For which God curses the ABC of salvation. What does Scripture say about generational curses? Was man cursed by God as a result of the fall?

Dennis Kramer -
Breaking Christian curses
(Finding freedom from destructive prayers)


What is a curse?

When you hear the word "curse" do you think it's profanity or superstition? That's what many people think. In the context of this book, "curse" is not a dirty word. Although profanity is prohibited in the Bible (Eph. 4:29), the use of profanity, no matter how dirty, is not a true curse. In essence, there is nothing supernatural or really evil in foul language. These are just rude and indecent words that should be avoided.

Likewise, the term "curse" should not be understood as mere superstition. Often associated with magic or chance, superstition is a belief, practice, or rite, rarely having any basis. Treating the curse as mere superstition diverts attention from the really real danger it poses to all Christians.

Calling on Supernatural Power

The curse is more than just a scary tale concocted by alarmists or reactionaries. Curses are a fact, a biblical fact. The dictionary defines a curse as "recourse to supernatural power to cause harm to someone, in something." Roget's Thesaurus dictionary offers the following synonyms for the term "curse": poison, insult, oppression, wound, suffering, disease, torment, torture. "Curse" means - send to the devil, accuse, threaten and slander. A curse is slander, causticity, hatred, malevolence, envy, viciousness, hostility and evil. The curse contains a threat. It threatens the spiritual, mental, and physical security and well-being of everyone who has been cursed. Indeed, being cursed is a frightening, terrifying, and even paralyzing ordeal. In ancient thinking, there were beliefs that curses give rise to an inner strength to achieve a certain goal.

More specifically, the curse somehow releases an evil force. Thus, the person or persons who were cursed came under the influence of the power that was released through the utterance of cursing words. The curse was in effect until the power was wasted. Words that bring blessings and words that bring evil are seen as very real things, with a corresponding impact. Through the ages, blessings and curses have been a recognized part of numerous cultures, including many found in the Bible. Until recently, America and other Western cultures have reduced the meaning of blessings and curses to a common status, stripping them of their true identity, hiding the power and power they have wielded throughout history. Modern man does not understand that blessings and curses lie behind the rise and fall of nations. Throughout human history, in almost every generation, society, civilization and culture, curses are seen as evil. Initially, a person has an innate aversion to them.

In fact, man was created to despise curses. So people have made countless feeble attempts to neutralize them. From the rabbit foot talisman to garlic bags; from various potions and potions to animal sacrifices; from grandmother's conspiracies to religious rituals - that they just tried to do, but could not get rid of the effects of curses. Curses are part of the landscape of humanity and will always be so until the new heaven and new earth arrives. From the moment of creation, people should know that every huge success and crushing failure is the result of blessings and curses that should not be underestimated. Especially among Christians, the subject of blessings and curses deserves careful and consistent study.

What is God's Opinion?

What does the Bible, God's Word say about curses? Is the concept of curses Biblical? Should they be considered part of any orthodox theology? What is the Biblical approach to this controversial subject, and what reasonable application does it have for us today? Or is it just an outdated Eastern "myth"? Perhaps contemporary Western Christianity has become blind to the reality of curses? What is God's opinion? The fundamental question should be: is it in the Bible? If there is, what then? The Bible has a lot to say about curses, but it's impossible to cover the whole subject within the scope of this book. Already in the first four chapters of the Bible, no less than three significant curses are described:

  • Satan was cursed for deceiving man (Gen. 3:14-15)
  • Adam and Eve were cursed for an act of treason; for having sold themselves to Satan (Gen. 3:16-19)
  • Cain was cursed for killing his brother Abel, the first recorded murder in the Bible (Gen. 4:11-12)

Both the Old and New Testaments teach the basic doctrines of curses. Basically, from Genesis to Revelation, cursing means "cursing," being under a curse means "being cursed." It becomes easy for us to understand this definition. In the Old Testament, "curse" means - to denigrate, defame, slander, hate, condemn, despise. In the New Testament, written in Greek, there are at least four nouns, four verbs, and two adjectives that describe a curse, all of which agree with definitions in the Old Testament.

I don't find any biblical references that indicate that curses are a product of our imagination. There is not a single biblical character who would refer to the curse as a harmless prank or an empty threat. The Bible and its major characters see curses as a very real and dangerous reality. We must ask ourselves: Are the curses less dangerous and less real today? The Bible appears to support the possibility of modern curses, even in our so-called enlightened society. The logic is pretty simple: if evil still exists, curses still exist. I find at least three categories of curses in the Bible:

Historical curses
Modern curses
Personal (Christian) curses

Historical Curses
This book is not about the curses that have been in history, when God punished a specific person (historical figure) in a specific (historical) period for a specific (historical) sin. Many of the biblical curses are limited to historical context. In God's plan for the ages, these curses no longer apply.

Cain, cursed by God, eventually died. Therefore, the curse on his life became invalid because it was limited to Cain's natural life. This curse "fits" into a certain interval of history, and is applied to a certain historical (biblical) figure, namely, Cain. What are the unique characteristics of a historical curse?

1. The historical curse is appropriate, and even necessary, for a certain circumstance and a certain individuality.

Historical curses do not have a general or universal setting. As in the case of Cain, God placed certain curses on certain people, at certain times, because of certain sins. These curses were locked in a historical setting with historical characters to do certain historical actions: to punish a lost person or people.

2. The protagonist or characters suffered from the curse placed on them, died, and the curse “died” with them.

Historically, the curse ended with their death. The curse "went its course" and achieved its goal, which was originally established by God.

3. The historical curse was the result of man forsaking God - the classic scenario of cause and effect.

Man causes a curse through his disobedience, and God, not wanting this, is forced to apply the punishment (effect) that is the result of sin. For example: Adam and Eve were cursed by God for their sin (Gen. 3:17). Cain was cursed by God for his sin (Gen. 4:11). The children of Israel were cursed by God many times for their common sin. Later, the people of Israel were cursed for their unrepentant sins. Without exception, all of those mentioned above have been cursed for specific actions, for spiritual treason, blatant disobedience, willful betrayal, and open rebellion, against the instructions that God gave them about what to do and what not to do. Their defiance of Almighty God led to the inevitable result of damnation, and they reaped what they sowed.

4. Historical curses no longer have a literal, direct, or personal manifestation today.

These curses were limited by God and applied only for a unique time, special nature and certain circumstances, for personal sinful actions or for specific ungodly decisions. However, the historical curse may still have symbolic meaning for us today. Biblical curses contain a very relevant and sobering message for Christians living at this time in history. Indeed, all serious students of the Bible can draw wisdom and heed the warnings they contain. In fact, all these events were recorded for our enlightenment. (See 1 Cor. 10:11). This book, however, is not about God cursing a person at certain historical periods for specific sinful acts committed by an individual or a nation. This book is not about the mere symbolic application of a certain understanding of historical curses.

Modern curses

A modern curse is any curse that is still in effect today between God and man. Compared to historical curses, modern curses are more general or universal. Their application is much more extensive. Not being purely historical, modern curses cannot be broken as those related to the past, completed in the past. These curses are relevant and modern, active and "alive".

Modern curses are just as true and obligatory and worthy of respect today as they were when God decided to put them into practice. But they are not symbolic just because they refer to events that took place thousands of years ago.

Two such contemporary curses stand out as being particularly deserving of our investigation. Like all modern curses, both of them directly affect us today. These two curses are very different topics with very similar warnings:

1. People of Israel

God said, regarding Israel (Abraham's seed): “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you” (Gen 12:3). The promise of blessing has never been canceled by God. Today, thousands of years later, this modern blessing is still valid. It still works. Likewise, whoever curses Israel will be cursed by God.

That part of God's promise to Abraham is also still valid today. This curse has a modern application, as powerful today as it was the day it was released by God.

2. Tithing

If you don't honor God with your finances, the Bible says you're cursed (See Mal. 3:8-12). “Can a man rob God? But you rob Me. You will say, “How do we rob Thee?” With tithes and offerings, you are cursed with a curse, because you - all the people - are robbing Me.

This part of the Bible teaches that the principle of tithing is the systematic setting aside for God of 10 percent of Christian income. Here also the Bible teaches about adding offerings to tithes.

The prophet Malachi is very clear: pay your tithing and offer offerings to God and you will receive God's blessing. If you neglect to give tithes and donations, you fall under God's curse.

Many believers, like myself, believe that this curse applies to us today just as it did thousands of years ago; as well as the promise of a blessing if we are obedient to God in our giving. Pretty amazing, isn't it? All this theology is from prophecies thousands of years ago. Many still take the words of God recorded in Malachi seriously and conscientiously give tithes and offerings to God to avoid the curse and realize God's blessings. I know what to do!

Today, the application of these verses to our lives is regarded as a modern blessing or a modern curse, depending on our response. The principle of honoring God with our personal finances transcends time, culture, and circumstance. Malachi teaches that giving to God is always appropriate. The promise of blessings or loss as a result of a curse is true even today. Malachi's prophecies should not be limited to a mere historical context. The oath of God to Abraham and the prophecies of Malachi for ancient Israel served as guides to the knowledge of God's will. There may also be a modern curse (warning) and a modern blessing depending on our response today. Like the historical curse, the modern curse carries God's judgment for gross disobedience, but with one significant difference. Modern curses are always in effect, right up to today - that is, their consequences can be realized even now for those who neglect God's perfect plan.

Personal curses

In sharp contrast to historical and modern curses, when God curses a person, the focus of this book is on personal damnation, when a person curses another person. It is about when "brother" curses "brother". What is a personal or Christian curse?
1. A personal curse is a conscious, deliberate attempt to appeal to the highest spiritual authorities, aimed at harming a certain person, up to physical destruction.

Specifically, this book is about Christians cursing other Christians, or the "Christian" version of applying a personal curse. Webster's Dictionary defines a personal curse as "appeal to a supernatural evil force for the purpose of harming someone or something. It is a punishment, a pagan curse."

The American College Dictionary defines a personal curse as "a heartfelt appeal, violence, or malice directed at another person."

2. A personal curse does not represent the God of the Bible and His righteous judgments in any way.

Personal curses only prove that power can be both misunderstood and misdirected. In this way, power can be distorted: instead of something divine and healing in nature, be directed to something wicked and wounding in nature. A personal curse is never an assertion of God's righteous judgment against a person.

Instead, a personal curse is a revealing commentary on the evil nature of the human heart and its attempt to misappropriate spiritual authority against another, for selfish purposes in the name of God - yet without the cooperation of God.

3. There is no such thing as a "justified" personal curse, especially between Christians.

If you have cursed another Christian - no matter how justified you think it is, no matter how great your list of reasons is, no matter how much you have been offended - if you respond to the offense with a curse, you are sinning. It is so simple. Every time you curse, you sin - that's the end of the story! Any logical explanation that justifies curses is justification for evil. Jesus said it better when He explained to His disciples: "bless those who curse you" (Gospel of Luke 6:28). It's pretty clear. Are there exceptions to this rule? No.

Christian Curse

Personal cursing has a different direction when used by Christians.

To differentiate this type of curse, I have called it the "Christian" curse.

The use of the term "Christian" when describing curses between Christians is merely intended to help the reader understand the potential misuse of spiritual power among all Christians.

Using the definitions of a personal curse mentioned in the previous section, I will describe the "Christian" Curse as:

➤ The conscious, deliberate attempt by a Christian to invoke a higher spiritual authority against another Christian for the purpose of at least harming him, if not actually destroying him.

➤ Appeal by a Christian to supernatural power for the purpose of harming another Christian. This is evil, a pagan oath of one Christian against another.

➤ A heartfelt appeal, violence or malice called from one Christian to another.

Unfortunately, "Christian" curses exist, and as Christians we must try to understand them, expose them, defuse them, and defeat or destroy them.

This book will thoroughly investigate this third type of curse as it applies to Christians. These personal curses among Christians take two forms:

1. "Christian" witchcraft: spiritual manipulation and control of other Christians.

2. "Christian" cannibalism: the spiritual devouring of other Christians.

Both must be stopped.

Let's start a journey into this world of "Christian" witchcraft, "Christian" cannibalism and "Christian" curses in order to shed light on this terrible darkness.

To be continued

Translation prepared by the project

Curse- 1) condemnation of someone or something from the outside; 2) a consequence of God's condemnation, God's punishment; 3) the extreme degree of condemnation of someone, something on the part of a person; 4) the consequences of condemning someone or something on the part of a person.

What is the curse of God?

On the same basis, the curses proclaimed by the Old Testament priests, who acted strictly within the framework of Divine regulations, could also become effective, for example: The Lord is your bosom to the fallen and your belly to the swollen ”().

If a person curses someone contrary to God's law, by doing so he himself transgresses the law. In this case, the curse can turn on the head of the curser himself: “You are inexcusable, every person who judges another, because with the same judgment that you judge another, you condemn yourself, because, judging another, you do the same” ().

So, God, knowing about the righteousness of Abraham, promised him that everyone who cursed him would be cursed: “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you” ().

What is the meaning of divine curses?

Unlike man, God never curses undeservedly or in vain. It is these aspects that must be taken into account in the first place in order to understand the meaning and significance of God's curses.

One of the first reasons God brought down a curse is the need for a just reward for the sinner (). In turn, retribution, or punishment, depending on the circumstances, may have different goals.

In addition to the immediate goal - restoring justice, as was the case, for example, in the case of the punishment of children who mocked Elisha (), punishment can be imposed as an educational measure that encourages the sinner to change his mind, stop ().

Sometimes punishment can manifest itself in the sending down on the sinner of a severe illness or death. Thus, God can stop the presumptuous villain, put an end to his atrocities and atrocities.

It happens that a curse (justly) is imposed on the wicked in order to induce other people to repentance and obedience. Moreover, at the discretion of God, such an impact can be intended and extended to the whole society. This is how one can explain some cases of punishment of sinners by God in the face of a huge crowd ().

At the end of time, a curse will be brought down on the face of the whole earth (). So the Lord will give people another chance to change their minds. Unfortunately, many will not use it ().

Was man cursed by God as a result of the fall?

To answer this question, it is important to take into account that the concept of "God's curse" can be understood in two ways: in a narrow and broad sense.

In a narrow sense, a curse means a special sentence of God's judgment, pronounced either by Himself or through His messengers, in relation to the creature, in connection with the violation of the Divine. For example, we read about such curses in: “And the Lord said to the serpent: ... cursed are you before all the cattle and before all the animals of the field” (). This is how it is reflected in the third chapter of Genesis. But the curse of Adam himself is not discussed in this chapter. The writer emphasizes that despite the fact that Adam and Eve sinned by transgressing the commandment and being led by Satan, God showed them special mercy.

Nevertheless, a number of church writers, and among them the compiler of the Complete Church Slavonic Dictionary, quite authoritative, archpriest, consider it appropriate to assert that the first people fell under God's curse.

The logic of their reasoning is clear: if God's curse is opposed to God's () and is expressed in the deprivation of certain God's gifts, then what prevents it from being said that Adam, who was forced to face after the fall with such consequences as expulsion from, and mortality, the loss of the original joy of communication with Lord, the loss of royal power over animals, the need to get food "by the sweat of your face", fell under God's curse?

2011.01.10 | question

Mother Alexandra!

  • On one of the sites I came across This explanation of the biblical words about the curse:
  • There are indeed verses in the Bible that talk about God punishing children for the sins of their parents:,
  • same: Deuteronomy 5:9. Exodus 34:7 "... not leaving without punishment, punishing the guilt of the fathers in children and in children of children to the third and fourth generation",
  • Same in Numbers 14:18. Isaiah 14:21 "Prepare a slaughter for his sons for the iniquity of their father."
  • When reading the Bible, you need to keep in mind that the Lord really punished people (including the elderly and children) to the third and fourth generation for the sins of their parents.
  • First, he did it in order to "destroy evil from the midst of Israel".
  • Secondly, the fact of punishing people for the guilt of their fathers until the third and fourth generation explained by the structure of the Hebrew family in which decisions were made and executed collectively, and therefore all family members were responsible for collective decisions.
  • excerpt from Ezekiel 18:1-4 proclaims social change in Israel in which children no longer have to die for the sins of their parents, but everyone will answer to God for their own sin:
  • “And the word of the Lord came to me: why do you use this proverb in the land of Israel, saying: “The fathers ate sour grapes, but the children’s teeth are set on edge”? I live! says the Lord God, they will not speak this proverb in Israel ahead. For behold, all souls are Mine: as the soul of the father, so is the soul of the son Mine: the soul that sins, that one shall die.”
  • This is evidenced by Deuteronomy 24:16“Fathers should not be punished with death for children, and children should not be punished with death for fathers; everyone should be punished by death for his crime.” Every sinner is responsible for his sins, but those who turn from their sins can count on forgiveness:
  • Ezekiel 18:21“And the lawless one, if he turns from all his sins that he has done, and keeps all my statutes and does what is lawful and righteous, he will live, he will not die.”
  • Alexandra answers
  • You can talk about anything. Slightly change the letter in the scripture - and already a different meaning.
  • Here is an article published in Pravoslavny List (with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II) of July 1998:
  • "... In order to overcome statelessness and confusion, our ancestors accomplished the great feat of conciliar unity in Christ in the person of deputies from all over Russia and the clergy, who signed the Diploma of the Moscow Zemstvo Local Council of February 21, 1613. Expressing the conciliar will of Russia, the fathers the compilers of the Charter made a vow for themselves and for their descendants: to faithfully serve Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - the "ancestors" of the rulers in Russia from generation to generation.
  • But, anticipating the possibility of a recurrence of the turmoil, the compilers of the Letter gave the descendants a certain tool for the prevention of this disease:
  • “And whoever goes against this Council’s decision ... let him be cursed in this age and in the future ... do not wake blessings on him from now to the age.”
  • The participants in the Council of 1613 knew that a parental curse would fall on the family of a madman who broke his vow, and on his descendants. This kind, as having transgressed the oath, will be wiped off the face of the earth by sin in several generations - if they do not repent.
  • “FOR I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD,” says the Bible, “PUNISHING CHILDREN FOR THE GUILT OF THE FATHERS UNTIL THE THIRD AND FOURTH KIND” (Ex. 20:5). The historical existence of the peoples of Russia can only continue if we are faithful to the vow given for us by our ancestors. Dozens of other nations have already been wiped off the face of the earth by sin. What else do you need?
  • As soon as our ancestors rejected the tsarist autocracy, the curse of the forefathers fell on them. We have all lost their conciliar-parental blessing. As a result, we are visited by sorrows, one worse than the other.
  • But, separated from the grace of God and given an atheistic upbringing, we cannot

To counter Christian obscurantism, again strongly imposed on the Russian people, we continue to publish here fragments of our book “Biblical pictures or What is “God's grace”?” . Perhaps, after reading the Bible - the main document of the organization to which they are so obsessively invited - people will think about what is actually written there, and not in the numerous publicized "interpretations" of the workers of the Christian corporation. Perhaps, in reflection, they will ask themselves questions, often perplexed, that will certainly arise when reading this document. For example, why are the history, genealogy, cultural tradition and moral standards of the ancient Jews imposed on other peoples with their own history, genealogy, cultural tradition and moral standards, often much higher than the imposed ones, as sacred? And, having answered this and other questions for themselves, people will decide for themselves whether it is reasonable to join an organization whose main book preaches what it preaches. You can copy our book for yourself without any restrictions at the link provided. We even provide free layout for publication in a printing house and a cover. Read this book, perhaps it will help you resist the annoying advertising of obscurantism that pours from all cracks on our heads.

- It was forbidden to build individual altars and sanctuaries.

- It was forbidden to eat meat in the desert as everyday food. Every animal was to be brought to the tabernacle and sacrificed there.

- It was forbidden to eat the blood of animals.

- False prophets and those who call to convert to another faith (including relatives) - to be stoned. The city, whose inhabitants began to worship other gods - to destroy, the inhabitants - to cut, the cattle and everything else - to burn.

- It was forbidden to eat the meat of animals, birds and fish not permitted by law.

- It was charged with the obligation to separate the tithe for the Levites.

“Every seventh year is a year of debt forgiveness. It was forbidden for foreigners to forgive debts.

- A Jew was allowed to sell himself into slavery to another Jew. On the 7th year, the master must release the slave with everything necessary to start a new life.

- If the local courts found it difficult to decide, then the case should be referred to the Levites.

– Priests and Levites were not supposed to own land plots.

- A small part of them should live at the Temple, the rest - among the tribes.

The next biblical book tells of the war of conquest waged by the Jews under the leadership of Jehovah, who expressed his will exclusively through a new speaker, whose name was Joshua. After mourning the great bringer out of Pharaoh's slavery and into Jehovah's slavery, the Jews began to prepare to cross the Jordan River. So that, finally, the promises of their god, and therefore their dreams, come true.

Chapters 2-6 are devoted to the capture of Jericho, the first city beyond the Jordan, subject, in accordance with Jehovah's strategic plan, to destruction and plunder. Scouts were sent there, who, thanks to a traitorous harlot named Rahab, successfully reconnoitered and returned to the camp. As you can see, the Bible continues its amazing tradition and reverently preserves the names of its heroes and heroines - traitors and murderers. The king of Jericho, like other different pharaohs, remained nameless. It is understandable, he is an enemy, and the harlot Rahab is an ally. It would be excusable for some opportunistic bookishness, but you and I are reading the Book of Books, where every word is “holiness”, “wisdom” and “chasteness”!

During a campaign against Jericho with a 40,000-strong army, Jehovah showed another miracle - as soon as the priests with the ark entered the Jordan, its waters parted and the Jewish army crossed the river, “like on dry land” (ah, yes, storytellers). He ordered to take 12 stones from the places where the feet of the priests stood in memory of this great event. However, this miracle, similar to the one arranged by Jehovah in the Red Sea (only stones were not collected there as a keepsake), was not done at all for the convenience of his sheep. And for what? It’s just that an opportunity has turned up to play (on paper) with your, as the Bible says, muscle “ that all the nations of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, and that you may fear the Lord your God all the days” (Josh. 4:24). Jehovah continued to take care of his reputation painfully; apparently, he well understood the unreliability of his “army”.

Along the way, he decided to correct a great oversight - those born in the desert, oh horror, were not circumcised. After all, it is impossible to go to the conquest of the Holy Land uncircumcised! And shortly before the battle, he ordered a mass separation of the foreskin with stone knives. Having successfully passed the post-operative period, having celebrated Easter with the fruits of the Canaan land, since the semolina freebie was over, and having received detailed instructions for the siege of Jericho, the Jews began to implement the military plans of the Generalissimo. That's what the plan was. They needed all in a crowd, led by the ark and 7 priests, with trumpets to go around the fortress walls of Jericho 1 time per day for 6 days, and on the 7th day they had to go around the city 7 times, blowing the trumpets. At the moment when the jubilee horn sounds, everyone should have cried out loudly and the wall should have collapsed. Further, it was necessary to conjure the city, except for the harlot Rahab, i.e. simply kill all living things, and all gold and silver - in the treasury of God, i.e., the Levites.

Destruction of the walls of Jericho. Gustave Dore.

That's how it all happened. They walked around the walls, blew into the pipes, shouted in unison, the walls crumbled (the paper again endured everything). They killed all the people and animals, collected all the valuables, and at the same time cursed those who in the future would be going to restore Jericho. Pay attention to the fact that the defenders of Jericho, during this carnival, sat quietly and patiently waited for the crazy conquerors to play enough with the trumpets and begin to conjure them all (this is how the word “cut” is replaced in the Bible)!

Joshua leaves the harlot Rahab alive. Gustave Dore.

However, the first victory was followed by defeat. A 3,000-strong detachment of Jews could not take a certain city of Gai and fled. The loss of Jews amounted to as many as 36 people. The figure of the inhabitants of Jericho killed by the Jews is not given. They did not expect a rebuff. They were promised! Here is the heart of the brave warriors " melted and became like water". Joshua tore his clothes and fell to the ground (the Fuhrer turned out to be thin), where he stayed until the evening, the elders sprinkled ashes on his head. It became terrible that the Canaanites would do to them the same way they did to the inhabitants of Jericho.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief explained this unpleasant moment by the fact that, after all, they did not fulfill the order by 100%. Someone encroached on the gold and silver god trophies. They made an inspection - the people were lined up according to their knees and families - and they revealed the “enemy”. A certain Achan from the tribe of Judah appropriated some clothes, 100 shekels of silver and an ingot of 50 shekels of gold. For this, Achan, along with these clothes, silver, gold, sons, daughters, oxen and donkeys, were burned and stoned. Only after that " the fury of the wrath of the Lord subsided».

Achan stoned by the Israelites. Gustave Dore

H.AT.Levashov. Obible

Famous American comedian George Carlin about religion and God:“... The champion of all times and peoples in false promises and loud statements is religion. Out of competition!

Screen version of the book "Revelation" by Svetlana Levashova, film by Arigrad studio "Hidden Facts from the Life of Jesus Christ and Magdalene"

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

It describes the facts of the connection of the Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth with ancient cults and religions. It is described how pagan holidays, rituals, ceremonial, rituals, etc. penetrated into this teaching, that is, everything that today constitutes modern Christianity, which is so far from the customs and foundations of the first Christians, who still saw and heard pure teaching Jesus and their followers. About the contradictions in the holy book of Christians - the Bible, about the contradictions between the Old and New Testaments, about the fact that these are two Absolutely different books, incapable of combining and supplementing each other. About the complete contradiction between the teachings of Jesus and the Old Testament, and much more.
“Regarding in general all deviations in my understanding of the Gospels from the text accepted by the churches, the reader should not forget that the notion so familiar to us that the Gospels, all four, with all their verses and letters, are sacred books, is, on the one hand, the most gross error, on the other hand, the most gross and harmful deception.The reader must remember that Jesus never wrote any book himself, like Plato, Philo or Marcus Aurelius, even never, like Socrates, did not convey his teaching to literate and educated people, but spoke to those illiterate people whom he met in life, and that only much after his death people were missed, that what he said was very important and that it would not be bad to write down some of what he said and did, and almost 100 years later they began to write down what they heard about him.The reader should remember that there were very, very many such notes, that many were lost, many were very bad, and that Christians used all of them and gradually took away what that it seemed to them better and more sensible, that, in choosing these best Gospels, the churches, according to the proverb: “you cannot choose clubs without a hook,” should have captured in what they cut out of all the vast literature about Christ, and a lot of hook; that there are many places in the canonical gospels as bad as in the rejected apocryphal ones, and that there is something good in the apocryphal ones. The reader must remember that the teaching of Christ can be sacred, but a certain number of verses and letters cannot be sacred, and just such and such books from the first to the last line cannot become sacred just because people say that they are sacred. Only our Russian educated reader, thanks to Russian censorship, can ignore the 100-year-old work of historical criticism and naively say that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, as they are, were written by the evangelists each separately and completely. The reader must remember that to say this in 1880, ignoring everything that has been worked out by science on this subject, is the same as talking in the last century about the sun revolving around the earth. The reader should remember that the Synoptic Gospels, as they have come down to us, are the fruit of a slow growth through the copying and attributing and considerations of thousands of different minds and human hands, and not by any means the inspiration of the holy spirit to the evangelists. That the attribution of the Gospels to the apostles is a fable that not only does not withstand criticism, but does not even have any basis, except for the desire of pious people that this be so. The Gospels were selected, added and interpreted over the centuries, all the Gospels of the 4th century that have come down to us are written in continuous writing, without signs, and therefore after the 4th and 5th centuries they were subject to the most diverse readings, and that there are up to fifty thousand such discrepancies in the gospel books. The reader must remember all this, so as not to stray into the view we are accustomed to, that the Gospels, as they are now understood, came to us from the Holy Spirit. The reader must remember that not only is it not reprehensible to discard unnecessary passages from the Gospels, to illuminate some with others, but, on the contrary, it is reprehensible and godless not to do this, but to consider a certain number of verses and letters sacred. Only people who do not seek the truth and do not love the teachings of Christ could establish such a view of the Gospels"

(Leo Tolstoy, preface to the work "Summary of the Gospel")

Here are some of my favorite quotes ---

Why do I need your multitude of sacrifices? says the Lord. I am full of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle, and I do not want the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. Isaiah.1:11=

For I want mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. (Modern translation of verse 6: I do not want sacrifice, but devoted love. I want people to know God, and not offer burnt offerings.) Hosea 6:6=

Hypocrites! Indeed, Isaiah prophesied about you: these people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me; but in vain do they worship Me, teaching the doctrines and commandments of men. Matthew 15:7-9=

And he said: the place of prophets and true teachers of good was taken by Orthodox clergy; therefore whatever they tell you to observe, do not do or observe, and do not imitate their deeds, for they say one thing and do another. They impose and place on the shoulders of people the burden of unbearable duties and rituals, while they themselves do not want to lift a finger to fulfill them. They perform any good deeds in front of people, for show; they widen their headbands with sacred writings and lengthen the tassels on their garments; they love to take first places at feasts and first seats in cathedrals, they love to be greeted by people in the streets and addressed to them: teacher! Holy father! father! shepherd! Matthew 23:2-7=

Woe to you, Orthodox clergymen, hypocrites! You lock (the gates of knowledge) of the Kingdom of Heaven for people, for you yourself do not enter, and you do not let those who want to enter. Woe to you, Orthodox clergymen, hypocrites! You ravage the houses of widows and pray long for show. Matthew 23:13-14=

Woe to you, Orthodox clergymen, hypocrites! Woe to you, blind guides! Silly and blind! Matthew 23:15-16=

Woe to you, Orthodox clergymen, hypocrites! You tithe mint, anise, and cumin, but you miss the most important thing in the law: love, mercy, and forgiveness, when it must be done. Blind guides, spitting out a mosquito, but swallowing a camel! Matthew 23:23-24=

Woe to you, Orthodox clergymen, hypocrites! You clean the outside of the bowl and the dish, while inside they are full of ill-gotten gains. Blind Pharisee! First cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, then they will become clean on the outside. Matthew 23:25-26=

Woe to you, Orthodox clergymen, hypocrites! You are like decorated tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and all sorts of impurities. So are you: outwardly you seem righteous to people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. Matthew 23:27-28=

Snakes, offspring of snakes! Will you escape being condemned to Gehenna? Behold, God sends to you prophets, wise men, teachers and scribes; some you will torture and crucify, others you will scourge in your churches and drive from city to city. May (guilt) fall on you for all the righteous blood shed on the earth. I assure you that all this will fall on this generation. Matthew 23:33-37=

Leaving the law of God, you hold on to human customs: washing mugs, bowls, and do many other things like this. And he said to them, You have completely perverted the law of God in order to keep your own customs. And much more like this you do, replacing the word of God with your ridiculous customs, which you yourself have established. Mark 7:8-9,13=

He answered them: Indeed, Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites, as it is written: these people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me; but in vain do they worship Me, teaching the doctrines and commandments of men. (Is. 29.13) Leaving the law of God, you keep to the customs of men: washing mugs, bowls, and doing many other things like this. And he said to them, You have completely perverted the law of God in order to keep your own customs. Mark 7, 6-9=

And during His sermon, He said this to them: beware of Orthodox churchmen who love to walk around in magnificent robes, hear greetings in the streets, occupy the first seats in cathedrals and the first places at feasts. These destroyers of the homes of widows and orphans, demonstrating their prayers for a long time, will suffer severe punishment. Mark 12:38-40=

Why do you turn to Me: Lord! Lord, do you not do what I say to you? Luke 6:46=

Woe to you, Orthodox clergymen! You took possession of the keys to the gates of knowledge, but you yourself did not enter, and those who wanted to enter were prevented. Luke 11:52=

The Orthodox churchmen, greedy for money, heard all this and began to mock Him. He said to them: Before people, you pretend to be righteous, but God knows your hearts, and what people revere as great is an abomination before God. Luke 16:14-15=

However, the time will come, and it is already very close, when true believers will pray to the Father spiritually and truly, for the Father also wants us to pray to Him in this way. God is spirit, and those who believe in Him must pray spiritually and truly. John 4:23-24=

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