Where is the best place to fly in May? Where to relax in May abroad? Who is the best place to buy tours?

In May lovely warm weather combined with long weekends, so many people plan to travel during this period. The choice of a place where to go to the sea abroad in May largely depends on the preferences of the vacationer himself, as well as on the cost of the tour and the time it takes to apply for a visa. If you are thinking about where you can go to the sea in May, this article is for you.

May is not only the opening time of the beach season, but also a period of various festivities. In Europe, Walpurge Night is actively celebrated and bonfires are lit, the season of fountains opens in St. Petersburg, and the film festival opens in Cannes. At the beginning of May, the glorious city of Madrid celebrates its birthday.

Perhaps the most popular option for Russians is Turkey. The weather in May is already warm - during the day the air temperature reaches +26 degrees Celsius, and in the evening it can be much cooler (drops to +14 degrees), so in addition to summer things, you will also need warm ones. The water in the sea in May warms up to +23 degrees.

In May, Turkey operates big discounts and promotions, so the tour will cost inexpensively - an average of 100 to 300 dollars. At this time of the year, many fruits and berries are already ripening, which cost mere pennies.

For holidays in Turkey, Russian citizens do not need a visa if the period of stay in the country does not exceed 60 days.

This is another popular destination at this time of the year among tourists from all over the world. The weather in the country is not just warm, but hot - air temperature reaches +26-+28 degrees. Temperature sea ​​water reaches +24 degrees. Suffocating heat promotes beach holidays, but makes sightseeing trips difficult.

average cost May tour to Egypt is from 300 to 500 dollars. There is a widespread belief that a visa to Egypt is not required, but this is not entirely true - visa is issued upon arrival at the airport, does not require the collection of documents and costs about 10-15 dollars.

Thailand is already more expensive option: The average cost of the tour is 1000 dollars. May in this country is accompanied by showers and strong waves - this weather is most suitable for servers and fans extreme sports, but for typical representatives beach holiday such weather can become a problem.

As for temperatures, during the day the air warms up to +30 degrees, and at night it cools down to +26 degrees. Temperature coastal waters equals + 26 degrees.

Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Thailand if their stay in the country does not exceed 30 days.

In May, warm weather reigns in Morocco - the air heats up to +30 degrees, and the water - up to +27 degrees. Apart from the lack of rain and comfortable conditions for a beach holiday, Moroccan resorts can also boast relatively inexpensive prices for tourism– the average cost of the tour is 200-300 dollars.

Russians do not need any visa to visit Morocco if the stay is limited to 90 days.

The weather in Israel in May is truly summer - during the day the air temperature reaches +30-+34 degrees, and at night - +28 degrees. Israel washes three seas, and each of them has its own water temperature: in the Mediterranean Sea - + 26- + 28 degrees, in the Dead Sea - + 23- + 26 degrees, and in the Red Sea - + 30 degrees.

Israel this time of year practical no precipitation and a light, refreshing breeze blows from the sea. Such weather is conducive not only to relaxing on the beach, but also to visiting biblical and cultural attractions.

Journey to this magical land will cost an average of 500-600 dollars. As for the visa, for Russian citizens wishing to visit the country for tourism purposes for a period not exceeding 90 days, no visa required.

For those who want to see exotic sights and lie on the golden tropical beaches, must visit Indonesia.

May in Indonesia is considered a dry month - the air temperature here warms up to +28 degrees during the day and up to +24 degrees at night, and the water temperature is +24 degrees.

Holidays in Indonesia difficult to call budget- the average cost of the tour varies from 900 to 1500 dollars.

As for the visa, a visa is not required for Indonesia only if the tourist spends no more than 30 days in the country and if entry will be made only through certain airports.

May in Montenegro opens beach season , although the beginning of the month is still quite cool. But by mid-May, the air warms up to +26 degrees during the day and up to +17-+18 degrees at night. The water temperature by the end of the month is +24-+26 degrees.

A huge plus of Montenegro is that in May there are few tourists and there are a lot of places on the beach. The average cost of the tour is from 700 to 1200 dollars.

Russians do not need a visa to Montenegro if the stay in the country will not exceed 30 days. To enter, it is enough to have a valid passport.

In many popular resorts - for example, in Greece, Bulgaria, Italy - rather cool temperatures are kept in May, which are not suitable for a comfortable beach holiday.

Holidays with children at sea

Going on a trip with children, you need to think about their leisure. The most favorable countries for a beach holiday in May-June with a child are Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Thailand.

For little travelers safest in Cyprus- there are small coves that will allow the kids to swim normally. Wide sandy beaches can also be found in beautiful Jordan.

In Italy and Spain a lot of entertainment for children- attractions, theme parks and water parks.

Budget countries

by the most budget vacation is Turkey- under favorable conditions, you can relax in the country for a week even for less than $ 100. Also, big discounts are available in Cyprus, Egypt, Israel.

Without a visa

AT a large number countries there is a visa-free regime for Russian tourists in for a limited period. If there is no time for paperwork, then you can go to those countries for which a visa is not required.

These are Turkey, Indonesia, Morocco, Thailand, Seychelles, Mauritius. In these countries, upon arrival, a small mark is placed in the passport for free.

End of April - beginning of May beautiful time for traveling with the whole family. Many countries open at this time tourist season, so some resorts have big discounts.

Lifehacker will help you choose a direction, draw up a cultural program and estimate the budget.

How to relax on the May holidays

According to the production, in 2019, the Russians will rest from May 1 to May 5, and then from May 9 to 12. If you take three days off between public holidays, then you can go on a big trip for 12 days. But it will turn out to fly on vacation for 5 days.

In this list, Lifehacker has collected directions that you will like different people: those who do not like to sit still, want interesting excursions and hiking, and those who dream of just lazily basking in the sun by the sea.

In each city, we have selected several interesting places that are worth looking at. The budget was calculated for two adults traveling from Moscow and spending 1,000 rubles a day on food.

Oleg Brovko/Flickr

Few cities can compete with the number of art galleries and museums, palaces and monuments.

What to watch

  • Hermitage. It will take at least 11 years to walk around all the halls of the museum, stopping at each exhibit for at least one minute. Therefore, we advise you to choose a few of the most interesting expositions.
  • Peterhof. The museum and park complex located in the vicinity of the city is a great place for a walk. There is something to see: fountains, gardens, palaces, sculptures. With a leisurely walking step, the entire territory can be bypassed in 5 hours.
  • Drawbridges. Check the wiring schedule and go to the bridge. For example, to the Palace, connecting the city center and Vasilyevsky Island.

budget for two

  • 17 140 rubles.
  • Round-trip tickets for the Sapsan train -.
  • 600 rubles.
  • Tickets to the Hermitage - 1,360 rubles.
  • Sightseeing tour of St. Petersburg - approximately 1,400 rubles.

It turns out that a 5-day trip from Moscow will cost two adults at least 27,000 rubles (tickets for Sapsan, a hostel, excursions, 1,000 rubles a day for food). If you allocate 12 days, prepare 45,000 rubles.

Calm rest against the backdrop of unique natural places.

What to watch

  • Coast of Baikal. In spring, the water in the lake is so transparent that the bottom can be seen at a depth of 40 meters. In addition, May is ideal to look at Baikal seals that come ashore during the molting season.
  • Shaman Rock on Olkhon Island. It offers a great view of the entire lake. It was here that the shamans performed their mysterious rites, so the whole rock is dotted with ancient inscriptions and images of tambourines.
  • Chivyrkuisky Bay. Place for fishing and camping. The bay cuts into the land for 25 kilometers, along the entire coast there are many shallow bays. There are also archaeological sites here: Neolithic sites, ancient settlements and burial grounds.

budget for two

  • Plane tickets from Moscow and back - from 46,196 rubles.
  • Regular bus to Khuzhir village (3 km to Olkhon island) - 840 rubles.
  • Excursions around Baikal - from 300 rubles.
  • Accommodation in the village of Khuzhir per night - from 1,400 rubles.

If you take a couple of not the most expensive excursions, an independent 5-day trip will cost about 65,000 rubles. If you are going for 12 days, get ready to spend 89,000 rubles.

What to watch

  • Gardens by the bay. Steel structures in the form of trees from 25 to 50 meters high are one of the most popular attractions in Singapore. In fact, this is a vertical park, as tropical vines, ferns, orchids are planted on them. Open bridges are laid between the trees, walking along which you can see the garden with waterfalls spread out below.
  • Ferris wheel. The building is the size of a 55-storey building. From the very high point you can not only take a look at the whole of Singapore, but also see neighboring Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • Sentosa. Island 500 meters from Singapore with white sandy beaches. Here you can sunbathe and swim, as well as walk along the suspension bridges and ride the rides.

budget for two

  • Plane tickets from Moscow and back - from 83,935 rubles.
  • Accommodation for two per night - from 1,159 rubles.
  • The cost of climbing supertrees is 600 rubles.
  • A ride on a Ferris wheel - 2,800 rubles.

On average, a 4-day trip (without a visa) will cost you 100,000 rubles. If you plan to rest for 12 days, you will have to apply for a visa. Then the trip will cost you 134,000 rubles.

With the onset of the first warm days, many begin to think about where to go on vacation. From May, people start buying tickets to a particular country, booking rooms, and so on. Even in the middle of spring, it is advisable to decide on a place of rest in order to have time to purchase tickets for right days. Not all people go on vacation in the summer, some prefer to relax in May. The fact is that this month there are many days off, which is just beneficial for the trip. Let's find out where to fly in May to relax, so that the trip is interesting, fun and unforgettable.

Mostly in the warm season, people prefer to relax on the seashore. In summer it is quite hot on the beaches, but in early spring, when the sea temperature +24 or +25 degrees- the best option to swim and sunbathe on the beach.

So, the best places to relax in late spring are:

  1. Egypt. Probably, there are no people who would not like to visit sunny Egypt. This city attracts not only with its history, but also beautiful nature, and favorable climate. In May, the sea there warms up to +24 degrees, which is just right for a beach holiday. Vacationers can also go on a tour, see famous pyramids and get unforgettable impressions for a lifetime.
  2. Turkey. In this country, the weather is not hot, so the cost of a trip there is somewhat lower than in other places. But at the same time, it is better to book a trip for the May days in advance. Water at such a time there warms up to +22 degrees. Of course, it is not suitable for everyone for swimming, but those who calmly endure the coolness will be able to arrange a beach season in sunny Turkey in the first days of May.
  3. Thailand. It cannot be called the most favorable for swimming at the end of spring, but, as practice shows, people go there quite often, since vouchers are much cheaper than in other warm countries.
  4. Moroccan resort of Agadir. It is better to fly there in May at sea, when the air temperature warms up to +27 degrees. It is usually so warm there at the end of the month, so the flow of tourists is huge. Thus, it is more expedient to take care of vouchers in advance.
  5. Montenegro. Today, Russians are increasingly going to rest in this country, because there you can not only have a good time, but also improve your health in sanatoriums. late spring Montenegro is warm and sunny.
  6. Cyprus and Greece. In these places there is a large flow of tourists just in May. If it’s too early to swim there at such a time, then it’s just right to see various sights, especially since the weather allows.
  7. Israel. In May it is quite warm and comfortable there. Precipitation is a rarity, so you can enjoy nature and sights in plenty. Israel is especially suitable for those who do not like intense heat and prefer the refreshing feeling of coolness by the sea.

It should also be noted the following countries for comfortable rest in May:

  • Bulgaria. Of course, it is still too early to swim there at such a time, but it will be possible to see the sights in full. Moreover, you can save a lot on tickets, because in May there is not yet such a large influx of tourists as in summer.
  • UAE. Those who are not afraid of cool water can also have a good rest in Dubai, see many the most beautiful places, taste the local cuisine and try out traditional leisure activities for this place.

For those who prefer sightseeing holidays rather than beach holidays, such countries as Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and others. In May, it is good to walk along the medieval streets, see historical sites and enjoy the pleasant weather. Always open for budget travellers. Czech Republic and Poland. Prices there are much lower than in Moscow and other large cities, so you won’t have to save up for such a trip for a long time. In these countries, there are many entertainment centers, excursion programs and other events that will not leave anyone indifferent. The best way to get there is by bus, as it is both cheap and fast.

Exotic destinations

People who travel often often need the exotic. Mauritius - perfect place for fans exotic vacation. Although May is cool and a little rainy, tourists love this place for the opportunity to see the crater. extinct volcano Trou-o-Surf. The second such place is the Seychelles. This place is famous for its abundance of coconut trees. Visitors also have the opportunity to visit the ornithological reserve. At the end of spring it is very warm and sunny there. You can also enjoy the exotic in Indonesia, Singapore, Nepal and South Korea. The cost of such a vacation will differ from the beach and sightseeing, but it will be an opportunity to see the most original things in the world.

Where is the best place to relax with children?

If you go on vacation with children, you should make sure that they have a good time there and have fun. That is why it is better to choose places where there are many entertainment centers and fun programs. Today, many go to France, Italy or Spain, where there are many amusement parks, water parks, zoos, theme parks, etc. They will bring unforgettable emotions to both young travelers and adults who also want to have fun.

When choosing a place to stay, you need to decide in advance how you want to spend your time, because not all countries are suitable for swimming in May, and not everywhere you can find exotic. Today there are many travel agencies who offer a wide variety of tours. There are budget expensive options for long and short holidays. Employees of these companies will be happy to help you decide on a place to stay, where you will get an unforgettable experience and a variety of leisure activities. The main thing is to plan your trip 1-2 months before departure in order to have time to purchase tickets for the right time and book hotel rooms. In this case, you can have a good rest and gain strength before working days.

We hope that our article has helped you answer the question: "where to fly to the sea in May." Use the information received and organize an unforgettable vacation for yourself.

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Reading time: 5 minutes

So, a holiday in May: we are looking for where to go and find out how much it costs. Where to relax for a short weekend from 1st to 5th? We tell - you plan!

May means the May holidays, and, accordingly, the right period for the next trip to the summer. Of course, a seaside holiday in May in the vastness of Russia can hardly be called a beach holiday, and therefore the resorts where you can go to relax and swim are located only in the air.

There is no need to explain that a beach holiday in May is a popular undertaking, and therefore you should buy a tour or air tickets in advance. To explore all the possible offers from tour operators and compare prices for tours, take a look at:

These are our faithful assistants in organizing budget travel 🙂 As well as 10 rules for a profitable tour purchase. By the way, we have already chosen a tour for the May holidays in Spain!

Where to relax in May at sea?

Thinking about where to go to the sea in May, you can still stop at South-East Asia, in the warmth of the sea / ocean of which you can be one hundred percent sure:

  • Thailand
  • Vietnam (Nha Trang)
  • Indonesia

Another thing is that the holidays are short and the commute is long. Option, rather, for a full vacation.

Therefore, we look where closer. Holidays in May abroad and in European countries. At the beginning of the month, the beach season opens at:

  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Tunisia
  • and in Cyprus.

The column on the thermometer can crawl up to + 25ºС ... + 28ºС, enough to sunbathe and cool off with a couple of cocktails. But even in these directions there is a snag - the water does not have time to warm up at the same pace and invigorates the daredevils who decide to take a dip, + 17ºС ... + 18ºС (except for Turkey and Cyprus, it is hotter there).

Where to spend a beach holiday in May 2019 to a) take a short flight, b) swim, and c) change your skin tone to golden? Choice:

  • Israel


Kemer (5* Queen's Park Resort) / Side (4* Side Town). What's better?

For many of our compatriots, the answer to the question of where to go in May does not require much thought. Of course, Turkey is one of the leaders in the tourism industry in both Europe and Asia.

Tours to Turkey in May are an opportunity to be in time for the opening of the season, when everything is ready to receive guests at sea, but there is still no heat and crowds of people. This has a drawback: swimming, except in the pool, will have to be postponed.

  • Pros:


    The desire of individuals to cash in on tourists

    Low water temperature, only in last days it heats up to +24ºС


We were in Dubai in December 2018 and wrote about the trip full review(link)

Of the options where to relax in May at sea, the UAE stands out. Firstly, because abroad, but the flight is not long (5 hours), and secondly, the temperatures there - August Turkey will envy.

It is better to fly to the Emirates in the first half of May. More precisely, as early as possible the hellish season of hell, which begins in June. Imagine how the country is fried, if already at the beginning of May in the air + 33 ° C, and in the water + 28 ° C.

Where to go? You can choose from skyscraper Dubai, Sharjah bordering it, metropolitan Abu Dhabi, budget Ras al-Khaimah or a little less hot, but "in the backyard" - Fujairah.

  • pros

    Relatively inexpensive tours

    The sea is a favorite fresh milk

    Royal dates, kebabs, jeep safari and other Arabic flavor


    – the weather is on the verge of “stay out of the hotel until 6 pm”

    – alcohol will have to be brought with you or purchased in advance in the dutik

  • Prices for holidays in May in 2019 in the UAE - from 60,000 rubles for a week-long tour for two


We have already been to Barcelona 3 times, this is one of our favorite cities. We have an article about the route in Barcelona, ​​and about how to get from the airport for 1 euro 🙂
One of best countries for holidays in the Mediterranean. A holiday in Spain in May is a stay in an eternally cheerful and relaxed atmosphere during the day and wild entertainment in the evenings. And the sights of Barcelona, ​​​​Malaga and Valencia are especially impressive in the spring, when there is still no stuffiness and unbearable heat.

A beach holiday in May 2019 in full force can only be organized in the Canary Islands (Tenerife, Gran Canaria), where the water temperature (+20℃) more or less allows you to plunge.

  • Pros:

    Barcelona is one of the most-most cities in the world (in our opinion :))

    Affordable tour prices

    Wonderful weather for a lot of walking


    Active thieves on the beaches

    unheated sea

  • The cost of tours for a week - from 50,000 rubles for two


Cyprus is the birthplace of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Not surprisingly, tourists fall under the romantic influence of seclusion. Already in May, the sea in Cyprus is quite warm and comfortable, at the end the water warms up to + 23ºС. There are both youth (Ayia Napa) and youth-oriented family holiday(Paphos) resorts.

Cyprus, like Turkey, is the leader in the number of Russian holiday-goers spread out on local beaches. And all because almost visa-free and an adequate price tag for tours.

  • Pros:

    High level of service, safety

    Favorable climate, many sunny days

    Free online visa


    Overpriced food and alcohol

    To see the island, you need to rent a car

  • The cost of tours for a week - from 45,000 rubles for two


Our trip in June to Rhodes / In October - to Athens

The famous phrase "Greece has everything!" absolutely fair in relation to its resorts. There are many great places in the country that offer visitors all the possibilities for a beach holiday.


Our trip to Milan Milan Cathedral+ Gallery)

If you have not yet decided where to go on vacation in May, but do not want to fly far, optimal choice- Italian resorts. Italy is a country that was created in order to spend an unforgettable vacation here. Millions of tourists come here to enjoy the picturesque nature and the wealth of sights!

It will definitely be warm in May, but the situation with sea swims is not completely clear. Only one thing is known - the sea is gaining the fastest desired temperature in Sicily, but 100% suitable for water procedures resort - Ischia and the like, with thermal springs.

  • Pros:

    There are so many interesting places and regions that you can’t travel around for 10 times, Rome alone is worth something!

    Pizzerias and gelaterias, wines and cheeses

    Great shopping


    Beware, you can fall in love with the country

    Difficulties in obtaining a visa - Italians are mischievous and do not always approve of what they want


Tunisian pottery

Tours to Tunisia in May delight tourists with their low cost. In the second half of the month it is already real summer here. In the south of the country, the water in the sea warms up to + 21ºС ... + 22ºС, and a beach holiday starts. Hardened thrill-seekers go swimming, and everyone else enjoys the warm sun and Mauritanian exoticism ↓

  • The cost of tours for a week - from 55,000 rubles for two

We went to the island of Nusa Penida (Indonesia)

Bali has a well-established reputation " paradise island". This is one of the most acceptable holiday options abroad in May 2019 for those who love tropical nature with "wild" landscapes, elements and juicy fruits. Well, of course, for those who want to stand on the board (surfing)! It’s also cheap here (excluding flights), we lived in Bali for $20 a day for two!

  • Pros:

    Good-natured local population (namely the Balinese)

    Stunning sunsets by the ocean

    Cheap accommodation and food

    Rice fields, dozens of waterfalls and several volcanoes worth climbing!


    Chaotic traffic on the roads

    A lot of any small (sometimes large) living creatures

    seismic region

    Visiting Javanese - that is still a "mafia", it is better not to conflict with them

What did we like on the island and what did we not? Check out our telegram channel @howtrip and search for posts with the hashtag #howtrip_bali 🙂


Where to go to the sea in May, so that it would be like in Thailand? Unlike the last one, the tourist season in Vietnam starts closer to summer. Let us clarify that only in its central part - in Nha Trang, the most developed by Russians.

The weather is typical for Southeast Asia: the air temperature is stable at +30°C, the sea is heated up to +29°C. Rains are rare (but you want to).

You won’t get bored in Nha Trang - in addition to the beaches, the must-visit program includes the islands, excursions to Hanoi and Dalat, and - best of the best - Vinpearl amusement park with an amazing cable car (Sochi was not nearby) .

  • pros

    Non-standard for Southeast Asia in May dry season

    Every self-respecting (and money) salesman knows Russian

    Great amusement park nearby


  • In 2019, Vietnam costs from 80,000 rubles for 10 nights for two. Holidays in May on "all inclusive" - ​​already from 130 thousand


All beaches in Tel Aviv are free, but very well maintained - there are toilets, changing cabins, awnings

Israel in May is already a real summer. Even in the Mediterranean Sea, the water temperature rises to + 25ºС, and the water in the Dead Sea even + 30ºС.

Beach holidays can be arranged in modern Tel Aviv - on the Mediterranean coast, in the tourist Eilat - on the Red Sea coast, and in the slightly retired Ein Bokek - the most popular resort of the Dead Sea.

  • Pros:

    Ideal weather conditions

    Bloom national parks and nature reserves

    No need for a visa

    Many locals speak Russian


    Shops/cafes/restaurants are closed and public transport from Friday afternoon to Saturday evening

    High prices for everything

  • The cost of tours for a week - from 80,000 rubles for two

Where to go in Russia?

We climbed Rosa Khutor

Is it always necessary to go abroad, as they say, to distant lands, to the sea, if it is available at hand?

Some people think about where to relax in May in Russia, and they are absolutely right. Among the resorts Krasnodar Territory Anapa, Tuapse, Sochi, Gelendzhik, Lazarevskoe the beaches are already waiting for the first vacationers. It is a pity that only beaches, not water! It's still cold for relaxing splashing, but you can replace sea bathing with swimming in the pool, soaking in jacuzzis and saunas. Holidays at sea in May also attract tourists who pursue recreational goals. Numerous sanatoriums provide a variety of firming and massage treatments.

Holidays at sea in May - weather

Photos from our trip to Rhodes

Holidays abroad in May 2019 are carried out in different ways. If the plans certainly include swimming, then you have a direct flight to Cuba, Thailand, Bali, Israel. The latter, not only is it close, it is also convenient to visit without a visa, as well as Turkey. Although the water near the Turkish coast is still not warm enough.

Going on vacation to Cyprus, Greece, Tenerife ( Canary Islands), you can count on high level service, well-groomed beaches, visiting excursion programs and tons of local color. But even with warm sunny weather on the beaches you will mainly sunbathe as the water is still cold.

Spain, Barcelona) +20 +17 Italy (Sicily) +24 +19 Greece (Crete and Rhodes) +24 +21 Montenegro +23 +20 Bulgaria +20 +19 Asia Thailand +30 +30 Vietnam (Nha Trang) +30 +30 Indonesia (Bali) +30 +30 Russia Anapa +21 +18 Sochi +23 +19

May: where to go without a visa?

A visa is not only dreary / time-consuming / nervous (underline as necessary), but also at least 4,000 rubles per person. Not very fun, especially if a family with children aged 6+ is traveling.

  • Turkey
  • Tunisia
  • Cyprus (online and free)
  • Israel
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia

Where to relax inexpensively in May at sea?

Of course, each of us would prefer inexpensive vacation in May abroad. It should be noted that in each country there are both hyped pathos and more affordable, but no less comfortable places. And for those who want to save money, there are always last-minute tours.

You can already swim in all three, which means you don’t have to look for something to do for at least two hours a day 🙂

Where to go with a child in May

When considering where to go to the sea in May with a child, parents should take into account many factors: the duration of the flight, the climate, the availability of conditions for a beach holiday with children. Resorts meet all these requirements:

  • Israel
  • Spain

But if you want your baby to splash in the sea and are not afraid of tiring flights, choose Thailand or Vietnam. Although the resorts of these countries may be somewhat inferior to Europe in terms of service level, this is more than compensated by gentle water and tropical landscapes.

How to relax in May 2019

It is already known how we rest for the May holidays in 2019. From the 1st to the 5th - the official weekend in honor of the Holiday of Spring and Labor. And, of course, Victory Day - non-working days last from May 9 to 12.

Taking a short vacation / day off for a few days, you can increase the weekend in May to almost two weeks and enjoy the beach doing nothing to the maximum. 🙂

Map of popular resorts in May

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Below are listed 10 the best places for holidays with children in May.

May for holidays with children at sea is a problematic month. The Black Sea has not warmed up, the Mediterranean Sea has warmed up only in a few areas. Long flights will not save too much, as the rainy season begins in many tropical resorts. Therefore, the top 10 in May for families with children includes such places as Cuba, Bali, Mauritius, which, due to their remoteness and high cost, were not included in the tops in other months.

Listed on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand. In Thailand, the rainy season begins in May, so it is better to replace the traditional holiday in Phuket with Koh Samui, as there is significantly less rainfall. It will also be a good holiday in Krabi.

Water in May in the area mediterranean sea cool and bathing will not give children and parents much pleasure. As in June, only the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea can be considered acceptable for swimming. And the most successful choice in May will be a holiday in Cyprus. In early May, countries such as Israel (Eilat) and Egypt can be considered for families with children. The water there will be warm, but, alas, the air temperature can be very hot.

Rest on the coasts of the Black Sea in May is not comfortable for swimming.

When compiling the top, the weather, the presence of child-friendly beaches, the presence of children's entertainment, interesting excursions, the availability of recreation, and the duration of the flight were taken into account.

  • air temperature in May -27С
  • water temperature in May - 19-22C average 21C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 3 hours 45 minutes
  • beaches - sandy
  • children's entertainment - entertainment centers, mini parks
  • interesting excursions - yes
  • accommodation - hotels, villas, apartments
  • animation in hotels
  • you need a visa, you can enter with a valid Schengen visa
  • visa processing time - usually about a day

Comments for 2019 -

Pros - easy visa, warm water and air, many available villas, apartments, many Russian-speaking staff

Cons - a small amount of children's entertainment, relatively expensive from the euro / ruble exchange rate

2) Belek, Side (Turkey)

  • air temperature in May - 25C
  • water temperature in May - 19-23C average 21.5C
  • flight hours from Moscow to Antalya airport - 3h30min
  • beaches - sandy, wide
  • children's entertainment - water parks, amusement parks, water parks at hotels
  • great animation in hotels
  • accommodation - hotels, club hotels
  • no visa required

Comments for 2019 -

Pluses - there is no visa, warm enough water, there are a lot of entertainment for children and adults on the beaches and in hotels, a relatively inexpensive vacation.

Cons - the unstable political and international situation around Turkey. Holidays in Turkey are familiar to many Russians, and therefore the sense of novelty is lost.

3) Playa de las Americas(Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)

  • air temperature in May 24.5C
  • water temperature in May 20-22C average 20.5C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 7 hours
  • beaches - sandy
  • children's entertainment - water park, bird park
  • accommodation - hotels, apartments
  • Availability of animation in hotels - not everywhere
  • Availability of interesting places for excursions - yes
  • visa is needed - yes, Schengen
  • turnaround time - usually 4-6 business days

Comments for 2019 -

Pros - European service, beautiful nature, interesting excursions, a lot of entertainment for both children and adults.

Cons - you need a visa, you will most likely have to fly with transfers, the flight is long. There are strong tides on the ocean. The sun is very active, constant monitoring of children's stay in the sun is required, otherwise severe burns are possible.

  • air temperature in May 32C (peak temperatures up to 37C!)
  • water temperature in May 23-26C average 25C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 4.5 hours
  • beaches - sandy
  • children's entertainment - water parks, dolphinarium, aquariums
  • accommodation - hotels
  • Availability of animation in hotels - yes
  • Availability of interesting places for excursions - yes
  • visa required - no

Comments for 2019 -

Comments are given based on the assumption that this route will be open to Russians in 2019.

Pros - warm water, richest undersea world, the presence of animation, children's and adult entertainment, world-class attractions.

Cons - serious security problems (terrorist attack on a Russian aircraft in 2016), unsettled situation in the region, daily temperatures may not be well tolerated by children, trips to excursions for young children are too tiring, increased attention to hygiene is required from parents in order not to catch intestinal infections.

  • air temperature in May 32C (peak temperatures up to 41C!)
  • water temperature in May 22-25C average 23.8C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 4.5-5
  • beaches - sandy, pebble
  • children's entertainment - amusement parks, dolphin reef, bird park
  • accommodation - hotels
  • Availability of animation in hotels - not everywhere, most often in Hebrew
  • The presence of interesting places for excursions - yes, but the main sights of Israel are far away.
  • no visa required

Comments for 2019 -

Pros - warm water, no visa, developed infrastructure, breathtaking underwater world

Cons - restless political situation around Israel, very high peak daily air temperatures

  • air temperature in May - 33C
  • water temperature in May -31-32C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 9 hours to Bangkog then 1 hour to Koh Samui
  • beaches - sandy, wide, gently sloping entrance
  • children's entertainment - two water parks, elephant rides. mini zoos
  • accommodation - hotels, bungalows
  • The presence of animation in hotels - almost none
  • Availability of interesting places for excursions - yes
  • no visa required
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