The best loan brokers. Scheme of our work

A loan broker is a specialist who can provide professional help in choosing a bank and conducting a credit transaction. The main thing is not to fall for a scammer - a "black" broker who offers services that often go beyond the law. But how can you tell one from the other?

"White" brokers - licensed assistance

Let's figure it out What services are provided by "white" brokerage companies.

Their main activity is support of turnkey credit transactions. The need for such services arises when the client does not have the desire or the opportunity to study the loan offers of banks on their own.

It is important to understand that the help of a credit broker is advisable when conducting large credit transactions. When making consumer credit for a relatively small amount, you can do it on your own.

Brokerage companies work for a certain commission fee, which is most often considered as a percentage of the loan amount received. They benefit from the deal. But decent brokerage companies will never guarantee a client a loan, as well as take an advance payment.

Serious brokerage organizations are licensed and are members of the ACBR (National Association of Credit Brokers and Financial Advisers). Today there are more than 150 such companies.

"White" brokers can help in the following matters:

  • Choose a bank with optimal conditions;
  • Submit loan applications;
  • Assist in the preparation of documents;
  • Explain all the details loan agreement;
  • Advise at any stage of a financial transaction.

"Black" brokers - be careful

There are frequent cases when unscrupulous brokers promise to receive a loan, and in case of non-receipt of it, they do not return the collateral. And even completely disappear with the client's money. But there are also situations when clients specifically turn to "black" brokerage companies. Most often, borrowers are pushed to this by a bad credit history.

Also, the services of such companies are used by people without official place work, and sometimes not working at all. If such a borrower had turned to a licensed brokerage agency, he would undoubtedly have been refused cooperation.

Methods that fraudulent brokers use to obtain a loan:

  • Forgery of documents (certificates from work, work books, etc.);
  • Using fake passports, making loans to a third party;
  • Distortion of information about the borrower when providing it to the bank.
  • It happens that such companies have “their own” person in the bank who helps with approval for a certain percentage of the transaction.

A borrower trying to get a loan in this way must understand that his actions are illegal. Forgery and fraud is a crime. If this fact is discovered by the bank, the borrower will have to talk with law enforcement. It can be put on the “stop list”, that is, it can completely deprive you of the opportunity to get loans.

The credit brokerage market in Russia is growing steadily and amounts to tens of billions of rubles. The basis of this activity is mediation between credit organizations and persons who want to get a loan. A credit broker, respectively, is a representative of such a company, an intermediary between a bank, a real estate agency, a car dealership and a borrower, a client. Contact them in different occasions. For example, when a person urgently needs to get loan funds, and the banks refuse him. Or when he is not satisfied with the interest rates offered by the credit institution. In this case, the broker undertakes to find the best loan or loan product option for the client, the rates of which would suit him.

In Western countries it is a common type financial activities, but in Russia it appeared relatively recently and is not yet subject to precise study, largely due to the spread of so-called "black brokers" - unregistered participants financial market offering fake certificates to customers. The traditional credit brokerage market operates exclusively within the law.

A professional broker is a person who knows all the pitfalls of the lending industry. His responsibilities include finding the best loan, as well as conducting all cases on initial stage: filing an application, collecting documents, reducing the time for consideration of an application, etc. An important function of a broker is to advise the client at all stages. He can help draw up a scheme for the return of borrowed funds, recommend how to increase the status, attractiveness in front of the bank. The specialist will also give all the explanations about the costs, possible fines, and other features. All this reduces the risk of a bank refusing to provide funds to a person, and also minimizes the likelihood that a person will take a loan that he will not be able to pay.

Turning to such a specialist is especially beneficial in cases where you need to take a large amount of money, but there is neither time nor special knowledge to understand the many offers from dozens of banking organizations.

Thus, a credit broker allows you to:

  • save money when choosing the most advantageous loan offer;
  • save time looking for a profitable offer;
  • increase the chances of getting money by correct paperwork and raising the status as a borrower.

It is important that such companies represent the interests of clients, not creditors. Although this situation develops exclusively in the domestic market: in the west, the brokerage market is somewhat different.

How does a broker make money?

Usually, Russian brokerage companies receive a fixed amount or a certain percentage of a bank loan for their services. A more common option is when the payment includes both, but many companies do not charge for the initial consultation, and also require payment only after a successful transaction with a credit institution. Of course, the payment lies on the shoulders of the client. In Western countries, for example, in the USA, Canada, Spain, the services of brokerage companies are more often used by the banks themselves, which, in fact, contain this market.

Today, more than 4,000 brokerage organizations operate in Russia. No one can name their exact number. Most of them are united under the auspices of the National Association of Credit Brokers and Financial Advisers. This is an official organization that issues certificates to specialists approved by the Association of Regional Banks of Russia. The presence of such certificates is usually a confirmation of the quality and integrity of the company.

Among the key representatives are the firms "Credit and Financial Consultant", "Finmart", "Creditmart", "Financial Agency". However, similar services are often provided by small private companies, individuals, and other financial organizations, which makes it difficult to make an accurate count of the number of credit brokers.

A large percentage of non-professional brokers has damaged the reputation of the professional community. For example, some clients complained that after contacting such organizations, they were given a list of banks and their loan offers copied from the Internet, and for a rather large amount. Of course, all this has nothing to do with real brokerage.

Another one dark side this type of activity - "black brokerage". Organizations help "difficult" clients - debtors, people with bad credit history and lack of official sources income. They offer to issue fake income certificates, certificates of ownership, and other documents. All this belongs to the category of crimes that are subject to criminal punishment. When a bank detects a forgery, both the client who provided false information and the organization that agreed to the forgery of documents may have problems.

There are two types of brokers:

  1. With individuals;
  2. with legal entities.

The last direction in Russia is still poorly developed, since there are certain difficulties at the stage of assessing the solvency of a legal entity. This prevents professionals from giving expert assessment a package of documents, represent the interests of companies in the bank.

Researchers predict further development domestic brokerage market. When compared again with Western countries, then there from 30 to 50 percent of all credit transactions are carried out with their direct mediation. In Russia, these figures are much lower, although they cannot be accurately estimated.

How to distinguish a professional loan broker from a scammer

However, there are other facts of dishonest attitude to the profession, which directly relate to clients. For example, brokers may not explain to borrowers their rights, loan terms, or hide the interest rate they demand after signing a loan agreement. So how do you tell a real broker from a scammer?

Among Russian brokers, there is an unofficial set of rules by which one can determine professional participant market:

This does not mean at all that a “non-black broker” cannot help difficult clients get a loan. Of course, official organizations they will never offer to forge documents, but they can advise what certificates you can collect additionally, how to improve your credit history. They can also collect information about which banking institutions treat potential customers with less bias.

How brokers work

At the first stage, the client gets acquainted with the work of the company. If he understands what the broker's task is, he can sign a contract with the company, which specifies the terms of cooperation, the company's commission if the client's requests are satisfied. Further work is as follows:

  1. The representative of the company undertakes the analysis of the documents of the borrower, his financial position, invites him to consider existing lending options or listens to wishes. If there are not enough documents, he explains what else is needed for the contract with the bank.
  2. If a suitable option is found, the specialist helps to write a questionnaire and application. He himself submits them to the bank or banks, takes a package of documents there, agrees on the period for consideration of the application, and informs the client about it.
  3. With a positive decision of the bank, the broker informs the client about this, after which he independently signs an agreement with the bank, enters into an agreement with him credit relations. At this stage, the services of the organization are paid. The borrower assumes the obligation to fulfill all the conditions of the loan agreement, to pay the amounts required from him.

A professional broker must constantly monitor changes in the financial sector of the economy, know which banks are making profitable offers. A broker is a real financial advisor who needs to know everything about loans, share this knowledge with clients so that they can save money and time. But so far, Russian banks themselves do not always agree with this. It so happened that brokers are often treated with suspicion there, assuming that their services were needed, most likely, by clients with a bad credit history. However, this attitude is not always found. In many banks, brokerage companies are willing to do business.

If there are many loan offers from banks, the client may need help in choosing the right loan for him. Such assistance is provided special people or companies - credit brokers.

Since this area is not yet regulated by anyone, there are many scammers among financial brokers. They will not help you in choosing and applying for a loan, but most likely will leave you without money. Because of this, many borrowers do not trust loan brokers at all.

Here we will talk about whether there are white credit brokers, how they work and on what grounds they can be distinguished from black ones. You will also learn about what tricks scammers use to attract gullible customers.

This is a specialist who acts as an intermediary between a credit institution and its client. Its task is to simplify the search and registration of a loan for the borrower. The broker helps to choose a bank or microfinance organization that offers the most profitable loan or a loan for a specific client, taking into account his requirements and parameters. This specialist takes care of preparing and submitting an application, collecting a package of documents and signing an agreement. In addition, he gives advice and helps to sort out the reasons for the refusal.

The role of a loan broker can be individuals, specialized companies, or specialists and departments of consulting firms. There are specialists who work only with individuals, or only with legal entities. Some offer help getting a mortgage or a secured loan.

What a mortgage broker should know

First of all, a good intermediary should have a good knowledge of the credit services market. He studies all the offers from different banks and chooses to whom and in what situation they are best suited. He also collects bank news, analyzes ratings and monitors forecasts.

A good broker also cooperates with credit bureaus, insurance companies, real estate agencies and other organizations. It all depends on who the services are intended for. Information from the BKI will help weed out unreliable customers or find offers to restore your credit history.

How a loan broker works

First of all, the specialist receives the necessary information from the borrower - age, address of residence, place of work, seniority and others. Based on this information, he checks the credit history. If the story is good, then work with the client goes to the next stage.

Then he helps to form a package of documents. He will tell you how to write an application correctly, what documents are best to offer and what to indicate as collateral. He sends the finished application to one or more banks.

After receiving the result, the broker and the borrower discuss further actions. In case of refusal, they turn to another bank or look for ways to remedy the situation. If approved, the intermediary analyzes the contract, helps to calculate the cost of the loan and draw up a payment schedule.

The services of a credit broker are always paid. The fee can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the loan amount. It depends on the amount of the loan and the conditions on which it was taken. Some intermediaries take payment only after the successful conclusion of the loan agreement.

Since the sphere of credit brokerage in our country is developing slowly, and the need for such services among customers is great, most companies that promise assistance in obtaining a loan are scammers. It also affects the fact that the activities of brokers are not yet regulated by law.

Such organizations offer their services to everyone in a row - even people with a hopelessly damaged credit history. Their goal, of course, is not to help, but to get money from the client. The client himself, at best, loses the advance payment, and at worst, receives a criminal case for defrauding the bank.

There are also "gray" brokers. Basically, these are former bank employees who offer to use their connections to obtain a loan. They do not check borrowers, but only send out applications. In case of refusal, they take the advance payment, and in case of approval, they themselves accept the loan money and transfer part of it to the borrower.

It is easy to distinguish a legal broker from black and gray ones. You need to remember these signs:

  • A good broker, whether a person or a company, always has an office and a city contact number. He holds all meetings with clients only in the office.
  • It is always registered in the registry legal entities and is in the ratings financial institutions. good sign there will be a certificate of ACBR - the National Association of Credit Brokers and Financial Advisers
  • A legal intermediary works only by legal methods. He will never offer you to forge documents, take a loan under a false name or give a bank a bribe.
  • A legal specialist never guarantees 100% loan approval. He can only guarantee help in obtaining it.
  • A good broker does not work quickly. It can take him up to a week to complete all the steps to obtain a loan.
  • The advantage for the broker will be a well-organized and regularly updated website, positive feedback from real clients he has helped, and mentions in major business media.
  • A good specialist will not put up ads on the street or send spam. Instead, he'd rather spend on media advertising.
  • A good broker can in simple words explain to the client how it works. He knows that overloading speech with terms can only confuse
  • Finally, a good intermediary does not take an advance payment to himself if his services did not help the client. In this case, he will return this money or take a small amount for a consultation.

7 tricks of fraudulent brokers

Trick 1. Loan Broker Asks for an Advance


100% scammer. "In the morning - money, in the evening - chairs." Such "specialists" have cunningly drawn up contracts, which say that you pay for "information" services or consulting. Having received a refusal on an application from the bank, he will shrug his shoulders and apologize. No one will refund your money.

Trick 2. The loan broker offers to "make" a copy of the work book or 2-personal income tax


100% scammer. In addition to the fact that forgery of documents is a criminal offense, there is a risk of getting into the interbank stop list and permanently spoiling the CI (“for providing fake documents”). Banks collect databases of "garbage" firms, which will show that the provided document is a fake. Plus, banks check the tax history of the company, make a call and come to work.

Trick 3. The loan broker conducts webinars / he is shown on TV / there are a lot of certificates and diplomas in his office


Ask yourself the question: why would a successful mortgage broker with his own experience share information with someone? This is his "bread" competitive advantage. Such webinars are arranged only for the purpose of attracting new customers or selling courses on creating your own "profitable" business.

As for participation in TV shows, the availability of certificates - this is just advertising that beckons naive borrowers, promising to help even in hopeless situation. I will repeat once again. If there are really helping loan brokers, then they do not need publicity and such advertising. They are good with their clients as well.

Trick 4. Loan broker says he has connections with bank security


100% scammer. Bank security officers do not make loan decisions and cannot influence your credit history in any way.

If brokers really had "their" people in the bank, why would he then give 80% of the amount of the loan? It is more profitable and safer to act through your own figureheads.

Trick 5: Loan Broker Offers to Clean Up My Credit History

Screenshot: improve-credit-history.rf

100% scammer. Remember, credit history cannot be deleted or corrected. CI can only be improved. And the "specialists" who tell you that they have "their" people in the BKI or banks are scammers.

Trick 6. A loan broker "knows" banks that do not look at open delinquency and loan denials

100% scammer. Since 2014, banks have been extremely strict in checking borrowers, and the presence of an open delay guarantees that you will be denied a new loan. Absolutely all banks check credit history.

Trick 7. This loan broker has a lot of positive reviews on the Internet

There are several sites on the Internet with freelancers who, for a few rubles, will write any reviews about loan brokers. A few examples.

Do you think these are real reviews?

Screenshot: Screenshot:

Even such a review can be ordered on the Internet for 100 rubles:

Final infographic


If obtaining a loan is a big risk, then turning to intermediaries for this purpose is doubly risky. It does not improve the situation and the fact that there is no such activity state regulation and official ratings. Therefore, the entire responsibility in finding a competent broker lies entirely with the client.

It is worth resorting to its services if you are not sure that you can choose and arrange profitable loan on one's own. The loan broker will good helper in this case. But in his choice should be very careful.

She worked as a consultant in a company that provided services to a credit broker. A few years ago, the company closed down, after which Natalia switched to our website. She knows how to choose a loan or a loan at the most favorable conditions for the borrower, and how to use it without debt.

[email protected] website

(11 ratings, average: 4.3 out of 5)

The services of credit brokers are becoming more and more in demand due to the high number of loan refusals. These experts provide valuable advice on financial matters, and also help to take money on more favorable terms.

How to choose the right broker?

To choose a broker, cooperation with which will be fruitful, use the following tips:

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is reputation and reviews. Important indicator- this is the presence of its own website, where the services are described in detail. A plus will also be the presence on the site of a feedback form and documents confirming that the company has the right to engage in such activities.
  2. Before starting cooperation, check with the broker what services you will be provided with. If you are promised a quick result on correcting your credit history, then most likely you are scammers.
  3. Ask more questions and read the contract carefully before you sign it.
  4. It is best to certify the signed contract with your notary, and not with a specialist that a broker can offer you.

Attention: eIf the broker requires an advance payment or does not fulfill the obligations assigned to him, sue.

Send an online application to the call center of Vostochny Bank

If you are considering an average loan from 25,000 rubles. and at the minimum interest rate, then the best option there will be an offer from Vostochny Bank with a short online questionnaire.

Send an online application to the call center of OTP Bank

If you are considering an average loan from 25,000 rubles. and at the minimum interest rate, then the best option would be the offer of OTP Bank with a short online questionnaire.

Send an online application directly to the call center of MKB Bank

If you are considering a consumer loan up to 3,000,000 rubles, then best solution there will be an application to the "MKB" bank.

What to expect from a broker?

A mortgage broker will provide you with the following services:

  • assessment of the client's credit rating;
  • collection and execution of all necessary papers;
  • selection of a financial program;
  • interaction with the bank;
  • calculation of payments;
  • assistance with the application.

The broker is an intermediary between you and the bank and its main task is to arrange a loan for you on the most favorable terms. If you refuse to issue a loan to you, the broker can contact the banking organization on their own and find out the reasons for the impossibility of issuing Money.

Attention: a professional financial worker knows a lot of combinations for profitable offers and will always tell you the right option.

A competent employee will easily find out the credit history of his client, evaluate the strengths and weak sides, will help to make the right accents, explain all the pitfalls of banking financial programs, draw up all the necessary documents.

Let's see what stages you will have to go through when interacting with a broker. After the telephone consultation, the following steps will take place:

  1. Collection required documents and a visit to the office of the selected company.
  2. Verification of documents by the manager of the organization.
  3. Work with a personal manager until the deal is closed.
  4. Comprehensive selection of a financial program based on the information provided by the client (documents, reports from the credit bureau). The program is drawn up taking into account the wishes of the applicant (rates, terms and other additional conditions).
  5. Conclusion of an agreement and sending an application to the bank of interest to the client.
  6. If the loan is approved, then payment for the services of a broker (the percentage is individual for each).

Attention: it is not always possible for a loan broker to “knock out” a loan for you. There is always a chance that you will be left without the desired loan.

Which brokers in Moscow are the most reliable?

In Moscow, there are several dozen credit brokers who really help to get a loan. The table provides the top 10 loan brokers and gives reviews in the form of the main advantages and disadvantages that users have identified. Let's look at the list of the most reliable:

Broker Advantages Flaws
MBK Credit
An experienced company cooperating with many banks, fast processing and low interest. Bank support may call and offer additional services.
Credit Consulting Brokerage
Transactions on consumer loans, help to properly arrange tax deduction. Opportunity to get a loan secured by a car, real estate during the day (hour) and without collateral. Long processing of online applications.
CFC - Finance
Large selection of services, the largest banks in affiliate program. It is possible to obtain a consumer loan without specifying the purpose of the loan Cooperates only with those who have a satisfactory credit history.
Royal Finance
Online help with all documentation. The company's website has a test for the borrower, which helps to quickly determine the CI. Some experience in the market.
Finance Credit
They cooperate with everyone (individuals, individual entrepreneurs, LLC) help to get a loan for any amount.

(+) If a loan is taken on security, then it is issued in 1 hour, it is also possible to get a loan without collateral

If the transaction is complex, they take a higher percentage.
MSC credit
It helps to get a loan for the unemployed or applicants with a damaged credit history. Difficulties with feedback.
SSK (Capital lending center)
Reward from 1.5%. High review rating of 4.7 by Yell. A small selection of partner banks.
There is a license. Specialists draw up commercial and residential mortgages, business loans. Add. services — work with leasing and redemption of commercially unattractive assets. They do not work with every credit history.
Premium finance
The most detailed consultations as you go along. They work with reverse factoring. Possibility of online application. There is a license. The loan amount is limited. Help to get a loan within the average amount.
CSC (Credit Facilitation Service)
One of the largest brokers in the Russian Federation (operates in 13 regions). Long time on the market. The ability to send an online application and apply for a loan using a passport With a delay on previous loans, it is difficult to get a loan.

As you can see, each broker has its own characteristics: if prompt Feedback, then you should not contact MSK Credit, and if you do not have a very good credit history, then when you contact SSK and ProfFinance, you may be refused cooperation.

Frequently asked Questions

Question number 1. What loan brokers help to get a loan with delinquency?

We can distinguish the following brokers helping to obtain a loan with open delinquencies:

  • MSC credit (issue up to 30,000 rubles. consideration time 15 minutes, only a passport is needed);
  • Credit Broker Private Notice Board This resource is suitable if the loan amount is in the range from 300,000 to 5,000,000 rubles. There are also offers for Moscow and regions.
  • Central brokerage house (issues loans in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, the amount of 300,000 is the need for a pledge of real estate). They work with 25 banks, the approval rate is 88%.

Question number 2. Where can I see reviews of credit brokers?

Reviews on the activities of brokers can be viewed on the website → Below are excerpts and user opinions ⇓

The task of the broker is to mediate between the company and the client. Accompanying the latter from applying and obtaining a loan. For payment, the loan broker will select suitable agreements and deal with the documentation necessary for the offer.

The borrower will have to draw up an agreement and receive the approved loan amount. Intermediary services do not guarantee the success of the enterprise, but seriously increase the likelihood of taking a loan with acceptable conditions.

Today, according to expert data, there are about 2,000-3,000 loan brokers in Russia, both official and unofficial. In this area, private individuals are also employed, intermediaries in obtaining a loan. Consultants can do the same. tax inspections and other similar organizations related to lending.

What do loan brokers do?

As soon as it appeared, the “broker” profession was seriously vilified by non-professionals and scammers. Pseudo-brokers, performing the services of a loan broker, during the boom in lending tried to capitalize on the inexperience and promiscuity of many Russians in matters of bank loans and everything connected with them. Scammers, thus, simply rendered a disservice to many in need of a loan. However, now such a concept as “business on ignorance” has almost disappeared from brokerage practice.

Competent Brokers:

  • agents in the financial sector;
  • client consultants;
  • leading customer documentation.

On the way to processing a loan, from applying to obtaining a loan (for insuring an apartment after purchase, if we are talking about a mortgage), the agent manages all the client’s affairs in accordance with his duties. Brokerage specialists are members of a special board of the national association, credit brokers and financial consultants - "AKBR". Together with the Association of Regional Banks of Russia, it is engaged in the issuance of written certificates of a credit broker, after graduation, full training. The presence of a certifying document makes it possible not to make a mistake in a specialist, and not fall into the hands of an unskilled swindler - choose a competent agent.

TOP credit brokers

What is the advantage of a broker?

A loan broker will help you get a loan. Its main tasks are the selection of a suitable loan option, preparation of documentation, correct design applications and mediation between the client and the bank. Correctly calculates expenses, while saving money, refinances, and also finds a loyal creditor company. The probability of a positive answer in this case is much higher. In addition, thanks to the broker, it is possible to file an appeal against the decision made by the bank on the loan.

To be profitable and not fall for the "bait" of scammers, use the services that are offered only by trusted brokers. For this it is necessary to study the list of credit brokers well.

Searching for an assistant in obtaining a loan, it is especially important not to fall into the hands of scammers. After all, a distinctive feature of black credit brokers - bypassing Russian legislation . For these purposes, they can use a lot of fake information, for example: a fake income certificate, phone numbers of nominees, incorrect information previously indicated in the submitted application. If this is clarified by the bank literally at the beginning, then the applicant is not only denied a loan, but a more severe punishment may occur, in the form of an administrative or criminal one.

Distinctive features of a black broker

  1. Too high commission. It can vary in the region of 20-30% of loan amount. Despite the fact that a real intermediary takes no more than 1-2% of the amount of the requested loan;
  2. There is no registration data about their organization. In this case, they do not open companies, accounts, do not register phones. Very often you will encounter a situation where they do not have their own office space at all;
  3. Paid services. The applicant, in addition to the interest on the loan, additionally pays all consultations carried out by a black intermediary. One such assistance can cost a client 500 rubles. This means that even if the bank does not approve the loan, it will still be in profit;
  4. Preparation of illegal documentation is paid at a separate rate.
If you have been a victim of a fraudulent site. You have become a witness and can bring convincing arguments due to a number of factors related to the theft of funds or negligent attitude towards customers. Then you've come to the right place!
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