When and by whom was Gitis founded. Russian Academy of Theater Arts. Gitis required reading list

Every year thousands of applicants from all over Russia are attracted. It's not easy to get into one of them. This is evidenced by the stories from the life of outstanding actors and directors who at one time managed to become students of prestigious theater universities only on the second or third attempt. And how many more are there, unrecognized talents who have not managed to get a pass to the world of art?

The topic of today's article is - We will provide a list of the most prestigious metropolitan universities that produce actors and directors. Let's talk about how to enter in Moscow, and what difficulties usually arise in the way of applicants.

There is a list of universities that every student who dreams of an acting career wants to get into. There are theater universities in many cities, but when it comes to a profession related to cinema and theater, one remembers GITIS, the school named after. Shchepkin. After all, these are the best theatrical institutions in Moscow.

List of universities

Among the educational institutions discussed in this article, there are academies, colleges, and institutes. Some of them are called theatrical, as if their graduates can work exclusively in the temple of Melpomene. The name of one of them contains the word "cinema", as if those who received a diploma from this university will spend their whole lives on the set. In reality, there is no significant difference between them. They can be attributed to one category - theatrical institutes of Moscow.

It is worth saying that there is no guarantee that a student of one of these educational institutions will become a famous, sought-after actor. As there is no certainty that fame can make a person happy. But we will not be distracted by philosophical topics, but we will name the best theater institutes in Moscow:

  • GITIS;
  • school them. Shchepkin;
  • school them. Schukin;
  • Moscow Art Theater School;
  • VGIK.

Russian University of Theater Arts

This is the largest theater university in Europe. Girls and boys, dreaming of the stage, tend to get here in the first place. The history of GITIS begins at the end of the nineteenth century. Teaching is conducted in all specialties that only exist in the stage world. GITIS produces drama, stage and circus directors. Training is also conducted in the specialties "choreographer", "theater expert", "scenographer".

There are eight faculties in GITIS: acting, directing, theater studies, ballet master, and production. There are also faculties of variety art, musical theater, and scenography.

Among the teachers of GITIS there are many outstanding actors and directors. Perhaps this is the best theater institute in Moscow.

GITIS: what to do

This institution experiences the largest influx of applicants every year. A graduate of a general education school under the age of twenty-five can apply for the acting department. implies life experience. Therefore, here the age limit is increased to thirty-five years.

Since most applicants dream of a director or director, let's consider the admission conditions at the faculties that train these particular specialists. Both in the first and in the second case, potential students pass a creative selection. At the acting department, it takes place in three stages. At the director's - at four.

The future actor at the first stage of the qualifying round reads a poem, a fable and an excerpt from prose to the members of the selection committee. The reason for the failures of applicants is often an incorrectly selected work. An excerpt should be selected so that it corresponds to the internal state, external appearance. Taras Bulba's monologue from the lips of a slender young man will not sound at all harmonious. And an applicant with a rare comic gift should not enter the image of Romeo. It should also be noted that members of the selection committee can give a difficult task. You will have to improvise, connecting your life experience, observation, ability to respond quickly.

A case from one's life

Yuri Nikulin - the great clown - several years of theater institutes, including GITIS. None of the universities, the list of which is given above, did not take him. But in his book of memoirs, he told about one interesting case, which he witnessed at the entrance exams.

One of the applicants was asked to play a thief. The girl reacted very strangely. She began to be indignant, ran up to the table at which the members of the selection committee sat, and shouted: "How can you? After all, I'm a Komsomol member!" She ran out the door in tears. And only a minute later one of the teachers noticed the loss of his watch. At that moment, the “offended” applicant returned and returned the watch with the words: “Did I cope with your task?”

The final stage

Those who successfully passed the first stage will have to demonstrate stage speech and confirm their knowledge of the history of theatrical art. And only after this test in the Russian language and literature.

Future directors also take an oral examination in the theory of directing. Regardless of what specialty the applicant has chosen, there is not enough talent for admission. You also need theoretical knowledge. And in order to get them, you should read a lot of literature on theatrical and directing art.

Higher Theater School. Shchepkina

Admission to the acting department of this institute takes place in four stages. The first is a selection consultation. As in other theatrical universities, applicants prepare several excerpts from both poetic and prose works. Upon successful completion, applicants are admitted to the second stage. Here, too, they will have to demonstrate their artistic skills by reading literary works. But the selection in the second round is tougher. The applicant's abilities, the breadth of his artistic range are taken into account. The third stage is an oral exam in the theory of theatrical art.

Other universities

Admission to the school Shchukin and the Moscow Art Theater School follow the same pattern: an assessment of acting skills, a colloquium. That is why many applicants apply to several universities and read the same works in GITIS as, for example, in the school. Shchepkin.

Such is the admission to the theatrical institutes of Moscow. After grade 9, you can enter the following educational institutions:

  • State School of Music and Variety Art;
  • State Theater College. Filatov;
  • Moscow Regional College of Arts.

    It was organized in 1991 in Moscow on the basis of the Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS, founded in 1878 as the Music and Drama School). Trains actors, directors of drama and musical theatre, variety art, choreographers, etc. In 1993 St. 1 thousand… …

    - (RATI), organized in 1991 in Moscow on the basis of the Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS named after Lunacharsky, founded in 1878 as the Musical and Drama School at the Philharmonic Society), a higher educational institution. Prepares actors, directors ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    RATI (Maly Kislovsky lane, 6), one of the largest theater universities, trains actors and directors for drama and musical theaters, pop and circus, theater experts, choreographers, stage managers, etc. on ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - (, 6), one of the largest theater universities, trains actors and directors for drama and musical theaters, stage and theater experts, choreographers, stage managers, etc. in 19 specialties. Founded in 1878 ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    INSTITUTE OF THEATER ART (GITIS), see Russian Academy of Theater Arts (see RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF THEATER ART) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (GITIS) see Russian Academy of Theater Arts ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (GITIS), see Russian Academy of Theater Arts ... encyclopedic Dictionary

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00

Sat. from 11:00 to 15:00


general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Institute of Theater Arts - GITIS"


No. 01781 is valid Indefinitely from 11/23/2015


No. 01876 is valid from 04/27/2016 to 04/27/2022

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RUTI-GITIS

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 5 5 6 6
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education70.83 68.36 67.49 65.40 67.14
Average USE score credited to the budget73.22 70.89 68.58 67.74 67.71
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis69.18 68.68 65.76 64.54 66.83
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department50.92 53.33 51.00 49.17 55.51
Number of students1657 1549 1478 1570 1491
full-time department978 908 840 895 876
Part-time department0 0 0 0 0
Extramural679 641 638 675 615
All data Report Report Report Report Report


The Russian University of Theater Arts is a university where students learn the most creative specialties from the best teachers who have vast scientific and professional experience, which they strive to pass on to their students.

Education at RUTI-GITIS

At the university, students can get higher education at the faculties:

  • acting, where future actors of the drama theater or cinema are trained;
  • director's, where future drama directors or circus directors are trained;
  • musical theater, which trains future directors or artists of the musical theater, as well as sound engineers for concert programs and cultural events;
  • theater studies, where bachelors are trained in the specialty Theater Studies;
  • ballet master, where bachelors are trained in the direction of choreographic art, divided by type - ballet master or pedagogical;
  • stage, where future artists or stage directors are trained;
  • production, where they train producers of performing arts or managers for concert organizations and theaters;
  • scenography, where theatrical production designers are trained.

Education of students is possible both full-time and part-time. When entering the university, applicants take entrance exams, each of which is evaluated on a 100-point system. Those applicants who score the highest total number of points are enrolled in the university on a budgetary basis, the rest - on a contract basis. Students who are enrolled in state-funded places, in case of academic success, will receive a scholarship.

In order to successfully pass all the entrance exams, applicants can enroll in preparatory courses that are open at each faculty. On them, students will be prepared for all exams by the best teachers of the university. Education in the preparatory courses is paid.

At the university, you can also enroll in a master's or graduate school, where students will be able to write and successfully defend a master's or Ph.D. thesis.

After graduation, students receive a state diploma.

Features of teaching students at RUTI-GITIS

Education at the acting department is conducted both by directors and actors who are still working in their specialty, and by representatives of similar professions who have devoted themselves entirely to teaching. Among the teachers of the acting department there are a lot of people who have become real stars of cinema and theater - A. Papanov, V. Andreev, D. Pevtsov, L. Bogdan, E. Yakovleva and many others.

There are 9 workshops at the directing department, each of which has its own teaching team, who have devoted themselves entirely to teaching students the art of directing. Training in circus directing includes the mandatory study of specially designed courses in the disciplines: children's circus performance, dramaturgy of a circus act, work on a performance, as well as the practical development of clowning, gymnastics or acrobatics. The preparation of a drama director includes two parts - theoretical, in which he masters knowledge about directing, and practical, where students master acting skills in order to better understand the actors.

At the Faculty of Musical Theater, students are closely engaged in the study of solfeggio, work with a conductor, the history and theory of music, and also master vocal skills to perfection, which is taught by teachers working at the Department of Vocal Art. But in addition to vocal art, students of the faculty also master acting skills, studying stage speech, movement, dance and much more.

Graduates of the theater department after graduation become historians, critics, journalists in the field of performing arts, show business and television. At the faculty, students receive a liberal arts education, studying the history of music, literature, fine arts and general history, as well as special disciplines in the theory of drama, the history of foreign and Russian theater, the theory and history of criticism, and others.

During the existence of the choreographic faculty, more and more new teaching methods were constantly introduced there, and now new disciplines and curricula are being introduced into the learning process. At the moment, students of the faculty are studying dance and music literature, images of the classical heritage, the psychology of artistic creativity, the composition and methodology of duet dance, and other disciplines. In addition, foreign and domestic masters of choreography are constantly invited to the faculty, who conduct master classes and seminars for students.

The variety faculty of the university is also constantly improving its curriculum with the aim of creatively updating the national variety art and art. To do this, students of the faculty study the general humanities, as well as all possible pop genres - such as pop-jazz vocals, tap, jazz and many others.

Students of the production department combine theory and practice during their studies. They study general humanitarian, socio-economic, art history disciplines, management, production, computer technology, the legal foundations of cultural activities and other special disciplines. And then the students of the faculty without fail apply the acquired knowledge in practice in theaters, concert organizations and production companies in Russia.

Students of the Faculty of Scenography are studying painting, drawing and scenography under the guidance of People's Artist of Russia Morozov S. F., artist of the Kultura TV channel Morozov O. G., member of the Academy of Arts of Russia Nesterov N. I. and other outstanding teachers.

A wide variety of specialties at 8 faculties has a fruitful effect on the preparation of students who, starting from the first year, exist in an atmosphere of cooperation between masters of different theatrical professions, which greatly facilitates their independent career after graduation. Theater "GITIS" for 200 seats is the first professional platform for students, where novice directors, actors and set designers try their hand; often the performances of this theater become a very significant event in the theatrical life of Moscow and are put by connoisseurs on a par with the works of recognized masters.

The universality of professional training is the original feature of GITIS, which throughout the history of its existence concentrated within its walls training in three most important areas of theatrical art - drama, music and choreography, and already in the 1930s. introduced university studies in theater studies and management in the field of arts. Along with professional training, today's students of GITIS receive university-type liberal arts education. This opens up the widest opportunities for graduates to apply their professional knowledge and skills.


  • Acting department
  • Directing department
  • Faculty of Musical Theater
  • Theater Studies Faculty
  • Ballet master faculty
  • Variety faculty
  • Production department
  • Faculty of scenography

RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF THEATER ARTS(RATI; until 1991 GITIS - State Institute of Theater Arts, since 1934 named after A.V. Lunacharsky), the largest theater educational institution in Russia. On September 22, 1878, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia approved the curriculum for the music and drama school of P.A. Shostakovsky, and a month later it was opened on Strastnoy Boulevard. The development of the school was supported by the Society of Musical and Dramatic Art Lovers. In 1883 the school received the status of the School of Music and Drama at the Moscow Philharmonic Society. The school and the Society were under the auspices of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich. Drama classes of the school from 1883 to 1889 were headed by A. Yuzhin. The thoroughness of the preparation of students, the artistic talents of graduates allowed the school to receive a new charter, equalizing its rights with conservatories, to become a higher educational institution. The leadership of the drama department from 1889 to 1891 was taken over by the famous Russian teacher and actor O.A. Pravdin.

With the advent of Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko (1891–1901), a new stage in the development of the school began. Nemirovich-Danchenko brought up a brilliant galaxy of young actors who were the pride of the national theater and national culture (O.L. Knipper, M.G. Savitskaya, V.E. Meyerhold, E.M. Munt, B.M. Snigirev). The unification in 1898 of graduates of the Music and Drama School and members of the Society of Arts and Literature into one troupe laid the foundation for the Moscow Public Art Theater. In 1902, the school moved to Maly Kislovsky Lane, where the Academy is located to this day. Since 1918, the school has undergone a series of reorganizations and renamings due to changes in the state education system. So, in 1918 it was renamed the Music and Drama Institute, in 1920 - the State Institute of Musical Drama with a drama department. Dramatic art was taught by A. Zonov, A. Chabrov, A. Geyrot, L. Lurie, A. Petrovsky. Along with such subjects as diction, voice training, dance, fencing, they taught the history of drama and the history of literature. In 1922 the State Institute of Musical Drama was merged with the State Higher Theater Workshops, directed by Vs. Meyerhold. This association was called the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS).

Training was conducted in 9 "production workshops": Meyerhold, N. Malko (musical and dramatic), B. Ferdinandov (experimental heroic theater), Petrovsky, N. Foregger, N. Aksagarsky, national minorities (Latvian, Jewish, Armenian). In 1923, the State Practical Institute of Choreography joined GITIS with workshops for drama ballet, synthetic dance, pantomime, and classical dance. Three faculties were organized: drama, opera and choreography. The drama department consisted of acting and directing departments. In 1925, GITIS was reorganized into the Central College of Theatrical Art (CETETIS), which existed until 1931, then into the Theater Combine and in 1935 into the State Institute of Theater Arts with three faculties: director (three-year study), directing (four-year study), acting (four-year study ). During these years, well-known theatrical figures S. Birman, L. Baratov, E. Saricheva, B. Sushkevich, N. Zbrueva and others taught at GITIS. institute students. The tradition of direct entry into practical life, the formation of stage skills among students, was preserved in subsequent years: in 1958, the Educational Theater was organized at GITIS, which became an important link in the training of actors and directors. In 1931, a theatrical department was organized with departments of the history of Russian and Western European theatre. In 1935, the masters of the Moscow Art Theater L.Leonidov, M.Tarkhanov, V.Sakhnovsky came to pedagogical work at GITIS, O.Pyzhova, B.Bibikov, O.Androvskaya, I.Raevsky, V.Orlov, A.Lobanov began to teach within the walls of the institute , I. Anisimova-Wulf, F. Kaverin, M. Astangov, Yu. Zavadsky and others. It was during these years that a large-scale preparation of national studios was launched, which exists in a variety of forms to this day.

The Great Patriotic War did not bypass GITIS either. From the graduates of the acting department, a front-line theater was organized, which gave more than 1,500 performances during the war years. In the post-war years, GITIS expanded, the faculties of musical theater, pop music, the production department and the scenography department appeared.

In 1991 GITIS was renamed the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (RATI). Currently, the Academy conducts training in all theatrical specialties.

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