What does reserve mean. Reserves are areas of pristine nature protected by the state. See what a "reserve" is in other dictionaries

I learned what a reserve is in the first grade, but then I did not realize what the meaning of this word was. Today, unfortunately, environmental disasters are not uncommon, and the only thing that inspires hope is an increase in the number of reserves. About which of them are located in our country, and there will be my story.

What is a reserve for?

It is no secret that our planet is in danger, and humanity is to blame. There is a risk that in a few generations our descendants will not be able to admire even such familiar birds as the crane and stork. To prevent this from happening, special territories are being created - reserves, where nature will have a better chance of being preserved. Such sites are created in each country, and are under the protection of the state. Sometimes scientific centers are built there, where scientists can study animals, as well as develop mechanisms for protecting the environment. The law prohibits the conduct of any economic activity in such territories.

The largest reserves in Russia

The largest, both in terms of area and number of protected species, are:

  • Barguzinsky - area 3784.23 km²;
  • Wrangel Island - 23651.6 km²;
  • Big Arctic - 42697.54 km².

Despite its relatively modest size, the Barguzinsky Reserve is the very first in our country - the foundation falls on 1916. It is located in Buryatia not far from Lake Baikal, and at first it was supposed to be a place for breeding sables and martens. In 1997, it became a World Heritage Site with the status of "biospheric", which means not only the preservation of the species fund, but its increase.

The Big Arctic is rightfully recognized as the largest not only in our country, but also in Europe, being both a nature protection and research institution. Part of it is located within the Arctic tundra, the other extends to the Arctic deserts. Polar bears, polar gulls and other endangered animals live here.

in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" dated March 14, 1995 No. 33-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2001 No. 196-FZ) state natural z. (GPZ) belong to specially protected natural areas and are nature protection, research and environmental education institutions. Z. - objects of national property. GPZ carry out the protection of natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in their natural state; organize and conduct scientific research, including the maintenance of the Chronicle of Nature; carry out environmental monitoring within the framework of the national environmental monitoring system; participate in the state environmental review of projects and schemes for the placement of economic and other facilities; engaged in environmental awareness and education. GPZ, which are included in the international system of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring, receive the status of state natural biosphere reserves. The territories of the GPZ are classified as specially protected natural areas of federal significance, therefore, the GPZ are established by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, subject to the consent of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to classify these territories as objects of federal property. Natural resources and real estate of the GPZ are completely withdrawn from circulation (they cannot be alienated and transferred from one person to another in other ways). Withdrawal or other termination of rights to land plots and other natural resources included in the GPZ is prohibited. On the territory of the GPZ, any activity that is contrary to its tasks and the regime of special protection of its territory, established in the regulation on this GPZ, is prohibited. The introduction of living organisms for the purpose of their acclimatization is prohibited. Protected zones with a limited regime of nature management are created on the land and water areas adjacent to the territories of the GPZ. Stay on the territory of the State Nature Reserve of citizens who are not employees of these reserves, or officials who are not employees of the bodies in charge of these reserves, is allowed only with the permission of these bodies or directorates of the State Nature Reserve. GPZs are legal entities that do not have profit making as the purpose of their activities (i.e., they are non-profit organizations) and are created in the form of an environmental institution financed from the federal budget.

There are few places on the planet where untouched nature has been preserved. National parks, sanctuaries, nature reserves are designed to preserve the virgin environment.


The reserve is the territory of the Earth or the water area, which is under the protection of the law. It is forbidden to engage in industrial and economic activities in the reserves. Any kind of fishing is strictly punished here. A unique landscape, especially valuable plants, rare animals are the factors that determine the emergence of nature reserves in a particular geographical area. The desire to preserve the exceptional nature of the reserves leads to the use of all possible means of nature protection. Natural science, legal, technical and economic activities carried out on the territory of reserves ensure the rational use of the environment for the benefit of the entire animal world of the planet.

The history of the nature reserves

Humanity has been thinking about the need to create protected areas for a long time. The first law on the establishment of a protected natural area is considered to be the Sri Lankan law of the third century BC. A large number of national parks and reserves began to be created in the era of industrial revolutions, when there was a massive change in the original appearance of the planet. Industrialization affected the existence of individual taxa, the destruction of vast territories with a unique landscape.

Reserve (the meaning of the word goes back to the word reserved, that is, "forbidden, inviolable"), like the National Park, is intended to preserve nature. The very concept of the word "reserve" is exclusively Russian. In other countries, reserves as such do not exist. The establishment of nature reserves on the territory of Russia for the conservation and restoration of nature began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The first reserve in Russia (1874) is Askania-Nova, located in the Kherson region. The oldest in Russia is the Barguzinsky nature reserve, the significance of which is still great today.
One of the first reserves established during the formation of Soviet power are the Astrakhan and Ilmensky reserves.

Types of reserves

The reserve is a territory that is completely under the protection of the state. This distinguishes nature reserves from sanctuaries. Individual taxa are protected in sanctuaries. Reserves are also different from National Parks, which are created primarily to demonstrate the unique nature of the visitors.
Entrance to the parks is lightly restricted. In the reserves, visiting is either limited to ecological excursions in a certain part of the complex, or completely prohibited. The purpose of creating reserves is scientific. Here, experts from various fields conduct their research and observations. The reserve is a place where the natural course of processes and phenomena in nature, the genetic diversity of fauna and flora is studied. Reserves are distinguished according to the specifics of the protected area: state biospheric, state natural, architectural, natural-historical, museum-reserves. Large reserves with unique, inimitable nature are included in the list of protection of international law and are protected by UNESCO.

Day of Reserves

Preserving nature in its original form, ensuring the natural development of animal populations, protecting rare plants are the tasks that the reserve solves. These are the postulates taken into account when creating protected areas. In Russia, every year on January 11, the Day of Reserves and National Parks is celebrated. This holiday has been celebrated by ecologists since 1997. The date, January 11, was not chosen by chance: it was on January 11, 1916 that the first state reserve, Barguzinsky, was opened. The officially recognized date of the celebration speaks of the priority role of environmental protection in the country.

A reserved place where rare and valuable plants, animals, unique parts of nature, cultural values ​​are protected and preserved. State forest z. Beaver h. Pushkinsky Museum-z.

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what "RESERVE" is in other dictionaries:

    A piece of land or water space, within which the entire natural complex is completely and forever withdrawn from economic use and is under state protection. The reserve is also called scientific research institutions, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Protected natural area (water area), on which the swarm is preserved in nature. condition of the entire natural complex, landscapes typical or rare for the given zone, rare and valuable species of animals and plants, etc. Ch. task 3. save and restore ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    RESERVE- natural complexes that have not been altered or little changed by man, which are forever excluded from economic use (including visits by people) in order to preserve the standards of nature intact, to protect representatives of the animal and ... ... Ecological dictionary

    Reserve, safari, reserve, reserve Dictionary of Russian synonyms. reserve n., number of synonyms: 11 divine forest (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    RESERVE- STATE NATURAL RESERVE ... Legal Encyclopedia

    RESERVE, an area, sometimes including inland waters and river deltas, set aside for the study and protection of wildlife, natural environment or geological features of the landscape. There are several hundred nature reserves in the UK. ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    RESERVE, reserve, husband. (official). Protected area, i.e. under special protection, prohibited (in order to preserve rare species of plants, animals, etc.). Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - "RESERVE", Russia, THEATER IM. MOSCOW COUNCIL/CULTURE, 1999, color, 122 min. Teleplay. Based on the work of Sergei Dovlatov. Recorded and edited performance of the Theater. Moscow City Council, which began to stage M. Sonnenstral, and after him ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    reserve- RESERVE, a, m. Shutl. about what l. a place (institution) where there are a lot of conservative-minded people (usually about old Bolsheviks, communists), for example, about sanatoriums ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    reserve- A protected area or water area in which the entire natural or historical-architectural complex is maintained in a natural state and scientific research is carried out [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook


  • Reserve, Dovlatov S .. “Reserve” (1983) is one of the best books by Sergei Dovlatov, in which the theme of an extra person and the absurdity of human life unfolds against the backdrop of the “Pskov distances” of the Pushkin Reserve, ...

Svetlana Shvedchikova
Conversation with the children of the preparatory group "What is a reserve?"

Subject: "What such a nature reserve

Target: introduce children to reserves of our region; to form a responsible and careful attitude to the native nature; instill in children a sense of pride that in our native land people cherish, protect reserved corners of nature.

caregiver: “Nature for us is the pantry of the sun with great treasures ...

And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland. (M. M. Prishvin).

Nature is important in everyone's life human: after all, in addition to beauty and good mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly, riddles will tell.

Well, which one of you will answer:

Not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes.


caregiver: Can a person live without sunlight and heat?

(children's answers).

caregiver: Passes through the nose to the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

He is invisible and yet

We cannot live without it.


caregiver Q: Can we live without air?

(children's answers).


They drink me

They pour me

Everyone needs me.

Who is this?


Will wink at you furtively

Sweet lantern made from grass.


Standing on a strong foot

Now lies in a basket.



Flying over the lawn

Pat over a flower

And share honey.


Shines in the clean river

The back is silver. (fish)

caregiver: Sun, air, water, berries, mushrooms, bees, fish - all this is nature. Man lives in nature, man's life depends on nature.

And what do you guys think, the beauty of nature depends on a person?

Children's answers.

caregiver: And how does a person help nature?

(People plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

caregiver: Can people destroy nature?

Children's answers. (They pollute rivers, cut down forests, capture animals, etc.)

caregiver: People can increase nature, or they can destroy the rest, causing great harm to the flora and fauna and entire ecological systems. Many species of animals and plants began to disappear from the face of the earth, which we can see in the Red Book.

But the wonderful thing is that a person knows how to correct his mistakes.

More than a hundred years ago, a law was issued that made it possible to create in our country nature reserves.

caregiver: What such a nature reserve? (children's answers).

caregiver: The reserve is a place where nature has the right to live by its own laws. This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, shrubs, animals, birds, insects, and fish are protected by the state.

AT reserve people are forbidden to pick flowers, berries, mushrooms, fish, hunt birds and animals.

AT reserve come only on an excursion where they get acquainted with the beauty and wealth reserved places.

Guys, do you know that there are four specially protected natural areas in our district.

Reserve"Malaya Sosva"

Reserve "Verkhne-Kondinsky"

natural monument "Lake Range Tour"

Nature Park "Kondinsky lakes"

Various species of animals, birds, fish and plants are protected in these territories.

(illustration display)

Water lily pure white

peony evasive,

Marin root,

Poppy Yugorsky,

Hypericum spotted,

heather common,

Siberian aster,

Goose onion grainy,

Lily saranka,

wild garlic onion,

West Siberian river beaver,

white goose,

small swan,

Grey goose….

Reserve- these are islands of salvation of nature from man. Reserve- this is our wealth, the golden fund of our country, which each of us can be proud of.

Rapidly delving into the experience of the ancients

And comprehending the essence of its roots,

I learned resilience from the trees

And dexterity and strength - in animals.

I learned from birds to feel freedom,

In fish - concentrated silence.

Therefore I owe nature

It is worthy to protect from all enemies.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, is it only in nature reserves should be protected? (children's answers).

caregiver: That's right, it is necessary to protect the native nature in any place.

For this you need remember a few rules:

1. In nature remember what you see.

2. Walk along the paths.

3. Do not break tree branches.

4. Do not trample on flowers, herbs.

5. Do not shout, do not turn on loud music.

6. Do not destroy bird nests.

7. Do not catch insects.

8. Do not destroy mycelium.

9. Do not catch fry and frogs.

10. Do not break cobwebs.

11. Do not kindle fires.

12. Do not ruin anthills.

Specially protected natural areas

Reserve"Malaya Sosva"

One of the main tasks reserve is the environmental education of the population, the promotion of biological, environmental knowledge and conservation work. AT reserve There are 38 species of mammals, 209 species of birds, 15 species of fish.

Reserve "Upper Kondinsky"

The reserve was created with the aim of preserving and reproducing wild animals in need of protection along with their habitat. 390 species of plants, 42 species of mammals, 183 species of birds, 14 species of fish have been identified on the territory of the reserve.

natural monument "Lake Rani - Tour"

The natural monument was created in order to preserve especially valuable natural landscapes, maintain the natural hydrological regime of Lake Rani-Tur, preserve and reproduce wild animals in need of protection along with their habitat, as well as to maintain the overall ecological balance of the Kondo-Sosva region. Lake Rani-Tur is one of the few large lakes in the Soviet region.

Regional nature park "Kondinsky lakes"

The park was created in order to preserve the water system of the lakes Arantur, Pon-Tur, Rani-Tur and adjacent territories with natural landscapes, historical and archaeological cultural monuments located on them. 328 wild-growing species of vascular plants grow in the park, 80 of which have medicinal properties. The basis of the fauna constitute: sable, elk, ermine, white hare, chipmunk, weasel. 37 species of mammals and 178 species of birds have been registered in the park.

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