How to quickly raise the level of erudition. How to increase erudition, increase general erudition. Erudition is a critical eye

How many wars has humanity survived? How to measure beauty? What do laughter and a grimace of discontent have in common?

A hundred understandable explanations of a variety of things you will find in this book. Its author is a professor at the Department of Psychophysiology at the UNN named after I. N.I. Lobachevsky, leading researcher at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Antonets.

From book:

Can the sound of your name affect how you are perceived?

Russian philologist Vladimir Zhuravlev found out that the messages contained in the sound of the words of the modern Russian language can be assessed using 25 emotional antonymous comparisons: “good - bad”, “joyful - sad”, “safe - scary”, “simple - complex” and others.

After conducting research with a large number of people, Zhuravlev was able to establish what subconscious rating on which scale each sound has.

Now it is easy to find a clue on the Internet what impression your name leaves. For example, Nikolai is handsome and safe, Kolya is good, and Kolyan is good, kind and handsome. An analysis of the poems and illustrations to them showed that poets intuitively observe phonosemantic rules and that there are also sound-color relationships that are also observed in the language.

Beauty squared

Most people think that mathematics is too abstract and far from real life science. It wasn't there!

Have you heard of a mathematical theory that makes it easier to find a life partner? Can you guess how exponential growth is connected with catastrophes threatening humanity? Are you aware that the numbers in the company logo affect your purchases? From the book of mathematician and philosopher Alex Bellos, you will learn about this and much more. Read in one breath!

From book:

A warning to humanity

Physics professor Albert Bartlett has been delivering his famous lecture "Arithmetic, Population and Energy" since 1969. Each time, he begins by saying, in an un- auspicious tone, "The greatest failing of the human race is its inability to grasp the essence of exponential growth."

Exponential growth occurs when a value constantly increases in proportion to its value, for example by doubling: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64…

Imagine a bottle of bacteria doubling every minute. At 11:00 a.m., there is one bacterium in the bottle, and by 12:00 a.m., the bottle will be completely filled with bacteria. “If you were just a normal bacterium living in this bottle,” asks Bartlett, “at what point in time would you realize that free space is about to run out?” Strikingly, at 11:55 the bottle seems almost empty: it is only 3 percent full.

Bartlett's bottle is a warning to the inhabitants of the Earth. If the world's population continues to grow exponentially, there won't be any free space on the planet much faster than it seems.

Game theory

Do you want to impress others with your perspicacity? Learn to think strategically and emerge victorious from any situation? This book is written especially for you.

From book:

Less is better

Perhaps you think it's always good to have more options. But if you think strategically, reducing the number of possible options can do more good.

Thomas Schelling writes in his book about how the Athenian commander Xenophon fought with his back to a deep gorge. He deliberately chose such a position so that his soldiers would not have the opportunity to retreat. In that battle, their backs were stiff, but they won.

Similarly, Cortés sank his ships after arriving in Mexico. The Aztecs could retreat deep into their territory, and there was no way for the soldiers of Cortes to escape or retreat. By making the defeat even more disastrous than it would have been on its own, Cortés increased his chances of winning - and won.


Psychology is one of the most interesting sciences about man, and now it has become accessible to everyone. To better understand yourself and other people, you do not need to read the writings of scientists written in complex language.

In this book, the theory is explained in such a simple and engaging way that you will be able to advise your friends in a couple of days. Paul Kleinman will help you understand the key ideas of psychology, the concepts of Freud, Fromm, Rorschach and other researchers.

From book:

social phobia

Social phobia is one of the most common types of anxiety disorder; its symptoms at some point in time occur in almost 13 percent of the world's population.

A person suffering from social phobia is constantly worried about how others perceive him. Such people experience an irrational fear that someone treats them badly or evaluates them negatively, and also that they are not presented to others in the best possible way.

Social phobia should not be confused with excessive shyness, since the former is accompanied by persistent and very serious symptoms of an emotional and physical nature: trembling, increased sweating, heart palpitations, severe nervousness in situations of communication with strangers, fear of being underestimated, anxiety due to the possibility of being humiliated , excessive excitement due to the fact that others will notice the patient's anxiety, fear of pre-planned events, and so on.

Naked statistics

Our world is generating huge amounts of data faster and faster. Yet, as The New York Times rightly pointed out, “data is just the raw material of knowledge.” Statistics is the most powerful tool at our disposal for the practical use of information.

In this book Charles Whelan gives answers to many interesting questions: how to count the number of homeless people in a metropolis, why casinos are always in the black, how globalization affects poor people and others.

From book:

Predictive Police

In the 2002 film Minority Report, Tom Cruise plays a crime-preventing detective. His character is an employee of a certain bureau that uses a certain technology to predict crimes before they are committed. And it's not fantasy anymore.

In 2011, The New York Times ran an article headlined: "Police Arrive Before Crime Is Committed." It said that a special computer program predicted a high probability of theft from cars that day in an underground parking lot located in the business district of Santa Cruz.

When the detectives arrived there, they found two women peering too intently into the windows of cars. One of them has already been repeatedly detained for theft, and illegal drugs were found on the other.

The system used in Santa Cruz was developed by two mathematicians, an anthropologist and a forensic scientist. The Chicago Police Department has created a whole division of predictive analysts. Part of its formation was due to the fact that the gangs that terrorized the city acted according to certain patterns.

interstellar. Science behind the scenes

Before filming Interstellar, consulting scientist Kip Thorne offered the director two simple rules. First, nothing in a motion picture should contradict the generally accepted laws of physics or reliable knowledge about the world. Second: all conjectures must be scientifically supported.

If you still have questions after watching, then Kip Thorne's book about the curvature of space and time, black holes, gravity and other mysteries of the Universe will help answer them.

From book:

Time warp

Movie protagonist"Interstellar" Cooper worries that he will never see his daughter Murph again, as being near Gargantua only ages him for a few hours, while years pass on Earth. How to explain it?

As early as 1912, Einstein realized that massive bodies can bend time and that this bending is the cause of gravity. The greater the time dilation, the stronger the gravitational attraction. And near the surface of a black hole, where time hardly moves, gravity is so huge that even light cannot overcome it.

The theory was confirmed when Robert Wessot of Harvard used a NASA rocket to lift an atomic clock up to 10,000 kilometers and, using radio signals, compared it to clocks left on Earth. It turned out that time on Earth flows about 30 microseconds a day slower than at an altitude of 10,000 kilometers.

Economy of everything

Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University explains how the economy affects various social processes.

By reading this book, you will learn moreabout the structure of the state and understand why we are faced with certain forces of social friction, why perfection is unattainable, what is social capital, the freeloader problem, as well as the British disease and red sclerosis, what dilemma the elites in Russia face and much more.

From book:

Do we need a state?

Not only in Russian, but also in the world public consciousness, there were many myths associated with the state. And at some point, these myths began to be tested. For example, all the great British economists have given the same example: if not for the government, who would build lighthouses in England? But a nation needs lighthouses - what would England be without shipping?

Economist Ronald Coase went to the archives of the British Admiralty and looked to see who actually built the lighthouses. It turned out that not a single lighthouse in England was built by the government. Whoever built them - captains' guilds, local communities, corporations of shipowners, but not the government.

Then Friedrich von Hayek checked how the monetary systems were doing. It turned out that different states at different times created their own treasury systems of banknotes, but they all died. The banknotes that we use now are the so-called banknotes, that is, systems of private receipts between banks. They began to look at the police, the fire brigade, the army, and again ambiguous answers.

The conclusion that can be drawn from all this is this: if the state is needed, then it is not at all for what it was considered before. The state has substitutes everywhere.

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Only a schoolboy is afraid of being considered too smart (what if they start teasing you as a nerd?). Adults understand: there is never too much intelligence.

If there were a magic wand that could instantly improve thinking and pump erudition, it would instantly become a bestseller.

Is it possible to develop intelligence in adulthood?

There is an opinion that it is necessary to “get smarter” in youth: they say, exchanging the third dozen, a person reaches his ceiling; then there is only one task left - to hold on to the occupied positions.

This view was shared even by scientists in the recent past.

Previously, theorists and researchers had argued that intellectual ability peaked around the age of 20, however, it is now clear that this conclusion is based on a misinterpretation of the limited research data available at the time.

Observations that were carried out in the 20th century using the longitudinal method (that is, long-term experiments) showed that after graduating from a university, a person has more than real chances to increase his own intellectual level.

“But what about physiological changes?” Readers will ask. Psychomotor reactions in a young guy are likely to be much faster than those of his grandfather.

The fact is that the efficiency of the mind not limited to biological potential nervous system.

R. Cattell and D. Horn singled out two types of intelligence - "fluid" and "crystallized". Fluid - these are basic abilities that allow you to learn new things (memorization, perception of relationships between objects, etc.). It tends to weaken with age. Crystallized intelligence - the accumulated amount of knowledge and experience - grows over the years and compensates for the declining speed of thinking.

With speed, fortunately, everything is also not so primitive.

A person who constantly practices intellectual skills, processing multifaceted information in different ways, does not become less learnable. He simultaneously manages to maintain clarity of thought and operate with the accumulated baggage of ready-made data.

Great discoveries - especially in the humanities - were made not by 20-year-olds, but by 40-50 or even 70-year-old scientists.

An inspiring example. The famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov died at the age of 86. A year before his death (!) he mentioned in a letter to I.M. Maikov: “Until now, I do not allow changes in the distribution and size of my studies.” Even in the last hours of his life, the academician managed to surprise his colleagues. Already forgetting the words, he excitedly repeated: “Excuse me, but this is the bark, this is the bark, this is the swelling of the cortex!” As it turned out later, the diagnosis was absolutely correct.

Some people think they keep their intelligence working. However, many types of mental work are associated with the performance of the same type of operations, which, moreover, is gradually brought to automatism.

To develop the mind, it is necessary to use intellectual capabilities to the maximum - for example, by doing self-study.

"Intellectual" exercises

I do not want to disappoint readers who opened the page in search of special exercises for the development of intelligence. Such puzzles exist, they are released in whole books.

Here are examples from a popular book Tom Woodjack "Mind Training"(published in 2011).

In the chapter about practice with words Woodjack recommends reading:

  • phrases in which the letters are written in reverse order;
  • statements written without spaces;
  • sentences from a literary text - and then, without looking, repeat them in order from the last word to the first;
  • printed text on a flipped sheet.
  • “Alphabetical order”: for a while, write down as many words as possible in which the letters coincide with the alphabetic “direction” (beam - “l” comes before “y”, and “y” - before “h”);
  • “Through letter”: name the letter and come up with what it should be in a row; quickly recall the maximum number of suitable words (“sh”, the third from the beginning: cat, cup, tails, etc.);
  • "Duplets": take two words with the same number of letters and build a chain from one to another, replacing one of the letters in each link and using only nouns in the nominative case, singular (turn "goat" into "cake": goat - bark - court - cake; try to catch the "fish" in the "net" yourself or turn the "pen" into "ink");
  • "Anagrams": make words only by rearranging the letters (it's better to play with ready-made sources - murmur, bug, mouse, carriage, ash, herd).

To develop mathematical abilities, Wujek suggests performing exercises with numbers- pronounce number sequences:

  • from 1 to 100 and from 100 to 1;
  • increasing or decreasing by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • with increasing and decreasing in turn - for example, by 2: 2 - 100, 4 - 98, 6 - 96, 8 - 94, etc.

I advise you to look for more games in the book "Develop the intellect: exercises for development, memory, quick wit and intelligence" (K. Philip, Moscow, Astrel, 2003). It is inconvenient to retell fragments from it, since many tasks will be incomprehensible without illustrations.

All this is very exciting and great, but, frankly, I doubt that you will become a giant of thought only due to such exercises. More serious loads are also needed - for example, self-study.

Learn, learn and learn

Take an online math course or just work through a high school math textbook and you'll improve your corresponding thinking much more than when counting from one to a hundred and back. Likewise with other areas of knowledge that matter to you. There will be materials (see), there would be the right attitude.

If you want to become more intelligent in general and improve your memory, learn some language on your own; it really helps. The Scottish scientist Thomas Buck conducted a study using the same longitudinal method that I mentioned at the beginning of the article. Dr. Buck determined the IQ level of a group of people, first in 1947 (the participants in the experiment were 11 years old), then in 2008-2010 (“Learning a second language in adulthood can slow brain aging”, “The Telegraph”, 06/2/2014).

It turned out that by the age of seventy, people who studied any foreign language usually remained in good intellectual shape. One caveat: the effect was noted when knowledge was acquired not for the sake of knowledge, but for active application, and did not lie in memory as a dead weight.

Give preference to the language in which you intend to communicate at least sometimes, read, listen to programs, watch movies.

Here you will find practical tips for self-studying English:

No energy for regular classes? All right, play - in the evenings in doublets and anagrams, and on weekends - in "What? Where? When?" or "Reasonable people". In "Reasonable People" and "CHGK" it is not so much rich erudition that leads to success as flexibility of thinking.

Physical education for the mind

Physical activity, it turns out, is very conducive to intellectual.

A.F. Akhmetshina, N.P. Gerasimov (Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Naberezhnye Chelny branch, article "Relationship of physical culture and sports with the development of intelligence", materials of the conference "Modern problems of physical culture and sports: retrospective, reality and future") write, what exercise has an impact for development:

  • attention;
  • observation;
  • speed of thought, etc.

Good health contributes to the improvement of cognitive skills (problems with the blood supply to the brain, which occur with many diseases, greatly complicate thought processes). This time.

Intense movement requires both muscle tension and intellectual effort. This is two.

And what, the more you train, the better? No.

In the article “The influence of physical exercises on the body and intellectual abilities of a person” (E.N. Kurganova, I.V. Panina, Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev, materials “Science-2020”) we read:

An interesting fact has been proven that the connection is established only between intelligence and the general indicator of the physical form of a person. With sports achievements, exhausting workouts, leading to overwork, this is not connected. Mental and cognitive abilities are developed to a greater extent in a person who regularly engages in physical exercises, but does not set himself the goal of achieving high sports results.

The body's resources are limited. Too intense training does not tone up, but exhausts.

How to increase erudition?

Since you have decided to increase the level of intelligence, think at the same time how to develop your horizons. An adult is constantly harassed by business, but if desired, he will be able to set aside half an hour a day for cognitive rest.

Read popular science books and science news. Watch documentaries - it is easy to absorb information from them due to the combination of visual and auditory perception. Do not get hung up on hunting for purely factual information: fresh emotions also teach a person to think more broadly - for example, those that classical music gives (see?)

But - an important tip - grow in areas that are for you interesting and/or useful.

Grabbing everything at once is pointless: to become a real polymath in the 21st century, you have to literally live in books for twenty-four hours a day. And in the end it turns out that Yandex and Google are still an order of magnitude smarter than you.




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  • The Universarium is a global project that provides an opportunity to receive quality education from the best Russian teachers and leading universities for millions of Russian citizens.
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  • NIWEB is an online learning platform that, together with leading universities, develops online educational products in order to spread quality education in Russian.
  • University Without Borders is a platform for the exchange of relevant academic knowledge for a Russian-speaking audience, regardless of place of residence, geography, place of work or study, as well as socio-economic status.
  • HTML Academy is an online course that aims to turn anyone from a beginner into a web development professional.
  • Lumosity is a site for the development of mental abilities. It seems to be nothing new, but Lumosity has its own peculiarity: the application selects an individual “training” program for each person. Don't waste your time on this exciting project!
  • Eduson is an online training center for future businessmen from all over the world. The main methodology is various courses from leading professors and successful practitioners.
  • Wikihow is the result of a collaborative effort by thousands of people to create the most useful walkthrough in the world. Just like Wikipedia, WikiHow is part of the wiki community, and anyone can write or edit a page on the site.
  • HSE Internet School - courses in socio-economic subjects, mathematics, history, Russian and English.
  • Lingualeo is a platform for interesting and effective learning of the English language, on which more than 12 million people have already registered.
  • Memorado is a free application for smartphones, referred to by its creators as "a real gym for the brain." The game has a huge number of levels - 600, which are represented by a variety of puzzles.
  • Duolingo is a free platform for language learning and crowdsourced translations. The service is designed in such a way that, as they progress through the lessons, users simultaneously help to translate websites, articles, and other documents.
  • 4brain - free trainings to develop speed reading skills, oral counting, creative thinking, public speaking, memory, etc.
  • Psychology Today is an online magazine dedicated exclusively to a topic we all love: ourselves. The subject of the portal covers all aspects of human behavior and mood: mental and emotional health, personal growth, relationships, sex, parenting and much more.
  • Brainexer is a site with a large number of tests and exercises for mental counting, memorization, attention and thinking. Tests are free and available without registration. Despite the fact that the resource is in English, there is a translation into Russian.

Erudition is a concept that reflects the breadth of knowledge and multilateral education. Developed erudition is manifested by a deep understanding of many things and finding relationships between different areas of life. Scholars (those who have this quality developed at a fairly high level) are constantly expanding their range of knowledge and deepening their existing ideas about the world. Thus, it is not only a superficial awareness of the events taking place in the world and discoveries in the past and present, but also a deep understanding of these processes. We can say that an erudite is a specialist in several fields at once.

Erudition is not innate, and the level of its development depends solely on the efforts made by a person regarding the constant acquisition of new knowledge. This quality is directly related to education and is practically not related to the level of intellectual development.

But the concepts of education and erudition are not identical, because in relation to erudition, there is an internal need for a person to constantly develop and overcome his rudeness or lack of knowledge, while education alone does not give this internal motivation. Knowledge can be obtained without, and with further choices, development stops, then erudition forces one to look for sources and opportunities to increase one's level, regardless of one's baggage. Erudition is an independent direction, forcing a person to engage in self-education, read books on topics of interest and go beyond training courses.

What it is

It cannot be said that someone has erudition and someone does not. In this case, it is appropriate to consider the level of its development and implementation in various areas. There is an opportunity to increase the level of erudition, but the level can also decrease if no additional efforts are made. This does not mean that one day the knowledge gained will be forgotten or become irrelevant, but over time, their relevance may be lost or some theory will receive a refutation - erudition is the ability to track dynamic changes. In addition, the level of erudition, which is considered quite high for a fifth-grader, will already be insufficient for the head of a company. Such examples are quite common when, after a lot of praise, a person ceases to engage in his own development and remains at the same level without development.

Developed erudition arises only with the constant absorption of new information, and it should concern not only a narrow professional sphere, but take into account the moments of many world life topics. Of course, this is a process of education, but not fixed by educational institutions and additional courses, but a more independent contribution to what is happening. This can be expressed in reading not one, but various sources, and optimally opposing opinions. This also includes an active creative interest in other areas. So a person can study to be an architect, go to language courses, read historical literature and get carried away with plumbing. His level of erudition will be significantly higher than that of an architect who is deeply versed in his field, but does not go beyond it.

How to develop it

The development of erudition is becoming an urgent problem of modern society, since earlier there was an emphasis on highly specialized education, as a result of which a single person is often unable to solve, and sometimes even understand, any everyday tasks that are not within his circle of competence. In addition to the global trend, the development of erudition is relevant at the individual personal level, since such a person can support almost any communication, quickly finds ways out of various life situations, and is also more creatively productive, since he can synthesize many aspects at once.

The first assistant in the development of erudition is the reading of the most diverse literature in large quantities. This does not include the same type of novels that are forgotten a day after reading, we are talking about works and popular science literature that requires analysis.

It is important not to swallow books, trying to put the maximum number of checkmarks, but to read them with high quality. There is no point in reading a hundred that cannot be remembered in a year, but one book, fully analyzed on several levels, can be more useful. The information received can be systematized, recorded, discussed with friends - the more a person interacts with new knowledge, the better and deeper they are absorbed.

Literature should be selected from different industries - this helps to expand the range of topics that are available for understanding. For example, books on psychology will help you understand people, and various works on physics will increase your understanding of the structure of the world.

Many books help self-study, for which you can get a separate notebook or find suitable trainings where you can deepen your research. Faced with new information, the perception of the world changes, so the important point is to constantly correlate what you read with what your personal life is like at the moment. Not from memory to know that some things were pleasant, while others were uninteresting, but every new time to analyze your inner world for changes. Choose scientific literature, because reading, even in large volumes of social media feeds, does not always have the desired effect. In order for Facebook and Telegram to be useful, you should carefully filter your subscriptions and monitor not only the variety of topics, but also the quality of the content.

Cinematography perfectly develops erudition, provided that films are selected on a variety of topics and interesting directions. Comedies with crude humor and action films without any plot are more likely to evoke various emotions, but historical films can open up new horizons. Biopics based on real events are great. There are many short films and arthouse films designed to show the unusual side of life, to reveal new facets and understandings.

How to Raise Broad Awareness

The circle of contacts directly influences the general level of awareness. The more time a person spends in contact with others, the more information he learns, and its assimilation is much easier than with forced reading of the same facts. However, if you surround yourself only with artists, you get a set of approximately the same themes and events. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to be surrounded by various people with multifaceted interests, and of course their level of knowledge in any topic should be higher than your own.

An important point in any development is interest, and regarding erudition, it plays a paramount role. It is impossible to memorize information that is both not needed at work and not interesting personally. Therefore, even choosing a topic that is not entirely clear and interesting for study, it is worthwhile to organize the whole process in advance in such a way as to periodically tone up the enthusiasm. An interesting company is perfect for this, which will not allow you to abandon training or a system of self-reward for reaching certain levels.

Choose your hobby instead of evening TV. In order for classes in your free time to be beneficial, you need to draw up a certain approach. For example, learning a language will have a greater impact on the development of general erudition if you communicate directly with people from different countries, via Skype or other programs, than just learning a dictionary. Collecting, which involves recognizing the history of each thing or the culture of the country of its manufacture, turns the accumulation of things into a developing personal process.

The facts that a person learns must be shared, discussed with friends, especially if there are disagreements and a controversy arises. The brain is arranged in such a way that the more we explain to others the structure of something, the more we ourselves begin to understand what we share.

It is also useful to consider any new information from different angles - this is what develops broad opportunities for knowledge possession. For example, having learned about the design of a technical device, one can fill in the gaps regarding who invented it and when, and then study the biography of this person. Any new information brings along new opportunities for study - the main thing is to notice and criticize them.

The more critical your thinking is, the wider your horizons become. Not to take it on faith, but to look for why it is so, not to learn the theorem, but to watch its proof - expands awareness and makes life more interesting.

In the age of high technology, the mental abilities of a person are the basic foundation for success in life. The ability to quickly memorize and reproduce information, erudition, competence - all these features relate to the concept of "intelligence". Let's see what is meant by this term, and also learn how to develop intelligence.

The essence of the concept

For the first time, intelligence and its components were described by the German scientist Wilhelm Stern at the beginning of the 20th century. Then a lot of scales and methods for diagnosing mental abilities appeared, including the famous IQ test.

Intelligence is defined as a stable set of human mental abilities that allow him to adapt to the environment, learn and change it.

It is impossible to equate this concept with cognitive, mental abilities. They are only a working tool of the intellect.

The most detailed model for this term was proposed by the American psychologist Joy Paul Gilford. According to him, intelligence includes 120 factors.

All of them can be classified according to three indicators:

  1. content (mental work of a person);
  2. operations (method of information processing);
  3. result.

The development of intelligence is possible if work is carried out on all these points. However, in ordinary life, a person can have many ideas that he analyzes in every possible way, but cannot put into practice. He just doesn't have the skill to do it. It is very important to know how to increase your intellectual level in all areas. But more on that later.

Charging for the mind

Let's consider in more detail how to develop intelligence with the help of special actions. Before moving on to specific examples, it should be noted that the development of intelligence is impossible without the ability to fully relax.

The human brain must be active, process a large amount of information. This is impossible without good sleep. Normally, 8 hours is enough for a person, but it all depends on individual characteristics. The main thing is that the individual feels rested and full of vital energy to improve his intellect and develop creativity.

In addition, active rest is also important. Hiking, running, cycling, swimming are ideal for this. At the same time, the head has the ability to temporarily disconnect from solving global problems.

And now let's go directly to the exercises and ways to develop the intellect:

  • Board games

This is the most famous and ancient way to improve the mental abilities of a person. Playing chess, checkers and backgammon allows, involves intelligence and creativity. Thinking, memory, will, emotions are actively working here. The player logically plans his moves, trying to predict the opponent's response.

In addition to well-known games, intelligence and psychological board actions increase well. These include the games "Mafia", "Evolution", "Dixit" and others. In such games, not only knowledge is important, but to a greater extent communicative competence in order to convey your point of view to others, to feel the players.

  • Puzzle

The name itself suggests that the brain will have to work. Puzzles include the Rubik's Cube, puzzles, solving crosswords and scanwords, mathematical and other riddles.

Thanks to this, it is possible to competently organize intellectual leisure for both adults and children. After all, it is very important to introduce the child to mental operations from childhood. When solving puzzles, the work of fine motor skills is also included, due to which the ratio of visual analysis, thought and action develops.

  • art

Here, the relationship between intelligence and visual creativity is most clearly seen. While a person is engaged in creativity, the brain is actively working and can find solutions for very important tasks. This is also called insight or insight.

The fact is that when drawing and sculpting, an individual falls into a light trance state, renounces everyday life. This helps to activate the unconscious impulses that are responsible for brilliant ideas.

The ability to draw and sculpt in this sense does not matter. The main thing is to surrender to the creative process. You can simply draw spots and lines, paint a picture to a pleasant melody.

  • Foreign languages

How to develop intelligence through the study of foreign languages ​​is clear to everyone. The more knowledge, the wider the field for their application. It's not the quantity that matters, but the quality.

A person should be interested in the language being studied and the very culture of a given country, find the consonance of words, compose poems, songs in this language. This is what involves a bunch of "intelligence and creativity."

  • Reading

Books for the development of intelligence are an indispensable assistant. Through reading, a person not only learns new things, but also plunges into unusual worlds, gets acquainted with the secrets of science, comprehends new cultures. How to develop intelligence in the process of reading, because this is a common human occupation?

The right choice of books is important here. As already described above, it is necessary to read thoughtfully and with pleasure. If the book is not interesting, do not force yourself. Such reading will not bring joy, which means it will go to waste.

  • Template break

A person whose life is subject to a clear routine often acts by inertia. Work and existence on the machine do not even allow the individual to think about how to increase intelligence, and whether it should be done at all. Unfortunately, this is how most people live.

It is important to find the strength in yourself to break this vicious circle. You usually have to start small. For example, change the route to work. Walk in the park for an hour in the evening. On the weekends, do something you haven't done before. Instead of household chores, go to an orphanage or to a neighboring city. Breaking the template allows you to look at the world differently, actualizes mental activity.

This article gives only some of the ways to increase intelligence. In this process, the most important thing is to understand how life will change when the intellectual level becomes higher. What will then happen to the inner world, the family, how will prosperity, relationships with others change? If the picture is positive, then this is the right path of development.

The connection of intelligence with mental processes

The human psyche is a complex structure, therefore all processes in it are interconnected and interdependent.

In particular, intelligence is more influenced by the following internal realities:

  • Thinking

Some scientists even considered these concepts synonymous. But this is fundamentally wrong. Thinking is the process of learning and processing information, and intelligence is the ability to correctly apply knowledge at the right time. Without mental operations, the intellectual level of a person would be very low.

Volitional efforts are needed precisely in order to master new material, study important books, and bring thoughts to the final result.

  • Memory

The ability to save, store and reproduce information is an integral part of intelligence.

  • Attention

Intelligent people are distinguished by an attentive attitude to the world around them. They are able to notice the smallest details, analyze and study them. The development of intelligence is closely related to the improvement of human attention.

  • Creativity

About this sweet couple: intelligence and creativity, Guilford wrote. This term refers to the ability of a person to think creatively, that is, outside the box, to synthesize original ideas.

Key indicators of intelligence

Psychologists have identified four key characteristics of intelligence:

  1. The depth of the mind is the ability to get to the bottom of phenomena and events.
  2. Inquisitiveness - curiosity, the desire to learn new things.
  3. Flexibility and mobility - the ability to act outside the box, bypass barriers, overcome difficulties.
  4. Logic - the ability to justify one's point of view, to correctly present the material.

Erudition and intelligence

The development of intelligence is closely related to such a concept as erudition. Let's figure out what it is?

Erudition is a set of deep knowledge in any field of science or life.

Erudites have an inquisitive mind, they are always looking for new information on a topic of interest to them. An intelligent person does not stop at one area, he develops in all possible directions. The line between these concepts is rather shaky. An erudite may also be interested in several areas at once, but, for example, be a layman in communication.

It is important to learn the following: in order to increase your intellectual level, you need to strive to become an erudite person in any field.

How to increase the erudition of an ordinary person? The best way is to read themed books. Moreover, the quality of reading is extremely important. It should be thoughtful, meaningful. A person should write down or mark favorite or controversial phrases, questions, look for an answer to them.

After reading the book, you can discuss it on a special forum so that knowledge works, and does not lie in memory as a dead weight. In the special psychological and pedagogical literature, you can also find out the opinions of scientists on how to develop intelligence.

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