed to displace French from everyday use, in which the predominantly Russian noble society still spoke. Thus, the language reform carried out by Karamzin becomes a general cultural task and has a patriotic character.

Perhaps the main artistic discovery of Karamzin in "Poor Liza" is the image of the narrator, the narrator. We are talking on behalf of a person who is interested in the fate of his heroes, a person who is not indifferent to them, who sympathizes with other people's misfortunes. That is, Karamzin creates the image of the narrator in full accordance with the laws of sentimentalism. And now this is becoming unprecedented, this is the first time in Russian literature.

Sentimentalism- this is a worldview and a tendency of thinking aimed at identifying, strengthening, emphasizing the emotional side of life.

In full accordance with Karamzin's intention, the narrator does not accidentally say: “I love those objects that touch my heart and make me shed tears of tender sorrow!”

The description in the exposition of the fallen Simonov Monastery, with its collapsed cells, as well as the crumbling hut in which Liza and her mother lived, introduce the theme of death into the story from the very beginning, creates that gloomy tone that will accompany the story. And at the very beginning of the story, one of the main themes and favorite ideas of the figures of the Enlightenment sounds - the idea of ​​the extra-class value of a person. And it sounds weird. When the narrator talks about the story of Liza's mother, about the early death of her husband, Liza's father, he will say that she could not be consoled for a long time, and will utter the famous phrase: "... for even peasant women know how to love".

Now this phrase has become almost catchy, and we often do not correlate it with the original source, although in Karamzin's story it appears in a very important historical, artistic and cultural context. It turns out that the feelings of commoners, peasants are no different from the feelings of noble people, nobles, peasant women and peasants are capable of subtle and tender feelings. This discovery of the extra-class value of a person was made by the figures of the Enlightenment and becomes one of the leitmotifs of Karamzin's story. And not only in this place: Liza will tell Erast that there can be nothing between them, since she is a peasant woman. But Erast will begin to console her and will say that he does not need any other happiness in life, except for Lisa's love. It turns out, indeed, the feelings of ordinary people can be as subtle and refined as the feelings of people of noble birth.

At the beginning of the story, another very important topic will sound. We see that in the exposition of his work, Karamzin concentrates all the main themes and motives. This is the theme of money and its destructive power. At the first date of Lisa and Erast, the guy will want to give her a ruble instead of the five kopecks requested by Lisa for a bouquet of lilies of the valley, but the girl will refuse. Subsequently, as if paying off Liza, from her love, Erast will give her ten imperials - one hundred rubles. Naturally, Liza will automatically take this money, and then she will try through her neighbor, a peasant girl Dunya, to transfer it to her mother, but this money will also be of no use to her mother. She will not be able to use them, because upon the news of Lisa's death, she herself will die. And we see that, indeed, money is the destructive force that brings misfortune to people. Suffice it to recall the sad story of Erast himself. For what reason did he refuse Lisa? Leading a frivolous life and losing at cards, he was forced to marry a wealthy elderly widow, that is, he, too, is actually sold for money. And this incompatibility of money as an achievement of civilizations with the natural life of people is demonstrated by Karamzin in Poor Liza.

With a fairly traditional literary plot - a story about how a young rake-nobleman seduces a commoner - Karamzin nevertheless solves it not quite traditionally. It has long been noticed by researchers that Erast is not at all such a traditional example of an insidious seducer, he really loves Lisa. He is a man with a good mind and heart, but weak and windy. And it is this frivolity that destroys him. And destroys him, like Lisa, too strong sensitivity. And here lies one of the main paradoxes of Karamzin's story. On the one hand, he is a preacher of sensitivity as a way of moral improvement of people, and on the other hand, he also shows how excessive sensitivity can bring detrimental consequences. But Karamzin is not a moralist, he does not call to condemn Lisa and Erast, he calls on us to sympathize with their sad fate.

Just as unusual and innovative Karamzin uses landscapes in his story. The landscape for him ceases to be just a scene of action and a background. The landscape becomes a kind of landscape of the soul. What happens in nature often reflects what happens in the soul of the characters. And nature seems to respond to the characters on their feelings. For example, let's remember a beautiful spring morning when Erast first sails along the river in a boat to Liza's house, and vice versa, a gloomy, starless night, accompanied by a storm and thunder, when the heroes fall into sin (Fig. 8). Thus, the landscape also became an active artistic force, which was also an artistic discovery of Karamzin.

Rice. 8. Illustration for the story "Poor Lisa" ()

But the main artistic discovery is the image of the narrator himself. All events are presented not objectively and dispassionately, but through his emotional reaction. It is he who turns out to be a genuine and sensitive hero, because he is able to experience the misfortunes of others as his own. He mourns his too sensitive heroes, but at the same time remains true to the ideals of sentimentalism and a faithful adherent of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsensitivity as a way to achieve social harmony.


  1. Korovina V.Ya., Zhuravlev V.P., Korovin V.I. Literature. Grade 9 Moscow: Enlightenment, 2008.
  2. Ladygin M.B., Esin A.B., Nefyodova N.A. Literature. Grade 9 Moscow: Bustard, 2011.
  3. Chertov V.F., Trubina L.A., Antipova A.M. Literature. Grade 9 M.: Education, 2012.
  1. Internet portal "Lit-helper" ()
  2. Internet portal "" ()
  3. Internet portal "KlassReferat" ()


  1. Read the story "Poor Liza".
  2. Describe the main characters of the story "Poor Liza".
  3. Tell us, what is Karamzin's innovation in the story "Poor Liza".

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Literary eras and literary movements


These educational materials examine the general patterns of the historical development of fiction from antiquity to the twentieth century inclusive, characterize the main literary eras, trends, trends, schools, which allows us to see the historical and literary process in its continuity. Teaching materials are intended for students of philological and humanitarian faculties of pedagogical universities, and may also be useful to language teachers and students of senior secondary schools.

The scars of a boastful warrior turn out not to be signs of exploits, but the result of a bad illness and a knife fight.<...>to a person.<...>According to the writer, "a bad person cannot be a good author."<...>Love inspires a personality, ennobles it, heals it from bad inclinations, as happens, for example<...>Twisted "Vozropschem" (1913) and "Duck's nest ... bad words ..." (1914)).

Preview: Literary eras and literary trends.pdf (0.6 Mb)


No. 3 [Environmental safety in the agro-industrial complex. Abstract journal, 2000]

Man ".-M., 1999.-P.4.-S. 159. Code 99-9772B.<...>The drug is not toxic to humans.<...>Man ".-M., 1999.-P.4.-S. 166. Code 99-9772B.<...>Man ".-M., 1999.-P.4.-S. 168. Code 99-9772B.<...>The drug is not toxic to humans.


The article is devoted to the book of Yury Borev "StaliniAda", published in Moscow in 1990. The book creates a three-dimensional image of a man-myth (Stalin).

Borev managed to create a three-dimensional image of a man-myth, who did not even look like his many<...>Do you think that a "polite person" could write a secret letter to V.M.<...>This "most humane man" in the same year 1922 insisted on holding several "exemplary, high-profile


Comprehensive examination of younger schoolchildren suffering from stuttering

The textbook is intended for speech therapists, defectologists, primary school teachers of mass and specialized schools, students and teachers of pedagogical universities and colleges.

In a drawing of a person: 5.6. The person is depicted from the back or in profile 1 point. 5.7.<...>In a drawing of a person: 6.9.<...>In a drawing of a person: 7.8.<...>in 11 people (11%); voice convulsions in 3 people (3%); mixed convulsions in 63 people (61%)<...>The pace of speech. normal in 2 people (2%); accelerated in 94 people (91%); slow in 7 people

Preview: A comprehensive survey of younger students with stuttering.pdf (0.2 Mb)


The article is devoted to understanding the characters and the storyline of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Only in the fact that he is not a fanatic, but just a kind person? Yes, and no more.<...>Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" life limit, turning into a Hegelian bad<...>Imagine how an honest man, aristocratically proud, noble, year after year is bent into<...>In accordance with this principle, master Bulgakov, the man without a name, is called... Yeshua Ha-Notsri.<...>"I have become a man who no longer owns himself."



The purpose of the research is to study the dynamics of the concentration of cesium - 137 in virgin soils of the chernozem type and medicinal raw materials of wild plants using the example of slope landscapes of the central forest-steppe. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were solved: 1. To reveal the features of the vertical and lateral distribution of cesium-137 radionuclides in the root layer of the soil (0 - 60 cm) depending on the morphological parameters of the slopes (exposure, steepness, shape) and the mechanical composition of the soil. . 2. To trace the dynamics of the content of cesium-137 in the medicinal raw materials of wild plants growing on the slopes, depending on the species characteristics, habitat, mechanical composition and agrochemical parameters of the soil, hydrothermal conditions of the growing season.

additional exposure, exacerbating the problem of using environmentally friendly phyto-raw materials in human life<...>Man "(Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology, Moscow)<...>Ecochogy Man - Moscow 1997 C ° 4-95 4 Gromova V S, Sokochova I V Increasing the safety of free production



Grammatical history of the word CHILD in Russian


So, we consider the word child in the meanings of "a young child" and "a naive person" to be two<...>Russian language" the child is mentioned only in connection with the meaning "naive, simple-hearted person<...>mainly in comparative turns, and figurative meanings "a naive, simple-hearted person

Preview: Grammatical history of the word CHILD in Russian.pdf (0.0 Mb)


“Modern Dramaturgy”: plays and years A complete list of plays published in the journal "Modern Dramaturgy" for the period from 1982 to 2019

M .: Editorial board of the journal "Modern Dramaturgy"

Here is a "creative report" of our magazine for its entire history, starting from 1982. Here you will find the titles of each of the plays printed on the pages of the edition, indicating the time of publication, including the current number. They are collected in five sections, mainly reflecting the structure of the journal; playwrights are united along linguistic lines; Surnames are given in alphabetical order. The list of plays is regularly replenished and updated.

Total - 3 "Bad Seed" - № ¹ 1, 2009<...> <...>Total - 3 "Bad Seed" - No. ¹ 1, 2009 "Valve" No. 4, 2010 "The Extraordinary Adventures of Yulia and Natasha", No. 3,<...>"The Man with Five Faces" - ¹ 1, 1983 W. Widmer. "Top dogs" - ¹ 2, 1999 B. Wieck.<...>Total – 4 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 7 "Bad Seed" - No. ¹ 1, 2009


The article is devoted to some notes to the concept of the Russian noble movement.

But such a "Soviet man" turned out to be "in life" impossible.<...>answer", but essentially to irresponsibility; the habit of secrecy and privacy, which turned a person<...>It is necessary to revive the concept of personality so that the individual is considered as a living concrete person with<...>The Bolsheviks succeeded: not for fear, but for conscience, to ensure balance, harmony between the interests of man


No. 4 [Environmental safety in the agro-industrial complex. Abstract journal, 2000]

The quarterly abstract journal has been published since 1998. Annual volume - 1000 publications. The publication is a reference manual for scientists and agricultural specialists, as well as librarians and employees of scientific and technical information bodies. The RJ includes scientific, scientific, industrial, regulatory and technical information about the most significant articles from serial domestic and foreign publications and thematic collections on the basic principles of environmental safety of the agro-industrial complex, biomedical assessment of the toxicity of compounds used in the agro-industrial complex and falling into agricultural . products from outside, environmentally friendly technologies in the agro-industrial complex, forms and methods of their distribution.

Man ".-M., 1999.-P.4.-S. 228. Code 99-9772B.<...>Man ".-M., 1999.-P.4.-S. 212. Code 99-9772B.<...>Man ".-M., 1999.-P.4.-S. 196. Code 99-9772B.<...>P2647 @UP = Nature, man and ecology.<...>P2647 Nature, man and ecology.


The article is devoted to the observation of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

/ Barefoot thought about that. that he... he is a different person.<...>these are repeated several times. But the author also calls Nuda a "young man".<...>This person is 18."<...>The man with his hands tied..."<...>(MM, 20-21) The repeated word points to the glorious: before us is a man."


Man is an integral spiritual being, and, renouncing his integrity, he ceases to be a man.<...>Usually he is seen in accordance with man "as he is," that is, natural man.<...>creative creation of the new<...>It is this lost man that socialism actually declares to be a man: "The premises from which we<...>form, in a random form of existence, man as he is in life, man as he is corrupted throughout


Ethics of business relations and negotiations. Part 1 Course of lectures

publishing house LKI

The course of lectures on the academic discipline "Ethics of business relations and negotiations" reveals the main issues of the ethics of interpersonal communication in the business sphere, recommended by the program for students of the Lipetsk Cooperative Institute. It is recommended for students, teachers and everyone who wants to improve their knowledge of business communication and develop proper communication skills.

Rubinstein wrote: “My attitude towards another person should disarm his bad intentions, demobilize<...>them, to put him in such moral conditions under which his bad attitudes are deprived of the ground, the motive.<...>In achieving such success in disarming bad intentions, the delicacy of the leader plays a great role.<...>Appearance of a person.<...>"Bad example".


The article is devoted to the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, the theory of M. M. Bakhtin about the polyphony of Dostoevsky's novels is considered, using the example of the heroes of the work "Crime and Punishment".

) , which does not prevent it from preserving the property of the environment: in Dostoevsky, a person /.../ becomes "a person in a person<...>Karamazov is a kind man, a broad man, and his inexplicable smile is the consciousness of a secret conviction<...>He did not equate ideology and morality, he confronted the man of history and the man of religion.<...>oh oh-man.<...>Man, seen through the eyes of Christ, appears before us as a super-master and a super-slave; person seen


Ethnopedagogics of the Chechens


Miklouho-Maclay for proving that man is man everywhere.<...>Seriousness elevates a person.<...>If you are not afraid that you will commit a bad deed, there is no use for your learning.<...>biographies of an appeal to the younger generations, blessings on worthy behavior, a warning against evil<...>For Chechens, people are above everything.

Preview: Ethnopedagogy of the Chechens.pdf (0.0 Mb)


The article is devoted to the book of Shulgin VV "Years". The book is dedicated to the historical events of 1905-1917.

Golovin, was "worse than an ignorant person" and showed "striking frivolity", and in a deliberate<...>Firstly, the image of Shulgin himself emerges from the book - a man of rare integrity in character.<...>their views and beliefs; not always, perhaps, a far-sighted politician, but never a politician, a person


The article tells about Alexander Orlov's book "The Secret History of Stalin's Crimes", published in 1953 in English, and in 1983 in Russian in Tel Aviv. The author of the book, as it were, from the inside illuminates the course of events of 1936-38, the evil genius of Stalin and the death and suicide of disgraced honored Chekists.

Orlov identifies himself in the book with "every honest person", with the mass of the Russian people.<...>It cannot be shown more clearly that, while serving communism, a person cannot but be an executioner, if this is required.<...>Although he had to perform dubious "tasks of the party", by nature he was a gentle and good-natured person.


The article deals with the precedent phenomenon as a rhetorical device for implementing the strategies and tactics of Twitter communication.

Next, Moscow is a tavern, a black man, and goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...<...>"The Black Man" is the best poem in Russian literature. About life.<...>different types of PF become the cognitive unit of the discussion: precedent text (Master and Margarita, Black Man


No. 93-94 [Selskaya Nov (Trans-Baikal Territory), 2012]

Public information newspaper of Akshinsky district

In total, the department employs 23 people, including eight women.<...>Sergienko: "Vera Alexandrovna is a man of principle, one might say, of Soviet hardening.<...>MAN ARTIFICIAL".<...>cops-3" (16+). 4.50 VESTI-SPORTS. 5.05 FILM "SHADOW MAN" (16+). 6.55 "SCIENCE 2.0.<...>Before us is a line of warriors, two hundred people. They were divided into companies. Hello countryman!

Preview: Selskaya Nov (social information newspaper of the Akshinsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory) No. 93-94 2012.pdf (1.0 Mb)


The purpose of this article is a theoretical substantiation of the possibility of achieving the maximum possible social efficiency of public spending, investment and taxes in an ideal state of a balanced open economic system. The proposed model can always lead in the ideal case (“zero loss” of public efficiency of public spending and investment) to the maximum possible rate of economic growth, which allows us to substantiate the main directions of the relevant macroeconomic (financial, tax and budgetary) policy

development without destruction for an indefinitely long period of time of a single system "nature - man<...>human activity developing in irreversible time, irreducibility of social progress, human development


No. 1-2 [Selskaya Nov (social information newspaper of the Akshinsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory), 2013]

Public information newspaper of Akshinsky district

The number of students is 11 people, the number of staff is 11 people, the cost of one student per year is 270<...>I remember that 23 people were ill. There were also fatal cases.<...>A MAN FOR EXPERIMENTS. 2.35 PM “MY PLANET.” 3.00 PM VESTI-SPORT.<...>A PERSON FOR EXPERIENCES. 8.40 VESTI.RU. 8.55 HOCKEY. KHL.<...>A good man was buried on the first day of January.

Preview: Selskaya Nov (social information newspaper of the Akshinsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory) No. 1-2 2013.pdf (1.3 Mb)


The article is devoted to the life of prisoners in the Soviet camp on the Solovetsky Islands, tells about the people of culture who passed through this camp and about the works written about Solovki.

Bolshevism creates a new type of man, or rather an anti-man: after all, everything good and holy is emasculated from<...>The eighth company, very scandalous and noisy, consisted of criminals who were not noticed in anything bad for<...>Man is created in the image and likeness of God. This image was desecrated on Solovki.<...>Amid the camp horrors, he saw the light "... the great mystery of the awakening of Man."<...>Then two more books: "I am a Russian man" and "Lamps of the Russian Land".


The article is devoted to satire and metaphor in the works of N. A. Zabolotsky.

Is this not a demonstration of the unity of man with nature?<...>There is now living in France a man of genius by the name of Jacques Korelman.<...>Neznamov was a man from the Mayakovsky clan (third-rate Lefovets).<...>Nature, even before man, already carried man in itself, and in this sense he is "eternal" in his past history.<...>One of these tasks is precisely “man and the world”.


Philosophical prehistory of sociology studies. allowance for bachelors

Orlovsky state. Institute of Arts and Culture

The textbook presents an analysis of European socio-philosophical thought as a forerunner of sociology. The author refers to the ideological heritage of the largest social thinkers in Europe from antiquity to the end of the 18th century, from Plato to Rousseau.

"The wise man, the virtuous man is free in chains... and the "bad man", whoever he may be, is in bondage<...>But sometimes there is a failure, and people behave unnaturally: passions overshadow the mind, bad ones take over.<...>His task is to keep from evil, to prevent evil.<...>Describing the natural man, Hobbes uses the well-known ancient aphorism "Man to man -<...>Degradation of a person and its causes Initially, a person is good.

Preview: Philosophical prehistory of sociology textbook for bachelors.pdf (0.3 Mb)




Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of this work was to conduct a geographical analysis of the honey base, species and concentration of bee colonies in the Kursk region. In this regard, we have set ourselves the task of determining: 1. Geographical distribution of forage resources in interregional zones. 2. Features of the main, breed-determining morphological features of bees and ethological indicators of bee colonies and features of their distribution across the region. 3. Density indices of bee colonies by regions.

Thesis material was reported at the 4th scientific, reporting conference on beekeeping "Bee and man"<...>, with a productivity of 15 kg per family, there is 1.2 kg of honey per person.<...>Honey consumption in the region does not exceed 0.7 kg per person per year.<...>In Germany, there are 100 people per family, and honey consumption is much higher than 34.5 kg per person per year<...>, while in the central zone this figure is 50 people.



№3 [Food and processing industry. Abstract journal, 2000]

In 1999, the first issue of the abstract journal "Food and Processing Industry" was published. Since 2000 it has been published quarterly by the TsNShB. The journal is a body of current information about domestic and foreign literature on the food industry. The publication is intended for scientists, specialists and practitioners of the food industry and can serve as a reference tool for librarians and employees of scientific and technical information bodies. The annual volume of RJ is about 1200 publications. The publication includes information about the most significant articles from scientific and scientific-practical journals and collections that enter the Central Scientific and Practical Association of Agriculture and reflect the global documentary flow in all sectors of the food industry.

Human ".<...>Human ".<...>Human ".<...>Human ".<...>Human ".


Loneliness and alienation in adolescence and adolescence


inclusion in the description or analysis of personal manifestations of such terms as "loneliness", "lonely person<...>A total of 781 people aged 15 to 20 took part in the study.<...>Thus, the state of loneliness is defined as a STATE EXPERIENCED BY A HUMAN AS A RESULT OF AWARENESS<...>The loneliness experienced by a person is assessed by him as a painful condition.<...>aged 15-17 years, 65 boys and 73 girls) and SSPI student/l (total 152 people aged 17-20, 54

Preview: Loneliness and alienation in adolescence and adolescence.pdf (0.0 Mb)





Education of social activity of high school students in the theory and practice of domestic pedagogy (1960-1985)


conferences: "Formation of social activity of schoolchildren" (Kostroma, 1998), "Society, education, people<...>Social activity is one of the most important indicators of human socialization.

Preview: Education of social activity of high school students in the theory and practice of domestic pedagogy (1960-1985).pdf (0.0 Mb)


Psychological conditions for the formation of a social orientation of difficult-to-educate adolescents


promotes the use of approaches identified by V.G.<...>Seiya is ONE OF THE SOURCES for the development of purposefulness of a growing person, based on the mechanism of its influence is scientifically<...>¬ halo, manifested in the reassessment by the teacher of well-off adolescents of interest in the sphere of "human<...>man "his underestimation among those who are difficult to educate.<...>Its formation contributes to the harmonization of the motives of a growing person, the transition from external regulation

Preview: Psychological conditions for the formation of the social orientation of difficult-to-educate adolescents.pdf (0.3 Mb)


Differentiation of motor modes of children, taking into account the characteristics of the physical and psychophysiological status of the author. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences

The purpose of the study is to develop and substantiate a methodology for differentiating the motor modes of children aged 10-12 during their stay in summer recreation and rehabilitation institutions.

ideas about the patterns of development of functional systems (P.K. Anokhin, 1975); human ontokinesiology<...>The study involved children 10-12 years old in the amount of 386 people.<...>For this purpose, two groups of 11-year-old children (116 people) were selected: control (on the basis of a children's camp<...>The above emotional properties were identified using the symptom complex "House, tree, person

Preview: Differentiation of motor modes of children, taking into account the characteristics of the physical and psychophysiological status.pdf (0.1 Mb)


The article is devoted to the domestic policy of China in the 20th century, the development of Chinese socialism and communist ideology.

approached the realization of Marx's ideals: a truly "new society" was created, a "new man" was brought up<...>"anticipated by three centuries the Aristotelian image of the "great soulful man."<...>Soviet people are called to Bolshevik vigilance, to the ability to give a resolute rebuff to all sorts of<...>And it is not surprising that Soviet people often use the words voluntarily and a bright future in derision.<...>in the language Redlich ends with the lines of Gumilev: And, like bees in an empty hive, Badly


No. 1 [Environmental safety in the agro-industrial complex. Abstract journal, 2001]

The quarterly abstract journal has been published since 1998. Annual volume - 1000 publications. The publication is a reference manual for scientists and agricultural specialists, as well as librarians and employees of scientific and technical information bodies. The RJ includes scientific, scientific, industrial, regulatory and technical information about the most significant articles from serial domestic and foreign publications and thematic collections on the basic principles of environmental safety of the agro-industrial complex, biomedical assessment of the toxicity of compounds used in the agro-industrial complex and falling into agricultural . products from outside, environmentally friendly technologies in the agro-industrial complex, forms and methods of their distribution.

Man ".-M., 1999.-S. 50. Code 99-9772B.<...>Man ".-M., 1999.-S. 18-19. Code 99-9772B.<...>Man ".-M., 1999.-S. 28. Code 99-9772B.<...>Man ".-M., 1999.-S. 24. Code 99-9772B.<...>Food. Ecology. Man".


Decision support technologies studies. allowance


The textbook presents the basics of decision theory, simulation and agent-based methodology, provides examples of solving practical problems from the field of economics and education based on these technologies. The presentation of the material is accompanied by a large number of illustrations, exercises and questions for self-control are offered.

<...>For A - 23 people (they named A as the first among the candidates), for B - 19 people, for C - 18 people.<...>C; 10 people: C > A > B; 8 people: C > B > A.<...>(determinism); 2) partial uncertainty (stochasticity); 3) complete uncertainty (“bad<...>C; 10 people: C > A > B; 8 people: C > B > A.

Preview: Decision Support Technologies.pdf (0.7 Mb)


The article covers the documents of the period of the Civil War "People's resistance to communism in Russia. The Urals and the Kama region. November 1917-January 1919. Documents and materials", published in the book "Studies in Recent Russian History" Vol. 3, published in Paris in 1982.

Tens of thousands of people, men, women and children, did the winners - the Bolsheviks - leave the bloody massacre?<...>And they, like an uprising, did against the Reds: a thousand of them went against us, against sixty people.<...>But then, as we launched a machine gun right at this people, about three hundred people were wounded, and they retreated.<...>More than 500 people died "(p. 516). In Sarapul, "mostly Black Sea sailors were operating.<...>The military commissar was a certain Sedelnikov, a young man with bestial tendencies, who personally killed



<...> <...> <...> <...>


Mari Regional Component in the System of Art Education for Primary School Students


Having studied the patterns of aesthetic exploration of the world by man, we can say that the Slavs and Finno-Finns are one<...>The environment includes the organization by a person of subject space (housing, clothing, utensils) in harmony<...>"Man and Nature are interconnected and internally united..." (PA Florensky).<...>It is necessary for a person "for his spiritual settledness" (D.S. Likhachev).<...>Everything that a person surrounded himself became art "(M.M. Nekrasova).

Preview: Mari Regional Component in the System of Art Education for Primary School Students.pdf (0.0 Mb)


The article is devoted to the description of the activities of technology platforms, which are a communication tool aimed at intensifying efforts to create promising commercial technologies, new products (services), to attract additional resources for research and development, based on the formed mechanisms of public-private partnership, improving the regulatory legal base in the field of scientific and technological, innovative development. Problems and difficulties on the way of development of technological platforms are also considered. A large place in the article is occupied by the Technological Platform "Integrated Security of Industry and Energy" (TP KBPE), approved under No. 34 by the decision of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the modernization of the economy and innovative development of Russia on July 31, 2013. It is an analogue of the European technological platform "Industrial Safety ". Its coordinators were determined: the Institute for the Problems of the Safe Development of Nuclear Energy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". Recently, the Moscow State Technical University named after M.V. N.E. Bauman. Arguments are given in favor of the thesis that the requirement to ensure technological industrial and energy security determines the direction of the vector towards the technological modernization of the country.

Since ancient times, man, by virtue of his nature, has sought to create a world around him that is safe for<...>By security, each person understands, first of all, security from various threats associated<...>, emergency processes in power and industrial installations, and their impact on human life<...>Technologies for creating interfaces "robot - human" for production environments, working in real time


Protection of workers in the nuclear fuel cycle

VSU Publishing House

The textbook was prepared at the Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University.

Potassium enters the human body mainly with food.<...>The main way 226Ra enters the human body with food.<...>An average person inhales and exhales 20 m3 of air per day.<...>Thorium is concentrated mainly in human bone tissue.<...>Radium accumulates mainly in the human skeleton.

Preview: Protecting Workers in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle.pdf (1.3 Mb)


The article is devoted to literary criticism of A. S. Pushkin's work, namely the poem "The Bronze Horseman" - one of the most mysterious works of Russian literature.

And yet the poet did not deny him greatness: "The great man died out."<...>It is /.../ a place where a person meets with love, work and history "13.<...>, and the statue of a great man.<...>A completely different city appears before us - evil prophetic, hostile to man.<...>The second time the image of Peter - no longer a man, but a statue - appears in the flood scene.human

Purpose and objectives of research. The aim of the work is to study the features of the soil cover and the manifestation of vertical zonality in intermountain basins located at the junction of the taiga-forest landscapes of Siberia and the desert steppes of Central Asia.

conferences: "Melioration, use and protection of soils of the non-chernozem zone" (Moscow, 1980), "Nature protection and human<...>Human activities are mainly concentrated in it.<...>slopes and the lower parts of the piedmont plains), also experience great pressure from human economic activity.<...>The content of microelements in the mountain landscapes of Tuva // Interaction of man with nature and issues of protection<...>metals (Co, Cu, Mn) in the landscapes of the Ubsunur and Khemchik basins of Tuva // Environmental protection and man No

The problem of interaction between the natural environment and man is one of the most important scientific problems.<...>person. -.-". ". ".""_.""-.""<...>vegetation: the past to address the question of when and to what extent; human impact began<...>The results of similar studies "influencing reflection" in the collections: "Primitive Man and the Natural Environment<...>, since ssrnyaks G accompany .. what-., human activity and-surround “or the places of a person from% of the earliest-



Theory and practice of forming a responsible attitude of schoolchildren to nature in the process of teaching biology


Soviet man: The formation of a socialist type of personality.<...>Mushrooms", "Animals" from the standpoint of the richness of the human natural environment; b) the section "Man and his health<...>biological systems, the purpose of their use by man Concretization of the idea of ​​the unity of man with nature<...>within the framework of such themes as "Forest and man", "Soil and man", "Water and man" mass campaigns World<...>on biological systems at different stages of human development; comparison of assessments of influence The very concept of divine justice contained

Kerber wrote a book about Tupolev "TU plane and man" (1975), a continuation of the i memoir of work<...>In addition, it is difficult to punish such a person: the hero of the flight on the ANT-25 from Moscow to America, enjoys a huge<...>I saw a very tired, old man, with traces of smallpox on his cheeks, with smoky, greenish tint<...>Day after day, in good, and more in bad weather, they ironed 183 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & LLC Agency<...>Tupolev invited the main S0-60 men to the flight base, familiarized them with the "proposed far field


Chapters from the book "He, She and Soviet Power", published in London, are given. The book is devoted to the topic of prostitution in the USSR in the 80s of the XX century, the relationship of prostitutes with the police and the KGB, morality in various strata of the Soviet people.

(For provincial Suzdal, an airfield technician is a man of a brilliant career.)<...>These are most often very middle-aged, badly dressed and untidy women.<...>Near the metro station, he drew attention to a group of ill-dressed women who were discussing something vividly.<...>"A chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a person" - says another popular aphorism.)<...>Prostitution in the USSR is one of the aspects of the cheapness of a person.


Communication of children with intellectual disabilities


a person. The variety of communication functions is indicated, its role in human activity is emphasized.<...>man .<...>three main blocks, namely: man - nature, man - the world and quotas. man - other people.<...>Basically, correctly understanding the purpose for which a person gets to know a person, both groups of subjects do not<...>For this purpose, 196 students U1 U111 classes /nor "yes - 83 people, ZPR - 65 people, mental retardation - 48 people

Preview: Communication of children with intellectual disabilities.pdf (0.5 Mb)

Probably none of the superstitions that arose thousands of years ago was as widespread as the belief in "evil eye".

If a person suddenly fell ill with an unknown disease, it was believed that he was jinxed. If the chickens stopped laying, the cows did not give milk, the cattle fell, the house caught fire - the "evil eye" of some local witch was to blame.

Belief in this phenomenon was especially strong in Europe in the Middle Ages. In all countries, the fires of the Inquisition burned, thousands of women were burned, accused of causing harm through the "evil eye".

Belief in the "evil eye" is ubiquitous in our time. Many people are ashamed to admit it. Nevertheless, having entered into trust, one can hear the most amazing stories about cases of the "evil eye" from the lips of highly educated and respected people.

In addition to the evil eye, people believe in "slander". For example, a child is growing quite healthy, but suddenly a neighbor meets him and says to his mother: “What a healthy guy you have grown up!” These words are pronounced “not at a good hour”, and from that time on the child begins to get sick, lose weight and wither away.

Not only his enemies, but also close people can slander a person (for example, his own mother can cause such harm to a child). In rare cases, a person may even slander himself. Therefore, in a conversation, peasants often insert: “To say at an hour”, “would not make a reservation”, etc. It is believed that these sayings prevent a slander.

In his book "On Nature" Avicenna wrote: "Often the soul affects another's body in the same way as its own - as, for example, when exposed to the evil eye."

Back in the Middle Ages, the most advanced scientists guessed that the human eye is capable of releasing the mysterious energy “od”, which can affect others. This energy was discovered only 120 years ago, after photography was invented.

One of the first to record the mysterious radiation of the eyes on a photographic plate was the Parisian artist Pierre Boucher. This happened by accident. As he himself said, in the evening he "drunk himself to hell." All night, in a drunken delirium, he dreamed of devils with pitchforks chasing him. Early in the morning, without getting enough sleep, he went to the laboratory: the customers could not wait, and therefore it was urgent to develop the photographic films taken the day before.

Cassettes lay interspersed on the desktop, both exposed and blank. Bush did not figure out which of them to show, which not - he showed everything. And he was dumbfounded: the same vile faces of night guests with pitchforks looked at him from photographic plates.

Scientists became interested in this phenomenon and soon the first publications about "psychic photographs" appeared in the press.

Signs of people with the evil eye

The belief that the gaze has a mysterious power that can harm other people, pets and plants has been common among all peoples living on earth since ancient times.

Even in the ancient Roman Empire, there was a law according to which a person guilty of the evil eye could be sentenced to death. The "evil eye" is spoken of in Arabic tales, Scandinavian sagas, in the traditions of the Australians and the Aztecs.

Belief in the "evil eye" has survived to this day. And since people are afraid of the evil eye, they want to know from whom it can come, and therefore they strive to find external signs that distinguish a person who should beware.

What are these signs? How to determine if a person is capable of harming you with his gaze?

Ways to identify the owner of the "evil eye" are different for different peoples. But it is always assumed that a person with an "evil eye" is given out either by physical flaws that are conspicuous, or by oddities in behavior and appearance. So, in ancient times, the Romans and Greeks were wary of people suffering from strabismus (by the way, strabismus is one of the signs of telepathic abilities), people with large bulging eyes, as well as people with deep-set small eyes. Of particular concern were people whose irises had different colors (for example, one eye was blue and the other brown).

Residents of the southern regions of the Earth, where black-eyed aborigines predominantly lived, usually shunned blue-eyed and gray-eyed people, and, conversely, people from the north were afraid of people with dark eyes.

The feeling of fear was caused by people with lush eyebrows, as well as those whose eyebrows grew together.

Other signs by which you can distinguish people with the "evil eye":

1. One-eyed people (because a one-eyed person will always envy a person with two eyes; this is probably why in many nations the one-eyed giant always embodies the forces of evil).

2. Toothless people or people with bad body odor.

3. People whose complexion is different from normal (yellowish, sallow).

4. People suffering from thinness.

5. People seeking solitude (lonely, withdrawn, silent).

6. People talking to themselves.

7. In some countries, monks of mendicant orders (Italy), monks with long and flowing beards (Naples), blacksmiths, rope-makers, coopers (Brittany) and, in general, all beggars were ranked among people capable of jinxing.

At all times it has been widely believed that old ugly women have a "bad look" and are witches. Pythagoras also advised not to go anywhere and stay at home if an ugly old woman met at the door.

Witch's Evil Eye

During the Inquisition, the owners of the "evil eye" were searched all over Europe and mercilessly burned at the stake. The concepts of "evil eye" and "witch" have always been inseparable from each other. There were more and more trials of witches and sorcerers. A scientific substantiation of the charges made was required, and it was not long in coming. All the major philosophers and theologians of that time were engaged in the study of sorcery.

One of them was Saint Thomas Aquinas. Through philosophical reflection, he came to the conclusion that “due to strong mental stress, changes and movements occur in the elements of the human body.

They are mainly connected with the eyes, which, by means of a special radiation, infect the air at a considerable distance.

Thomas Aquinas was convinced that the gaze of people prone to evil is poisonous and brings damage. First of all, it harms children, who are very impressionable. St. Thomas added that "with God's permission or for some other hidden reason, it does not do here without the malice of the devil if a woman has entered into an alliance with him."

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the owners of the "evil eye" were most often menstruating women. “New and clean mirrors become cloudy when a woman looks into them during menstruation,” such an opinion was common in many countries. Some authors told about cases when, in the presence of such women, the strings of musical instruments were torn, cucumbers and pumpkins withered.

In December 1484, Pope Innocent VIII promulgated a bull stating that many people in Germany and some other countries “by their sorcery, charms, spells and other terrible superstitious vicious and criminal deeds cause premature births to women, send damage to the offspring of animals, grain cereals, grapes on vines and fruits on trees, as well as spoil men, women, domestic animals and other animals, as well as vineyards, gardens, meadows, pastures, fields, corn and all earthly growth; that they mercilessly torment both internal and external terrible pains of men, women and domestic animals; that they prevent men from producing and women from begetting children, and deprive husbands and wives of the ability to perform their conjugal duties; that, moreover, with blasphemous lips they renounce the very faith received at holy baptism, and that, at the instigation of the enemy of the human race, they dare to commit countless other unspeakable villainies and crimes, to the destruction of their souls, to an insult to divine majesty. and to the temptation of many multitudes of people.”

The fight against witches in Germany and France was led by members of the Dominican order, professors of theology G. Institoris and J. Sprenger. They not only led the investigations and executions of thousands of people, but also compiled a manual for the Inquisition, the Hammer of the Witches, which talked about the methods of witchcraft and the signs by which it was possible to guess the witch. The same book spoke of the evil eye.

“It may happen,” wrote G. Institoris and J. Sprenger, “that a man or woman, having cast a glance at the body of a boy, makes some changes in him with the help of an evil eye, imagination or sensual passion.

Sensual passion is connected with a certain change in the body. The eyes, on the other hand, perceive impressions easily. Therefore, it often happens that internal bad excitement gives them a bad imprint. The power of imagination is easily reflected in the eyes due to their sensitivity and proximity of the center of imagination to the senses.

If the eyes are full of malefic properties, it may happen that they impart bad qualities to the surrounding air. Through the air they reach the eyes of the boy they are looking at, and reach through them to his internal organs. As a result, he is deprived of the opportunity to digest food, bodily development and growth.

Experience allows you to see this with your own eyes. We see that a person suffering from an eye disease can, at times, with his gaze, bring damage to the one who looks at him. This happens because the eyes, full of evil properties, infect the surrounding air, through which the healthy eyes of the one who looks at them become infected.

Infection is transmitted in a straight line ... In this case, the imagination of someone who believes that he can become infected is of great importance.

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