Production and non-production spheres of the national economy. Productive and unproductive labor

this is a conventional name for the branches of the economy, the results of which take the form of services.
Non-manufacturing areas include:
housing and communal and household service population;
passenger transport;
communications (for servicing organizations and non-productive activities of the population);
healthcare, physical culture;
science and scientific service;
lending, financing and insurance;
public organizations.
The leading place in the structure of the economy of any region of Russia belongs to industry. This is determined primarily by the fact that, providing all branches with tools of labor and new materials, it serves as the most active factor in scientific and technological progress and expanded reproduction in general. Among other branches of the economy, industry stands out for its complex and district-forming functions.
The industry is divided into:
mining, which includes industries associated with the extraction and enrichment of ore and non-metallic raw materials, as well as with the extraction sea ​​animal, catching fish and other seafood;
manufacturing, which includes enterprises for the processing of products of the extractive industry, semi-finished products, as well as for the processing of products Agriculture, timber and other raw materials.
Manufacturing industries form the backbone of heavy industry. During the period of economic reforms, there are significant changes in the structure of extractive and manufacturing industries.
According to the economic purpose, industrial products are divided into two large groups:
group "A" C production of means of production;
group "B" C production of consumer goods.
Along with the sectoral structure, the region also has a territorial one.

More on the topic Non-manufacturing:

  1. 1. The content and specifics of finance in the non-productive sphere
  2. 2.Features of budget planning and financing in the non-manufacturing sector.
  3. 2. Features of budget planning and financing in the non-production sphere
  4. 15. Basic production and non-production assets. Fixed capital of the enterprise
  5. 14.2. Audit of production costs in ancillary and auxiliary industries, maintenance of non-production facilities that are on the balance sheet of construction organizations

Video lesson 2: Sectoral and territorial structure of the world economy

Lecture: Sectoral structure of the economy. Geography of the main branches of production and non-production spheres

Sectoral structure of the economy- this is the relationship of all industries, their composition and pace of development.

It is divided into manufacturing and non-manufacturing areas. To production or material include all industries producing material goods, delivering them to the consumer, continuing the process of production in the sphere of circulation. Non-production areas and includes services rendered to the population and social services.

Each of the branches of the economy is subdivided into smaller branches, which are divided into specialized branches, then into types of production.

for example. The transport industry is divided into water, air and land. Water, divided by specialization into river and sea.

A more complex division agro-industrial complex where agricultural and industrial sectors are closely intertwined, interconnected:


    an industry that produces agricultural machinery;

    industries that process products and bring them to the consumer (product processing, catering).

Types of industries:

  • latest

To old include coal, metallurgical, etc. New originated in the 20th century. This is the automotive industry, the production of plastic products. Newest associated with science are high-tech industries: robotics, microelectronics, chemistry of organic synthesis. High-tech are inherent in the Japanese economy.

Geography of the main branches of production and non-production spheres


The transformation of industries has led to a reduction in the percentage of old ones, and an increase in new and new ones. Separate southern countries moved from developing to the top ten in industrial production. In high-tech production, the Nordic countries are leading. The geography of industries determines the location of large industrial areas (about 100). They are located in almost all regions. The numerical superiority falls on Europe.

Fuel and energy complex provides the population with fuel and energy. The world progress is ruled by the fuel and energy industry. To date, there are alternative energy sources, but so far they are not able to meet the needs of mankind. This industry is characterized by the development of extractive industries in some countries, and consumption in others. The main consumers are the USA, Europe, Japan. But developing countries are engaged in mining. The development of this industry has undergone changes: the first stage is the extraction and use of coal as a fuel. The second is based on the use of oil and gas, which has given advantages to countries with oil deposits. Until today, the cost of oil on the world market is an indicator of the economy on a global scale. Oil is produced in 90 countries. 40% of production comes from OPEC countries. Russia is among the top three countries in terms of oil production. 45% of oil goes to the international market.

Gas production in the 21st century got a second wind. The idea of ​​the energy of radioactive decay has not justified itself, since its use can lead to irreparable consequences. Gas is easier to produce, easier to transport, more environmentally friendly. The geography of gas production has also changed. The countries of the South took up the extraction of gas. 25% goes to the market natural gas. Part is transported through pipelines, the rest is in a liquefied state. Algeria was the first to transport liquid gas.

The world got bigger produce and consume electricity. Most of it is produced in the countries of the northern hemisphere. 64% of electricity is generated at thermal power plants. Here the leading place is occupied by the USA, China, Russia, Japan. The percentage of thermal power plants in the share of electricity prevails in Poland, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. Their stations operate on coal and oil products. 18% of energy is produced by hydroelectric power plants. The leading position belongs to the countries of North America, Russia and China. share nuclear energy is growing in the world. 31 countries of the world use nuclear power plants. In the USA, France, Japan most of all produce atomic energy. The share of nuclear energy is higher compared to other sources in Lithuania, France, Belgium. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has reduced the construction of new nuclear power plants. Some countries have declared a moratorium on the use of nuclear energy, in some countries nuclear power plants have been dismantled. The amount of nuclear energy in Russia has decreased. People paid too high a price for the use of atomic energy. Although it is impossible to completely abandon this type of energy, developments are now underway to use it more safely.

Development pace mining industry decreased markedly, but the role of the industry in the world is great. After commodity crisis In the 1970s, many countries revised the concept of using the mineral resource complex, reoriented towards the use of their own raw materials and saving resources. There are 8 leading mining countries in the world: USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, India, China, Russia.

Until the 70s metal production determined the degree of development of the economy. Now the trends have changed, as today, in many industries, metal products have begun to be replaced with plastic products. The second reason is the transfer of "dirty production" to the southern countries. The geography of metallurgy has also changed. If earlier this industry was focused on raw materials and coal deposits, now there are mini-factories that are focused on the consumer. About 200 million tons of ferrous metals are exported annually. Main suppliers: Europe and Japan.

Development non-ferrous metallurgy decreased in post-industrial countries, but increased in the southern. The reason is the same. The countries of Europe and America care about the environment in their countries, "dirty production" is moving to the south.

mechanical engineering has also undergone some metamorphosis. Older industries have stabilized or are in decline, such as shipbuilding. The production of new ones is growing, for example, automotive, electronics, robotics, etc. On the world economic map There are 4 major regions: North America(all types of production), Europe, Eastern and Southeast Asia(release household appliances), the CIS countries in which mechanical engineering is the main industry.

Accommodation chemical industries has changed radically. The production of organic synthesis products and polymers, which are based on the processing of petroleum products, is increasingly expanding its boundaries. Chemistry has moved to oil producing countries: countries Persian Gulf, North Africa, Mexico.

Old branches light industry, previously located in the UK, USA, Europe fell into decay. But the countries of the south, focused on cheap labor force, on their own raw materials received a new impetus in development. Everywhere you can find cheap clothes and textiles from China.

  • Non-manufacturing sphere

The non-production sphere occupies a significant position in the economy of states. It includes: education, art, culture, science, transport services, housing and communal services, the financial sector, tourism, etc. In the non-manufacturing sector, the United States leads the world. The share of the economy is dominated by the non-manufacturing sector. It employs 2/3 of the country's population. For example, New York is the largest financial center, the centers of science and education are such cities as Stanford, Cambridge, Los Angeles. The share of tourism is great, especially in the states of Florida, California, Hawaii.

In each of the countries there are centers of finance, culture, science and tourism. In Hungary it is Budapest, in Russia it is Moscow and St. Petersburg. The structure of trade between countries is growing. Imported goods can be found in all countries of the world. The budget of some developing countries is completely dependent on tourism. The UK is considered the center of world education.

The production sphere is a set of branches of material production in which material goods are created - means of production, consumer goods. Part production area includes industry, agriculture and forestry, construction, transport, communications, energy, trade, public catering, warehousing, whole line specific industries that produce a material product - publishing, film studios, sound recording enterprises, design organizations, harvesting of fruits, mushrooms, berries, seeds, wild herbs and their primary processing etc. The production sector includes services. The manufacturing sector includes a large part scientific activity which is directly embodied in material goods: design and engineering organizations, experimental and pilot production, biological stations, biolaboratories, design and survey organizations for deep drilling for oil and gas, etc.

The development of the division of labor, the emergence of new branches and industries that produce material products, the transformation of science into a direct productive force, the transformation of material production into science-intensive production make the boundary between the production and non-production spheres very mobile.

Unresolved is the issue of industries producing military products, since the end use of the product of these industries is associated with military operations.

Indicators characterizing the production sector: the number of employees in general and by industry, the volume of production of means of production and consumer goods, their shares; production of certain types of the most significant products, oil, gas, metals, engineering products, grain harvesting, other types of agricultural products, etc. An indirect indicator of the efficiency of the production sector is the indicator of labor productivity as a whole and by industry.

Delimitation of spheres human activity on production and non-production is methodologically based on the teachings of Marx on productive and unproductive labor, on the theory of surplus value. In the USSR, this distinction was used in the statistical accounting of the volume of the total social product and national income. The initial methodological assumptions for such a calculation were the following: a) the surplus product is created in the branches of the production sphere; b) the non-production sphere is supported by the surplus product redistributed from the production sphere through the state budget and the personal incomes of citizens paid by them for services.

In the statistics of countries with developed market economies, no distinction is made between the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors.

The non-production sphere is a set of industries whose products act as a certain expedient activity (intellectual product, service, etc.). Most of the industries included in this area are directly related to meeting the needs of people in non-material products or services. It includes sectors: education, health care, culture, art, fundamental science and scientific services, physical education and sports, social security, including various kinds of social services, management, etc.

The development of the non-productive sphere reflects the development of social needs, the change in their structure as the standard of living of the population rises. In all industrialized countries, in connection with the deployment of scientific and technological revolution from the middle of the 20th century. A block of non-material sphere industries clearly stood out and began to develop dynamically, the products of which were aimed at developing the human factor: education, health care, social services, etc. The share of people employed in the service sector currently reaches 70%.

In Russia, not much more than 30% is employed in the non-manufacturing sector. Although the data is not comparable with foreign statistics.

The division of spheres of activity into production and non-production was methodologically based on Marx's teaching on productive and unproductive labor and was applied when taking into account the volume of the total social product and national income. It was believed that labor employed in the non-productive sphere does not create a surplus product, and the non-productive sphere is supported by redistribution from the production sphere.

in the USSR until 1989. branches of the non-productive sphere were taken into account only in the expenditure side of the consumption fund. In the statistics of countries with developed market economies, no distinction is made between the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors.

At present, it is recognized in Russia that labor in non-productive sectors is productive, creates value and surplus value, the volume of production of industries in this area is included in the total value of gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP) according to a special methodology.

All activities that do not produce material goods are grouped into non-manufacturing industries, which is also called the tertiary sector of the economy, the first two are mining and processing. Until the mid-1990s in the world, and in Russia even before the transition to capitalism in the mid-1990s, the sector was considered auxiliary, since it did not produce a significant social product. Now it is a full-fledged and increasingly significant sector of the economy. It is believed that the development of the non-manufacturing industry is the main catalyst for economic growth.

Main difference

The main difference between the goods of the industry of the production sphere and the industry of the non-manufacturing sphere is that the goods of the first can be produced in one place and consumed in another, while the goods of the second are produced and consumed in one place. If the same consumer goods from China are bought all over the world, then you can only participate in a tea ceremony directly in a Chinese or Japanese tea house. And it is hard to imagine where, except on a fire, the work of firefighters may be needed, in some countries the fire department provided paid services for which it was necessary to pay directly, and not through taxes.

True, with the development of non-manufacturing industries, especially those related to information services, not everything is so simple, and some services are already being provided regardless of distances.

Far from nature

For simplicity, the first researchers in the non-manufacturing economy industry included everything that is not related to mining and processing. natural resources. These are all types of human activity that produce intangible goods and services aimed at directly satisfying material, spiritual, social and other needs. That is, the non-productive sphere has no direct connection with nature and serves to organize human consumption and maintain its habitat, and basically redistributes what is mined and processed in the first two sectors of the economy.

What other features

Simplification does not always help, so the definition that all industries that produce something intangible belong to the non-productive sphere had to be supplemented. A number of features characteristic of the non-manufacturing sector of the economy have been identified. The most obvious is that there must be a direct connection between the producer and the consumer of the product, which also often implies individual approach. It is hard to imagine that the same hairdressing or translation services can be provided in a different way. But with the development of information technology, everything is no longer so simple, the same translation can take place without direct contact between the consumer and the service provider, and by 2024, according to the UN forecast, artificial intelligence will be able to do this.

Another feature of the non-production sphere is that the final product is often not materialized. When you listened to the music, drove on public transport, then your consumption will end there, although the consequences may be felt for a long time. Now we can safely call a significant share of intellectual and creative work a feature of the industry, which is associated with the digital revolution, the emergence of a large number new types of services using high technologies and artificial intelligence. Even in the largest non-manufacturing industry, retail, which uses a lot of low-skilled labor, online platforms and offline stores are playing an increasing role. In China, Japan, Korea, entire chains of stores began to operate in which people do not work.

Which industries are included

Since the beginning of time, when the rudiments appeared in people public consciousness, appeared and certain types activities that were later classified as non-manufacturing industries. The first leaders, warriors, shamans, if we draw an analogy with the current terminology, are government, security, social services and, in part, healthcare, which are also in demand in modern conditions.

Non-manufacturing sectors include: all types of trade, management and security, health and education, science and consulting, transport and public services, household and hotel services, financial and information Services, art and culture.

Non-manufacturing products

To begin with, when economists realized that non-manufacturing industries are a serious and independent area of ​​the economy, all the products of the sector were divided into tangible and intangible services. Material services include all industries that provide the consumption of material goods: hotel services or, more broadly, hospitality service, trade, now they have added e-commerce, household and transport services. Intangible services include all types related to the satisfaction of cultural, religious, spiritual needs and activities related to the creation external environment for human life, from safety, protection environment to religious worship, health care, education and the arts.

Products of non-manufacturing industries in recent times also began to divide into services and intellectual products. The products of creative and intellectual activity have been valued at all times, but in a post-industrial society, where almost all activity is based on knowledge, the value of intellectual products is growing like an avalanche, as is its share in the non-productive industry. Because of this, it is now proposed to allocate all activities for the production of knowledge into a quaternary sector - intellectual.

There will be more to come

In developed countries, non-manufacturing sectors already occupy up to 80 percent of the economy, and more than two-thirds of the employed population work there. AT developing countries, including Russia, about 50 percent. Not only is the share of the sector in the economy increasing, but new types of services are also emerging, especially in industries related to digital technologies. Products also acquire new qualitative characteristics, such as the ability to be stored, accumulated and transmitted over distances. Very soon it will be necessary to give new definitions to the non-productive sphere, its features and characteristics.

All industries National economy divided into two broad areas: production and non-production. The existence of organizations belonging to the second group (culture, education, consumer services, management) is impossible without the successful development of enterprises of the first.

Manufacturing Industries: Definition

This part of the national economy includes enterprises that carry out activities aimed at creating material wealth. Also, organizations of this group sort them, move them, etc. Precise definition production sphere is as follows: "The set of enterprises that manufacture a material product and provide material services."

General classification

It plays a very significant role in the development of the national economy. It is the enterprises related to it that create national income and conditions for the development of non-material production. There are the following main industries:

  • industry,
  • Agriculture,
  • construction,
  • transport,
  • trade and catering,
  • logistics.


This industry includes enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of raw materials, the manufacture of equipment, the production of energy, consumer goods, and other similar organizations, which are the main part of such an area as the manufacturing sector. The sectors of the economy related to industry are divided into:

All industrial enterprises classified into two large groups:

  • Mining - mines, quarries, mines, wells.
  • Processing - combines, factories, workshops.


This is also a very important area of ​​the state's economy, falling under the definition of "industrial sector". Branches of the economy of this direction are primarily responsible for the production and partial processing of food products. They are divided into two groups: animal husbandry and crop production. The structure of the first includes enterprises engaged in:

  • cattle breeding. Cultivation of large and small livestock makes it possible to provide the population with such important food products as meat and milk.
  • Pig breeding. The enterprises of this group supply lard and meat to the market.
  • fur farming. Wearables are mainly made from the skins of small animals. A very large percentage of this production is exported.
  • poultry farming. This group supplies dietary meat, eggs and feathers to the market.

Crop production includes such sub-sectors as:

  • Growing cereals. This is the most important sub-sector of agriculture, the most developed in our country. Agricultural enterprises of this group of the production sector are engaged in the cultivation of wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, etc. The degree to which the population is provided with such important products as bread, flour, cereals depends on how effectively this industry is developed.
  • vegetable growing. This type of activity in our country is carried out mainly by small and medium-sized organizations, as well as farms.
  • Fruit growing and viticulture. It is developed mainly in the southern regions of the country. The agricultural enterprises of this group supply fruits and wines to the market.

Plant growing also includes such sub-sectors as potato growing, flax growing, melon growing, etc.


Organizations in this area of ​​the national economy are responsible for the transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. It includes the following industries:

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