Vasiliev's advice to women in clothes. Fashion tips from Alexander Vasiliev. Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev and his fashion tips

There is an opinion that it is difficult, almost impossible, to cook it at home. These myths are easy to dispel. Prepared on your own, the product is not only expressively tasty - it is not inferior to factory confectionery analogues. Even a novice hostess can achieve an excellent result. Cooking methods may vary, but in any case, the following basic ingredients are needed: sugar, eggs, fruit puree and agar-agar.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

This algae substrate will achieve airiness and elasticity. The marshmallow will melt in your mouth. The field for creativity in the preparation of this dessert is wide. Homemade marshmallow recipes can be with different fillings: banana, cherry, cranberry and others. You can add crushed walnuts or grated beans to the sweetness, then it becomes not only tasty, but also healthy - containing vegetable protein. The finished product, if desired, is covered with chocolate icing. You can combine several flavor compositions in one mold - for example, shading notes of banana with sour kiwi. Therefore, boldly start the process, prepare a treat at home and delight your family and friends with a delicious masterpiece made by the skillful hands of a caring hostess.

Zephyr was already known to the ancient Egyptians, who prepared it from honey and the juice of the pharmacy marshmallow, which has the properties of a thickener. It is no coincidence that the English name of marshmallow marshmallow is translated as "marshmallow". In ancient Egypt, only very rich people enjoyed this dessert, as in ancient Greece. The Greeks loved the light airy delicacy so much that they named it after Zephyr, the god of the winds. Much later, the recipe was improved by the French, and the dish was considered a French invention. But marshmallow is a primordially Russian sweet, and in the name, formed from the word “bed”, you can already guess the method of preparation - fruit puree was rolled out on a baking sheet and dried in the oven. Now all these sweets can be bought in the store, but homemade marshmallows and marshmallows, of course, are tastier and more natural. You probably want to know how to cook homemade marshmallows and marshmallows in order to pamper your loved ones with a new delicacy and surprise your guests. So, we make marshmallows and marshmallows at home!

What is the difference between marshmallow and marshmallow

These sweets are a bit similar, but they are prepared in completely different ways. Marshmallow is made from fruit puree, which is whipped with egg white or sugar with the addition of cream and thickeners - gelatin, agar-agar, pectin or furcellaran, which is extracted from seaweed. Marshmallows are laid out in a mold, slightly dried in the oven or allowed to harden naturally.

Pastila is made from fruit and berry puree, whipped with sugar or honey, but without the addition of gelling components, although some manufacturers add marmalade mass or agar-agar to it. Pastila is simply dried in the oven or in the sun, and then cut into cubes. Marshmallow is softer and more airy, while marshmallow is usually denser and harder.

Recipe for homemade marshmallows on gelatin

There are two ways to cook tender - baking at a low temperature in the oven or bringing to readiness without baking. In the second case, you will have to wait a day, and not everyone can stand it, especially if you live with a sweet tooth. In the first case, after a little heat treatment, you can immediately enjoy marshmallows.

So, for you you will need 25 g of gelatin, 750 g of sugar, vanilla and 1 tsp. citric acid. Gelatin pour ½ cup of not very hot water and let it swell, and at this time we cook sugar syrup and 150 ml of water, where vanillin should also be added. 10 minutes after boiling, the syrup begins to thicken, and we pour the gelatin pre-whipped with a whisk into it, remove the saucepan from the stove and beat its contents at the maximum speed of the blender until the mass becomes white, light and airy. In the process of whipping, we introduce citric acid or 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Some housewives add a pinch of soda for splendor.

Squeeze the marshmallow mass from the pastry bag onto any surface in the form of small cookies. If the marshmallow is sent to the refrigerator for 24 hours, it will turn out moist, a little loose and similar to marshmallow. Leaving marshmallows to dry in the kitchen or placing them in the oven for half an hour at 110°C will result in a light and melt-in-your-mouth dessert.

How to make homemade marshmallows from fresh fruits and berries

For fruit, you can take apples, bananas, cherries, strawberries, pears, currants - in general, any fruit or ready-made fruit jelly. The cooking technology in all cases is a bit similar. Gelatin is soaked, syrup is boiled from mashed fruits and berries, egg whites are whipped, and all this is mixed with gelatin, and then whipped again. Sometimes whipped cream is also found in the recipe, which makes the marshmallow creamy and tender. Gelatin, by the way, is not always used, since many fruits contain the natural jelly-forming component pectin.

Let's try to make a classic marshmallow from 5-6 medium-sized apples, 1 egg white, 300 g of sugar, 300 g of cream (the fatter the better) and 1 tsp. citric acid.

Apples, peeled of unnecessary tails and cores, bake in the oven and carefully wipe through a sieve. Beat the egg white well with a blender with a pinch of salt - for about 6 minutes. We combine it with applesauce, sugar and citric acid and beat again until the marshmallow mass becomes lush. Separately, beat the cream until it becomes thick. We combine fruit puree with cream, gently mixing until smooth, squeeze the marshmallows out of the pastry bag and let dry.

Pasta recipe at home

Pastila is made from any fruit and jam, and the cooking process is slightly different from marshmallows. Peeled fruits are simmered for a long time and slowly over low heat, crushed with a blender or sieve, sugar is added, and then boiled a little more to a viscosity. The mass is laid out on a baking sheet moistened with water in the form of a layer, dried at room temperature, under the sun or in the oven, cut into pieces or rolled up in the form of a roll - it all depends on the hostess's imagination. In some recipes, the fruit is not boiled, but only crushed with honey or cane sugar.

At home, you can whip up jam, jam, jam or fresh berries rubbed with sugar. We take 1 liter of thick jam, beat it with a blender and rub it through a large sieve. Gradually add egg whites to the jam (3-4 pieces per 1 kg) and continue to beat. However, proteins in marshmallow are not at all an obligatory ingredient; you can completely do without them. Next, lay out the sweet mass on a wet board and form a beautiful layer no more than 1 cm thick, otherwise it will dry out for a long time. We cover our beautiful marshmallow with gauze and leave it for a day in a dry room, not forgetting to ventilate it, and then dry it in the oven and cut into pieces of the desired shape. You can immediately dry the marshmallow in the oven in several stages on a baking sheet covered with parchment. You can make a multi-layer marshmallow by spreading the layers with whipped proteins with sugar; despite the fact that the marshmallow dries for a long time, it still remains very juicy with a rich fruity taste.

It is believed that the most delicious is plum, with a pleasant sourness. Many people like marshmallows from quince, pumpkin and apricots, marshmallows from pineapples, almonds or lemons. There are very unusual ways to prepare these desserts with wine, carrots, rice, kefir, cornstarch and various spices. It is quite possible that your loved ones will like other recipes, the main thing is to experiment, mix fruits and cook sweets with your own hands, because it is much tastier than store-bought desserts!

It turns out that making marshmallows at home is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow certain rules and not violate the technology. That is exactly what I will tell you.

It is also worth emphasizing that homemade marshmallows are much tastier than store-bought ones. Moreover, you can also experiment with taste, so you really get a very tasty homemade marshmallow.

Firstly, I note that I have prepared marshmallows using this technology more than once, I can say that the process is debugged and causes only positive emotions. But it was not always so.

At first, the marshmallow did not give in to me: it turned out liquid, did not dry. Having shoveled all possible sources, I came to the conclusion that the problem lies in the mixer - I had a weak one, only 150 watts.

Having acquired a planetary mixer, the process of making marshmallows began to bring pleasure.

What you need to make marshmallow

So, to cook delicious marshmallows at home, you will need the following equipment:

  • powerful mixer (at least 500 watts)
  • thermometer;
  • saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • scales;
  • pastry bag with a nozzle;
  • parchment.


  • fruit or berry puree - 250 g.
  • sugar - 400 g.
  • water -160 g.
  • protein of 1 egg - about 40 g.
  • agar-agar - 8 g.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

How to make berry or fruit puree for marshmallows

The first thing in the preparation of marshmallows is the correct berry or fruit puree. To make the puree right, fruits or berries are first baked in the microwave. It turns out that in this case more pectin is released. Namely, we need pectin for the normal stabilization of marshmallows.

For those who make marshmallows for the first time, it is better to take currants or apples, since they have a large amount of pectin. Pay attention to the table of pectin content in different fruits and berries. The unit is considered to be the content of pectin in applesauce.

In order to get 250 grams of puree at the output, then we take a little more fruits or berries - 300-350 g. Fresh fruits or berries are baked in the microwave until cooked (for example, apples should become soft, baked).

The puree is rubbed through a sieve so that no inclusions get into the marshmallow. Peel, seeds, in the finished dessert are out of place. The finished puree is cooled down. You can put it in the refrigerator for a while.

What is pectin

Pectin is a substance found in fruits and berries (polysaccharide) that thickens when heated with sugar. This is a natural additive with the code E440, which provides gelling of food products.

Pectin is sold in confectionery stores, has a powdery appearance, the same as agar agar.

Despite the fact that apricots do not contain pectin, they make a wonderful marshmallow. Therefore, it is worth experimenting.

Marshmallow preparation technology

As soon as the puree has cooled down, we start cooking. We transfer 250 g of mashed potatoes and the protein of one egg to the mixer bowl. Whisk the mixture until fluffy.

While the mixture is whipping, we begin to boil the syrup. Pour agar-agar mixed with water and sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom. We put everything on medium heat and bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the mixture boils, boil the syrup for some more time up to 110 degrees. It is necessary to achieve that the syrup becomes viscous.

By the time the syrup is ready, our protein and berry mass will be fluffy and quite stable, whipped to medium peaks. Carefully remove the syrup from the heat and pour it slowly in a thin stream into the whipping mixture.

After that, we continue to beat the mass already to strong peaks. Whipping time with a powerful mixer - no more than 5 minutes. And the total whipping time is 13-15 minutes.

As soon as the mass became strong, such a characteristic “beak” appeared on the whisk, we transfer the mass into a pastry bag and place the halves of marshmallows on parchment.

Already cooling down, the marshmallow begins to stabilize. If you did everything right, then after a few minutes you will see that the deposited halves have stabilized a little. Now you should leave them to dry overnight.

As soon as the marshmallow is ready, we collect the halves, connecting them in two. The marshmallow is then rolled in powdered sugar mixed with cornstarch.

How to make marshmallows of unusual taste

The taste of marshmallow is determined by the puree that we took. So, it turns out a very tasty marshmallow from apple puree - white in color, from currant - pink, apricot - soft yellow-pastel, plum - soft pink, strawberry, raspberry and others. The recipe for making unusual marshmallows is very simple and is based on the recipe above. Nuts, vanilla, zest, pieces of marmalade, seeds, pieces of fruit can be added to the finished mass.

Experimenting with herbs, spices, you can achieve completely unusual tastes: mint, citrus, coffee, basil, cinnamon, etc. Add a little pepper to marshmallows and get something indescribable!

You can also experiment with exotic fruits. To do this, add a portion of exotic fruit puree to applesauce (mango, passion fruit, banana, orange - although banana and orange can hardly be called exotic).

The calorie content of the resulting dessert

KBJU of one marshmallow, consisting of two halves, is something like this:

  • Calories: 118 kcal.
  • Belkov: 0
  • Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 30.

As you can see, there are 0 fats, there are also few proteins, marshmallows are carbohydrates. However, for allergy sufferers and diabetics, such a dessert is very, very harmless.

Briefly: the stages of marshmallow preparation. Recipe for making marshmallows at home

  1. Berries or fruits are baked in the microwave (10-15 minutes until cooked).
  2. Baked berries (fruits) are rubbed through a sieve.
  3. The resulting puree is whipped together with the protein of 1 egg at high speed until a dense foam.
  4. In parallel with 3, a mixture of sugar, agar-agar and water is brought to a boil and boiled to 110 degrees with constant stirring. You should get the consistency of a stretching thread behind a spoon.
  5. Pour the syrup (4) into the whipping mass in a thin stream. The mass is whipped for a few more minutes 5-7 until strong peaks (to the “beak”).
  6. The finished mass is laid out in a pastry bag and the marshmallow is deposited on parchment.
  7. Marshmallow dries 8-24 hours.

Why Marshmallow Fails: Mistakes

There can be several reasons why the marshmallow does not work out. And as a result, you get such a bad thing that will never stabilize.

  1. Protein with puree underwhipped. The protein-fruit mass should turn out to be strong enough, a “beak” should also form on the corolla, the mass should not be liquid. To beat the mass to a strong lush foam, you need a fairly powerful mixer. If this is not the case, you can try reducing the amount of puree by half. In this case, the whipping time will also increase.
  2. The second mistake - they did not finish the syrup. It is necessary to ensure that the syrup thickens, becomes viscous, but not much. If the syrup remains liquid, then the protein mass will not whip into a strong foam.
  3. You need to pour the syrup in a thin stream and slowly. If you swell all at once, then it may also not work out.
  4. The puree was not baked. It is cooked in the microwave, mashed potatoes have the highest content of pectin. Mashed potatoes should be already baked, but in no case raw.
  5. Unwhipped total weight. It is worth being patient and whipping to steep peaks. In this case, the marshmallow mass stabilizes before our eyes.

If the mass is prepared correctly, then the marshmallow is easily deposited, does not spread, and literally stabilizes before our eyes. You can clearly see it on the video.

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Many sweet tooth, who, in pursuit of beauty and harmony, cannot deny themselves weakness, eat something tasty and not harm their health, buy marshmallows. However, not everyone knows that you can also cook it yourself. Moreover, you only need a small list of ingredients and strict observance of proportions. From this article you can learn how to cook marshmallows at home.

The familiar taste of a delicate delicacy cannot be compared with other confectionery products, the choice of which is simply amazing today. Despite this, marshmallows are still popular. This is due not only to its availability, but also to its usefulness. After all, such a dessert, thanks to the natural ingredients in the composition, is allowed to be eaten by everyone.

Zephyr is an almost indispensable attribute of the counters of confectionery shops and shops. However, a dessert prepared by oneself and at home has a more pronounced taste and pleasant aroma.

To prepare "sweet clouds" yourself, you can use one of the methods that we suggest below. Each recipe slightly differs in the set of ingredients, but the taste of each resulting product will remain unusual, as in childhood.

Method number 1

This recipe for making sweets is considered basic. Its base is apple puree. These fruits are second in terms of pectin content (a substance of natural origin, which is a natural thickener). In addition, apples give the product a slightly sour taste and natural aroma. Therefore, this recipe among housewives was called "apple marshmallows at home."

To make marshmallows at home using this method, you should prepare the following products:

  • ? a glass of water;
  • protein of the 1st egg;
  • 725 gr. sugar and 200 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 8 gr. agar;
  • 4 large apples;
  • a small pinch of vanilla.

Preparation begins with the fact that it is worth diluting the required amount of agar in water. For those who have not previously encountered such an ingredient, we note that this is also a natural substance with a gelling effect and is extracted from algae. We take this powder, pour it into a saucepan and pour water on top. Set this mixture aside for now.

In the meantime, let's get to the apples. Fruits must be washed and, cut into halves, remove the core with seeds. Next, the prepared fruits should be baked. For these purposes, you can use the oven or microwave. If you use the last household item, 5 minutes will be enough to bake apples. Then we free the pulp from the peel, sending it to a blender to turn it into a puree. Sprinkle everything with a glass of sugar on top and grind until a homogeneous smooth consistency. Then add vanilla and leave the mass to cool.

We return to the saucepan with agar soaked in it. We put it on a slow fire and, starting to stir, bring to a boil, then pour in the remaining sugar. Mix everything again and cook for another 5 minutes. It will be possible to remove the mixture from the stove when, when draining from a spoon, the resulting syrup begins to flow in a continuous stream, like a “thread”.

The next step that dictates the recipe is the addition of protein. It must be introduced into the mass with apples when it has completely cooled down. After that, you can combine all the components - apple puree and syrup with agar. To do this, we take out the mixer and, continuously beating the applesauce, introduce the hot sweet mass with agar into it with a thin stream. You need to beat everything until the mixture cools slightly and increases in volume. Now it is ready for further use.

To get not only tasty, but also beautiful marshmallows, it is worth moving the resulting mass into a pastry bag. Further, it is easy to guess that the recipe provides for the formation of sweet products using this tool on a form previously covered with baking paper.

The last steps - marshmallows should be sprinkled with powdered sugar and removed to dry. After a day, we glue the halves, and an unusually tasty marshmallow at home is ready.

Method number 2

Using this recipe, you can make fluffy, tender and fragrant marshmallows from a different set of products. You will need:

  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 25 gr. gelatin;
  • 5 gr. baking soda;
  • 5 gr. vanilla sugar;
  • 1 st. l. citric acid;
  • 300 ml of cool water.

First of all, making marshmallows at home begins with soaking gelatin in 100 ml of water. It is advisable to do this in advance, about 2 hours before the start of the main process. You can also pre-dissolve sugar in 200 ml of water.

Then you need to bring the sweet mass to a boil over low heat. And let it boil for 7 minutes. After, the solution can be removed from the stove and combined with swollen gelatin. To do this, it is better to use a mixer, turning it on at low speed. In this mode, beat the mass for 10 minutes, then add citric acid and vanilla sugar with a break of 5 minutes.

After all the ingredients are combined, the mass can be left for 10-15 minutes. The preparation is completed by transferring the resulting dough into a pastry bag, or a syringe, and then forming homemade marshmallows. Spread, as a rule, the mass on a sheet of parchment paper, which is covered with a baking sheet.

Unlike the home-style method of preparing marshmallows, which contains the previous recipe, it is enough to keep the formed products in a cool place for about 5 hours.

And if you put a baking sheet with sweets in the refrigerator, the marshmallow will be ready after 3 hours.

Method number 3

For those who want to make an unusual marshmallow at home, this recipe will come in handy. Following the recommendations that it contains, you can prepare a chocolate-citrus dessert with a taste that is vaguely reminiscent of marshmallow.

To make it, you will need the following set of products:

  • 150 gr. sugar and 25 gr. powders;
  • 100 ml of cool water;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. orange juice;
  • 10 gr. gelatin;
  • 25 gr. dark chocolate;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Before starting the cooking process, it is necessary to prepare a small form with high sides, covering it with parchment. You also need to soak the gelatin in water in advance to swell.

Then you can start the main process. This recipe for making homemade marshmallows is quite simple and begins with the fact that the proteins are separated from the yolks and beaten in a mixer with salt. When the protein mass becomes dense and rigid, it can be set aside and taken for syrup. To make syrup, you need to add sugar to 100 ml of water and put the mass on the stove. It needs to boil for 3-4 minutes.

In the meantime, it is worth combining and thoroughly whipping the protein mass with gelatin. It is desirable to carry out the procedure with a mixer turned on at low speed for 5-7 minutes. When the syrup has cooled slightly, you can add fruit juice to it and mix everything again. The final stage is the combination of the protein-gelatin mixture with syrup.

The resulting mixture must be placed in a pre-prepared form and put in the refrigerator. After 3-4 hours, the marshmallow at home with the taste of citrus is almost ready. It remains to sprinkle the products on top with powdered sugar and grated chocolate.

As you can see, the options for making marshmallows at home are different. Each recipe may include various components that will become the "highlight" of the confectionery.

Alexander Vasiliev is a fashion historian, writer, theater artist, interior designer, art historian, known throughout the world. In this article a little about him, as well as a lot of fashion tips and recommendations from Alexander Vasilyev...

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev and his fashion tips

Alexander Vasiliev is a smart, cultured person who knows 7 languages ​​and has written 30 books.

Born in 1958 in Moscow in a family of theatergoers. At the age of five, he began to show extraordinary abilities and create costumes and scenery for the puppet theater. At the age of 12, he completely designed his first performance.

Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater. Worked as a costume designer. And in 1982 he moved to Paris. Since then, it has become famous all over the world.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev in his youth

Wrote many books. He lectures in several languages ​​in many countries of the world. Awarded with many awards and prizes for the promotion of Russian art.

Alexander Vasiliev considers Russian women the most beautiful in the world. But despite this, almost all Russian women spoil their beauty. Let's look at the main mistakes of Russian women, and then recommendations from a fashion historian on how to compose an image ...

The main mistakes of Russian women in choosing an image:

1. Vulgarity and unnaturalness

Short skirt, cleavage, heels, hair extensions, nails and bright makeup... For many women, this is beautiful. And for Vasiliev and the entire civilized world, this is terrible, unnatural. Vasiliev believes that Russian women have too much "tuning", which spoils all beauty and creates the effect of a girl of easy virtue.

2. Inconsistency with the figure

Many women choose clothes that do not match their figure. For example, magnificent ladies for some reason wear leggings and a tight top, and with all this they only emphasize their fullness. And the slender ones put on hoodies ...

3. Age mismatch

Some Russian women do not know how to look well-groomed, beautiful in their age. And that's why we see a woman in her 40s wearing a miniskirt and a short top with a decollete, or very young people with nuclear make-up and in their "aging" clothes...

Fashion tips from Alexander Vasiliev

Alexander Vasiliev advises, first of all, to buy a large mirror, carefully look into it and, as it were, evaluate yourself. You need to indicate your type of figure, skin color, eye color, hair condition, find disadvantages and advantages. And then you need to work with all these ...

Then you need to choose the range of shades that are right for you and the cut of the dress, pants and other clothes that also suits you.

When choosing clothes, one should be guided not by what is fashionable now, but by what suits the most.

It must be remembered that style is not only a well-composed image. This is posture, and your speech and behavior. You can be stylishly dressed, but a completely vulgar woman (Vasilyev considers Ksenia Sobchak such vulgarity. The outer shell is nothing, but the “filling” (rude behavior, rudeness, obscenities) simply horrifies the fashion historian).

If you are plump, you should not wear shoes with thin heels and you should not wear tight clothes, as well as transparent clothes that emphasize your fullness. It is strictly forbidden to "stick out" the sides and stomach. They need to be skillfully hidden under clothing. Light flowing clothes, black color, large pattern, skillful drapery can hide the fullness.

You can not open the neckline and legs at the same time.

Naturalness, accentuated beauty are in fashion. "Glamour" has long gone out of fashion. A bunch of sequins, extended hair and nails, silicone lips, flashy defiant clothes - this is not fashionable, it's terrible.

Every woman should have a little black dress in her wardrobe. It is always relevant.

Dress nice at home! No hundred-dollar slippers, washed-out bathrobes, stretched sweatpants and grandma's sweater. Do not force your husband to see this horror every day.

Quotes by Alexander Vasiliev

In choosing clothes, you need to proceed from what suits you, and not from what is fashionable. And adequately assess their external data. An educated person will always say: my figure does not allow me to wear this thing, although it is very fashionable. Moreover, today there is no dictate of fashion, but there are at least ten directions in clothing from which you can choose.

Watch how you behave. Style is not only external, but also internal beauty. It's how you walk, sit, talk. You can buy the most fashionable things in an expensive boutique, but if you open your mouth and bark a swear word ... Well, what can I say?

And yet - do not pay serious attention to trends. They are born once every six months and do not last long. Fashion is made to go out of fashion. Fashion is for rich idlers, it is aimed at oblivion. And style is timeless!

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky said a very wise phrase: "Our fashion is so terrible that it must be constantly changed." I agree with him. Bernard Shaw also has a good saying: "Following fashion is funny, not following is stupid." Choose between the two sins.

Never start trendy interiors - they will quickly become old-fashioned. The interior of your home should be a mirror of your soul, very individual and, if possible, stylish.

I believe that the very sunglasses with the inscription "Chanel" or "Dolce & Gabbana" in rhinestones and gold curls that our women wear on their heads - exactly on their heads, and not where they should be - are the same kokoshnik that they didn't deliver. This is a desire to cover their heads with some kind of gilded halo, but since there are no kokoshniks on sale now, they cover their heads with rhinestone glasses.

A monochromatic knitted dress on a woman of significant merits can only be worn in a set with corrective underwear.

Neither in Milan, nor in Paris, nor in London, no one wears a stamp. If what you are wearing is recognizable, it means that you have no taste.

It seems to me that beauty is still an artificial thing. Vulgarity is excessive artificiality. Vulgar is when you have artificial nails, lips, breasts, eyes and hair color. It is vulgar when a woman does not dress according to her age, because everything has its time. Vulgarity is synonymous with publicity.

A woman should take care of her body more than her clothes. It’s good, after all, when a girl or woman is fit, with dyed roots, well-groomed.

You have to be happy every day. Don't wait for happiness, it won't come. Happiness is today. The sun is happiness, sport is happiness, love is happiness. I find happiness in everything that surrounds me, I look for its grains everywhere and I find them. I don't feel like that - what an unlucky day! I have happy every day. We woke up, we found, someone called us, wrote - how much joy. The day has come, and I take everything from it and rejoice in this day.

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