Harmonious numbers of a patronymic name and a surname. Numerology of the name, surname and patronymic

Numerological analysis of the name, patronymic, surname

Letters or sound symbols, like numbers, represent certain vibrations - a "secret code" that unconsciously affects a person. In the numerological system, it is believed that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to the energy of a particular number (and hence the planet of the name).

For the Russian alphabet, two systems of numerological correspondence of numbers and letters are used. Which one to use? Read the text below and choose for yourself.

1. Vedic system. In normal cases, it is used most often. She operates only with nine prime numbers, while she does not consider the numbers 10 (Pluto), 11 (Volcano), 22 (Proserpina), since their vibrations do not work for all people.

For the Russian alphabet, the Vedic system is used.

The same numerological layout can be done with any alphabet.

2. Avestan system. This is an ancient system that uses twelve "golden" numbers: 1-9, 10, 11, 12. On domestic plan it works well for people who have higher planets Pluto (10), Vulcan (11), Proserpina (22) occupy some important points horoscope, because in these cases a person is a conductor of their vibrations, in other cases these are “planets of generations”, that is, they mainly affect large masses of people (states, humanity as a whole).

Name number

The name is given to us at birth, and with its help we determine our place in the world of people like us. Unconsciously, we are perceived according to the energy of the given name.

In order for life to be harmonious, it is necessary that the number of the name correspond to the number of the date of our birth, that is, that their vibrations should sound in unison. It is most convenient to compare these vibrations by comparing the planet of the name with the planet of birth.

As an example, we can say that Mercury is a "friend" of Uranus, Saturn is a "friend" of Vulcan. The "enemies" of Mercury are the Sun, Jupiter, Moon.

The worst "enemy" of the Sun is Uranus, as they rule the opposite signs of the zodiac: Uranus - Aquarius, the Sun - Leo.

To find out the number of your name, you need to do the following: choose the name that most people around you most often call you; put down under each letter its numerical equivalent (see table. " Harmony and inharmony of birth planets); add up all the numbers. If the result is a sum consisting of two digits, then add these two digits and get a prime number - the number of your name.

If the number of the name does not correspond (is not a “friend”) to the number of the date of birth, then we can say that we were born “not under lucky star", that the name harms us and that it would be better for us to change this name, since with a dissonance in the name and date of birth, we can constantly fall into unfavorable energy flows, find ourselves between millstones, and in the end this threatens with disappointment and dissatisfaction with life. It will be very difficult for a person to realize himself.

Last name number

In addition to the number of the name, the number of the surname is separately distinguished. Our family name is our origin. It indicates what we rely on, the perception of a person by society. The surname inherited from our parents may be either birth curse, or generic support.

If the number of the surname is harmonious with the number of the first name and the number of the date of birth, this is the generic support that favorably affects our lives. If the number of the surname does not harmonize with the number of the given name and the number of the date of birth, this indicates the need to change the surname.

Let's take an example. Let, comparing the numbers through the planets corresponding to them, we get that the number of the surname (planet of the surname) is Proserpine, and the number of the name (planet of the name) is Venus. Then we can say that the relationship between them is inharmonious, tense, since these planets rule the opposite signs and, in addition, Proserpine has a destructive effect. But friendly are, for example, pairs of the Sun and Mars, the Sun and Jupiter, the Moon and Venus.

Many people took pseudonyms for themselves because their surname did not bring them luck. This was done, for example, by Lenin and Stalin, even if unconsciously, and this allowed them to tune in to their program.

When a person changes his last name, he thereby chooses a new rhythm for himself.

Middle name number

The number (planet) of the patronymic means our attitude to the past (“the burden of the past”).

Where matriarchy exists, the name of the mother is taken. Among those peoples where the names of mother and father are not fixed in the name of the child, the path of evolution is easier: they are not oppressed by the past.

Suppose that the planet Jupiter corresponds to the patronymic number, and the planet Mars corresponds to the date of birth. Since Jupiter and Mars are friendly planets, the person is supported by the ancestors and will perceive only “good” power from the past.

Full name number

So, we can assume that the number of the name is our face, which perceives the world, it is given to us for the future; the number of the surname is the purpose of our existence, what we strive for in life; the patronymic number is the past, which either stimulates us or destroys us.

The number of the full name is the final vibration, consisting of the numbers of the first name, patronymic, last name. It shows how the world will perceive us, what we will achieve in this life, and how we will develop relationships with other people (what the world wants from us). Well, if it corresponds to the number of the date of birth (which says what we should come to individually).

Even better, just perfect, if at the same time each of the three components of the final number (that is, the number of the first name, the number of the patronymic, the number of the surname) is “friendly” to the number of the date of birth.

If these components turn out to be neutral, then the person will not receive support, but there will be no opposing factors, however, at the same time, the person runs the risk of being alone or lazy, since it is always easier to follow the path of least resistance.

So, when the planets of the name, patronymic, surname are neutral in relation to the planet of the date of birth, there is nothing to rejoice at: they symbolize "empty space", "abyss".

For development, a person needs either opposition or support.

But if they are all "enemies" to each other, you need to urgently turn to the help of numerology.

I must say that many esotericists very freely treated proper names: often they were changed in order to reach another level, they took names that corresponded to their number of date of birth. For example, the Indian esoteric Ramakrishna; Western astrologers Nostradamus, Cardanus and others (these are all pseudonyms).

Note. For people who were born during the “old style” of time (for example, Pushkin, Gogol, etc.), all numerological calculations and analyzes must be done in the old system, that is, the alphabet must contain the letters excluded during the reform: yat, izhitsu, etc. .

Full Name Number Calculation

The number of the full name is found if we take full name, as it is written in the birth certificate: first name, patronymic, last name.

Always use only the full name as given on the birth document. If a person subsequently changed his name, you still need to take the one that he received at birth. If it is different from the name that a person is using now, it will still have the strongest vibrations that determine a person's life. You can take both names and see the vibrations of each of them, because the original name can send external world vibrations that are not fully realized.

Some people change their names to get better vibrations than they were born with. Usually a new name is chosen to achieve some goal, but a person’s goal is already determined before birth, and we come into this life with specific tasks before us.

Changing the name, of course, can change the vibrations somewhat, but in this life it is still necessary to use, first of all, those vibrations that were intended for us.

Each letter of the alphabet has its own interpretation and its own numerological meaning. Each letter vibrates according to this value.

Consider an example of calculation in the Vedic system.

Using capital letters, write the full name (exactly as it appears on the birth certificate) on the form below.

Write numerical value each letter (in accordance with the alphabetic table. " Vedic system of numerological correspondence of numbers and letters”) right below the letters. Add up all parts of the name and reduce the number to one digit. Add up all these numbers and again reduce the expression to one digit (you get the so-called cross sum).

The exceptions are the numbers 11 and 22. If the final result is 11 or 22, it usually does not need to be reduced to one digit. But not all people can live with the vibrations of the Dominant number, and for them it is necessary to reduce these numbers to simple ones:

11 = 1 + 1 = 2; 22 = 2 + 2 = 4.

Therefore, it is customary to write below: 11/2; 22/4.

For example, let's find the number of the full name for Ivan Alexandrovich Petrov (see table. "Vedic system of numerological correspondence of numbers and letters"):


1 4 6 3 7 1 6 5 9 7 3 1 7


Name: 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.

Middle name: 1 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 60 = 6 + 0 = 6.

Last name: 8 + 6 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8.

Cross sum: 2 + 6 + 8 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 - this is the number of the full name.

Interpretation of the number of the full name

These people are characterized by leadership, independence, originality, the desire to win. They are ambitious, creative, strong, arrogant, convinced that they will conquer the world with their abilities. These are pioneers, researchers, inventors, managers, may be the owners of the company. They are writers or lawyers. Women with this number can be fashion designers, designers. They tend to be alone, independently implement their own ideas.

Lower manifestations: selfishness, laziness.

Number 2 people are sociable, love good company and when they are helped. The occupation of these people implies the presence of diplomacy, knowledge of psychology, the ability to cooperate. These are peacekeepers, judges. They can also be good teachers, secretaries, sociologists, artists, housewives. They are interested in religion, banking, science, culture. They tend to associative thinking. They usually get married without any problems. They have a natural sense of rhythm, they like to be professionals in their field.

Lower manifestations: orientation to the opinions of others, apathy, painful modesty.

Number 3 people are by nature optimists and a little snobs. However, this does not prevent them from being creative, joyful, creative, friendly and practical. These people are popular, but continue to look for ways of self-realization. They always know how to present themselves, they are often theatrical. They like to spend a lot of time at home.

Threes have an innate ability to write; the most emotional of them take a frivolous position in relation to society, they love jewelry. Friends play an important role in life.

Lower manifestations: excessive talkativeness, boasting, propensity to gossip, extravagance, jealousy.

These people are creators, builders of both the temporal and the eternal. They are practical and excel in activities related to the improvement of the system, order, form, rules - in their own business and in their personal lives. They are honest, sincere, patient, reliable, thorough, full of faith and perseverance. Keywords in their life - the system and order. They should be careful in choosing friends. If they have to deal with complex ideas, they must learn to involve assistants and trust them. They must take responsibility, and then other people will turn to them for help and support. Among the women living with this number, there are many seamstresses, housewives and maids.

Lower manifestations: tendency to destruction, inconsistency of character, slow-wittedness, laziness, lack of flexibility, impatience.

The keywords are freedom and change. They are open to knowledge, full of energy and easy-going. They need to develop their minds, learn all the newest, cultivate the ability to change easily in order to accept the new and discard the old. Success often comes through the people around you. Versatile interests often make them scatter over trifles, and fives especially need to take care not to waste their energy in vain, so something should be abandoned. Fives love to travel. But even if traveling is not very successful, you need to communicate more with other people of all social levels. Fives can do everything that has to do with people. Their motto is: water does not flow under a lying stone.

Lower manifestations: irresponsibility, thoughtlessness, self-indulgence (drunkenness, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity).

These are the humanities. They are eager to serve other people and the world. They are responsible, grasp everything on the fly, they have a developed sense of duty, they are obligatory. Love, charity, truth, justice, harmony, beauty, camaraderie are associated with sixes. They are artistic and in tune with nature. Always lend a helping hand to those in need. They show themselves most fully where responsibility and faith are required. Succeed in activities related to the home, various organizations and social activities. Sixes improve and strengthen our lives, take care of the youth, even in old age they do not conflict with their sons.

Lower manifestations: pride, assertiveness, jealousy, dominance, desire to interfere in the affairs of others.

Number 7 people are constantly striving for knowledge, all their lives they show interest in new things. But they must learn to verify and prove facts before sharing their findings with others, presenting their discoveries in writing, lecturing, or otherwise disseminating knowledge, scientific or metaphysical.

Due to the fact that these people are always alone, they seem strange to many. Indeed, they live by their own ethical standards and rules. They are loved and respected for what they have achieved, for their knowledge. They should communicate more with people who reflect on the mysteries of being, expand their horizons, travel more. They know what they want from life. They are designed for work that is not related to physical labor.

Lower manifestations: impatience, secretiveness, greed, a tendency to drunkenness, indifference.

Successful in business. They can take leadership positions, lead. Most successful in areas related to material values. They need to expand their views, not be limited to one thing. Although their life path will not be easy, success will come through knowledge, financial transactions and a clear understanding of their goal. To succeed in life, they need to learn to work for a cause, not for money. When they manage to achieve a balance between the spiritual and the material, when they begin to act for the benefit of others, and not for their own benefit, then wealth comes to them. Their task is to cultivate a strong character and learn to control themselves. The pursuit of profit will only lead to a waste of energy. spiritual growth is achieved through an appeal to religion, mysticism, philosophy. It's good to have a wide circle of friends. Eights have access to a wide range of professional activities.

Lower manifestations: lust for power, unbridled desire for material wealth, improper use of one's strength, hypertrophied ambition.

Nines are moderate in everything, everyone understands, they know how to love and sympathize. They like to live a life that is aimed at serving humanity. Their activities are most successful when they can freely express their emotions, kindness and ability to understand people. People from everywhere come to them in search of understanding and consolation, and helping them, you can not demand anything from them in return - neither power, nor material wealth, nor personal love, otherwise the nine will lose all its qualities. Nines should not revel in their successes, their popularity, they need to expand their horizons, learn to pay attention to little things, although they do not like to take part in small events (which, by the way, they themselves create).

Lower manifestations: increased emotionality, self-deception, impulsiveness, insensitivity. From the book The World Inside Out the author Priyma Alexey

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Numerology- a serious science about the connection of numbers with the life and fate of a person. Each number has its own special vibration and has a certain effect on a person. The date of birth, for example, and the numerical code of the name can not only determine aspects of the character, but also lay them down. If you choose the right name for the newborn, comparing its numerical code with the code of the patronymic and surname, you can set the child the desired character and even determine the fate from the moment of birth.


Numerology is often confused or combined with cabalism and the ancient Celtic teachings of the Druids, which is completely wrong, since these sciences are independent and different in essence. Kabalism determines the influence of the numerical code on certain periods of fate and helps to identify difficult and critical moments in the future in order to change or eliminate them. Such knowledge helps to avoid many karmic catastrophes and crisis situations. The ancient Celtic teaching of the Druids prescribes a specific tree for each numerical birth code, which determines its character and gives a person additional karmic, natural and astral forces in difficult situations. Numerology primarily determines the nature of people, their compatibility with certain partners, the possibility of developing relationships, and also predicts specific events of a certain year, month or specific day by its code compared with the code of the date of birth and name, in some aspects based on cabalistics.

The essence of numerology

Numerology is perceived by many people as some kind of entertainment, an exciting game, but in fact it is an absolutely serious science that allows people, first of all, to understand themselves and change their lives and destiny at least a little. For several millennia, since ancient times, mankind has used numerology in conjunction with astrology to predict future events and know its essence, creating a complete picture of the vision of aspects, and complementing each other.

Numbers and numerical codes, as well as astrological symbols and signs, are a universal language, but not understood by everyone. Many civilizations of antiquity - Jews, Hindus, Egyptians, Chaldeans - studied the mysteries of numerology as a serious, truthful science of predictions. Ancient numerologists believed that every numerical code contains all the information about the life of each individual person and humanity as a whole, and that an individual with the gift of understanding numerical vibration and energy is able to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of the universe and the future of the universe.

Famous personalities and the birth of numerology

Numerology has always been perceived as something special, amazing, mystical and even divine. Modern systems numerological knowledge is based on many aspects and directions, but at the core they adhere to two combined traditions - the cabalistic, using ancient Hebrew alphabetic symbols, and the Pythagorean, created by ancient Greek famous astrologer and the mathematician Pythagoras, who uses only numbers.

It is Pythagoras who is often called the father and founder of numerology as a science, and it is he who most of his outstanding scientific papers devoted to numbers and their study, identifying patterns of numerical combinations and ongoing events. Pythagoras was confident in the exceptional mystical properties of each number, and based on his knowledge he created a digital classification system, which is still used by modern numerologists. Probably, everyone knows the geometric theorems proved and formulated by Pythagoras, who believed that it was in numbers that all the secrets of the amazing Universe were contained.

At the heart of the Pythagorean numerological numerical teaching is the idea of ​​dividing numbers into: female (passive) - even, and male (active) - odd. It is this division system that is presented in the I Chin - the Book of Changes, compiled by ancient Chinese thinkers and scientists, although it is still inexplicable how Pythagoras could recognize this theory.

The doctrine of the close relationship between humanity and numbers, about numeric codes, giving a lot of important information, was created by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa - famous philosopher. Count Cagliostro also created his own numerological system that predicts future events. Both methods are based on the teachings of the cabalistic system, which translates letters into numerical informative codes.

Many representatives of the sciences of the occult direction believed and argued that the name given at birth, as well as its word forms, translated into a system of numbers, are similar to personal astrological charts, making it possible to see many important aspects. The most famous professional numerologist on turn of XIX and XX centuries is Louis Gamon, called the Count of Cairo. It was he who was considered the best predictor by a numerologist who published several famous books. Count Cairo was approached by the most influential and famous people, including Edward VII - King of England.

By studying this amazing mystical science, everyone will be able to determine their true path, karmic destiny, learn to cooperate with the correct positive numerical energy and fence off from the negative, preventing many troubles and life catastrophes.

Numbers have entered a person’s life quite firmly, even the name, surname and patronymic consists not only of letters but also of numbers. In order to find out which numbers have a vibration on your life, you need to separately consider your data and identify the influence of numbers on your destiny and character. Consider an example. Ivan Nikolaevich Zhuravlev. According to a special table, we look at what numbers the name Ivan consists of and get next result: 9+3+1+4 = 17= 1+7 = 8 - and so, we get the number of the name equal to eight. We also consider the patronymic Nikolaevich: 4+9+1+5+2+1+6+3+9+5 = 45=4+5=9 — the number of the patronymic is nine. We do the same with the surname Zhuravlev: 7+1+7+1+3+2+6+3 = 30 = 3+0 = 3 - we get the number of the surname equal to three. And now you can consider these numbers separately, why, in order to see how they interact with each other and what kind of personality do you make influencing, we will calculate total number to do this, add: 8 (name number) + 9 (patronymic number) +3 (last name number) \u003d 20 \u003d 2 + 0 \u003d 2. As a result, we get the main thing that has special influence for each number separately - this is a deuce. Now, focusing on the data obtained, we can make an analysis of a person's personality.

1 - One implies assertiveness and aggressiveness. Very often, these people are ambitious, purposeful and prone to leadership. They are no stranger to ambition. They are most often inclined to achieve their own, stubborn and consistent. But these qualities are weakened if, for example, the number of the patronymic is equal to five, or this figure has a general vibration on all data.

2 - Usually they are balanced and even too soft people. They try to avoid conflict situations and find a compromise. Such people often create quite strong couples, with a harmonious vibration with a partner, or are ready to sacrifice themselves in a couple so as not to destroy the relationship. Therefore, if a couple is not prosperous from the point of view of numerology, then it is possible that she clings to a partner whose number two predominates.

3 Creative people, but this does not always indicate a good energy potential. Usually, if the vibrations of the numbers are harmonious, then such people achieve success and recognition. People who can adapt well to something new, whether it be a place of residence or just a combination of circumstances. Such people have a very fine mental organization, they are often very emotional and need a stronger partner. They are very attached to people, despite the fact that they themselves can provoke a conflict. Three - a symbol of a triangle, speaks of the partner's frequent amorousness.

4 - This figure most often characterizes calm people, balanced and reliable, who are looking for a mate either complete opposite yourself, or exactly the same four, there is no golden mean. They do not take risks, so if you want a stable partner for yourself, then a person with a vibrating number four is quite suitable for you. These people never sit without money, they always have some kind of regular income. They are not too prone to creativity, and if they do something, then it is somehow crooked, for themselves, for the soul.

5 - The crazy vibration of the number five shows us an unpredictable and adventurous and risk-taking nature. These are battery people, it is always good to recharge from them, because they are most often optimists and are able to support another in a difficult moment. But there are also some pitfalls. Such people love freedom, so often family life with fives, if they are not balanced by other numbers, becomes unbearably difficult, but if it's just a love romantic relationship, you will never forget them. In addition, sometimes their risk is not justified and they may have problems with the law, especially if the vibration of this number is exacerbated by an even more mobile number. These people are unpredictable, romantic, resourceful. unpredictability, riskiness, adventurism, resourcefulness, optimism, cheerfulness.

6 – The number of fair, stable and reliable people. If all other numbers are in harmony with the six, then such people become reliable partners in business. They are extremely honest and they have their own system of values, which they either openly declare or try to emphasize in every possible way, not only in work, but also in their personal lives. Family - stability, and a lover on holidays and nothing more.

7 - Seven, a mystical number, it indicates a talented and lucky person who happens to be at the right time, in the right place. These are usually addicted individuals, they are interested in everything new. They are not too constant in their personal lives, but they cannot contain their charm and charm, they constantly want to show their abilities. Such people can completely devote themselves to their favorite business and profession, so if the rest of the numbers are harmonious with this one, then paired with this person you need to be a faithful follower than a caring and loving partner.

8 - Such people are very strong energetically, sometimes the influence of other numbers inclines other people into cruelty and suppression. But thanks to this, such people never live in poverty, they provide both themselves and their offspring with all material goods. If there are no softening vibrations, then such people may well be tyrants in family life and such a life can be unbearable. This figure is very susceptible to vibrations. For example, a person did not achieve his goal under the influence of the number three or two, but such qualities of the eight as cruelty and the desire to suppress a partner will remain. With such people, you need to be more careful in life, so as not to regret later.

9 - These are people of a dual nature, for someone this number has a very beneficial effect, helping to achieve a certain position in the material and in society. And from someone it makes a person detached, depressive and withdrawn. If this total figure As a result, you need to look at who the person already is. If he has not achieved anything in life, then he will not achieve anything, if he is in the middle, then he will remain at the same level or he will need to be constantly shoved. If a person is already firmly on his feet, then he will stand, even if the unforeseen happens anyway, such a person will rise from scratch.

All people know they exist lucky numbers that can help a person in a given situation. Some simply know them from their own observations, while others know how to calculate them. Now I want to talk about how you can arm yourself with this knowledge - calculate the number of first and last names.

A bit of history

Such a science as numerology has existed for quite a long time, and people even of ancient times knew how to correctly find out their code. But at that time in the Hebrew, Arabic and Greek alphabets, each letter had its own numerical value and definition. However, Pythagoras decided to simplify this task somewhat by reducing the table to nine numbers, to which he assigned certain letters.

How did he manage to do it? It's simple: using the method of the most simple transformation of complex numbers into simple ones by adding their components. Here's what it looks like: for example, the number 123 will result in a six by adding (1+2+3=6). Such numbers in numerology are called vibrating.

Why is this needed?

Why does a person need information on how to determine the number of a name? This is necessary in order to get to know yourself better, to know your certain type, your hidden capabilities and nuances. In any case, such knowledge will never be superfluous, even if a person does not listen to the conclusions received. An interesting fact is that each of us has two of his own vibrating numbers, which can be calculated not only by name, but also by date of birth. If everything is very clear with the second option, then in order to find out the number of the name, to calculate it, you need to have some tables in which the letters will be assigned a certain number.


Finally, the moment has come when it is already possible to present certain ciphers, thanks to which you can find out your name number. The constituent letters of the full name, i.e. full name, will help to calculate it. This will be the official number, which will turn out to be the person's code. Which numbers are assigned to which letters?

1 - a, i, d, b, s, b.

2 - b, f, k, l, r, w, i.

5 - e, e, n, x.

7 - h, o, h, u.

It is worth noting that you can count not only on the name that the parents named the child on the passport. They also practice calculation by the name that people around call a person. If the boy's name is, for example, George, and he is called Yura, then it is still better to calculate the two numbers of the name and choose what suits the character more and it will still be more reliable. Again, it is important to recall that if a person has a two-digit number, it must be reduced to a single-digit number by simply adding adjacent numbers (as was done for the example a little higher). Having your name number, which is absolutely not a problem to calculate, you can now learn something new about your character and your person as a whole.

1. Sun

If a person eventually got a one, his planet is the Sun. This is the beginning of all living things, all things. The same applies to people: they are luminaries, leaders by nature, people with excellent managerial and business qualities. They are able to lead the crowd, being a signpost for them. However, if you do not correctly use all your qualities, a person may have a conflict with the outside world. You need to be open. Moreover, the ones are generous, kind people, but with a sharp sense of justice and honesty.

2. Moon

Two is the next number of the name, which can be calculated quite simply. So, these are the people of the moon, who are characterized by openness and emotionality. These individuals often seek independence while trying to stand behind a stronger person. It is important to say that twos are often creative personalities These people have a well-developed intuition. If you do not competently take advantage of all the opportunities, then such persons turn into closed, alienated people who try not to show themselves at all to the eyes of others.

3. Jupiter

Three people are optimists to the roots of their hair. They are cheerful, open, always positive and able to find something good in any situation. It is not surprising that others are always drawn to such people, trying to become infected with their positive attitude. It is important to say that these people often delve into themselves, trying to find what else needs to be improved and developed. They are always in some kind of search, getting new and newer knowledge in different areas.

But apart from all of the above, threes tend to be indecisive. They are not able to defend their point of view in a dispute, they do not get into a conflict at all, and when they witness one, they try to resolve everything peacefully as soon as possible.

4. Uranus

What can tell the next number of the name - four? These people are wayward, with non-standard thinking and decisions. Such persons never live by the rules, they only need them to break them. These are excellent reformers and revolutionaries. They are strong in spirit, have a sense of justice, are always ready to compromise and communicate with the team. Fours are always with everyone in good relations, even with people who, it would seem, should be enemies. They are good organizers and hard workers. A negative character trait is excessive nervousness.

5. Mercury

These are definitely smart people. Living persons, initiators in any situation. They are ready to take risks and do everything to get their way. However, often over time they can lose interest and not bring the matter to its logical conclusion. Fives are able to quickly and competently make decisions, cope with problems, look for ways out of difficult situations. From failures, they can become discouraged and even depressed. They get along well with everyone, but they are not too economic.

6. Venus

Six is ​​the next number of the name. Numerology says that people of this type are sensual, they are always loved by everyone. Probably, thanks to this, they can easily bypass all the pitfalls that happen on life path. The problems of the sixes resolve themselves as if by themselves. However, these people need to be careful with money, this is their great weakness.

Sixes are players, they are able to lose everything in an instant. But even despite this, they always have something to live on and, by the way, not very poor. Often sixes are married to a financially secure partner. As for the character, these are enterprising peace-loving people who always get along with everyone, as they are simply unable to notice various stupidities and "inconvenient" details.

7. Neptune

These are people of fine mental organization. Often they are religious or philosophical. They think a lot, have a huge number of great ideas, but very rarely give them life and bring everything to its logical conclusion. Concerning financial situation, then in sevens it is most often deplorable. Also it's mostly physical weak people who simply do not accept quarrels or conflicts.

8. Saturn

Knowing how to calculate the number of a name, you can end up with a figure eight. What kind of people are these? So, these are people who are often lonely, although in their hearts they desire love and warmth. It's all to blame for their coldness and outward impregnability. As for prosperity, such people achieve everything by honest work, respecting the rules and laws. By old age, they are often financially secure, but all benefits are obtained solely thanks to own forces. people who love order in everything. They are hardworking and mostly achieve their goals by stubbornly following their dreams.

9. Mars

Nines are conquerors by nature. They are ready to achieve everything by force and their own volitional qualities. They do not tolerate objections, they are often tyrants. But thanks to these qualities, they also reach the desired heights and mostly occupy high positions. They are excellent organizers and leaders. It is simply impossible to be subordinate to the nine, in such a situation these people become unbearable and often lose their jobs. They are proactive and energetic, but they do not get along with everyone.

The number of the surname in numerology is considered the main indicator by which the dominant character traits of a person that he inherited should be determined.

Many uninitiated believe that everything is already obvious here, and no special analysis is required. After all, it is clear that, along with the surname, the child inherits social status family, its material wealth, its rules, foundations, moral guidelines.

Everything is so, but this does not mean at all that the son or daughter is doomed to life within the framework that the parent has established.

What affects the number of the surname

The number of the surname sets a certain sequence of personal manifestations, similar to the one that took place in the life of the ancestor. If he had to overcome financial difficulties, then it does not matter how much he left to a descendant. The personality of the latter will be finally formed only when he is able to repeat this path and win. Otherwise, dad's money will remain dad's money, and the respect that dad inspired others will not be in sight.

And this applies to all aspects of human life - health, personal relationships, the realization of natural talents. Hence the expression "it is written in kind." Therefore, on certain stage life, the meaning of the number of the surname is perhaps the most valuable indication for a person who has to make an important choice.

Rules for calculating the number of surnames

How to find out the number of a surname is known to everyone who is at least a little familiar with the basics of numerology. It is enough to write out in a line the numerical values ​​​​of all the letters of the surname, in accordance with the indications of the table below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Y To L M H O P R
Kommersant S b E YU I

And then - calculate the number of the surname by sequentially adding the obtained values, and reducing the result to a number from 1 to 9. The number of letters does not matter, the main thing is to count without error, otherwise you will be disoriented.

As an example, let's take the surname on which "Rus rests" - Ivanov.

We get: 1+3+1+6+7+3=21, 2+1=3. This is the number of the surname "Ivanov".

Brief descriptions of the meanings of the main numbers of the surname (1-9)

Well, now, if you are sure that you managed to correctly calculate the desired result, it's time to see what it means.

1. Relationship with family, self-confidence, purposefulness. Family business.

3. The opportunity for self-realization, as a rule, is in priority areas of activity for the family.

4. Initial attunement to the wave of the family. Conservative, unwillingness to change.

5. The ability to control one's physical state, confidence in their right to a place in the sun.

6. Equal predisposition to good and bad. Sentimentality can border on cruelty.

7. There is a certain unifying idea for the family. Small deviations to the side will never mean a complete abandonment of the goal.

8. Labor as the basis of family prosperity. Conscientiousness, breadth of soul, justice.

9. Absolute mutual support against the background of the pronounced individuality of each family member. A wide variety of talents.

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