Loan through a broker with bad credit history: how to get help and take money profitably. Who is a mortgage broker and how can he be useful?

Loan brokers who assist in obtaining a loan are in incredible demand today among borrowers with poor credit scores. They are able to solve many problems if a recent debtor was refused by all banks.

Who it credit broker?

A broker is an intermediary between a bank or other financial institution and a potential borrower. He works for a fee and helps to get a loan on the most favorable terms.

Such a specialist will give competent advice on where you can apply for a loan in order to get it on favorable terms. If necessary, he can apply to financial institution and, having found out for what reasons the client was refused, he will look for ways to solve the problem.

We also offer you a list of the most loyal banks to which you can apply for a loan.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply once once. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17% - this is a clear robbery. Look for best offers. They are there, you have to look for them. And do not forget to read this note before applying, it will help you not to make serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Oriental is more likelyFrom 11.5%Design
Tinkoff credit card0% for 55 daysRequest
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 12%Design
Alfa-bank credit card0% for 60 daysRequest
Sovcombank quick responseFrom 12%Design
SKB-BankFrom 19.9%Design
UBRDFrom 15%Design

Of course, only those brokerage firms that have not only official registration and a license to conduct activities, but also the recognition of customers deserve attention and trust. But you should not trust those of them who offer their services, while guaranteeing a positive result. Read more on this page.

What exactly can a broker do?

A true professional knows all the lucrative offers and what conditions they offer for working with problem clients.

For a competent specialist it will not be difficult:

  • applied.
  • evaluate it and point out strengths and weak sides(that is, what is better to hide from bank employees, and what needs to be emphasized).
  • conduct an initial analysis of the client.
  • pick up suitable companies, based on the CI of the borrower and his data.
  • to negotiate with the lender on the issue of obtaining a loan.
  • prepare documents.
  • calculate monthly payments and sort out hidden interest, "pitfalls" of programs.
  • control the review process.
  • close the deal correctly.
  • give recommendations on improving the status of the borrower.
  • reduce the risk of application rejection.
Rate % per year:
Term (month):
Credit amount:
Monthly payment:
Pay in total:
Overpayment on a loan

You can use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment on this page.

The price of treatment depends on the amount of the desired amount, as a rule, it is 3-5%. When making a deal for a large loan, a professional may ask for an advance, which is quite acceptable.

How to identify scammers?

Intermediaries must act by legal means, and they can influence the decision of banking companies only with the help of their knowledge and competence. The main signs that a person is a scammer include forging documents (certificates) and the promise of a “free” loan.

Fraudsters will give themselves away with the desire to get rich and the high cost of services. Most of the "white" intermediaries take payment only after the approval of the bank, and it is better to contact such specialists.

In fact, identifying dishonest people is quite simple. If you are promised a 100% guarantee of receiving money, loan approval without references and guarantors with any credit history and delinquency, you can safely conclude that you will be deceived.

No one can give you any guarantees, not even a bank employee, because the decision to approve or refuse is made not by living people, but automated system borrower's assessments (scoring system), and it cannot be influenced in any way.

You also need to be wary if you are required to make any advance payments - for reviewing your case, for requesting a credit history, for travel, for paperwork, etc. Remember that the contract is signed first, then you receive your money and only then pay for the services.

How to find a competent intermediary?

To select a certified company, you can consider the registry of the National Association of Credit Brokers, which will indicate the cities in which they work, their date of study and length of service.

How to find such a person? The easiest way to do this is to use the Web, where in any browser you can search for ads on the appropriate request. Don't forget to include your city of location.

We have compiled a list of the most reliable brokers in Moscow

  1. MBK Credit. Here, the client is fully checked (financial report, documents, work experience, place of work, monthly credit load, etc.). Payment for services - from 1% to 3% after receiving a loan.
  2. Credit Consulting Brokerage. Provides full support for transactions on consumer loans with and without collateral, housing programs, business loans, refinancing. Helps in decorating tax deduction, more about it.
  3. CFC Finance. A proven specialist who cooperates only with those clients who have good reputation. CFC works with the largest banks in Moscow and the region. The list of services is very wide. You can apply online on the company's website.
  4. Royal Finance. Advising, selecting best programs, helps with documentation. Assistance in obtaining any loan. The company can act as a representative of the debtor when communicating with the bank's security service or in court. Payment for services is made after receiving a loan. An interesting test is presented on the organization's website, thanks to which you can determine the credit rating of a potential borrower.
  5. Finance Credit. Provides assistance to individuals and legal entities in obtaining any loan on the most attractive terms. The cost of services starts from 7% and depends on the complexity of the transaction.
  6. MSK Credit differs from other companies in that it cooperates with clients with damaged CI, unemployed persons. Using the online application form on the company's website, you can find out the likelihood of obtaining approval.
  7. The capital lending center selects products, helps to fill out documents correctly, and advises at various stages of obtaining a loan. Remuneration - from 1.5%, but not less than 10 thousand rubles.
  8. Proffinas assists in obtaining commercial and residential mortgages, business loans, tender lending, pawn loans, auto and consumer loans, etc. The company also works with leasing, factoring, buyout of distressed assets.
  9. Premium Finance fully accompanies transactions. Payment only upon approval.
  10. LCC (Credit Assistance Service) is one of the largest federal brokers Russian Federation. Consultations, intermediary services, process support, credit history check.
  11. The credit center analyzes a potential borrower, checks the CI, correctly draws up documents, and selects the best programs.

Today in Moscow, the number of banks, microfinance organizations, consumer credit cooperatives and other credit companies and their loan offers is so large that you can spend several months applying daily to different companies for different loan products.

At the same time, in each of them it is necessary to go through a monotonous routine procedure for providing personal data, certificates, filling out a questionnaire and choosing a loan offer. Each company will call the borrower's place of work, relatives and request a credit history from the credit bureau. But at the same time, it is far from a fact that at least someone will eventually approve the loan, since the borrower may simply not even contact the bank or credit institution that has an offer for the client’s current parameters, namely:

  • quality of credit history
  • presence of open arrears
  • income level
  • availability of collateral

and others. Therefore, obtaining a loan or loan, despite the fact that the bank itself is interested in obtaining a new client, turns into a long, exhausting and inefficient process.

Getting a loan yourself:

  • For a long time
  • exhausting
  • To no avail

Does this mean that there is no other way out? Of course there is - assistance in obtaining a loan from a professional loan broker!

Our company offers each client real assistance in obtaining a loan in Moscow on favorable terms. Our assistance in a loan, as a broker, is to identify your requirements and parameters and select the appropriate Moscow loan company and a suitable loan product with a high probability of approval. At the same time, you will not have to fill out questionnaires with the same personal data several times, and you will basically have to communicate with only one person - your personal loan broker.

Cooperation with us:

  • Fast
  • Easily
  • Guaranteed result

Among our partners there are both traditional banks that carefully check all the data about the borrower and are ready to issue a loan at a low rate, as well as other credit companies for which credit history and income are not the main factors in making a decision. Therefore, we can even assist in obtaining a loan with open delinquencies. That is, assistance in obtaining a loan with a bad credit history is not a myth, but a very real and legitimate service that our loan brokers provide with high quality.

Our loan broker services are paid only with a positive result, that is, we will assist you in obtaining a loan without prepayment, and payment is made only after you actually receive the money. And in frequent cases, when we receive our commission from the lender, and not from the borrower, we will help you with a loan absolutely is free!

Our loan brokers constantly interact with employees of Moscow banks, receiving up-to-date information on current offers and conditions, so we clearly understand which bank is suitable for a particular borrower, and we provide assistance in obtaining a loan with targeted and effective actions.

Credit brokers are a special category of intermediaries that allow individuals simplify the solution of some issues related to obtaining and paying loans. Cooperation with a broker greatly simplifies the procedure for partial or full payment, as you create an additional safety cushion at the expense of an intermediary. In addition, a loan broker can provide you with useful information about where and what loans can be taken at a favorable interest rate.

Where can I find a broker for a loan?

Most often, the services of brokers for loans are provided by the banks themselves, which issue certain types of loans. Such a scheme is beneficial for the borrower himself, as well as for the bank. The specialist solves legal and technical issues, communicates with the client, and the client spends less time on personal visits to the bank and calls to bank employees. On the Internet, it is also easy to find an independent specialist who will select banks and loan offers for you based on his own experience.

Help broker in obtaining a loan

With the help of a broker, getting a loan is much easier. First, it will provide you with information about loans, options for obtaining them and possible problems related to your credit history. Secondly, the broker will be able to offer solutions to problems and difficulties on your way to a successful loan.

Services of brokers in obtaining a loan

Some brokers specialize in issuing short-term loans in small amounts. Their services are indispensable for those who do not have enough money for urgent purchases, or to repay a debt on another, larger loan. In addition, credit risk insurance is also offered, when, together with the offers of banks, the client gets the opportunity to reinsure himself in case of a lack of funds. In this case, the client can re-borrow a certain amount Money in order to repay the main loan and not spoil the credit history.

Benefits of a loan broker

The main advantages of cooperation with a credit broker are saving time and reducing risks. The work of intermediaries offering loans for favorable conditions- a service in demand in Russia. The main advantages of a credit broker and cooperation with him is the ability to get money in debt in the right amount with any credit history. The amount of payment for services depends on the borrowed amount, the amount of collateral, the solvency of the client.

The loan broker has a relationship with most reliable large banks, is oriented in loan products. The main task of the mediator is to protect the parties from risks. The broker guarantees the bank repayment of the loan, and the borrower - the receipt of money in debt.

What does a loan broker do?

Before looking for a hired loan consultant, you should find out what a loan broker does, whether it is possible to perform its functions on your own. The portfolio of services includes consultations, selection of the most advantageous offer. The broker protects the risks of the parties, helps to fill out the documents correctly and draw up the contract.

Honest working brokers do not charge an additional fee for drawing up a transaction agreement, checking the correctness of filling out documents. The responsibilities of a broker do not include checking a credit history - this is done by banks or the client himself, sending a request is free. A conscientious broker takes payment after the client receives a loan.

Who exactly needs a bank loan with the involvement of a loan broker

Answering the question “Who exactly needs a bank loan with the involvement of a loan broker?”, one can single out people with a bad credit history, without an officially confirmed source of income. The services of a broker for loans are in demand in cases of receiving money on an especially large scale - for business, real estate, expensive property. Clients who need qualified financial advice will benefit from working with an intermediary.

Unscrupulous brokers are common. People who are not familiar with the peculiarities of getting money on credit should contact a reputable broker with a good reputation. Hiding your remuneration until the moment of signing the contract, incomplete explanation of the lending rules to the borrower is a reason to doubt the honesty of the broker.

Loan through a broker. How to choose?

There are situations in which a profitable solution is to get a loan with the help of a broker. How to choose a loan product, what parameters to pay attention to, the intermediary will explain. Assistance in selecting a loan is a service provided by a broker free of charge.

When choosing a broker, you should pay attention to its reputation, work experience, availability and quality of reviews. Large companies work on a 100% prepayment, small and medium-sized brokerage houses require payment upon fulfillment of their obligations to the client. The openness of the company, the transparency of the terms of cooperation are the characteristics of a conscientious financial contractor.

Loan programs

The broker does not offer new and unique loan programs, it provides the client with a wide range of products from which to choose the most suitable option. Brokerage services - mediation, taking on the risks of non-payment to the bank. The loan product is thus additionally subject to a fee for the services of an intermediary and an insurer.

Financial education allows you to choose a loan program on your own. Collection and submission required documents in any case carried out by the client. The role of the broker is to reduce the time for obtaining a loan.

Advice from use the services of credit brokers wisely. Forte brokerage houses and individual credit brokers - informing and selecting a large list of offers for. They also allow you to play it safe in case of unstable cash flow by the time the loan is repaid.

Offers are assistance in the selection of financial services/organizations. Not an offer. The site administration is not responsible for the quality of the services provided.

Credits are here!

You need money? Brokers are ready to help! Below on the page are ads of credit brokers and their contacts. Contact the experts directly by choosing the most attractive ad.

Call the number in the ad to get a loan on the specified conditions. Brokers themselves will collect a package of documents and issue a loan at the most favorable interest rate!

- We do not work with Open Delays! Allowed up to 1 week!(Hurry up)
- We do not work with citizens of the Crimea and the Caucasus
- Loan term from 6 months to 5 years. Depending on the chosen program!
- Interest rate from 11 to 25% per annum based on your credit history!
- Requirements for the Borrower: Passport and Any other document
- Age from 18 to 69 years old inclusive
- Amounts from 15,000 to 1,000,000 on hand by Express in 1 hour
- We are 5 minutes from the metro! Call from 10 00 to 21 00
- We work remotely with the regions! Write to whatsapp. Website:

Name: Michael

Mail: [email protected]


For citizens of the Russian Federation except (Crimea and the Caucasus). WE WORK STRICTLY WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT, INFORMATION AND COMMODITY CREDIT! Mandatory requirements:
- Age from 18 to 69 years old, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
- Absence of open overdue payments on loans*
- Presence in MOSCOW. Our advantages:
- Term of obtaining a loan for 1 hour
- Amount up to 1 million rubles, loan term up to 60 months!
We can announce a preliminary DECISION OVER THE PHONE* We guarantee the reliability and quality of service! We accompany clients until the end of the transaction We are located in Moscow! Call now if you really need help!

Name: Elena

Mail: [email protected]

IP Maksutov B.R.

Our Organization has been providing assistance in obtaining a loan for citizens of the Russian Federation for more than 10 years
- We will help you get a loan in a short time (up to 5,000,000 rubles)
- Adequate Commission on the fact of the work performed
- Bank Rate from 10.9 to 13.9%, we issue without Insurance!
- We work with Zero credit history, with a Credit load, without confirmation of Income
- We have connections in banks on high level, which will allow us to Really secure the Approval
- From you it is necessary: ​​Passport + second Document, age 18-70 years

Name: Gennady Borisovich

Mail: [email protected]


We will help you get a bank loan on favorable terms for you.
Full consultation on the collection and execution of the necessary package of documents.
We accompany you at all stages of the transaction. We work WITHOUT prepayment.
The offer is valid for citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have overdue debts on loans and borrowings.
Before 5.000.000 rub. from 10.9% per annum for up to 7 years.
We know where the desired amount will be approved for you and we always contribute to a positive decision.

Name: Andrey

Mail: [email protected]


Guaranteed Approval through personal Banking. We are in Moscow
- Age from 18 to 70 years old, Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
- We help with zero history, credit load, working without 2NDFL
- Minimum Commission upon completion of work
- Rate 9-15% per annum, for up to 10 years, Without insurance
- Without running around the Banks, buying certificates and other unpleasant "Surprises"
- Our Brokers provide financial assistance for over 10 years

Name: Maxim


- no proof of income
- loan amount up to 3,000,000 rubles
- we represent the guarantor
- commission after receiving a loan
- processing time 1-2 days
- Assistance in loan refinancing
- fair transparent conditions
- age from 18 to 70 years old, we work with a criminal record
Daily from 8.00 to 21.00 (Moscow time).

Name: Alexander

Mail: [email protected]


Same day loan.
- Amount from 10,000 rubles to 1,000,000 rubles within one working day.
- Amount up to 3,000,000 rubles within 2 or 3 business days.
- Loan repayment period from 3 months to 7 years.
- Maybe early repayment loan.
- Age from 18 to 75 years.
- We work HONESTLY and strictly without collateral, without guarantors and WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT.
- We work from 9-00 to 21-00. Seven days a week.
- We guarantee 100% result in receiving money.
Call us and we will definitely help you! We do not work with blacklists.

Name: Alexander

Mail: Call: 8-985-316-25-85 Alexander

IP Serdechnaya E.V.

Name: Anton

Mail: 89859702213


Requirement Russian passport and any + any second document
- No open late payments on loans
- Age from 18 to 70 years old inclusive
- Mandatory presence in Moscow, we do not work remotely
- Address of registration any region except (Crimea and Caucasus)
- Amount from 15,000 - 1 million rubles, depending on the clinical trial and your workload
- We are located 5 minutes from the metro throughout Moscow
- Transaction time 30 - 40 minutes
- We work seven days a week from 10 00 to 21 00
- 100% Guarantee of obtaining a loan if all conditions are met

Name: Vitaly

Mail: [email protected]

IP Stankov S.S.

Approval of loans in Moscow in 1 hour without certificates and prepayments for all citizens of the Russian Federation.
- We guarantee RELIABILITY, SPEED, QUALITY - we will select the lowest interest rate and the best loan product. WITHOUT INFORMATION AND ADVANCE PAYMENTS.
- low commission upon receipt. low credit rates from 11.3% per annum.
- from 10,000 to 1,500,000 rubles a day of treatment.
- from 18-80 years old. Term up to 5 years.
Mandatory presence in Moscow. We work with all regions of Russia. Give us a call and we'll help you. Daily from 9-22.00. Website:

Name: Alexander

Mail: [email protected]


We invite brokers and intermediaries to cooperate (Moscow and all regions)
- We accept any volume of clients. Receipt in Moscow / St. Petersburg
-Amounts up to 1,000,000 r (more depending on the client)
-Come already to receive (no running around the banks)
-APPROVAL By phone (100%)
-Fast. Honestly. Reliably. unemployed and pensioners.
- WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram (In touch)
*requirements to the borrower STRICTLY WITHOUT OPEN DELAYS!
* We help everyone except the Caucasus and Crimea. Call - we will be glad to cooperate

Name: Sergey

Mail: [email protected]

IP Sinitsyna O.A.

The main thing is that you don’t make prepayments, you don’t buy certificates and in the end you get money on your passport!
Loan processing is fast and convenient, the package of documents is minimal.

Age from 18 to 70 years. Registration in the Russian Federation.
We work with the unemployed and informally employed population.
Loan amounts from 10,000 to 1,000,000 rubles for up to 5 years.
Receipt on the same day of application, the process of registration of 30 - 40 minutes.
Payment of the commission after you receive the loan.
Registration and issuance from 10 00 to 20 00. We work seven days a week.
Urgently need money - call, write!

Name: Roman

Mail: [email protected]


Amounts from 300,000 to 4,000,000, age from 21 to 67 years. The commission depends on the amount and complexity of your situation! Only upon receipt of funds! Strictly WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT, call and write only to adequate people, in their right mind!!! I have no business with "Alcoholics" and "Drug Addicts"! Remote filing of an application, you come only to receive a specific employee in a specific department! CONSIDERATION FROM SEVERAL HOURS TO DAYS (depending on the amount)! I WORK WITH ALL REGIONS WHERE THERE ARE BRANCHES OF OUR BANK! Conditions 10.9% per annum (fixed rate), loan term up to 5 years. I don't do distribution! I work with a specific bank (I am an employee), in which I have good opportunities at the level

Name: Michael


I will render professional help in approval and obtaining a loan.
I work only through my employees in the bank.
Without prepayment and mailings to all banks. Interest rate 14.8% per annum.
My commission after receiving when leaving the bank.
The decision and receipt of the loan takes place the next day after the application.
I work with clients:
* from 18 to 65 years old
* from any region of Russia (including the Caucasus and Crimea).
* receipt strictly in Moscow

Name: Michael

Mail: [email protected]


The terms are as fast as possible, the percentage is from 11% to 14% per annum.
Amounts from 300,000 to 43,000,000 million.
We will help you get a loan even in the most hopeless situations
approach to each client is individual
Any registration. There are no prepayments. Call! to the phone number indicated in the ad. We cooperate with many regions, as well as with the CIS. WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENTS! Without pledges and guarantors. Personal meetings in the office are also REMOTE!! WORKING SCHEDULE DAILY FROM 10-22.00. Stop wasting your time and nerves! All you have to do is CALL! We guarantee fair and transparent conditions. LEAVING US WITH MONEY

Name: Dmitry

Mail: [email protected]


Loan without refusal to citizens of the Russian Federation, 21-65 years old. Registration in Moscow.
We work honestly - the commission is only after receiving the loan.
Let's help the working and UNEMPLOYED, pensioners and students!
We will issue with a clean ki, with a credit load, with refusals in banks, etc.
You can find out the solution by phone, come already to RECEIVE!
AND FOR THE FIRST TIME! Up to 240,000 rubles can be received remotely on the card!
Call daily from 08.00 to 23.00 We will be happy to help everyone!

Name: Ivan

Mail: [email protected]


- Requirement Passport and second document on request
- Age from 18 to 70 inclusive
- We do not work with Open Delays
- AMOUNT OF CREDIT (loans) from 20,000 to 1,500,000
- We work from 8:00 to 20:00 Moscow time
- Write and Call we will work with you!

Name Vera

Mail: [email protected]

IP Dzhioev A.T.

Loan in Moscow. Registration - any, except for the Caucasus and Crimea. 100% Guarantee of receipt.
Up to 1,000,000 rubles in 30 minutes on a passport, including the unemployed.
Officially employed up to 2,500,000 rubles without certificates on the day of treatment!
Up to 5,000,000 rubles in 1-2 days with proof of income (certificates from work, services).
Unemployed and Working. IP and General Directors. State employees and pensioners.
For individual entrepreneurs(IP) and LLC up to 7,000,000 rubles in the shortest possible time.
Special offers for employees Government institutions and large companies.
We don't charge for anything! Mandatory presence in Moscow or MO.
ATTENTION: WE WORK STRICTLY WITHOUT OPEN DELAYS (closed delays are allowed up to 30 days).

Name: Oleg Vladimirovich

Mail: [email protected]

LLC "Marketing Hall"

Our advantages:
- Term of receipt 1 hour
- Preliminary DECISION can be announced BY PHONE
- Amount - up to 1 million rubles.
- Without certificates and other documents, ONLY PASSPORT is needed
- Loan term up to 5 years
- Individual approach
- We are located in Moscow, several offices: Tushinskaya, Kuntsevskaya, Barrikadnaya, Myakinino!
* Required condition: no active delays, registration - all regions except the Caucasus and Crimea. Contact us, we will be happy to help! NON-COMMERCIAL CREDIT. WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENTS.
WE INVITE FOR COOPERATION intermediaries and brokers from the regions, we will be glad to interact.

Name: Sergey

Mail: [email protected]


We approve from 20 thousand to 3 thousand. million rubles in Moscow with a passport - guaranteed and honest!
Consider any situation - refusals in banks, lack of credit history, huge pressure, open delays (no more than 3 months).
Students, unemployed, state employees and pensioners. All citizens of the Russian Federation from 19 to 70 years old, registration does not matter. Interest rates from 7% per annum!
ATTENTION: the absence of any kind of prepayment and deposit!
Individual approach to each client, solution of any difficult situations.
-Working hours from 8-00 to 23-00 Without days off! Call within Russia is free!

Name: Andrey

Mail: [email protected]


Loan from a bank employee.
From 21 to 65 years old.
Application can be made online. Without running around the banks.
You come to the bank only once to receive money.
No upfront fees or insurance.
The commission is also only when receiving funds.
The loan is formalized without collateral and guarantors.
The bank rate is 14% per annum.
The offer is limited.

Name: Ilya

Mail: [email protected]


While you are coming to us, we are already preparing the ground for receiving money. Only the Bugatti Chiron is faster than us!
The scheme is as follows: You see our ad - immediately contact us - according to your PASSPORT we are preparing a loan from banks - within a couple of hours from the moment of the call you take the money.

Name: Alexey

Mail: [email protected]


Amounts from 100 thousand rubles to 17 million rubles. Money is given out in CASH, IN THE OFFICE. It is possible to receive the required amount on a card or bank account, provided that all conditions are met and all necessary documents are provided. I issue a loan at 12% per annum, for any period convenient for you up to 15 years. WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF EARLY REPAYMENT. Age from 18 to 55 years. WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT, WITHOUT ANY COMMISSIONS.

Name: Stanislav Samoilovich

Mail: [email protected]


We work without prepayment!!!
Any registration of the Russian Federation
Commission upon receipt
Job references are not required!
Age from 18 to 65 years
The loan is issued through official registration in the bank
We will help even the unemployed to get
You need a passport and any other document
Many offices in Moscow near the metro
We cooperate with the regions!!!

Name: Artem

Mail: [email protected]

LLC "Marketing Hall"

- Receipt of money on the day of treatment (up to 5,000,000 rubles)
- Payment for all our services only after receiving the money in hand
- Assistance to the unemployed and informal workers
- We work with Zero credit history
- No additional fees or charges. Minimum commission!
What is required from you:
- Citizenship of the Russian Federation, STAYING IN MOSCOW, age from 18 to 70 years
- We have been working with banks for a long time and honestly. All our Clients receive loans!
- If we take it, we do it! Detailed phone consultation
- We receive calls from 9 am to 11 pm. We work 7 days a week

Name: Viktor Sergeevich


A Russian passport is required. From student to pensioner Citizens of the Russian Federation from 18 to 70 years old Amounts from 10,000 to 900,000 rubles. - Working not officially and not working at all. REQUIREMENT WITHOUT OPEN DELAYS - Passport required. NO ADVANCE PAYMENT Call, we will help. - Payment for all our services only after receiving the money in hand - Mandatory presence in Moscow, we do not work remotely - We are located in MOSCOW near the metro. We work from 10 00 to 21 00 daily Officially! No income statements. Solution within 15 minutes - WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber available

Name: Denis

Mail: [email protected]


- We work with all regions of the Russian Federation (where there are our branches), strictly with Decent and Adequate people in their right mind!
- We work with only one bank (the level of the Security Service and the Board of the Bank)
- For us, the main thing is that you do not have debts in Our bank! We will bypass the rest (delays, MFIs, debts, bailiffs)
- We issue only Consumer loans (cash loan)
- Amounts from 300,000 to 4,000,000 rubles (without collateral, guarantors, certificates), interest rate fixed 10.9% per annum
- Consideration from 2 hours to 1 day maximum (depending on the amount)
- Our reputation is important to us! We want to see about

Name: Michael

Mail: [email protected]


Amounts from 10,000 ₽ to 3,000,000 ₽. Terms up to 7 years (84 months) with early repayment
No paperwork - no upfront fees
Remote registration is possible if you are not in Moscow!
Requires Passport and SNILS (insurance certificate)
Rates from 14.5% per annum - depending on the Bank
We cooperate with all Banks in Moscow
We advise everyone without exception - FREE OF CHARGE!
Our contacts: What's app. Viber. Telegram. The number is listed below.
If it is not possible to call, write and we will call you back!
Write, call from 8:00 to 22:00 Moscow time, seven days a week!

Name: Alexander

To facilitate the search for institutions that are ready to give you a loan, it is better to contact specialists. Our company provides assistance in obtaining a loan to the unemployed in Moscow, advises and assists in the preparation of all necessary documents. We will select several suitable offers, among which you can easily find the best one.

  • If not official place work, it is easiest to get a loan if you are the owner of expensive property (car, real estate, land plot). In this case, there is a high chance of getting a loan secured by it.
  • Another option for obtaining a loan is to provide contacts of guarantors who are citizens of the Russian Federation and are able to confirm official income. However various banks may put forward their own requirements for guarantors: age, availability of real estate, family ties with the client and so on.
  • Another existing option is a loan with a large down payment. Banks that do not require confirmation of solvency can issue a loan only if 30-50% of its overall size. But this may not always be beneficial to the client.
  • For those who do not have an official place of employment, but take a loan to start their own business, banks are quite willing to meet halfway. But in order to confirm your intentions, you need to bring a certificate stating that you are registered with the Employment Service, as well as provide detailed business plan and defend it before the commission.

Non-targeted consumer credit

Target consumer credit

Business loan

Same day emergency assistance

It is very difficult for people who do not have an official place of work to get a loan from a bank for various needs. Applying to microfinance organizations will not help if you need to get a loan for a car or an apartment, and large institutions try not to give loans to citizens whose income level cannot be officially confirmed. We guarantee effective assistance in obtaining a loan in each case. Individual approach and great experience our employees will be able to choose optimal scheme and get a loan.

It should be borne in mind that there are a number of restrictions on the issuance of cash. We are ready to assist you if the following conditions are met:

  • Having a positive credit history.
  • No outstanding payments at present.
  • Reaching the age of 18 years.

Cooperation procedure

First of all, the company determines the list of banks with which it is possible to conclude an agreement. Subsequently, our company selects one of the schemes suitable in each case for obtaining a loan without references. It can be the following options:

  • Execution of documents indicating third parties, for example, a working relative or friend.
  • Loans for personal expenses. Very popular among business owners. It is loan brokers who help them get their hands on cash.

We guarantee effective assistance in obtaining a loan in each case. An individual approach and extensive experience of our employees will allow you to choose the optimal scheme and get a loan.


An additional advantage of our company is that we provide assistance in obtaining a loan without prepayment. You can trust us as we work for the result. Our support will always come in handy for the unemployed, because they will not be able to apply for a loan at the bank on their own.

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