Animal world of goa. Precautions in goa and general information about goa Common koel Eudynamys scolopaceus

Everyone modern man dreams of a vacation, and seeks to spend his free time abroad - on an exotic island or in a "resort" country. Very often the choice falls on Goa, but such a vacation has its own characteristics.

So, Goa is one of the smallest states in India, which has a huge number of resorts and a chic recreational area. Millions of tourists come here not only to enjoy the local beauties, but also to get a lot of unforgettable impressions and positive. However, in addition to the advantages, such a trip also has its significant drawbacks, which are also important to be aware of on the eve of purchasing an expensive tour. So why can a vacation in Goa be dangerous, and why should foreign tourists be afraid?

First of all, I would like to note that this is a very littered state, and garbage on the streets and roads has already become the norm. Accordingly, the ecology from this is very spoiled, and the overall impression of the resort leaves much to be desired. Local authorities, of course, are trying to solve this problem. global problem, but cleanliness and complete order always prevail on the territory of hotels and hotels. However this moment important to consider when choosing a place to stay.

The dangers of a holiday in Goa are also in local animals, which have already become an integral part of a person's daily life. It is important to understand that such individuals are not domesticated, and even hand-feeding "cute monkeys" can result in extremely undesirable infection and urgent hospitalization. It is not worth approaching exotic animals at all, since their behavior is usually the most unpredictable.

Separately, I would like to note the sea snake, the poison of which is much more dangerous and more toxic than poison cobra. This creature is found in azure waters and very often gets into the nets of local fishermen. Knowledgeable residents do not kill the snake, but only stun it for a while and throw it ashore. Here you can also provide yourself with health problems, since the bite of a sea snake can even be fatal.

That is why it is desirable to swim at a shallow depth and better away from fishing nets. Insects also cause trouble, however, despite their solid size and dimensions, the threat to life and health is still minimal. A stingray with a poisonous spike on its tail, floating in the local waters, can also become a cause for serious illness.

Another danger in Goa is local merchants who are trying by hook or by crook to sell their goods in the "three ways" to visiting citizens. Of course, you can always politely refuse a purchase or ignore the call to your address, but in this state such a “number” certainly will not work.

The locals are not just intrusive, like insects, but also very arrogant, and the reluctance to make a purchase becomes a reason for public abuse and scandal. In addition, these people know what competition is, so you can hear a foul language if you don’t buy a souvenir from a competitor. Such waste significantly affects the "thickness" of the wallet, and the nerves after returning to the hotel will be at the limit.

Goa is what country? That's right, this is a country of beggars and beggars, who abound on the streets of the city. They usually ask for ten rupees, but it is important to understand for yourself that you can have a hearty lunch for this amount. In addition, you should not believe all the ragamuffins, because for the majority, begging is just an income that provides a stable income and a comfortable existence. So there is no need to go on about your own mercy and compassion, because in this situation it is simply inappropriate.

Of particular danger are people on bikes, who in most cases drive around the streets of the city in a not quite sober state. There are no rules for such rules, and such comfort on the road can cost someone's life. So sometimes it's better to enjoy the local beauties and the comfort of a luxury hotel than to wander unfamiliar streets and dark alleys.

The emblem of Goa among animals is the gaur, among birds - the nightingale. The two main animals in Goa are cows and dogs. About 50 species of wild mammals live in Goa, including such large ones as bears, leopards, panthers, bison, Bengal cats. Most of them live deep in the jungles of the Western Ghats, and to see them, you need to go to one of the open national parks. Snakes, monkeys, elephants, crabs and other shrimp are rather exotic, they can be seen in nature reserves. Foxes, wild beavers and migratory birds- these are the main inhabitants of the jungle of Goa. The bird world includes several types of exotic birds. Numerous species fish also live off the coast of Goa and in local rivers - crabs, lobsters, shrimps, mussels, jellyfish, oysters. South Goa differs significantly from the northern part of the state. The south coast is much more diverse and picturesque in itself, and is dominated by tropical flora and fauna.


As elsewhere in India, a lot of cows roam the roads of Goa, they interfere with traffic, wander onto the beaches, pester tourists and try to steal food. Despite the sacred status and respect that cows enjoy among Hindus, it is not uncommon to see how the locals apply to them physical strength- in every restaurant or shop there is a special stick for daring curious animals.
Cows and oxen are an integral part of the Goa landscape: they are allowed to walk wherever they like and eat wherever they want. During the day, many cows roam the beaches and chew on everything that is badly lying - pineapple, banana peel or newspaper. It is strange to see avid beachgoers and cows basking in the sun nearby, like old friends. There are also clarifications of relations between bulls. Furious fighting bulls, sweeping away on their way resort onlookers - an unpleasant sight. By the way, cows in India do not moo.


Dogs in Goa are good-natured creatures. Indian dogs are no less interesting than cows. They are all of some exceptional local breed, mostly reddish with elongated muzzles and expressive eyes. They embody wisdom and slowness, closely monitor the world around them and clearly know some secret. Here they are quite independent in the choice of decisions and exist with the owner almost on an equal footing. They themselves choose the person they are interested in. They can attach themselves to you on the beach and follow you a meter for a while until they get bored. They do not beg, but joyfully run around you, looking and looking into your eyes, as if they hear something at the level of thoughts. They can call their friends, and then a flock of dogs mince after you and cut circles around. And it does not matter that the dog does not speak like a human - in India it is enough to communicate with thoughts. If the dog likes you, he will come and put his head in your lap, as if he were an old friend. Stand like that, sigh, look you in the eye and move on.


Cats are much rarer than dogs in India. Cats, like cows and dogs, have oblong muzzles and the same measured melancholy character. They even meow like little cows - they growl just as abruptly. No purring or gentle "meow-meow".

Sambars and barking deer


Monkeys run across the road in the morning. Langur is the most common species of monkey in India. The male langur reaches 75 cm in height, weight - up to 21 kg. Near the Dajsagar waterfall you can meet monkeys. You can’t call them very friendly, they are only interested in food, but it’s still nice to feed from your hands and quarrel with males.

Cotigao nature reserve

The Cotigao reserve is home to various species of monkeys, Indian buffaloes, panthers, hyenas…

Gaur or Indian bison

Gaur or Indian bison is the largest ungulate animal in India. The male reaches 95 cm in height and weighs over 900 kg.


Indian elephant is inferior in size African elephant. He, unlike the African, lends himself well to training and has long become almost a pet. On the spice plantations you can ride an elephant (there are about nine of them in Goa), so take the opportunity. Elephants on a spice plantation.


Cockroaches in Goa reach enormous sizes.

Everywhere snakes

There are snakes in Goa, as in any country located in the tropical zone. A lot or not - it's up to you how lucky you are. You can not meet a single one, but you can see several pieces in one day. There are 238 snake species in India, 50 of which, including 20 varieties of sea snakes, are venomous. The cobra, the most famous of the venomous snakes, can reach 5 meters in length. Of the non-poisonous reptiles, it should be noted rat snake, which looks like a cobra, tree snake and python.


Goa is home to many famous national parks, including the world famous Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary located on Chorao Island. It is worth mentioning such reserves as Bondla, Molem, Kotigao, Netravali. The smallest of them occupies only eight square kilometers, and the largest is Netravali - more than two hundred thousand! hornbill

Bhagwan Mahavir Reserve

It occupies an area of ​​approximately 240 sq. km. Panthers, sloth bears, sambars live. And at night, tigers and elephants wander from the territory of the neighboring state of Karnataka. It is difficult to see them, but you will definitely see the Indian bison, sika deer, macaque and striped mongoose! The reserve is home to many birds, including the Malabar hornbill, bee-eaters, blue stone thrushes, as well as partridges.


Crocodiles can be seen in major rivers- For those who wish, special excursions are organized. Who can be found everywhere are monkeys - macaques and langurs - although there are not so many of them here and they are not as annoying as in the northern states. In the rivers you can easily meet large crocodiles (4-5 meters). They say they eat fish, but I saw how quietly they get up, so they don’t advise washing your hands there, although it’s unlikely that anyone will have such a desire - the water in the rivers is very muddy.

Marine life and stingray

The bottom is sandy, there are no algae. And no living creatures, everything is clean and even. For this reason, lovers of snorkeling (diving with a mask) have nothing to do here - there are no underwater beauties. It is true that stingrays are found in the sea, but mostly they swim far from the coast, and there are not so many of them. By themselves, they are not at all aggressive and rather even cowardly, and if possible, if they see a person approaching, they try to hide. The wingspan of a large stingray reaches one and a half meters, and on the tail there is a spike up to 15 centimeters in length, with which it can inflict cutting and stabbing wounds for self-defense. This thorn is poisonous, although its venom is not fatal. Stingrays love to bask in shallow water, burrowing into the sand, and you can accidentally step on it.

400 bird species

Goa also has up to 400 species of exotic birds, both native and migratory. Index 1 - the most common, such as sparrows, lanes and crows. So, the same index is 1 in two species of kingfisher and black kite. Most of them inhabit the jungles of the eastern regions, but some are also found on the coast: green parrot, Indian heron, Asian koyal, and kingfisher, purple-backed sunbird - Nectarinia zeylonica.

Common koel Eudynamys scolopaceus

Common or Asian koel - Eudynamys scolopaceus - a bird with red eyes. During the nesting period, these cuckoos are very noisy. The voice of the males sounds like a loud whistling trill, ending with the characteristic exclamation "ga-el", from where the name of the bird came from. Females respond with short whistles.
In addition to absolutely crazy screams, this bird also climbs trees, resembles a monkey, or at least a cat). Like most cuckoos of the Old World, koels toss eggs into the nests of other birds. In India, crows are most often the caretakers of koel chicks, in Australia - large species honeysuckers and orioles. The cuckoo seeks to take possession of all the food delivered by its parents and either dooms its neighbors to starvation, or even throws them out of the nest. The basis of the diet of adult koels is a variety of fruits. These birds often visit gardens where they feast on fruits.

Sal river, bird watching

Any "cruise" on the Sal River in South Goa somehow turns into bird watching. And there really is something to see.

Eastern bee-eater

Eastern bee-eater - Merops orientalis - fyuk/ Green Bee-eater. Asian birds are distinguished by their brown cap and blue cheeks.

Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary

It occupies part of the island of Chorao, on the shores of which you can see storks, herons and ducks. Crabs live in the mangrove swamps of Chorao Island, mudskippers. You can get to the reserve by ferry from Ribandera. Indian heron

rice skate

Anthus rufulus

green parrots

Early in the morning and before sunset one could hear the singing of parrots - green, with a red beak and tail.


white heron

Brahmin kite

Korshunov in Goa is like a raven in Russia.

Pink Belly Bulbul

Pink-bellied bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer, eng. Red Vented Bulbul. 20 cm long, has a long tail. The upper side and chest are painted brown or black. The back and belly are lighter and have a beautiful scaly pattern.

Stork-billed gurial

Stork-billed gurial - Pelargopsis capensis or Halcyon capensis, eng. Stork-billed Kingfisher. It belongs to the large kingfishers. Unlike most species of the family, it nests in hollows of large trees growing along river banks in the mountainous part of the island. It lives up to its name, because the huge red beak really looks like a stork. The stork-billed kingfisher is painted in an original way. Top part head light brown, neck and Bottom part the bodies are buffy-red, the back, wings and tail are of an even light blue color. Red - beak, leg and ring of skin around the eyes.

green beard

Green beard - Megalaima viridis - English. White-cheeked Barbet.

Red-billed kingfisher

Red-billed white-breasted kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis, another name is red-billed kingfisher. This kingfisher is not tied to the water as much as other kingfisher species. It breeds in dry cultivated landscapes, in palm groves, parks and sometimes in forest clearings, but still most often on steep banks near water. For the nest, it digs holes up to 50 cm long. In the clutch there are 4-7 round white eggs.

Gecko on the wall

If the gecko is in the house, then there are no insects. He feeds on them.

Crabs on the beach


there are laying places in South Goa on Galgibag beach.

Spiders and scorpions

Spiders and scorpions rarely creep into houses, ants, which bite painfully and can ruin food supplies, and mosquitoes are a much bigger problem.

The Arabian Sea is not as rich in corals as the Red Sea, but it is simply “teeming” with “unafraid” fish! Especially interesting is the island of Agatti in the Lakshadweep archipelago, where untouched underwater life resembles the Maldives.

Variety of fish

In the waters of Goa there are barracudas, chrysipters, snappers, sweet lips, sea ​​bass and groupers, angelfish, butterflyfish, parrotfish, wrasses, sharks, zebrasomes, tuna, platax, scorpionfish, lionfish, gobies, Moorish idols, moray eels and others. There is a variety of hard corals here. From another marine life you can find sea cucumbers, turtles, lobsters, cuttlefish, shrimp and shellfish. AT warm waters many playful bottlenose dolphins, however, they are afraid of divers. Less common are various sharks and rays.

sea ​​snakes

In Goa, there are actually sea snakes in the sea. But first, they swim far from the coast, however, sea snakes, known as Hydrophis Lapemoides, are often found on the beaches, because during the period from November to February they live closer to the coastline than usual, and they are washed by waves on the coastal sand. Once on land, sea snakes are unable to move due to a weak spine and appear dead. However, most often they are alive and can deliver a blow that can be fatal: their poison is deadly. Adults reach a meter in length, but even cubs are very dangerous.

Goa is a small but very picturesque state in India, which annually attracts a huge number of tourists not only famous beach resorts, but also by the bright exoticism of its flora and fauna. The sandy coast of the Arabian Sea, a harmonious combination of multi-layered landscapes, outlandish flowers - on tourist photo nature Goa looks just fabulous.

Flora of Goa

The vegetation of this paradise is incredibly rich and diverse, especially for an inexperienced European. most brightly nature of Goa blooms after the last rainy season, as if fully saturated with long-awaited moisture. Huge rice fields side by side with coconut and banana palms, exotic flowers, mango and even prickly durian can be seen nearby. Famous people will also evoke a lot of emotions mountain waterfalls.

However, here there are plants that have long ceased to be considered exotic for us: ficus, banyan, anthurium or beautiful orchids. However, if on European territory for them, specific conditions should be created, surrounded by constant care, then in Goa everything grows by itself and absolutely does not require care.

The famous plantations deserve special attention. all kinds of spices: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, turmeric. However, you can meet here not only spices, hospitable Indians will gladly show you how coffee trees,pineapples and other tropical fruits. Very often, such plantations are arranged in several tiers in order to save space, since the stepped mountain landscape contributes to this in every possible way. If you wish, you can even try local cashew alcohol called Fenny.

Fauna of Goa

No less interesting and animal world Goa, however, many of their species are endangered and are kept in special reserves. Bengal tiger, Indian bison (guar), langur, rhinoceros, Gangetic gharial, panthers, buffaloes, hyenas- here are just some of the representatives wildlife living in Goa. Here you can do nature photo goa which always turn out simply gorgeous.

Within many reserves there are also migratory birds - white herons, shrikes, bitterns, kingfishers and even owls with swallows. Hot humid climate contributes to a wide variety snakes - about 240 species, about a fifth of which are poisonous. But do not be afraid ahead of time: they are not in the tourist area, this is carefully monitored by local employees.

Speaking of fauna, it is impossible not to mention a sacred animal not only in Goa, but throughout India - a cow. They roam quite freely along the local streets, sometimes making it difficult for traffic. However, it is forbidden to drive them away, and for killing a cow you can easily end up in jail.

Climate Goa

As in other Indian states, Goa is dominated by a subequatorial climate with its characteristic monsoons. Their approach becomes noticeable already in May, when clouds appear more and more often in a clear sky, and the air becomes richly humid. Already in the first days of July, torrential downpours fall on the state, which last for almost 4 months. Over this time nature of Goa manages to take a break from the sweltering heat in order to amaze everyone with the bright splendor of lush greenery in September.

At a time when a dank rainy autumn sets in in Russia, the weather in Goa, on the contrary, is restored and becomes truly heavenly. Downpours are forgotten like a nightmare, the sea is calm and calm, the sky is bright and crystal clear. And even the scorching sun is not able to spoil the rest, the heat is ideally softened by a light, refreshing breeze. The evening usually brings with it a saving coolness, which already in March-April turns into a rather noticeable cold.

When choosing Goa as your holiday destination, you should focus on climatic features every month:

During the day, the air temperature reaches about 35˚, but such heat is tolerated very easily. In most cases, the sky is cloudless, and the sea is warm and calm.

The weather continues to be moderately hot, but the humidity of the air is gradually increasing. Cold nights happen only occasionally, and the increasing winds make the sea surface not so calm.

This month in Goa is considered the beginning of summer, respectively, both during the day and at night, it gets hotter. At the same time, the sun ceases to be affectionate and carries everything more danger. Increasing humidity indicates the approach of the rainy season, it is becoming increasingly difficult to endure the heat.


The probability of light rains, however, not prolonged, increases. Light waves are increasingly appearing on the sea, attracting surfers, and the daytime sun can damage the skin. Despite this, the rest continues to be quite comfortable.

The air continues to heat up, even the proximity of the sea does not save from the heat, because the temperature of the water in it is also growing. Around the middle of the month, the monsoon reigns, bringing heavy rains and violent thunderstorms.


June is rightfully considered one of the wettest months in Goa, which only nature, tired of the exhausting heat, is happy about. The sky is almost always covered with clouds, the gusty wind blowing from the sea only increases the humidity of the air, bringing it up to 85%.


For the whole month, only 3-4 days can be without the usual downpours, which are becoming more intense and furious. Stuffy air makes it difficult to breathe, and cloudy skies and turbulent seas are clearly not conducive to a pleasant stay.


Despite the fact that rains are less frequent in August, the humidity remains high. The sky is still covered with clouds most of the time, although the sea is becoming much calmer.


During the day, the air is still hot, and only at night comes a saving coolness. If in the first days of the month rains are still possible, then by the end of September their possibility is significantly reduced. The breeze is usually gentle and pleasant, the clouds in the sky can be seen less and less.


The lack of rain, the warm sea and the well-tolerated heat make this period ideal for relaxation. Environment nature of Goa as if resurrected, the bright blue sky is rarely clouded with light clouds. However, you should be prepared for noticeable changes in day and night air temperatures.


The weather is mostly calm, and the sky is clear and clear. Humidity is only around 67%, rising slightly at night. The water in the sea is very clear and warm, which creates ideal conditions for swimming.

This period in Goa is considered velvet season with ideal conditions for relax. The heat does not cause discomfort at all, the always clear sky amazes with its rich shades. There is practically no wind, the sea surface is surprisingly warm.

Going to Goa, it should be remembered that the state is conditionally divided into northern and southern part. However, in natural conditions there are no differences between them, some differences are noticeable only in the organization of the tourist zone. In any case, whichever corner you choose, unique nature Goa will certainly amaze your imagination with a riot of bright colors.

Beauty and HealthTourism

Goa is a small picturesque state located in the southwest of India. along the coast of the Arabian Sea. Its capital is Panaji and its most big city- Vasco da Gama (in everyday life simply Vasco), named after the famous explorer and the first European who landed on Goa more than five centuries ago. For many years Goa was a Portuguese colony, their seaport was located here and from here they controlled the sea spice market, which brought Portugal significant income and at the same time affected the prosperity of Goa. It all ended with the redistribution of maritime possessions, when at the end of the 17th century England and Holland declared themselves and their rights to the Indian Ocean. Gradually, the importance of Goa, as a strong seaport, began to decline, city buildings began to gradually collapse, and many residents chose to leave these places. Later, the territory was occupied by the British for a long time, and only in the 70s of the 20th century, with the use of armed forces India achieved recognition of sovereignty over Goa and in 1987 singled it out as a separate state.

Today, the population of Goa is about 1.5 million people, its colonial-era buildings are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and the state itself is perhaps the world's most popular place of pilgrimage and habitat for hippies, as well as other subcultures of a similar orientation. In addition, Goa is a favorite vacation spot for Russian tourists.

Goa: nature and climate

As mentioned above, the territory of Goa is not large, its area is only 3700 square meters. km, while the state “leaves” only a maximum of 65 km deep into the mainland, but its endless beaches stretch along the sea for more than 100 kilometers. The coast almost immediately turns into a plateau, which is part of the mountain range - the Western Ghats. Mountains and other hills occupy a significant territory of Goa, while the most high point reaches 1167 meters above sea level. There are also quite a few rivers that originate in the Western Ghats and flow into the Indian Ocean.

The climate in Goa, as in all of India, is characterized as subtropical, which means high humidity and heat. However, due to the close proximity to the ocean, there is no such unbearable heat as in the central part of the country. It is believed that a European person will feel best in Goa from October to early March, when the ratio of air temperature and humidity becomes as comfortable as possible. It is this climate that is commonly called paradise.

The spring months (March, April, May), which are familiar to us, are the hottest here, at this time the thermometers reach their maximum values ​​and often rise to 45°C.

From about June to September, the monsoon comes to Goa, due to which the air becomes a little cooler and a large amount of precipitation falls. As for the swimming season in Goa, it lasts here all year round, because whenever you are here, the water temperature will hardly be below 28°C.

Goa: recreation and attractions

Holidays in Goa can be quite diverse and completely depends on the individual preferences of the tourists themselves. Local attractions are presented in all their splendor, especially in large cities and, first of all, in the capital of the state - Panaji, whose architecture was significantly influenced by the so-called Portuguese period.

Panaji is full of narrow streets, houses with overhanging balconies, religious buildings and cute, cozy restaurants serving wonderful seafood dishes. Here you can visit the Church of the Immaculate Conception, where sailors used to come for centuries before sailing, or the Chapel of St. Sebastian, or you can just take a leisurely walk, buy souvenirs and have a delicious dinner in one of the local cafes.

Following the acquaintance with the current capital of Goa, it would not be superfluous to go on an excursion to the former capital, once majestic, and today only a small one. locality, surrounded by ancient temples, cathedrals and monasteries - Old Goa. This place is the largest Christian church Asia and the first temple built by the Portuguese in Goa - St. Catherine's Cathedral, the construction of which lasted more than 100 years. Of no less interest to tourists are also the chapel of the Basilica of Jesus, the church of St. Francis of Assisi, the monastery of Santa Monica, the church of St. Augustine and a number of other religious temples, in architecture, style and interior design of which such different cultural traditions are so surprisingly and beautifully intertwined - European and Indian.

The state of Goa is also rich in natural attractions.. This is primarily Dudhsagar waterfall, Bondla reserve, Mahavir and Zuari reserves, Arvalem (Pandavasa) caves and much more.

The Dudhsagar waterfall reaches a height of 603 meters and is the second highest waterfall in India. Despite the fact that the waterfall jets do not descend absolutely vertically, its contemplation causes a storm of emotions and admiration. In addition, tourists can swim in a small lake at the foot of the waterfall and feed wild monkeys with fruits and nuts prepared in advance.

The nature reserves of Bondla, Mahavir and Zuari are unlike each other. If the first can rather be called a huge amusement park, on the territory of which there are zoos, botanical parks, and rose gardens, then the second is absolutely wild and beautiful nature, mixed with historical sights, and the third generally involves a canoe trip along the river of the same name to habitats of crocodiles. It is along the banks of Zuari that lives bright bird The kingfisher (kingfisher) is the official symbol of Goa. According to local legend, the person who meets this bird will be lucky.

Tourism and hotels in Goa

Tourism is a priority in the development of the economy of the Indian state of Goa. Over the past three decades, its infrastructure has undergone significant positive changes. There are hotels of all categories from budget "three-star" to luxurious "five-star". In addition, affordable housing is offered by local residents, it is much cheaper than hotel rooms and does not need to be booked in advance.

The tourist service of Goa includes both a standard beach holiday on the hundred-kilometer coast of the Indian Ocean, and active types of recreation in the form of diving, parachuting, riding on sea yachts, boats and scooters. Numerous rickshaws are also at your service, which, for a very reasonable fee, will take you to nearby attractions, take you to a wild beach, wait for you while you enjoy the sea, landscape and sun, and then return you to your place of departure.

With the onset of night, holidays in Goa are gaining new momentum. And we are not even talking about nightclubs, discos, restaurants and casinos that are familiar to most tourists, but about mass dance parties that take place right on the beaches and start with the setting rays of the sun.

During the day, tourists who still have strength after night festivities can go for souvenirs in local shops. Products made of silver, bronze, sandalwood, silk, as well as real Indian tea and handmade carpets are especially popular in Goa.

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Nature of Goa

In the Mahabharata, Goa is called the "paradise of Indra". In this world, as in a real paradise, nothing changes, everything flows as usual, everything breathes beauty, tranquility and bliss, and this will last until the end of time. There comes an understanding that in such parts it is necessary
just enjoy the beauty, and most importantly, do not rush anywhere. Nature is fragile and beautiful in its original beauty. And we, the children of the 21st century, can only visit this nature and try to protect it.

Goa is the pearl of the Indian coast and the center of all the best that is in India. Due to its subtropical climate, Goa boasts a diverse and vibrant fauna and flora. The riot of colors, the smells of unfamiliar flowers and the cries of outlandish birds are amazing. All this makes Goa a favorite vacation spot for nature lovers, ornithologists and wildlife explorers.

Holy cow

In India, the cow is considered a sacred animal. The ritual status of the cow is emphasized by the strict prohibition against eating beef; killing a cow is one of gravest sins for Hindus of all sects and castes. According to legend, the foremother of all cows - the cow Surabhi appeared at the dawn of the universe, during the churning of the ocean. This wonderful cow, whose middle name was Kamadhenu (wishing cow), fulfilled all the wishes of the owner. According to legend, it belonged to the sage Vasishbi and was stolen from him. The kidnapper, who was once a brilliant and powerful lord of the firmament, for the sin of kidnapping a sacred cow was cast down to earth and doomed from a god to become a man.

The image of Surabhi reflected the veneration of the cow, taken from the pastoral era, when the cow was the main source of food and prosperity. The foremother - a cow gave a person the precious products he needs for life: cottage cheese, milk, butter, urine and manure.

Cows are everywhere in India. Their heads look from the walls of temples, they are walked on a rope, they wander along the sidewalk or peacefully picking garbage cans next to some restaurant, they lie on the main streets (even in the capital) on the median strip, looking indifferently at the streams rushing to the right and to the left deafeningly roaring cars, motorcycles and rickshaws. Cows make movement very difficult. If 100 km for Germany is considered the norm for 40 minutes, for Russia - an hour and a half, then for India it will be 4-5 hours!

I would like to talk about snakes separately, since most tourists traveling to Goa are sure that this area is downright teeming with snakes. That they can be found everywhere: on the beach, on the street and even under your bed. Of course, as elsewhere in the tropics, there are snakes in Goa. There are 238 species of them, 50 of which, including 20 varieties of sea snakes, are poisonous. The most famous of the poisonous snakes is of course the cobra, which can reach a length of 5 meters. In addition to cobras, there are also kraits, gigantic snakes - reticulated pythons, and shield-tailed snakes. However, it is not necessary
be afraid to stumble upon an angry cobra around every corner. It is quite difficult to meet snakes in the tourist area, except perhaps in the baskets of tamers or in nature reserves.

By the way, a local resident, even having met a cobra face to face at home, will never raise a stick on her, but will try to persuade the world to leave her home. If the guest does not want to heed the persuasion, he will most likely resort to the help of wandering snake charmers. And really, such actions of the owner of the house are unlikely to surprise the neighbors, because snakes, like cows, are considered sacred in India.

Every year on the fifth day of the month of Shravana (end of July), the festival of snakes - nagapanchami - is solemnly celebrated throughout the country. On this day, no one, of course, does not work. The main heroes of the occasion are brought from the forest and released directly into the street and courtyards. They are enthusiastically welcomed, showered with pollen and thanked for the harvest saved from rodents. People pray to the eight chief nagas, make sacrifices, treat living snakes with milk, ghee, honey, turmeric and fried rice. Flowers of oleander, jasmine and red lotus are placed near snake holes. The ceremonies are led by brahmins.

Undersea world

Those many lucky people who have seen the Red Sea may not find anything surprising in the underwater Goa, especially since you really need to look. On beaches with a sandy bottom, visibility is almost zero, the maximum that is possible is to get crabs, shells with hermit crabs and catch starfish for a loved one - how touching. We must look for stone ridges descending to the sea. Everything is much more interesting there. A lot of striped, red, yellow and God knows what color fish scurry along the surf line. At a depth of 6-10 meters on the islands there are large sea urchins, lobsters, large fish. However, before diving into the water, it is necessary to clarify the features of the local marine fauna. For example, sea urchins, with which you need to be more careful, their needles are very fragile and break off after an injection, the hand goes numb at first, then it will hurt, if you have a leg, then you will definitely limp the whole vacation.

A huge number of wild animals live in Goa (buffaloes and tigers that are familiar to us, and exotic sambars, civets and lorises). You can get to know them by visiting one of the many reserves. Goa now has several wildlife sanctuaries (Bondla, Mollem, Cotigao, Chorao Island (bird sanctuary), Madei, Netravali and national park Mollem), each of which is distinguished by a variety of flora and fauna.

Bondla nature reserve is the smallest of nature reserves Goa, but it's the easiest to get to. It is located just 55 km north of Panaji, at the foot of the Western Ghats. On the territory of the reserve there are rose and botanical gardens, a natural park with a variety of fauna: buffaloes, wild boars, leopards, bears, deer, snakes, birds, etc. Everyone will be able to ride on elephants and take pictures for memory. In the mini-botanical garden, you can spend about an hour pleasantly and buy seeds and sprouts of exotic plants inexpensively.

The Cotigao reserve is home to various species of monkeys, gaurs (Indian buffaloes), panthers, hyenas, gazelles... This reserve is also famous for its historical sights. For example, the watchtower of Mallikarjun, built in the 16th century. Not far from here is the center for the study of the Veda "Jeevottam Partagal Math".
Mouse deer, sambars, flying squirrels, and porcupines live in the Mollem Reserve. It is also a Paradise for birds and just a godsend for amateur ornithologists.

If you drive 60 km east of the capital, you can see the Dudhsagar waterfall,
whose height is 603 meters. The milky white color of the water gave the name to the waterfall and the whole reserve. "Dudhsagar" - translated from Marathi means "milky ocean". Here you can swim in the clear mountain water of the lake and relax in the shade tropical trees sharing lunch with inquisitive monkeys. You can’t call them very friendly, they are only interested in food, but it’s still nice to feed from your hands and quarrel with males.

There are also a huge number of birds in Goa. Shrikes, kingfishers, bitterns, bee-eaters, owls, swallows, orioles and birds of paradise- more than 140 species in total. All of them live in perfect harmony with pristine nature forests and lakes in a bird sanctuary near Panjim on the way to Old Goa. You have to go there in the morning, sit down and watch quietly,
because the birds notice you before you see them and fly away. However, the main birds of Goa are not at all paradise, but crows. Hordes of these impudent and cunning creatures occupied Goan beaches. They sit on palm trees, cafe rooftops and strive to steal your food if you leave your plate unattended even for a couple of minutes. The Indians don't touch them. Probably, in accordance with their ideas about karma, they are afraid to accidentally soak their soul in past life a relative, now flapping wings on a palm tree and desperately yelling "karrr!".

Vegetable world

Goan vegetable world much richer than an animal. A typical Goan landscape: a rice field surrounded by groves of coconut palms, mango growth, where inconspicuous trees hide in the shade, on which a prickly mysterious durian grows right on the trunk. And around - a real tropical paradise. The splendor of flowers and riot of colors are amazing. What our indoor plant lovers are shaking over is quietly growing for itself, blooming and bearing fruit right on the street. Moreover, if in Turkey and Egypt palm trees and other exotic plants are mainly planted by human hands, then everything here grows as if by itself, but everything is very well-groomed and simply divine.

Goa has one of the largest collections of palm trees in the world: coconut and banana. There is such a joke (or maybe not a joke): they say that in India, the second (after a snake bite) most common cause of premature death is the fall of a coconut on the head. So it's not worth sitting under coconut palms. It is best to relax in the cool under the shade of a mango tree. By the way, the inhabitants of Goa believe that this is where they grow the best varieties mango all over the world.

Well, how to do in India without a sacred plant? There are quite a few of them here. For example, the holy banyan tree, whose branches look like roots hanging in the air, as well as basil, lotus and even ficus. True, plants in Goa are no longer sacred to the same extent as cows. If they can go to jail for killing a cow, then nothing like that is provided for cutting down a banyan tree.

To get everything at once, you should visit the spice plantation, where you will get drunk with Fenny (local moonshine made from cashew nuts), and then they will show you how pineapples, coffee, cinnamon, and so on grow. A real Indian spice plantation is nothing like what it is in our understanding. You just walk through the jungle, and everything growing around is spices.

Climate of India. India is dominated by four main climates:humid tropical, dry tropical, subtropical monsoon and alpine . The climate is influenced by the Himalayan mountains and the Thar Desert. They are what causes the monsoons.

Three distinct seasons. First: hot and humid with southwestern dominance monsoon from June to the end of October, when 80% of annual precipitation falls. Second: relatively cool and dry with a predominance of the northeast trade wind from November to the end of February. Third: very hot and dry from March to the end of May.

The Himalayas serve as a barrier to coldCentral Asianwinds, making the climate in most of Hindustan warmer than at the same latitudes in other parts of the Earth.

While the northeast of the country receives the most rainfall in the world, the northwestern part of the country is home to the Thar Desert, where rain is rare.On the slopes of the Shillong Plateau is the rainiest place on Earth - Cherrapunji . About 12 thousand mm of precipitation falls here annually. And in the western part of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, less than 100 mm of precipitation falls in the Thar desert, and not a drop falls here for 10 months a year. The desert generates moist southwesterly winds during the summer monsoon, causing heavy rainfall.Another dry place central part Hindustan. Here falls from 300 to 500 mm of precipitation and the dry period lasts 8-9 months. Another very rainy place is the Western Ghats mountain range in the Goa region, as well as the Himalayas, where up to 6 thousand mm of precipitation falls per year.

On the plains, the average January temperature increases from north to south from 15 to 27 °C, in May it is 28-35 °C everywhere, sometimes reaching 45-48 °C. In summer, temperatures in most parts of the country are 28 °C. In the mountains at an altitude of 1500 m in January, the temperature is -1 ° C, and in July it is already 23 ° C. At an altitude of 3500 m, respectively -8 ° C and 18 ° C.

The centers of glaciers are mainly concentrated in the Karakoram and on the southern slopes of the Zaskar range in the Himalayas. The average height of the snow line decreases from 5300 m in the west to 4500 m in the east

Flora and fauna. India is home to 7.6% of all mammals on the planet, 12.6% of all birds, 6% of all reptiles, 4.4% of all amphibians, 11.7% of all fish and 6% of all flowering plants. Trees grow in the country:coconut trees, banyan tree, neem, teak, sandalwood, bamboo, conifers in Himalayan mountains. One third of all plant species in India are endemic, i.e. grow only in these places.

There are 172 endangered animal species in India, including the Asiatic lion and the Bengal tiger. The high population density and the change in natural landscapes have led to the impoverishment of the animal world. Realizing this, the government has created more than 500 national parks and reserves, including 13 biosphere reserve. Four of these reserves are included in the UNESCO list, because 5% of Indian territory is a specially protected area.

In India, live such large and rare animals as the Indian lion, Indian elephant, Indian rhinoceros, Bengal tiger, Asian buffalo, gaur, indian wolf, bengal fox, common jackal, striped hyena and red wolf. There are many monkeys and mongooses in India.

There are about two and a half thousand flowering plants in Goa. This is 27% of all flowers found in India. In addition, there are hundreds of varieties of ferns and various herbs. So holidays in goa can become a kind of trip to the open-air zoo.

One third of the territory is occupied rainforests, which are mostly concentrated in the east of the state, on the slopes of the Western Ghats. At the same time, most of the tropics are nature reserves, some of which are open to the public.

The central regions of the country are rocky and sandy soil, resulting in mostly drought-tolerant plants.

In the coastal part there are coconut palms and banyan trees. There is also a special government program to grow coconut palms, which provide shade for some crops that are not very sun tolerant.

Animal world

The fauna here is no less diverse and rich than the vegetation. There are more than fifty species of mammals in the state, including also large animals such as bears, Bengal cats, panthers, bison and leopards. Most of the mammals live in the dense jungle, mainly in protected areas. The opportunity to see animals exists when visiting some open reserves. Every tourist can holiday in goa visit these reserves.

Large rivers are the habitat of crocodiles, which can be seen when organizing special excursions.

Literally everywhere in Goa you can meet monkeys. Although they are not as annoying and arrogant as in the northern states, it is still worth being very careful while walking with these petty thieves. However, many travelers choose holidays in goa just to look at these younger brothers of man.

Many birds live here, both local and migratory. There are about 400 species of them. Most are found in the jungle, but there are also birds that live on the coast - the Indian heron, the green parrot, the kingfisher, which is the symbol of the state, the Asian koyal, which has a very unpleasant appearance, other.

It is also worth noting that 23 different snakes live in Goa, most of which are absolutely safe for humans. Venomous snakes include vipers, rattlesnakes and king cobras. Meeting them may lead to holidays in goa will leave a mark not only in the memory, but also on the body. There are also sea snakes in the sea, although they swim quite far from the shore, so the likelihood of encountering them is low. Moreover, they are practically harmless, and local fishermen can quite easily pick them up. Rays, which are also quite common, are not aggressive and swim away when they meet a person.

You can not be afraid of spiders and scorpions, as they very rarely crawl into houses and try to stay away from humans. Much ants are more dangerous, which bite very painfully and can cause serious harm to food.

Summing up, I would like to note that holidays in goa will be remembered for a long time for tourists who set themselves the most various purposes trips.

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