Great aquarium bird. Bright and unusual parrot fish. Parrot fish habitat

Fish parrot, or red parrot ( red parrot Cichlid) is a very popular aquarium fish, a representative of the Cichlid family. The parrot fish is a hybrid species that was bred by breeding. In the early 1990s, scientists from Taiwan obtained fry from crossing different cichdids (Cichlasoma synspillum and Cichlasoma citrinellum). Perhaps even three species of cichlids from South America took part in the crossing.

The exact origin of the hybrid is still unknown - the secret is guarded in order to warm up some commercial interest towards aquarists. Every year the number of artificially bred fish increases, because they turned out beautiful, bright fish, but the maintenance of which requires patience, and care special knowledge and some preparation.

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Description of the fish

Parrot fish - peaceful cichlid. It does not have a natural habitat, it was not officially discovered and described by natural scientists, therefore there is no Latin name for the species, only the production name on English language- Red Parrot (red parrot). This cichlid got its name due to the rich color of the body. The texture of the head visually resembles the beak of a parrot. However, some characteristics anatomical structure fish are associated with physical abnormalities that are common to many hybrids. Such deviations sometimes lead to lethal outcome. Firstly, the fish is sterile, and secondly, it has a mouth of a very unusual shape, which opens vertically at a small angle.

Watch a video with a story about a parrot fish.

Parrots are distinguished by the fact that they are not so easy to feed: the wrong mouth can cause a pet to die of starvation. Suppliers admit that motley, bright color, which aquarium parrots own - not real, but artificial, that's just how it is possible to get saturation, they left it a secret. Parrots are mysterious ornamental fish, so this approach to breeding does not suit humane aquarists - they demand to ban the sale of this hybrid.

The red parrot is a cute aquarium fish, the length of which in the aquarium reaches 15 cm. In the absence of serious deviations, it can live quietly in a home aquarium, pleasing the eyes of all family members. The content is easy, but requires familiarization with the features of the species. Despite congenital shortcomings, the red cichlid is energetic, hardy, and has good health.

Parrots will become real pearls of any aquarium due to their special coloring. Body color can be red, blue, cream, purple, yellow, orange, green, and so on. There are mixed, "wild" colors, like in natural cichlids. With age, the body color fades, so the fish are fed with special feed enriched with carotene (for the red color of the scales).

How to keep a parrot fish in an aquarium

The Red Parrot is an enthusiastic fish that has the strength to stay active and active throughout the day. Keeping fish requires a large aquarium with free space for swimming: at least 200 cubic liters. It is recommended to build a pump with the flow, all cichlids love the undercurrent.

Proper care of an aquarium parrot involves maintaining acceptable parameters aquatic environment: temperature 23-26 degrees Celsius, acidity 6.5-7.5 pH. Aquarium parrots prefer oxygenated water, which requires good aeration. Once a week, you need to renew half of the water tank, part old water change to fresh. The red parrot is jumpy enough, so the tank must be covered with a lid so that the fish does not end up behind the “house”.

In order for fish to be useful for caring for it, you should not plant a lot of decorations in the aquarium. Many cichlids are indifferent to them, because they themselves are not averse to building something new in the form of a nest.

A red parrot can coexist with peaceful big fish and some predators. Cichlid fish is not averse to eating small fish(neons, gracilis), so that such a sharing should be avoided. The red parakeet has a small mouth, and may accidentally swallow small aquatic pets. It is recommended to keep with arowans, labeos, black knives, medium South American cichlids, medium and large catfish, haracin and large barbs. The parrot is a peaceful fish, so it will not attack the listed neighbors.

You can feed a bright pet with live, dry food, floating granules. Loves moth. The red parrot gets used to people: after meeting, it waits for its owner, joyfully circling in front of the front glass. With good maintenance, cichlid red fish will live 10 years. Attached to a person, it is easy to tame.

Look at the feeding of red parrots.

Is breeding possible?

The males of this fish are not able to give birth due to sterility, but when the water temperature rises above 25 degrees, the reproductive instinct wakes up in them. They begin to actively build nests, dig the ground, digging holes in it, as a result, the bottom will change significantly, and will look like relief buildings. Of course, male and female parrots form pairs and families, become attached to each other, however, the males are not able to fertilize the laid eggs. All eggs float unviable as a result of simulated spawning. Breeders claim that the fry of these fish have a gray-black body color, by the age of 5 months they “repaint” in a bright orange color. Perhaps in the future lovers of these unusual and mysterious fish learn more about its origin, but for now you need to enjoy its stay in the home underwater world.

Fish red parrot(Blood Red Parrot) is a cichlid (artificially bred hybrid) that has caused a lot of controversy in the fish world and at the same time gained immense popularity. And whether you approve of this fish hybrid or not, the cichlid red parrot forever settled in the hearts of many aquarists. These fish are great for the community tank as they are peaceful and curious, as well as good at "sucking up" their owners as soon as they spot them near the aquarium. The Red Parrot fish should not be confused with the Parrot Hoplarch cichlid (Psittacus Cichlid, Parrot Cichlid or Psittacus Hoplarchus), the Parrot Cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher) or the Sea Parrot (Callyodon Fasciatus).

Choosing a cichlid red parrot You will notice that young Parrots are very dark and striped. But don't worry, as they grow, they change color from dark to mottled black and orange. This usually happens very quickly - within the first four months.

History of Red Parrot Fish.

First created in Taiwan in the 1980s red parrot is believed to have been a cross between a male Midas cichlid and a female Redhead cichlid. But since then there have been many variations of Red Parrots, the hybrid of which includes the Red Devil (Red Devil), Gold and Green Severums (Gold and Green Severums), and in recent times also black-striped cichlazoma (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus).

Discover red parrot you can at a glance, thanks to the unique features that this fish possesses. This fish is characterized by a peculiar mouth in the form of a beak, a head with big eyes and rounded body. Their mouths never close as they are shaped like an "O". Their teeth are far down their throats, so they can only bump into each other hard, but not bite. These hybrid cichlids are not suitable for keeping with aggressive fish. In addition, during breeding they cannot protect their offspring, as other cichlids do.

Behavior of Red Parrot Cichlids.

red parrot- a shy and timid fish that acclimatizes quite easily in community aquarium. They quickly learn to recognize their owners and swim up to the front of the aquarium to greet them. Red parrots love to have their own clay pots or caves to hide in, so be sure to put plenty of hiding places in their aquarium. They probably even have such fun - to swim and swim out of the caves. These fish are very tame and playful. They interact very well with each other and with fearful fish. These fish can be recommended to those aquarists who have a large enough aquarium and would like to have peaceful active fish.

Reproduction of red parrot fish.

Although the cichlids red parrots will pair up and spawn, their males are usually barren, so the eggs die. Successful spawning is usually due to the fertilization of Red Parrot eggs by non-hybrid males of Blackband, Severum and Midas cichlids. Female Red Parrots have been crossed with male Blackbanded Cichlids to create Jelly Bean and Bubblegum Parrot hybrids. They are usually colored red, green, blue, purple or pink.

Purple Red Parrots are one of the most popular parrots that are not actually purple but bright red. Parrots are also popular. Love Heart BR Parrot whose bodies are shaped like a heart.

Feeding cichlids Red parrots.

Red parrot fish compatibility.

Hybrid Cichlids Red Parrots are compatible with large quantity fish such as:

  • Tetras (medium size)
  • Giant zebrafish
  • Any Plecostomus catfish
  • Severum

Rabka Red Parrot - photo.

Cichlids Red parrots - video.

Manual Red Parrot - video.

Red parrots - content.

Scientific name: does not exist. It is customary to call the Hybrid Cichlid (Hybrid Cichlid).

Folk names: Red Parrot, Blood Red Parrot, Bloody Parrot.

Care: moderate.

The size: usually up to 20 cm.

pH: 6.5-7.0.

t0: 22-28 0 C (72-82 0 F).

Lifespan: about 10 years.

Origin / Habitat: artificially bred fish. Red parrots do not exist in nature, but they are created from South American Cichlids.

Temperament / Behavior: peaceful.

Reproduction of Red Parrots: males are usually sterile. Can be propagated by crossing with Midas fish, Cichlazoma Severum and Cichlazoma blackband.

Parrot fish is a popular aquarium inhabitant among experienced and not so experienced aquarists. Member of the cichlid family. Bred by breeding in Taiwan over 20 years ago. It is characterized by a peaceful nature, so it gets along well with other species of the same size. Undemanding to the environment.

The parrot fish has an extraordinary and bright appearance which is remembered. The unusual shape of the body, flattened on the sides, funny cheeks, often ajar mouth look intriguing. The outline of the head looks like the beak of a parrot, which is why the name itself is like aquarium fish. Aquarium parrots grow up to 30 cm. Body size depends on the type of parrot. AT vivo no red parrots. The fish in the pet store come from breeders.

Types and colors

These inhabitants of aquariums are divided into 100 species. But the most popular are:

Parrot fish are also classified by color. The most common color is red or bright orange. The natural colors of parrots are lemon, yellow, and white. In addition to monophonic, there are also variegated colors. Occurs: marble, diamond, pearl, panda, blue (blue), etc.





There are individuals with a tattooed color. Then a drawing is applied to the body of an aquarium parrot fish. These are experiments of breeders from Asia. The variegated colors are created by carotenoid nutrition and chemical dyes. When painting and applying tattoos use aggressive chemical substances and instruments for artificial secretion of mucus.

The methods are cruel. For parrot fish, a lot of stress. The immune system is greatly reduced. Many aquarists refuse to buy such species so as not to provoke the torment of the fish.

Classification of parrots according to the shape of the body and fins:

  • king kong (large, with a large layer of fat on the forehead);

  • red ingot (disc-shaped);

  • red fortune (with specific fins and a huge beak-shaped growth);
  • unicorn;

  • love heart (without back fin).

Behavioral Features

These are peaceful fish. Virtually devoid of aggression. The exception is males when they are spawning. A parrot fish in an aquarium recognizes its breadwinners - swims up and examines them through the glass.

How long does a parrot fish live

The life span of a parrot fish is 7–8 years. At proper care can live up to 10 years.


When choosing an aquarium, keep in mind that the parrot fish grows up to 25 cm, and it needs space. Volume from 200 liters for a couple. Length from 70 cm. The aquarium should have a lid or a net on top so that the parrot does not jump out.

Special plants do not need to be installed.

At the bottom, soil is poured 5–6 cm high from small stones with smooth edges. They dig nests in the ground.

In parrots, each inhabitant of the aquarium should have its own home. The aquarium should have fragments of pots, artificial driftwood for each fish.


Mandatory equipment is:

  • filter;
  • for easy movement of water;
  • lamp for dim lighting;
  • thermometer.

The backlight should be dim, otherwise the color of the fish begins to fade.

Water requirement

The water in the aquarium for parrots must meet the following criteria:

  • Temperature 22-28 degrees Celsius.
  • Acidity 6.5–7.5 pH.
  • Hardness 2–25 dH.

What to feed

When feeding aquarium fish parrots, keep in mind that they have a small mouth. The food is served crushed. The diet should be varied and balanced.

Parrots love dry specialized food, finely chopped worms, fish, live or frozen bloodworms. Fish in the aquarium eat crushed plant foods: zucchini, peas, Bulgarian and red peppers.

There is a lot of carotene in pepper, so it is given if the fish have lost their color brightness.

Feeding once a day. Maximum two. Last feeding a couple of hours before the blackout. Alternate artificial foods with other types of food. Make sure that all the food is eaten and the fish does not overeat. One unloading day per week.

But fish smaller than 5 cm are not compatible with parrots, they can accidentally go for food.

As well as fish that feed on algae. For example, angelfish, because algae aquarium parrots make shelter.


Immunity, like other cichlids, is strong. The disease goes away on its own. Treatment is started if symptoms of fish diseases appear:

  • white stools;
  • white lumps (like semolina) on the body and fins (ichthyophthiriosis);
  • blackening of the fins (color change is a sign of intoxication);
  • lying on the bottom, spitting food (overeating, poisoning);
  • body wounds.

The main reasons are poor water quality, overcrowding, contact with other sick fish. If you rarely change the water, then intoxication occurs with your own feces. Then the change of water should occur daily twice a day.

With ichthyophthiriasis, it is effective to increase the water temperature to 30 degrees Celsius, as well as the use of drugs that include copper.

There should be places in the aquarium where the fish will hide. This will eliminate unnecessary stress.

black spots

Parrots sometimes have black spots on their bodies. This is a symptom of stress. When the traumatic situation is eliminated, the spots disappear. The cause of stress may be some change in the external environment. The parrot fish in the aquarium loves stability.


Reproduction of parrot fish at home in an aquarium is impossible. Males of this representative of cichlids are barren and spawning is impossible. In the second year of life, pairs are formed, nests are dug, and eggs are laid. She dies a couple of days later. Fertilizes eggs of females of other cichlids. Then the offspring from breeding in appearance differs from parrots.

Gender differences

Distinctive features of the male from the female appear during the spawning period, when they reach the age of 1.5 years. In females, a pear-shaped tubercle forms in the tail area, and in males, a tubercle in the shape of a cone.


Making a choice for home aquarium in favor of parrot fish, remember that they have a peaceful and calm disposition, picky about external conditions. They get along well with other inhabitants of the aquarium of a similar size. For example: cichlids or black knives. They recognize the person feeding them, demonstrate joyful emotions.

A variety of colors makes it possible to choose your own fish. But variegated or not natural colors, without proper nutrition, will fade. The fish loves a spacious aquarium, and the opportunity to hide in case of stress. With proper care, they will delight their owners for up to 10 years.

Parrot fish is a recently developed hybrid species of aquarium fish that quickly became popular. funny habits and unusual view fish contribute to the fact that the interest of aquarists in these fish does not decrease.

Parrot fish: the history of the species

Parrot fish, also called the Red Parrot, or Red Parrot Cichlid, is an artificially bred species that belongs to the cichlid family. Taiwanese breeders long years conducted experiments, and in 1991 managed to breed offspring from two species: Cichlasoma synspillum and Cichlasoma citrinellum. There is currently whole group hybrid fish, united under common name. The creators themselves carefully guard the secret of breeding these fish, explaining this as a trade secret.

An aquarium parrot fish, if you create good conditions for it, is ready to spawn: females lay eggs, but males cannot fertilize them. The monopoly of South Asian breeders on this species remains.

Own unusual name the fish got from specific shape a head that looks a bit like a parrot. Colors, bright and unusual, also contribute a lot to the resemblance to a bird. The appearance of the fish is quite funny: aquarium enthusiasts like small anatomical deviations of its structure. But sometimes these features can lead to the death of the fish. For example, the mouth of a parrot opens vertically and at a very small angle, which sometimes leads to the fact that the fish dies of hunger. The coloring of the parrot fish is also produced artificially, this information is confirmed by suppliers. It is for these reasons whole line pet lovers believe that the breeding and sale of parrotfish should be banned, as it is simply cruel.

Features of parrot fish

The content of the Red Parrot is not fraught with difficulties; even an inexperienced aquarist can start it. This is a very hardy species, the fish are different good health and large stock vital energy. Experts note that all hybrids have similar properties.

In the aquarium, the parrot grows up to 10-15 cm. The colors of the fish are very different:

Red; - blue; - yellow; - violet; - orange; - green; - cream.

According to breeders, red parrot fry have a gray-black color, which is replaced by bright colors by 5 months

The fish looks very bright and unusual, but over the years its color fades a little. For this reason, breeders recommend feeding the red parrot with special foods with a high content of carotene. If you do not feed the fish with food with carotene, then the color of red fish becomes orange.

If you are in doubt about whether to get this pet, you can confidently make a positive decision: in an aquarium, a parrot often lives up to 10 years, and sometimes even crosses this line.

Red parrots have a cheerful and playful disposition. After a while, they begin to recognize the one who feeds them, and when this person appears, they spin amusingly at the wall of the aquarium. The fish is very mobile, so it needs a large aquarium to have room to swim. Its capacity must be at least 200 liters. It is also good if there is a current in the aquarium, as cichlids live in running water. You can create it using a special aquarium pump.

The water temperature should be maintained in the region of 22-26 degrees Celsius, and its hardness should be around 6.5-7.5 pH.

Parrot fish need oxygen, so having a compressor or other device to aerate the water is a must. Also, every week you should definitely change about 50% of the water in the aquarium.

The smaller the aquarium, the more likely it is that the fish will jump out of it. In any case, it is best to close it with a glass lid.

What you can not worry about is the presence of a variety of plants in the aquarium. The parrot fish is indifferent to this factor. But what this species really likes to do is build nests. Fish are able to dig quite large holes in the ground, greatly changing the bottom topography in the aquarium.

Red parrots are peaceful, they get along well with the most different types. But you should not put them together with very small fish, as the parrot can simply swallow them. Good neighbors for parrot fish.

Red parrots are cichlids, but cichlids are unusual. They possess all positive qualities cichlids - intellect, interesting behavior, bright appearance. Here we will talk about how parrots appeared and what care they require.

These fish look like cartoon characters - bright coloring, unusual shape body, a touching cheeky face with a completely non-fish expression. You look at them and think: what a miracle nature has created! But the miracle in this case was not created by nature, but by the efforts of Asian breeders who obtained this hybrid by crossing two or three types cichlase.

The exact number and names of the parent species are unknown because they are a jealously guarded trade secret. Aquarists have various assumptions about this and there is evidence that someone allegedly even managed to repeat this crossing and get red parrots, however, all representatives of these fish sold in our pet stores and bird markets were imported from Southeast Asia.

Varieties of the shape and color of red parrots

The main color of these fish is a solid bright orange or red. It may fade a little over time, but in this case, to restore it, it is enough to add food rich in carotene to the fish diet (we will talk about this in more detail in the corresponding section of the article). Less common are albino or lemon-yellow fish.

All other various colors - crimson, purple, blue, blue, green - are obtained by artificial chemical dyeing of fish, they are unstable, besides, fish that have undergone this procedure lose their immunity and are more susceptible to diseases.

What can we say about tattooed fish, on whose bodies various patterns are bred with special injections? In no case should you buy such fish, since many of them become infected during coloring and then die rather quickly. In addition, the demand for such animals creates supply and provokes their producers to mutilate and mutilate more and more new batches of fish.

In addition to monochromatic colors, there are natural spotted ones - marble and panda (white with black spots), as well as motley diamond or pearl, obtained by crossing red parrots with another type of cichlase. Sometimes black spots suddenly appear in monochromatic fish. As a rule, this is a reaction to stress, and after the removal of the disturbing factor, the color is restored.

In addition to color, red parrots differ in the shape of the body and fins. Here are the following varieties:

  • a heart in love - without a tail fin, the body is shaped like a valentine;
  • unicorn - with an outgrowth at the base of the head;
  • king kong - a heavily weighted fish with a fatty outgrowth on the forehead;
  • red fortune - with elongated upper and ventral fins and a very large outgrowth on the forehead;
  • red ingot - with an almost disc-shaped body.

In a word, working with red parrots, the breeders did not limit the flight of their imagination. Such a rich set of deformities that seem cute to a person, except for parrots, only goldfish have.

A trihybrid parrot with a love heart body shape.

Behavior and Compatibility

Watching red parrots, sometimes you begin to doubt that their ancestors were only fish, and there were no dogs, for example. These creatures recognize their owners and happily meet them from work, beg for food and perk up if they see that the owner has opened the refrigerator to get them food. And how they care for partners and scare rivals, build nests and take care of caviar! It is simply impossible to break away from the aquarium.

If we ignore the enthusiastic lyrics, then it should be stated that the red parrots are not too active and fast due to the structure of their body, quite peaceful and accommodating, but nevertheless sometimes show territoriality. Therefore, it is better to keep parrots either in a pair (male and female), or in a group of at least 5-6 individuals, so that the dominant pair does not terrorize the rest of the fish, and be sure to equip shelters.

If a newcomer enters the aquarium with an established group of fish, it is better to place him in the water in a special Plexiglas jig for the first day so that the old-timers cannot offend him and at the same time get used to him. Another option is to temporarily restrict a part of the aquarium for a new fish with a partition with holes, this will also protect it from attack by other fish and allow it to develop part of the territory.

Another one characteristic red parrots - their fearfulness. Once in a new aquarium, they can run wild and hide for two or three months. In some cases, the presence of not too large active neighbors helps - seeing that other fish swim and feed calmly, parrots also become bolder.

Parrots can share an aquarium with most fish, as long as the neighbors are not too small and do not fit in their mouths.

Although the aggressiveness of the three-hybrid parrot is not as high as that of large ones, it is still recommended to keep it in a species aquarium with other cichlids, since this fish is predatory and territorial. In large aquariums, it is able to exist with other large cichlids:, and. The parrot is able to fight back most aggressors, so slow-swimming giants are ideal neighbors for him.

Care should be taken to settle it with nimble fish, such as African cichlids and Sumatran barbs. These inhabitants quickly and actively eat food, while the parrot in the meal is leisurely, and may be completely left without food.

Neighborhood with small and peaceful inhabitants, for example, with most of the small haracins: neons, amanda tetras, erythrosonus, etc., is highly discouraged. It is not recommended to settle it with small platies: guppies, platies, mollies. They will become easy prey for a predatory parrot.

In general, the question of compatibility is individual character and depends on the temperament of a particular individual. Some parrots can live quietly in herbalists with scalars, while others are able to establish their own rules in the aquarium, dig through the ground and disperse other inhabitants into the corners.

During the spawning period, trihybrid parrots can become extremely aggressive.

Aquarium equipment and water parameters

Like many hybrids, red parrots exhibit such a phenomenon as heterosis - an increase in viability compared to parental species. Thanks to this, parrots have excellent health and immunity, tolerate some deviations from optimal conditions well, so they can be recommended to beginner aquarists.

The main requirement for keeping red parrots is a spacious aquarium from 150 liters per couple.

Since the red parrot is a large, corpulent fish (usually 10-15 cm, but can grow up to 25 cm), and is also very voracious, in smaller aquariums, the concentration of fish waste in the water will be too high, which can lead to poisoning. In addition, the fish will not have enough space to swim, and for aquarium fish, movement is life. Although parrots are considered strong and tenacious, a pair of such fish will not last long in a thirty-liter aquarium, despite all the assurances of illiterate or dishonorable sellers.

Water parameters:

  • temperature 26-28°C;
  • stiffness - optimal 5-7 °, permissible 2-25 °;
  • pH 6.5–7.5;
  • the content of nitrogen compounds - ammonia / ammonium - 0, nitrites - 0, nitrates - no more than 30 mg / l.

In the aquarium, powerful filtration and aeration are required.

Parrots prefer moderate lighting, from 0.25 to 0.5 W per liter, their coloring looks most advantageous under the light of red spectrum lamps.

Soil fraction size of great importance does not, the main thing is that the particles do not have sharp edges and cannot injure the fish.

Live plants are highly desirable. Red parrots, unlike other cichlids, do not usually spoil plants, but it is better to plant the latter along the back and side walls of the aquarium so as not to take up space for swimming. In addition, during the spawning period, fish actively dig nests in the ground, and all plants that interfere with them are ruthlessly dug up. But since the holes are usually made in the same places, the plants can simply be transplanted to another part of the aquarium, where they will be safe and sound. For decorating an aquarium trihybrid parrots it is better to choose hard-leaved plants with a strong root system, for example,.

Parrots are territorial fish, with a built-in hierarchy within the group, so it is necessary to build in the aquarium a large number of shelters.

These can be shards, grottoes and halves of a coconut shell, but it is best to place them in the water closer to back wall aquarium several long winding snags and intertwine them with each other in the form of a kind of labyrinth, thus creating a whole system of passages and caves where you can hide.


One of the cute deformities of the red parrot is its very small mouth, opening only vertically to a slight angle. Some sources indicate that because of this structure of the mouth, the parrot is doomed to starvation if it does not receive special small granules produced specifically for this species as food. This claim seems somewhat exaggerated. I have never seen a red parrot starving for lack of these pellets. Moreover, feeding only dry food is harmful to them in the same way as to any other fish, although as part of the diet specialized food Red Parrot is highly desirable.

Red parrots are rare gluttons who are happy to eat almost any dry food (for example, they have been repeatedly seen stealing slightly soaked catfish flakes), love finely chopped fish and shrimp, chopped plant food- peas, zucchini, red pepper. The latter, like red fish and shrimp, contains a large amount of carotenoids, which enhance the brightness of the color of these fish. Therefore, such products must be present in the diet.

Feed red parrots once or twice a day in small portions. In the evening, you need to feed long before turning off the light in the aquarium, while making sure that everything is eaten, otherwise in the morning the fish can finish eating yesterday's already spoiled food and get poisoned. Once a week there is a fasting day.


Due to their hybrid origin, the males of this species are sterile and cannot fertilize eggs, respectively, the reproduction of red parrots is impossible. But despite this, they form pairs, arrange mating games, build nests, lay their eggs and guard it intensely, fanning them with their fins. After a few days, all the eggs turn white and are eaten by the parents.

Sometimes female red parrots form pairs with males of other types of cichlids (for example, diamond cichlids), and in some cases they manage to get quite viable offspring from them, which, however, do not look like parrots.

Diseases of red parrots

As mentioned above, due to heterosis, red parrots have excellent health and strong immunity, and in good conditions practically do not get sick, and when they get sick, they can be successfully treated.

The most common diseases they have are:

  1. . This is generally one of the most common diseases of aquarium fish caused by ciliates. The body and fins of a diseased fish are covered with white tubercles the size of a semolina grain. I must say that in red parrots that came from Asia and were not quarantined, sometimes there is a tropical, fulminant form of this disease, from which the fish die literally within a few hours, so treatment should begin immediately after symptoms are detected.
  2. Hexamitosis. Caused by flagellates that infect the intestines of fish. Symptoms are whitish slimy feces, food refusal or spitting out, and then small pitted ulcers on the fish's head.

A fairly common problem is also the poisoning of red parrots with nitrogen compounds, usually ammonia, due to incorrect start-up of the aquarium or too high density fish landings. At the same time, the fins of the fish turn red or blacken and become emaciated, the fish begin to suffocate, so they stay in the filter jet or near the surface of the water with protruding gill covers. In this case, you can help them with frequent (several times a day) water changes. Between changes, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, methylene blue or specialized aquarium preparations such as Antiammonia are added to the water.

These problems and diseases will bypass your parrots if they are kept according to all the rules, which are not so complicated. In a large, well-equipped and neglected aquarium with clean water these fish with a bird name, cartoonish appearance and dog habits for a long time - and parrots live up to 10 years! - will bring you only joy.

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