Service in the Airborne Forces on conscription, key selection criteria. Service in the Airborne Forces by conscription, key selection criteria Requirements for admission to the Airborne Forces

If a young man there is a service in the Airborne Forces, you should urgently take care of your physical fitness. For the future paratrooper, not only strength is important, but also endurance. It is best to start with martial arts, which will ideally prepare for this difficult service. You can work out in the athletics section. When candidates for the Airborne Forces are selected at the military registration and enlistment office, they are interested in the presence of a sports category and other achievements. Therefore, there is no need to feel sorry for yourself. Training should be complete, to get the highest possible level. And the biggest chances to be in the Airborne Forces are specialists in parachuting.

Contract service in the Airborne Forces

If you are interested in the service airborne contract you need to take care of your health. Forget bad habits with young age. It is necessary to have perfect health, corresponding to the fitness category "A". Without this service air- landing troops you do not shine. It is necessary to independently take care of the regular medical examination and hardening of the body.

Don't overlook questions psychological preparation. It is necessary to have a serious motivation to serve in the airborne troops. You need to have a serious look at things and forget about romantic illusions. Service in any branch of the military, and even more so, in this one, is associated, first of all, with hard work and constant psychological pressure.

Get regular physical training, but do not forget about school. Without good knowledge of precise and humanities serving will be very difficult. It is necessary to have real knowledge, and not the minimum course necessary for passing the exam. This is especially true for applicants from the Ryazan Military School, which trains top-level specialists for the Airborne Forces.

Contract service in the Airborne Forces is impossible for those young people whose relatives were convicted. It is useless to hide this fact in the military registration and enlistment office or in the selection committee. The entire range of information provided by conscripts or future contractors is scrupulously checked.

From a conversation with the commander of the Airborne Forces, Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov, it became known that every year there are more and more people wishing to serve in the Airborne Forces. But because of low level the health of conscripts and poor physical readiness, many of them have to be refused. Although the requirements for recruits are not rigid, these two indicators are unshakable. For this reason, the recruitment of airborne troops encounters certain difficulties.

As Shamanov said, the requirements for future paratroopers are higher than the requirements for conscripts of other military branches. It is not for nothing that paratroopers are called winged infantry. Although in motorized rifle airborne units lots of modern technology, and warriors have to ride much more than walk, but without physical training there is nothing to do in the landing. According to the commander of the Airborne Forces, the task is considered completed only after the soldier's foot stands on the edge of the enemy's trench.

Daily routine in the Airborne Forces

The daily routine in the Airborne Forces is so complex and saturated that even healthy recruits at first have to cope with it extremely hard. This is especially true for skydiving. A conscript soldier is required to perform twelve jumps in the first year, six for each training period. Without parachute training service in the airborne troops is impossible. All military personnel, from privates to generals, must parachute. General Shamanov himself also regularly jumped with a parachute until he got into an accident. After the restrictions are lifted, he plans to resume his skydiving practice.

The Russian army became professional precisely from the airborne troops. Right now in Airborne urgent only thirty percent of all personnel. Every third soldier and sergeant has a diploma of higher, secondary specialized education or a document of incomplete higher education. According to Shamanov, in the future the Russian army should be formed on the basis of a mixed principle. 70 percent of contract soldiers and 30 percent of conscripts should serve in the airborne troops. This will be the perfect combination.

Military service in the Airborne Forces today

The fact is that, in accordance with the current term of service on conscription, fifteen percent of the personnel are completely replaced every year in spring and autumn. On the basis of a scientifically established criterion, one can speak of the combat capability of a subunit or military unit when they are staffed by at least seventy percent. According to the existing rotation of personnel, the staffing should not be lower than eighty percent. It is also necessary to take into account the illness of a certain number of military personnel, the absence of various reasons. In any case, in this situation, the combat effectiveness of the units will be preserved.

Today, military service in the Airborne Forces is completed by 15 percent of recruits in their region. When they are fired, they become a mobilization resource in the republics, territories and regions. The country is constantly preparing and updating the emergency reserve. The call is necessary, no one plans to refuse it. The implementation of such ideas is taking place today in the Airborne Forces.

Vladimir Shamanov was asked what positions he focuses on in the Airborne Forces contract service and what positions are intended for conscripts. According to the commander of the Airborne Forces, contract soldiers should already be junior commanders, who must be selected in advance and trained. Similarly, for a number of positions in the rear, technical, repair and landing support. Previously, only officers served in these positions, but today they are often replaced by contract soldiers, professional sergeants.

Options for completing the Airborne Forces in the foreseeable future

In another category, one cannot do without contractors. It's about about specialists in this or that weapon, equipment, the operation of which requires not only general education, but also special knowledge. In the Airborne Forces today, one cannot do without a professional squad leader, driver and gunner-operator. They not only look after technical condition, but also the survivability of the combat vehicle.

AT BMD crew seven fighters, of which three must be contract soldiers, and four (grenade launchers, shooters) can be conscripts. It will take two to three years to train a high-level driver. And three months in training center clearly not enough. By hiring a contract soldier, we help to reduce the burden of conscription. Under the first contract, a professional must serve three years. During this time, there are six calls for military service.

The daily routine of a paratrooper is complex and very busy, and even a contract soldier will find it too dense at first. But thanks to one professional, five young people manage to avoid the draft by focusing on studying or mastering a civilian profession. So far, there are not enough professionals in the Airborne Forces. In the Ulyanovsk brigade alone, 60 percent of contract servicemen serve as soldiers and sergeants. The region of the country influences the desire to serve in the army under a contract. The higher the level of salaries, the less desire to serve in the army. But this trend is changing recent times, after an increase in the salaries of military personnel.

How to get to serve in the Airborne Forces?

The Airborne Troops are the elite troops Russian Federation and other countries of the former Soviet Union. Almost every young man who is taken into the army thinks about the following question: “How to get to serve in the Airborne Forces?”. Of course, your great desire is needed. Think carefully about whether you are ready and want to serve in the elite airborne troops. If yes, then move on to the next paragraphs. However, one desire is not enough, because in order to get into airborne troops it is necessary to have a certain set of physical and moral qualities.

First of all, we will advise you to notify admission committee about your desire to serve in the Airborne Forces, and also do not forget to report this at the recruiting office when the so-called "merchants" come for you. How to get into the Van Airborne Forces, you need to think about it now, because the call is just around the corner, but it would not hurt to prepare. You just need to get in good physical shape, correct all the shortcomings in your health.

Tips for a future paratrooper

For the future paratrooper, I would like to give some advice that will help you get to serve in the Airborne Forces. First, the most important factor is your physical form. If you are experiencing excess weight, then we recommend reducing it to acceptable values, ranging from 75-85 kg, and depending on your height. The growth of a paratrooper should almost always be in the range of 175-190 cm, if you have it different, then let's say right away, the chances of getting into special forces of the Airborne Forces you don't have much.

An excellent bonus for future paratroopers will be the presence sports categories and sports training in various martial arts. The presence of sports training will make it easier for you to serve in the Airborne Forces, and will also become almost a determining factor for the commission, showing that you can cope in difficult conditions military service. Do not forget that the main criterion is your state of health, if it is very good, then you also have excellent chances to get into the Airborne Forces.

An incredibly big bonus for the commission will be the experience of parachuting, but if you do not have this experience, then you should think about it. For the draft board, 5 jumps are enough to also put a plus in front of your last name. And here is a video of skydiving in one of the parts.

We told you above how to get into the special forces of the Airborne Forces and we hope that these tips will help young recruits who want to serve in the airborne troops to get there. There were cases that recruits were taken to the Airborne Forces after they pulled themselves up about 20 times on the horizontal bar. So everything is in your hands, dear conscripts.

It depends only on you whether they will accept this kind of troops or not. Take care of your form and your health, and we are sure that the draft board will not be able to refuse you. Those who serve willingly are almost always welcomed with open arms. So do not be afraid, speak openly about your wishes, let the draft board know that you are striving to get into the Airborne Forces.

How to get a girl into the Airborne Forces?

AT modern society more and more more girls who wish to serve in military units. The question of how to get girls into the Airborne Forces sounds more and more often. We will tell the lovely ladies what is needed for this. Firstly, in Russia, girls can only serve under a contract. Therefore, you need to contact your military registration and enlistment office, find out exactly what documents you need to collect and when to come for a medical examination. Secondly, in the application that you attach to these documents, you must write why you want to serve in the airborne troops, believe me, this statement can play a key role in deciding whether to conclude a contract with you.

Take your time and write everything as it is. The rest of the requirements are almost the same as for the guys. You just need to be in excellent physical shape, and your health should be on highest level. That's it when passing a medical examination for girls, the requirements are higher than for guys, so be sure to take care of it in advance. Believe you need to be in perfect condition, in order to get into parts of the Airborne Forces.

We hope that the questions “How to get to serve in the Airborne Forces?” and “How can a girl get into the Airborne Forces?” after reading our article, you will no longer ask, but will begin to design required documents, as well as bringing your physical form within acceptable limits. Serving your country is a great honor. To be ready to give one's life for one's homeland, for one's country, is not so easy.

Think many times before going to the draft board whether you can, if necessary, die for the sake of protecting civilians. We hope that this will never happen and there will be peace on our territory. And we wish you, young conscripts, a good service, and always be in a good mood!

Airborne troops - pride national army, and every guy who wants to become a man dreams of how to get into the Airborne Forces. This is an elite branch of the military, and only the strongest young people are taken there.

If you are thinking about how to get to serve in the Airborne Forces, then the fastest and easiest way is to say so directly. At all medical examinations, at the military enlistment office, wherever you can, say directly that you want to serve in the airborne troops.

Characteristics of the future paratrooper

Among other things, you need to know what characteristics a conscript who wants to get into the airborne troops should have.

  1. Excellent health. The airborne troops are designed for quick landings behind enemy lines, that is, they are a rapid reaction detachment, the best military training. In order to become a worthy paratrooper, you need to have excellent physical and mental health. There can be no flat feet, myopia or heart murmurs.
  2. physical data. The indicator of health is appearance. Therefore, the future paratrooper should be 175-190 cm tall and weigh 75-85 kg.
  3. Sports training. In the army, of course, fighters are drilled, but preference is always given to those who are already physically prepared for service. Therefore, all kinds sport sections and ranks in martial arts will only benefit you.

How to prepare for military service

In addition to natural data, there are some things you can improve yourself.

  1. The weight. If the weight is insufficient or, conversely, excessive, it is better to bring the body into shape.
  2. Skydiving. The main method of landing paratroopers is parachute landing, and therefore several years of occupation parachuting will increase your chances.
  3. Push ups. This is the most favorite way to train in the army, and therefore it is best to prepare in advance. Learn to do push-ups from the floor with your hands, with your fists and with your fingers, push-ups on the uneven bars. Also try push-ups for speed, for duration of tension, for quantity.
  4. Marches. Long runs are also an important part of military training. Go for morning runs to increase your endurance and lung capacity.

I read opuses from time to time like How to get into the Airborne Forces and special forces: who will not be accepted into the elite troops
Crap in places.
I will comment about the Airborne Forces

"The standards for entering the service in the Airborne Forces of the Soviet Union were, if not sports, then near-sports for sure - pull-ups 20 times, running a hundred meters, marathon running 10 kilometers, push-ups - at least 50 times. The morning hour of physical training of Soviet paratroopers generally differed almost from all branches of the military - there were both jumps and jumps with a 360-degree turn, pulling up and of course push-ups.

AT Russian army under Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Soviet direction of the physical training of paratroopers began to grow qualitatively. The requirements for entering the service in the airborne troops of Russia, although somewhat softer than in the Soviet Union, however, this is only the minimum set in order to obtain a pass and get the opportunity to serve in the ranks of the country's best conscripts.

To get to serve in the Airborne Forces, you must have a weight of 75 to 85 kg and a height of 175 to 190 centimeters. If height is a value that cannot be influenced, then excess weight with strong desire serve in the Airborne Forces, it is desirable to reset. Such strict selection criteria are due to the specifics of the service, because in most departments special purpose they are selected precisely with the wording "Fit for service in the airborne troops." General state health is an equally important factor that directly affects whether a conscript gets to serve in the Airborne Forces or not.

Smoking, heart disease, addiction to alcohol - the conscript must be deprived of all this in principle, so that the draft commission does not have any questions during the examination. The heaviest physical exercise people who smoke and bad habits in general, according to the military, they are categorically contraindicated.

Particular attention in the Airborne Forces is paid to vision - even a slight deterioration in it can be a reason for refusing to enroll in this type of troops. In addition to almost absolute health, after a conscript is enrolled in the Airborne Forces, it is also necessary to have endurance, since about 20% of conscripts cannot cope with standard loads after enrollment and can be sent to serve in other branches of the military.

There were no requirements in the USSR for physical training. I served in 4 parts of the Airborne Forces, incl. and sergeant at the training center. Such pimples came - mother do not grieve. So with weight - nonsense. I myself called up about 70 kg. And demobilized. There were people in height from 170. About smoking in general - nonsense. The majority smoked and smokes. In the morning and in general physical training. Who wanted to, and jerked off.
For example, in the Khyrovskaya brigade, and then in the training center, the exercises were really difficult. Around the brigade heels km, of which eight hundred meters long climb. In 37 DShB in intelligence there was a cult of sports in general. They themselves got up before the official rise and fled.
My physical performance during the service was pretty good - 50 pull-ups on the horizontal bar with an overhand grip. I won’t say anything about running, because I have already been called up for service, having repeatedly fulfilled the standards for athletics for the first adult class. He also had three parachute jumps made at the Stavropol training aviation center, which has now disappeared. True, we have a flying club in our city. You can read with the founder of the new flying club

The airborne troops of the Russian Federation are one of those branches of the armed forces where traditions, morality and physical strength are best known. Vasily Filippovich Margelov - the legendary founder of the airborne troops, "BATYA" - as the paratroopers themselves call him, even at dawn winged infantry laid down basic principles and standards for those who aspired to serve in an army capable of crossing Europe in a week.

It was in the Soviet Union that by the mid-80s, 14 separate brigades, two separate regiments and about 20 separate battalions in blue berets. One brigade corresponded to a separate military district, in which a special instructor monitored the physical form of the fighters for each company.

The standards for entering the service in the Airborne Forces of the Soviet Union were, if not sports, then near-sports for sure - pull-ups 20 times, running a hundred meters, marathon running 10 kilometers, push-ups - at least 50 times. The morning hour of physical training of Soviet paratroopers was generally different from almost all military branches - there were both jumps and jumps with a 360-degree turn, pulling up and of course push-ups.

In the Russian army under Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Soviet direction of the physical training of paratroopers began to grow qualitatively. The requirements for entering the service in the airborne troops of Russia, although somewhat softer than in the Soviet Union, however, this is only the minimum set in order to obtain a pass and get the opportunity to serve in the ranks of the country's best conscripts.

To get to serve in the Airborne Forces, you must have a weight of 75 to 85 kg and a height of 175 to 190 centimeters. If growth is a value that cannot be influenced, then it is advisable to lose excess weight with a strong desire to serve in the Airborne Forces. Such strict selection criteria are due to the specifics of the service, because most special forces are selected precisely with the wording "Fit for service in the airborne troops." The general state of health is an equally important factor that directly affects whether a conscript gets to serve in the Airborne Forces or not.

Smoking, heart disease, addiction to alcohol - the conscript must be deprived of all this in principle, so that the draft commission does not have any questions during the examination. The hardest physical activity for people who smoke and have bad habits in general, according to the military, is categorically contraindicated.

Particular attention in the Airborne Forces is paid to vision - even a slight deterioration in it can be a reason for refusing to enroll in this type of troops. In addition to almost absolute health, after the recruit is enrolled in the Airborne Forces, it is also necessary to have endurance, since about 20% of conscripts cannot cope with standard loads after enrollment and can be sent to serve in other branches of the military.


"Marines" are one of the most prepared and physically strong guys in Russia. Interspecific competitions, military reviews and other events where it is necessary to show the level of physical strength, traditionally cannot do without representatives of the Marine Corps.

In addition to the general physical “strength”, a potential “marine” must have: height from 175 cm, weight up to 80 kg, not be registered in psychiatric, narcological and other dispensaries both at the place of registration and at the place of residence, and it is desirable to have one of the sports " ranks." Availability rule sports achievements works in the Airborne Forces, however, according to the established tradition, it is in marines recruits-athletes are given increased attention and entrusted with the most responsible tasks.

“The essence of this tactic is that a conscript athlete does not need to inspire and instill a sense of responsibility and discipline. Athletes with serious achievements, as a rule, are already disciplined people and they don’t need additional motivation in this regard, ”Viktor Kalanchin, deputy head of the draft commission of one of the capital’s military registration and enlistment offices, said in an interview with Zvezda.

Also, it is in the Marine Corps that special attention is paid to conscripts with certain technical knowledge: radio engineering, electronics, and computing devices. Such qualities help to prepare for a military specialty right during military service and in the future will give serious help when entering the service under a contract.

As for the physical requirements necessary for service in the Russian Marine Corps, everything is simple - excellent health in category A, the ability to pull up at least 10-12 times and the absence of chronic diseases. The rest, according to the military, will be consistently and diligently brought up in the conscript.

To people doing special tasks and special requirements apply. It should be remembered, however, that in special forces, whatever it may be, this is not combined arms training, but heavy and daily labor which is far from manageable. However, it is precisely with the offer to serve in special forces that recruits are “suited” precisely after, and even during, service in the airborne troops or marines.

In any case, according to the military commissars, the percentage of conscripts from these military branches in the special forces is the highest. The rules of standard training (both physical and psychological) do not work in special forces. Here, every fighter is made universal soldier capable of doing everything and doing it well.

Running, pull-ups, grueling forced marches at a distance three times greater than the usual army - all this is present in abundance in the preparation of special forces. However, special forces are different for special forces and each special forces unit has its own specifics.

Special Forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate General Staff and FSB special forces among special units stand apart: 20, or even all 30 pull-ups, 30 push-ups on the uneven bars, running a distance of a thousand meters in three minutes - far from full list of what needs to be done in order to start being considered as a candidate for service in the best Russian special forces units.

Andrey Vasiliev, an instructor of one of the Moscow rapid reaction units, in an interview with Zvezda, said that physical activity is the most insignificant thing that people who aspire to serve in special forces will face: “In intelligence, in addition to endurance and physical fitness, mind is also important . Therefore, analytical thinking, the ability to quickly make certain decisions that will effectively complete the task, is no less important than, for example, physical strength. The main attention in such things is paid to people who, before serving in the army, received higher education in some technical area. I know for sure that they have shown and are showing increased attention to such people.

One of the most serious tests for those who want to test their physical and psychological abilities can be an exam for the right to wear a "maroon" beret. It is this special forces insignia internal troops is the best proof of the "professional suitability" of a fighter. An exhausting ordeal that includes an almost marathon forced march, an obstacle course, hand-to-hand combat with an instructor, not all pass.

According to statistics, only 20-30% of examinees pass the test. Contrary to popular belief, the exam for the right to wear a maroon beret does not end with physical activity.

The basics of shooting skills against the background of severe fatigue, the basics of storming a building using special equipment, high-speed shooting - all this is included in mandatory list tests for those who want to devote their lives to special forces. The set of rules, both for army units and for special-purpose units, says one thing - service for the good of the Fatherland is not a vacation.

This is hard, difficult and truly masculine work, requiring absolute physical health and serious mental abilities. It is the combination of these qualities that allows yesterday's ordinary guy to get into the elite troops, and those who have served or are serving improve their professional skills and move up the ladder of military service.

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