Eye of the planet information and analytical portal. The history of the creation and principle of operation of the atomic bomb The invention of the atomic bomb

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The 7 countries with nuclear weapons form nuclear club. To create your own atomic bomb each of these states spent millions. Development has been going on for years. But without the gifted physicists who were assigned to conduct research in this area, nothing would have happened. About these people in today's Diletant selection. media.

Robert Oppenheimer

The parents of the man under whose leadership the world's first atomic bomb was created had nothing to do with science. Oppenheimer's father was a textile trader, and his mother was an artist. Robert graduated early from Harvard, took a course in thermodynamics and became interested in experimental physics.

After several years of work in Europe, Oppenheimer moved to California, where he lectured for two decades. When the Germans discovered the fission of uranium in the late 1930s, the scientist thought about the problem nuclear weapons. Since 1939, he was actively involved in the creation of the atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project and directed the laboratory at Los Alamos.

In the same place, on July 16, 1945, Oppenheimer's "brainchild" was first tested. "I have become death, the destroyer of worlds," said the physicist after the test.

A few months later, atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Oppenheimer has since insisted on the use of atomic energy exclusively for peaceful purposes. Having become a defendant in a criminal case because of his unreliability, the scientist was removed from secret developments. He died in 1967 from cancer of the larynx.

Igor Kurchatov

The USSR acquired its own atomic bomb four years later than the Americans. It was not without the help of scouts, but the merits of the scientists working in Moscow should not be underestimated. Atomic research was led by Igor Kurchatov. His childhood and youth were spent in the Crimea, where he first trained as a locksmith. Then he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Tauride University, continued to study in Petrograd. There he entered the laboratory of the famous Abram Ioffe.

Kurchatov took over the Soviet nuclear project when he was only 40 years old. Years of painstaking work involving leading experts have brought long-awaited results. The first nuclear weapon in our country called RDS-1 was tested at the test site in Semipalatinsk on August 29, 1949.

The experience accumulated by Kurchatov and his team allowed the Soviet Union to subsequently launch the world's first industrial nuclear power plant, as well as a nuclear reactor for a submarine and an icebreaker, which no one had been able to do before.

Andrey Sakharov

The hydrogen bomb appeared first in the United States. But the American sample was the size of a three-story house and weighed more than 50 tons. Meanwhile, the RDS-6s product, created by Andrei Sakharov, weighed only 7 tons and could fit on a bomber.

During the war, Sakharov, while in evacuation, graduated with honors from Moscow State University. He worked as an engineer-inventor at a military plant, then entered the FIAN graduate school. Under the leadership of Igor Tamm, he worked in a research group for the development of thermonuclear weapons. Sakharov came up with the basic principle of the Soviet hydrogen bomb - puff.

Tests of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb took place in 1953

The first Soviet hydrogen bomb was tested near Semipalatinsk in 1953. To assess the destructive capabilities, a city was built on the site from industrial and administrative buildings.

Since the late 1950s, Sakharov devoted much time to human rights activities. He condemned the arms race, criticized the communist government, spoke out for the abolition of the death penalty and against the forced psychiatric treatment of dissidents. Opposed to enter Soviet troops to Afghanistan. Andrey Sakharov was awarded Nobel Prize world, and in 1980 he was exiled for his beliefs to Gorky, where he repeatedly went on hunger strikes and from where he was able to return to Moscow only in 1986.

Bertrand Goldschmidt

The ideologist of the French nuclear program was Charles de Gaulle, and the creator of the first bomb was Bertrand Goldschmidt. Before the start of the war, the future specialist studied chemistry and physics, joined Marie Curie. The German occupation and the attitude of the Vichy government towards the Jews forced Goldschmidt to stop his studies and emigrate to the United States, where he collaborated first with American and then with Canadian colleagues.

In 1945, Goldschmidt became one of the founders of the Commission on nuclear energy France. The first test of the bomb created under his leadership took place only 15 years later - in the south-west of Algeria.

Qian Sanqiang

The PRC joined the club of nuclear powers only in October 1964. Then the Chinese tested their own atomic bomb with a capacity of more than 20 kilotons. Mao Zedong decided to develop this industry after his first trip to the Soviet Union. In 1949, Stalin showed the possibilities of nuclear weapons to the great helmsman.

Chinese nuclear project handled by Qian Sanqiang. A graduate of the Physics Department of Tsinghua University, he went to study in France at public expense. He worked at the Radium Institute of the University of Paris. Qian talked a lot with foreign scientists and carried out quite serious research, but he missed his homeland and returned to China, taking several grams of radium as a gift from Irene Curie.

The history of human development has always been accompanied by war as a way to resolve conflicts by violence. Civilization has suffered more than fifteen thousand small and large armed conflicts, losses human lives are in the millions. Only in the nineties of the last century there were more than a hundred military clashes, with the participation of ninety countries of the world.

At the same time, scientific discoveries and technological progress made it possible to create weapons of destruction of ever greater power and sophistication of use. In the twentieth century nuclear weapons have become the peak of massive destructive impact and an instrument of politics.

Atomic bomb device

Modern nuclear bombs as a means of defeating the enemy are created on the basis of advanced technical solutions, the essence of which is not widely publicized. But the main elements inherent in this type of weapon can be considered on the example of the device of a nuclear bomb with the code name "Fat Man", dropped in 1945 on one of the cities of Japan.

The power of the explosion was 22.0 kt in TNT equivalent.

It had the following design features:

  • the length of the product was 3250.0 mm, while the diameter of the bulk part was 1520.0 mm. Total weight more than 4.5 tons;
  • the body is represented by an elliptical shape. In order to avoid premature destruction due to hit by anti-aircraft ammunition and undesirable effects of a different kind, 9.5 mm armored steel was used for its manufacture;
  • the body is divided into four internal parts: the nose, two halves of the ellipsoid (the main one is the compartment for nuclear filling), tail.
  • the nose compartment is equipped with rechargeable batteries;
  • the main compartment, like a bow, to prevent the ingress of harmful media, moisture, creating comfortable conditions for the operation of the boron sensor, they are evacuated;
  • the ellipsoid housed a plutonium core, covered by a uranium tamper (shell). It played the role of an inertial limiter over the course of a nuclear reaction, ensuring maximum activity of weapons-grade plutonium by reflecting neutrons to the side of the active zone of the charge.

Inside the nucleus was placed the primary source of neutrons, called the initiator or "hedgehog". Represented by beryllium spherical shape with a diameter 20.0 mm with an outer coating based on polonium - 210.

It should be noted that the expert community has determined such a design of a nuclear weapon to be ineffective and unreliable in use. Neutron initiation of the unguided type was not used further. .

Operating principle

The process of fission of uranium 235 (233) and plutonium 239 nuclei (this is what a nuclear bomb consists of) with a huge release of energy while limiting the volume is called a nuclear explosion. The atomic structure of radioactive metals has an unstable shape - they are constantly divided into other elements.

The process is accompanied by detachment of neurons, some of which, hitting neighboring atoms, initiate a further reaction, accompanied by the release of energy.

The principle is as follows: reducing the decay time leads to a greater intensity of the process, and the concentration of neurons on the bombardment of nuclei leads to a chain reaction. When two elements are combined to a critical mass, a supercritical one will be created, leading to an explosion.

Under domestic conditions, it is impossible to provoke an active reaction - high speeds of approach of elements are needed - at least 2.5 km / s. Achieving this speed in a bomb is possible by using combining types of explosives (fast and slow), balancing the density of the supercritical mass, producing an atomic explosion.

Nuclear explosions are attributed to the results of human activity on the planet or its orbit. natural processes of this kind are possible only on some stars in outer space.

Atomic bombs are rightfully considered the most powerful and destructive weapons. mass destruction. Tactical application solves the tasks of destroying strategic, ground-based, as well as deep-based military facilities, defeating a significant accumulation of equipment, enemy manpower.

It can be applied globally only in pursuit of the goal of complete destruction of the population and infrastructure in large areas.

To achieve certain goals, fulfill tasks of a tactical and strategic nature, detonations of nuclear weapons can be carried out:

  • at critical and low altitudes (above and below 30.0 km);
  • in direct contact with the earth's crust (water);
  • underground (or underwater explosion).

A nuclear explosion is characterized by the instantaneous release of enormous energy.

Leading to the defeat of objects and a person as follows:

  • shock wave. With an explosion above or on earth's crust(water) is called an air wave, underground (water) - a seismic blast wave. An air wave is formed after a critical compression of air masses and propagates in a circle until attenuation at a speed exceeding sound. It leads to both direct defeat of manpower, and indirect (interaction with fragments of destroyed objects). The action of excess pressure makes the technique non-functional by moving and hitting the ground;
  • Light emission. Source - the light part formed by the evaporation of a product with air masses, in case of ground application - soil vapors. Exposure occurs in ultraviolet and infrared spectra. Its absorption by objects and people provokes charring, melting and burning. The degree of damage depends on the removal of the epicenter;
  • penetrating radiation- this is neutrons and gamma rays moving from the place of the rupture. Impact on biological tissues leads to ionization of cell molecules, leading to radiation sickness organism. Damage to property is associated with molecular fission reactions in the damaging elements of ammunition.
  • radioactive contamination. In a ground explosion, soil vapors, dust, and other things rise. A cloud appears, moving in the direction of the movement of air masses. Sources of damage are fission products of the active part of a nuclear weapon, isotopes, not destroyed parts of the charge. When a radioactive cloud moves, a continuous radiation contamination of the area occurs;
  • electromagnetic impulse. The explosion accompanies the appearance of electromagnetic fields (from 1.0 to 1000 m) in the form of an impulse. They lead to the failure of electrical appliances, controls and communications.

The combination of factors of a nuclear explosion inflicts damage to the enemy’s manpower, equipment and infrastructure in different levels, and the fatality of the consequences is associated only with the distance from its epicenter.

History of the creation of nuclear weapons

The creation of weapons using a nuclear reaction was accompanied by a number of scientific discoveries, theoretical and practical research, including:

  • 1905- the theory of relativity was created, stating that a small amount of matter corresponds to a significant release of energy according to the formula E \u003d mc2, where "c" represents the speed of light (author A. Einstein);
  • 1938- German scientists conducted an experiment on the division of an atom into parts by attacking uranium with neutrons, which ended successfully (O. Hann and F. Strassmann), and a physicist from the UK gave an explanation for the fact of energy release (R. Frisch);
  • 1939- scientists from France that when carrying out a chain of reactions of uranium molecules, energy will be released capable of producing an explosion of enormous force (Joliot-Curie).

The latter became the starting point for the invention atomic weapons. Germany, Great Britain, the USA, Japan were engaged in parallel development. The main problem was the extraction of uranium in the required volumes for experiments in this area.

The problem was solved faster in the United States by purchasing raw materials from Belgium in 1940.

Within the framework of the project, called Manhattan, from 1939 to 1945, a uranium purification plant was built, a center for the study of nuclear processes was created, and the best specialists were attracted to work in it - physicists from all over Western Europe.

Great Britain, which led its own developments, was forced, after the German bombing, to voluntarily transfer the developments on its project to the US military.

The Americans are believed to be the first to invent the atomic bomb. Tests of the first nuclear charge were carried out in the state of New Mexico in July 1945. The flash from the explosion darkened the sky, and the sandy landscape turned to glass. After a short period of time, nuclear charges were created, called "Baby" and "Fat Man".

Nuclear weapons in the USSR - dates and events

The formation of the USSR as a nuclear power was preceded by a long work of individual scientists and state institutions. Key periods and significant dates of events are presented as follows:

  • 1920 consider the beginning of the work of Soviet scientists on the fission of the atom;
  • From the thirties direction nuclear physics become a priority
  • October 1940- an initiative group of physicists came up with a proposal to use nuclear developments for military purposes;
  • Summer 1941 in connection with the war, the institutes of atomic energy were transferred to the rear;
  • Autumn 1941 of the year Soviet intelligence informed the country's leadership about the start nuclear programs in Britain and America;
  • September 1942- studies of the atom began to be done in full, work on uranium continued;
  • February 1943- a special research laboratory was created under the leadership of I. Kurchatov, and the general leadership was entrusted to V. Molotov;

The project was led by V. Molotov.

  • August 1945- in connection with the conduct of nuclear bombing in Japan, the high importance of developments for the USSR, a Special Committee was created under the leadership of L. Beria;
  • April 1946- KB-11 was created, which began to develop samples of Soviet nuclear weapons in two versions (using plutonium and uranium);
  • mid 1948- work on uranium was stopped due to low efficiency at high costs;
  • August 1949- when the atomic bomb was invented in the USSR, the first Soviet nuclear bomb was tested.

The reduction in the development time of the product was facilitated by the high-quality work of intelligence agencies that managed to obtain information on American nuclear development. Among those who first created the atomic bomb in the USSR was a team of scientists led by Academician A. Sakharov. They developed more promising technical solutions than those used by the Americans.

Atomic bomb "RDS-1"

In 2015-2017, Russia made a breakthrough in improving nuclear weapons and their means of delivery, thereby declaring a state capable of repelling any aggression.

First atomic bomb tests

After testing an experimental nuclear bomb in the state of New Mexico in the summer of 1945, the bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki followed on August 6 and 9, respectively.

this year completed the development of the atomic bomb

In 1949, under conditions of increased secrecy, the Soviet designers of KB - 11 and scientists completed the development of an atomic bomb, which was called RDS-1 (jet engine "C"). On August 29, the first Soviet nuclear device was tested at the Semipalatinsk test site. The atomic bomb of Russia - RDS-1 was a product of a "drop-shaped" shape, weighing 4.6 tons, with a volume part diameter of 1.5 m, and a length of 3.7 meters.

The active part included a plutonium block, which made it possible to achieve an explosion power of 20.0 kilotons, commensurate with TNT. The test site covered a radius of twenty kilometers. Features of the test detonation conditions have not been made public to date.

On September 3 of the same year, American aviation intelligence established the presence in air masses Kamchatka traces of isotopes, indicating the testing of a nuclear charge. On the twenty-third, the first person in the United States publicly announced that the USSR had succeeded in testing the atomic bomb.

Soviet Union refuted the statements of the Americans with a TASS message, which spoke of large-scale construction on the territory of the USSR and large volumes of construction, including explosive, work, which attracted the attention of foreigners. The official statement that the USSR had atomic weapons was made only in 1950. Therefore, disputes still do not subside in the world, who first invented the atomic bomb.

It attracted experts from many countries. Scientists and engineers from the USA, the USSR, England, Germany and Japan worked on these developments. Particularly active work was carried out in this area by the Americans, who had the best technological base and raw materials, and also managed to attract the strongest intellectual resources at that time to research.

The United States government has set a task for physicists - to create a new type of weapon in the shortest possible time that could be delivered to the most remote point on the planet.

Los Alamos, located in the deserted desert of New Mexico, became the center of American nuclear research. Many scientists, designers, engineers and the military worked on the top-secret military project, and the experienced theoretical physicist Robert Oppenheimer, who is most often called the "father" of atomic weapons, was in charge of all the work. Under his leadership, the best specialists from all over the world developed the controlled technology without interrupting the search process for even a minute.

By the autumn of 1944, measures to create the first nuclear power plant in history in general terms came to an end. By this time, a special aviation regiment had already been formed in the United States, which had to carry out the tasks of delivering deadly weapon to the places of its application. The pilots of the regiment passed special training making training flights on different heights and in conditions close to combat.

First atomic bombings

In mid-1945, US designers managed to assemble two nuclear devices ready for use. The first objects to strike were also chosen. At that time Japan was the strategic adversary of the USA.

The American leadership decided to deliver the first atomic strikes on two Japanese cities in order to frighten not only Japan, but also other countries, including the USSR, by this action.

On August 6th and 9th, 1945, American bombers dropped the first ever atomic bombs on the unsuspecting inhabitants of Japanese cities, which were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As a result, more than one hundred thousand people died from thermal radiation and shock waves. Such were the consequences of the use of unprecedented weapons. The world has entered a new phase of its development.

However, the US monopoly on military use atom was not too long. The Soviet Union also searched hard for ways to put into practice the principles underlying nuclear weapons. Igor Kurchatov headed the work of a team of Soviet scientists and inventors. In August 1949, tests of the Soviet atomic bomb were successfully carried out, which received the working name RDS-1. The fragile military balance in the world was restored.

Ancient Indian and Greek scientists assumed that matter consists of the smallest indivisible particles; they wrote about this in their treatises long before the beginning of our era. In the 5th century BC e. the Greek scientist Leucippus from Miletus and his student Democritus formulated the concept of an atom (Greek atomos "indivisible"). For many centuries this theory remained rather philosophical, and only in 1803 was it proposed by the English chemist John Dalton scientific theory atom, confirmed by experiments.

AT late XIX early 20th century this theory was developed in the writings of Joseph Thomson, and then Ernest Rutherford, called the father of nuclear physics. It was found that the atom, contrary to its name, is not an indivisible finite particle, as previously stated. In 1911, physicists adopted Rutherford Bohr's "planetary" system, according to which an atom consists of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons revolving around it. Later it was found that the nucleus is also not indivisible; it consists of positively charged protons and chargeless neutrons, which, in turn, consist of elementary particles.

As soon as scientists became more or less aware of the structure atomic nucleus, they tried to realize the old dream of alchemists, the transformation of one substance into another. In 1934, French scientists Frederic and Irene Joliot-Curie, when bombarding aluminum with alpha particles (helium atom nuclei), obtained radioactive phosphorus atoms, which, in turn, turned into a stable silicon isotope of a heavier element than aluminum. The idea arose to conduct a similar experiment with the heaviest natural element, uranium, discovered in 1789 by Martin Klaproth. After Henri Becquerel discovered the radioactivity of uranium salts in 1896, scientists were seriously interested in this element.

E. Rutherford.

Mushroom nuclear explosion.

In 1938, the German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann conducted an experiment similar to the Joliot-Curie experiment, however, taking uranium instead of aluminum, they hoped to obtain a new superheavy element. However, the result was unexpected: instead of superheavy, light elements from the middle part of the periodic table were obtained. Some time later, the physicist Lisa Meitner suggested that bombarding uranium with neutrons leads to the splitting (fission) of its nucleus, resulting in the nuclei of light elements and a certain number of free neutrons.

Further studies have shown that natural uranium consists of a mixture of three isotopes, with uranium-235 being the least stable of them. From time to time, the nuclei of its atoms spontaneously divide into parts, this process is accompanied by the release of two or three free neutrons, which rush at a speed of about 10 thousand kms. The nuclei of the most common isotope-238 in most cases simply capture these neutrons, less often uranium is converted into neptunium and then into plutonium-239. When a neutron hits the nucleus of uranium-2 3 5, its new fission immediately occurs.

It was obvious: if you take a large enough piece of pure (enriched) uranium-235, the nuclear fission reaction in it will go like an avalanche, this reaction was called a chain reaction. Each nuclear fission releases a huge amount of energy. It was calculated that with the complete fission of 1 kg of uranium-235, the same amount of heat is released as when burning 3 thousand tons of coal. This colossal release of energy, released in a matter of moments, was to manifest itself as an explosion of monstrous force, which, of course, immediately interested the military departments.

The Joliot-Curies. 1940s

L. Meitner and O. Hahn. 1925

Before the outbreak of World War II, Germany and some other countries carried out highly classified work on the creation of nuclear weapons. In the United States, research designated as the "Manhattan Project" started in 1941; a year later, the world's largest research laboratory was founded in Los Alamos. The project was administratively subordinated to General Groves, scientific leadership was carried out by University of California professor Robert Oppenheimer. The project was attended by the largest authorities in the field of physics and chemistry, including 13 Nobel Prize winners: Enrico Fermi, James Frank, Niels Bohr, Ernest Lawrence and others.

The main task was to obtain a sufficient amount of uranium-235. It was found that plutonium-2 39 could also serve as a charge for the bomb, so work was carried out in two directions at once. The accumulation of uranium-235 was to be carried out by separating it from the bulk of natural uranium, and plutonium could only be obtained as a result of a controlled nuclear reaction by irradiating uranium-238 with neutrons. Enrichment of natural uranium was carried out at the plants of the Westinghouse company, and for the production of plutonium it was necessary to build a nuclear reactor.

It was in the reactor that the process of irradiating uranium rods with neutrons took place, as a result of which part of the uranium-238 was supposed to turn into plutonium. The sources of neutrons were fissile atoms of uranium-235, but the capture of neutrons by uranium-238 prevented the chain reaction from starting. The discovery of Enrico Fermi, who discovered that neutrons slowed down to a speed of 22 ms, caused a chain reaction of uranium-235, but were not captured by uranium-238, helped solve the problem. As a moderator, Fermi proposed a 40-cm layer of graphite or heavy water, which includes the hydrogen isotope deuterium.

R. Oppenheimer and Lieutenant General L. Groves. 1945

Calutron at Oak Ridge.

An experimental reactor was built in 1942 under the stands of the Chicago stadium. On December 2, its successful experimental launch took place. A year later, a new enrichment plant was built in the city of Oak Ridge and a reactor for the industrial production of plutonium was launched, as well as a calutron device for the electromagnetic separation of uranium isotopes. The total cost of the project was about $2 billion. Meanwhile, at Los Alamos, work was going on directly on the device of the bomb and methods for detonating the charge.

On June 16, 1945, near the city of Alamogordo in the state of New Mexico, during tests codenamed Trinity (“Trinity”), the world's first nuclear device with a plutonium charge and an implosive (using chemical explosives for detonation) detonation scheme was detonated. The power of the explosion was equivalent to an explosion of 20 kilotons of TNT.

The next step was combat use nuclear weapons against Japan, which, after the surrender of Germany, alone continued the war against the United States and its allies. On August 6, an Enola Gay B-29 bomber, under the control of Colonel Tibbets, dropped a Little Boy (“baby”) bomb on Hiroshima with a uranium charge and a cannon (using the connection of two blocks to create a critical mass) detonation scheme. The bomb was parachuted down and exploded at an altitude of 600 m from the ground. On August 9, Major Sweeney's Box Car aircraft dropped the Fat Man plutonium bomb on Nagasaki. The consequences of the explosions were terrible. Both cities were almost completely destroyed, more than 200 thousand people died in Hiroshima, about 80 thousand in Nagasaki. Later, one of the pilots admitted that they saw at that moment the most terrible thing that a person can see. Unable to resist the new weapons, the Japanese government capitulated.

Hiroshima after the atomic bombing.

The explosion of the atomic bomb put an end to World War II, but actually began new war"cold", accompanied by an unrestrained race nuclear weapons. Soviet scientists had to catch up with the Americans. In 1943, a secret "laboratory No. 2" was created, headed by the famous physicist Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov. Later, the laboratory was transformed into the Institute of Atomic Energy. In December 1946, the first chain reaction was carried out at the experimental nuclear uranium-graphite reactor F1. Two years later, the first plutonium plant with several industrial reactors was built in the Soviet Union, and in August 1949, a test explosion of the first Soviet atomic bomb with a plutonium charge RDS-1 with a capacity of 22 kilotons was carried out at the Semipalatinsk test site.

In November 1952, on the Eniwetok Atoll in pacific ocean The United States detonated the first thermonuclear charge, the destructive force of which arose due to the energy released during the nuclear fusion of light elements into heavier ones. Nine months later, at the Semipalatinsk test site, Soviet scientists tested the RDS-6 thermonuclear, or hydrogen, 400-kiloton bomb developed by a group of scientists led by Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov and Yuli Borisovich Khariton. In October 1961 at the training ground of the archipelago New Earth The 50-megaton Tsar Bomba, the most powerful hydrogen bomb ever tested, was detonated.

I. V. Kurchatov.

At the end of the 2000s, the United States had approximately 5,000 and Russia 2,800 nuclear weapons on deployed strategic launchers, as well as a significant number of tactical nuclear weapons. This reserve is enough to destroy the entire planet several times. Just one thermonuclear bomb of average yield (about 25 megatons) is equal to 1,500 Hiroshima.

In the late 1970s, research was underway to create a neutron weapon, a type of low-yield nuclear bomb. A neutron bomb differs from a conventional nuclear bomb in that it artificially increases the portion of the explosion energy that is released in the form of neutron radiation. This radiation affects the enemy's manpower, affects his weapons and creates radioactive contamination of the area, while the impact of the shock wave and light radiation is limited. However, not a single army in the world has taken neutron charges into service.

Although the use of atomic energy has brought the world to the brink of destruction, it also has a peaceful side, although it is extremely dangerous when it gets out of control, this was clearly shown by the accidents at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants. The world's first nuclear power plant with a capacity of only 5 MW was launched on June 27, 1954 in the village of Obninskoye Kaluga region(now the city of Obninsk). To date, more than 400 nuclear power plants are in operation in the world, 10 of them in Russia. They generate about 17% of the world's electricity, and this figure is likely to only increase. At present, the world cannot do without the use of nuclear energy, but I want to believe that in the future, humanity will find a safer source of energy supply.

Control panel of the nuclear power plant in Obninsk.

Chernobyl after the disaster.


Interest in the history of the emergence and significance of nuclear weapons for mankind is determined by the significance of a number of factors, among which, perhaps, the first row is occupied by the problems of ensuring a balance of power in the world arena and the relevance of building a nuclear deterrence system. military threat for the state. The presence of nuclear weapons always has a certain influence, direct or indirect, on the socio-economic situation and the political balance of power in the "owner countries" of such weapons. This, among other things, determines the relevance of the research problem we have chosen. The problem of the development and relevance of the use of nuclear weapons in order to ensure national security state is quite relevant in domestic science for more than a decade, and this topic has not yet exhausted itself.

object this study is an atomic weapon in the modern world, the subject of research is the history of the creation of the atomic bomb and its technological device. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the problem of atomic weapons is covered from the standpoint of a number of areas: nuclear physics, national security, history, foreign policy and intelligence.

The purpose of this work is to study the history of the creation and the role of the atomic (nuclear) bomb in ensuring peace and order on our planet.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the work:

the concept of "atomic bomb", "nuclear weapon", etc. is characterized;

the prerequisites for the emergence of atomic weapons are considered;

the reasons that prompted mankind to create atomic weapons and use them are revealed.

analyzed the structure and composition of the atomic bomb.

The set goal and objectives determined the structure and logic of the study, which consists of an introduction, two sections, a conclusion and a list of sources used.


Before starting to study the structure of the atomic bomb, it is necessary to understand the terminology on this issue. So, in scientific circles, there are special terms that reflect the characteristics of atomic weapons. Among them, we highlight the following:

Atomic bomb - the original name of an aviation nuclear bomb, the action of which is based on an explosive nuclear fission chain reaction. With the advent of the so-called hydrogen bomb, based on a thermonuclear fusion reaction, a common term for them was established - a nuclear bomb.

Nuclear bomb - aerial bomb with a nuclear charge, has great destructive power. The first two nuclear bombs with a TNT equivalent of about 20 kt each were dropped American aviation on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively, on August 6 and 9, 1945, and caused enormous casualties and destruction. Modern nuclear bombs have a TNT equivalent of tens to millions of tons.

Nuclear or atomic weapons are explosive weapons based on the use of nuclear energy released during a chain nuclear fission reaction of heavy nuclei or a thermonuclear fusion reaction of light nuclei.

Refers to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) along with biological and chemical weapons.

Nuclear weapons - a set of nuclear weapons, means of their delivery to the target and controls. Refers to weapons of mass destruction; has tremendous destructive power. For the above reason, the US and the USSR invested heavily in the development of nuclear weapons. According to the power of the charges and the range of action, nuclear weapons are divided into tactical, operational-tactical and strategic. The use of nuclear weapons in war is disastrous for all mankind.

A nuclear explosion is a process of instant release a large number intranuclear energy in a limited volume.

The action of atomic weapons is based on the fission reaction of heavy nuclei (uranium-235, plutonium-239 and, in some cases, uranium-233).

Uranium-235 is used in nuclear weapons because, unlike the more common isotope uranium-238, it can carry out a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction.

Plutonium-239 is also referred to as "weapon-grade plutonium" because it is intended to create nuclear weapons and the content of the 239Pu isotope must be at least 93.5%.

To reflect the structure and composition of the atomic bomb, as a prototype, we analyze the plutonium bomb "Fat Man" (Fig. 1) dropped on August 9, 1945 on the Japanese city of Nagasaki.

atomic nuclear bomb explosion

Figure 1 - Atomic bomb "Fat Man"

The layout of this bomb (typical for plutonium single-phase munitions) is approximately the following:

Neutron initiator - a beryllium ball with a diameter of about 2 cm, covered with a thin layer of yttrium-polonium alloy or polonium-210 metal - the primary source of neutrons for a sharp decrease in the critical mass and acceleration of the onset of the reaction. It fires at the moment of transferring the combat core to a supercritical state (during compression, a mixture of polonium and beryllium occurs with the release of a large number of neutrons). At present, in addition to this type of initiation, thermonuclear initiation (TI) is more common. Thermonuclear initiator (TI). It is located in the center of the charge (similar to NI) where a small amount of thermonuclear material is located, the center of which is heated by a converging shock wave, and in the process of a thermonuclear reaction against the background of the temperatures that have arisen, a significant amount of neutrons is produced, sufficient for the neutron initiation of a chain reaction (Fig. 2).

Plutonium. Use the purest plutonium-239 isotope, although to increase stability physical properties(density) and improve the compressibility of the charge plutonium is doped with a small amount of gallium.

A shell (usually made of uranium) that serves as a neutron reflector.

Compression sheath made of aluminium. Provides greater uniformity of compression by a shock wave, while at the same time protecting the internal parts of the charge from direct contact with explosives and hot products of its decomposition.

Explosive with a complex detonation system that ensures the synchronous detonation of everything explosive. Synchronicity is necessary to create a strictly spherical compressive (directed inside the ball) shock wave. A non-spherical wave leads to the ejection of the material of the ball through inhomogeneity and the impossibility of creating a critical mass. The creation of such a system for the location of explosives and detonation was at one time one of the most difficult tasks. A combined scheme (lens system) of "fast" and "slow" explosives is used.

Body made of duralumin stamped elements - two spherical covers and a belt connected by bolts.

Figure 2 - The principle of operation of the plutonium bomb

The center of a nuclear explosion is the point at which a flash occurs or the center of the fireball is located, and the epicenter is the projection of the explosion center onto the earth or water surface.

Nuclear weapons are the most powerful and dangerous view weapons of mass destruction, threatening all mankind with unprecedented destruction and destruction of millions of people.

If an explosion occurs on the ground or fairly close to its surface, then part of the energy of the explosion is transferred to the Earth's surface in the form of seismic vibrations. A phenomenon occurs, which in its features resembles an earthquake. As a result of such an explosion, seismic waves are formed, which propagate through the thickness of the earth over very long distances. The destructive effect of the wave is limited to a radius of several hundred meters.

As a result, extremely high temperature explosion, a bright flash of light occurs, the intensity of which is hundreds of times greater than the intensity sun rays falling to the earth. A flash releases a huge amount of heat and light. Light radiation causes spontaneous combustion of flammable materials and burns the skin of people within a radius of many kilometers.

At nuclear explosion radiation occurs. It lasts about a minute and has such a high penetrating power that powerful and reliable shelters are required to protect against it at close distances.

A nuclear explosion is capable of instantly destroying or incapacitating unprotected people, openly standing equipment, structures and various materiel. Main damaging factors nuclear explosion (PFYaV) are:

shock wave;

light radiation;

penetrating radiation;

radioactive contamination of the area;

electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

During a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere, the distribution of the released energy between the PNFs is approximately the following: about 50% for the shock wave, 35% for the share of light radiation, 10% for radioactive contamination, and 5% for penetrating radiation and EMP.

Radioactive contamination of people, military equipment, terrain and various objects during a nuclear explosion is caused by fission fragments of the charge substance (Pu-239, U-235) and the unreacted part of the charge falling out of the explosion cloud, as well as radioactive isotopes formed in the soil and other materials under the influence of neutrons - induced activity. Over time, the activity of fission fragments rapidly decreases, especially in the first hours after the explosion. So, for example, the total activity of fission fragments in the explosion of a 20 kT nuclear weapon will be several thousand times less in one day than in one minute after the explosion.

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