temperature in south korea. Climate of North Korea. How to get to South Korea

Most (northern) part of South Korea is in a temperate monsoon climate, the southern part and Jeju Island are in a subtropical monsoon climate. The mountainous regions in the east of the country have severe weather conditions, for which temperature fluctuations are common from +25, +27 ° C during the day, to +13, + 15 ° C at night in the summer, and from 0 ° C during the day to -8, -10 °C at night in winter.

The climate of Korea is characterized by the influence of extratropical monsoons, the onset of the winter monsoon is associated with the movement of air masses from the Asian anticyclone to the Aleutian and Equatorial depressions, with which cold air invades from the expanses of Siberia and Mongolia. The Yellow Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan, the subtropics and the Manchurian-Korean mountains, which wash the shores of Korea, have a moderating effect on the climate. The movement of the summer monsoon is influenced by the trade winds, which are formed as a result of the movement of air masses from the Pacific anticyclone to the Asian depression. During this period, tropical sea air dominates the country, carrying heavy rainfall. Sometimes, in the first weeks of summer, the monsoon can move from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan, bringing with it moderate sea air. In summer and autumn, typhoons periodically form on the Pacific coast of the seas, which cause great harm to the country's economy.

Weather in South Korea now:

The seasons in South Korea are clearly defined (of which the Koreans are very proud), they change smoothly, without sharp fluctuations. The country's climate is especially influenced by air masses moving from Southeast Asia, where there are mainly two seasons: dry and wet, while South Korea stands apart in this sense.

Climate of South Korea by months:

Starts in March-April and is one of the most pleasant and mild seasons in South Korea. It is warm here in spring (average temperature is +15, +20 °C), dry, clear and sunny, with much less precipitation than in summer. A lot of plants, herbs, shrubs and trees bloom, for example cherries, parks and gardens become emerald green, buried in variegated and bright colors.

One of the main attractions of the south of the country is the yellow rapeseed flowers that bloom in spring. Both locals and tourists from all over South Korea come to admire their amazing beauty. April 5 is Arbor Day in South Korea.

It is characterized by an insignificant duration, high temperatures (up to +30, +35 °С), heat and stuffiness, and a large amount of precipitation. The average temperature of the hottest month in the year of August in the east is +24 ° C, on about. Jeju and southwest - +26 °С. In mountainous areas, the heat decreases with increasing altitude, and summers are shorter and cooler there.

On the mainland zone, most of the average annual precipitation, and their 1000-1500 mm per year, mainly falls on the summer period (the rainy season is the second half of June-beginning of August), on the island zone - more than 1800-2000 mm falls per year, and also most of them occur during the rainy season. In summer, the air humidity here reaches up to 80%, gradually dropping to 70% in September and October. The water in the sea warms up to a temperature of +24, +26 °C. One of the most comfortable places for a full-fledged summer vacation after the end of long heavy rains (mid-July) is the resort island of Jeju, which is also called the “Korean Hawaii”.

Just like spring is one of the best periods to visit the country, it is not as hot as summer, in September the rainy season ends and the monotonous green expanses are replaced by a riot of gold and purple-crimson colors and shades. It is during this period filled with peace and tranquility that locals, Korean artists and poets prefer to spend more time outdoors, walking in parks, making trips to the forest and mountains, enjoying all the delights of wild untouched nature.

Under the influence of the Asian anticyclone, winter in South Korea is distinguished by its duration, a large number of relatively sunny and dry days (snow usually falls in small amounts, precipitation is from 20 to 50 mm), and frost. On the resort island of Jeju and the east coast, which are under the influence of subtropics, winters are more humid.

In the central and western parts of the country, the average temperatures of the coldest month of the winter of January are 0, -4 °С, in the mountainous regions and in the northeast - -4, -7 °С, in the east and south - -1, +3 °С , on Jeju Island - +6 °С. Bright blue skies and sunny winter days greatly brighten up the cold season in this country. Water on the northern coast in winter warms up to +5 °С, on the southern coast - up to +14 °С. In the first month of winter, lovers of skiing and snow go to the comfortable ski resorts of South Korea, and Christmas is very colorful and solemn here, which Koreans love and celebrate on a grand scale.

The Republic of Korea (대한민국) is located in the northeastern part of the Eurasian continent on the Korean Peninsula. The Korean Peninsula stretches from north to south for 1,000 km and from west to east for 300 km; its territory also includes 3,167 adjacent islands (2004 data).

The coordinates of the territory are as follows: the southernmost mainland point is 33 at 06'43" N, the northernmost point is -43 at 00'42" N, the westernmost point is 124 at 11'04" E, the easternmost is 131 at 52'21 ″ east longitude, the territory of the peninsula is located in a geographical sector with a width of 10 ° from north to south and a longitude of 8 e from west to east.

The rivers Amnokkan (Yalujiang, Kor. 압록강) and Tumangan (Foggy) form the northern border with China and Russia, in the east the peninsula is separated from Japan by the East Sea.
The East Sea is located to the east of the Korean Peninsula and has been the name of the sea for over 2000 years. In the earliest historical materials of Korea "Samguk Yusa" there are records that in 37 BC. the sea was called the "East Sea", the same information is carved on the monument to King Gwangetho, erected in 414 BC.

Korea Square

The total area of ​​the Republic of Korea and the DPRK on the Korean Peninsula is 220 thousand square meters. km. To the south of the military demarcation line is the Republic of Korea, whose area is approximately 45% of the area of ​​the two states, this is 99.7 thousand square meters. km. The total area of ​​South and North Korea is comparable to the area of ​​Hungary, Portugal, Iceland and is 0.07% of the total area of ​​the states of the world and 0.31% of the territory of the Asian part of the mainland.
The area of ​​Japan is 3.8 times larger than the area of ​​the Republic of Korea, the area of ​​China is 96 times larger, and the area of ​​Russia is 171 times larger.

Administrative divisions and main cities


The Republic of Korea, as well as North Korea, consists of 9 administrative divisions. These include the following provinces of the Republic of Korea: Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Chungcheongnam-do, Jeolla-buk-do, Jeolla-nam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do and Jeju Special Autonomous Province.

The Chuncheon region is located in the center of the Republic of Korea, with Gyeonggi-do and Gangwon-do to the north and Jeolla, Gyeongsang and Jeju Island to the south. The borders of the provinces mostly run along mountain ranges or along riverbeds. In addition to the 9 provinces in the Republic of Korea, 7 major cities have a special status; among them, one city is defined as a special administrative zone and 6 cities as a metropolitan administrative zone.

A special city is, and metropolitan cities include Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Daejeon, Sejong Special Autonomous City. Seoul and are the central administrative units of the province of Gyeonggi-do, Daejeon is the center of Chungcheongnam-do province, Daegu is the province of Gyeongsangbuk-do, Busan and Ulsan are the central cities of Gyeongsangnam-do province, Gwangju is the center of Jeolla-namdo province.

Seoul is the capital of the Republic of Korea

and is located in the center of the Korean Peninsula. The city is divided by the Han River into northern and southern parts. Seoul became the state capital in 1394 during the Joseon Dynasty. Over time, it has become the largest political, economic, socio-cultural center of the country with a well-developed industrial and transport infrastructure.

In 1986, the Asian Games were organized in Seoul, and in 1988 the XXIV Summer Olympic Games were held.


Autumn in Taebaek

About three-quarters of the area of ​​the Republic of Korea is mountainous. The highest mountains are located in the east of the country, and in the west, the height of the mountains above sea level is much lower.
The high mountains are more concentrated in the east coast region. This is a chain of the Taebaek mountain ranges in South Korea and the Nangnim ranges in North Korea. The peninsula is washed by the seas on three sides. The length of the coastline is approximately 17 thousand km (including islands).

The eastern, western and southern coasts differ significantly in their characteristic features from each other.

On the east coast, the steep spurs of the Taebaek and Hamgyong Mountains drop into the ocean. The coastline takes on a smooth outline, and coastal waters are very deep. On the coast there are a large number of natural sandbanks and lagoons.

a special feature are the crescent-shaped sandy coves, usually used by the population as natural beaches. At a considerable distance from the coast, far into the sea are the volcanic islands of Ullyndo and.

More than 2,000 islands are concentrated in the western coast area, forming one archipelago. In the South Sea, 100 kilometers from the peninsula, the largest island of Korea, Jejudo, is located.

The relief of the western coast is relatively flat, there is a very high amplitude of tidal fluctuations, therefore, over time, a lot of drained land has formed in the coastal area, occupying a significant area.

Climate of Korea

The Republic of Korea is located in the middle latitudes. The country has a temperate climate with distinct seasons. In winter, under the influence of an anticyclone, it is cold and dry, but in summer, under the influence of an anticyclone that forms in the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean, the weather becomes predominantly humid and is accompanied by high air temperatures, and in spring and autumn, with the advent of a mobile anticyclone, the weather is usually clear dry.

The average annual temperature ranges from +10 C to +16 C, with the exception of the central mountainous regions, where in August, the hottest month, the average annual temperature reaches 23 C ~ +27 C, in May - +16 C ~ +19 C C, October - +11 in

19°С, and in the coldest month of January - -6°~ -7°С.

The average annual precipitation in the southern regions is 1.000-1.800 mm, in the middle regions - 1.100-1400 mm. In summer, about 50-60% of annual precipitation falls. In July and August, there is a very high humidity index throughout the country - about 80%, in September, in October - 70%.

The rainy season begins in mid-June, first on Jeju Island, then gradually moves into the central part of the peninsula and lasts about a month.

Approximately 28 typhoons per year originate in the western North Pacific, with 2-3 impacts directly or indirectly extending into the Korean Peninsula.

The climatic conditions of a country are determined by its topography, as well as its location. South Korea falls under the influence of the Central Asian temperate climate. This climate type is characterized by monsoons, dry air in winter and wet weather in the summer months.

The climate of South Korea and its characteristics

The seasons in the republic smoothly and slowly replace each other. All seasons are clearly expressed and do not present special surprises to the inhabitants of the country.

The mountainous regions of the state are marked by a more severe climate than the flat part of the land. In summer, the air in the mountains warms up to 27 degrees Celsius, at night even in July the temperature can be only 13 degrees Celsius.

Winter in South Korea often passes under the influence of zero temperatures. At night, frosts up to 10 degrees below zero occur.

The amount of precipitation falling per year in South Korean territories reaches 2000 mm.

The rainiest days are in summer. At the same time, monsoons come from the coast to the plains of the country.

Winter in South Korea (December, January, February)

South Korea in December pleases with sunny days and temperatures within 10 degrees Celsius. In the north, already in December days, there are significant temperature drops.

In January, South Korea suffers from winds, but the air in the south of the country is still heated above zero. But the northern regions are subject to frosts down to -8 degrees during the day.

February in the republic is famous for a large number of sunny days. At the end of the month, the presence of the coming spring is felt in the air.

Spring in South Korea (March, April, May)

The sea on the southern coast of the country already in March heats up to 13 degrees. During the day it is also quite warm, but in all areas daytime temperatures do not exceed 15 degrees.

April is the best time to visit the country for sightseeing purposes. During this period, it is warm and sunny in Korea, numerous gardens are blooming.

May is full spring. Hot and dry time contributes to warming up the air up to 25 degrees.

Summer in South Korea (June, July, August)

In June, the swimming season opens on the beaches of the republic. The sea heats up to 20 degrees, and the air to 27.

Korean July is famous for its heavy rains. Precipitation falls literally every other day, strong gusts of wind often occur.

August can be described as the rainiest month of the year. It is in August that up to 400 mm of precipitation falls.

Autumn in South Korea (September, October, November)

By September, the amount of precipitation in the state decreases, and the speed of the frequent wind also decreases. Daytime temperatures are kept around the mark of 15-18 degrees Celsius.

October again marks a dry period with sharp differences in day and night temperatures.

In November, in the north of the country, only 12 degrees Celsius during the day. At night, the temperature approaches zero, but does not fall below this mark. Humidity reaches 71%, and the sea cools down to 12-14 degrees.

The climate of Korea is a mixture of continental and maritime climate types. The four seasons clearly follow one another, and if summer is characterized by heat and humidity, then winter is characterized by cold and dry weather.

four seasons

Summer The hottest months of the year are June-August. The average temperature in August is 25.4℃. This is the perfect time to relax by the sea. The beach season falls on July-August. Winter The coldest time of the year is from December to February. In the north of the peninsula, the average temperature during these months drops to -8℃. The temperature on the south coast at the same time is 0℃. This is the time for winter sports or for contemplation of winter landscapes. In the mountainous regions located in the eastern part of the country, there is a lot of snow, so ski resorts are everywhere in winter. The ski season in Korea lasts from December to February. Spring and Autumn From March to May in Korea, spring, and from September to November, autumn. At this time, the weather is neither hot nor cold, ideal for outdoor recreation. There are more rainy days in Korea in spring than in autumn. But the weather is mild, and nature pleases with its beauty: young greenery and spring flowers. Spring in Korea is the best time for walking. Korean autumn is clear, the air is clean. This is the best time to spend time in nature. Numerous sporting events and regional festivals are held during this time of year.


The annual rainfall in Korea is 1.260 mm. From June to early September, over 50% of the annual precipitation falls in the country. The climate of the Korean Peninsula is characterized by monsoon rains, which begin in the second half of June and go until mid-July.

Natural disasters

Characteristics of Natural Disasters in Korea Geological natural disasters such as earthquakes are rare in Korea. Most natural emergencies are represented by meteorological natural disasters. These include typhoons, heavy rains, heavy snowfalls, unprecedentedly warm winters and crop-destroying cold in the summer. Typhoons Each year, about 28 typhoons occur in the North Pacific. Of these, two or three sweep over Korea, often bringing with them a lot of trouble. Heavy rains Heavy rains cause damage mainly in summer. There is currently an upward trend in heavy rainfall events. Floods Although river levels are well regulated in Korea by multifunctional dams, it happens that due to heavy rains or prolonged monsoon rains, rivers overflow their banks.

In recent years, it has been rapidly gaining momentum. The country is developing a cultural and recreational type of leisure, beach, outdoor activities and ecotourism. In this regard, tourists who have never visited the country, first of all, the question arises when it is better to relax in and why it is worth going there in a particular season. These are the questions our article will answer you.

Climate in South Korea

The country has a predominantly temperate monsoonal climate. Summer in Korea is hot and humid. For example, in July-August, the air temperature usually reaches +29°C or more. Winter here is quite long, cold and dry. The lowest temperatures are observed in January, when the thermometers drop below 0°C. In winter, mainly north-west winds blow, and in summer south-east winds prevail. It should be noted that in April-May the weather often changes dramatically, and after the cold comes the heat. The same thing happens in October, when winter comes back into its own. So autumn and spring here are very short. The rainy season in South Korea lasts from late June to early September.

Types of tourism in South Korea

Before planning a trip to the Republic of Korea, you need to decide what you first of all want to get from a vacation here.

Tourism in Korea is very diverse, and for visiting tourists are available:

  • beach vacation;
  • cultural and health recreation;
  • ecotourism;
  • extreme tours.
Vacation time in South Korea

So, if you prefer to bask in the sun and swim in the gentle waters of the three seas, then you should definitely go to the Republic of Korea from the end of June to September, which is considered the beach holiday season in South Korea. As a resort for this purpose, you can choose, for example,. A beach holiday in South Korea in September has undeniable advantages for those who do not tolerate heat very well with high humidity.

A cultural and recreational or sightseeing tour should be planned for spring or autumn, i.е. April-May or September-October. In spring, sakura blossoms here, and in autumn you can watch the clearest sky and colorful falling leaves. In addition, several events take place in the spring and autumn period in South Korea, including Children's Day, Buddha's Birthday, Harvest Day and others.

Also, September-October is the most favorable period for ecotourism and mountain hiking, because. the summer heat has already subsided, and there is no more rain, but it is still warm. Holidays in South Korea in December can be chosen by lovers - this type of tourism is also represented in the country.

Thus, we can conclude that if you want to combine different types of leisure, then it is best to go on vacation to South Korea - the period from September to October.

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