It is better to fly to vietnam nha trang. When is the best time to relax in Vietnam, what time of the year and where. Resorts, photo, video. Beach season in Vietnam

Many choose Vietnam for holidays, as they are already a little tired of the traditional resorts of Turkey and Egypt. Therefore, let's see how this country, which is located in Southeast Asia, can surprise us.

Where is the best place to go

If you are traveling for the first time and have not yet decided where it is better to relax in Vietnam, then we can tell you with confidence that the islands are perfect for this. You can come to this country on vacation both in winter and summer, as the average annual temperature varies from +26 to +30°С. But in different regions countries, the climate is significantly different and this must be taken into account.

You may also be interested in information about how much money you need in Vietnamto feel comfortable and have an interesting time.

In the north of the country(from Hanoi to Halong resort) it is best to relax in April and May, as well as in September, October and November, since here in spring and autumn it is quite comfortable temperature and no sweltering heat. It is quite cold here in winter, especially at night. And from the end of May, the rainy season begins, lasting until September.

In the south of Vietnam(from Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet) it is always warm and never cold. In summer it is very hot and humid here. There is no change of seasons in the traditional sense of the word, as there are only two seasons - the first lasts from May to November, and the second from December to April. June, July and August are heavy rains, so this region is suitable for winter holidays.

In the center In Vietnam (from Nha Trang to Hue), it is best to relax in the summer: in June, July and August, since it is at this time of the year that the air and water temperatures are the most comfortable, and the humidity level is the lowest.

More detailed information you can get about the resort cities of the country from the article: what are the best resorts to choose in Vietnam for recreation?

If we consider the islands of Vietnam for recreation, then the most popular is Phu Quoc, as the most respectable Vietnamese resort is located here. It is this resort that is often chosen by couples for families with children, as well as diving enthusiasts. And here it rains only in October, while the other 11 months are beautiful weather.

On the island of Khon Lao, which is located 20 km from Nha Trang, a huge number of monkeys live in the natural jungle. Tourists come here to enjoy real world nature and even see a real circus show.

And Hon Tam Island, or as it is called “Silk Island”, is great for relaxing, as here you will find beautiful beaches with white sand, convenient access to the sea and beautiful nature.

When to go on vacation

When is the best time to relax in Vietnam, many tourists ask. Also interested in the question of when to go to Vietnam on vacation with children. In the southern part of the country, the sea is warm throughout the year, but if you do not want to be exposed to constant rains, then the best time to relax will be from November to May.

In Nha Trang, the beach stretches for 7 km and here you can not only sunbathe, but also windsurf, jet ski and water ski. In the evening, there are numerous cafes and restaurants on the beach.

But if you want to sunbathe in more comfortable conditions, then you can go to Vinpearl Island, which is connected to the city by cable car. Here you will see a gorgeous beach in a quiet blue harbor, where there are almost never waves. For a relaxing holiday the beaches of Phu Quoc Island are suitable, and in Da Nang on China Beach you will find fine sand and good wave for surfing. On the beaches of Vietnam, such as Bai Rang, which is located near Phan Thiet, the most Better conditions for tourists.

Vacation with children

The resorts of the country are diverse and everyone can offer something unique, but where in Vietnam it is better to relax with children, we will now briefly consider.

The best resorts for families with children are Nha Trang, Phu Quoc Island and Halong Bay. The beaches of Nha Trang are among the best in the country, and here, in addition to mineral springs and coconut trees, there is a wonderful amusement park Vinpearl Land, which is reached by a cable car. This park is called the little "Hollywood" (opening hours from 8-00 to 20-00 daily).

The outdoor playground has various carousels, roller coasters and other attractions. In the closed area there is a 4D cinema, a game supermarket, karaoke and various virtual reality games. On an area of ​​60 sq. meters there is a water park, and on the other side there is a sandy beach with water games: paths, tsunamis, seaplanes, wave meters.

Extreme lovers can try themselves in such attractions as: free fall, black hole, flying river, wind tunnel riding, etc. At the Water Palace, you will see over three hundred different sea creatures from North and South Asia, as well as the Amazon River.

Phu Quoc perfect for a vacation with a small child. There are excellent hotels, clean beaches and warm sea. There are also special menus for children in restaurants.

Halong bay will be of interest to older children who love to ride catamarans and boats, sunbathe and swim, as well as climb caves.

In Ho Chi Minh you can visit the Damsen water park with your child, and Hanoi will offer you a very interesting puppet theater on the water - Thanglong. Chi Nguyen Island has one of the most beautiful and largest aquariums with a variety of exotic representatives of the underwater world. Your kids will love it here.

The climate of Vietnam is diverse, this is due to the considerable length of the country. Comfortable weather can be found here all year round if you choose the right resort.

The rainy season falls on summer months and the beginning of autumn. At this time, the rains stand like a wall, and from high humidity it gets stuffy. But in central area The country has several secluded bays, where it becomes uncomfortable only at the end of the year.

If the vacation falls on summer days, then it is preferable to go on vacation to the central region of Vietnam, in winter time it is advisable to choose resorts that are located in the south or north of the country. When going to these places for the first time, it is important to have reliable information when it is better to relax in Vietnam, at what time of the year and where.

North Vietnam is the oldest part of the country. On its open spaces there are numerous coffee plantations, as well as nature reserves. Capital Hanoi is a city that strikingly combines the influences of East and West: ancient pagodas and narrow streets, colonial villas and green French boulevards.

All this is complemented by lakes of magical beauty, surrounded by lush greenery. Northern Vietnam will be of interest to those who wish to get acquainted with the historical monuments of the country and plunge into the atmosphere of the Old City. The best time to go there is in the spring.

Central Vietnam will not leave indifferent fans beach holiday, kitesurfing and . It is famous for its long white sandy beaches, clear turquoise water and a mild Mediterranean climate. You can visit anytime except autumn.

South Vietnam ideal for a beach holiday. World famous resorts are concentrated here ( Mui Ne, peninsula Cam Ranh, gulf Nha Trang other). Any tourist can choose a place to their liking: youthful Nha Trang, luxurious Phu Quoc or calm Phan Thiet.

The region is characterized by greater economic development compared to the rest of Vietnam. The climate of the southern coast is tropical, the beach season is the most comfortable and long.

beach season

In the winter-spring period, the beach season begins in Vietnam, when it is better to relax in the southern part of the country. At this time, a large influx of tourists from all over the world, the weather in the region is conducive to relaxation, but prices rise accordingly. In spring, dry and hot weather sets in all resorts of the country.

It is best to relax on the most famous beach resorts Vietnam during the following periods:

  • Phan Thiet- in winter months;
  • Hoi an– from April to the end of August;
  • Phu Quoc– from November to March;
  • Nha Trang– from February to September.

Spring is the time when it is best to go to Vietnam to relax. Hot weather sets in from March-April in the central and southern regions. This is best period for outdoor activities and beach holidays. AT Phan Thiet and Mui Ne during the day about + 34 ° С, the sea 28 ° С. AT Nha Trang slightly cooler.

On the Fukuoka very warm nights, and daytime temperatures in the spring around 32°C. In the northern region, you can swim only from the end of April, when the temperature reaches +23°C.

rainy season in vietnam

This period in the regions of the country varies in time. In the south it lasts from May to November. During the rainy season, there is very high humidity due to short but heavy rainfall. The air temperature is about +27°С. Not all tourists avoid traveling to the country at this time, some do not consider the rains a hindrance. Prices during this period are significantly reduced, and the sea remains warm.

In northern Vietnam, the rainy season lasts from April to November. When going to this region, preferably warm clothes. In the central region, tropical showers are observed from December to April. Short-term rains occur frequently and the air temperature is quite low.

The hotel rooms are cool and very humid because they are not heated. The ocean is stormy, and it is most often impossible to swim, as red flags on the beaches warn about.

On the south coast, the wet season begins in May and ends closer to November. Rains are short, about 30-40 minutes, alternating with sunny weather. At the same time, the air temperature drops slightly.

The period when it is better to refuse a trip to Vietnam is from August to November. At this time, there is a high probability of typhoons, which are life-threatening. This must be taken into account when deciding when it is better to relax in Vietnam.

How to save money on travel

When planning a vacation in Vietnam (when is the best time to go in order to spend less), you need to consider that the most profitable tours are during the rainy season. At this time, the cost of recreation is lower than usual, so tourists often book places in advance. The flow of tourists is slightly reduced.

Despite showers, the air temperature in the southern resorts only slightly decreases (+28-29°C). In addition, the rains are short and the sea remains warm (+27-28°C). Showers often occur after lunch, during the period of the strongest heat and last only 30-40 minutes, so they do not always interfere with rest.

AT winter period prices for tours are the highest, this is due to increased competition. In other resorts, the tourist season is already closed and the number of people arriving in Vietnam to take a break from cold winter, increases sharply. Most of all visitors are on the eve, this causes a significant increase in the cost of vouchers. The rest of the time prices are quite stable.

Last Minute Tours to Vietnam

Diving and fishing

Diving enthusiasts can go to Vietnam at any time. In large resort towns there are special schools. The cost of classes is much lower than in other countries, and the underwater world is very beautiful and diverse.

For those who prefer picturesque places, it is better to choose the dry season for recreation. Fishing enthusiasts should also prefer this period. There are several options for this activity in Vietnam: fishing on the high seas, in rivers and mountain lakes. Fishing equipment can be rented from residents.

The dry season in the country lasts from January to April, so when deciding when it is better to go to Vietnam to relax at sea, you need to understand that this is the best time for beach activities. During this period, you can go to any region of the country and visit all resort places in Vietnam.

If you look at the map of Vietnam, we will see that the country is strongly elongated from north to south (almost 2.5 thousand km) Therefore climate and weather of vietnam by months in different parts countries are very different. Conventionally, Vietnam can be divided into three climatic zones: Northern, Central and Southern. will vary greatly, depending on where a particular resort is located.

Temperatures by month in the north and south of Vietnam

Weather in the southern part of Vietnam

In the south of Vietnam (from Mui Ne to Ho Chi Minh City), two seasons can be distinguished - dry and wet. The air and water temperatures fluctuate slightly here - within a few degrees. Average annual temperature 26-28. Weather in the south of Vietnam by months is:

– Dry season from December to April.

- From February to May, the weather is hot, with almost no rain.

The wet season starts in May and ends in November. The highest amount of precipitation, that is, rainy season in south vietnam from June to August. However, these rains are short and it can be said that overcast days provide a pleasant respite from the heat. The best weather in the south of Vietnam in months — from October to April. This period is considered the high season in this part of the country.

The main resorts of the south of Vietnam are: Mui Ne, Vung Tau and Phu Quoc Island.

Mui Ne

Mui Ne is located about 200 km north of Ho Chi Minh City, near the town of Phan Thiet. The former fishing village over the past decades has become one of the best resorts in Vietnam, and throughout Southeast Asia.

Mui Ne is Vietnam resort, weather whom by months will be comfortable, almost all year round. Along with Nha Trang, this is the most visited resort by Russian tourists. The undoubted advantage of Mui Ne is that all the hotels are located on the beach (on the first line). In addition, there is a huge number of restaurants and bars. The resort of Mui Ne is considered the best place for kiting lovers, thanks to the almost constantly blowing, strong wind. It is this wind and big waves on the sea that are a feature of the climate in Mui Ne. November to March is season for active rest on the this resort Vietnam. It is in Mui Ne that tourists from different countries to go kiting here. Along the entire coast is a large number of kite schools with experienced instructors. The best time for kiting is from November to March.

But for the lovers calm sea suitable time from April to September. At this time, the sea in Mui Ne becomes quiet and transparent.

Vung Tau

Vung Tau is a resort located just 128 km from Ho Chi Minh City, which has a very developed tourist infrastructure. This is one of the oldest resorts in the country. All along the coast are the former villas of the Vietnamese nobility, now converted into restaurants and guesthouses. There are several beaches in Vung Tau: front, back and mulberry. There is also a small, picturesque beach with the French name Roche Noir.

On the mountain above the city stands a huge statue of Jesus, 32 m high, very similar to the one in Rio de Janeiro. The disadvantages of the resort include close proximity to oil platforms, which is why the sea in Vung Tau cannot be called clean.

Phu Quoc Island

Phu Quoc Island is located in the Gulf of Thailand and is the largest island in Vietnam. The island is 48 km long and 25 km wide. This is perhaps the quietest and most beachy of all Vietnamese resorts. The beaches of Phu Quoc stretch from the town of Duong Dong to the south and are built up with hotels almost along their entire length. In 2008, Fukuoka's beaches were recognized as the cleanest and most beautiful in the world.

The period from October to March is months of the best weather in the Vietnamese resort- Phu Quoc Island. From April to Fukuoka starts rain season which continues until September.

There are practically no sights in Fukuoka, but the nature of the island is beautiful and in some places almost untouched. It is noteworthy that, unlike other areas of Vietnam, rice is not grown here. Instead of rice fields, the island has huge plantations of black pepper. Phu Quoc is the world's number one exporter of peppers.

Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is also located in the south of Vietnam and is certainly interesting for tourists. This is the largest city in Vietnam (population about 8 million people). During the French rule and later (from 1955 to 1975) Saigon was the capital of the country. At the end of the war with the communist North Vietnam, Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. The best Weather in Ho Chi Minh City- This months from October to April.

Central part of Vietnam

Nha Trang

Nha Trang is located 450 km north of Ho Chi Minh City. Nha Trang is perhaps the most popular resort in Vietnam among Russian tourists. Unlike Mui Ne, also popular with Russians, which looks more like a village, Nha Trang is a city with a well-developed infrastructure. Along the seven-kilometer sandy beach stretches a number of luxury hotels, including well-known international chains. And the rest of the city is built up with hotels very densely.

The beach in Nha Trang is very clean and well maintained, like the whole city. The mountains here approach the coast itself, so there is less rainfall than in other regions of the country and the likelihood of typhoons is minimal. Nha Trang is suitable both for a relaxing, beach holiday, and for lovers nightlife. The city has many bars, nightclubs and discos.

In addition, here is a paradise for diving enthusiasts. Dive clubs in the city at every turn. Nha Trang is also known as a medical resort. There is a clinic for mud therapy and mineral water treatment in the city. People come here to be treated for diseases of the joints, broncho-pulmonary and skin diseases. Best holiday season for this resort of Vietnam from February to May. At this time, there is no rain at all, the weather is clear and the sea is completely calm. Summer in Nha Trang season rains. Also rainy weather in November and December. At this time, the sea is muddy, cool and stormy almost all the time.


Da Nang is located 500 km north of Nha Trang. The best weather and season for holiday vietnam resort Da Nang is the months from February to May.

Da Nang is one of the largest port and industrial cities in Vietnam. In terms of population, Da Nang ranks fourth in the country. Despite the developed tourist infrastructure, a large number of hotels and good beaches(China Beach is recognized as one of the best in the country), the number of tourists coming here is much less than in the same Nha Trang. Most travelers consider Da Nang as a transit point when moving from north to south or vice versa. There are no signs in Russian here, in restaurants you will not be offered a Russian menu. But the prices are much lower than in Nha Trang and Mui Ne and, importantly, there is no hectic traffic on the roads. Getting around the city on foot and on a rented motorbike is much more comfortable than in most other cities in Vietnam.

Holiday seasons in northern Vietnam

North Vietnam weather by months characterized by well-marked seasonal differences. Winters in this part of the country are quite cold. In December and January, temperatures can drop below 10 degrees. And here Summer weather in northern Vietnam, sometimes hotter than in the south of Vietnam. The landscape of the north of the country is mostly mountainous. In these places, snow is not uncommon, especially in the vicinity of the city of Sapa.


In the north of Vietnam is the capital and main administrative center of the country - Hanoi. If you are going to visit the capital, then remember that weather in hanoi very often rainy and cool, especially in winter.

halong bay

The main resort of northern Vietnam is Halong.

Ha Long Bay is a real pearl of Vietnam. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. More than 1,600 rocky islands are scattered throughout the area of ​​the bay. The view of the bay is stunning at first sight and leaves no one indifferent.

And here weather and climate in northern Vietnam not always comfortable for rest. beach season in Halong Bay, due to climatic features, it is rather short. In winter, the water temperature here drops to 15 degrees. And the summer in Ha Long is very rainy. The most favorable holiday season in northern Vietnam by months

A mysterious tropical country with incredibly beautiful nature, captivating everyone who sets foot on its land, Vietnam is a state that has stretched Latin letter"S" along east coast Indochinese peninsula, washed by the waters South China Sea. Read our article on the Tour-Calendar and you will find out why best time to relax in this looking glass of Socialism consider the period from December to April.

Tourist season in Vietnam

Vietnam has embarked on the path of tourism development relatively recently, since the 20th century was marked by a series of wars for it. However, after they ended, the country quickly rehabilitated itself, and its economy began to gain momentum. Tourists have flocked here, the annual entry flow today is about 7.5 million people. Residents of the CIS countries also come to rest. About 87,000 tourists are Russian citizens, who are treated here with great hospitality. Vietnam beckons with Asian exoticism, incomparable snow-white beaches, a scattering of bizarre islands and cheap shopping, as well as the fact that you can relax here all year round. However, the tropical climate makes its own adjustments, and for most tourists, the most acceptable time to stay in the country is the dry season, which lasts from November to the end of April.

High season

The high season in Vietnam begins in winter, at the most suitable time for a beach holiday. Many pursue the goal of escaping from European chilly winds and the realm of snow. Some tourists, deprived of their summer vacation, finally break out of the bustle of work, wanting to catch up, while others fulfill their long-standing dream of celebrating the New Year in a hot country. In general, there are a lot of reasons and everyone has their own. Peak high season, when a real tourist flood in Vietnam occurs between December and early April. The main composition of foreigners at this time is represented by the French, Americans and Russians. The latter fact is partly due to the fact that it is very easy for our tourists to get to the country: regular flights are made from some cities of the Russian Federation, and charters are allowed in winter. The only disadvantage of rest in the high season is its high cost.

low season

The low season coincides with the tropical rainy season from May to late October. However, the admirers summer holiday Vietnam has plenty, because it is much cheaper. Booking tours opens in winter, but you should not rush. As summer approaches, tempting “hot” offers appear on the travel services market, which are much more profitable than early booking. At this time, travel agencies “throw out” tours for sale at cost so as not to be at a loss. In addition, a short-term visa for a 15-day period is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation upon arrival at the country's airport, so you can buy a ticket even the day before departure, without worrying about the need for paperwork. It should be borne in mind that the choice of a place of rest in low season must be taken very seriously, because in addition to tropical downpours, there is a great threat of devastating typhoons covering dozens of provinces.

Beach season in Vietnam

The beach season in Vietnam lasts all year round, but at certain times you can only swim at specific resorts. In winter, the south coast is usually preferred. Here the sea water temperature is about +26°C..+28 °C. In the summer, by the way, these figures are almost the same. January and February are considered velvet season when precipitation is least likely. But in the north and the central coast it is not customary to swim in winter: firstly, it is quite cool during the day - from +15 ° C to +20 ° C, and secondly, the sea is no longer so warm. In the summer season, these marks rise to +26 °C .. +28 °C, however, a beach holiday in the northern resorts can be overshadowed by the rainy season. Much less precipitation falls in the central regions, for example, in the Hoi An resort, which is so popular at this time. In Da Nang bathing season lasts from May to July. However, from August-September, reasonable tourists begin to leave it, because it is this part of Vietnam that is subjected to the most powerful attacks of typhoons.

diving season

One of the reasons why Vietnam is so loved by outdoor enthusiasts is the cheapest diving in the world. Regardless of low prices, it is organized no worse than in expensive European resorts. Undersea world The South China Sea is full of a variety of bright flora and fauna: bizarre corals, like colorful fish painted in watercolor, sea ​​cows, huge green turtles, mysterious grottoes and much more. Both beginners and experienced divers will be satisfied. Almost every resort in Vietnam has its own diving center, but the most popular "spots" are the following: Phu Quoc Islands with "plantations" of pearls, Wel with a turtle farm, the Kon Dao archipelago with sunken ships, mainland Nha Trang, where the most beautiful bay in the world and Russian dive -Centre. General diving season: all months, except for the period from December to February, which is characterized by excessively rough seas. Also each dive site has its best seasons. For example, in Nha Trang and Uela this period is from February to October, in Fukuoka - from November to May.

Surf season

Surfing as a sport in Vietnam is just beginning to gain momentum, today some resorts even arrange professional competitions. However, in general, surfing here is no longer aimed at beginners, but at those who feel quite confident on the board. The most favorable season on the southern coast of the country for kite, wind, SUP and classic surfing is the interval between September and April. For those who are looking for more “modest” waves, the eastern resort of Vung Tau is suitable, from January to the end of March and from November to December surfing is especially good here. There are several spots in Da Nang, where the season starts in September and ends only in December. However, at this time there are no lifeguards on its beaches. It is better to come to Mui Ne to ride from January to March/April and from October/November to December.

fishing season

Vietnam is a real paradise for anglers, as the local reservoirs are simply teeming with a wide variety of fish, among which there are many endemics and “trophies” like the armored pike or angel fish. You can fish both on mountain rivers, fresh lakes, and in the open sea. The best time for this activity is the “quiet” season, when there are no winds and heavy rains, i.e. summer for fishing is a kind of taboo. By the way, for its organization it is not necessary to turn to the services of specialized offices, almost every local resident will gladly provide you with all the necessary equipment for a small fee and show you the most best places cool.

The best time for excursions

Vietnam is associated with imposing temple complexes of civilizations that have disappeared from the face of the earth, green carpets of rice fields, emerald bays, majestic waterfalls and swift mountain rivers. Vietnam is a realm of exotic flora and fauna, as well as noisy markets and snake and frog delicacies. This country never ceases to amaze with things that are unusual for a European. Coming here for less than two weeks (visa-free period) does not make sense, but in a good way it will take at least a month to see at least a fraction of its sights. The best time for excursions is the "dry season", or rather one of its periods, lasting from January to April.

Wellness season

In addition to beach holidays and sightseeing and educational tourism in Vietnam, a wellness direction has become widespread. A lot of hot springs spouting from underground are scattered throughout the country, in addition, the nature of these lands is rich mineral waters and healing mud. That is why almost every hotel has its own SPA-salon offering a full range of services. There are entire specialized health centers and resort complexes. Popular and treatment with healers practicing methods alternative medicine based on the use of tinctures on snakes, herbs and various underwater reptiles. Today, not so many people go to Vietnam specifically for treatment. The main part of tourists simply combines a beach holiday with some course of wellness or SPA procedures, the possibility of which they learn only sometimes upon arrival at the resort. But still it is worth saying that summer is far from the best time for serious treatment.

Time for holidays and festivals

Holidays in Vietnam are able to amaze with their scope and colorfulness, and they can also terrify. After all, this country has a very complex system of religions, and most of population strictly follows the implementation of numerous rituals, sometimes not harmless. But since Vietnam is also a socialist country, several quite civilized holidays are celebrated here, which are also known in Europe. These include Catholic Christmas, International Women's Day, Labor Day, Children's Day and Teacher's Day. native vietnamese memorable dates: February 3 - founding day Communist Party, April 30 is the anniversary of the liberation of Saigon or Victory Day, May 19 is the anniversary of the birth of President Ho Chi Minh, August 15 is the Day of the August Revolution of 1945, September 2 is the Independence Day of Vietnam. However, most of the holidays do not have exact dates, as they are celebrated according to the lunar calendar. The most magnificent festivities unfold on the Vietnamese New Year "Tet", which falls on the 1st day of the first lunar month. It takes place within 4 days and usually falls on the period from January 20 to February 20 (every year the dates are different). Quite remarkable is the Commemoration Day of the Hung Kings - the founders of ancient Vietnam (the 10th day of the third lunar month). It is also impossible not to mention the “Hi Zha Zha” holidays, during which a black buffalo is sacrificed to the spirits, celebrated in the province of Lao Cai (in mid-June according to the lunar calendar), bull racing in the province of Anzhang (late August - early October), Gautama's birthday Buddha Day (15th day of the fourth lunar month), a lantern festival coinciding with the dates of this day in China (15th day of the first lunar month), and the Thau Pagoda Festival with a fascinating performance of puppet theater (5th-7th day of the third lunar month ). In fact, the list of traditional Vietnamese holidays is endless, so when you come to Vietnam, you will definitely get to one or another celebration.

Typhoon season in Vietnam

Typhoons in Vietnam are real threat human life, "season" starts at last days summer

Speaking of Vietnam, a fly in the ointment in a series of diverse seasons that promise only pleasant emotions is a very dangerous typhoon season that claims the lives of tens of thousands of people, among which there are usually quite a few tourists. In general, it lasts from late summer to mid-November, sometimes, however, lingering in certain areas of the country for a longer period. Travel agencies for this period are trying to send their customers to the southern regions, where the strength of typhoons is significantly weakening, while avoiding the sale of vouchers to northern destinations. However, some offices only care about their own income, not disdaining to sell vouchers to absolutely any region of the country. So be careful, because typhoons are not strong winds, but powerful eddy currents of crushing air moving at speeds up to 20 km / h. First of all, they fall on the central regions, for which the most dangerous period is the time from the third week of September to the first of December. Therefore, it is better to refuse to visit the tourist spots located there, the list of which includes, first of all, Hue and Da Nang. Further, the north of the country with its capital Hanoi is exposed to the invasion, where the activity of typhoons disappears in mid-late October. By the way, they lead not only to great destruction of cities, but also to great floods. Be extremely careful!

Climate of Vietnam

The territory of Vietnam has a fairly large meridional extent, and its landscape is characterized by a variety of topography. This gave rise to the formation of several types of climate in the country at once. The south is in the zone of influence of the tropical monsoon climate, where the differentiation of seasons is carried out only taking into account the direction of the winds and the amount of precipitation. There is a tropical rainy season from May to October, and a dry season from November to April. The sea water temperature on the southern coast stays at +26 °C..+29 °C throughout the year. North is located in the tropical climate zone, here the transition from one season to another is a little clearer. Summer is hot and humid with large quantity rainfall, and winter is cool and rainy, so the swimming season is closed here at this time. The central regions are a cross between the two types of climates previously discussed. Winters are warmer here than in the northern regions, and summers are less hot than in the south. Another feature of Vietnam's climate is a high level of humidity, reaching up to 80%, which, of course, complicates the tolerance of hot weather.

Vietnam in spring

From March to April in the south of Vietnam there are high temperatures, the sea is very warm, not bringing much relief from the heat. AT last days In April, the season of tropical showers begins here, so the tourist flow is noticeably reduced. In the central regions, March and April are characterized by moderate temperatures, ranging from +22 ° C to +27 ° C, it rains periodically, slowly gaining strength. It gets very hot here in May. In the north of the country, the weather is also characterized by high temperatures, but there is much more precipitation here than in average Vietnam. You can swim in the spring on all the beaches of the country, since the water on both the northern and southern shores is very warm. It is only necessary to focus on the amount of precipitation.

Temperature and weather in Vietnam in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Hanoi +23 +28 +32
Nha Trang +30 +25 +31 +25 +32 +28
Phu Quoc +32 +27 +33 +28 +32 +28
Phan Thiet +33 +26 +35 +26 +35 +29
Ho Chi Minh City +33 +35 +35

Vietnam in summer

The weather in summer in Vietnam is quite different - both in temperatures and in the intensity of precipitation. Let's start from the south. In the summer months, the thermometer in the shade reaches +32 °C .. +33 °C, in the sun these figures may be slightly higher. Falls here from June to August the largest number precipitation throughout the rainy season. The showers are very powerful, it feels like the sky just broke through! Within a radius of half a meter, absolutely nothing is visible. However, it rains for a couple of hours. In the evening it becomes easier to breathe, the air cools down to +24 °C..+25 °C. In the northern regions of the country in recent years, summer has been slightly hotter than in the south. The breezes blowing from the sea bring a little relief. It also rains here, after which the already imperfect roads are often washed out. The central regions are a more or less dry region, but in August it is literally flooded with rain when typhoons come here. After sunset, as such, the heat does not subside. In Hanoi, the thermometer drops only to +27 ° C. Going to the capital in the summer, stock up on good repellents, as there are a lot of mosquitoes here at this time. The average water temperature in the country ranges from +28 °C..+29 °C. Surprisingly, under conditions of high humidity levels, summer weather in Vietnam it is much easier to carry than, for example, in Turkey or Egypt.

Temperature and weather in Vietnam in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Hanoi +33 +33 +32
Nha Trang +33 +28 +32 +28 +33 +28
Phu Quoc +32 +28 +31 +28 +30 +28
Phan Thiet +33 +29 +33 +29 +33 +29
Ho Chi Minh City +33 +33 +33

Vietnam in autumn

The first two months of autumn in the south of the country are characterized by heavy showers, which usually occur in the afternoon, and high air and water temperatures. Storms are not excluded, but they do not occur as often this season as in other regions. In November, the amount of precipitation decreases sharply, but it still rains. In the northernmost provinces of the country, there are fewer cloudy days in September, but typhoons can rage until mid-October, causing huge waves. In the central regions, including Hanoi, it is quite dangerous to relax in autumn, despite the oath assurances of many guidebooks. Until the very beginning of winter, the strongest hurricanes make themselves felt here. Of course, not all provinces are affected by it, so in the "calm" areas at this time it is quite dry and very warm.

We have already covered in detail in our articles.

Nha Trang has everything for a comfortable and carefree holiday: beautiful nature, snow-white sandy beach, clear azure water, attracting tourists all year round. In addition, there are unique healing springs and mud, thanks to which rest can be combined with recovery.

Tours in Nha Trang, and among young people, since the choice of entertainment in the city is quite wide and everyone will definitely find something interesting for themselves. Many attractions, including historical ones, interesting excursions, exotic cuisine, rich club life, bars - Nha Trang cordially offers all this and much more to its guests.

Tours and tours

Prices can be viewed at Level.Travel and buy a ticket online. The cost of the tour includes: airfare, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back, accommodation and meals at the hotel and medical insurance.

Climatic features

Nha Trang is endowed with its climatic features. The climate in this place is divided into 2 seasons. The first is a wet, rainy winter, and the second is a hot, dry summer.

The average temperature is 25°C - 26°C.18°C. In general, the temperature values ​​here are stable and practically do not differ throughout the year. That's it, a trip to Nha Trang possible at any time of the year- the climate is favorable for a serene pastime.

Even in the rainy seasons, Nha Trang is quite attractive for tourists who do not set themselves the main goal of relaxing on the beach.

Rain season

Nha Trang is located in the central part of the country, rainfall here begin to fall in September and end only closer to December.

Downpours occur periodically, sometimes even turning into storms of rain and strong wind but air and water do not cool down.

Caution! During this period, strong waves are possible at sea, since precipitation is sometimes accompanied by piercing winds, making swimming unsafe. Strong typhoons are possible in October and November.

But do not think that the rainy season is hopeless thunderstorms, downpours and strong winds. The rains here are short, but frequent and rather short. After the rain, calm comes and the sun comes out again, so the beach season in the tropics never stops.

In bad weather in Nha Trang, you can make such an interesting and varied program that you get bored and regret cloudy day there will simply be no time!

Advice! In bad weather, you can go on an excursion to the Oceanographic Museum, where you can see the inhabitants of the depths listed in the Red Book, visit the villas of Bao Dai, the Museum of Impressions, or simply try national Vietnamese cuisine. In addition, spa treatments and shopping are available in any weather.

Tourist season

The tourist season lasts in Nha Trang from March to August.. It was at this time that the resort is experiencing the most rapid influx of tourists from different countries. There are more than enough people who want to bask in the hot sun of Nha Trang and their choice is quite justified - the resort's bay is in the top twenty the most beautiful bays in the world.

Another influx of tourists to the resort is observed during the celebration of the Vietnamese New Year's Tet. Vietnam celebrates the New Year, focusing on moon calendar. This is the most important and popular holiday in the country, which is celebrated in late January, early or mid-February.

Note! Prices for tickets during this period are quite high.

Weather by months

  • December in Nha Trang is the beginning of the dry season. Precipitation in January falls 6 times less than in December. The average daytime temperature is 27°C, the night temperature is 20°C, but the month is considered not the best for visiting the resort, sunny days not much.
  • In February, rainfall is reduced to almost a minimum, average temperature— 27°C during the day and 20°C at night. Many tourists prefer to visit Nha Trang in February. The month is good for a beach holiday, diving, and the sun is still not very hot after the rainy season.
  • In March it gets hotter - the air warms up to 30 ° C during the day and up to 21 ° C at night. Rains happen, but extremely rarely, but even small precipitation cannot spoil the rest.
  • By April temperatures reach an average of 31°C during the day and 23°C at night. April is considered one of the most comfortable months to stay in Nha Trang.
  • May characterized by the highest temperature rise. During the day it is 32°C, at night 24°C. That is why bronze tan lovers choose May to soak up the sun. The amount of precipitation is low.
  • In June the weather is consistently hot, but the temperature drops to 24°C at night, while during the day the thermometer stays at around 33°C.
  • July- one of the sunniest and hottest months in the resort. In July, Nha Trang receives a huge number of tourists and this month is considered the peak of the high season. The average daytime temperature is 32°C, nighttime - 24°C.
  • In August very hot, little rain. For many vacationers, staying at the resort becomes not very comfortable. Average temperatures are 33°C and 24°C, day and night, respectively.
  • With the beginning of September rains return to Nha Trang, bringing a little coolness and freshness. The average daytime temperature drops to 32°C, at night it is cooler - 23°C.
  • In October the amount of rain increases by 2 times, and the humidity rises to 90%. This autumn month is considered one of the worst months for a holiday in the resort, although the air temperature during the day is 30°C and at night - 23°C.
  • November also not very favorable for recreation due to frequent showers. The air temperature during the day is 30°С, at night -22°С.
  • December a short tropical winter comes to Nha Trang. The average daily temperature drops to 27°С, at night - to 21°С. The rainy season ends by the middle of the month.

Average water temperature

The water temperature in Nha Trang differs from the air temperature by only a couple of degrees, so in sea ​​water all year round you can enter without any discomfort:

  • January - 22°C
  • February - 23°C
  • March - 25°C
  • April - 25°C
  • May - 28°C
  • June - 28°C
  • July - 28°C
  • August - 28°C
  • September - 27°C
  • October - 27°C
  • November - 24°C
  • December - 24°C

When is the best time to rest?

The most pleasant weather conditions are from February to May. The heat has not yet reached its peak, the rains are infrequent, the weather is generally suitable for any type of holiday. by the most best month to visit the resort March is considered.

Note! From June to August, there are also excellent conditions for recreation, but due to the large influx of tourists, hotel prices rise significantly.

Experienced Tourists it is not recommended to go to Nha Trang in autumn, since tropical storms and monsoons can spoil the impression of a vacation a little, especially for those who rely solely on beach pastime.

If you are looking for privacy and crowds of tourists annoy you

recession tourist season observed in Nha Trang from the end of September to the middle of January and it is connected, first of all, with the deterioration of the weather. Vacationers are frightened by abundant frequent rains, which are an obstacle to the desired carefree vacation.

Comfortable weather begins to set only towards the end of December. It is at this time that Nha Trang is quiet and calm and vacationers can fully enjoy the beauty of the city, excursions and For a beach holiday, February and March can be considered.


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If you are a married couple with children

It has everything to make the rest of the little guests simply unforgettable: Vinpearl Amusement Park, islands with monkeys, deer and elephants.

In addition, the Nha Trang beach stretches for almost 10 km, the water here is warm even in the low season and does not fall below +22°C, which is great for families with children. The most comfortable for a family trip there will be a period from February to May.

If you are looking for a pure beach holiday

Nha Trang deserves 29th place in the list of the most beautiful bays in the world. The sandy beach of the resort is about 7 km. The sand consists of the smallest fragments of multi-colored shells, thanks to which the water is clean and transparent. Sunbathers choose period from February to April.

If you can't handle the heat

Most vacationers choose the hot months for a trip to Vietnam. For those who can't handle the heat well, the best time to travel is will be February and March.

These months are the best for excursions and sightseeing in Nha Trang; recreation on the beaches; swimming in the sea and activities water sports sports, including diving and visits to popular spa treatments in the city.

Universal rest time

The universal time for relaxing in the resort can be safely called period from February to the end of August. This time allows you to enjoy the pleasant windless weather, warm sea ​​water and gentle sun. The first months of winter will delight those who can't stand the heat, while the spring and summer spent in Nha Trang will appeal to those who prefer the scorching sun.

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