Rhythmic gymnastics at what age is better to do. Rules for the assignment of sports categories in rhythmic gymnastics. Rhythmic gymnastics in the USSR

What types of gymnastics exist, at what age should a child be given this sport, what medical contraindications should I pay attention to? Read about these and other features of gymnastics for children in our article.

Gymnastics has its origins in Ancient Greece. This system of exercises is aimed at developing such physical qualities as strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, coordination. Athletes who are engaged in it are plastic, have a toned figure and a beautiful, graceful posture. In addition, some of the types of gymnastics are presented in the program of the Olympic Games, which means that with a serious attitude and the right choice of a coach, a child will be able to achieve world success.

Types of gymnastics

There are three groups of gymnastics. Wellness aims to maintain human health. Sports is aimed at the development and improvement of physical qualities, and applied trains the skills necessary in certain conditions. Each of the groups includes different types of gymnastics and we will tell about them.

Wellness gymnastics:

  • General gymnastics. Running, walking at a fast pace, overcoming various obstacles, etc. All this improves motor skills.
  • Hygienic gymnastics. Light exercises without weights and shells increase overall tone and improve well-being.
  • Power gymnastics. Exercises with weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells develop strength qualities, train endurance, which ultimately helps to build muscle mass.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics. Energetic, rhythmic exercises performed to music are aimed at burning calories and training the heart muscle.


  • Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport. Most often it is done by women. Gymnasts perform acrobatic, dance, flexible exercises using such equipment as ribbons, ball, hoop, rope. Due to the musical accompaniment, the effect of entertainment is created.
  • Acrobatics. A serious, time-consuming sport that requires long training, good coordination and endurance. Acrobats can perform in pairs or triples, using complex exercises such as a bridge, split, somersault, stand, etc.
  • Gymnastics. Like rhythmic gymnastics, it is an Olympic sport. Competitions are held on gymnastic equipment: uneven bars, rings, balance beam, crossbar, as well as in floor exercises and vaults.

Applied gymnastics

  • Therapeutic. Classes improve the well-being of the patient. They are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Usually, elements of therapeutic gymnastics are used for diseases of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, and the musculoskeletal system.
  • Military applied gymnastics. Improves the qualities necessary for military operations.
  • Sports - applied gymnastics. Its elements are used by professional athletes when preparing for competitions.
  • Professionally applied gymnastics. Exercises are adapted for certain professions that require physical activity. Such complexes are used by cosmonauts, firefighters, rescuers, pilots, etc.

From what age

In this and the following sections, we will focus on rhythmic gymnastics. It is considered a very early sport. The title of master is obtained at the age of 14. Therefore, children are sent to gymnastics at the age when they are still flexible and plastic by nature.

Officially, sports schools can take girls to gymnastics from the age of 5, and boys from 6. But sometimes a coach can take a child at an earlier age: 4 or even 3 years. Such a decision is made on the basis of physical and psychological data.

To determine physical fitness, the coach can check the stretch and ask you to complete simple tasks: make a corner on the gymnastic ladder, pull yourself up. The psychological maturity of a small person, his readiness to fulfill the requirements of the coach during classes is also important. By the way, girls get into gymnastics at an earlier age, more often than boys.

Medical contraindications

Gymnastics is a traumatic sport, therefore it requires good compensatory capabilities and good health. The main medical contraindications for gymnastics for children are:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Scoliosis in advanced stages
  • Diseases or pathologies of the cervical spine
  • Myopia of any stage

But for children who often get sick with ARVI, gymnastics will be useful, because it helps to strengthen the immune system and increases the body's resistance to colds.

Before you send your child to gymnastics, consult with doctors, at least with a pediatrician who will give a permit.

Boys and girls

Rhythmic gymnastics contributes to the formation of a beautiful and healthy posture. Develop coordination, vestibular apparatus, ear for music.

Many parents are attracted to women's rhythmic gymnastics by spectacle and grace. Regardless of whether the girl will conquer the world podium or do it only for herself, rhythmic gymnastics will help her grow up feminine, graceful, flexible and able to properly present herself.

Boys in rhythmic gymnastics are rare. 30 years ago, men competed for the first time at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Tokyo. In 2005, our compatriots Yuri Denisov and Alexander Buklov won five medals at the World Championship in Tokyo. Men's rhythmic gymnastics grew out of martial arts, so it differs from women's technique and equipment. For boys, however, there are advantages:

  • Mastering the skills of martial arts
  • Formation of an even posture
  • Development of coordination
  • Tempering character

As in any sport, gymnastics has its drawbacks and they are the same for both sexes.


Gymnastics develops the physical data of the child, tempers the character and improves mood. The main thing is that classes bring pleasure, then there will be even more advantages:

  • Good physical form. We wrote about the correct posture and flexibility more than once, but we will repeat, because it is these qualities that allow the child's body to grow and develop harmoniously.
  • Excellent health. It is known that sport has a positive effect on a growing body, and gymnastics also helps to fight scoliosis in the initial stages and helps to solve the problem of clubfoot.
  • Acts as an antidepressant. During exercise, the production of endorphins is accelerated, therefore, mood improves.
  • The ear for music improves. Develops a sense of time and rhythm. It has long been known that gymnasts can be good musicians. If desired, you can combine sports and music lessons.


The medal always has a downside and, unfortunately, gymnastics cannot do without minuses. Only the coach and wards know what grace, flexibility and plasticity are worth. During long workouts, young athletes may experience severe muscle pain and fatigue. Usually, until the age of 7, general physical training takes place in gymnastics sections, after which children study gymnastic combinations. It is during this period that they can experience a tremendous load on the muscular and ligamentous apparatus.

The negative side of gymnastics can be attributed to the fact that the training time gradually increases. During the preparation for the competition, they can walk for ten hours. As a result, children get very tired, in some cases nervous breakdowns occur. With such loads, injuries of the spine and joints can occur.

Another significant disadvantage is the reason for the large loads on the spine.

How much do lessons cost

Gymnastics is quite an expensive sport. The equipment itself is inexpensive, but costumes for performances require significant costs. Especially if parents want their child to be the brightest and most memorable at the competition.

  • Shells. In most cases, parents buy all the necessary equipment on their own. The cost of balls varies from 350 rubles to 8,000. The average price of ribbons is 2,000 rubles. Ropes are about 3,000, hoops - 2,000, maces - 3,500. Winding for a hoop costs about 200 rubles. Cases for maces and hoops from 200 rubles to 3,000.
  • Clothing and footwear. You will have to buy Czech shoes, socks, clothes for training, a sports swimsuit for performances. The latter costs from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles. Without taking into account the swimsuit for performances, you can meet 25,000 rubles.
  • Trainings, competitions and fees. Coaching at public schools may be free or at little cost. Parents often pay for trips to competitions and training camps. Their cost depends on the distance of the trip and the scale of the competition. In any case, when sending a child to gymnastics, you need to be prepared for additional expenses.

How to choose a section

When relying primarily on your goals. If you want your child to study for general development, you can choose a section closer to home and to the main school. If you are serious, aimed at achieving success in this sport, then you need to take the choice of section seriously.

Take a closer look at the schools of the Olympic reserve. If there are none in your city, choose the Sports Palace or a sports school. But it is best to focus on the coach. He must be able to direct novice athletes in the right direction, be competent and experienced. It's good if he has the title of honored and the victory of pupils at European and world level competitions.

Summing up

Should I send my child to gymnastics? If your child is striking from childhood with its flexibility, plasticity, feels great music - yes. If you doubt that these qualities are inherent in your child, but he has a desire to do rhythmic gymnastics - try it, because with the right approach, everything will work out.

If you later change your mind, then the skills gained in rhythmic gymnastics can be useful in other sports, dance, and even music.

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“Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport for strong, very strong girls. To sit on the splits for the first time is very painful, and any achievement is given through severe pain, which not every child can withstand, ”says Lyubov Cherkashina, bronze medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games.

An experienced athlete believes that parents play the most important role in the development of a gymnast girl. If you feel sorry for your daughter all the time, then the champion will not come out of her, many leave precisely because they cannot endure the pain, she notes. So is it even worth giving your baby to such a cruel sport?

Why is it worth giving the baby to gymnastics?

  • The girl will form a toned figure, correct gait and even posture.
  • Successful gymnasts have an "iron" character, because they have to endure hellish pain. Whether your baby needs such a character is up to you.
  • Willpower, endurance, discipline, patience - all these qualities are brought up by gymnastics.
  • In addition to physical data, the girl will develop an ear for music.
  • Developed and stretched muscles make it possible to forget about ordinary childhood injuries outside of training.

Why you should not do rhythmic gymnastics?

At the performances, the girls seem to flutter on the carpet, bend like plasticine dolls, but such skills are very difficult for them. The first years of training become real torture for them, in order to stretch the muscles they have to endure severe pain.

“I always liked rhythmic gymnastics very much, I gave my daughter away with pleasure and waited for beautiful performances. Parents were not allowed into the gym during the training, but my daughter came out crying all the time. The coach said that this is normal, the first two or three years are really very painful. At an open lesson, I was convinced of this myself, my baby, with burning tears, sat down on the twine for the first time. I took pity on her, we no longer went to training, ”says the mother of the failed five-year-old athlete Victoria Katkova.

So, the main disadvantage of this sport is the severe pain that the child will have to endure. And here the question is appropriate: for what? One out of millions becomes an Olympic champion, and the rest end their careers at the age of 20, at best becoming a coach. In addition, gymnasts get sprains and sometimes torn ligaments, go on diets, train five times a week.

Another disadvantage is the financial component. Fees and prize funds are much less than in mass sports. But swimwear and sports equipment are not cheap. For example, a children's swimsuit for classes will cost at least five thousand rubles, and an outfit for performances can cost all 50 thousand.

Who is contraindicated in rhythmic gymnastics?

  • Children with diabetes.
  • With heart disease.
  • For any diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Girls with scoliosis.
  • For those with impaired vision.

Who is Rhythmic Gymnastics for?

  • Fragile, graceful girl.
  • A girl of medium and small stature.
  • To that baby who has a sense of rhythm and an ear for music.
  • A girl "with character", not a little crybaby.

When to send the baby to classes?

Any coach will tell you that you need to start classes as early as possible. Children's flexibility and plasticity without proper training “weakens” every year, and therefore many mothers bring their daughters to a sports school as early as three years old. Pediatricians strongly oppose such an early initiation into a harsh sport, they advise starting classes no earlier than five years old.

If you are seriously thinking about a career as a gymnast for your baby, then do not waste time! After the age of six, flexibility begins to decline, and by the age of eight it is almost impossible to fit into this sport.

How are gymnastics classes going?

For the first year, no one will “stretch” the baby with all his might, put her on a twine and put her on a bridge. At first, the coach will “check” what the child is capable of, evaluate his natural data, and only then will he begin to improve them. The first few months of training are in the form of a game, then the simplest elements are introduced: a stand on the shoulder blades, a wave, a bridge, and already in the second year of training, the girls begin to train at full strength.

If you decide to send your daughter to this sport, then the first thing to do is to trust the coach! Do not give advice, take part in training. Do not dictate your own rules, even if it seems to you that the coach is too strict in relation to your baby.

We told you about what rhythmic gymnastics is, and how difficult it is for young athletes to perform beautiful and graceful performances. Should I send my daughter to this sport? Yes, if you have the courage! And not for the girl, but for you, the parents. You will have to comfort and support her after each workout and reassure her that she can handle the next stretch.

Have you ever imagined your daughter as a rhythmic gymnast?

Why do moms and dads strive to make their daughters look like Alina Kabaeva, Irina Chashchina and Laysan Utyasheva; from what age do girls need to be enrolled in the rhythmic gymnastics section; what are the dangers of intensive stretching and what is the undeniable benefit of regular exercise? Rambler/Family offers to sort it out right now!

By the way, did you know that rhythmic gymnastics is a relatively young sport for girls and girls. The Higher School of the Art Movement was opened in St. Petersburg in 1913. The "parents" of this sport direction were the ballet dancers of the Mariinsky Theater. Since 1980, rhythmic gymnastics has been included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Rhythmic gymnastics - the princess of sports

If you decide to enroll your daughter in the rhythmic gymnastics section, remember that the optimal age to start is five to six years. Some prefer to start as early as possible - in three or four years. But do not rush, do not deprive the baby of childhood.

In addition, three-year-olds have little understanding of what sports mentors require of them. It is possible that the baby will be afraid of an uncomfortable large gym, start crying in class and ask to go home. But older children are more obedient, follow the coach's commands, memorize new acrobatic elements and easily make friends.

It is also not worth it to be late with the start of training. For example, it will be difficult for first-graders to master sports elements due to the lack of flexibility inherent in preschoolers. This does not mean that girls six or seven years old and older need to forget about rhythmic gymnastics. You can enroll in a section and do not to achieve sports results, but for your own pleasure, attending one or two classes a week.

As for the selection criteria for young gymnasts, everything here depends on the focus on results. If we talk about big sports, then slender tall girls with good coordination of movements and excellent memory will succeed in rhythmic gymnastics (gymnasts have to memorize many connections between disparate acrobatic elements). Girls who are prone to fullness, poorly managing their bodies, are unlikely to be of interest to the coach.

But if we are talking about amateur activities, then the group accepts “various” babies: thin, plump, short, tall, flexible and “stiff”. Some parents send their daughter to rhythmic gymnastics, hoping that regular classes will correct the girl's posture, help her lose weight and make her more sophisticated, feminine.

It is not uncommon for girls who meet most of the requirements to not show proper results, as they do not have flexibility or diligence. As practice shows, it is possible to understand whether a young athlete will achieve success already a few weeks after the start of classes. In most cases, gymnasts leave the sport at the age of 16–17, giving way to younger successors. At the same time, many girls continue to train, but in a different status. They can enter the Faculty of Physical Education, devote themselves to choreography, work as fitness instructors or train little gymnasts in their own sports school.

Harm or benefit?

Girls in rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is undoubtedly the most aesthetic, graceful and inspiring sport. Girls in bright swimsuits with tufts of hair gathered at the back of their heads, who are in perfect control of their flexible bodies and perform virtuoso acrobatic numbers, cannot but arouse delight among outside observers. And only the “artists” themselves and their strict coaches know what really stands behind this airy lightness and beauty.

The impeccably perfected, automatic movements of gymnasts are the result of many hours of daily training, which is accompanied by muscle pain, fatigue and often irritation as a result of discrepancy between the results and expectations.

But all this is behind the scenes. In appearance, rhythmic gymnastics is the best suited for girls. However, you need to understand that this sport, like any other, is fraught with dangers. But it can also bring invaluable benefits to the child.

Side effects of intense exercise:

Muscle pain. Until about the age of seven, gymnasts are engaged in general physical preparation of the body, and after that they learn numbers for performances in competitions. During this period, the emphasis is on stretching. At the same time, the sensations are quite painful, almost all girls (even the most plastic ones by nature) cry during stretching.

Great physical activity. Young children exercise for a couple of hours a day. But the amount of time devoted to training increases with age. So, teenage girls who are preparing for competitions practice 10-14 hours a day! Hence - injuries, the development of occupational diseases (many gymnasts have problems with the spine, knees and ankles), and sometimes even nervous breakdowns.

Diets and hunger pangs. To maintain good physical shape, gymnasts, especially those who are prone to fullness, are forced to cut back on their daily calories. Diets are very common among those who are preparing for the next competition or have gained extra pounds during the holidays.

There are legends about coaches who forbid their wards to eat. At one time, the star of Russian rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva was strongly recommended by sports mentors not to eat after five or six in the evening. And her colleague Laysan Utyasheva recalled how, driven to exhaustion by training and diets, she ate dog food.

Missed school hours. As mentioned above, gymnasts devote most of their time to training in the gym. At the same time, school performance leaves much to be desired. And it’s not even about laziness: girls simply don’t have time to prepare for classes and attend them. The most diligent solve math problems or prepare for a biology lab right in the locker room, in between workouts.

Gymnast girls

Good physical form. From a young age, girls-gymnasts develop a beautiful correct posture and gait. Little athletes differ from their peers in tightened relief muscles, grace, endurance, and plasticity. Girls have a developed sense of rhythm, they move perfectly to almost any music. And the gymnasts are very artistic and self-confident.

Health. Sport ensures the harmonious development of a growing child's body. According to doctors, regular physical activity strengthens the musculoskeletal system and muscles. Through rhythmic gymnastics, you can save the girl from clubfoot and incipient scoliosis. It is also undeniable that young athletes are less prone to colds.

Tempering character. Gymnastics provides emotional stability, makes the child disciplined, purposeful. Girls and women who did gymnastics in childhood unanimously say that sport tempered their character, taught them to solve problems without unnecessary emotions, achieve goals and improve themselves.

positive infatuation. Exercise is one of the best and most affordable antidepressants. The fact is that during training, the body produces the so-called hormones of happiness - endorphins. In addition, rhythmic gymnastics can be considered as an interesting hobby.

Parents feel much calmer when they know that their child devotes his free time to a worthy cause, and does not wander aimlessly in the yard, being subjected to the bad influence of peers and older children.

To go or not to go: the opinion of parents

“In the regions, one should not count on global sports success, here we are talking only about mass sports. If parents want their children to become stars of rhythmic gymnastics, then they need to go to Moscow and train there.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a very expensive sport: swimwear costs from 5,000 rubles, a ball - from 3,000 rubles. And you also need to buy a jump rope, a hoop, a ribbon. At the same time, the objects “grow” with the child. Also, competitions and trips to the training camp require certain financial costs.

In Sevastopol, we have to rent a hall, since we have practically no halls suitable for this sport, or they are in a dilapidated state. Therefore, parents, sending their child to rhythmic gymnastics, should understand that a lot of expenses will be required, ”shares the opinion of the head of one of the Sevastopol companies Vyacheslav Tertus, who enrolled his daughter in rhythmic gymnastics when the girl was 4.5 years old.

According to the parent, the decision on whether to enroll the child in the rhythmic gymnastics section should be made by moms and dads together with the doctor. In the first years of training, you need to closely monitor your daughter in order to notice possible deterioration in well-being in time. If rhythmic gymnastics obviously harms the daughter's health, then you can switch to an alternative sport - aesthetic gymnastics, the load in which is less intense.

To go or not to go: teacher's opinion

Marina Budaeva, a choreography teacher and specialist consultant of the Pomogatel.ru service, recommends giving a child to professional sports from the age of four, since at this age the data necessary for gymnastics are most easily developed: eversion, flexibility, endurance and discipline.

“With good natural data, you can get into an amateur rhythmic gymnastics group up to 10-12 years old. At a later age, it is very difficult to stretch the child to the required level, and the strict discipline that occurs in gymnastics can injure the fragile psyche of a teenager in the puberty period, ”the expert notes.

According to Marina Budaeva, regular rhythmic gymnastics strengthens the immune system, muscles, and joints. It also improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. But all medicines in large quantities are poison: excessive loads are harmful to health.

“Another significant disadvantage of rhythmic gymnastics is that girls must limit themselves in nutrition in order to go on the carpet without a gram of excess fat. Unfortunately, such a pursuit of harmony often leads to the development of anorexia nervosa, as well as to the diagnosis of “primary amenorrhea”: due to insufficient body fat, the body cannot synthesize sex female hormones, and the girl begins to lag behind her peers in development,” notes the choreographer .

“In addition, I would not recommend rhythmic gymnastics for children with a sensitive psyche. You can pay attention to such sports as synchronized swimming, figure skating, ballroom dancing,” advises Marina Budaeva.

To go or not to go: the opinion of a psychologist

According to Elena Koneeva, a psychologist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychology at the Moscow Institute of Psychology, selection for sports begins at the age of seven. At the amateur level, rhythmic gymnastics can be started before the end of the favorable (sensitive) period of flexibility development - up to 11-14 years.

“In some schools, rhythmic gymnastics is the third lesson of physical education, even in high school. Since this type of gymnastics is purely feminine, among the advantages of the classes are the formation of posture, grace, musicality, dance and choreographic training. In order to maintain graceful forms, girls are taught to eat healthy food from the first days of classes, and this habit remains with them for the rest of their lives,” emphasizes Elena Koneeva.

The only negative for those involved in rhythmic gymnastics, according to the expert, arises at the stage of achieving the highest sportsmanship. Participation in international competitions leads to overload, overwork, overstrain, which, in turn, can lead to injury.

As for the financial expenses of parents whose daughters are fond of rhythmic gymnastics, then, as Elena Koneeva notes, if a child is selected for a sports school, then classes there are free. Classes in a section at a school or club will cost 5,000 rubles a month.

And finally - advice for moms and dads: before enrolling a child in a rhythmic gymnastics section, ask how interested he is in this sport. If your baby does not want to do exercises, no amount of persuasion will help. Otherwise, when a girl loves rhythmic gymnastics, trains intensively and dreams of sporting achievements, support her passion and do not forget to talk about how proud you are of her. Let sports be fun!

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that requires a lot of physical effort from the athlete. But even with many hours of training, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. The figure of a gymnast must comply with the standards adopted in this discipline. Only this will help to easily perform all the elements and look spectacular. What parameters are considered ideal in this sport?

Ideal parameters of gymnasts

Girls with low weight and thin figure have an advantage.

A gymnast who claims high awards must have an ideal figure. This will help her not only to attract the attention of the judges, but also to perform most of the exercises with high quality. Girls with low weight and thin figure have an advantage. This helps them perform all-around exercises without errors and get high scores.

For each gymnast, the parameters are determined individually.

The weight that is desirable for a particular girl is suggested by the coach. It takes into account her physique, all volumes and load. With some excess of indicators, the girl is recommended to lose weight.

When calculating the ideal weight for this discipline, it is important to know not only the height of the gymnasts. It is necessary to take into account all the proportions of the body. In the table of height and weight of gymnasts, only indicative values ​​are given.

Gymnastic parameters are far from those accepted by WHO.

Girls performing in this discipline must adhere to a certain diet and consume vitamins.

The norms calculated for the performing athletes will help to get closer to victory. The recommended parameters are approved by international sports organizations.


Table of height and weight of gymnasts

120 16,0 140 27,0 160 39,0
121 16,5 141 27,5 161 39,5
122 17,0 142 28,0 162 40,0
123 17,5 143 28,5 163 40,5
124 18,0 144 29,0 164 41,0
125 18,5 145 30,0 165 42,0
126 19,0 146 30,5 166 42,5
127 19,5 147 31,0 167 43,0
128 20,0 148 31,5 168 43,5
129 20,5 149 32,0 169 44,0
130 21,0 150 33,0 170 45,0
131 21,5 151 33,5 171 45,5
132 22,0 152 34,0 172 46,0
133 22,5 153 34,5 173 46,5
134 23,0 154 35,0 174 47,0
135 24,0 155 36,0 175 48,0
136 24,5 156 36,5 176 48,5
137 25,0 157 37,0 177 49,0
138 25,5 158 37,5 178 49,5
139 26,0 159 38,0 179 50,0

With growth up to 169 cm, the deviation should not exceed 1 kg.

If the height exceeds 170 cm, then the allowable deviation is 2 kg.

The coefficient of proportionality of the ratio of the length of the legs should be no more than 50.

Perhaps the most beautiful and graceful sport is rhythmic gymnastics. Regular training develops in girls an excellent posture, the ability to present themselves and follow their every movement in everyday life, but only a few become champions. Is it so difficult to get a category in rhythmic gymnastics, on the basis of what they are given and what are the other features of evaluating this sport - below.

Live and learn

It is interesting, but experienced masters of sports, even working as coaches, still continue to receive new knowledge and skills on a regular basis. The rules for assigning sports categories in rhythmic gymnastics change periodically, as do the general rules of the competition.

This usually happens in the new Olympic period and greatly affects the numbering of athletes. Some elements lose their value, and they have to be removed from the program, others, on the contrary, appear among the mandatory ones, and gymnasts need to train their bodies again, accustoming them to new movements.

Grading rules

To get a category in rhythmic gymnastics, not only the coach, but also the athlete herself must know them. Over time, girls gradually master the requirements for exercises they need and do not ask such questions when defending titles. For those who wish to familiarize themselves with the rules in full and immediately, a special edition of the Rules for Rhythmic Gymnastics is offered. They are painted there for 250 pages, and given that some can change every few years, then just for fun, hardly anyone wants to read them. It is enough for beginners to know that each element has its own “price” in points. The simplest, even with perfect performance, cannot bring an athlete more than 0.1 points, but when a complex exercise is included in the program, you can get a whole point.

A gymnast can increase her performance score by correctly combining certain elements. For example, for the consecutive execution of an exercise of 1 point and 0.1 points, in total you can get a score of 1.2, since the tenth point will be additionally awarded precisely for the connection.

Individual approach

All categories in rhythmic gymnastics are assigned to girls only for the implementation of the required elements in the program and the collection of a certain number of points for performance. Despite this, the performances of all famous champions are completely different from each other. This is due to the fact that the coach also takes into account the individual characteristics of each gymnast, compiling a program that can show the maximum of her abilities and at the same time not focus on weaknesses.

For example, the girl's back flexibility is not very developed, but at the same time she flutters in jumps like no other. Naturally, in her speech, the emphasis will be on jumping.

Required Program

Despite the individuality of taking into account the abilities of each athlete, it is forbidden to deviate from the rules, which means that mandatory elements must also be present in the performance. Their maximum and minimum number and definition are also spelled out in the rules of this sport. So, for example, to get the first adult category in rhythmic gymnastics, you need to draw up a program of 10 mandatory elements. Among them there must be one combination of two body difficulties, 1 rotation difficulty, 1 multiple rotation difficulty, 2 isolated waves and 2 pre-acrobatic elements at the beginning or end of a difficult element. It is also necessary to make at least 8 seconds of dance tracks in the performance. In the program of the masters of sports there are already 12 mandatory elements in the performance, and their complexity has been increased.

With regard to apparatus handling, there must be risks of loss when the apparatus is thrown into the air and the gymnast performs rotational movements at this time. Additional points can be obtained here when catching a projectile without visual control.

Technical panel of judges

Previously, the assessment of athletes was carried out by 3 teams of judges, today their composition has been reduced to two. How are ranks given in rhythmic gymnastics? For their assignment, the gymnast must receive from all judges an overall score with a certain minimum.

The first brigade evaluates the skill of performing the technique itself. It consists of 4 judges, two of whom write down on the sheets all the elements performed with the appropriate designations and, on the basis of them, give a score for working with the apparatus, difficulties in body movement and dance steps in an individual program. As for group performances, instead of the last criterion, the complexity of the exchange is considered. Two other judges also write down the completed elements, but they only evaluate the degrees of skill and risks, which in group numbers are called cooperation. Together they derive an overall score for the difficulty of the number, which cannot exceed 10 points.

Artistry score

The second team of judges, evaluating the appearance and performance of the number, is determined by the letters E and already consists of 6 people, as in artistic gymnastics. Judges give points for technical errors, artistry and general beauty of the body. The overall score is also derived from the average and cannot exceed 10 points. Thus, the maximum score for the entire performance cannot exceed 20.

Thus, you can get a category in rhythmic gymnastics by overtaking rivals not only in technique, but also simply in artistry, that is, a beautiful girl in a beautiful swimsuit and with a good presentation of herself will definitely receive a rating for the beauty of the body higher than her nondescript rival, even if she did all the right things. It may seem dishonest, but it is first and foremost a beautiful sport, and these are the rules in it.

younger age

Girls can get the 3rd junior category in rhythmic gymnastics only from the age of 6, but many begin to practice earlier. In fact, you can come into this sport from the age of three or seven. The first real achievements in children will appear at the same age. This is due to the fact that children begin to feel their own body and be able to move to music only at school age. Everything that happens up to this point is just some kind of physical training, and no one should get hung up on certain achievements at this time. Experienced trainers confidently declare that real awareness of one’s own body and competent work with the subject begins only in adolescence, when girls have long been ranked in rhythmic gymnastics in ascending order and have reached the defense of MS. Of course, this applies only to units that have not been eliminated from the sport by this age.

According to the program of the youngest category, young athletes are required to score only 7 points in one performance, which is obtained by almost everyone. This title does not require confirmation, and it can be awarded at competitions of any scale.

Junior level requirements

In order to receive the lowest rank, a gymnast must perform in the year she turns 6 years old and present to the panel of judges a number without apparatus and with any apparatus of her choice. According to the results of each performance, her score must be at least 7 points, which in total forms 14 points.

A year later, an athlete can already qualify for 2 youth category, and for this she must complete a number without an object and already 2 numbers with any shells of her choice. To receive the title, judges of the 1st category must evaluate it and put at least 7.2 points for each program, which is 21.6 in total.

A year later, a girl can already get 1 youth program by completing the BP number and 3 programs with any apparatus, scoring 7.5 points in each. At the same time, at least 2 judges must have a republican category. In total, the athlete should receive 30 points for the performances.

Requirements for adults

The athlete can receive the third adult category in rhythmic gymnastics already in the year when she turns 9 years old. To do this, you need to speak to two judges of the republican category at any competition and present 4 numbers - 1 BP and 3 with any shells. All performances must score 32 points, but each - at least 8.

2 adult category in rhythmic gymnastics is assigned in a year and is already assessed more seriously. The composition of the performance is similar to the previous one, but for each program you need to get 8.2 points with a total of 32.8. The requirements for judges are the same.

At the age of 11, an athlete can apply for 1st category if she already has all the lower ones. In this case, you need to score 70 points for numbers of a similar composition. At the same time, it is necessary to perform only at competitions with republican judges and the participation of at least 5 teams.

Compulsory confirmation of categories in rhythmic gymnastics begins with 1 adult and above. It represents a double repetition of the result at other competitions during the year with similar statuses and judges. It is important that it is allowed to perform 1 time as part of a group and 1 time individually in the all-around or twice in the all-around.

senior ranks

Getting the title of CCM at the age of 12 is not only honorable, but also difficult. At the same time, you need to get 76 points according to the international quadrathlon program, competing with at least five teams that already have such a title in group 1, 2 or 3 tournaments or twice in group 4 competitions.

To get an MS, you need to score 96 points already in the competitions of only 1 group. With the achievement of this goal, many quit the sport, as they get the opportunity to work as coaches on their own.

So, it is now clear to many how discharges are given in rhythmic gymnastics and what needs to be done for this. It is important not to demand high results from a young athlete at the very beginning of her training. With age, she can reveal herself, realizing her own abilities.

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