The magical world of tarot. Tarot magical world of sirens minor arcana

The Minor Arcana of the Tarot The Magical World of the Sirens (Tarot of the Mermaids) are images of Rider-White stylized as a marine theme, superbly performed by Italian authors Pietro Alligo and Mauro De Luca. The main heroes of the Arcana of the World of Sirens are fabulous creatures: mermaids, sirens, nymphs and naiads, who, according to ancient myths and legends, live in the depths of the sea inaccessible to human eyes. Sea divine creatures, at the same time similar to people and at the same time completely different, have a magical appeal. The mystery contained in their origin and sweet-voiced life inspires awe and fear. The bewitching beauty of Mermaids conceals the power of female attractiveness and the magic of Moonlight waters. Their appearance, strange by human standards, evokes associations with the originally animal and primitive nature of people.

Minor Arcana Tarot Magical World of Sirens

The artist Mauro de Luca expressed male fantasies on a female theme in beautiful and delicate pastel colors, optimistically and without fanfare developing, together with Pietro Alliego, an oceanic mermaid theme based on the principles of Arthur Wet's English school. The Minor Arcana are drawn very carefully and are in no way inferior to the Major Arcana in concept, the back of the deck is symmetrical. There are no additional cards, the structure of court cards is Page - Knight - Queen - King, male characters are present only on Kings. The authors of the deck turned many traditionally male images into female creatures, for example, in the Minor Arcana, cavaliers and knights of all stripes are depicted as sirens and mermaids. In the Major Arcana, on the cards, the Magician or the Hanged Man, the images also underwent some changes and became magical sirens. Tarot Magical World of Sirens well reflects the emotional and carefree life of young girls and young-at-heart women who have all sorts of interesting "activities" and "concerns": play adult games with friends, dress up, sort through treasures, try on different images, think about feelings and sensations to the partner. At the same time, they have strict fathers (Kings) and elderly caring uncles (Hermit), high-ranking bosses (Emperor) and religious authorities (Hierophant) in their lives.

The seas and oceans of the Tarot Magical World of the Sirens, in which the Sirens live, are a symbol of unconscious ideas that lie deep within the spheres of our personality. Most likely, the deck shows that our imagination is not at all what we demonstrate in reality. Maybe! Yes, and the water itself and the "underwater sphere" traditionally symbolize emotions.

Suits of the Minor Arcana

The deck is very beautiful, and watercolor transparent drawings will leave few people indifferent. It is a pleasure to work with the deck, it is attractive both from the aesthetic side and as a mantic tool. Each suit has its own nautical symbol and its main color: Wands are orange, Cups are lilac, Pentacles are red, and Swords are dark blue. Each color of the suit reflects different facets of life - emotions, challenges and problems, material resources, the spirit of competition and play, but the images of many phenomena are not affected due to the specifics of the mermaid theme. It is difficult to connect the "refined" magical images of Sirens and Mermaids with politics and war, sex and childbearing. Of course, the similarity to Waite's classic deck allows you to use the Sirens' Magic World as a universal deck, but it will primarily show the tension of emotions around a particular issue, when it is enough to give a dry forecast and answer "yes" or "no". Understanding this, it will be more correct to ask the question "how will the date go" than the question "whether the date will take place and when." A romantic and beautiful deck, it is suitable primarily for young girls and for issues in which they are emotionally involved. The color scheme of the deck contains muted colors of the sea and dawn, it is dominated by shades of blue, green, purple, red and orange. Although the authors have changed the symbols of the suits to Oars, Seashells, Tridents and Pearls, the classic names are written on the cards: Staves, Chalices, Swords and Pentacles .

In the suit "Staffs" (wands, maces) "Oars" correspond to wands or maces. The red-brown color of the suit represents the Earth, into which the tree of life has taken root. Leaves continue to blossom on the cut branches of the oars, testifying to life-giving contacts with Water. Oars are responsible for the life resources of a person, his willpower and ability to withstand the vicissitudes of fate.

In the suit "Bowls"(goblets) the classic pattern of goblets or bowls has been replaced with "Shells". The violet-bluish color of the suit personifies the element of Water, the spiritual principle, inner and outer beauty, the “cauldron” in which emotions, feelings boil and the soul rests.

In the suit "Swords" the swords represent "Tridents". The green-blue color of the suit symbolizes the element of Air, the acquired dominance of the spirit, the power of thought, like an arrow fired right at the target. Mermaids and newts with reptile tails and tridents in their hands symbolize the dominance of intellectual thinking.

In the suit "Pentacles" (discs, coins) The traditional pattern of discs or coins is replaced by "Pearls". The red-orange color of the suit symbolizes the general nature of corporality, materiality and matter. The sphere of its domination is the Fire of passions and desires, which fill the material sphere of life.

I learned about Tarot from books on the culture of the Middle Ages. There, for the first time, I saw uncomplicated pictures from old decks. They seemed to me as primitive as the texts of the Bible to the young bl. Augustine. The educated Roman, brought up on the texts of Plato, Tacitus, Seneca and other great thinkers, at first treated with disdain the stories about the life of shepherds and winegrowers. And it took time for him to discover the greatness of simplicity and the universality of the truths of the Book. May the reader forgive such a comparison, however, the Major Arcana of the Tarot are perceived precisely as a text that has the same principles of simplicity and universality as the Bible.

It also took a lot of time and effort to study the Tarot. However, by that time, new knowledge lay on a serious foundation not only for cultural studies and astrology, but also for applied psychology, yoga, pedagogical and consulting practice.

To date, we have accumulated a lot of experience working with Tarot, which allows us to consider this system as an excellent tool for self-knowledge. With its help, it is possible to analyze the situation and, having seen it from the outside, choose the best course of action. Not unimportant "side effect" is the strengthening of memory during the study of Tarot. And, also, with a skillful approach, the development of creative abilities that are so necessary in our time takes place.

Tarot system

It is not the task of this work to introduce the reader to the Tarot as a divinatory system. There are many books where you can get this information. However, here it is necessary to recall that the classic Tarot is a deck of 78 cards. It, in turn, is divided into two podkolok. These are the so-called Major and Minor Arcana. There are 22 Major Arcana. These are 22 steps that the Soul must take in order to go through the path of a certain development. And after completing the circle, start all over again. This path of ascent along a spiral or spiral staircase is passed by every person in big and small. Regardless of whether it is about a specific case or the whole life.

Sometimes we start to "get dizzy" and for some time we get lost and do not understand where we are, where to go next. And then the person begins to look for a "road sign". Such signs are placed on our way everywhere. It can be our dreams, a snippet of a phrase accidentally heard in the subway, a book that opens on the right page by itself. And many other "pointers". There are people with an innate ability to read them. They have a personal channel of communication with the Subtle World, the collective unconscious or Guardian Angel. There are not many such people. And in order to develop your own system of reading the Signs, it will take more than a dozen years of attention to "little things", analysis and comparison of facts.

And we have no time. And, being at a crossroads, we are lost. We fall into a stupor or make annoying mistakes. Some go to “those who know” for help. What consequences this may have, the reader knows well from his own experience, or the experience of his friends.

And here a fair question arises: why invent your own “bicycle”, if there are at least four time-tested models of a “vehicle” for traveling through the expanses of the soul and life's crossroads. One of them is tarot.

You can study this Oracle in different ways: on your own from books, with a teacher in “shock deadlines”, having swallowed the entire system, in five days. Or slowly, living each Arcana with a group of like-minded people, observing its multifaceted manifestations, establishing a deep connection with each “organ” of your soul.

Here we have summarized the experience of group study of Tarot. We hope that it will be useful to those who, due to circumstances, do not have such an opportunity. And also to those who lead such groups.

0 Jester

Start. The most difficult and beautiful moment. As the old man Don Juan used to say, a warrior can think over a task for a long time, weigh all the pros and cons. And at any stage of thinking, you can make a decision: act or stay put. But once the decision is made, there is no going back. Be the Arrow shot from the Bow. If the Arrow thinks on the floor of the road: “Am I flying correctly?” - what will happen to it? She will lose strength and deviate from the Goal. This is at best. And, most likely, it will just fall to the ground.

If the Jester thinks about the consequences of his words: what if he will be ridiculed or the King will be angry? Then who will tell the King the truth? Ridiculous, ridiculous, uncomfortable truth. And then what kind of a king would that be? Without Truth, without a king in my head. So, the Jester does not need to think long. Said what he thought. As in the pool of the head, come what may. Foolishly.

"The Fool" is another name for this Arcana. In our time, Fools, unfortunately, have practically disappeared. Everyone learns something for a long time, they know a lot of something. And no matter what the conversation is about, the answer is: “Oh, yes, yes, they talked about it on TV, wrote in a magazine or a desk calendar.” There are few Real Fools and you have to re-learn this wonderful state. What for? How else to start from the beginning? From scratch? Like the first time? Remember, even Plato said that philosophy gives birth to amazement. "Out of mind" - out of the mind. Absolutely stupid state.

This is the state in which any new business should be started. When there are no ready-made answers, the impossible is possible. And, having taken a step into the abyss, you can take off.

Many years ago, in the glorious city of Haran, there lived a respected man named Abram, 75 years old. He was married to a beautiful woman named Sarah. Abram had numerous herds of large and small cattle and slaves, and donkeys, and mules, and camels. He also had faithful servants and Lot's nephews. Only he had no children. And then one day Abraham heard the voice of God: “Get up and go to the lands that I will point out.” The voice was heard inside, and outside there was real life. Abraham understood that he was responsible for the fate of many people. He led his family tree from Noah himself, and all his ancestors carefully kept the Family. They were wise, prudent, frugal and prudent. And then suddenly "Get up and go" Where? To foreign lands? With a huge tail? Places suitable for life have long been occupied by people who speak their own language and are hostile to aliens.

And yet he got up and went. Going nowhere. To meet your fate, difficult trials, trusting your inner voice. And he became a Patriarch.

Question. Can you recall a similar situation in your life? When an inner voice called you to do something crazy. When, it would seem, having everything, having achieved what you wanted, using the fruits of your “herds”, were you tempted to take a step?

An exercise Stand in the middle of the room. Close your eyes. Better tie it up. Focus on how you feel and take a step towards a place where you feel good. Move around the room until you feel that you have found the position that is most comfortable for you. If you encountered obstacles on the way to this place, track your reaction to them. Having found “your” place, pay attention to the state of the body: posture, breathing, direction of gaze with closed eyes. Remember what it's like to be in your place. Only then open your eyes and see where you are.

When this exercise is done in a group, many curious features emerge. Here are some observations.

Anna When I started moving, I immediately realized that my place is exactly where I leave. But it was suggested to go, and I obeyed. Moving around the room, I met other people, I felt that they were all coming to take my place. Where I stopped was a little easier than in other places, but still worse than where I left.

Lena With my eyes closed, I did not know where to go, but with every step, I felt better. At some point there was a feeling of freedom. Shoulders straightened, head lifted, the Sun shone inside. Now I know how to find "my place"

Oksana I closed my eyes and went. I moved for a long time, ran into an obstacle, came into contact with other people, and it was interesting. I recognized my place right away. I'm at home. Here I am calm. Here I am strong. When I opened my eyes, I was not at all surprised that I was in the same place from which I had come.

This work, in our opinion, makes it possible, by exploring one's inner world, to understand how a person feels, being in optimal conditions for himself, for today. Our mind is not always the best adviser. He is subject to other people's influences, fashion, fears and ambitions. This, at times, leads to the fact that many people seek to take "someone else's place." And once on it and having lost, or not having found their own, they become unhappy, make others unhappy, get sick.

The exercise we have proposed is life in miniature. It shows that if you learn to find your place, then the concept of competition disappears. And the first step to this is the ability to read the signals given by the body. It does not know how to cheat and lie, and if the mind does not listen to it, then it simply gets sick.

So, the first step. If it is done on time and in the right direction, it leads to success. And if the Arcana Jester has arisen in your life, then you are given just such an opportunity. It is no coincidence that the origin of the word "Taro" is associated by most researchers with the ancient Egyptian words "ta-rosh" - "the path of the kings", the royal path. The path of a person who knows how to make decisions on his own, guided by his knowledge and feelings, and who knows how to listen to the call of the inner voice, saying: “Get up and go to the lands that I will indicate”

In most Tarot decks, Arcana 0 depicts a man standing on the edge of an abyss. He is cheerful, young, full of confidence in the world. On his shoulder is a traveling staff with a small bundle. It contains everything you need on the go. What will we take on our journey according to Tarot? First of all, the cards themselves.

Now there are many different decks. It is believed that the tarologist took place if he created his own version of the Tarot, reflecting the individual vision of the master of the ancient Oracle. And yet, we suggest starting the study of Tarot with the Rider-Waite deck. And not only because it is the most common. This deck is universal. Behind the seeming simplicity is hidden the depth of symbolism, close to the person of Western culture. The line, color, character, detail and dynamics of the image contribute to the reading and impact of the Arcanum. This deck speaks to us calmly, clearly, without excessive emotionality. It allows you to get the information you need while minimizing your own impact. The Rider-Waite Tarot is perhaps the most neutral and safe.

If you listened to our recommendations, then you now have a bright solar map in front of you and the person depicted on it is ready to take a step into the abyss. His gaze is directed to the heights, behind his back is a part of the solar disk, symbolizing the Heavenly Father. At the feet of a man is a dog. This is a friend who is ready to warn in time if the step is truly dangerous.

Imagine yourself as this person walking into the unknown. What can save you from the sad consequences of such an action? Only ignorance of their inevitability, combined with faith in the support of the Higher powers and one's own invulnerability. And then you can “step into the abyss, fly up” and “walk through the water like on dry land”

"0" Arcana from the Rider-Waite deck allows you to tune in the right way, if necessary, take the first step, overcome the inertia of peace.

An exercise Stand so that there is some free space on all sides of you. In the previous exercise, you learned to find "your place." Now remember the bodily sensations that you experienced while doing this. Tune in to them. Call this state with your consciousness, take the appropriate posture. You are in the right place. And from here you can take the next step. You are guided by an unknown higher Power. Your human mind does not yet know where to go and what awaits at the end of the path. There is only an impulse: "It's time!"

In which direction should you take the first step? You are in the "0" position. From here you can go forward, backward, sideways and even up or down. You are the Jester, the solar child of God, standing on the edge of the abyss. Listen to yourself and move boldly.

If you managed to track the state when you, having taken a step, left the old place and have not yet come to a new one, the moment between making a decision and getting a result, when there is no past, and the future is unknown, this is the "0" Arcana.

This exercise allows, if necessary, to conduct a kind of diagnosis of the psychological state. What is a person unconsciously tuned into? A step forward indicates a readiness to master a new, in all respects, experience. Step to the right - the beginning of the path of practical action. The left direction is an emotional-sensory, creative path. Back - the need to return to the past. And, of course, there are many intermediate options. For the purity of the experiment, before taking a step, you can circle around in place with your eyes closed.

Note When performing this exercise, as in other similar works, it should be remembered that we are talking only about the present moment. As you change, the result will change.

When working in a group at this stage, we provide an opportunity for students to get acquainted with the options for the "0" Arcana from different decks, fortunately, our collection allows this. Now we will also deal with this. True, unfortunately, the lack of color noticeably impoverishes the sound of these lovely miniatures.

Jesters, Fools, Madmen and company

What unites the characters in the title of this chapter? The ability to do things that are alien to a "normal" person. However, each of them makes a move for different reasons. And, obviously, the consequences can be different.

In group sessions, we provide participants with the opportunity to choose their version of the "0" Arcana without seeing the image, using only their intuition. Usually, a dozen or two decks are laid out on the table, placed in special bags. We ask you to tune in to the state of stepping into the unknown and listen to where the impulse comes from in response. The deck can call in different ways. Sometimes there is a feeling that one of the sacs begins to glow or pulsate. Perhaps a hand will involuntarily reach out to one of them. Some participants claim that as soon as the bags appear on the table, there is a calm knowledge of which one of them contains something very important.

Having become acquainted with the “0” Arcana from the Rider-Waite deck, a person expects to see a similar image in another deck. Sometimes this happens, but there are also completely unexpected options. See for yourself.

Osho Zen Tarot Against the background of the starry sky, a man in a Harlequin costume has already taken a step into the abyss. Here is the reaction of the participants to this story.

Natalia This is a fatal, fatal moment. The man has made an irreparable mistake. He falls. There is no hope for salvation. There is no Sun, the Fool lost his way, did not look under his feet, and in the next moment he will break. It is very difficult for me to look at this Arcana.

Olga The fool is flying. The sleeves look like white wings. He is calm and bright because he is confident in the lifting power of a small bouquet of white flowers. His strength will grow with the young Moon in the background. And yes, the sun is about to rise. The horizon is already bright. This picture gives rise to optimism and hope. Sometimes a straw or a small bouquet given on time is enough to save.

Tarot "Mirror of the Soul" This kind, wise deck was created using the motives of Scandinavian mythology. A young man or girl in a clownish headdress in the form of a five-pointed star with bells runs merrily towards the rainbow. In northern mythology, there is an idea that if you really want and have no doubts about success, you can come to the world of the aesir gods along a rainbow, like a bridge. And there, at the opposite end of the rainbow, a pot of happiness is buried. Everyone who manages to go through this path will find what he needs most of all.

Tatyana The jester does not look under his feet. And he does it right. He is guided by intuition in the form of a cat. The cat sees small ledges along which you can go over the abyss. Only by playing, fluttering like butterflies behind his back, the wanderer will master this path. And that's exactly how he's set up. The jester and me, along with him, will certainly succeed!

Alla Cats cannot be trusted. Especially black. This is not a joke, but a real madman. In the Rider-Waite Tarot, a dog is depicted at the feet of the main character, and this changes the whole thing. Cats are always on their minds. For me, this card has the main warning: there will be no luck, you have crossed the road!

Age of Aquarius Tarot An interesting deck, replete with a variety of symbols. She is very modern. Each Arcana affects the viewer in several stages. You can limit yourself to what lies on the surface and see a split personality on this map, i.e. schizophrenia, all the same madness. And you can guess the face of the ancient Vedic deity Shiva-Shakti, male and female, merged into one. There is no longer the age-old confrontation of the sexes or the blurring of the boundaries between them, which is characteristic of the outgoing era of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius gives people the opportunity, without losing their individuality, to complement each other, to amaze and amaze. For a woman to understand and accept her inner male Animus, and for a man - his Anima, the female half of the soul. And from this state of integrity, from scratch, start a new countdown.

Oksana Look, on the Jester's hat you can see the muzzles of a crocodile and a tiger! He defeated them, they stopped scaring him and became part of his costume. What was a danger has become a defense. He is so wise that he is not afraid to be a fool. He knows that if today he is not understood, it is not scary. Time will put everything in its place. It has already happened more than once. He was just ahead of his time again. But someone has to be first.

Oksana's words reminded us of an old Indian parable about a tiger chasing a traveler. Running away, the man found himself on the edge of the abyss and fell down. On the fly, he miraculously grabbed some root, and hung. Taking a breath, the man discovered that a cancer was flowing at the bottom and crocodiles were sunbathing on its shore. And at the top, from a cliff, a hungry tiger was looking at the poor fellow. And then, hanging over the abyss, he saw a strawberry bush perched not far from him on a tiny ledge and a scarlet berry on it. With great difficulty, the man reached for a ripe berry. In all his life he had never experienced anything more beautiful and perfect than her taste.

Tarot by Leonardo da Vinci Some researchers suggest that the Tarot was invented by none other than the great Leonardo himself. Known for his passion for hoaxes. This Renaissance genius encrypted many of his notes. Some of them have not yet been read. He himself wrote that he does this because people are not yet ready to correctly understand and use his discoveries. And, therefore, instead of benefit, this knowledge can be harmful. It is likely that the tarot could be a similar encrypted message sent by the sage to his distant descendants: “Play, think, travel through the labyrinths of the soul! And the one who solves all the secrets, picks up the passwords, finds the keys - will receive Knowledge as a reward»

Tatyana A huge bat is circling over the city. She cannot harm its inhabitants. They hid behind strong walls. It's just their nightly fears that will vanish with the first rays of the sun.

Olga And I see here the aircraft that Leonardo da Vinci built with his mechanic friend, called Zarathustra. It was said that when Leonardo's project, the fruit of long research and calculations, was translated into reality, friends climbed with him to the top of the mountain. Leonardo wanted to fly first. After all, it was his idea. But Zarathustra insisted that it was he who built the apparatus and that it was his right to test the design. Leonardo relented and helped his friend fix the winged miracle on his body. Zarathustra stepped off the cliff and flew. He hovered over the slopes of the mountains, fields, narrow city streets, and soon disappeared from sight. The daredevil flew away on the wings of a dream. Leonardo never saw his friend again. I missed and envied, continuing to dream of wings.

I think that this card says that one should not be afraid to dream and make dreams come true. Otherwise, someone else will embody them, and you will only regret the lost opportunities.

If you are interested in the ancient soul of the Tarot Oracle and want to learn more, we invite you to group classes. Here you can not only get information (this can also be from books), but also feel each Arcana.

Attention! The group is formed in September and the number of places is limited.

You can also seek individual advice with the help of Tarot (and not only). It makes sense when you need to clarify the situation, outline further steps, find the strength in yourself to get out of a difficult life situation.

The singing of the Sirens sounds gentle and inviting, accompanying the one who set off on a dangerous voyage through the stormy waters of the ocean of life. What lies ahead for a brave traveler among underwater rocks and deceptive currents This will be told by the Arcana of these Tarot cards, in which the role of symbols is played by fabulous sea creatures, made in the amazingly beautiful manner of the artist Mauro de Luca. Ancient sources claim that in the depths of the sea, inaccessible to the human eye, divine creatures live, at the same time similar to us and completely different. They are called sirens, naiads, nymphs, mermaids, etc. According to Greek mythology, the sirens or sea nymphs are the daughters of Melpomene, the muse of tragedy, and the god of rivers, Achelous. When Hades (Hades) kidnapped Persephone, the daughter of Earth-Demeter, and made her queen of the underworld, the gods gave wings to the sirens to search for Persephone. As a result of this, the sirens turned into creatures that are half women and half birds. According to legend, they became companions ...

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The singing of the Sirens sounds gentle and inviting, accompanying the one who set off on a dangerous voyage through the stormy waters of the ocean of life. What lies ahead for a brave traveler among underwater rocks and deceptive currents This will be told by the Arcana of these Tarot cards, in which the role of symbols is played by fabulous sea creatures, made in the amazingly beautiful manner of the artist Mauro de Luca. Ancient sources claim that in the depths of the sea, inaccessible to the human eye, divine creatures live, at the same time similar to us and completely different. They are called sirens, naiads, nymphs, mermaids, etc. According to Greek mythology, the sirens or sea nymphs are the daughters of Melpomene, the muse of tragedy, and the god of rivers, Achelous. When Hades (Hades) kidnapped Persephone, the daughter of Earth-Demeter, and made her queen of the underworld, the gods gave wings to the sirens to search for Persephone. As a result of this, the sirens turned into creatures that are half women and half birds. According to legend, they became companions of Persephone. In the middle "dark" ages, sirens were represented as demonic beings seducing people at the instigation of the devil. Long hair was added to their appearance - a symbol of debauchery and lack of chastity. There is another hypothesis put forward in the Teaching of the "Third Ray" by E.I. Anopova. - "sea creatures are not a fruit of our imagination, but individuals that have a common ancestral home with a person - the subtle world and similar "spirit" and "soul". Even at the dawn of civilization, when a person made his first "descents" into the physical plane, he "tried on "The bodies of various animals, like a suit, come to themselves - from primates to fish and reptiles. In the end, the choice fell on monkeys - a person pulled on the "leather clothes" of primates. But the victims of the experiments survived and created their own world in the depths of the ocean ". Marine creatures similar to people have some kind of magical attraction and at the same time inspire fear, probably because they conceal the secret of the origin of our species. Their hybrid appearance indicates that the process of evolution is not over, it reveals the secret of our originally animal and primitive nature. The seas and oceans in which the sirens live are a symbol of the unconscious, lying deep inside, areas of our personality.
78 cards with instructions.


The Tarot deck Tarot of the Mermaids by Pietro Alligo and artist Mauro De Luca opens a window into the magical world of fairy-tale sirens and mermaids. The main characters of the cards are the magical creatures of the siren, and on the traditional male Arcana - water ones. The deck was released in Italy and has different Russian names. The most famous name is the Magical World of the Sirens, but the Tarot of the Sirens or the Tarot of the World of Mermaids will be quite consistent with the translation. A beautiful deck from the gallery with magnificent drawings by the artist Mauro de Luca embodied the tradition of the English school of Arthur Waite with illustrated Minor Arcana. In a deck of excellent quality, there are practically no direct associations with astrology and Kabbalah. Thanks to the correspondence to the plots and the symbolism of the Ryder-Waite school, any soothsayer familiar with this school will be able to immediately start working with the deck. For the same reason, it is well suited for beginners.

Major Arcana of the Magical World of the Sirens deck

What will the bizarre Tarot of the Magical World of the Sirens tell about, what adventures and deceptive currents await the brave traveler, what will the sweet-voiced sirens prophesy to the hero, desperately swimming among the underwater rocks in the whirlpools of the underwater kingdom? On the Mermaid Tarot deck, you can consider any questions, but best of all, it will show the emotional background of the situation, how everything will happen, tell you how to behave with this or that person so that what you want comes true. The amazing beauty of the Arcana will reveal all the secrets to those who can create an atmosphere of dark sea depths. The deck is accompanied by a small instruction (MBK) in Russian with the traditional meanings of the cards, with a blue font color in the style of a marine deck and one version of the “Mermaid” layout. It should not be forgotten that sea creatures (sirens, mermaids and tones) show people only the human side of their appearance, i.e. only their heads and upper parts of the body, and the second part of their nature, which has animal signs, are hidden from the eyes under the water column. The principle of interpreting the Tarot World of Sirens in the variant of the layout of the cards proposed in the MBC is based on this feature of theirs. The configuration of the layout imitates the body of the Mermaid, and its interpretation is based on the mythological symbolism used in the cards associated with the World of the Sea. You will easily decipher the messages of the Sirens, just do not let the deceptive creatures lull your vigilance.

At the same time, the Magic World of Sirens Tarot deck has its own “character”, which is due to the fact that the classic suits: wands, swords, bowls, pentacles are replaced by sea symbols: oars, shells, tridents and pearls. The Siren Tarot is not difficult to parse by symbols, the cards are well suited for an intuitive approach associated with one's own associations. It is important not to forget that according to the intention of the authors, in Tarot of the Mermaids, the sirens symbolize our primitive essence, and the deep reservoirs in which they live symbolize the unconscious layers of a person's personality. Mermaids - a universal symbol, are mentioned in the folklore of different peoples of the world and are mythological creatures that live in water bodies, ranging from quiet backwaters to the world's oceans. Mermaids are capricious, capricious and powerful, like the reservoirs in which they live. The water element is the home of sea Sirens and Mermaids.

Dwelling in the water, the Mermaid only occasionally comes ashore to comb her beautiful hair with a golden or copper comb. At this time, you can sneak up on her and snatch the comb. According to popular beliefs, if you take away any object from the Mermaid, then in order to return her thing, she will surely fulfill any of your desires. Attractive and voluptuous, and at the same time cold and elusive, they can do good, but they can also do harm. The sweet singing of the Sirens sounds intoxicating and bewitching, it accompanies everyone on a dangerous voyage through the stormy waters of the ocean of life. Unattainable seductresses with eternal youth and beauty sing wonderful songs, seducing with a magical voice and skillful harp playing, luring helpless sailors into the trap of the abyss. Arcana Tarot Magical World of Sirens, as if from the depths of the unconscious world, warn you of imminent danger.

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