Favorable team environment. Socio-psychological climate in the team and its significance. Compatibility of employees of the organization

The demand and popularity of studies of the socio-psychological climate in the team is due to the tendency to complicate relationships and the growth of requirements for the professionalism of an employee.

Why is it so necessary? Everything is logical. A favorable climate in the team increases the efficiency of teamwork. Unfavorable relationships can cause high staff turnover, increase the level of conflict, reduce labor efficiency and, in general, worsen the reputation of the organization. Often the manager notices only the listed consequences, but does not know the reasons for their occurrence. There are cases when the leader does not see the true reason for the deterioration in the work of the team and directs efforts in the wrong direction, which, of course, does not lead to an improvement in the situation. Therefore, it is important for the head of an organization or an HR to study the current state of the socio-psychological climate and, based on the results of the study, take the necessary measures to improve it. In this article, we will talk about the main methods that allow us to explore the socio-psychological climate in an organization, as well as give recommendations for their application.

To begin with, it is necessary to define what is meant by the term "socio-psychological climate". The socio-psychological climate in the team is a complex, integrated indicator that reflects the internal state of the community as a whole, and not just the sum of the feelings of its members, as well as its ability to achieve joint goals. The main factors that form the socio-psychological climate in the team are:

  1. Emotional attitude of employees to their activities;
  2. Relationships between employees in the team;
  3. Relationships between subordinates and managers;
  4. Service and household factors of labor organization;
  5. Economic (material) factors of labor encouragement.

Of course, the list presented is not exhaustive: it can be refined and expanded if necessary within the framework of a particular study.

If the purpose of the study is to analyze and assess the socio-psychological climate in the team, then to achieve it, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Determine the emotional attitude of employees to their activities in general;
  2. Identify the nature of the relationship between employees in the team;
  3. Identify the nature of the relationship between subordinates and managers;
  4. Determine the degree of satisfaction of employees with service and household factors of labor organization;
  5. Determine the degree of satisfaction with the economic (material) factors of labor encouragement.

After formulating the goals and objectives of the study, it is necessary to choose the method by which the data will be collected. We recommend the questionnaire survey as the most effective method of collecting data in medium and large groups, which, under certain conditions, gives a high guarantee of the sincerity of the answers. These conditions should be considered in more detail.

  • In order for the respondent to be interested in giving sincere answers, it is necessary to guarantee the anonymity of the data submission and explain that the results of the survey will be presented in a generalized form. This information should be conveyed to the respondents not only in the preliminary message about the upcoming survey, but also immediately before the survey. For example, you can put the following text in the title of the questionnaire:
  • In addition, informing respondents about the purpose of the survey will help to ensure the sincerity of the answers. Before conducting the survey, it is recommended to inform that the opinion of all respondents will be taken into account, and based on the results of the survey, measures will be taken to improve the climate in the team. If respondents know that their opinion can really change the situation in better side, they will be more sincere.

In our experience, HR professionals are increasingly doing this kind of research through online surveys. They are convenient not only because the automated system allows you to collect data and provide results much faster, but also because it will provide the necessary conditions for a successful survey. Handout paper questionnaires that are supposed to be filled out at the workplace may lead to a decrease in sincerity in the answers of respondents: being near the object of assessment, their colleague, the respondent is likely to feel discomfort and overestimate the assessment. While away from the workplace and in a less unnerving environment, the respondent will be able to answer sincerely. In addition, some employees may express concern about the deanonymization of their profiles by handwriting (and this happens :). In online surveys, the reasons for such feelings are, of course, excluded, which can also affect the increase in sincerity in the answers of respondents.

Now consider the most popular methods used to study the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Sociometric test (according to J. Moreno)

This technique is used to identify and evaluate emotional ties in a team based on sympathy or antipathy for team members. Sociometric tests make it possible to identify informal leaders in a group, to detect existing group cohesion within the team, and to determine the degree of cohesion. Practicing psychologists and sociologists recommend conducting a sociometric test in teams where employees have experience of cooperation for at least six months, since only in this case, according to experts, the sociometric test will have an indicative result.

Respondents are asked to answer several questions regarding their relationship with other members of the team. In the field with the answer, you must enter the names of colleagues selected by the respondent according to the specified criterion. It is recommended to use no more than 8-10 criteria by which each team member will be evaluated. Criteria should be selected according to the significance of each of them for a particular team, so they can and should be modified in accordance with the conditions in which the test is conducted.

The questions in the questionnaire, compiled on the basis of a sociometric test, may look like this:

The analysis of respondents' answers is implemented as follows. To calculate the index of group cohesion, such a tool as a sociomatrix is ​​used. It is a table consisting of the names of the members of the collectives chosen by the respondents and the names of the respondents themselves.

Based on the results obtained from the matrix data, the group cohesion index is calculated using the following formula:

If Employee 1 chose Employee 2 according to the first criterion, then the number 1 is entered in the corresponding cell in the table, if Employee 3 was selected according to the second criterion, the number 2 is entered in the corresponding cell, and so on. If employees chose each other according to the same criteria, this figure must be highlighted. Next, the total number of elections for each employee and the number of mutual elections are calculated.

where C is an indicator of group cohesion of team members;

K - the number of mutual choices made by members of the team;

M is the maximum number of possible choices in the group (M=n(n-1)/2, where n is the number of members in the surveyed group).

It is believed that the value of a “good” indicator of group cohesion lies in the range from 0.6 to 0.7.

Further, based on the data of the sociomatrix, a sociogram is compiled, which is 4 circles, each of which corresponds to the "rating" of the selected employees. The first circle includes "stars" - those employees who received the maximum number of votes. The second circle, which is conditionally designated as "preferred", includes those members of the team who scored more choices than the average number of choices received by one assessed employee. The third circle, "neglected", includes those employees who received fewer votes than the average number of elections received by one assessed employee. The fourth circle, the “isolated” zone, is intended for employees who have not scored a single choice. Bilateral arrows in the sociogram show mutual choice, one-sided - one-sided.

The sociogram looks like this:

The sociogram allows you to visualize the existing groupings in the team and identify informal leaders in the team.

In practice, the sociometric method is used to study the socio-psychological climate in small teams of up to 15-20 people. At the same time, it is recommended to indicate in the questionnaire how many names of colleagues the respondent can indicate in one or another variant of the answer to the question. As a rule, respondents are offered to limit themselves to 2-4 surnames. Such a restriction will simplify the task both for respondents who do not have to evaluate and rank all members of their team, and for the researcher, since the constructed sociogram will more clearly and clearly reflect the situation in the team.

Psychologists recommend using the sociometric method to obtain information about intragroup relationships. This will optimize the workflow and improve relations between groupings among the team. The sociometric circles displayed on the sociogram will make it possible to visually identify informal leaders in the group with organizational skills and give them appropriate tasks. This will be useful both for improving group work and for the employee-leader, who will be able to show and develop his abilities.

Methodology for assessing the psychological atmosphere in a team (according to A.F. Fidler)

This technique is based on the method of semantic differential. Respondents are invited to familiarize themselves with 8 pairs of words that are opposite in meaning and attribute their answer closer to the one that, in their opinion, more accurately reflects the atmosphere in the team. Typically, a Fiedler survey looks like this:

Each extreme value is assigned a number of points: the extreme negative - 10, the extreme positive - 1. Then all the indicators are added up, and based on the value of the sum, an assessment of the atmosphere in the team is given. The minimum total score is 10, which is an indicator of a positive atmosphere in the team, the maximum is 100, respectively, an indicator of a negative atmosphere. Based on all private assessments, an average is calculated, which will characterize the atmosphere in the team.

Fiedler's technique can only give descriptive characteristics of the climate in the team, its general features. For a complete and in-depth assessment of the socio-psychological climate in the team, it is recommended to combine the methodology for assessing the psychological atmosphere with a sociometric test. This will allow the researcher to give more precise and specific recommendations and advice for a particular team.

Determination of the Seashore Group Cohesion Index.

Group cohesion is one of the most important parameters that demonstrate the degree of team integration. It shows how cohesive or divided the group is. The “classic” Seashore method includes 5 questions, and the respondent is asked to choose one answer that is most appropriate, in his opinion. Each answer option is assigned a score from 1 to 5 (these scores are not indicated in the questionnaire itself, the respondent does not see them), then the total score is calculated and, based on the figure obtained, a conclusion is made about the degree of team cohesion.

An example of a question from a questionnaire based on the Seashore method:

The total value obtained as a result of addition is usually interpreted as follows:

from 15.1 points - high group cohesion,

from 11.6 to 15 points - group cohesion is above average,

from 7 to 11.5 points - average group cohesion,

from 4 to 6.9 points - group cohesion is below average,

up to 4 points - low group cohesion.

If the value of the group cohesion index is 4 or below, this may serve as a signal to the management about the need to implement measures to bring the team members closer together.

Experts argue that the Sishore method is appropriate for the study of a socio-psychological team if its number does not exceed 40 people. If the organization is large, and it includes several departments, then it is recommended to use the Seashore method to determine the group cohesion index for a department or division and analyze the socio-psychological climate in this particular group.

This method has managed to establish itself as an effective tool for studying the socio-psychological climate in a team, however, for a more complete and in-depth analysis, it is recommended to use this method in conjunction with other methods. Combination various techniques will allow a deeper and more comprehensive assessment and analysis of the state of the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Periodic research of the socio-psychological climate in the team can identify problematic areas of the life of the team and take measures to improve the socio-psychological climate and, as a result, the efficiency of the work of employees of the organization.

  • HR policy, Corporate culture

At present, in the conditions of scientific and technological progress and the crisis of the world economy, the creation of a psychological climate for the team is an integral part of the struggle for the growth of labor productivity and the quality of products. With development social progress, with its contradictory socio-psychological aspects, the problems of forming a favorable socio-psychological climate (SPC) are closely related. Also, the problem of the influence of psychological aspects on the management of the team is one of the important and fundamental foundations for a favorable SEC.




1 Psychological aspects of team management……………………...5

1.1 The concept, essence and structure of the psychological climate……………5

1.2 Factors affecting the psychological climate in the team………..9

2 Creation of a psychological climate in the team………………………14

2.1 Mechanisms for team building………………………………………………………14

2.2 The role of the leader in the socio-psychological climate



List of used literature………………………………………...28


At present, in the conditions of scientific and technological progress and the crisis of the world economy, the creation of a psychological climate for the team is an integral part of the struggle for the growth of labor productivity and the quality of products. With the development of social progress, with its contradictory socio-psychological aspects, the problems of forming a favorable socio-psychological climate (SPC) are closely related. Also, the problem of the influence of psychological aspects on the management of the team is one of the important and fundamental foundations for a favorable SEC.

The relevance of this problem is interpreted by the increased requirements for the level of psychological entry of the individual into his work activity and the complication of the psychological life of a person by the constant growth of their personal claims.

Considering these problems, the purpose of my course work is to analyze the influence of the psychological aspects of management on the team and consider the process of creating a psychological climate in the team.

The set goal predetermined the need to solve the following tasks:

  1. To study the concept, essence and structure of the psychological climate
  2. Identify factors that affect the psychological climate in the team
  3. Consider and identify the most effective team building mechanisms
  4. Determine the role of the leader in the SEC of the team

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign scientists who developed the problem of SEC within the framework of classical and institutional approaches.

Within the framework of the course work, general scientific methods were used to solve the set goal: systemic, within which such an economic method as comparative was applied; scientific abstraction.

Also in the course work, textbooks, scientific articles from periodicals on this topic were used as literature.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1 Psychological aspects of team management

  1. The concept, essence and structure of the psychological climate

The concept of "climate" has its roots in social psychology. This term, now widely used, is often taken on a par with the concepts of the spiritual atmosphere, the spirit of the team and the prevailing mood. In domestic psychology, there have been four main approaches to understanding the nature of the SPC. Representatives of the first approach (L.P. Bueva, E.S. Kuzmin, N.N. Obozov, K.K. Platonov, A.K. Uledov) consider climate as a socio-psychological phenomenon, as a state of collective consciousness. The climate is understood as a reflection in the minds of people of a complex of phenomena related to their relationships, working conditions, and methods of stimulating it.

Under the socio-psychological climate, E.S. Kuzmin, it is necessary to understand such a socio-psychological state small group, which reflects the nature, content and direction of the real psychology of the members of the organization.

Proponents of the second approach (A.A. Rusalinova, A.N. Lutoshkin) emphasize that the essential characteristic of the SEC is the general emotional and psychological mood. Climate is understood as the mood of a group of people.

The authors of the third approach (V.M. Shepel, V.A. Pokrovsky, B.D. Parygin) analyze the socio-psychological climate through the style of relationships between people who are in direct contact with each other. In the process of formation, a system of interpersonal relations is formed that determines the social and psychological well-being of each member of the group.

The creators of the fourth approach (V.V. Kosolapov, A.N. Shcherban, L.N. Kogan) define the climate in terms of social and psychological compatibility of group members, their moral unity, cohesion, the presence of common opinions, customs and traditions.

In American social psychology, they talk about "organizational culture" in organizations, about the relationship between workers and managers. The theory of "human relations" by E. Mayo relies primarily on the formation of SEC relations between employees. When studying the climate, it is necessary to keep in mind two of its levels. The first level is static, relatively constant. This is a stable relationship between team members, their interest in work and work colleagues. At this level, the socio-psychological climate is understood as a stable, fairly stable state, which, once formed, is able not to collapse for a long time and retain its essence, despite the difficulties that the organization faces. From this point of view, it is quite difficult to form a favorable climate in the group, but at the same time it is easier to maintain it at a certain level, already formed earlier. Control and correction of the properties of the socio-psychological climate are carried out by members of the group episodically. They feel a certain stability, stability of their position, status in the system of relationships. Since the state of the climate is less sensitive to various influences and changes from the environment, it has a real impact on the results of collective and individual activities, on the working capacity of group members, and on the quality and quantity of the products of their labor.

The second level is dynamic, changing, oscillating. This is the daily mood of employees in the process of work, their psychological mood. This level is described by the concept of "psychological atmosphere". In contrast to the SEC, the psychological atmosphere is characterized by faster, temporary changes and is less recognized by people. Changes in the psychological atmosphere affect the mood and performance of the individual during the working day. Climate change is always more pronounced, noticeable, they are perceived and experienced by people more acutely; most often a person manages to adapt to them. The accumulation of quantitative changes in the psychological atmosphere leads to its transition to a different qualitative state, to a different socio-psychological climate.

K. Argyris, based on his research on the climate in the bank, gave it the following definition: “the official policy of the organization, the needs of employees, values ​​and personalities that operate in a self-preserving complex, living and constantly evolving system.” Now the concept of "climate" is understood as an organizational influence on the motivation and behavior of employees, i.e. it includes aspects such as organizational structure, remuneration system, and tangible support and friendly participation of managers and colleagues. The climate suggests general view team on organizational policies, activities and events, both formal and informal. In addition, climate is the organization's clear goals and the means used to achieve them.

The climate of the collective is the prevailing and relatively stable mental attitude of the collective, which finds diverse forms of manifestation in all its life activity.

The SEC of a team is always characterized by a specific joint activities people by the atmosphere of the mental and emotional state of each of its participants, the individual and undoubtedly depends on the general state of the people around him. In the production team, various relations develop between employees, including morality. As a result, the image of the team becomes dependent on personal qualities: honesty, decency, dedication. In turn, the atmosphere of a particular community or group is manifested through the nature of the mental mood of people, which can be active or contemplative, cheerful or pessimistic, purposeful or anarchic, everyday or festive, etc.

An essential element in general concept socio-psychological climate is a characteristic of its structure. Not only in sociology, but also in psychology, the point of view has been established, according to which the main structure of the forming SEC is mood. In the structure of the SEC, there are two main divisions - the attitude of people to work and their relationship to each other.

In turn, relations to each other are differentiated into relations between workmates and relations in the system of leadership and subordination. Ultimately, the whole variety of relationships is viewed through the prism of two main parameters of mental attitude - emotional and objective.

The psychological climate of the collective, which reveals itself primarily in the relationship of people to each other and to the common cause, is still not exhausted by this. It inevitably affects people's attitudes to the world as a whole, their worldview and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of a person who is a member of this team. Thus, the climate manifests itself in a certain way and in relation to each of the members of the collective to himself. The last of the relations crystallizes into a certain situation - the social form of self-relationship and self-consciousness of the individual.

As a result, a certain structure of immediate and subsequent, more immediate and more mediated manifestations of the socio-psychological climate is created.

  1. Factors affecting the psychological climate in the team

The following factors influence the formation of a certain socio-psychological climate:

1. Compatibility of its members, understood as the most favorable combination of the properties of employees, ensuring the effectiveness of joint activities and personal satisfaction of each. Compatibility is manifested in mutual understanding, mutual acceptability, sympathy, empathy of team members to each other.

There are three levels of compatibility: psycho-physiological, psychological and socio-psychological:

  • The psychophysiological level of compatibility is based on the optimal combination of the features of the sensory system (vision, hearing, touch, etc.) and the properties of temperament. This level of compatibility is of particular importance when organizing joint activities. Choleric and phlegmatic will perform the task at a different pace, which can lead to disruptions in work and tension in relations between workers. Therefore, the synchronism of the individual mental activity of workers (different endurance of group members, speed of thinking, features of perception, attention) should be taken into account when distributing physical loads and assigning certain types works.
  • The psychological level implies the compatibility of characters, motives, types of behavior. Incompatibility is manifested in the desire of team members to avoid each other, and in the event of the inevitability of contacts - to negative emotional states and even to conflicts.

Psychological compatibility may be due to the similarity of the characteristics of the participants in the joint activity. people like a friend it is easier to interact with each other. Similarity contributes to a sense of security and self-confidence, increases self-esteem. The basis of psychological compatibility may also be the difference in characteristics according to the principle of complementarity. In this case, people are said to fit together "like a key to a lock." The condition and result of compatibility is interpersonal sympathy, the attachment of participants in the interaction to each other. Forced communication with an unpleasant subject can become a source of negative emotions.

The degree of psychological compatibility of employees is influenced by how homogeneous the composition of the working group is according to various social and psychological parameters:

2. Global macro environment: the situation in society, the totality of economic, cultural, political and other conditions. Stability in the economic and political life of society ensures the social and psychological well-being of its members and indirectly affects the socio-psychological climate of working groups.

3. Local macro environment, those. an organization that includes a workforce. The size of the organization, status-role structure, the absence of functional-role contradictions, the degree of centralization of power, the participation of employees in planning, in the distribution of resources, the composition structural divisions(gender and age, professional, ethnic), etc.

4. Physical microclimate, sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Heat, stuffiness, poor lighting, constant noise can become a source of increased irritability and indirectly affect the psychological atmosphere in the group. On the contrary, a well-equipped workplace, favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions increase job satisfaction in general, contributing to the formation of a favorable SEC.

5. Job satisfaction. Of great importance for the formation of a favorable SEC is the extent to which work is interesting, diverse, creative for a person, whether it corresponds to his professional level, whether it allows him to realize his creative potential and grow professionally. The attractiveness of work increases satisfaction with working conditions, pay, the system of material and moral incentives, social security, the distribution of holidays, working hours, information support, prospects career development, the opportunity to improve the level of their professionalism, the level of competence of colleagues, the nature of business and personal relationships in the team vertically and horizontally, etc. The attractiveness of the work depends on how its conditions meet the expectations of the subject and allow him to realize his own interests, to satisfy the needs of the individual.

6. The nature of the activities performed. The monotony of activity, its high responsibility, the presence of a risk to the health and life of an employee, stressful nature, emotional richness, etc. - all these are factors that can indirectly negatively affect the SEC in the work team.

7. Organization of joint activities. The formal structure of the group, the way of distribution of powers, the presence of a single goal affects the SEC. Interdependence of tasks, unclear distribution of functional responsibilities, inconsistency of the employee with his professional role, the psychological incompatibility of participants in joint activities increases the tension in the group and can become a source of conflict.

8. Harmony is the result of the compatibility of employees. It ensures the maximum possible success of joint activities at minimum cost.

9. The nature of communications in the organization acts as a factor in the SEC. The lack of complete and accurate information on an important issue for employees creates fertile ground for the emergence and spread of rumors and gossip, weaving intrigues and behind-the-scenes games. The manager should carefully monitor the satisfactory information support of the organization. Low communicative competence of employees also leads to communication barriers, increased tension in interpersonal relationships, misunderstanding, mistrust, and conflicts. The ability to clearly and accurately express one's point of view, possession of constructive criticism techniques, active listening skills, etc. create conditions for satisfactory communication in the organization.

Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on a person will be different - stimulate work, cheer up, inspire vigor and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly, reduce energy, lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the socio-psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of the key qualities of an employee necessary in business: readiness for constant innovation, the ability to act in extreme situations, make innovative decisions, initiative and entrepreneurship, readiness for continuous professional development, a combination of professional and humanitarian culture. It is impossible to count on the fact that the necessary relations in the team will arise by themselves, they must be consciously formed.

2 Creating a psychological climate in the team

2.1 Team building mechanisms

The moral and psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in all the diverse forms of their activity. The moral and psychological climate determines the system of relations between members of the team to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal-value orientations. Any actions of a leader or team member (especially negative character) affect the state of the moral and psychological climate, deform it. And vice versa, every positive managerial decision, positive collective action improves the moral and psychological climate.

The basis of a positive favorable moral and psychological climate is the socially significant motives of the attitude towards work among the members of the labor collective. The optimal combination of these motives will be if three components are involved: a material interest in this particular job, a direct interest in the labor process, and a public discussion of the results of the labor process.

Basically, the leader comes to an already formed team and, as necessary, resolves issues of natural staff turnover, which is one of the aspects of team management. In order to successfully cooperate with a person and find a common language, the leader must have a certain idea about each working employee or newly recruited to work in this team, about the ideological and political qualities of the individual, his social activity. In addition, the manager must be able to evaluate vocational training employee (ability to perform certain type work); socio-psychological qualities (the ability to interact with other people in the process of teamwork); business qualities of a person, as well as his intellectual and psychological capabilities (intellectual level, willpower, creativity, initiative, etc.)

A number of methods for studying the business and personal qualities of employees have been developed. For example, one of these methods, which is called "Typology-7", is designed to identify a person's innate or acquired "managerial" qualities: the ability for progressive formations - creativity, diligence, conservatism, efficiency, reliability, contemplation, adventurousness.

In the formation and cohesion of the team, the manager needs knowledge and implementation of organizational and psychological principles and rules. For example, in order not to become dependent on previously obtained established evaluative attitudes, it is useful to take into account the rule of inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person. Based on the effect of false consent (“Everyone says so”), an erroneous impression about the employee can be formed. The effect of indulgence also causes harm to the activities of the collective. Typical logic error can be built on the wrong assumption of a close connection of certain personality traits with signs of behavior. For example, silence is not always a sign of the mind, and so on.

Taking into account the above assessments of employees that make up a scientific or other type of team can help improve its performance. The basis for the cohesion of employees and the effectiveness of their work is a healthy psychological climate in the team. It is important to satisfy not only material incentives, but also the basic moral needs of the individual, which arise in his professional activities and professional communication in the process of work. This is the awareness of personal involvement in the affairs and plans of the team, and the desire to creatively express oneself in work; pride in one's knowledge, skill, craftsmanship; respect for co-workers and much more.

Team building is also facilitated by economic studies, Active participation in competitions, reviews, competitions. Effective Method team building - wide involvement of employees in technical creativity, invention and production management.

Sports, recreation, cultural entertainment and common hobbies also bring people together very much. Be that as it may, the formation and proper rallying of the team leads to an increase in efficiency and only positively affects the members of the team.

The moral and psychological atmosphere depends on the style of people's interactions with each other. There are three main styles of interaction between a manager and a team: directive (authoritarian), condoning (liberal) and democratic. With a directive style of relations in a team, actions are performed as if under dictation, any initiative is suppressed, individuals do not give the opportunity to independently realize themselves in work. A conniving style arises with complete indifference to the activities performed, assignments. A person is not interested in the results of his work.

The democratic style in the production team creates conditions for close interaction of workers, contributes to the emergence of a favorable moral and psychological environment that focuses on cooperation, and not on the blind subordination of some workers to others, makes optimal use of the abilities and knowledge of the individual to improve the image of the team, and hence the institution in in general. In such a team, promotion is based on how each person contributes to the achievement of goals.

Of particular importance in creating an optimal climate in the team is personal responsibility for the task assigned. The responsibility of the manager and subordinates acts as a form of manifestation of duty, as an awareness of the social significance of personal behavior in connection with the requirements of the team, taking into account the specific conditions for the manifestation of these requirements, the immediate and upcoming tasks facing employees.

A sure sign of a favorable moral and psychological climate is the active participation of all members of the team in management, which can take the form of self-government.

Another sign of a positive moral and psychological climate is the high productivity of teamwork. The next sign is the developed interpersonal relations, interpersonal contacts in the labor collective of the enterprise. One can also note such a sign as a positive attitude of the team towards innovations. In the era of scientific and technological revolution, rapid development techniques and production technologies innovations are inevitable in any team.

It can be concluded that the formation of a positive moral and psychological climate is one of the mechanisms for team building.

Another important mechanism for team cohesion is the psychological compatibility of its members. The presence of even two incompatible people (especially in small teams) seriously affects the atmosphere in the team itself.

The consequences are especially detrimental if formal and informal leaders or directly related leaders are incompatible. official duties managers (for example, foreman - shop manager). Under these conditions, the whole team will be in a fever. Therefore, at least something to know about psychological compatibility is necessary for everyone who works with people, forms a work team.

The mechanism of team building is also harmony. Harmony is characterized by high productivity of joint work of individuals. Thus, the basis of coherence is the success and profitability of precisely joint activities, when coordination of actions arises between its participants. M. G. Rogov and N. N. Obozov showed that for the normal functioning of the team, harmony at the level of "leader - deputy" is very important.

The next mechanism for team building is discipline. She happens to be an important tool and at the same time a prerequisite for the development of the production team. Its absence not only removes the possibility of optimal interaction, but also makes the very existence of the team problematic. Therefore, discipline is a form of communication between people, which determines the creation of a trusting, friendly, comfortable environment in the team. Methods of formation and maintenance of discipline are determined to a decisive extent by the style of team management. Managers strive to create and maintain a firm, conscious discipline in the team, which is established not by punishment, not by replacing subordinates, not by rudeness, but by fair exactingness, the ability to encourage people to work, upbringing, justice, and the personal image of the leader.

In direct connection with discipline is exactingness towards oneself and other people. In the conditions of socio-economic relations, the collective, on its own initiative, advocates an increase in the volume of requirements for its activities. It should be emphasized that one of the overall goals of the image of the team is to develop a positive attitude of its employees to the requirements.

Increasing exactingness, the formation and development of positive labor motives not only does not exclude, but, on the contrary, implies a benevolent, attentive attitude to the needs of people, concern for the best organization their life.

To establish discipline, increase labor productivity and create a favorable psychological climate, the leader needs to know interpersonal relationships in the team. In any team, invisible threads of relationships are stretched between people that cannot be reflected in any staffing table. An informal structure arises, built on the likes and dislikes of the members of the collective. It is known that intra-group conflicts, as a rule, originate in an informal structure, and then move into the sphere of formal relations, knocking the team out of the normal rhythm of work. As many social psychologists believe, the coherence, coherence of the team is determined by the degree of unity of the formal and informal structures. And the higher this degree, the greater success the team can achieve. One of the methods for studying interpersonal relations available to every leader is an in-depth study of various social facts, as well as specific actions and actions of people who are part of this team. These social facts include mutual assistance, friendship, quarrels, conflicts, and the like. Constant monitoring of these phenomena will allow the leader to study the interpersonal relationships of subordinates.

The manager needs to take into account the interests and needs of each person, his characteristic features, in order to in the best way to adapt him in the team, to encourage him to work better and more productively.

The mechanism of team building is also the stimulation of the team through incentives. The psychological essence of education and stimulation of the working people lies in the encouragement of good work and behavior, in the punishment of negative deeds. These means of influence make it possible to keep a person within the framework of certain moral requirements of society and laws developed by the state. However, preference in educational work should be given to incentives. Punishment, on the other hand, should be regarded as an extreme measure of educational influence, and one must be able to apply it very carefully.

The constant fear of a person that he can be punished for this or that wrong action, for a mistake made when taking the initiative, gives rise to routiners and reinsurers.

Speaking about the psychological aspects of the educational and stimulating activities of the leader, it must be remembered that none of the methods, be it persuasion or reprimand, encouragement or punishment, used separately, will bring a positive effect. So, in order for labor activity to discipline to become higher, the leader must be able to use the entire arsenal of stimulating and educational influences.

The psychological mechanism of personality assessment is that the praise of the leader increases the authority of the employee and thereby affects the attitude of the team members towards him. Giving an assessment to a subordinate, it is necessary to strive to ensure that he feels that the leader and the team notice and approve of his personal merits, successes in work and social activities. As a result, a person strives to become even better, to achieve higher performance at work. In this natural striving, in moral efforts encouraged by the leader and the team, as well as in a sense of self-respect, lies the whole secret of a positive assessment in the educational process and the activation of the individual.

It is important not only that the leader at work does not look gloomy, gloomy; it is also important that each person comes to work in a cheerful, not depressed state, and that his good mood is constantly maintained. This largely depends on what kind of moral and psychological climate is created in the team.

The collective is not a simple arithmetic sum of individuals, but a qualitatively new category. Certain socio-psychological patterns act on the people that make up the team. Without knowledge of these patterns, it is difficult for a leader to manage people, conduct educational work, and mobilize employees to fulfill and exceed plans. That is why every leader must know the socio-psychological structure of the team and the socio-psychological patterns that operate in groups of people.

2.2 The role of the leader in the socio-psychological climate of the team

The role of the manager in production is enormous in creating a favorable socio-psychological climate.

The work of a leader (manager) is multifunctional and complex. The leader must, in a certain situation, possess knowledge in the field of engineering, technology, economics, and marketing; he must perfectly master the art of managing people, the ability to solve social tasks facing the organization.
The work of a leader is mental work, consisting of three components: organizational, administrative and educational, analytical and constructive; information technology.

A role is an expected set of activities or behaviors defined by a job.

The classification of the roles of the leader (manager) in the organization was given by the well-known management specialist G. Mintzberg.
The entire set of roles is divided into three groups:
roles related to interpersonal communications; informational roles; decision-making roles.

Among the interpersonal roles are the role of the symbolic head of the organization, the role of the leader and the role of the liaison. The responsibilities of the manager include the performance of normal duties of a social or legal nature. He is responsible for motivating and activating subordination, for recruiting and training workers, and ensures the functioning of a self-developing network of external contacts and sources of information that provide the necessary information and services.

Among the informational roles of the manager is the role of the receiver of information, the role of its distributor, the role of the representative of the unit, organization. The head receives specialized information for use in the interests of the case, acts as a center for concentrating internal and external information, then transmits the information received to subordinates, interprets it if necessary.

As a representative, the leader transmits information to the external environment of the unit, organization regarding plans, policies of action, the results of its work, acts as an expert.

The decision-making roles of a leader include the role of entrepreneur, the role of an obstacle remover, the role of resource allocator, and the role of negotiator.

As an entrepreneur, the leader determines the directions for the development of the organization and seeks for this an opportunity within the organization itself and outside it, organizes projects for changes in the organization, and controls their implementation.

As an obstacle remover, he corrects actions when the organization faces unexpected disruptions in its work.

The manager is responsible for allocating all possible resources of the organization, which actually means making (or not making) all significant decisions in the organization.

As the negotiator, the leader acts as the representative of the organization in all important negotiations.

Leaders are called upon to participate in the most active way in the constant, sustainable reproduction of such mental states as sympathy and attraction, positive emotional background communication, interpersonal attractiveness, a sense of empathy, complicity, the ability to remain yourself at any time, to be understood and positively perceived (regardless of their individual psychological characteristics). At the same time, it is especially necessary to highlight the feeling of security, when everyone knows that in case of failure (in the sphere of work, life, family), the team “stands” behind him, that he will definitely come to his aid.

Often in the team there are people who are dissatisfied with any aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. can serve as a cause or cause for conflict.

The role of the leader in creating the optimal SEC is crucial:

Democratic style develops sociability and trust in relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of imposition of decisions from outside, “from above”. Democratic conditions make cases of indiscipline intolerable, since it is discipline that ensures the effectiveness of information communications, exceeds the solution of a problem into an act of collective activity, ensures the effectiveness of information communications, turns the solution of a problem into an act of collective activity, provides the necessary mode of operation, the interaction of people. The participation of team members in management, characteristic of this style of leadership, contributes to the optimization of the SEC.

An authoritarian style usually breeds hostility, submissiveness and fawning, envy and mistrust. But if this style leads to a success that justifies its use in the eyes of the group, it contributes to a favorable SEC, such as in sports or in the army.

The conniving style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to the formation of an unfavorable SEC. The conniving style may be acceptable only in some creative teams.

If the manager makes excessive demands, publicly criticizes employees, often punishes and rarely encourages, does not appreciate their contribution to joint activities, threatens, tries to intimidate them with dismissal, deprivation of bonuses, etc., behaves in accordance with the slogan “the boss is always right”, does not listen to the opinion of subordinates, is inattentive to their needs and interests, then he forms an unhealthy working atmosphere. The lack of mutual respect and trust makes people take a defensive position, protect themselves from each other, the frequency of contacts is reduced, communication barriers, conflicts arise, there is a desire to leave the organization and, as a result, there is a decrease in productivity and product quality.

Even if the leader uses an authoritarian management style, it can be positive if, when making a decision, he takes into account the interests of employees, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and justified, in other words, pays more attention to establishing a strong and close relationship with subordinates.

Thus, the leader can significantly influence the nature of interpersonal relations in the work team, the attitude towards joint activities, satisfaction with the conditions and results of work, i.e. on the socio-psychological climate, on which the effectiveness of the organization as a whole largely depends.


Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn.

In the course work, the concepts, essence and structure of the psychological climate were studied. The psychological climate of the team is the psychological and emotional state of the team member, the individual, and, undoubtedly, depends on the general condition of the people around him.

The essence of the SEC is revealed in such concepts as: the interaction of the team, the impact of a favorable or negative climatic atmosphere on the activities of workers.

In this work, the factors influencing the psychological climate in the team were identified and considered. One of the most important factors is the psychological compatibility of its members, which in its own way is also a mechanism for uniting the team. It ensures the effectiveness of joint activities and personal satisfaction of everyone in work. Also, the main factors include the global and local macro-environment, the physical microclimate.

It can be said that all factors are important for a favorable SEC, such as job satisfaction, the nature of the activities performed, the organization of joint activities, and harmony. And the leader should strive to translate them into action, first of course the important ones, and then all the rest. So more important factors create the foundation, while others are an integral part of supporting this foundation.

Having identified the factors influencing the psychological climate, the leader must apply effective team building mechanisms. Such as the ability to apply psychological compatibility in a group, to establish and strengthen discipline, the correct application of leadership style.

The leader plays a key role in the creation of the SEC, since it is he who builds, manages and directs all interaction flows in the right direction, thereby building a favorable atmosphere in the team.

If the leader takes into account the interests and characteristics of the individual, then he will be able to adapt him in the team, encourage him to work better and more productively. By creating a favorable SEC in the team, the organization becomes more competitive, labor productivity increases, which significantly affects the development of the country's economy.

List of used literature

1 Dracheva E.L. Management: textbook / E. L. Dracheva, L. I. Yulikov. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M .: Academy Publishing House, 2005

2 Egorshin A.P. Personnel management: a textbook for universities / A.P. Egorshin. - 3rd ed. - Nizhny Novgorod: NIMB Publishing House, 2001

3 Zborovsky G.E. Sociology of management: textbook / E.G. Zborovsky, N.B. Kostina.- M.: Gardariki Publishing House, 2004

4 Ivanov M.A. Organization as your tool. Russian mentality and business practice / M.A. Ivanov, D.M. Shusterman. - M .: Publishing house Alpina Publisher, 2003

5 Ignatieva A.V. Research of control systems: textbook for universities / A.V. Ignatieva, M.M. Maksimtsov.

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Ignatieva A.V. Research of control systems: textbook for universities / A.V.

This article discusses: the characteristics of a favorable and unfavorable socio-psychological climate in the class team; factors influencing his condition and ways of forming and maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.



Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the class team

The active development of the personality, the formation of basic qualities occur during school years and largely depend on the social atmosphere of which the child is a member. Of particular importance in this sense (the formation of personality) is the primary school age, which determines the relevance of developing the problem of the formation of a psychological climate in the primary grades.

Socio-psychological climate -the qualitative side of interpersonal relations, manifested in the form of a set of psychological conditions that contribute to or hinder productive joint activities and comprehensive development individuals in the group. The psychological climate in the children's team is primarily manifested in the general emotionally saturated attitudes of children to what is happening; in the activity of students, their conscious attitude to the educational process, in friendly relations with peers and adults.

Scholars identify the followingfactors affecting the state of the psychological climate:macro and micro environment factors, personal qualities of team members and leadership style. A special role in the life of every person belongs to school years, class, emotional and psychological climate of the class. Education at school takes a good share of a person's life time, during which there is an active development of the personality. According to experts and practice, emotional well-being in the classroom is one of the most important conditions for the development of a student's personality.

The formation and improvement of the socio-psychological climate is a constant practical task class teachers, subject teachers, school psychologist and administration. Creating a favorable climate is a matter not only responsible, but also creative, requiring knowledge of its nature and means of regulation, the ability to foresee likely situations in the relationship between members of the children's team. The formation of a good socio-psychological climate requires an understanding of the psychology of schoolchildren, their emotional state, mood, emotional experiences, worries, relationships with each other.

In order to study the socio-pedagogical climate in the classroom, educators need to know:

Characteristics of a favorable socio-psychological climate:

  1. The class is dominated by a cheerful, cheerful tone of relationships between the guys, optimism in the mood; relations are built on the principles of cooperation, mutual assistance, goodwill; children like to participate in joint activities, spend their free time together; approval and support prevail in relations, criticism is expressed with good wishes.
  2. There are norms of a fair and respectful attitude towards all its members in the class, here they always support weak students, advocate for them, and help beginners.
  3. In the class, such personality traits as responsibility, honesty, hard work and disinterestedness are highly valued.
  4. Members of the class are active, full of energy, they quickly respond if it is necessary to do something useful for everyone, achieve high rates in studies and leisure activities.
  5. The successes or failures of individual students in the class evoke empathy and sincere participation from all members of the team.
  6. In relations between groupings within a class, there is mutual disposition, understanding, and cooperation.

A favorable psychological climate also contributes to better assimilation educational material schoolchildren, and the full development of his personality, therefore, the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the classroom is an important component pedagogical work because psychologically healthy, creative, self-confident people are of particular value to modern society.

A favorable psychological climate is usually understood as the emotional and psychological mood of the team, in which the personal and business relationships of the team members are reflected on the emotional level, determined by their value orientations, moral standards and interests.

Characteristics of an unfavorable socio-psychological climate:

1. The class is dominated by a depressed mood, pessimism. Conflict, aggressiveness, antipathy of children to each other are observed. There is rivalry; members of the team show a negative attitude towards more close relationship together; criticisms are in the nature of overt or covert attacks. The guys allow themselves to belittle the personality of another,

everyone considers his own point of view to be the main one and is intolerant of the opinion of others.

2. There are no norms of justice and equality in relationships in the class, it is noticeably divided into "privileged" and "neglected". Here, the weak are treated contemptuously, often ridiculed. Beginners feel superfluous, strangers, they are often shown hostility.

3. Such personality traits as responsibility, honesty, diligence, selflessness, are not held in high esteem.

4. Members of the collective are inert, passive, some tend to isolate themselves from the rest, it is impossible to raise the class to a common cause.

5.Successes or failures of one leave indifferent other members of the team, and sometimes cause unhealthy envy or gloating.

6. Conflicting groups arise in the class, refusing to participate in joint activities.

7. In difficult cases, the class is not able to unite, confusion, quarrels, mutual accusations arise, the team is closed and does not seek to cooperate with other teams.

An unhealthy psychological climate hinders the development of the children's team and personality in it, as it is associated with the predominance of negative emotions.

The predominant emotions experienced by the childin a favorable psychological climate,are: benevolence, security, mobility, creativity, optimism, initiative, efficiency, freedom of one's "I".

In unfavorable climate:insecurity, laziness, aggressiveness, pessimism, stiffness, passivity.

The conditions that determine the effectiveness of the influence of teachers on the psychological climate in the children's team include the following:

  • Personal qualities of teachers (openness, disposition to children, sense of humor, initiative, sociability, creativity).
  • Professional qualities of teachers (theoretical and methodical armament).
  • Orientation of teachers to the emotional comfort of schoolchildren, which is a consequence of personal and professional preparedness for actions that form a favorable psychological climate.

Empirical referents of the socio-psychological climate of the class:

Favorable SEC


Verbal referents

Non-verbal referents

Emotional background

Verbal expression of a positive attitude towards the interaction process and individual students

Friendly smiles and laughter. Positive or calm tone of speech

Ability to cooperate

Appeals to the interlocutor with clarifying questions. Expressing interest in the opinions of others ("What do you think?", "Do you like it?".

Listening with a demonstration of attention (yes, cooing), eye contact. Equal positions (according to the preferred posture, location in the room and relative to each other)

Interaction efficiency

Verbal confirmation of the solution of the task. Verbal expression of satisfaction with the result

Gestures expressing satisfaction with the work done. Smile when debriefing

Unfavorable SEC


Verbal referents

Non-verbal referents

Emotional background

Verbal expression of a negative attitude towards the interaction process and individual students

Malevolent smiles

laughter, offensive words addressed to classmates. Sad or hostile tone of statements.

Ability to cooperate

Interruption of the interlocutor. Expressing disinterest in the opinions of others (“Who asks you?”, “And what do you have to do with it?”

No hooting, nodding, or eye contact. Unequal positions (the desire to dominate or obey, by posture and location)

Interaction efficiency

Verbal denial of the solution of the task. Verbal expression of dissatisfaction with the result

Gestures expressing dissatisfaction with the work done. Sadness or hostility when summarizing work.

If the psychological climate is associated with the moral state of children, important concepts are involved - goodness, conscience, honor, justice, then they talk about the moral and psychological climate.

The educative force, the enormous possibilities of the collective that form each personality, depend on its psychological climate. The successful formation of a moral atmosphere in any link in social life presupposes knowledge of the structure and features of the manifestation of the collective. In the joint and mutual actions of people, in their communication, there is a direct exchange of thoughts, views, ideas, various forms of mutual relations of people to each other, sympathies, antipathies and other so-called interpersonal relationships are manifested.

In the process of communication and relationships, various socio-psychological phenomena and processes arise and develop: mutual demands and suggestions, constant general mutual assessments. Empathy and sympathy, psychological rivalry and competition, imitation and self-affirmation, prestige - this is their incomplete list. All of them are incentives for activity and behavior, mechanisms for self-development and personality formation.

Stability in a person's behavior plays a big role in establishing his relationship with the environment. If a person is stable, responsible and generally predictable, then the environment perceives him positively. If he is constantly unbalanced, capricious and inclined to take unpredictable steps, then the team reacts negatively to such a person.

In any organization, a person works surrounded by colleagues, workmates. He is a member of formal and informal groups. And this has an exceptionally great influence on him, either by helping him to reveal his potential more fully, or by suppressing his ability and desire to work productively, with full dedication. Groups play a very important role in the life of every member of an organization.

The same is true in the children's group.

Relations between colleagues form a complex, changing, interconnected system in which several types of relationships can be distinguished for research purposes. Personal relationships sometimes have curious synonyms, such as "honor of the uniform", "spirit of the team", "face of the team". In emergency or critical situations, in the absence or destruction of official relations personal comes first.

Of greater psychological importance for relationships in the team are the features of words, facial expressions, gestures, actions of colleagues, depending on individual situations and conditions. All this constitutes a source of additional information.

Take, for example, the word "thank you". They express, for example, gratitude for the work done, for which a lot of time was spent. "Thank you", said cordially, with warmth, expressed by a handshake or other gesture, can warm you up, improve your well-being, and you do not regret the work expended. “Thank you” can be said officially, protocol, from which we can conclude that you did nothing special, but simply fulfilled an ordinary official duty. “Thank you” can also be said with irony, hinting that you wasted your time and that your work did not bring results. The same is true with children.

The method of transferring information is also important, for example, who transfers information, communicates the decision: the head, his deputy or technical worker. Sharing information in private, in front of a group, or in public increases or decreases its value.

Thus, socio-psychological climateit is the relatively stable psychological attitude of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in relation to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal values ​​and orientations.

Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on a person will be different - stimulate work, cheer up, inspire vigor and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly, reduce energy, lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the socio-psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of key qualities of an employee: readiness for constant informational activity, the ability to act in extreme situations, make innovative decisions, initiative and entrepreneurship, readiness for continuous professional development, a combination of professional and humanitarian culture.

It is impossible to count on the fact that the necessary relations to the team (children or adults) will arise by themselves, they must be consciously formed.

Many teachers take seriously the issue of creating a favorable psychological climate, but not everyone knows the techniques and methods of creating it.

Ways to form and maintain a favorable psychological climate in the classroomare similar to the methods of formation and management of children's groups. Any team is a community of people, characterized by the presence of socially useful goals, joint activities, personal and group interests, conscious and sustainable organization of their lives, and the psychological climate, on the one hand, reflects, and on the other hand, determines the nature of interactions between members of the team.

Knowledge of the ways of forming the psychological climate and managing the team is necessary for teachers.

Most Effectiveways of forming and maintaining a socio-psychological climate in the classroomthat can be used by educators are the following:

  • since the socio-psychological climate is the result of the joint activity of class students, their interpersonal interaction. To strengthen it, it is necessary to set goals and create conditions for organizing joint activities of children, inform them about the progress in the implementation of joint tasks, encourage activity, initiative, and creativity;
  • find common interests that would unite the children of the class, and on their basis organize common affairs;
  • form the traditions of the class, participate in school-wide traditional affairs;
  • if there is free time - to attract the guys to spend it together, go hiking, relax;
  • create situations of collective empathy for significant events, the desire for emotional inclusion in the life of the class of each child. For this, it is important to have an active position of the teacher in relation to the children and the class;
  • to bring universal values ​​to the life of the class team, to encourage openness, goodwill, constructive ways to discharge negative emotions; not to impose their opinion on each other, but, taking into account the interests of everyone, come to a common, compromise solution;
  • create conditions for improving the comfort of children's well-being at school and maintaining a stable positive relationship between teachers and students;
  • develop a communicative culture, communication and cooperation skills;
  • develop the empathic abilities of group members, the ability and need for knowledge of other people, a tolerant attitude towards them.

And I would like to list the principles of creating a healthy working atmosphere, proposed by David Meister in the book Do What You Confess, which can be useful for educators:

1. Always proceed from the fact that the biggest sin is unwillingness to at least try to do something.

2. The actions of the leader should indicate his interest in the personal success of each member of the team.

3. Actively help the guys to rise to a qualitatively new level.

4.Give children the opportunity to test themselves in various types activities.

5. Be consistent, never break your word.

6. Maintain a firm belief in your own destiny.

7. Forget patronizing.

8. Create conditions, don't dictate them.

9. Trust the people you work with.

10. Set an example, be the way you would like to see your colleague.

11. Find an individual approach to each child, do not manage people the way you want. This requires ordinary human sensitivity.

12. Be enthusiastic, remember: enthusiasm is contagious.


How to create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom

1. Come to school only with a joyful mood, leaving all the negativity behind the threshold. Let the children not be hostages of your family troubles, health problems, eternal lack of sleep ...

2. Remember: you need students just as much as they need you - every day, every lesson!

3. " deadly sin teachers - to be boring." So said I.F. Herbart. Try to make your lesson memorable for the students.

4. When the spark of success goes out in the student. He ceases to be interested in the subject. Try to keep the fire in the student's soul!

5. A student stops making mistakes when he learns to correct them. Do not deny the student the opportunity to correct their mistakes.

6. The word is powerful weapon in the hands of the teacher. A careless word can forever sow in a child a sense of self-doubt. Avoid thoughtless words!

7. Do not pass by children's tears! What now seems naive and stupid to us, for our children is the whole world.

8. A student is a "newcomer" from the family. Try to win over the parents of your students, because you have one task with them - to teach and educate. Let the expression "your child" be replaced by the expression "our child". Parents will definitely appreciate it.

9. Nothing brings teachers and students closer than joint creativity. Let there be more holidays in school life!

10. A smile opens all doors! Smile, opening the door to children's hearts! Smile more.

The formation of the personality of a child (teenager) occurs in communication with other people.

School is a place where a child finds new friends, does interesting things according to their needs and abilities, learns to communicate, build relationships with peers and adults. It is in children's groups that the life experience is acquired, which forms the personality and further determines the complex system of its relations to life and people.

Therefore, teachers need to be aware that creating a favorable psychological climate in the team helps the child feel calm, confident and comfortable in the classroom; helps you discover your personal qualities; adapt to difficult life situations.





by discipline: Managerial psychology.

topic: psychological climate in the team,

management aspects.


INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3
APPENDIX ………… ……………………………………………………………………… 15
STATE SCHEDULE..………………………………………………………………….. 16
PRACTICAL WORK …………………………………………………………………… 17
CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………………………. 18
BIBLIOGRAPHY ………...……………………………………………………………. 19


In the conditions of the modern scientific and technological revolution, interest in the phenomenon of the social and psychological climate of the team is constantly growing. The relevance of this problem is dictated primarily by the increased requirements for the level of psychological involvement of the individual in his work activity and the complication of the mental life of people by the constant growth of their personal claims. Improving the socio-psychological climate of the team is the task of deploying the social and psychological potential of society and the individual, creating the most full-blooded way of life for people. The formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate for the labor collective is one of the most important conditions for the struggle for the growth of labor productivity and the quality of products. At the same time, the socio-psychological climate is an indicator of the level social development of the collective and its psychological reserves capable of more complete realization. And this, in turn, is connected with the prospect of increasing social factors in the structure of production, with the improvement of both the organization and working conditions. The level of optimality of the socio-psychological climate of each individual work collective largely determines the general socio-political, ideological atmosphere of society, the country as a whole.

The significance of the socio-psychological climate is also determined by the fact that it is able to act as a factor in the effectiveness of certain social phenomena and processes, to serve as an indicator of both their state and their changes under the influence of social and scientific and technological progress. The socio-psychological climate also acts as a polyfunctional indicator of the level of psychological involvement of a person in activity, a measure of the psychological effectiveness of this activity, the level of the mental potential of the individual and the team, the scale and depth of the barriers that lie in the way of realizing the psychological reserves of the team. (Parygin B.D.)

The effectiveness of joint activities largely depends on the optimal implementation of personal and group opportunities. A favorable atmosphere in a group not only has a productive effect on its results, but also restructures a person, forms his new opportunities and shows potential ones. In this regard, there is a need to optimize the style of interpersonal interaction.

Socio - psychological management methods allow you to influence the interests of people. Regulate interpersonal relations in the team, affect the form and development of the workforce.

Socio-psychological methods are a set of techniques and methods of socio-psychological impact on the workforce.

Human resources are the backbone of any organization. Without people, there is no organization. The Murmansk Souvenirs shop lives and functions only because there are people in it. The people in an organization create its product, they shape the culture of the organization and its internal climate they determine what the organization is. People working in an organization are very different from each other in many ways: gender, age, education, nationality, marital status etc. all these differences can have a significant impact on both the characteristics of the work and behavior of an individual employee, and on the actions and behaviors of other members of the organization.

Socio-psychological methods of management.

Personnel management is associated with the use of the capabilities of employees to achieve the goals of the organization. HR includes the following elements:

· Selection and placement of personnel;

· Training and development of personnel;

· Compensation for work performed;

· Creation of conditions in the workplace;

· Maintaining relations with trade unions and resolving labor disputes.

The results of the work consist of two parts. The first is what a person has achieved for himself by responding to stimuli, what problems of his own caused by stimulating influences he has solved. The second is what he did for the organizational environment, for the organization in response to the stimulus that the organization applied to the person.

It is very difficult to bring together, to make the expectations of a person and the expectations of an organization correspond to each other, since they are made up of many separate expectations, for joining which you need to have the art of high-class management.

The group of basic expectations of an individual is made up of expectations about:

· Originality and creativity of the work;

Enthusiasm and intensity of work;

Degrees of independence, rights and power at work;

· Degrees of responsibility and risk;

Prestige and status work;

Degrees of involvement of work in a broader active process;

· Safety and comfort conditions at work;

· Recognition and encouragement of good work;

· Salary and bonuses;

· Social security and other social benefits provided to the organization;

· Guarantees of growth and development;

Disciplines and others regulatory aspects regulating behavior at work;

· Relationships between members of the organization;

· Individuals working in the organization;

For each individual, the combination of these separate expectations, which forms his generalized expectation in relation to the organization, is different. Moreover, the structure of expectations, and the relative degree of dependence of individual expectations on the individual itself depends on many factors such as his personal characteristics, goals, the specific situation in which he is, the characteristics of the organization, etc.

The organization expects the individual to perform as:

A specialist in a certain field with certain knowledge and classification;

· A member of the organization contributing to its successful functioning and development;

A person with certain personal and moral qualities;

· A member of an organization who is able to communicate and maintain good relations with colleagues;

A member of an organization who shares its values;

· An employee striving to improve his performing abilities;

· A person devoted to the organization and ready to defend its interests;

The performer of a certain work is ready to carry it out with due dedication and at the proper quality level;

· A member of the organization who is able to take a certain place in the inside of the organization and is ready to take on the responsible obligation and responsibility;

An employee who follows the standards of conduct accepted in the organization, the routine and orders of the management;

The combination of an organization's expectation of a person, as well as the degree of importance for the organization of each individual expectation, may differ from organization to organization. Therefore, it is impossible to offer a single universal model of the organization's expectations in relation to the person, and also it is impossible to offer a similar model of the person's expectations in relation to the organization.

When joining an organization, a person must understand for himself what standards he should follow in communicating with colleagues, how to interpret the activities of the organization, in what form and on what issues to contact the management, in what form it is customary to go to work, how it is customary to manage working time, as well as the time allotted for rest.

If a member of the organization successfully fulfills his role, if at the same time he himself is personally satisfied with the nature, content and results of his activities in the organization and his interaction with the organizational environment, then there are no conflict contradictions that undermine the interaction between a person and an organization.

The clarity of the role implies that the person who performs it knows and understands not only the content of the role, i.e. the content of his work and methods of its implementation, but also the connection of its activities with the goals and objectives of the organization, its place in the totality of work performed by the team. To fulfill his role, the employee is endowed with rights, he assumes certain obligations to the organization and receives a certain status in the organizational environment.

Three types of location are important for effective management and good relations in an organization:

· job satisfaction;

· Enthusiasm for work;

· Commitment to the organization.

The extent to which these dispositions are developed among employees significantly determines the results of their work, the number of absenteeism, staff turnover, etc.

Stability in a person's behavior plays a big role in establishing his relationship with the environment. If a person is stable, responsible and predictable in person, then the environment perceives him positively. If he is constantly unbalanced, capricious and inclined to take unpredictable steps, then the team reacts negatively to such a person.

In any organization, a person works surrounded by colleagues, workmates. He is a member of formal and informal groups. And this has an exceptionally great influence on him, either helping to reveal his potential more fully, or suppressing his ability and desire to work productively, with full dedication. Groups play a very important role in the life of every member of an organization.

Relations between colleagues form a complex, changing, interconnected system in which several types of relationships can be distinguished for research purposes. Each of them does not exist absolutely independently of the other, their independence is relative, and there are no exact boundaries between them. However, they are qualitatively different.

Team relationships can be:

vertical relations are interpersonal connections formed between managers and subordinates, leaders and other members of the team, in general, between people occupying different positions in the intra-collective official hierarchy;

horizontal relations are interpersonal relations of team members occupying the same official and unofficial position (colleagues);

official - relations that arise on an official basis. They are established by law, regulated by charters, regulations, approved rules;

informal - are formed on the basis of a personal relationship of a person to a person. For them, there are no generally accepted laws and norms, firmly established requirements and regulations;

business interpersonal - these are relationships that arise in connection with the joint work of people or about it;

personal relationships develop regardless of the work performed. In a well-coordinated team, a system of business and personal relationships is formed that complement each other well and play a different role in meeting the needs and interests of team members.

Personal relationships are classified as informal, but
while all the official ones should be kept in mind. Personal relationships sometimes have curious synonyms, such as "honor of the uniform", "team spirit", "team face", etc. In emergency or critical situations, in the absence or destruction of official relations, personal ones come to the fore. Consider some of their manifestations:

Loyalty: members of the team can quarrel and argue with each other, but for the external environment they form a united front. It is possible to criticize each other, but firmly note external criticism;

Respect: team members recognize the superiority of colleagues, their special knowledge in some areas and are considered with them, despite personal preferences;

Tolerance: Collective members put up with each other's shortcomings. Some of them may have an annoying habit, but others would rather endure it than work with someone else;

Total trust: members of the collective know that they will receive help from anyone else, because they themselves always give it to anyone else when needed.

As American psychologist J. Moreno writes, four types of behavior of people in a team are known, which reflect the attitude of a member of the group to its tasks, goals and norms of behavior that ensure them:

1. intra-group suggestibility - conflict-free, unconscious acceptance by a member of the group of the opinion of the group. There is a kind of hypnotization: the acceptance of the opinion of the group occurs completely uncritically;

2. conformity - conscious external agreement with the opinion of the group while internally disagreeing with it. A person consciously changes his own assessments, under the pressure of the group, internally remaining disagreeing with this (the naked king);

3. negativism - a person opposes the opinion of the group in everything, demonstrating at first glance an extremely independent position; it is "tied" to group opinion, but always with the opposite sign;

4. collectivism is a type of behavior of an individual in a team, which is characterized by a selective attitude to its any influences, to the opinions of the group, dictated by the conscious adherence to its socially significant goals and objectives.

Of great psychological importance for relationships in a team are the features of words, facial expressions, gestures, actions of colleagues, depending on individual situations and conditions. All this constitutes a source of additional information.

Take, for example, the word "thank you!". They express, for example, gratitude for the work done, for which a lot of time was spent. "Thank you", said cordially, with warmth, expressed by a handshake or other gesture, can warm you up, improve your well-being and you do not regret the work expended. "Thank you" can be said officially, protocol, from which we can conclude that you did nothing special, but simply performed an ordinary official duty. "Thank you" can also be said with irony, hinting that you wasted your time and that your work did not bring results.

The method of transferring information is also important, for example, who transfers information, communicates the decision: the head, his deputy or a technical worker. Sharing information in private, in front of a group, or in public increases or decreases its value.

The socio-psychological climate is a specific phenomenon, which is made up of the characteristics of the perception of a person by a person, mutually experienced feelings, assessments and opinions, readiness to respond in a certain way to the words and actions of others. It affects the well-being of team members;

for the development, adoption and implementation of joint decisions;

to achieve the effectiveness of joint activities.

Thus, the socio-psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological attitude of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in relation to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal values ​​and orientation.

As you know, the socio-psychological climate can be favorable or unfavorable.

Signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate:

Trust and high demands on each other;

Benevolent and businesslike criticism;

Sufficient awareness of team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation;

Free expression of one's own opinion when discussing issues relating to the entire team;

Satisfaction with belonging to the firm:

Tolerance for other people's opinions;

High degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance;

Taking responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members ...

The following factors influence the formation of a certain socio-psychological climate:

1. Compatibility of its members, understood as the most favorable combination of the properties of employees, ensuring the effectiveness of joint activities and personal satisfaction of each. Compatibility is manifested in mutual understanding, mutual acceptability, sympathy, empathy of team members to each other.

There are two types of compatibility: psychophysiological and psychological.

Psychophysiological is associated with the synchronism of the individual mental activity of workers (different endurance of group members, speed of thinking, features of perception, attention), which should be taken into account when distributing physical loads and assigning certain types of work.

Psychological involves the optimal combination of personal mental properties: character traits, temperament, abilities, which leads to mutual understanding.

Incompatibility is manifested in the desire of team members to avoid each other, and in the event of the inevitability of contacts - to negative emotional states and even to conflicts.

2. Style of behavior of the leader, manager, owner of the enterprise.

3. Success or failure of the production process.

4. The applied scale of rewards and punishments.

5. Working conditions.

6. The situation in the family, outside of work, conditions for spending free time.

Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on a person will be different - stimulate work, cheer up, inspire vigor and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly, reduce energy, lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the socio-psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of the key qualities of an employee necessary in business: readiness for constant innovation, the ability to act in extreme situations, make innovative decisions, initiative and entrepreneurship, readiness for continuous professional development, a combination of professional and humanitarian culture.

It is impossible to count on the fact that the necessary relations in the team will arise by themselves, they must be consciously formed.

Measures to create a favorable socio-psychological climate:

Staff recruitment taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees. Depending on the goals of working in a team, it is necessary to combine different types of behavior of people. In very many situations, a group with representatives of one type of behavior will turn out to be ineffective, for example, if only people who are waiting for instructions and who do not know how to take the initiative, or only those who like to command, will gather.

It is necessary to optimally limit the number of persons subordinate to one leader (5-7 people);

Absence of superfluous workers and vacancies. Both the lack and the excess of members of the group lead to its instability: there is a ground for the emergence of tension and conflicts in connection with the desire of several persons to take a vacant position and get a promotion at work or in connection with the uneven work load of individual workers in the presence of extra persons:

Office etiquette that starts with appearance.

At work, too conspicuous, the so-called acute fashion clothes, bright cosmetics, an abundance of jewelry. But just as disrespectful to colleagues, to visitors to the institution would be negligence in clothing, sloppiness, slovenliness.

Greetings. The first to greet the incoming. By the way, if some tension has been created between him and someone the day before, then it is this short, obligatory greeting that often helps to remove it painlessly for pride. It is not necessary to shake hands, and if several people work in the room, then it is not necessary.

At work, a person is obliged to be correct, not to impose his experiences on anyone, and even more so not to try to "tear off evil" on someone;

The use of socio-psychological methods that contribute to the development of effective mutual understanding and interaction skills among team members (passion for employees by personal example, training, business game, persuasion method, etc.).

There are many techniques that encourage employees to be active and highly productive.

Let's consider some of them.

1. Hiring. His psychological impact on the employee is to leave a good impression from the first meeting with the manager and the team. To do this, it is necessary to introduce him to the team, familiarize him with all aspects of the work, provide him with everything necessary for work, instill in him the confidence that he will do a good job. In a number of firms, an experienced worker is attached to a newcomer, who provides him with assistance and assistance.

2. Complete information about the benefits arising from belonging to the firm. Currently, in Russia and abroad, in addition to cash wages, such forms of incentives are used as free or reduced food and travel, payment for vouchers, a sanatorium, rest homes, the provision of free or preferential shares, loans, and the sale of company products at cost. Immediate remuneration, meaning that wages should not be divorced in time from the work itself, otherwise it loses its stimulating meaning. Therefore, weekly payroll is practiced. For rationalization proposals, a check is issued on the spot. Fair treatment of employees, i.e. maintaining a match between what the employee gives to the firm and what he receives from it. Justice is known in comparing the position and remuneration of various employees with the team, the quality and results of their work. The principle of justice for equal work is equal pay.

Team building mechanisms.

The moral and psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in all the diverse forms of their activity. The moral and psychological climate determines the system of relations between members of the team to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal-value orientations. Any actions of a leader or a team member (especially of a negative nature) affect the state of the moral and psychological climate, deform it. And vice versa, every positive managerial decision, positive collective action improves the moral and psychological climate. The basis of a positive favorable moral and psychological climate is the socially significant motives of the attitude towards work among the members of the labor collective. The optimal combination of these motives will be if three components are involved: a material interest in this particular job, a direct interest in the labor process, and a public discussion of the results of the labor process.

A sure sign of a favorable moral and psychological climate is the active participation of all members of the team in management, which can take the form of self-government.

Another sign of a positive moral and psychological climate is the high productivity of teamwork. The next sign is the developed interpersonal relations, interpersonal contacts in the labor collective of the enterprise. One can also note such a sign as a positive attitude of the team towards innovations. In the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the rapid development of technology and production technology, innovations are inevitable in any team.

It can be concluded that the formation of a positive moral and psychological climate is one of the mechanisms for team building. Another important mechanism for team cohesion is the psychological compatibility of its members. The presence of even two incompatible people (especially in small teams) seriously affects the atmosphere in the team itself. The consequences are especially detrimental if formal and informal leaders or managers directly related to official duties (for example, a foreman - a shop manager) turn out to be incompatible. Under these conditions, the whole team will be in a fever. Therefore, at least something to know about psychological compatibility is necessary for everyone who works with people, forms a work team.

A feature of psychological compatibility is that contacts between people are mediated by their actions and deeds, opinions and assessments. Incompatibility gives rise to hostility, antipathy, conflicts, and this negatively affects joint activities. We can give the following definition of the concept of compatibility. Psychological compatibility is a socio-psychological characteristic of a group, manifested in the ability of its members to coordinate (make consistent) their actions and optimize relationships in various types of joint activities.

If the compatibility effect most often occurs in personal relationships between team members, then the harmony effect is the result of business relationships associated with production activities.

Harmony is an indicator of the consistency of interindividual interaction in the conditions of a specific joint activity. Harmony is characterized by high productivity of joint work of individuals. Thus, the basis of coherence is the success and profitability of precisely joint activities, when coordination of actions arises between its participants. M. G. Rogov and N. N. Obozov showed that for the normal functioning of the team, harmony at the level of "leader - deputy" is very important.

To establish discipline, increase productivity and create a favorable psychological climate, the manager needs to know interpersonal relationships in the team. / In any team, invisible threads of relationships are stretched between people that cannot be reflected in any staffing table. An informal structure arises, built on the likes and dislikes of the members of the collective. It is known that intra-group conflicts, as a rule, originate in an informal structure, and then move into the sphere of formal relations, knocking the team out of the normal rhythm of work. As many social psychologists believe, the coherence, coherence of the team is determined by the degree of unity of the formal and informal structures. And the higher this degree, the greater success the team can achieve. One of the methods for studying interpersonal relations available to every leader is an in-depth study of various social facts, as well as specific actions and actions of people who are part of this team. These social facts include mutual assistance, friendship, quarrels, conflicts, and the like. Constant monitoring of these phenomena will allow the leader to study the interpersonal relationships of subordinates.

The psychological essence of education and stimulation of the working people lies in the encouragement of good work and behavior, in the punishment of negative deeds. These means of influence make it possible to keep a person within the framework of certain moral requirements of society and laws developed by the state. However, preference in educational work should be given to incentives. Punishment, on the other hand, should be regarded as an extreme measure of educational influence, and one must be able to apply it very carefully. The constant fear of a person that he can be punished for this or that wrong action, for a mistake made when taking the initiative, gives rise to routiners and reinsurers.

Speaking about the psychological aspects of the educational and stimulating activities of a leader, it must be remembered that none of the methods, whether it be persuasion or censure, encouragement or punishment, used separately, will bring a positive effect. So, in order for labor activity to discipline to become higher, the leader must be able to use the entire arsenal of stimulating and educational influences.

The collective is not a simple arithmetic sum of individuals, but a qualitatively new category. Certain socio-psychological patterns act on the people that make up the team. Without knowledge of these patterns, it is difficult for a leader to manage people, conduct educational work, and mobilize employees to fulfill and exceed plans. That is why every leader must know the socio-psychological structure of the team and the socio-psychological patterns that operate in groups of people.

The psychological mechanism of personality assessment is that the praise of the leader increases the authority of the employee and thereby affects the attitude of the team members towards him. Giving an assessment to a subordinate, it is necessary to strive to ensure that he feels that the leader and the team notice and approve of his personal merits, successes in work and social activities. As a result, a person strives to become even better, to achieve higher performance at work. In this natural aspiration, in moral efforts encouraged by the leader and the team, as well as in a sense of self-respect, lies the whole secret of a positive assessment in the educational process and the activation of the individual.

It is important not only that the leader at work does not look gloomy, gloomy; it is also important that each person comes to work in a cheerful, not depressed state, and that his good mood is constantly maintained. This largely depends on what kind of moral and psychological climate is created in the team.

APP: test

No. p / p 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Properties of the psychological climate
1 A good and cheerful direction prevails A depressed and pessimistic tone prevails.
2 Goodwill prevails in relationships, mutual sympathy. Conflict prevails in relationships, aggressiveness, antipathy.
3 In relations between groupings within the collective there is mutual disposition and understanding. The groups are in conflict with each other.
4 Team members like to be together, participate in joint activities, spend time together. Team members show indifference to closer communication.
5 The successes and failures of individual members of the team cause empathy, the participation of all members of the team. The successes or failures of the team members leave others indifferent, sometimes cause envy or gloating.
6 Approval and support prevail, reproaches and criticism are expressed with good intentions. Critical remarks are in the nature of overt and covert attacks.
7 Team members respect each other's opinions. In the team, everyone considers their opinion to be the main one and is intolerant of the opinions of others.
8 In difficult moments for the team, an emotional connection takes place according to the principle “one for all, and all for one”. In difficult cases, the team "limp", confusion appears, quarrels arise, mutual accusations.
9 The achievements and failures of the team are experienced by everyone as their own. The achievements and failures of the collective do not find a response from its individual representatives.
10 The team is friendly to new members, strive to help them get comfortable. Beginners feel superfluous, strangers, they show hostility.
11 The team is active and full of energy. The team is passive, inert.
12 The team is quick to respond when something needs to be done. The team cannot be raised to a joint cause, everyone thinks only about their own interests.
13 In the team there is a fair attitude towards all members, support for the weak, their protection. The collective is divided into "privileged" and "neglected", a contemptuous attitude towards the weak.
14 Team members show a sense of pride in their team if it is noted by leaders. Praise and encouragement are treated indifferently here.


OOO "Murmansk Souvenirs"

total area 250.0 sq.m. trade area 174.4 sq.m.

Practical work.

According to the staff list, 16 people work in the Murmansk Souvenirs LLC store. According to the test, we were able to calculate the average group assessment of the psychological climate in the team.

FORMULA : С=∑С/ N, where N is the number of group members.

According to the results of the test, the result was obtained that the average group assessment of the psychological climate in the store of Murmansk Souvenirs LLC is 28,0%.


Further, according to the formula n(С1-)/ N*100% Let's calculate the percentage of people who assess the climate as unfavorable, where n(C1-) is the number of people who assess the climate as unfavorable. N is the number of group members.

Test condition: if C=0 or has a negative value, then it has a pronounced unfavorable psychological climate from the point of view of the individual. If with<27 то климат неустойчивый благоприятный. Если С>27 then the psychological climate is favorable.


So, in the store "Murmansk Souvenirs" 12,5% people who assess the climate in the team as unfavorable.

Conclusion: According to the study, we can conclude that 87.5% of the total number of employees of the Murmansk Souvenirs store consider the existing team as favorable. Which indicates the correct selection of personnel, professional compatibility of employees, and as a result - high productivity collective work.


In this work, a theoretical analysis of the concept of a socio-psychological climate in a team was carried out.

The socio-psychological climate is the psychological mood in a group, which reflects the nature of relationships between people, the prevailing tone of public mood, the level of management, the conditions and characteristics of work and leisure in this team.

1. The team is the highest form of an organized group in which interpersonal relations are mediated by the personally significant and socially valuable content of group activity. The team is real, small, it is also organized formal group the highest level of development.

2. The moral and psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in the diverse forms of their activities. It is important for a leader, a business person, to know the ways of forming a moral and psychological climate and the mechanisms of team building. In their management decisions, in the preparation, training and placement of personnel, it is necessary to use these ways, achieving optimal coordination of interpersonal interaction of team members in a specific joint activity.

3. The most important thing for a leader in conflict situations is their prevention. Not resolution, but prevention, that is, prevention of the development of conflict situations themselves. However, if there is a conflict, one should take an active part in resolving the conflict, using one way or another for this (reconciliation of the parties, the path of compromise, dispute resolution on a business basis, etc.)


1. Psychology and ethics of management and business, textbook, 2000 A.K. Semenov, E.L. Maslov.

2. Psychology of management, textbook, 2001, N.N. Veresov.

3. Psychology and management, 1990, V.I. Lebedev.

4. Management, 3rd edition, textbook, 2003, O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov.


Pay special attention to the selection of personnel. Preventing conflict is easier than trying to resolve it later. Undoubtedly, professional quality are important, but character traits must also be taken into account. Even if at the interview the applicant gives the impression of an arrogant, arrogant, aggressive person, then he should be refused a job. Also, do not hire someone who openly declares that at the last place of work he constantly came into conflict with the team.

Try to provide employees with comfortable working conditions. If a person is irritated because of constant troubles at work, inconvenient vacation time, low salary, etc., he is unlikely to be inclined to communicate friendly with the rest of the team. Special attention devote to the arrangement of the workplace. The table and chair should be comfortable so that by the end of the working day, employees do not suffer from back pain. Allow staff to bring things from home that are close to their hearts and arrange their own workspaces. So the office will become the second for employees, and the team will be perceived as a family.

Set up an office kitchen and lounge where employees can socialize in an informal setting. Let the interior of these rooms be cozy and even homely, so that employees can relax and talk not like colleagues, but like friends. Chatting over coffee during your lunch break strengthens relationships and helps people bond.

Be sure to hold common events: celebrate the New Year with the team, employee birthdays and other holidays, from time to time go on hikes or picnics together. Such events should not be turned into boring meetings that it is forbidden not to attend. Let the holidays be fun, and employees visit them with pleasure and of their own free will, and not by order. Design a booth and hang on it the names of employees who will have a birthday in a few days. Colleagues will be able to see this information, prepare gifts and congratulations, which will also help improve the psychological climate in collective.

Work is not only a place where you can get money, but also a certain team. At the same time, the employee is obliged to become part of this team every day. Scientists have long found out that a friendly atmosphere improves both the mood of workers and their productivity.

You will need

  • Event manager services, calendar


Give employees more control over themselves and their environment. A person feels happier and more confident when you understand that something depends on him. For example, many companies have a clear list of things that can be present in the workplace and that will have to be abandoned. Such an approach to business deprives the employee of the opportunity to form his own workspace. This can significantly lower his mood, make him more irritable, and, consequently, lead to conflicts within the team.

Encourage employees to communicate with each other. Some employers believe that communication in work time negatively affects the performance of employees. However, the lack of communication oppresses employees, they are interested in their activities and ultimately leads to disunity of the team. If you want to improve the psychological climate in the office, then in every possible way encourage communication between employees. Arrange desktops so that people can see each other. Set up a place to share meals. Create a friendly atmosphere.

Pay attention to whether they are well lit. The effect of bright lighting on improving human efficiency was proven by American psychologists back in the 50s. The benefit from the saved electricity will not cover the losses from the decrease in the efficiency of employees.

Visually estimate how many square meters are in the workplace of each employee. Psychologists distinguish four zones of a person's personal space: intimate, personal, social and public zones. For successful work, a person needs his colleagues to be in the social zone of his personal space, i.e. at a distance of approximately 1.5 m from it. If this condition is not met, and others constantly invade the personal zone, the person is irritated, not collected, distracted and constantly distracted.

It would also be nice to measure the temperature in the room. Low temperatures reduce the activity and performance of people.

Most troubled teams have one or more people creating an unhealthy work environment. These are gossips, intriguers, brawlers and simply mentally unstable employees. The task is to identify them, and your task is to take appropriate disciplinary action.

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Tip 5: Lighting in the kitchen: how to do it yourself

Today it is very fashionable and convenient to make kitchen lighting not only on the ceiling. Now, using LED lighting, which not only looks beautiful, but also saves money, you can highlight any area of ​​the room. Using LEDs, you can not only illuminate, but also visually expand the kitchen space, which is especially necessary in small apartments. It should be noted that, thanks to the decorative function, it does not lose popularity and hidden lighting.

LED strip lighting

LEDs have become especially popular in recent years due to their soft light, which helps to create a pleasant atmosphere full of comfort. Installation of LED strip is a simple and not very time-consuming process. Therefore, LED strips are increasingly used for decorating various premises.

So, the backlight from the LED strip is a flexible board on which the LED elements are placed. Led tape is convenient to illuminate not only furniture, but also the work wall. Another advantage of LEDs is the different colors that allow you to create the right atmosphere for any style.

So for a wooden kitchen, warm-colored LEDs are well suited: yellow or orange, but if you have a high-tech kitchen, then in this case it would be right to use silver or blue LEDs. A dining area illuminated with a multi-color LED strip will look more cozy and easy to relax. Of all the variety of LEDs, it is best to choose a tape with silicone insulation, which will save the wiring if your neighbors flood you.

One more competitive advantage LEDs in that they can be installed in the most inaccessible places and where it is simply impossible to install other light sources. The countertop with Led- looks especially creative and fashionable in the kitchen. LEDs can also illuminate the whole to refresh and enliven a familiar interior.

When buying an LED strip, do not forget about the power supply. And for a multi-color ribbon, you will also need to purchase a controller. Before starting installation, experts recommend drawing up a lighting plan and carefully reading the instructions that come with any LED kit. For the convenience of attaching the tape, one of its sides is equipped with an adhesive base. But before you remove the protective film and stick the LED strip in the right place, do not forget to treat the surface of the furniture with an alcohol solution. If for some reason the tape does not fall off, it can be glued to the surface with glue.

It is also necessary to prepare the tape itself by connecting it with a wire to a toggle switch and a power supply, following the instructions from the instructions. At the same time, make sure that the wires are connected correctly and safely. Remember that you can only bend the LED strip at an angle equal to two centimeters in diameter. Thanks to the adhesive base of the LED strip, furniture, whether it be a cabinet, shelves or niches, can be illuminated and. It will look very nice if you highlight the glass surface for dishes.

Please note: the length of the LED strip should not be too long. Otherwise, due to the fact that at the beginning of the circuit there is a stronger voltage, the lamps closest to the power source will quickly burn out.

Kitchen lighting with hidden lighting

If for your family the kitchen is a favorite place for "evening gatherings", then you should take care of high-quality lighting. To choose the best lighting option, you need to determine exactly in which area the light should be bright, and where a more subdued lighting option is possible.

The choice of lamp lighting for the kitchen is quite wide: pendant and surface, single-lamp and multi-lamp, diffused light lamp and energy-saving light sources. As an addition, you can make decorative lighting for the entire ceiling or individual zones. Thanks to specially designed lamps, today it is possible to make even corner light. Such a simple and harmonious design, however, looks quite original and is suitable for most interiors.

When installing kitchen lighting, it is very convenient to use plasterboard ceiling structures that help hide all the wires and give appearance premises "zest". Ceiling lighting should be installed carefully, following some rules. When pulling wires, be sure to use special non-flammable and sealed sleeves. Don't forget to use soldered boxes for wire connections. Choose the right wire based on the total load of all light sources.

In order to have a more aesthetic appearance, experts recommend hiding the visible parts of light sources and placing them from inside special drywall niches. When installing a drywall box, make sure that each corner does not have joints. Please note that you should not attach the lamps inside the box too far apart, otherwise they will give a weak light source and thereby spoil appearance the entire room, making it dim. If you are not an electrician, then you should not carry out self-assembly hidden lighting. Unlike the installation LED strips, concealed lighting requires some professional knowledge and skills.

Note that properly positioned recessed lights should illuminate at least half of the reflective surface.

Thanks to the right lighting, you can solve many design problems: hide a ceiling that is too high, visually expand a small kitchen, or give a missing zest to a too “boring” room. Modern technologies allow you to choose and independently install both spot and uniform lighting for every taste and for any room.

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Tip 6: How Circumstances Can Reveal a Person's Character

Strong emotions bring to the fore the most hidden character traits. In an extreme situation, a quiet person can behave like a hero, and a favorite of the public can hide in a corner from fear.


The human psyche is practically not studied. Scientists can talk about basic reflexes, but that's all. The psychological component is still practically not available for study. For example, psychotherapists still find it difficult to say exactly why a person's character changes so much in extreme situations.

Only a change of circumstances will really help to know a person. It is under stress that true character emerges. Therefore, one can never say that a person is a coward, or, conversely, a daredevil, before seeing his behavior in an extreme situation.

It is also impossible to fully know your character. You can be convinced that you will never enter the water until you rush to save a drowning child. Or you will be sure that you are able to get along with anyone, until a loudly snoring friend who scatters his socks anywhere does not sit in your room. Then you will realize that your usual behavior is rather superficial, but in fact you are a completely different person in your soul.

Usually people who find themselves in difficult circumstances never become the same. They understand that the way they behaved before, and what they considered their character, is superficial. They acted on the basis of the ideas of others about themselves, and tried to meet the requirements of relatives and friends. And only an extreme situation could pull out a real character, a person found out what he was really capable of. And he no longer wants to act on orders. He corrects further behavior based only on his own ideas about how to behave and how not to behave.

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Helpful advice

It is not necessary to wait for a critical situation in order to understand your true nature. The change of circumstances works great. Go on a trip alone, sign up for a squad of search engines, etc. Where responsibility and dedication are required, the real qualities of the psyche appear sooner.

“Happiness is not in money”, “To live not with wealth, but with a person”. These proverbs describe well family life. Of course, material well-being is very important, but still, the moral factor should come first, because even a wealthy family cannot be considered happy if there is no love, understanding, warmth. How to improve the moral climate in the family?


Alas, often spouses, even those who love each other, cannot find a common language, resort to reproaches, scandals. As a result, the case may go to divorce. Don't try to change your partner! Try to see in it advantages, not disadvantages.

In the pre-wedding period of courtship, future spouses look at each other through rose-colored glasses. This is understandable and natural. They either do not notice the shortcomings of the future life partner, or treat them condescendingly: they say, after the wedding we will re-educate! When family everyday life begins, it gradually dawns on the young spouses that the partner is not at all a sinless angel, and all attempts at re-education cause the opposite effect. And some young couples break up without even having lived together for a year.

Remember that you are married to an adult mature person who has his own tastes, habits, views. He is not a small child to be re-educated. Do not impose your own tastes and habits on him. Try to be more tolerant of his shortcomings, to see the advantages first. Avoid conflict situations always look for a reasonable compromise. Compliance with such simple rules will immediately improve the moral climate in the family.

More kind words, praises, less reproaches and claims. "A kind word and a cat is pleased." Many have probably heard this phrase, but far from kind words, communicating with the closest people. But in vain! After all, a dissatisfied, irritable tone, reproaches and claims (even fair ones) in 99% of people cause an instinctive response. Even if a person himself understands that he is guilty, he did not act in the best way, he will look for excuses for himself or come up with counter reproaches and accusations. It will only hurt the moral climate in the family.

Try to praise your partner more often, give him compliments (for sure there is something for that). Emphasize that you appreciate his care for the family, his help around the house. And if you have justified claims, express them tactfully, without resorting to an accusatory tone, especially insults.

Don't let life get stuck. Often the moral climate in families deteriorates due to monotony, boredom, when life is limited to the boundaries of the house. Even if you love your family nest very much, do not sit forever in four walls. Visit museums, concerts, exhibitions, go on tourist trips if possible. New impressions will only benefit the family.

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