Scarab beetles are orderlies of sandy soils. The legend of ancient Egypt - the sacred scarab beetle Scarab killer

The Egyptian scarab beetle is often found in feature films about the tombs of the pharaohs. As a rule, these insects do not cause positive emotions, and sometimes even inspire fear, as in the movie "The Mummy", where the beetles brought death to those who dared to disturb the peace of the tomb.

Can an amulet in the form of a sacred insect be useful and what is the meaning of the scarab beetle symbol from the time of Ancient Egypt, let's try to figure it out.

Ancient Egyptian mythology contains many interesting legends about the image of the scarab beetle, here are some of them:

  1. The ancient Egyptians associated the image of the scarab beetle with the movement of the sun across the sky. Most likely, this is due to his way of rolling a dung ball - in many images that have survived to this day, the sacred scarab similarly rolled the Sun across the sky. The people also believed that all animals originated from the sacred waters of the Nile River, while the scarab beetle came from the golden sandy deserts. Therefore, the insect was compared with the god of sunrise Khepri. Since then, the first amulets began to appear, depicting Khepri with the head of a scarab beetle. They were made of stones, and then covered with green or gold paint.
  2. The most common myth about Egyptian scarabs is that they are the guardians of souls after death until the dead are transported to the realm of the dead. Therefore, in the ancient tombs there are a lot of figurines and images of the scarab - the Egyptians called on them to protect the dead.

The Egyptians inserted a scarab figurine into the body of the deceased. Even in those ancient times, people understood that a person's life depends on the heart. Therefore, when preparing the body for burial, the heart was removed, and a figurine of the guardian of the soul was placed instead - it was believed that without it a person would not be resurrected in the afterlife.

The people of ancient Egypt sincerely believedbeyond death, life is no worse. Therefore, the beetle was a talisman for them, helping to move towards a new, better life.

Since the time of Ancient Egypt, many different objects have been found that are not entirely clear in their meaning to modern science. One of the groups of these treasures is mysterious and talismans. Among them, in addition to the well-known and, quite often there are objects with the image of the guardian beetle of the soul:

  • pendants;
  • seals;
  • brooches;
  • pendants;
  • figurines;
  • statues;
  • drawings on frescoes and edged weapons;
  • images of people with a scarab pattern on their skin.

The scarab beetle can often be found in ancient Egyptian frescoes.

In our age, you can find a variety of interior items with a sacred insect applied to them. Most often these are paintings, watches, small figurines, caskets and dishes. Scarab-shaped pendants and brooches are also common. Occasionally you can see a watch decorated with his image, or a keychain in the form of a soul keeper.

The meaning of the amulet beetle scarab

To this day, the scarab beetle is used as an amulet that protects the human soul from grief, problems, helping to overcome difficulties on the way to life's goal. Only one who knows the true meaning of this Egyptian symbol and believes in the power of solar energy can use the amulet.

As in ancient times, today the image of an insect is applied to jewelry and household items, small figures in the form of a beetle are made. As a rule, stones of various colors are inserted into jewelry. Since the beetle symbolizes the path from the past to a better future, it is recommended to purchase items with turquoise. This shade is considered the color of rebirth and the transition from a past life to a new one.

In Luxor there is a statue of a scarab beetle, very popular among tourists.

Many psychics and magicians, believing in the power of the sacred Egyptian insect, put its image on their ritual objects. Amulet with a scarab beetle today is often found in the form of a pendant or ring.

People who understand the meaning of a scarab tattoo sometimes use its image, combining it with ancient hieroglyphs. By the way, in men, a tattoo in the form of an Egyptian beetle takes on the meaning of wisdom and the victory of light over darkness. For women, the sign helps to preserve beauty, youth and women's health.

When to get a talisman

The talisman, depending on the application, acts differently on its owner. Experts identify several areas of influence:

  1. In the absence of family happiness, problems in communicating with children or with a loved one, it is necessary to place an item of interior decor in the form of an Egyptian beetle approximately in the center of your home - the amulet will reflect the evil energy of strangers and strengthen love feelings.
  2. If there are problems at work (with colleagues or career development) - a small figurine or wall decoration in the office will help reflect negative energy, bring good luck and give a sense of self-confidence.
  3. Jewelry will only help its owner, his relatives will not be influenced. This version of the amulet is relevant for health problems or the presence of ill-wishers in the immediate environment. The symbol will attract solar energy to heal its owner and protect from enemies.
  4. It will also be useful for people in the military, security and rescue professions to wear a beetle as a warrior's amulet. A sacred insect will repel a threat to life and health.
  5. Such a talisman will help students to attract good luck in their studies and strengthen the desire for knowledge.

The talisman Scarab beetle has many meanings, and it can act in different ways.

After acquiring a personal talisman, it is recommended to use it so that outsiders do not see the amulet - for example, hide the pendant behind the collar of the clothes. If you tell about its existence and show it to strangers, the magical power directed at the owner can change direction, and the result achieved will be lost.

As soon as you have the amulet, activate it: press it to your chest with both hands and mentally ask the scarab beetle for help. The amulet, providing strong protection, accumulates in itself all the negativity that comes from the outside. Therefore, periodically, about once a week, it needs to be cleaned: hold it under running water for several minutes to get rid of negative energy, and then put it under bright sunlight for several hours to accumulate positive power. It is desirable that no one was at home at the time of purification and recharging of the amulet.

Which amulet to choose

Experts in mythology and esotericism say that no amulet can be acquired just like that. In order for the amulet to really work, it must be individually selected. To do this, they recommend relying on some rules:

  1. The amulet protects the place in which it is constantly located. If jewelry is purchased, it will protect the person personally, his health and energy background. It can be a pendant, pendant or necklace. It should be hung close to the heart. For men, a beetle ring is better suited.
  2. Before acquiring, you need to decide which life sphere most of all requires the help of a sacred insect.
  3. When purchasing a talisman, initially think about the purpose of its acquisition. Thus, he will immediately begin to tune in to the required energy wave.
  4. There should not be any inscriptions on the amulet - they make its strength weaker. Moreover, sometimes the words are written in an unfamiliar language. The acquisition of an amulet, for example, with the inscription “to attract money”, when it is actually necessary “for health”, distorts its effect.

In Orthodox Christianity, there is a ban on wearing any talismans at the same time as an amulet or a cross. Therefore, believers in Christ are not recommended to turn to the symbols of another religion for help and protection.

Talisman as a gift

The sacred scarab is well suited for the role of a gift to relatives and friends. Most often, figurines or paintings depicting a beetle are chosen. Female relatives can choose jewelry, and male relatives can choose a ring with a carved scarab. When choosing a gift, mentally you need to be tuned only to the good. When presenting a present, you need to tell the new owner about the meaning of this sign and the rules for its use.

A talisman obtained in this way can serve no worse than one acquired independently. Of course, in this case, the donor must choose the amulet, knowing in advance by whom and for what it will be used.

It is impossible to accept a gift in the form of an Egyptian talisman from strangers or unfamiliar people - it is not known with what thoughts a person gives it.

International scientific name

Scarabaeus sacer Linnaeus,


Black, matte (old shabby beetles become shiny) beetle 25-37 mm long. Lower body and legs covered with dark brown hairs, fringe on the inner edge of the hind tibiae of the male is golden-red. All notches between teeth of clypeus are semicircular, middle notch slightly wider than lateral ones. The eyes are large, their upper lobes are noticeable, while the lower ones are much larger than the antenna club. Frontal carina weak, widely interrupted in middle and always with two sharp conical tubercles. Clypeus with cellular-wrinkled punctures, posterior part of genae and vertex with granules, greatly varying in size and density. Pronotum strongly transverse, with widely rounded and coarsely serrated sides, its base with weak groove along basal row of large shining tubercles and short setae, disc finely shagreen and with sparse uneven granules, partly mixed with punctures. The number and size of dots and grains is highly variable. Middle and hind tibiae only slightly widened before apices. Sexual dimorphism: the male has a fringe of dense golden-red hairs on the inner edge of the hind legs, which are absent in females; the pygidium of the female is more convex than that of the male.


Features of biology

Lives on sandy soils, avoids saline areas. Flight and rolling of dung balls from mid-March to late July, mostly at night. It feeds on the droppings of cattle and horses. It does not rise high in the mountains. Typical inhabitants of arid landscapes with hot and dry summers. The beetles appear in spring and while the nights are cold, they are active during the hot part of the day. In summer, most species switch to a nocturnal lifestyle, when intensive flight to light sources begins. Beetles, flocking to heaps of manure, make balls of different sizes from it, sometimes much larger than the size of the beetle itself. These balls roll to a distance of tens of meters and, in suitable places, are buried in the ground, where they are eaten by one or two beetles. Often, due to the possession of a ready-made ball, fights arise between the beetles. In the process of rolling balls together, “married” couples are formed, starting to work together and prepare food for offspring. For this purpose, males and females dig minks, ending at a depth of 10-30 cm with a nesting chamber. Mating takes place in them, after which the male usually leaves the nest, and the female proceeds to make one or three pear-shaped dung ovoids. A round “cradle” is placed in their narrow part and an egg is laid, after which the entrance to the mink is filled up. The egg stage lasts 5-12 days, larvae 30-35 days, pupae - about two weeks. Fertilized females are able to dig more than a dozen mink nests during the active period. The beetles, after turning from pupae, remain inside the ovoids, transformed into a “false cocoon” for a long time, until autumn or spring rains soften them, and sometimes hibernate in them.

In Egyptian mythology


    Egyptian amulet

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  • (article by Elena Sikirich) - about the ancient Egyptian symbol

An excerpt characterizing the Sacred Scarab

- So you are going to Petersburg tomorrow? Oka said.
“No, I’m not going,” Pierre said hastily, with surprise and as if offended. - No, to Petersburg? Tomorrow; I just don't say goodbye. I’ll call for commissions, ”he said, standing in front of Princess Marya, blushing and not leaving.
Natasha gave him her hand and left. Princess Mary, on the contrary, instead of leaving, sank into an armchair and, with her radiant, deep gaze, looked sternly and attentively at Pierre. The weariness that she had obviously shown before was completely gone now. She sighed heavily and long, as if preparing herself for a long conversation.
All the embarrassment and awkwardness of Pierre, when Natasha was removed, instantly disappeared and was replaced by an excited animation. He quickly moved the chair very close to Princess Marya.
“Yes, I wanted to tell you,” he said, answering, as if in words, in her glance. “Princess, help me. What should I do? Can I hope? Princess, my friend, listen to me. I know everything. I know that I'm not worth it; I know it's impossible to talk about it now. But I want to be her brother. No, I don't want... I can't...
He stopped and rubbed his face and eyes with his hands.
“Well, here it is,” he continued, apparently making an effort on himself to speak coherently. I don't know since when I love her. But I have loved her alone, alone in my whole life, and I love her so much that I cannot imagine life without her. Now I do not dare to ask for her hand; but the thought that maybe she could be mine and that I would miss this opportunity ... opportunity ... is terrible. Tell me, can I hope? Tell me what should I do? Dear princess,” he said, after a pause and touching her hand, as she did not answer.
“I am thinking about what you told me,” Princess Mary answered. “I'll tell you what. You are right, what now to tell her about love ... - The princess stopped. She wanted to say: it is now impossible for her to talk about love; but she stopped, because for the third day she saw from the suddenly changed Natasha that not only Natasha would not be offended if Pierre expressed his love to her, but that she wanted only this.
“It’s impossible to tell her now,” Princess Marya said anyway.
“But what am I to do?
“Give it to me,” said Princess Mary. - I know…
Pierre looked into the eyes of Princess Mary.
“Well, well…” he said.
“I know that she loves ... she will love you,” Princess Mary corrected herself.
Before she had time to say these words, Pierre jumped up and, with a frightened face, grabbed Princess Mary by the hand.
- Why do you think? Do you think that I can hope? You think?!
“Yes, I think so,” said Princess Mary, smiling. - Write to your parents. And entrust me. I'll tell her when I can. I wish it. And my heart feels that it will be.
- No, it can't be! How happy I am! But it can't be... How happy I am! No, it can not be! - said Pierre, kissing the hands of Princess Mary.
- You go to St. Petersburg; it is better. I'll write to you, she said.
- To Petersburg? Drive? Okay, yes, let's go. But tomorrow I can come to you?
The next day, Pierre came to say goodbye. Natasha was less lively than in the old days; but on this day, sometimes looking into her eyes, Pierre felt that he was disappearing, that neither he nor she was anymore, but there was one feeling of happiness. “Really? No, it can't be,” he said to himself at her every look, gesture, word that filled his soul with joy.
When, bidding her farewell, he took her thin, thin hand, he involuntarily held it a little longer in his.
“Is it possible that this hand, this face, these eyes, all this treasure of female charm, alien to me, will this all be forever mine, familiar, the same as I am for myself? No, It is Immpossible!.."
“Farewell, Count,” she said to him loudly. “I will be waiting for you very much,” she added in a whisper.
And these simple words, the look and facial expression that accompanied them, for two months, were the subject of Pierre's inexhaustible memories, explanations and happy dreams. “I will be waiting for you very much ... Yes, yes, as she said? Yes, I will be waiting for you. Ah, how happy I am! What is it, how happy I am!” Pierre said to himself.

In Pierre's soul now nothing similar happened to what happened in her in similar circumstances during his courtship with Helen.
He did not repeat, as then, with painful shame, the words he had spoken, he did not say to himself: “Ah, why didn’t I say this, and why, why did I say “je vous aime” then?” [I love you] Now, on the contrary, he repeated every word of hers, his own, in his imagination with all the details of her face, smile, and did not want to subtract or add anything: he only wanted to repeat. There was no doubt now whether what he had done was good or bad, there was no shadow now. Only one terrible doubt sometimes crossed his mind. Is it all in a dream? Was Princess Mary wrong? Am I too proud and arrogant? I believe; and suddenly, as it should happen, Princess Marya will tell her, and she will smile and answer: “How strange! He was right, wrong. Doesn't he know that he is a man, just a man, and I? .. I am completely different, higher.
Only this doubt often came to Pierre. He didn't make any plans either. It seemed to him so incredibly impending happiness that it was worth it to happen, and then nothing could be further. Everything ended.
Joyful, unexpected madness, for which Pierre considered himself incapable, took possession of him. The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to consist only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all people seemed to him busy with only one thing - his future happiness. It sometimes seemed to him that they all rejoiced in the same way as he himself, and only tried to hide this joy, pretending to be occupied with other interests. In every word and movement he saw hints of his happiness. He often surprised people who met him with his significant, expressing secret consent, happy looks and smiles. But when he realized that people might not know about his happiness, he felt sorry for them with all his heart and felt a desire to somehow explain to them that everything they were doing was complete nonsense and trifles not worthy of attention.

The scarab beetle is one of the most revered symbols. It was believed that this small beetle follows the path of the Sun. In Egyptian mythology, the scarab was revered as a sacred insect of the sun gods and was considered a symbol of creative power, rebirth in the afterlife.

In fact, the scarab beetle is one of the species of the dung beetle familiar to all of us.

sacred scarab beetle

Someone may be surprised by the fact that in ancient Egypt the common dung beetle was considered a real idol. Moreover, even at present, some Egyptians still believe that the scarab beetle brings happiness and.

In this article, we have selected for you the most interesting facts about the scarab beetle, as well as about amulets and jewelry with this insect.

As a rule, scarabs live in regions with a warm climate. They reach a length of 2 to 4 cm, and their bodies are covered with black shells. Having found a pile of manure, these beetles immediately begin to mold balls out of it.

First, the scarab makes a small dung ball, and then begins to roll it forward until a large round ball is formed. Very often, the ball made by the beetle exceeds its own dimensions.

There are cases when scarabs, not wanting to work, take away already prepared balls from their relatives by force. An interesting fact is that scarab beetles roll dung balls strictly from east to west, always focusing only on the Sun.

In search of the most suitable place for themselves, they are able to roll their clod over a distance of 20-40 meters. After that, they lay eggs in a ball, and then bury it in the soil for 4 weeks.

When the time expires, the scarabs dig up their balls and submerge them in the liquid. After a while, small bugs begin to appear from them.

Scarab beetle and Egypt

Why did the Egyptians revere the scarab as a deity? The fact is that they considered it symbolic that the beetles roll their balls from east to west, that is, in the same direction in which the Sun moves.

According to myths, the Sun comes out of darkness, after which it rises during the day. The scarab also repeats the solar route, resurrecting from the dunghill.

According to legend, Khepri was the god who knew the secrets of the Sun. He was depicted with the head of a scarab, rolling the Sun across the sky.

Thus, the scarab beetle represented the birth of a new life. The ancient Egyptians were sure that Khepri the scarab protected them not only during their life on earth, but also in the other world.

They believed that even in human remains the soul is preserved. Immediately after a person dies, she rises into the sky and continues to live there.

It is for this reason that when the body was mummified, the heart was removed from it in advance, and a scarab figurine was placed in its place.

In addition, precious items depicting a scarab holding a solar disk were placed on the chest of the deceased.

These beetles were painted on many things: on jewelry, jewelry boxes, talismans and other items. The Egyptians believed that data could give people great power and help people cope with their life's difficulties.

Often scarab figures were made of green stones, as it was believed that this color symbolizes rebirth. Skillful craftsmen wrote words about the sacrament of resurrection on the jewelry.

Drawings with scarab beetles are found during archaeological excavations of tombs, as well as on ancient papyri. Some finds date back to 3-4 thousand years BC. e.

One of the most famous and revered scarab statues is located in the Karnak Temple, built near Luxor. They were very popular on the body, since the Egyptians were sure that life in the other world was much more important than the earthly one.

So, a tattoo with a scarab was something like an entrance to the afterlife.

In the end, it should be said that the ancient Egyptians took everyday things extremely seriously, resorting to animism (belief in the animation of nature) and zoolatry (veneration).

Photo of a scarab beetle

Photos of the scarab beetle are often different. And the point here is not a mistake, but the fact that there really are several types of them. Below are photos of the scarab beetle.

Scarab tattoo

Scarab beetle - is an arthropod insect that has hard wings and antennae resembling plates. A functional feature of the antennae is that they can open like a fan. Refers to the orderlies of sandy soil.


Prefer dry and hot areas with sandy soils. The scarab beetle lives in the desert, semi-desert, dry steppe, savannah.


The bulk lives in tropical Africa, in Western Europe. They can also be found in Ukraine, in the regions of Crimea, Dagestan, Georgia, Spain, France, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Arabia, the lower reaches of the Volga.


In total there are about 100 varieties. Egyptian scarab beetles have a black shell and range from 1 to 4 cm in length. The body has a wide and oval shape, covered with chitin (strong cover). Young individuals are matte in color, old and shabby are shiny.

The abdomen and legs are covered with hairs and down of a dark brown hue. Males are distinguished by a bright red fringe with a golden sheen, located on the inside of the hind legs. There is a clypeus with teeth on the head of the scarab beetle. The front paws are also equipped with teeth.


The main diet is cattle excrement and. Most of all he loves horse. He willingly rolls it into balls of various sizes, then digs it into the ground for later use as food.

The scarab beetle feeds on a dung ball until it is completely eaten, all this time it lives in the place where it was buried. These balls are only created from fresh manure before it dries out. The beetle can also eat decomposed organic products. Rotten leaves, flowers and grass.


Before mating, a couple of the opposite sex begins to prepare food for future use, for offspring. First, Egyptian scarab beetles dig deep minks with their paws (from 10 to 30 cm). After digging, the male crawls away, while the female remains.

She fashions oval figures from manure for each egg separately. Then he makes a hole in each dung ball and lays an egg there. After that, the entrance to the mink falls asleep.

The life cycle consists of 4 stages

  • Egg (from 5 to 12 days);
  • Larva (1 month);
  • Pupa (14 days);
  • An adult.


All stages take about 2 months. The sacred scarab beetle lives for about 3 months.


Due to the fact that it is very noticeable and slow, it is an easy prey for birds and some mammals. Crows, small ones (moles, hedgehogs and others) hunt him. They are eaten in large numbers.

But, there is an enemy and more dangerous. This is a tick that is able to break through the protective chitinous layer in order to drink all the blood from it. It often happens that several ticks attack one scarab beetle at once.

  1. The beetle is the strongest and hardest working insect in the entire world.
  2. It has great strength, and is able to move a weight 90 times its own weight.
  3. He knows how to create a perfectly even geometric figure - a sphere, which in fact can be called a unique natural skill.

Egyptian mythology, symbol, meaning

The scarab beetle is the symbol of Egypt. According to the legend, it resembles the path of the Sun, and was born from desert sands. In ancient times, the Egyptians associated it with a symbol of solar power, and with rebirth in the afterlife.

Even the mythological creator, world and man of God in ancient Egypt was depicted with the head of a Scarab Beetle. In Egypt, many sculptures, amulets and jewelry in the form of a sacred beetle have been preserved. His images are found in tombs, sculptures and other historical buildings.

Scarabs extract moisture from the mist. Stands against the wind and spreads its wings. After a certain time, moisture appears on the high parts of the head of the scarab beetle, collecting in a drop. Further, this drop flows directly into his mouth. During the flight, it does not fully open the elytra, which violates all the laws of aerodynamics. He performs a virtuoso flight, which even a bird will envy.

The scarab beetle amulet with its image tends to protect the owner from evil forces, negative circumstances, create harmony in the energy, and give self-confidence.

The African continent has a rich fauna, a special place in it is occupied by animals that are still considered sacred. The scarab beetle has a special honor among the Egyptians and other peoples of Africa, in some villages it is still worshiped, like thousands of years ago.

Photo and description of the scarab beetle

It is difficult to find an adult who has not heard about scarabs; for most, he is associated with Egypt, the pyramids, pharaohs. But you can meet him on other continents of the globe. Knowing what a famous insect looks like will make it easier to identify it.

A photo of a scarab beetle will tell a lot about the insect, the characteristic features of the appearance are:

  • Black color throughout the body, adults have a brilliant sheen. It is extremely rare to find a representative with a metallic gray color. The green scarab beetle is fictional, this color is not characteristic of the insect.
  • The shape of the body is oval-elongated, with a durable chitinous coating.
  • The head is small relative to the body, it has a clypeus with teeth to facilitate the extraction of food.

On a note!

Distinctive features of the male and female are the red fringe on the back pair of legs, nature has endowed the strong half with such decoration. The vegetation on the abdomen and legs unites this type of insect. Long hairs are considered their hallmark, as are the four teeth on the front pair of legs, which are used to dig and form food into balls for easier transportation.

Individual sizes may vary. The beetle in Egypt reaches 41 mm in length. There are also smaller individuals - only 9.5 mm in more northern regions.

Where does it live

Most of us are sure that the insect's habitat is quite limited. But this opinion is erroneous, a representative of insects rolling balls of manure is found not only in Africa. The peddler beetle, or beetle beetle, is distributed north of the Himalayas in Europe and Asia. In the Eastern Hemisphere, he failed to take root only in Australia. The Western Hemisphere did not become his home at all.

Due to the large accumulation of manure, insects are periodically imported to other continents, they cope with the problem that has arisen, but they fail to take root either in Australia or on the American continent.

What does it eat

The Egyptians believed that there are scarabs that eat people, they crawl under the skin through the ears, nose and eat a person from the inside.


Science has proven that the carnivorous species of beetles does not exist, the studied species are absolutely safe for humans and animals.

Their food consists of manure, which is why they deserved universal love in ancient times. are able to process a large amount of manure that remains when keeping domestic animals in a short time. Also, scarabs can be considered orderlies in the wild. It would take four thousand scarabs just an hour to clear a medium pile of dung.

In the middle lane, beetles begin their active life as soon as the air warms up. They are engaged in cleansing only during the day until mid-summer, and then they switch to a nocturnal lifestyle. For a normal existence for 10-14 days, the scarab needs one ball of manure, five times the size of the insect itself. The beetle rolls it into a previously dug hole near its dwelling and digs it in. This is how a young beetle works; at a more mature age, the male and female harvest more manure for the future. It is with the help of this type of waste that the continuation of the genus in these insects is possible.

In order to prepare food for itself, the scarab rolls a ball of dung, it does it quite funny:

  • the basis is most often a small piece of round feces;
  • with the edge of the head, the insect, as it were, cuts off small pieces of manure;
  • presses the torn piece into the ball with the front and hind legs;
  • the middle pair of legs firmly holds the lump, not letting go until the formation process is completed.

The beetle rolls the finished ball into a safe shelter in a shaded place. On the way, he is very careful, because smaller beetles in larger numbers can take prey without problems. Yes, and relatives of the same physique do not disdain ready-made food.


Manure helps not only to live scarabs, the appearance of offspring also depends on it. The female and the male stock up on a sufficient amount of manure, lay it out in burrows, and then the female lays eggs in specially fashioned capsules. Until the state of the chrysalis, they feed on the manure that their parents have in store for them.

Correct name

In Europe, the scarab beetle has many interpretations of the name, the dung beetle is called differently. The most common is the beetle beetle, but this is a wrong spelling. All explanatory dictionaries say that it is correct to write and pronounce the scarab.

The inhabitants of the middle zone in the tales call the insect a flock, which is also incorrect.

Information about the insect

The Egyptian pyramids brought fame to the beetle, where a large number of its images were found in the form of drawings on the walls and papyrus.

The ancient Egyptians revered the beetle as a god, it was often depicted with a human body and the head of an insect, there are images of a beetle in a circle. Because of the plate with teeth on the head, the scarab was considered a deity close to the sun, they called him Kheper.

Until a certain time, it was believed that insects are cannibals. It was they who frightened archaeologists and grave destroyers, arguing that the Egyptian scarab beetle under the skin would quickly deal with a person, as soon as he was in the burial of the pharaoh or took some thing from the grave.


In the tombs of the pharaohs of Egypt, scarabs were indeed found, according to legend, they were placed in the grave to protect the rulers in the other world from negativity.

Nowadays, faith in the magical power of the scarab has not disappeared; you can often find such an image as a talisman for many influential people. At one time it was fashionable and prestigious to wear a tie pin with a scarab, and the inlay was carried out with green precious stones. Accessories and jewelry are also made with such symbols, which should bring health and longevity to the owner.

The scarab beetle is quite common around the globe. You should not be afraid of him, he is not at all dangerous for people, the ancient Egyptians came to such a conclusion. It was not for nothing that he was revered as a deity, putting him on a par with the gods Ra, Osiris, Thoth and Horus. Rather, on the contrary, if this insect did not help in removing manure from forests and fields, then the globe would have long been tied up in this waste.

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