Kiriyenko Minister of Atomic Energy biography. Kiriyenko was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. Further career of Sergei Kiriyenko

Biography of the former Russian prime minister Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko, at first glance, crystal clear and clean.

Smart Jewish boy.

Parents, however, divorced at the most critical moment of his maturation.

From Sochi, where I had to change my surname (from israel on the Kiriyenko) and finish his studies at school, for some reason he returns to Nizhny Novgorod.

Enters the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers: there the department of philosophy was headed by his father Vladilen Izraitel.

Colleagues of the ex-premier's dad recall Israeli senior with the utmost respect. He, according to them, was a very, very gifted person, “whose ability to think strategically, counting many moves ahead, was simply unique.”

Make a brilliant career for your father Kiriyenko in the Soviet years, only the 5th point interfered.

38 year old Vladilen Izraitel He defended his doctoral dissertation at Moscow State University and in his specialization was more of a political scientist than a philosopher. But such science did not exist in Soviet universities.

During the years of perestroika, professor israel one of the first in Russia began to develop political technologies for elections and created two original "strategies for holding elections in a country in transition."

In the early 90s, under his leadership, two PR firms, Pragma and Delo, were already working with might and main.

When the future prime minister graduated from the institute with excellent marks, his father, as an experienced image maker, advised him to “move to production”, believing that his son would achieve more in management than in science.

And so it happened. First there was a very short run in the blue coat of the master of the team of welders at the Krasnoe Sormovo plant, where nuclear submarines were uniquely riveted, then soaring in the starched shirt of the released secretary of the factory Komsomol cell. Two or three more strokes - and Kiriyenko gently planned in the chair of the 2nd secretary of not the smallest Gorky regional committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in the country, from where he led construction teams and other commercial activities of young people.

Israeli citizenship of the young reformer

would be alive israel- the elder, probably, he would have advised his son not to start the political career of the Russian young reformer with the adoption of Israeli citizenship.

But there was no one to give wise advice to the beginning politician.

What happened, happened.

The branch of the Israeli Ministry of the Interior in the city of Holon (a suburb of Tel Aviv) confirmed to us that Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko, born in 1962, had Israeli citizenship, and the corresponding certificate was issued to him there.

But after a noisy scandal in the press about the Israeli citizenship of the Secretary of the Security Council Boris Berezovsky the future minister and prime minister decided to follow BAB's example and renounce Israeli citizenship.

It's curious that Kiriyenko was just one of many politicians who did so after the "birch" demarche.

Among the most famous "refuseniks" were A. Chubais, B. Nemtsov, J. Urinson, E. Yasin, A. Lifshits.

However, the procedure for obtaining Israeli citizenship, as well as renunciation of it, is very simple. To do this, at any Israeli embassy or consulate, it is enough to fill out a standard form indicating the reason for the refusal. Under Israeli law, citizenship can also be easily restored. Moreover, at a recent board meeting of the Jewish Agency for the Jews, in particular, the need to re-grant (award?) Israeli citizenship to former leading Russian politicians, if necessary, was discussed. What decision they came to is unknown.

So which country are you currently a citizen of? Sergey Vladilenovich- the devil doesn't know.

Jewish fraud with pensioners' money

A legend still circulates in Nizhny Novgorod: all the commercial successes of the ex-premier were explained by the fact that in the early 90s Kiriyenko, as a Komsomol businessman, a considerable part of the notorious "gold of the party" fell.

On, so to speak, the development of the emerging youth initiative. However, the first of the organized by Sergei Kiriyenko firms, only called mysteriously - "AMK". The beautiful abbreviation was simply deciphered - Joint Stock Youth Concern. And the business was even simpler - the concern traded in corn flakes, shoes and other shuttle consumer goods. Somehow, however, one of the guards stole several boxes of shoes from the Komsomol members. There were no other scams in the history of the company, as well as traces of party billions. It was different. Unexpectedly for everyone Kiriyenko ascended to the position of head of one of the largest banks in Nizhny Novgorod. Heading the Nizhny Novgorod bank Garantiya Sergei Kiriyenko with the help of the governor Boris Nemtsov developed and implemented a unique scheme for scrolling pension money throughout the Nizhny Novgorod region. As a result, by the mid-1990s, almost 2 trillion pension rubles had flown through the Garantiya bank. Many months of delays in pensions and hungry fainting of old women did not touch the young reformers. And by the time you move Kiriyenko to Moscow, his bank owed the state and pensioners more than 540 billion rubles.

Bandit connections of a smart Jew

It was hardly possible to pull off such a scam without a reliable bandit "roof". And, apparently, the young banker had such a "roof". The Republican Socio-Commercial Bank was among the founders of Garantiya Bank. His leaders and close friends of Sergei Kiriyenko V. Nenadyshin (he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the bank "Guarantee") and V. Trifonov were very closely connected with the Orekhovskaya criminal group, which was led by the legendary Sylvester.

This friendship was suddenly interrupted when Sylvester was blown up. And the death of the leader of the Orekhov bandits overtook just in the Mercedes-600, which belonged to Trifonov. And what exactly connected Kiriyenko with Sylvester - now we will never know. But the fact that there was a connection can hardly be doubted.

Jewish inventor of scams

In the archives of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Patents and Trademarks, an interesting document dated December 17, 1997 has been preserved: “Description of the invention of a device for holding an instant lottery “Stop in time” to the patent of the Russian Federation”.

A much-needed invention in the national economy was made back in 1988. Ivanov Sergey Leonidovich and Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich. About the first inventor - a small businessman - we only managed to find out that he was the founder of two firms in Nizhny Novgorod.

And the second is the former Russian prime minister!

Checked - exactly. Invented by ex-premier Kiriyenko the lottery "Stop in time" - it was one of the hundreds of varieties of "washer" lotteries that flourished in the post-Soviet space.

True, it was not without innovations: the essence of the invention, set out Kiriyenko in the patent application was that the player sees the number of zeros due to him if he wins the amount.

According to the inventors, this was supposed to turn on gambling citizens more than usual and "significantly increase the consumer and economic benefits of using such lotteries."

  • In fact, lotteries - “washers” or “scratch” lotteries, as they are called in the West, are the same thimbles - Colonel G., a leading specialist in gambling taxation, an employee of the Tax Police Department for Moscow, told us - In both cases, absolutely nothing depends on the player. If a normal lottery is built on luck, then there is only one principle in “washers” and thimbles - the person who spins the ball or prints the tickets always and 100% wins. It is not for nothing that such lotteries have been dubbed “scams” ​​in our country. Without exception, all the “washers” that the Moscow tax police had to deal with were absolutely unwinnable. The gaming section of the ticket was filled with paint in the same printing house where the ticket itself was printed, and therefore it was practically impossible to control the prize fund.
  • By law, 50% of the proceeds from ticket sales must go to prizes and not be taxed, the tax policeman continued to enlighten us, but it is almost impossible to verify this. Well, we can’t put our people in all the printing houses where they print tickets! And in the accounting documentation - full order, although no one has ever seen large prizes. There is a reinforced concrete explanation for this - so far people are not lucky. I'm not even talking about printing a "left" edition: well, try to check whether they issued 100,000 tickets, as they said, or 200! They sell them on the streets. The tax police believe that 99% of lotteries-washers are disposable. The swindle scheme is simple: first they get a patent for an invention, then a license, several million cards are printed, which are quickly sold on the streets, and the organizing company calmly packs things and moves to another large city - until the next lottery.

By the way, according to the information we have from the Department of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, in Nizhny and the region there are licenses to conduct Kiriyenko vskoy lottery was not even issued.

And the firm "Nizhny Novgorod Directorate of Lotteries", which arranged the game "Stop in time", and did not pass registration in Nizhny Novgorod.

And to a direct question whether we had to deal with honest "washers", the tax police preferred not to answer us. They say there are no such statistics. No wonder private "scratch" lotteries are banned in the USA. Fraud has long been figured out there, and only state authorities under the vigilant control of the FBI have the right to organize such games.

By the way, a forgotten interest Sergei Vladilenovich to gambling woke up during his tenure as prime minister. For many years our government has been trying to increase the taxation of gambling establishments, otherwise they grow like mushrooms after rain, but the real income from the casino to the treasury - the cat cried.

All premieres before and after Kiriyenko advocated a fivefold increase in "gambling" taxes, for tight control over this super-profitable business.

And only at Sergei Vladilenovich owners of gambling establishments found understanding.

All Jewish oligarchs start with oil trading

Speaking from the Duma rostrum, the youngest Russian prime minister confidently laid out the country's economy on neat shelves, and just as confidently outlined the route we would all follow after the August crisis.

In Nizhny, however, about managerial talents Kiriyenko speaking is not customary.

Detractors, for example, attributed the success of the local bank Garantiya, which headed Kiriyenko, at the expense of the Nizhny Novgorod vice-governor Yuri Lebedev: his wife held the post of vice president in Guarantee.

Failed Kiriyenko to pull out of the debt hole and the oil company "Norsi-Oil". Until now, this company, which is based on a powerful oil refinery, still owes billions of rubles to the budget and tolling enterprises of crude oil.

However, the current prime minister nevertheless solved the problem of debt at the local level. Admittedly, it's rather peculiar. She owed, for example, Norsi to the company V.K. Import-Export" for crude oil supplied back in 1996. And in response - silence and no oil products worth 40 million dollars. All I could do Sergey Vladilenovich- this is to hold something like a Komsomol meeting with creditors-payers and invite them to wait with debts for five years, or even better ten.

Also later Sergey Vladilenovich acted with depositors of all known Russian systemically important banks, using the method of complete default tested on Norsi's creditors.

Oil scam Kiriyenko

They tell another story in Nizhny Novgorod. Not trusting their own managers too much, or maybe believing that technical progress is in itself, and no one has yet canceled folk traditions, Sergei Kirienko, when he was the oil king, turned to the "astral" for help, and, most surprisingly, he received this help.

As we managed to find out, a whole team of psychics worked at Norse Oil, and several offices were filled with horoscopes, black magic textbooks and other carefully selected items for contact with otherworldly forces.

Mercilessly exploited psychics increased the "yield of light petroleum products in distillation plants."

For the uninitiated, the process looked simple: psychics, having made all the necessary passes, bent over the scheme of the oil refinery drawn on paper, concentrating cosmic rays around the distillation plants and expelling the bad aura of competitors. That's all.

Especially for technocratic skeptics, they even announced the results of attracting space energy: the processing of light and more expensive fractions from the same volume of oil increased by 3%.

Considering that Norsi-Oil processes millions of tons of raw materials a year, the increase was substantial. Oil suppliers and owners of aviation gasoline and diesel fuel produced from it (Solideks, Goskomresurs firms) in the abilities of the “astral brigade” Kiriyenko made sure, without a doubt signed the relevant contracts and transferred large sums to psychics "for the development" of their unique abilities.

How much money the sorcerers then “rolled back” to the management of Norsi-Oil from their fees is unknown to us. We didn't believe our ears at first. But inquiries were made nonetheless. And vice-president of Norsi-Oil for technical development Stepan Glinchak told us the amazing news:

“In order to improve production efficiency, the company developed a methodology for using psychic potential.”

This somewhat extravagant project, according to him, "is in the stage of scientific development and has not yet brought tangible results." But Glinczak I'm sure he's the future.

Who had the initiative to use psychics in oil refining? - we asked a direct question to the innovator.

I supervise the technical development of production, which means that the initiative belongs to me. BUT Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko never rejected non-traditional approaches, and was sympathetic to this project. In addition, without his permission, such a large project could not take place.

To tell in more detail about the life and achievements of psychics working at Norsi Glinczak refused, explaining that theories of the development of otherworldly forces are so complex that it is simply pointless to explain them to the uninitiated. And to comprehend the secret meaning of the signals that the cosmos broadcasts directly to the Norsi-Oil office, alas, we will never be given.

However, some experts in the field of oil refining, with whom we later consulted, dispelled our doubts. According to them, the following was obtained: not a single oil refinery can do without non-accounting, and Norsi was no different from others in this; unaccounted for oil products were usually formed with the help of various technological tricks; the resulting tons of oil products had to be legalized somehow; in the past, this was done simply - all accounting documentation on the supply of crude oil was burned; with the advent of audits and tax authorities, such rough operations had to be abandoned, and it is quite possible that the younger generation of Norsi-Oil managers, headed by Kiriyenko just invented a more elegant way.

And what can happen to Moscow, the management of which is now so zealously sought by the ex-premier, who is inclined to turn a blind eye to gambling and paranormal scams on a large scale, we will leave Muscovite readers to decide. I really don’t want, however, that astrologers and psychics will soon fill up the offices of the mayor’s office, so that the Moscow budget is calculated Sergei Vladilenovich according to the stars, and the influence of the poltergeist on the payment of salaries to state employees has increased. However, salaries under the mayor Kiriyenko, most likely, they will simply play the “Stop in time” lottery.

Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich

Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko (born July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR) - Russian statesman and politician, from April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Government of Russia. Head of the Rosatom corporation. Aikido 3rd dan, president of the Aikido Aikikai Federation of Russia.


Sergei Kiriyenko was born on July 26, 1962 in Sukhumi. Father - Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, graduated from Moscow State University (later Doctor of Philosophy, Professor and Head of Department at the Nizhny Novgorod Institute), mother - Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko - Odessa Institute of Economics.

Member of the CPSU since 1984.

S. Kiriyenko is a graduate of the well-known Sochi secondary school No. 7. In 1984 he graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers (where his father headed the department) and the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993.

He began his career as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard after serving in the Soviet Army in 1986.

In 1987-1991 - Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the plant; Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1991-1997, he worked in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and business: President of the AMK Concern Joint Stock Company; Chairman of the Board of Bank Garantiya; President of the oil company "NORSI-OIL".

In 1997-1998 - First Deputy Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

1998: Chairman of the government of Russia

From April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Kiriyenko was appointed acting head of the government after the resignation of Viktor Chernomyrdin's cabinet. The State Duma twice - on April 10 and April 17, 1998 - refused to agree to the confirmation of Kiriyenko as Prime Minister. Only on April 24, 1998, after the third vote on his candidacy, Kiriyenko was approved by the State Duma with 251 votes as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On the same day, Yeltsin signed a Presidential Decree appointing Kiriyenko Prime Minister.

During the formation of the government, the only noticeable change was a sharp reduction in the number of deputy prime ministers and the abolition of the posts of First Deputy Prime Ministers. Boris Nemtsov, Oleg Sysuev and Viktor Khristenko received the positions of Deputy Prime Ministers. A certain sensation was the appointment during the reshuffle in the Government on July 22, 1998, the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Yuri Maslyukov, to the post of Minister of Industry and Trade.

Kiriyenko, along with Boris Nemtsov and Anatoly Chubais, became known as a "young reformer" who tried to implement large-scale liberal economic reforms in Russia. In the course of the reforms, a policy of borrowing in the foreign market was actively pursued, including with the help of IMF loans, because of which the state debt increased by $22 billion [source not specified 373 days].

In August 1998, Kiriyenko's cabinet stopped paying GKO-OFZ coupons, which led to the devaluation of the ruble and the financial crisis. After the default of 1998, he resigned, which was immediately accepted by the president on August 23, 1998, making Kiriyenko's government one of the most short-lived in Russian history.

1999: Candidate for mayor of Moscow, deputy of the State Duma

“The state is well aware of the importance and significance of the IT industry. Moreover, it proceeds from the fact that this industry is the locomotive of the economic development of the country as a whole,” the news agency quotes him as saying.

The official mentioned "special support measures" that the authorities are ready to offer the IT industry due to its specifics. One of these measures is the extension until 2023 of benefits on contributions to the Wage Fund - payments were halved. At the moment, ministries and departments are discussing the introduction of a 50% subsidy for interest rates on loans.

Kiriyenko also noted that the Russian IT market is still open to foreign companies if they comply with the law. The authorities have no plans to restrict the market for law-abiding foreign players, he said.

What Sergei Kiriyenko discussed at a meeting with the Internet industry

On November 21, 2018, Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia, discussed the pressing problems of the industry at a meeting with the Internet industry. This was the first event of its kind since taking over the curatorship of the industry. Director Sergei Petrov became the moderator.

For the first acquaintance, the form of a business breakfast was chosen, which made it possible to create a trusting atmosphere during discussions on rather sensitive topics. In the question-answer format, we managed to discuss benefits for IT companies, attitudes towards network neutrality, and the inadmissibility of market monopolization by large platforms.

A heated discussion was caused by a question asked by Anna Serebryanikova, MegaFon's COO for self-regulation of the big data market. The issue of regulation has been raised many times. Sergei Kiriyenko expressed his position that the state is not trying to impose development paths, striving for understandable and transparent rules. And the most working rules are those that the participants themselves have developed. As an example, he cited the anti-piracy agreement, which was recently signed by Yandex,, Rambler and copyright holders from among the largest media holdings.

Self-regulation was raised when the gaming industry suggested addressing the public and media bias against computer games as potentially dangerous entertainment. According to Kiriyenko, game developers and distributors could start by uniting and developing rules for interaction, age marking of game content, and increasing the transparency of the industry. The First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation asked to think about what kind of support measures the gaming industry needs in order for games from Russia to become world leaders.

The First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia called on IT specialists to participate in the Leaders of Russia competition in order to share their competencies with the authorities. In his opinion, business has gone ahead in many development issues, and in order for the state to match the pace of development of the Internet industry, competent specialists should come to the civil service. He also invited businesses to participate more actively in the program of retraining state and municipal employees in digital competencies.

During the meeting, the editor-in-chief of TAdviser Alexander Levashov made a proposal to organize a training program for journalists in the field of information technology. Sergei Kiriyenko supported the idea and made a counter-proposal about the need to develop knowledge in this area among press service employees.

Concluding the meeting, the director of the Internet Development Institute, the moderator of the meeting, Sergey Petrov, recalled the anniversary date of the .RU domain zone and proposed to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Runet in April 2019 at the state level. Sergei Kiriyenko supported the initiative, noting that he was waiting for proposals for the Organizing Committee of the anniversary, and given the role of the Internet and the success of the industry, he suggested that the opportunity to award the founders should be considered»

On October 5, the former prime minister of Russia, the general director of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko, was appointed first deputy head of the presidential administration. Earlier on the appointment of Kiriyenko.

The post of first deputy head of the presidential administration is not the first surprise in Sergei Kiriyenko's career. Just as unexpectedly, he was appointed both the prime minister of Russia and the head of the nuclear industry. How Kiriyenko's career developed - in the RBC photo gallery.

In April 1998, after the resignation of Viktor Chernomyrdin's cabinet, President Boris Yeltsin (pictured right) submitted to the State Duma the candidature of a little-known 35-year-old Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy for approval as head of the government of the Russian Federation. The Duma twice refused to agree to Kiriyenko's confirmation and voted for his candidacy only the third time.

Yeltsin on the appointment of Kiriyenko:

“I went to his candidacy by elimination. But now I see clearly: it was not in vain that he seemed to me the most promising from the very beginning. In a conversation with Sergey, I was struck by the style of his thinking - even, tough, absolutely consistent. Very tenacious and efficient mind. Attentive eyes behind round glasses. Extreme correctness, lack of emotions. Endurance in everything. There is something from an excellent graduate student in him. But this is not Gaidar, armchair scientist and revolutionary democrat. This is a different generation, a different bone - a manager, a director, a young manager. A real technocratic prime minister! What the country needs now ... ”(From the book“ Presidential Marathon ”, 2000)

Kiriyenko led the government for the shortest time of all who held this position. Four months after his appointment, Kiriyenko announced the inability of the state to service its loan obligations. The result of the default was the collapse of the ruble exchange rate. From the moment the default was announced and until the end of 1998, the ruble exchange rate against the dollar rose from 6 to 21 rubles. Simultaneously with the devaluation, there was an explosive rise in prices. For four months (November to July 1998) prices for foodstuffs increased by 63%, for non-food products - by 85%.

As a result of the economic crisis of 1998, Russia's external debt rose to $220 billion. Taking into account the internal debt of various authorities to state employees and enterprises for salaries and government orders, total liabilities exceeded $300 billion, or 200% of GDP. The Kiriyenko government was dismissed.

Photo: Sergey Velichkin, Vladimir Rodionov/TASS

Another notable event that took place during the short time of Kiriyenko's premiership was the appointment of Vladimir Putin as director of the FSB. Putin previously served as First Deputy of the Russian Presidential Administration, to which he has now appointed Kiriyenko. Introducing the new chief of the Federal Service, Kiriyenko called Putin "a real intelligence agent", expressing the opinion that he would be able to organize the fight against economic crimes.

Photo: Dmitry Korobeinikov / RIA Novosti

In December 1998, Sergei Kiriyenko founded the New Force movement, which he positioned as an organization of a "liberal-conservative" orientation. In the summer of 1999, New Force became a co-founder of the democratic coalition "Union of Right Forces" (SPS) to participate in the 1999 Duma elections. Other co-founders of the coalition were the movements of Boris Nemtsov (pictured right), Irina Khakamada (on the picture) and several other liberal organizations.

The Union of Right Forces went to the polls under the slogan “Putin for president, Kiriyenko for the State Duma. We need young people!" The coalition received 8.52% of the vote in the elections and formed a faction in the State Duma. At the same time, Kiriyenko took part in the election of the mayor of Moscow, relying on harsh criticism of the current head of the city, Yuri Luzhkov. Kiriyenko took second place out of eight candidates in these elections, gaining 11.3% of the vote. In the 2000 presidential election, Kiriyenko supported Vladimir Putin, while the Union of Right Forces did not put forward its own candidate.

Sergey Kiriyenko about his political views

“I directly appeal to people: do not be afraid to speak! Otherwise, the system of clans, the system of silence and monopoly on power may spread to all of Russia after the presidential elections, and Russia will turn into a state of fear. And it will be much more difficult to argue with him than today.” (From an interview with Moscow News, June 1999)

In May 2000, Kiriyenko resigned his deputy mandate, becoming the presidential plenipotentiary in the Volga Federal District. Five years later, he was appointed head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom), which in 2007 became the state corporation Rosatom. The appointment to the agency that manages the nuclear industry took place against the backdrop of a scandal involving former Energy Minister Yevgeny Adamov. He was arrested shortly before that in Switzerland at the request of the United States. Adamov was accused of embezzling $9 million allocated by the US government to improve security systems at Russian nuclear facilities.

Boris Nemtsov on the appointment of Kiriyenko to Rosatom

“In principle, this is a dangerous corruption case. There are two problems there: the first is a very closed place, for obvious reasons - they are engaged in plutonium, uranium production ... It is clear that all this should be closed, but, on the other hand, there are billions of dollars of turnover. And the task of any person who heads this department is to make his work transparent so as not to repeat the fate of Adamov. He is a qualified person, but the system itself, where everything is closed, where billions of dollars flow, it generates theft. This is a difficult task, but it seems to me that the experience that Kiriyenko has is sufficient to cope with this task. (From an interview with the Nizhny Novgorod NTA agency, November 2005)

Having headed Rosatom, Kiriyenko initiated the process of optimizing the work of the department. The preparation of the reform took two years. In 2007, President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law "On the Peculiarities of Management and Disposition of Property and Shares of Organizations Operating in the Field of the Use of Atomic Energy, and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." The document made it possible to start a deep restructuring and corporatization in the nuclear industry. The main goal of the new law was the "breeding" of the military and civilian tasks of the nuclear industry. The peaceful atom had to develop further according to the laws of the market.

Kiriyenko is considered the main author of the idea of ​​merging all the major companies in the industry into a single state concern. At the beginning of 2007, the state holding "Atomenergoprom" was formed, which included, among other things, the main producer of uranium fuel TVEL and the exporter of uranium "Techsnabexport" (according to the plan, by the end of 2007, the holding was to unite 55 joint-stock federal state unitary enterprises of the "civilian" part of the nuclear industry). Kiriyenko believed that all the companies of the holding should be included in the Rosatom State Corporation, but the heads of the industry's enterprises did not always agree with him. As a result, Vladimir Smirnov, General Director of the state company Techsnabexport, left his posts. Head of TVEL Anton Badenkov.

Director of the Energy Development Fund Sergey Pikin on changes in Rosatom

“Previously, Rosatom was the operating organization of nuclear power plants and carried out separate projects in China, Iran and Bulgaria. Kiriyenko brought the company to another level. If we look at all energy companies in Russia in a broad sense - not only energy, but also oil and gas companies, then it is Rosatom that has achieved great success over the past ten years in terms of revenue, order portfolio and entering the international arena, having increased the order portfolio many times over. The company has long-term financial planning, and the production of its engineering products has been established.”

In October 2007, Rosatom, led by Kiriyenko, scored one of its first victories - Techsnabexport won a US court case against the US Department of Commerce, challenging the legality of anti-dumping duties on imports of Russian-made low-enriched uranium into the US. In 2016, TVEL managed to enter the American fuel market by signing a contract with Global Nuclear Fuel Americas (an American nuclear power plant operator) for the pilot operation of the Russian TVS-Kvadrat nuclear fuel for light water reactors (PWR).

Sergey Kiriyenko on the values ​​and strategy of Rosatom

“You must always be one step ahead of not only competitors, but also consumers. Try to understand what the consumer will need tomorrow, even if he himself does not understand it now. In addition, you must be one step ahead of yourself, understand what you need to become tomorrow in order to be competitive. Speaking of efficiency, we mean not only money, but also time. There are no processes that cannot be optimized.”

One of the achievements of Kiriyenko and his team as head of the atomic energy agency is called the unfreezing of negotiations on the Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran. The completion of the station was in doubt, including for political reasons, but in 2011 the first power unit was launched in test mode and connected to the Iranian power grid. In 2016, concrete pouring began for the second power unit of the station.

Also under Kiriyenko, units No. 1 and No. 2 of the Tianwan NPP (China, 2007) were launched, the first unit of the Kudankulam NPP (India, 2013) was commissioned. For the last station, an agreement was signed for the construction of the third and fourth power units.

Nuclear safety specialist Dmitry Kovchegin on Kiriyenko's methods

“When Kiriyenko came, the industry began to introduce a KPI system, which did not always contribute to nuclear safety. Profit was the priority, and from time to time this had a negative impact on nuclear safety issues. Priorities were not always set properly. In such a sensitive industry, nuclear safety issues should always be a priority, and it is dangerous to sacrifice them for the sake of profit ... When Kiriyenko came to Rosatom, he began to bring his people, who, in turn, brought their own. This new guard of effective managers could not always find common ground with the old guard. Kiriyenko is a person who can understand the topic. During these 11 years, he mastered the problems of the nuclear industry. The issue is that the people he brought in don’t have that attitude.”

Currently, the state corporation Rosatom has a foreign portfolio of 36 NPP power unit projects, ranking first in the world in this indicator. The portfolio of foreign orders for a ten-year period at the end of 2015 amounted to $110.3 billion.

On the picture: Vice President for Atomic Energy, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi and Sergei Kiriyenko during the signing of a package of agreements on the construction of eight nuclear power units in Iran.

Another priority activity of Rosatom is the implementation of a joint project with Roscosmos to create a transport and energy module based on a megawatt-class nuclear power plant. The new development should expand the possibilities of space exploration, in particular, to create devices for flights and the creation of bases on the Moon and planets of the solar system. Rosatom in 2018 promised to present a prototype nuclear reactor for a space propulsion system.

Sergei Kiriyenko about the flight to Mars

“A power plant with a nuclear engine makes it possible to reach Mars in one to one and a half months, providing the ability to maneuver and accelerate. On a conventional engine, a flight to Mars would take about a year and a half without the possibility of returning back. (Quote from RIA Novosti, March 2016)

Kiriyenko calls martial arts his main hobby. According to him, he tried various types of martial arts from karate to judo, but in the end he chose aikido. He has 4 dan in this type of martial arts, and since 2005 he has been the president of the Aikikai Russia Aikido Federation.

Sergei Kirienko on the philosophy of aikido

“The world is harmony, and if you are in harmony with yourself and in harmony with the world, then you are invincible. Any aggressor violates the harmony of the world, which means that it is enough to turn his aggression against himself so that the balance is restored and good triumphs. (From an interview with "Arguments of the Week", October 2013)

On September 24, 2016, RBC sources in the Kremlin and the Russian government named Sergei Kiriyenko the main contender for the post of first deputy head of the presidential administration, which became vacant after Vyacheslav Volodin left for the State Duma.

Former colleagues on Kiriyenko's return to politics

Minister of Economy in the government of Kiriyenko Yakov Urinson:

“He is a very highly qualified specialist, well educated, with a very broad outlook. I can't even believe that such a person can be appointed to a high post in our time. He is absolutely independent as a manager, able to make decisions independently and defend his opinion, which he very convincingly showed in his time in the government.”

Irina Khakamada, Kiriyenko's colleague in the Union of Right Forces:

The Union of Right Forces was able to win in 1999 in a short time not because Nemtsov and Khakamada were known, half of the victory was due to the organizational abilities of Kiriyenko himself. He is a manager of the highest class, he organizes everything. As for ideology, he is, of course, devoted to power. It is close to the concept of the "Russian world", only taking into account modern phenomena. Kiriyenko is not a fundamentalist, but all these ideas are close to him. No one in the presidential administration can be independent - everything depends on Putin. There is another boss over Kiriyenko - Vaino (head of the presidential administration). But judging by the published scientific works of Vaino and the ideas that Kiriyenko adheres to, they will quickly find a common language.”

Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich(born July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR, Georgian SSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman and politician. First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia since October 5, 2016. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the 1st class.

From April to August 1998 - Prime Minister of Russia. He became the youngest head of government in the history of the Russian Federation (at 35). From 2005 to 2016 - General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "".

Born in the family of Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel and Larisa Vasilievna Kirienko. Father - a graduate of Moscow State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, at various times headed the departments of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Institute of Water Transport Engineers (Scientific Communism (1980-1990), Political Science (1990-1992), Humanities and Social Sciences (1992). -1995 years)). Mother is a graduate of the Odessa Economic Institute.

Sergei Kiriyenko graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers in 1984 and from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993. Member of the CPSU since 1984. From 1984 to 1986 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. He began his career as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard.

In 1986-1991 - Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the plant; First Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol. In March 1990 he was elected to the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies. In 1991-1997, he worked in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and business: General Director of the AMK Concern joint-stock company, Chairman of the Board of Garantiya Bank, President of the NORSI-OIL oil company.

In April 1997, Kiriyenko moved to work in Moscow, where his friend Boris Nemtsov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government, convinced Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin to take a young Nizhny Novgorod businessman to a high position in the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. In 1997-1998, Sergei Kiriyenko was First Deputy Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. On March 23, 1998, Russian President Boris Yeltsin appointed Kiriyenko acting head of government after the resignation of Viktor Chernomyrdin's cabinet. April 24, 1998 was approved by the State Duma in this post. On August 17, 1998, the government of the Russian Federation officially declared default, on August 21, Sergei Kiriyenko was dismissed from his post.

In 1999, Kiriyenko was a candidate for mayor of Moscow (gained 11.2% of the vote, the second result after the re-elected Yuri Luzhkov), the leader of the list of the Union of Right Forces in the elections to the State Duma. In 1999-2000, he was a member of the State Duma. Leader of the Union of Right Forces faction in the State Duma.

Since May 18, 2000 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District. Since 2001 - Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament. On November 15, 2005, he was appointed head of the Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom). On December 12, 2007, in connection with the reorganization, he was reappointed as the General Director of the State Corporation Rosatom, created on the basis of the agency. On October 5, 2016, he was appointed First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia.

Sergei Kiriyenko is married and has three children: a son (Vladimir, born in 1983) and two daughters, Lyubov (born in 1992) and Nadezhda (born in 2002).

Once at the age of 35, he became the youngest head of government in the history of the Russian Federation, after which a terrible default occurred in the country. Now the former head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko, from Nizhny Novgorod, has taken the place of Vyacheslav Volodin in the Kremlin. Today Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Sergei Kiriyenko First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia.

It is worth remembering how Sergei Vladilenovich came to power at a young age and for which he was given the nickname Kinder Surprise by the people, which stuck for many years.


The grandfather of our hero Yakov Izraitel was a participant in the revolution and the Civil War, he was a member of the Cheka. Lenin personally awarded him with a personalized pistol for conscientious service to the Soviet government. In the 30s, Yakov Izraitel led the Soviet border guards in Armenia and Abkhazia, then he was the director of the Abkhaz branch of the state bank.

His son, Vladilen Izraitel, is remembered by people with extraordinary reverence. A very gifted person, able to think strategically, uniquely calculating many moves ahead. Only the fifth point prevented Father Kiriyenko from making a brilliant career in the Soviet years. But at the age of 38, he defended his doctoral dissertation at Moscow State University and, in his specialization, was more of a political scientist than a philosopher, although such a science did not exist in Soviet universities. During the years of perestroika, Professor Izraitel was one of the first in Russia to begin developing political technologies and created two original "strategies for holding elections in a country in transition." In the early 90s, under his leadership, two PR firms, Pragma and Delo, were already working with might and main.

Sergei's biography began in Sukhumi, the capital of Abkhazia, where his grandfather Yakov lived and worked. The boy was born on July 26, 1962. The parents were housemates and went to the same school. The family was created while still students. Then the family of Vladilen and Larisa Izraiteley lived in Gorky for some time. But family life did not work out, and when the son was 10 years old, they divorced. Larisa and Sergey left for Sochi, where she took her maiden name - Kiriyenko.

After leaving school, Sergei returned to Gorky, entered the shipbuilding department of the Institute of Water Transport Engineers, where his father taught at the Department of Philosophy. During his studies, he lived in the family of his father and his second wife, who worked at the same university.

The institute was finished with one five.

Father, as an experienced image maker, advised me to go into production - success should be achieved in management, not in science. Sergei Kiriyenko did just that. First, for a run, he worked in a blue coat for the master of a team of welders at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, where nuclear submarines were riveted. Then he became a released secretary in a factory Komsomol cell. After that, he moved to the chair of the second secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol, from where he led the construction teams and even the commercial activities of young people.

Psychics-oil workers

A legend still circulates in Nizhny Novgorod: all the commercial successes of the ex-premier were due to the fact that Kiriyenko in the early 90s, as a Komsomol businessman, got a large part of the notorious "gold of the party." But that's another gossip...

However, Sergey Vladilenovich went into business and became the general director of the AMK company (Joint Stock Youth Concern), which was engaged in the sale of corn flakes, shoes and other shuttle consumer goods. Later, Kiriyenko headed one of the largest banks in the city - Guarantee.

This period of Kiriyenko's activity is associated with loud rumors about the connection of top managers of the bank with the Church of Scientology, a sect banned in many countries of the world... The time will come when the amount of various scandalous chatter about Kiriyenko will reach such a critical level that it will be decided to publish a book The X-Files, in which the rumors about him will be presented in chronological order, confirmed or denied.

Then Kiriyenko began working in oil refining, heading the NORSI-Oil company. An amusing tale is connected with this topic, that a whole team of psychics worked in the corporation. They increased the yield of light oil products, for which they leaned over the scheme of an oil refinery and concentrated cosmic rays around the distillation plants, expelling the bad aura of competitors. Statistics were even reported: the processing of light and more expensive fractions from the same volume of oil itself increased by 3 percent.

In general, Kiriyenko never rejected non-traditional approaches to business, which is why he was known as an innovator.


Sergei Vladilenovich back in March 1990 was elected a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies. Since August 1994, he has been a member of the Council for Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship under the President of the Russian Federation. And the then governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Boris Nemtsov, dragged him to the civil service from the oil industry. So Kiriyenko became the first deputy in the Ministry of Fuel Industry and Energy. And when Nemtsov took the chair of Deputy Prime Minister, he became a minister.

That government was headed by young reformers: Nemtsov, Chubais, Kiriyenko - the heirs of the economic policy of Yegor Gaidar, who were no more than forty. But of all of them, Sergei Vladilenovich, as they said, was distinguished by special pragmatism.

“Dear colleagues, I must fulfill the President’s order and introduce the appointed director of the FSB, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The decree was signed by Boris Nikolayevich on Saturday,” Kiriyenko said one of those days. Here's how the story unfolded.

Kiriyenko, together with Nemtsov and Chubais, tried to implement large-scale liberal economic reforms in Russia. But this policy has been undermined by a sharp decline in oil export prices. The population of the country was left without a significant part of the accumulated funds. A crisis of confidence has begun...

The government of the Young Reformers was dismissed in its entirety.


Kiriyenko is remembered not only for the default, but also for the success of the SPS in the 1999 elections. Then he was able to consolidate the fragmented and quarreling Democrats, overcoming the five percent barrier (8.5%). So he has the talents of a political manager.

In 2005, after working as a Volga plenipotentiary, he headed Rosatom. Under him, work was actively carried out on projects in Iran, Turkey, India, and Finland. Rosatom entered into active competition in the struggle for markets with American companies.


Kiriyenko in Rosatom paid much attention to the fight against corruption. A calendar was printed in mass circulation for the New Year, in which nuclear workers were asked to report abuses on the part of colleagues and superiors by a special telephone.

Kiriyenko himself published his income statement a few years ago, according to which, at the end of the year, he earned 16,358,702 rubles. Mostly it was his salary at the main place of work. It was also indicated that Sergei Vladilenovich was the owner of a land plot in the Moscow region (7116 sq. meters) with residential and commercial buildings, as well as a plot in the Nizhny Novgorod region (600 sq. meters).

Kiriyenko is married and has three children - a son and two daughters. He met his wife at a school in Sochi, married her at the age of 19, while still a student. The eldest son Vladimir graduated from the Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE), and then followed in his father's footsteps - he became the financial director of the Nizhny Novgorod capital stock company. He was a member of the United Russia party. He was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sarovbusinessbank and as of 2011 was its main shareholder.

It was reported that in 2002 his declared income was more than $5 million a year. He drove around the city in a pink Lexus SUV with fashionable numbers. And now he is in charge of the family business.

Colleagues call Kiriyenko an extremely efficient person who can quickly and thoroughly understand the details: “There are few leaders who have led the industry for so long. This is a man of liberal views and Western in the good sense of the word.”

At the same time, Kiriyenko is considered a tough manager. He admitted that aikido, which he has been practicing for many years, helped him concentrate.

“Perhaps we are waiting for a thaw and a tilt to the right,” political analysts predict. - The economy is getting worse, something needs to be done about it. At the same time, Putin's rating is still high, so the president can afford some liberalization and normalization of relations with the West. This is what Kiriyenko is needed for – as an ideologist and technocrat.”

Stepan Stroev.

TASS/M. Abulkhatin,

Kommersant / FOTODOM.RU

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